зеркало из https://github.com/DeGsoft/maui-linux.git
127 строки
3.8 KiB
127 строки
3.8 KiB
using System;
using Xamarin.Forms.CustomAttributes;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Xamarin.Forms.Internals;
using Xamarin.UITest;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Xamarin.UITest.iOS;
namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
[Issue (IssueTracker.Github, 2883, "ViewCell IsEnabled set to false does not disable a cell in a TableView")]
public class Issue2883 : TestContentPage
protected override void Init ()
var btnCustom1 = new Button () {
AutomationId = "btnCustomCellTable",
Text = "Custom Table Cell" ,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
var btnCustom1Enabled = new Button () {
AutomationId = "btnCustomCellTableEnabled",
Text = "Custom Table Cell Enabled" ,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
var btnCustom = new Button () {
AutomationId = "btnCustomCellListView",
Text = "Custom Cell" ,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
var btnCustomEnabled = new Button () {
AutomationId = "btnCustomCellListViewEnabled",
Text = "Custom Cell Enabled" ,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
btnCustom.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
DisplayAlert ("Clicked", "I was clicked even disabled", "ok");
btnCustom1.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
DisplayAlert ("Clicked", "I was clicked even disabled", "ok");
btnCustom1Enabled.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
DisplayAlert ("Clicked", "I was clicked", "ok");
btnCustomEnabled.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
DisplayAlert ("Clicked", "I was clicked", "ok");
var customCell = new ViewCell () {
IsEnabled = false,
View = new StackLayout { Children = { btnCustom } }
var customCellEnabled = new ViewCell () {
View = new StackLayout { Children = { btnCustomEnabled } }
var customTableCell = new ViewCell () {
IsEnabled = false,
View = new StackLayout { Children = { btnCustom1 } }
var customTableCellEnabled = new ViewCell () {
View = new StackLayout { Children = { btnCustom1Enabled } }
var tableview = new TableView () {
Intent = TableIntent.Form,
Root = new TableRoot (),
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
tableview.Root.Add (new TableSection () { customTableCell, customTableCellEnabled });
var listview = new ListView { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start };
var listview2 = new ListView { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start };
listview.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate (() => customCell);
listview2.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate (() => customCellEnabled);
listview2.ItemsSource = listview.ItemsSource = new List<string> () { "1" };
Content = new StackLayout {
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
Children = { tableview, listview, listview2 }
public void Issue2883TestDisabled ()
RunningApp.Screenshot ("I am at Issue 2883");
RunningApp.Tap( c=> c.Marked("btnCustomCellTable"));
RunningApp.WaitForNoElement( c=> c.Marked("Clicked"));
RunningApp.Screenshot ("I dont see the disable cell");
RunningApp.Tap( c=> c.Marked("btnCustomCellListView"));
RunningApp.WaitForNoElement( c=> c.Marked("Clicked"));
RunningApp.Screenshot ("I dont see the disable cell");
public void Issue2883TestEnabled ()
RunningApp.Tap( c=> c.Marked("btnCustomCellTableEnabled"));
RunningApp.Screenshot ("I see the cell that is enabled");
RunningApp.WaitForElement( c=> c.Marked("Clicked"));
RunningApp.Tap (c => c.Marked ("ok"));
RunningApp.Tap( c=> c.Marked("btnCustomCellListViewEnabled"));
RunningApp.WaitForElement( c=> c.Marked("Clicked"));
RunningApp.Tap (c => c.Marked ("ok"));