зеркало из https://github.com/DeGsoft/maui-linux.git
131 строка
4.2 KiB
131 строка
4.2 KiB
param ( )
# Namespace for msbuild csproj files
$namespace = @{msb="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"}
# The various Windows projects and their nuspec targets
$projectTargets = @{
"Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT.Phone" = @("lib\wpa81\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT.Phone");
"Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT" = @("lib\wpa81\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT", "lib\win81\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT");
"Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT.Tablet" = @("lib\win81\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT.Tablet");
"Xamarin.Forms.Platform.UAP" = @("lib\uap10.0\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.UAP");
# Iterate over the Windows projects, load their csproj files,
# and build a hashtable of the required .xbf files and their targets
$projectNames = @()
$projectTargets.Keys | % {
$projectNames += $_
$requirements = @{}
$projectNames | % {
$name = $_
# Find the csproj file
$csproj = (Get-ChildItem -r ($_ + '.csproj')).FullName
# Load it up
[xml]$proj = Get-Content $csproj
# Check for XAML files as part of control with codebehind files
$dependentUpon = Select-Xml -Xml $proj -XPath "//msb:Compile/msb:DependentUpon" -Namespace $namespace | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node
$dependentUpon | % {
$filename = $_.InnerText
Write-Verbose "Found $filename for project $name";
# Build the .xbf source file name that should be in the nuspec
$xbf = (Split-Path $filename -leaf).Replace(".xaml", ".xbf")
$xbf = "..\$name\bin\`$Configuration`$\$xbf"
# Add this .xbf to our requirements
$requirements[$xbf] = $projectTargets[$name]
# Check for XAML files included as Pages (Resources files, styles, etc.)
$pageInclude = Select-Xml -Xml $proj -XPath "//msb:Page" -Namespace $namespace | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node
$pageInclude | % {
Write-Verbose "Found $($_.Include) for project $name";
# Build the .xbf source file name that should be in the nuspec
$xbf = (Split-Path $_.Include -leaf).Replace(".xaml", ".xbf")
$xbf = "..\$name\bin\`$Configuration`$\$xbf"
# Add this .xbf to our requirements
$requirements[$xbf] = $projectTargets[$name]
# load up the nuspec file
[xml]$nuspec = Get-Content .\.nuspec\Xamarin.Forms.nuspec
# Keep track of which requirements aren't being met so we can display that in the build output
$failedRequirements = @()
# Also keep track of extra XBF entries which aren't required so we can display that in the build output
$extraEntries = @()
# Find all the xbf files listed in the nuspec
$nuspecFiles = $nuspec.package.files.file | ? { $_.src.EndsWith(".xbf") }
# Iterate over the requirements and track each one that isn't met
Write-Verbose "Verifying that required XAML file has a corresponding XBF in nuspec..."
$requirements.Keys | % {
$xbf = $_
$requirements[$_] | % {
$target = $_
Write-Verbose "Checking for nuspec entry file = $xbf with target $target"
$entries = $nuspecFiles | ? {
($_.src -eq $xbf) -and ($_.target -eq $target)
if(!$entries) {
$failedRequirements += "Missing nuspec entry for $xbf with target $target"
# Iterate over the xbf entries and track each one that isn't a requirement
Write-Verbose "Verifying that each XBF entry in nuspec has an actual XAML file..."
$nuspecFiles | % {
$entry = $_
Write-Verbose "Checking entry with src = $($entry.src) and target = $($entry.target)"
$srcMatch = $requirements.Keys | ? { $_ -eq $entry.src }
if($srcMatch) {
$requirements[$entry.src] | % { Write-Verbose $_ }
$targetMatch = $requirements[$entry.src] | ? { $_ -eq $entry.target }
if(-not $targetMatch) {
$extraEntries += "XBF entry $($entry.src) doesn't have a corresponding XAML file"
} else {
$extraEntries += "XBF entry $($entry.src) doesn't have a corresponding XAML file"
# Emit the failed requirements and extra entries so they show up in build ouput
if($failedRequirements -or $extraEntries) {
# D'oh!
exit 13
} else {
# Woohoo!
exit 0