
1516 строки
45 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Foundation;
using UIKit;
using Xamarin.Forms.Internals;
using RectangleF = CoreGraphics.CGRect;
using SizeF = CoreGraphics.CGSize;
using Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific;
using Specifics = Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific.ListView;
namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS
public class ListViewRenderer : ViewRenderer<ListView, UITableView>
const int DefaultRowHeight = 44;
ListViewDataSource _dataSource;
bool _estimatedRowHeight;
IVisualElementRenderer _headerRenderer;
IVisualElementRenderer _footerRenderer;
KeyboardInsetTracker _insetTracker;
RectangleF _previousFrame;
ScrollToRequestedEventArgs _requestedScroll;
FormsUITableViewController _tableViewController;
ListView ListView => Element;
ITemplatedItemsView<Cell> TemplatedItemsView => Element;
public override UIViewController ViewController => _tableViewController;
bool _disposed;
bool _usingLargeTitles;
protected UITableViewRowAnimation InsertRowsAnimation { get; set; } = UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic;
protected UITableViewRowAnimation DeleteRowsAnimation { get; set; } = UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic;
protected UITableViewRowAnimation ReloadRowsAnimation { get; set; } = UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic;
protected UITableViewRowAnimation ReloadSectionsAnimation
get { return _dataSource.ReloadSectionsAnimation; }
set { _dataSource.ReloadSectionsAnimation = value; }
public override SizeRequest GetDesiredSize(double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint)
return Control.GetSizeRequest(widthConstraint, heightConstraint, DefaultRowHeight, DefaultRowHeight);
public override void LayoutSubviews()
double height = Bounds.Height;
double width = Bounds.Width;
if (_headerRenderer != null)
var e = _headerRenderer.Element;
var request = e.Measure(width, double.PositiveInfinity, MeasureFlags.IncludeMargins);
// Time for another story with Jason. Gather round children because the following Math.Ceiling will look like it's completely useless.
// You will remove it and test and find everything is fiiiiiine, but it is not fine, no it is far from fine. See iOS, or at least iOS 8
// has an issue where-by if the TableHeaderView happens to NOT be an integer height, it will add padding to the space between the content
// of the UITableView and the TableHeaderView to the tune of the difference between Math.Ceiling (height) - height. Now this seems fine
// and when you test it will be, EXCEPT that it does this every time you toggle the visibility of the UITableView causing the spacing to
// grow a little each time, which you weren't testing at all were you? So there you have it, the stupid reason we integer align here.
// The same technically applies to the footer, though that could hardly matter less. We just do it for fun.
Layout.LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion(e, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, Math.Ceiling(request.Request.Height)));
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
if (_headerRenderer != null)
Control.TableHeaderView = _headerRenderer.NativeView;
if (_footerRenderer != null)
var e = _footerRenderer.Element;
var request = e.Measure(width, height, MeasureFlags.IncludeMargins);
Layout.LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion(e, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, Math.Ceiling(request.Request.Height)));
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
if (_footerRenderer != null)
Control.TableFooterView = _footerRenderer.NativeView;
if (_requestedScroll != null && Superview != null)
var request = _requestedScroll;
_requestedScroll = null;
OnScrollToRequested(this, request);
if (_previousFrame != Frame)
_previousFrame = Frame;
void DisposeSubviews(UIView view)
var ver = view as IVisualElementRenderer;
if (ver == null)
// VisualElementRenderers should implement their own dispose methods that will appropriately dispose and remove their child views.
// Attempting to do this work twice could cause a SIGSEGV (only observed in iOS8), so don't do this work here.
// Non-renderer views, such as separator lines, etc., can be removed here.
foreach (UIView subView in view.Subviews)
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_disposed)
if (disposing)
if (_insetTracker != null)
_insetTracker = null;
foreach (UIView subview in Subviews)
if (Element != null)
var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems;
templatedItems.CollectionChanged -= OnCollectionChanged;
templatedItems.GroupedCollectionChanged -= OnGroupedCollectionChanged;
if (_dataSource != null)
_dataSource = null;
if (_tableViewController != null)
_tableViewController = null;
if (_headerRenderer != null)
_headerRenderer = null;
if (_footerRenderer != null)
_footerRenderer = null;
var headerView = ListView?.HeaderElement as VisualElement;
if (headerView != null)
headerView.MeasureInvalidated -= OnHeaderMeasureInvalidated;
var footerView = ListView?.FooterElement as VisualElement;
if (footerView != null)
footerView.MeasureInvalidated -= OnFooterMeasureInvalidated;
_disposed = true;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<ListView> e)
_requestedScroll = null;
if (e.OldElement != null)
var listView = e.OldElement;
var headerView = (VisualElement)listView.HeaderElement;
if (headerView != null)
headerView.MeasureInvalidated -= OnHeaderMeasureInvalidated;
var footerView = (VisualElement)listView.FooterElement;
if (footerView != null)
footerView.MeasureInvalidated -= OnFooterMeasureInvalidated;
listView.ScrollToRequested -= OnScrollToRequested;
var templatedItems = ((ITemplatedItemsView<Cell>)e.OldElement).TemplatedItems;
templatedItems.CollectionChanged -= OnCollectionChanged;
templatedItems.GroupedCollectionChanged -= OnGroupedCollectionChanged;
if (e.NewElement != null)
if (Control == null)
if (Forms.IsiOS11OrNewer)
var parentNav = e.NewElement.FindParentOfType<NavigationPage>();
_usingLargeTitles = (parentNav != null && parentNav.OnThisPlatform().PrefersLargeTitles());
_tableViewController = new FormsUITableViewController(e.NewElement, _usingLargeTitles);
_insetTracker = new KeyboardInsetTracker(_tableViewController.TableView, () => Control.Window, insets => Control.ContentInset = Control.ScrollIndicatorInsets = insets, point =>
var offset = Control.ContentOffset;
offset.Y += point.Y;
Control.SetContentOffset(offset, true);
var listView = e.NewElement;
listView.ScrollToRequested += OnScrollToRequested;
var templatedItems = ((ITemplatedItemsView<Cell>)e.NewElement).TemplatedItems;
templatedItems.CollectionChanged += OnCollectionChanged;
templatedItems.GroupedCollectionChanged += OnGroupedCollectionChanged;
Control.Source = _dataSource = e.NewElement.HasUnevenRows ? new UnevenListViewDataSource(e.NewElement, _tableViewController) : new ListViewDataSource(e.NewElement, _tableViewController);
var selected = e.NewElement.SelectedItem;
if (selected != null)
_dataSource.OnItemSelected(null, new SelectedItemChangedEventArgs(selected));
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if (e.PropertyName == Xamarin.Forms.ListView.RowHeightProperty.PropertyName)
else if (e.PropertyName == Xamarin.Forms.ListView.IsGroupingEnabledProperty.PropertyName)
else if (e.PropertyName == Xamarin.Forms.ListView.HasUnevenRowsProperty.PropertyName)
_estimatedRowHeight = false;
Control.Source = _dataSource = Element.HasUnevenRows ? new UnevenListViewDataSource(_dataSource) : new ListViewDataSource(_dataSource);
else if (e.PropertyName == Xamarin.Forms.ListView.IsPullToRefreshEnabledProperty.PropertyName)
else if (e.PropertyName == Xamarin.Forms.ListView.IsRefreshingProperty.PropertyName)
else if (e.PropertyName == Xamarin.Forms.ListView.SeparatorColorProperty.PropertyName)
else if (e.PropertyName == Xamarin.Forms.ListView.SeparatorVisibilityProperty.PropertyName)
else if (e.PropertyName == "HeaderElement")
else if (e.PropertyName == "FooterElement")
else if (e.PropertyName == "RefreshAllowed")
else if (e.PropertyName == Xamarin.Forms.ListView.SelectionModeProperty.PropertyName)
NSIndexPath[] GetPaths(int section, int index, int count)
var paths = new NSIndexPath[count];
for (var i = 0; i < paths.Length; i++)
paths[i] = NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(index + i, section);
return paths;
UITableViewScrollPosition GetScrollPosition(ScrollToPosition position)
switch (position)
case ScrollToPosition.Center:
return UITableViewScrollPosition.Middle;
case ScrollToPosition.End:
return UITableViewScrollPosition.Bottom;
case ScrollToPosition.Start:
return UITableViewScrollPosition.Top;
case ScrollToPosition.MakeVisible:
return UITableViewScrollPosition.None;
void OnCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
UpdateItems(e, 0, true);
void OnFooterMeasureInvalidated(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
double width = Bounds.Width;
if (width == 0)
var footerView = (VisualElement)sender;
var request = footerView.Measure(width, double.PositiveInfinity, MeasureFlags.IncludeMargins);
Layout.LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion(footerView, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, request.Request.Height));
Control.TableFooterView = _footerRenderer.NativeView;
void OnGroupedCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
var til = (TemplatedItemsList<ItemsView<Cell>, Cell>)sender;
var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems;
var groupIndex = templatedItems.IndexOf(til.HeaderContent);
UpdateItems(e, groupIndex, false);
void OnHeaderMeasureInvalidated(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
double width = Bounds.Width;
if (width == 0)
var headerView = (VisualElement)sender;
var request = headerView.Measure(width, double.PositiveInfinity, MeasureFlags.IncludeMargins);
Layout.LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion(headerView, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, request.Request.Height));
Control.TableHeaderView = _headerRenderer.NativeView;
async void OnScrollToRequested(object sender, ScrollToRequestedEventArgs e)
if (Superview == null)
_requestedScroll = e;
var position = GetScrollPosition(e.Position);
var scrollArgs = (ITemplatedItemsListScrollToRequestedEventArgs)e;
var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems;
if (Element.IsGroupingEnabled)
var result = templatedItems.GetGroupAndIndexOfItem(scrollArgs.Group, scrollArgs.Item);
if (result.Item1 != -1 && result.Item2 != -1)
Control.ScrollToRow(NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(result.Item2, result.Item1), position, e.ShouldAnimate);
var index = templatedItems.GetGlobalIndexOfItem(scrollArgs.Item);
if (index != -1)
//iOS11 hack
if (Forms.IsiOS11OrNewer)
await Task.Delay(1);
Control.ScrollToRow(NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(index, 0), position, e.ShouldAnimate);
void UpdateEstimatedRowHeight()
if (_estimatedRowHeight)
// if even rows OR uneven rows but user specified a row height anyway...
if (!Element.HasUnevenRows || Element.RowHeight != -1)
Control.EstimatedRowHeight = 0;
_estimatedRowHeight = true;
var source = _dataSource as UnevenListViewDataSource;
// We want to make sure we reset the cached defined row heights whenever this is called.
// Failing to do this will regress Bugzilla 43313
// (strange animation when adding rows with uneven heights)
if (source == null)
// We need to set a default estimated row height,
// because re-setting it later(when we have items on the TIL)
// will cause the UITableView to reload, and throw an Exception
Control.EstimatedRowHeight = DefaultRowHeight;
Control.EstimatedRowHeight = source.GetEstimatedRowHeight(Control);
_estimatedRowHeight = true;
void UpdateFooter()
var footer = ListView.FooterElement;
var footerView = (View)footer;
if (footerView != null)
if (_footerRenderer != null)
_footerRenderer.Element.MeasureInvalidated -= OnFooterMeasureInvalidated;
var reflectableType = _footerRenderer as System.Reflection.IReflectableType;
var rendererType = reflectableType != null ? reflectableType.GetTypeInfo().AsType() : _footerRenderer.GetType();
if (footer != null && rendererType == Internals.Registrar.Registered.GetHandlerTypeForObject(footer))
Control.TableFooterView = null;
_footerRenderer = null;
_footerRenderer = Platform.CreateRenderer(footerView);
Platform.SetRenderer(footerView, _footerRenderer);
double width = Bounds.Width;
var request = footerView.Measure(width, double.PositiveInfinity, MeasureFlags.IncludeMargins);
Layout.LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion(footerView, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, request.Request.Height));
Control.TableFooterView = _footerRenderer.NativeView;
footerView.MeasureInvalidated += OnFooterMeasureInvalidated;
else if (_footerRenderer != null)
Control.TableFooterView = null;
_footerRenderer.Element.MeasureInvalidated -= OnFooterMeasureInvalidated;
_footerRenderer = null;
void UpdateHeader()
var header = ListView.HeaderElement;
var headerView = (View)header;
if (headerView != null)
if (_headerRenderer != null)
_headerRenderer.Element.MeasureInvalidated -= OnHeaderMeasureInvalidated;
var reflectableType = _headerRenderer as System.Reflection.IReflectableType;
var rendererType = reflectableType != null ? reflectableType.GetTypeInfo().AsType() : _headerRenderer.GetType();
if (header != null && rendererType == Internals.Registrar.Registered.GetHandlerTypeForObject(header))
Control.TableHeaderView = null;
_headerRenderer = null;
_headerRenderer = Platform.CreateRenderer(headerView);
// This will force measure to invalidate, which we haven't hooked up to yet because we are smarter!
Platform.SetRenderer(headerView, _headerRenderer);
double width = Bounds.Width;
var request = headerView.Measure(width, double.PositiveInfinity, MeasureFlags.IncludeMargins);
Layout.LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion(headerView, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, request.Request.Height));
Control.TableHeaderView = _headerRenderer.NativeView;
headerView.MeasureInvalidated += OnHeaderMeasureInvalidated;
else if (_headerRenderer != null)
Control.TableHeaderView = null;
_headerRenderer.Element.MeasureInvalidated -= OnHeaderMeasureInvalidated;
_headerRenderer = null;
void UpdateIsRefreshing()
var refreshing = Element.IsRefreshing;
if (_tableViewController != null)
void UpdateItems(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e, int section, bool resetWhenGrouped)
var exArgs = e as NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgsEx;
if (exArgs != null)
_dataSource.Counts[section] = exArgs.Count;
// This means the UITableView hasn't rendered any cells yet
// so there's no need to synchronize the rows on the UITableView
if (Control.IndexPathsForVisibleRows == null && e.Action != NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)
var groupReset = resetWhenGrouped && Element.IsGroupingEnabled;
// We can't do this check on grouped lists because the index doesn't match the number of rows in a section.
// Likewise, we can't do this check on lists using RecycleElement because the number of rows in a section will remain constant because they are reused.
if (!groupReset && Element.CachingStrategy == ListViewCachingStrategy.RetainElement)
var lastIndex = Control.NumberOfRowsInSection(section);
if (e.NewStartingIndex > lastIndex || e.OldStartingIndex > lastIndex)
throw new ArgumentException(
$"Index '{Math.Max(e.NewStartingIndex, e.OldStartingIndex)}' is greater than the number of rows '{lastIndex}'.");
switch (e.Action)
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
if (e.NewStartingIndex == -1 || groupReset)
goto case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset;
Control.InsertRows(GetPaths(section, e.NewStartingIndex, e.NewItems.Count), InsertRowsAnimation);
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
if (e.OldStartingIndex == -1 || groupReset)
goto case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset;
Control.DeleteRows(GetPaths(section, e.OldStartingIndex, e.OldItems.Count), DeleteRowsAnimation);
if (_estimatedRowHeight && TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems.Count == 0)
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
if (e.OldStartingIndex == -1 || e.NewStartingIndex == -1 || groupReset)
goto case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset;
for (var i = 0; i < e.OldItems.Count; i++)
var oldi = e.OldStartingIndex;
var newi = e.NewStartingIndex;
if (e.NewStartingIndex < e.OldStartingIndex)
oldi += i;
newi += i;
Control.MoveRow(NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(oldi, section), NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(newi, section));
if (_estimatedRowHeight && e.OldStartingIndex == 0)
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
if (e.OldStartingIndex == -1 || groupReset)
goto case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset;
Control.ReloadRows(GetPaths(section, e.OldStartingIndex, e.OldItems.Count), ReloadRowsAnimation);
if (_estimatedRowHeight && e.OldStartingIndex == 0)
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
void InvalidateCellCache()
_estimatedRowHeight = false;
void UpdatePullToRefreshEnabled()
if (_tableViewController != null)
var isPullToRequestEnabled = Element.IsPullToRefreshEnabled && ListView.RefreshAllowed;
void UpdateRowHeight()
var rowHeight = Element.RowHeight;
if (Element.HasUnevenRows && rowHeight == -1)
Control.RowHeight = UITableView.AutomaticDimension;
Control.RowHeight = rowHeight <= 0 ? DefaultRowHeight : rowHeight;
void UpdateSeparatorColor()
var color = Element.SeparatorColor;
// ...and Steve said to the unbelievers the separator shall be gray, and gray it was. The unbelievers looked on, and saw that it was good, and
// they went forth and documented the default color. The holy scripture still reflects this default.
// Defined here:
Control.SeparatorColor = color.ToUIColor(UIColor.Gray);
void UpdateSeparatorVisibility()
var visibility = Element.SeparatorVisibility;
switch (visibility)
case SeparatorVisibility.Default:
Control.SeparatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle.SingleLine;
case SeparatorVisibility.None:
Control.SeparatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle.None;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
void UpdateSelectionMode()
if (Element.SelectionMode == ListViewSelectionMode.None)
Element.SelectedItem = null;
var selectedIndexPath = Control.IndexPathForSelectedRow;
if (selectedIndexPath != null)
Control.DeselectRow(selectedIndexPath, false);
internal class UnevenListViewDataSource : ListViewDataSource
IVisualElementRenderer _prototype;
bool _disposed;
Dictionary<object, Cell> _prototypicalCellByTypeOrDataTemplate = new Dictionary<object, Cell>();
public UnevenListViewDataSource(ListView list, FormsUITableViewController uiTableViewController) : base(list, uiTableViewController)
public UnevenListViewDataSource(ListViewDataSource source) : base(source)
internal nfloat GetEstimatedRowHeight(UITableView table)
if (List.RowHeight != -1)
// Not even sure we need this case; A list with HasUnevenRows and a RowHeight doesn't make a ton of sense
// Anyway, no need for an estimate, because the heights we'll use are known
return 0;
var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems;
if (templatedItems.Count == 0)
// No cells to provide an estimate, use the default row height constant
return DefaultRowHeight;
// We're going to base our estimate off of the first cell
var isGroupingEnabled = List.IsGroupingEnabled;
if (isGroupingEnabled)
templatedItems = templatedItems.GetGroup(0);
object item = null;
if (templatedItems == null || templatedItems.ListProxy.TryGetValue(0, out item) == false)
return DefaultRowHeight;
var firstCell = templatedItems.ActivateContent(0, item);
// Let's skip this optimization for grouped lists. It will likely cause more trouble than it's worth.
if (firstCell?.Height > 0 && !isGroupingEnabled)
// Seems like we've got cells which already specify their height; since the heights are known,
// we don't need to use estimatedRowHeight at all; zero will disable it and use the known heights.
// However, not setting the EstimatedRowHeight will drastically degrade performance with large lists.
// In this case, we will cache the specified cell heights asynchronously, which will be returned one time on
// table load by EstimatedHeight.
return 0;
return CalculateHeightForCell(table, firstCell);
internal override void InvalidatePrototypicalCellCache()
internal Cell GetPrototypicalCell(NSIndexPath indexPath)
var itemTypeOrDataTemplate = default(object);
var cachingStrategy = List.CachingStrategy;
if (cachingStrategy == ListViewCachingStrategy.RecycleElement)
itemTypeOrDataTemplate = GetDataTemplateForPath(indexPath);
else if (cachingStrategy == ListViewCachingStrategy.RecycleElementAndDataTemplate)
itemTypeOrDataTemplate = GetItemTypeForPath(indexPath);
else // ListViewCachingStrategy.RetainElement
return GetCellForPath(indexPath);
if (itemTypeOrDataTemplate == null)
itemTypeOrDataTemplate = typeof(TextCell);
if (!_prototypicalCellByTypeOrDataTemplate.TryGetValue(itemTypeOrDataTemplate, out Cell protoCell))
// cache prototypical cell by item type; Items of the same Type share
// the same DataTemplate (this is enforced by RecycleElementAndDataTemplate)
protoCell = GetCellForPath(indexPath);
_prototypicalCellByTypeOrDataTemplate[itemTypeOrDataTemplate] = protoCell;
var templatedItems = GetTemplatedItemsListForPath(indexPath);
return templatedItems.UpdateContent(protoCell, indexPath.Row);
public override nfloat GetHeightForRow(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
// iOS may ask for a row we have just deleted and hence cannot rebind in order to measure height.
if (!IsValidIndexPath(indexPath))
return DefaultRowHeight;
var cell = GetPrototypicalCell(indexPath);
if (List.RowHeight == -1 && cell.Height == -1 && cell is ViewCell)
return UITableView.AutomaticDimension;
var renderHeight = cell.RenderHeight;
return renderHeight > 0 ? (nfloat)renderHeight : DefaultRowHeight;
internal nfloat CalculateHeightForCell(UITableView tableView, Cell cell)
var viewCell = cell as ViewCell;
if (viewCell != null && viewCell.View != null)
var target = viewCell.View;
if (_prototype == null)
_prototype = Platform.CreateRenderer(target);
Platform.SetRenderer(target, _prototype);
var req = target.Measure(tableView.Frame.Width, double.PositiveInfinity, MeasureFlags.IncludeMargins);
foreach (Element descendant in target.Descendants())
IVisualElementRenderer renderer = Platform.GetRenderer(descendant as VisualElement);
// Clear renderer from descendent; this will not happen in Dispose as normal because we need to
// unhook the Element from the renderer before disposing it.
renderer = null;
// Let the EstimatedHeight method know to use this value.
// Much more efficient than checking the value each time.
//_useEstimatedRowHeight = true;
var height = (nfloat)req.Request.Height;
return height > 1 ? height : DefaultRowHeight;
var renderHeight = cell.RenderHeight;
return renderHeight > 0 ? (nfloat)renderHeight : DefaultRowHeight;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_disposed)
_disposed = true;
if (disposing)
void ClearPrototype()
if (_prototype != null)
var element = _prototype.Element;
_prototype = null;
internal class ListViewDataSource : UITableViewSource
const int DefaultItemTemplateId = 1;
static int s_dataTemplateIncrementer = 2; // lets start at not 0 because
readonly nfloat _defaultSectionHeight;
Dictionary<DataTemplate, int> _templateToId = new Dictionary<DataTemplate, int>();
UITableView _uiTableView;
FormsUITableViewController _uiTableViewController;
protected ListView List;
protected ITemplatedItemsView<Cell> TemplatedItemsView => List;
bool _isDragging;
bool _selectionFromNative;
bool _disposed;
public UITableViewRowAnimation ReloadSectionsAnimation { get; set; } = UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic;
public ListViewDataSource(ListViewDataSource source)
_uiTableViewController = source._uiTableViewController;
List = source.List;
_uiTableView = source._uiTableView;
_defaultSectionHeight = source._defaultSectionHeight;
_selectionFromNative = source._selectionFromNative;
Counts = new Dictionary<int, int>();
public ListViewDataSource(ListView list, FormsUITableViewController uiTableViewController)
_uiTableViewController = uiTableViewController;
_uiTableView = uiTableViewController.TableView;
_defaultSectionHeight = DefaultRowHeight;
List = list;
List.ItemSelected += OnItemSelected;
Counts = new Dictionary<int, int>();
public Dictionary<int, int> Counts { get; set; }
UIColor DefaultBackgroundColor
get { return UIColor.Clear; }
internal virtual void InvalidatePrototypicalCellCache()
public override void DraggingEnded(UIScrollView scrollView, bool willDecelerate)
_isDragging = false;
public override void DraggingStarted(UIScrollView scrollView)
_isDragging = true;
public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
Cell cell;
UITableViewCell nativeCell;
Performance.Start(out string reference);
var cachingStrategy = List.CachingStrategy;
if (cachingStrategy == ListViewCachingStrategy.RetainElement)
cell = GetCellForPath(indexPath);
nativeCell = CellTableViewCell.GetNativeCell(tableView, cell);
else if ((cachingStrategy & ListViewCachingStrategy.RecycleElement) != 0)
var id = TemplateIdForPath(indexPath);
nativeCell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(ContextActionsCell.Key + id);
if (nativeCell == null)
cell = GetCellForPath(indexPath);
nativeCell = CellTableViewCell.GetNativeCell(tableView, cell, true, id.ToString());
var templatedList = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems.GetGroup(indexPath.Section);
cell = (Cell)((INativeElementView)nativeCell).Element;
templatedList.UpdateContent(cell, indexPath.Row);
throw new NotSupportedException();
if (List.IsSet(Specifics.SeparatorStyleProperty))
if (List.OnThisPlatform().GetSeparatorStyle() == SeparatorStyle.FullWidth)
nativeCell.SeparatorInset = UIEdgeInsets.Zero;
nativeCell.LayoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets.Zero;
nativeCell.PreservesSuperviewLayoutMargins = false;
var bgColor = tableView.IndexPathForSelectedRow != null && tableView.IndexPathForSelectedRow.Equals(indexPath) ? UIColor.Clear : DefaultBackgroundColor;
SetCellBackgroundColor(nativeCell, bgColor);
return nativeCell;
public override nfloat GetHeightForHeader(UITableView tableView, nint section)
if (List.IsGroupingEnabled)
var cell = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems[(int)section];
nfloat height = (float)cell.RenderHeight;
if (height == -1)
height = _defaultSectionHeight;
return height;
return 0;
public override UIView GetViewForHeader(UITableView tableView, nint section)
UIView view = null;
if (!List.IsGroupingEnabled)
return view;
var cell = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems[(int)section];
if (cell.HasContextActions)
throw new NotSupportedException("Header cells do not support context actions");
var renderer = (CellRenderer)Internals.Registrar.Registered.GetHandlerForObject<IRegisterable>(cell);
view = new HeaderWrapperView { Cell = cell };
view.AddSubview(renderer.GetCell(cell, null, tableView));
return view;
public override void HeaderViewDisplayingEnded(UITableView tableView, UIView headerView, nint section)
if (!List.IsGroupingEnabled)
if (headerView is HeaderWrapperView wrapper)
wrapper.Cell = null;
public override nint NumberOfSections(UITableView tableView)
if (List.IsGroupingEnabled)
return TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems.Count;
return 1;
public void OnItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs eventArg)
if (_selectionFromNative)
_selectionFromNative = false;
if (List == null)
var location = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems.GetGroupAndIndexOfItem(eventArg.SelectedItem);
if (location.Item1 == -1 || location.Item2 == -1)
var selectedIndexPath = _uiTableView.IndexPathForSelectedRow;
var animate = true;
if (selectedIndexPath != null)
var cell = _uiTableView.CellAt(selectedIndexPath) as ContextActionsCell;
if (cell != null)
if (cell.IsOpen)
animate = false;
if (selectedIndexPath != null)
_uiTableView.DeselectRow(selectedIndexPath, animate);
_uiTableView.SelectRow(NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(location.Item2, location.Item1), true, UITableViewScrollPosition.Middle);
public override void RowDeselected(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
var cell = tableView.CellAt(indexPath);
if (cell == null)
SetCellBackgroundColor(cell, DefaultBackgroundColor);
public override void RowSelected(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
var cell = tableView.CellAt(indexPath);
if (cell == null)
Cell formsCell = null;
if ((List.CachingStrategy & ListViewCachingStrategy.RecycleElement) != 0)
formsCell = (Cell)((INativeElementView)cell).Element;
SetCellBackgroundColor(cell, UIColor.Clear);
if (List.SelectionMode == ListViewSelectionMode.None)
tableView.DeselectRow(indexPath, false);
_selectionFromNative = true;
List.NotifyRowTapped(indexPath.Section, indexPath.Row, formsCell);
public override nint RowsInSection(UITableView tableview, nint section)
int countOverride;
if (Counts.TryGetValue((int)section, out countOverride))
return countOverride;
var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems;
if (List.IsGroupingEnabled)
var group = (IList)((IList)templatedItems)[(int)section];
return group.Count;
return templatedItems.Count;
public override void Scrolled(UIScrollView scrollView)
if (_isDragging && scrollView.ContentOffset.Y < 0)
// If the refresh spinner is currently displayed and pull-to-refresh is not enabled,
// calling UpdateShowHideRefresh will remove the spinner and cause the ScrollView to shift;
// this will fire off this Scrolled override again and we'll be in an infinite loop (which iOS
// will promptly kill, and the app will close)
// So we temporarily flip _isDragging to false in order to prevent the loop.
_isDragging = false;
_isDragging = true;
if (_isDragging && scrollView.ContentOffset.Y < -10f && _uiTableViewController._usingLargeTitles && Device.Info.CurrentOrientation.IsPortrait())
public override string[] SectionIndexTitles(UITableView tableView)
var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems;
if (templatedItems.ShortNames == null)
return null;
return templatedItems.ShortNames.ToArray();
public void Cleanup()
_selectionFromNative = false;
_isDragging = false;
public void UpdateGrouping()
protected bool IsValidIndexPath(NSIndexPath indexPath)
var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems;
if (List.IsGroupingEnabled)
var section = indexPath.Section;
if (section < 0 || section >= templatedItems.Count)
return false;
templatedItems = (ITemplatedItemsList<Cell>)((IList)templatedItems)[indexPath.Section];
return templatedItems.ListProxy.TryGetValue(indexPath.Row, out var _);
protected ITemplatedItemsList<Cell> GetTemplatedItemsListForPath(NSIndexPath indexPath)
var templatedItems = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems;
if (List.IsGroupingEnabled)
templatedItems = (ITemplatedItemsList<Cell>)((IList)templatedItems)[indexPath.Section];
return templatedItems;
protected DataTemplate GetDataTemplateForPath(NSIndexPath indexPath)
var templatedList = GetTemplatedItemsListForPath(indexPath);
var item = templatedList.ListProxy[indexPath.Row];
return templatedList.SelectDataTemplate(item);
protected Type GetItemTypeForPath(NSIndexPath indexPath)
var templatedList = GetTemplatedItemsListForPath(indexPath);
var item = templatedList.ListProxy[indexPath.Row];
return item.GetType();
protected Cell GetCellForPath(NSIndexPath indexPath)
var templatedItems = GetTemplatedItemsListForPath(indexPath);
var cell = templatedItems[indexPath.Row];
return cell;
void OnShortNamesCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
static void SetCellBackgroundColor(UITableViewCell cell, UIColor color)
var contextCell = cell as ContextActionsCell;
cell.BackgroundColor = color;
if (contextCell != null)
contextCell.ContentCell.BackgroundColor = color;
int TemplateIdForPath(NSIndexPath indexPath)
var itemTemplate = List.ItemTemplate;
var selector = itemTemplate as DataTemplateSelector;
if (selector == null)
return DefaultItemTemplateId;
var templatedList = GetTemplatedItemsListForPath(indexPath);
var item = templatedList.ListProxy[indexPath.Row];
itemTemplate = selector.SelectTemplate(item, List);
int key;
if (!_templateToId.TryGetValue(itemTemplate, out key))
key = s_dataTemplateIncrementer;
_templateToId[itemTemplate] = key;
return key;
void UpdateShortNameListener()
void WatchShortNameCollection(bool watch)
var templatedList = TemplatedItemsView.TemplatedItems;
if (templatedList.ShortNames == null)
var incc = (INotifyCollectionChanged)templatedList.ShortNames;
if (watch)
incc.CollectionChanged += OnShortNamesCollectionChanged;
incc.CollectionChanged -= OnShortNamesCollectionChanged;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_disposed)
if (disposing)
if (List != null)
List.ItemSelected -= OnItemSelected;
List = null;
_templateToId = null;
_uiTableView = null;
_uiTableViewController = null;
_disposed = true;
void PreserveActivityIndicatorState(Element element)
if (element == null)
var activityIndicator = element as ActivityIndicator;
if (activityIndicator != null)
var renderer = Platform.GetRenderer(activityIndicator) as ActivityIndicatorRenderer;
foreach (Element childElement in (element as IElementController).LogicalChildren)
internal class HeaderWrapperView : UIView
public Cell Cell { get; set; }
public override void LayoutSubviews()
foreach (var item in Subviews)
item.Frame = Bounds;
internal class FormsUITableViewController : UITableViewController
ListView _list;
UIRefreshControl _refresh;
bool _refreshAdded;
bool _disposed;
internal bool _usingLargeTitles;
bool _isRefreshing;
public FormsUITableViewController(ListView element, bool usingLargeTitles)
if (Forms.IsiOS9OrNewer)
TableView.CellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth = false;
_usingLargeTitles = usingLargeTitles;
_refresh = new FormsRefreshControl(_usingLargeTitles);
_refresh.ValueChanged += OnRefreshingChanged;
_list = element;
public void UpdateIsRefreshing(bool refreshing)
if (refreshing)
if (!_refreshAdded)
RefreshControl = _refresh;
_refreshAdded = true;
if (!_refresh.Refreshing)
//hack: On iOS11 with large titles we need to adjust the scroll offset manually
//since our UITableView is not the first child of the UINavigationController
UpdateContentOffset(TableView.ContentOffset.Y - _refresh.Frame.Height);
//hack: when we don't have cells in our UITableView the spinner fails to appear
TableView.ScrollRectToVisible(new RectangleF(0, 0, _refresh.Bounds.Width, _refresh.Bounds.Height), true);
if (RefreshControl == null)
_isRefreshing = false;
if (!_list.IsPullToRefreshEnabled)
public void UpdatePullToRefreshEnabled(bool pullToRefreshEnabled)
if (pullToRefreshEnabled)
if (!_refreshAdded)
_refreshAdded = true;
RefreshControl = _refresh;
// just because pullToRefresh is being disabled does not mean we should kill an in progress refresh.
// Consider the case where:
// 1. User pulls to refresh
// 2. App RefreshCommand fires (at this point _refresh.Refreshing is true)
// 3. RefreshCommand disables itself via a call to ChangeCanExecute which returns false
// (maybe the command it's attached to a button the app wants disabled)
// 4. OnCommandCanExecuteChanged handler sets RefreshAllowed to false because the RefreshCommand is disabled
// 5. We end up here; A refresh is in progress while being asked to disable pullToRefresh
//hack: Form some reason UIKit isn't allowing to scroll negative values with largetitles
public void ForceRefreshing()
if (!_list.IsPullToRefreshEnabled)
if (!_refresh.Refreshing && !_isRefreshing)
_isRefreshing = true;
UpdateContentOffset(TableView.ContentOffset.Y - _refresh.Frame.Height, _refresh.BeginRefreshing);
public void UpdateShowHideRefresh(bool shouldHide)
if (_list.IsPullToRefreshEnabled)
if (shouldHide)
public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
(TableView?.Source as ListViewRenderer.ListViewDataSource)?.Cleanup();
if (!_list.IsRefreshing || !_refresh.Refreshing) return;
// Restart the refreshing to get the animation to trigger
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_disposed)
if (disposing)
if (_refresh != null)
_refresh.ValueChanged -= OnRefreshingChanged;
_refresh = null;
_list = null;
_disposed = true;
void CheckContentSize()
//adding a default height of at least 1 pixel tricks iOS to show the spinner
var contentSize = TableView.ContentSize;
if (contentSize.Height == 0)
TableView.ContentSize = new SizeF(contentSize.Width, 1);
void OnRefreshingChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
if (_refresh.Refreshing)
_isRefreshing = _refresh.Refreshing;
void RemoveRefresh()
if (!_refreshAdded)
if (_refresh.Refreshing || _isRefreshing)
RefreshControl = null;
_refreshAdded = false;
_isRefreshing = false;
void UpdateContentOffset(nfloat offset, Action completed = null)
if (!_usingLargeTitles)
UIView.Animate(0.2, () => TableView.ContentOffset = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint(TableView.ContentOffset.X, offset), completed);
public class FormsRefreshControl : UIRefreshControl
bool _usingLargeTitles;
public FormsRefreshControl(bool usingLargeTitles)
_usingLargeTitles = usingLargeTitles;
public override bool Hidden
return base.Hidden;
//hack: ahahah take that UIKit!
//when using pull to refresh with Large tiles sometimes iOS tries to hide the UIRefreshControl
if (_usingLargeTitles && value && Refreshing)
base.Hidden = value;
public override void BeginRefreshing()
if (!_usingLargeTitles)
Hidden = false;