
71 строка
1.8 KiB

# The output directory for all generated files
out: ./doc
# True to clean the output directory before generation
# (recommended as it ensures no orphaned files from previous builds)
clean: true
# Only include public and protected members
publicOnly: true
# Whether to include externally declared inherited members
importedMembers: false
# Information about the project. By default these will be taken
# from the assembly information of the first assembly. Uncomment
# and update the following lines to override
name: RichTextKit
# version: 1.9
# The assemblies for which documentation should be generated,
# .xml files are expected in the same location
- ./Build/Release/Topten.RichTextKit/netcoreapp2.0/Topten.RichTextKit.dll
# Namespaces to be assumed when formatting fully qualified type names
- System
- System.Collections.Generic
- System.Threading.Tasks
# The template and content files to be processed/copied
- src: LosAngeles
- dst: /
- src: ./docsrc/
- src: ./Artwork/banner@2x.png
dst: /Artwork/
# Optional entries to go at the top of the table of contents
- text: Guides
href: .
- text: Overview
href: .
- text: Installation
href: install
- text: Basic Concepts
href: basics
- text: Creating a Text Block
href: textBlock
- text: Controlling Layout
href: layout
- text: Rendering Text
href: rendering
- text: Measuring Text
href: measuring
- text: Hit Testing
href: hittesting
- text: Caret Information
href: caret
- text: License
href: license
# Optional data to pass to template
projectUrlPrefix: "/richtextkit/"