const fs = require('node:fs'); const path = require('node:path'); const check = process.argv.includes('--check'); const dictsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'third_party', 'hunspell_dictionaries'); const gclientPath = 'third_party/hunspell_dictionaries'; const allFiles = fs.readdirSync(dictsPath); const dictionaries = allFiles .filter(file => path.extname(file) === '.bdic'); const licenses = allFiles .filter(file => file.startsWith('LICENSE') || file.startsWith('COPYING')); const content = `hunspell_dictionaries = [ ${ => `"//${path.posix.join(gclientPath, f)}"`).join(',\n ')}, ] hunspell_licenses = [ ${ => `"//${path.posix.join(gclientPath, f)}"`).join(',\n ')}, ] `; const filenamesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'filenames.hunspell.gni'); if (check) { const currentContent = fs.readFileSync(filenamesPath, 'utf8'); if (currentContent !== content) { throw new Error('hunspell filenames need to be regenerated, latest generation does not match current file. Please run node gen-hunspell-filenames.js'); } } else { fs.writeFileSync(filenamesPath, content); }