requirements, you can read [Server Support][server-support]. Note that
[App Transport Security](
use the `autoUpdater`, so it is recommended that you use
[electron-winstaller][installer-lib] or [Electron Forge's Squirrel.Windows maker][electron-forge-lib] to generate a Windows installer.
Apps built with Squirrel.Windows will trigger [custom launch events](
that must be handled by your Electron application to ensure proper setup and teardown.
Squirrel.Windows apps will launch with the `--squirrel-firstrun` argument immediately
after installation. During this time, Squirrel.Windows will obtain a file lock on
your app, and `autoUpdater` requests will fail until the lock is released. In practice,
this means that you won't be able to check for updates on first launch for the first
few seconds. You can work around this by not checking for updates when `process.argv`
contains the `--squirrel-firstrun` flag or by setting a 10-second timeout on your
update checks (see [electron/electron#7155](
for more information).
The installer generated with Squirrel.Windows will create a shortcut icon with an
**Note:** It is not strictly necessary to handle this event. A successfully
downloaded update will still be applied the next time the application starts.
### Event: 'before-quit-for-update'
This event is emitted after a user calls `quitAndInstall()`.
When this API is called, the `before-quit` event is not emitted before all windows are closed. As a result you should listen to this event if you wish to perform actions before the windows are closed while a process is quitting, as well as listening to `before-quit`.
## Methods
The `autoUpdater` object has the following methods: