


The goal of this package is to help developers create the scaffolding for Electron examples faster.

How to use it?

Electron's documentation is under the /docs folder of the main repo. You will have to clone it locally and call the following script from one of the folders under /docs (e.g.: /docs/tutorial):

npm create electron-documentation

The script will prompt you to enter the documentation page title and description:

> npm create electron-documentation
> Title:
> my-new-doc-page
> Description:
> A description for my new doc page

Once executed, the following files will be created:

  • A markdown file the-provided-title.md in the folder you invoked the script
  • A new folder under /docs/fiddles/the-provided-title with a minimum fiddle example for your documentation following good practices.

At this point, feel free to modify any of them or move the fiddle somewhere else (but remember to update the reference in the markdown file!).

Thanks for contributing to Electron!