
393 строки
16 KiB

tagline: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
apps: Apps
blog: Blog
code_of_conduct: Code of Conduct
security: Security
community: Community
contact: Contact
docs: Docs
donors: Donors
languages: Languages
license: License
releases: Releases
search: Search
userland: Userland
governance: Governance
title: Keyboard Shortcuts
key: Key
action: Action
focus_search: Focus the search bar
focus_and_clear: Focus the search bar and cleans it
scroll_down: Select the next search result
scroll_up: Select the previous search result
open: Open the selected search result
open_new_tab: Open the selected search result in a new tab
title: Electron Documentation
guides: "Guides: Getting Started with Electron"
api_reference: API Reference
api_structures: API Structures
advanced: Advanced
detailed: In Detail
custom_dom: Custom DOM Elements
main_proc_modules: Main Process Modules
renderer_proc_modules: Renderer Process Modules
both_proc_modules: Modules for Both Process Types
propose_change: Improve this doc
version_history: Version history
translate: Translate this doc
choose_language: Choose Your Site Language
view_more_details: View More Language Details
translation_progress: Translation Progress
current: current selection
title: Electron Community
Resources for connecting with people working on Electron.
"<a href='/docs/latest/'><b>Get started</b></a>
building an app by reading the documentation."
"<a href='https://twitter.com/electronjs'><b>Stay up to date</b></a>
by following
<a href='https://twitter.com/electronjs'>@electronjs</a> on Twitter
and subscribing to the
<a href='/blog'>blog feed</a>."
"<a href='/languages'><b>Read docs in your native language</b></a>
by visiting the
<a href='/languages'>languages page</a>."
"<b>Get help and feedback</b>
by joining the
<a href='https://discord.com/invite/APGC3k5yaH'>Discord server</a>,
or visiting
<a href='https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/electron'>Stack Overflow</a>."
"<a href='mailto:security@electronjs.org'><b>Report security issues</b></a>
by emailing
<a href='mailto:security@electronjs.org'>security@electronjs.org</a>."
"<a href='https://github.com/electron/electron/issues'><b>Report bugs</b></a>
by opening issues on the
<a href='https://github.com/electron/electron/issues'>electron/electron</a>
"<a href='https://github.com/electron/electron/issues'><b>Request features</b></a>
by opening issues on the
<a href='https://github.com/electron/electron/issues'>electron/electron</a>
"<a href='mailto:coc@electronjs.org'><b>Report Code of Conduct violations</b></a>
by emailing
<a href='mailto:coc@electronjs.org'>coc@electronjs.org</a>."
"<a href='donors'><b>Donate</b></a>
on our
<a href='/donors'>OpenCollective page</a>."
"For all other inquiries, email <a href='mailto:info@electronjs.org'>info@electronjs.org</a>."
title: Language Communities
"The Electron community spans the globe, and English is not everyone's first language.
<a href='/languages'>documentation in your language</a>,
or join one of the language communities below:"
tools: Tools
boilerplates: Boilerplates
components: Components
videos: Videos
meetups: Meetups
This list is generated from
<a href="https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-electron">@sindresorhus's Awesome Electron</a> repository.
<br> Something missing?
<a href="https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-electron/blob/master/contributing.md">Make a pull request</a>.
To add a meetup, edit <code>data/meetups.json</code> and
<a href="https://github.com/electron/electronjs.org/tree/master/data/meetups.json">make a pull request</a>.
show_releases: "Show Releases:"
show_only_releases_from: "Show Only Releases From:"
all_versions: All Versions
stable_releases: Stable Releases
stable_desc: Regular, supported releases
beta_releases: Beta Releases
beta_desc: Test your app with upcoming changes
alpha_releases: Alpha Releases
alpha_desc: Test features slightly more on the edge
nightly_releases: Nightly Releases
nightly_desc: Experiment with the latest features
next: Next
next_page: Next Page
previous: Previous
previous_page: Previous Page
page: Page
all_releases: All Releases
back_to_index: Back to index
title: Apps users love, built with Electron
Thousands of organizations spanning all industries use Electron to build
cross-platform software.
title: It's easier than you think
If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.
title: Web Technologies
Electron uses Chromium and Node.js so you can build your app with HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript.
title: Open Source
Electron is an open source project maintained by the OpenJS Foundation
and an active community of contributors.
title: Cross Platform
Compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux, Electron apps build and run on
three platforms.
hard_parts_made_easy: The hard parts made easy
automatic_updates: Automatic updates
native_menus_and_notifications: Native menus & notifications
crash_reporting: Crash reporting
debugging_and_profiling: Debugging & profiling
windows_installers: Windows installers
title: Get started
To get started with Electron, check out the resources below. Learn how
to wrap your web app with Electron, access all the APIs, and generate
fiddle_title: Try powerful experiments with Electron Fiddle
see_more_info: See more info
download: Download
download_from_github: Download from GitHub
"Spin up the
<a href='https://github.com/electron/electron-quick-start' target='_blank'>Quick Start</a>
app to see Electron in action:"
description: A minimal Electron app with helpful notations.
clone: Clone the Quick Start repository
go_into_repo: Go into the repository
install_deps: Install the dependencies and run
dive_deeper: Or dive deeper and read the <a href='/docs'>documentation</a>.
title: Need Help?
description: Ask questions in the <a href='https://discord.gg/electronjs'>Discord server</a>. Follow <a href="https://twitter.com/electronjs">@electronjs</a> on Twitter for important announcements. Need to privately reach out? Email <a href="mailto:info@electronjs.org">info@electronjs.org</a>.
languages: Languages
languages: Localized content from our awesome global developer community.
announcement: Black Lives Matter. Support <a href="https://support.eji.org/give/153413/#!/donation/checkout">the Equal Justice Initiative</a> and <a href="/blacklivesmatter">read our statement here</a>.
help_translate: "Help translate"
see_the_faq: See the frequently asked questions
something_missing: Something missing?
edit_this_app: Edit this app.
search_app: Filter apps by name, description, etc…
categories: Categories
add_app_link: <a href="https://github.com/electron/electron-apps#readme">Make a Pull Request</a> to add your application.
# App show page specific localization strings
website: Website
repository: Repository
category: Category
downloads: Downloads
keywords: Keywords
license: License
latest_release: Latest Release
title: Electron Blog
description: All the latest news from the Electron team and community.
# Post show page specific localization strings
feedback: Have feedback on this post? Let <a href="https://twitter.com/electronjs">@electronjs</a> know on Twitter.
help: Need help or found a bug? <a href="/contact">Contact us</a>.
copy: Copy
copy_to_clipboard: Copy to Clipboard
copied: Copied
launch: Launch
launch_in_fiddle: Launch in Fiddle
title: Electron | Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
description: 'Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.'
title: Electron Apps
description: Apps Built on Electron
title: Documentation
description: Guides and API reference documentation for the latest Electron release
title: API
description: API reference documentation for the latest Electron release
title: Development
description: Developing with Electron
title: Tutorial
description: Guides and tutorials for the latest Electron release
title: Electron Blog
description: All the latest news from the Electron team and community.
title: Community
title: Releases
title: Contact
description: Get in touch with the Electron team on Twitter, Slack, GitHub, or via email.
title: Languages
title: Userland
title: Devtron
description: Devtron is an open source tool to help you inspect, monitor, and debug your Electron app. Built on top of the amazing Chrome Developer Tools.
title: Electron Fiddle
description: The easiest way to get started with Electron
title: Electron Governance
description: The Electron governance system is comprised of Working Groups that oversee different aspects of the Electron ecosystem, and an Administrative working group that functions to resolve conflicts between them.
title: Donors
title: Black Lives Matter
get_started: Get started
lead_desc: The easiest way to get started with Electron
different_os: "Not the right operating system? See:"
create_app: Create your app
Electron Fiddle lets you create and play with small Electron experiments.
It greets you with a quick-start template after opening – change a few things, choose
the version of Electron you want to run it with, and play around. Then, save your
Fiddle either as a GitHub Gist or to a local folder. Once pushed to GitHub,
anyone can quickly try your Fiddle out by just entering it in the address bar.
explore: Explore Electron
"Try Electron without installing any dependencies: Fiddle includes everything
you'll need to explore the platform. It also includes examples for every API
available in Electron, so if you want to quickly see what a BrowserView is or
how the desktopCapturer works, Fiddle has got you covered."
code_with_types: Code with Types
Fiddle includes Microsoft's excellent Monaco Editor, the same editor
powering Visual Studio Code. It also installs the type definitions
for the currently selected version of Electron automatically,
ensuring that you always have all Electron APIs only a few
keystrokes away.
compile_and_package: Compile and Package
Fiddle can automatically turn your experiment into binaries you can
share with your friends, coworkers, or grandparents. It does so thanks
to <a href="https://electronforge.io/">electron-forge</a>, allowing you to package your fiddle as an app for
Windows, macOS, or Linux.
easy_start: Start with Fiddle, Continue Wherever
Fiddle is not an IDE – it is however an excellent starting point.
Once your fiddle has grown up, export it as a project with or
without <a href="https://electronforge.io/">electron-forge</a>.
Then, use your favorite editor and take on the world!
title: Electron Governance
description: The Electron governance system is comprised of Working Groups that oversee different aspects of the Electron ecosystem, and an Administrative working group that functions to resolve conflicts between them.
wgs: Working Groups
title: Ecosystem
description: Oversees the projects that make Electron app development easier.
title: Outreach
description: Grows the Electron community
title: Releases
description: Oversees all release branches, and tooling to support releases.
title: Upgrades
description: Oversees upgrades of upstream dependencies; specifically Chromium and Node.
title: Community & Safety
description: Oversees removal/bans from community.
title: Security
description: Proactively ensures the Security of Electron as a project, responds to incoming incidents, and oversees rollout of fixes.
title: Administrative
description: The Administrative Working Group oversees the entire governance and project.
title: API
description: Oversees public API design based on project principles.
overview: Overview
associated_repos: Associated Repositories
notes: Meeting Notes
title: Definitions
- A <i>maintainer</i> is anyone who plays an active role in governance.
- A <i>collaborator</i> is active in the community, but not in governance.
- A <i>participant</i> is anyone who is a maintainer or collaborator.
- A <i>working group</i> is a group of maintainers that is formed to take responsibility for certain aspects of the Electron project. Normally these groups will meet regularly but in some cases will only meet as required to fulfill their responsibilities.
- A <a href="https://github.com/electron/governance/tree/master/charter/README.md#Leadership">chair</a> leads a working group.
title: Responsibilities
listdescription: "All Working Groups have these core responsibilities:"
- They shall decide for themselves, and publicly post, their rules, e.g. how decisions are made, when meetings are held, and who may attend.
- They shall <a href="https://github.com/electron/governance/tree/master/charter/README.md#Leadership-Terms-and-Selection">select</a> a chair to <a href='https://github.com/electron/governance/tree/master/charter/README.md#Leadership-Responsibilities'>represent</a> the group.
- They shall keep meeting notes, including agenda items, discussion points, and outcomes for everyone to review.
- They shall be collaborative and work <a href="https://github.com/electron/governance/tree/master/charter/README.md#Core-Values">in good faith</a> with other Working Groups.
see_charter: See <a href="https://github.com/electron/governance/tree/master/charter/README.md">charter</a> for more information.
code_of_conduct: The Electron organization and all repos therein adhere to the following <a href="https://github.com/electron/governance/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md">Code of Conduct.</a>
license: Electron is licensed with the <a href="https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/LICENSE">MIT License</a>.
repository: Check out the <a href="https://github.com/electron/governance">Governance Repository</a> to find more information about the governance structure.
page_not_found: Page not found.