import extract from 'extract-zip'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import nock, { Scope } from 'nock'; import { ElectronBinary, InstallStateEvent, Installer, Paths, InstallState, } from '../src/index'; jest.mock('extract-zip'); const extractZip = jest.requireActual('extract-zip'); describe('Installer', () => { let tmpdir: string; let paths: Pick; let nockScope: Scope; let installer: Installer; const { missing, downloading, downloaded, installing, installed } = InstallState; const version12 = '12.0.15' as const; const version13 = '13.1.7' as const; const version = version13; const fixture = (name: string) => path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', name); beforeEach(async () => { jest .mocked(extract) .mockImplementation(async (zipPath: string, opts: extract.Options) => { await extractZip(zipPath, opts); }); tmpdir = await fs.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'fiddle-core-')); paths = { electronDownloads: path.join(tmpdir, 'downloads'), electronInstall: path.join(tmpdir, 'install'), }; installer = new Installer(paths); nock.disableNetConnect(); nockScope = nock(''); nockScope .persist() .get(/electron-v13.1.7-.*\.zip$/) .replyWithFile(200, fixture(''), { 'Content-Type': 'application/zip', }) .get(/electron-v12.0.15-.*\.zip$/) .replyWithFile(200, fixture(''), { 'Content-Type': 'application/zip', }) .get(/SHASUMS256\.txt$/) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('SHASUMS256.txt'), { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8', }); }); afterEach(() => { nock.cleanAll(); nock.enableNetConnect(); fs.removeSync(tmpdir); }); // test helpers async function listenWhile( installer: Installer, func: () => Promise, ) { const events: InstallStateEvent[] = []; const listener = (ev: InstallStateEvent) => events.push(ev); const event = 'state-changed'; installer.on(event, listener); const result = await func(); installer.removeListener(event, listener); return { events, result }; } async function doRemove(installer: Installer, version: string) { const func = () => installer.remove(version); const { events } = await listenWhile(installer, func); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(missing); return { events }; } async function doInstall(installer: Installer, version: string) { let isDownloaded = false; const progressCallback = () => { isDownloaded = true; }; // Version is already downloaded and present in local if (installer.state(version) !== missing) { isDownloaded = true; } const func = () => installer.install(version, { progressCallback }); const { events, result } = await listenWhile(installer, func); const exec = result as string; const installedVersion = fs .readFileSync(path.join(paths.electronInstall, 'version'), 'utf-8') .trim(); expect(isDownloaded).toBe(true); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(installed); expect(installer.installedVersion).toBe(version); expect(installedVersion).toBe(version); return { events, exec }; } async function doDownload(installer: Installer, version: string) { let isDownloaded = false; const progressCallback = () => { isDownloaded = true; }; // Version is already downloaded and present in local if (installer.state(version) !== missing) { isDownloaded = true; } const func = () => installer.ensureDownloaded(version, { progressCallback, }); const { events, result } = await listenWhile(installer, func); const binaryConfig = result as ElectronBinary; const { path: zipfile } = binaryConfig; expect(isDownloaded).toBe(true); expect(fs.existsSync(zipfile)).toBe(true); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(downloaded); return { events, binaryConfig }; } async function unZipBinary(): Promise { const extractDir = path.join(paths.electronDownloads, version); fs.mkdirSync(extractDir, { recursive: true }); await extract(fixture(''), { dir: extractDir, }); return extractDir; } // tests describe('getExecPath()', () => { it.each([ ['Linux', 'linux', 'electron'], ['Windows', 'win32', 'electron.exe'], ['macOS', 'darwin', ''], ])( 'returns the right path on %s', (_, platform: string, expected: string) => { const subpath = Installer.execSubpath(platform); expect(subpath).toBe(expected); }, ); }); describe('ensureDownloaded()', () => { it('downloads the version if needed', async () => { // setup: version is not installed expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(missing); // test that the zipfile was downloaded const { events, binaryConfig } = await doDownload(installer, version); expect(events).toStrictEqual([ { version, state: downloading }, { version, state: downloaded }, ]); expect(binaryConfig).toHaveProperty('alreadyExtracted', false); }); it('does nothing if the version is already downloaded', async () => { // setup: version is already installed const { binaryConfig: config1 } = await doDownload(installer, version); const { path: zip1 } = config1; const { ctimeMs } = await fs.stat(zip1); // test that ensureDownloaded() did nothing: const { events, binaryConfig: config2 } = await doDownload( installer, version, ); const { path: zip2 } = config2; expect(zip2).toEqual(zip1); expect((await fs.stat(zip2)).ctimeMs).toEqual(ctimeMs); expect(events).toStrictEqual([]); expect(config1).toStrictEqual({ path: config2.path, alreadyExtracted: false, }); }); it('makes use of the preinstalled electron versions', async () => { const extractDir = await unZipBinary(); const { binaryConfig: { path: zipFile }, } = await doDownload(installer, version); // Purposely remove the downloaded zip file fs.removeSync(zipFile); const { binaryConfig } = await doDownload(installer, version); expect(binaryConfig).toStrictEqual({ path: extractDir, alreadyExtracted: true, }); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(downloaded); }); it('downloads the version if the zip file is missing', async () => { const { binaryConfig: { path: zipFile }, } = await doDownload(installer, version); // Purposely remove the downloaded zip file fs.removeSync(zipFile); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(downloaded); // test that the zipfile was downloaded const { events, binaryConfig } = await doDownload(installer, version); expect(events).toStrictEqual([ { version, state: downloading }, { version, state: downloaded }, ]); expect(binaryConfig).toHaveProperty('alreadyExtracted', false); expect(nockScope.isDone()); }); it('resets install state on error', async () => { // setup: version is not installed expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(missing); nock.cleanAll(); nockScope.get(/.*/).replyWithError('Server Error'); await expect(doDownload(installer, version)).rejects.toThrow(Error); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(missing); expect(nockScope.isDone()); }); }); describe('remove()', () => { it('removes a download', async () => { // setup: version is already installed await doDownload(installer, version); const { events } = await doRemove(installer, version); expect(events).toStrictEqual([{ version, state: missing }]); }); it('does nothing if the version is missing', async () => { // setup: version is not installed expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(missing); const { events } = await doRemove(installer, version); expect(events).toStrictEqual([]); }); it('uninstalls the version if it is installed', async () => { // setup: version is installed await doInstall(installer, version); const { events } = await doRemove(installer, version); expect(events).toStrictEqual([{ version, state: missing }]); expect(installer.installedVersion).toBe(undefined); }); it('removes the preinstalled electron versions', async () => { const extractDir = await unZipBinary(); const { binaryConfig: { path: zipFile }, } = await doDownload(installer, version); // Purposely remove the downloaded zip file fs.removeSync(zipFile); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(downloaded); const { events } = await doRemove(installer, version); expect(fs.existsSync(extractDir)).toBe(false); expect(events).toStrictEqual([{ version, state: missing }]); }); }); describe('install()', () => { it('downloads a version if necessary', async () => { // setup: version is not downloaded expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(missing); expect(installer.installedVersion).toBe(undefined); const { events } = await doInstall(installer, version); expect(events).toStrictEqual([ { version, state: downloading }, { version, state: downloaded }, { version, state: installing }, { version, state: installed }, ]); }); it('unzips a version if necessary', async () => { // setup: version is downloaded but not installed await doDownload(installer, version); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(downloaded); const { events } = await doInstall(installer, version); expect(events).toStrictEqual([ { version, state: installing }, { version, state: installed }, ]); }); it('does nothing if already installed', async () => { await doInstall(installer, version); const { events } = await doInstall(installer, version); expect(events).toStrictEqual([]); }); it('replaces the previous installation', async () => { await doInstall(installer, version12); const { events } = await doInstall(installer, version13); expect(events).toStrictEqual([ { version: version13, state: downloading }, { version: version13, state: downloaded }, { version: version13, state: installing }, { version: version12, state: downloaded }, { version: version13, state: installed }, ]); }); it('installs the already extracted electron version', async () => { await unZipBinary(); const { binaryConfig: { path: zipFile }, } = await doDownload(installer, version); // Purposely remove the downloaded zip file fs.removeSync(zipFile); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(downloaded); const { events } = await doInstall(installer, version); expect(events).toStrictEqual([ { version: '13.1.7', state: 'installing' }, { version: '13.1.7', state: 'installed' }, ]); }); it('throws error if already installing', async () => { const promise = doInstall(installer, version); try { await expect(doInstall(installer, version)).rejects.toThrow( 'Currently installing', ); } finally { await promise; } }); it('leaves a valid state after an error', async () => { // setup: version is not installed expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(missing); const spy = jest .spyOn(installer, 'ensureDownloaded') .mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('Download failed')); await expect(doInstall(installer, version)).rejects.toThrow(Error); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(missing); spy.mockRestore(); const { events } = await doInstall(installer, version); expect(events).toStrictEqual([ { version, state: downloading }, { version, state: downloaded }, { version, state: installing }, { version, state: installed }, ]); }); it('resets install state on error', async () => { // setup: version is downloaded but not installed await doDownload(installer, version); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(downloaded); jest.mocked(extract).mockRejectedValue(new Error('Extract error')); await expect(doInstall(installer, version)).rejects.toThrow(Error); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(downloaded); }); }); describe('installedVersion', () => { it('returns undefined if no version is installed', () => { expect(installer.installedVersion).toBe(undefined); }); it('returns the installed version', async () => { expect(installer.installedVersion).toBe(undefined); await doInstall(installer, version); expect(installer.installedVersion).toBe(version); }); }); describe('state()', () => { it("returns 'installed' if the version is installed", async () => { await doInstall(installer, version); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(installed); }); it("returns 'downloaded' if the version is downloaded", async () => { await doDownload(installer, version); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(downloaded); }); it("returns 'missing' if the version is not downloaded", () => { expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(missing); }); it("returns 'downloaded' if the version is kept extracted", async () => { expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(missing); await unZipBinary(); const { binaryConfig: { path: zipFile }, } = await doDownload(installer, version); // Purposely remove the downloaded zip file fs.removeSync(zipFile); await doDownload(installer, version); expect(installer.state(version)).toBe(downloaded); }); }); });