{ "name": "Electron Sheriff", "description": "Controls org permissions and monitor for suspicious activity", "keywords": [ "github", "slack", "gsuite", "permissions", "alerting" ], "website": "https://github.com/electron/sheriff", "repository": "https://github.com/electron/sheriff", "logo": "https://avatars.slack-edge.com/2019-11-21/844347353604_500f5a5483db67de7160_512.png", "success_url": "https://github.com/electron/sheriff", "scripts": {}, "env": { "GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET": { "description": "The secret for the org-wide webhook", "required": true }, "PERMISSIONS_FILE_ORG": { "description": "The name of the GitHub org where you put the `.permissions` repository", "required": true }, "SHERIFF_HOST_URL": { "description": "The fully qualified URL for your deployed app", "required": true }, "SLACK_TOKEN": { "description": "The token for your Slack App", "required": true }, "SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL": { "description": "The webhook URL for your Slack App", "required": true }, "GSUITE_CREDENTIALS": { "description": "GSuite credentials", "required": false }, "GSUITE_TOKEN": { "description": "GSuite authentication token", "required": false }, "SHERIFF_GSUITE_DOMAIN": { "description": "The primary domain of your GSuite account", "required": false }, "SHERIFF_IMPORTANT_BRANCH": { "description": "A regular expression to match important branches you want to monitor for deletion", "required": false }, "SHERIFF_PLUGINS": { "description": "A comma separated list of plugins to enable. Possible plugins are `gsuite` and `slack`", "required": false }, "SHERIFF_SLACK_DOMAIN": { "description": "The \"domain\" part of `{domain}.slack.com` for your Slack instance", "required": false } }, "formation": { "web": { "quantity": 1 } }, "addons": [ { "plan": "scheduler:standard" } ], "buildpacks": [ { "url": "heroku/nodejs" } ], "stack": "heroku-18" }