75 строки
3.1 KiB
75 строки
3.1 KiB
const _ = require('lodash')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const utils = require('./lib/utils')
const paramInterfaces = require('./lib/dynamic-param-interfaces')
const generateMasterInterfaces = require('./lib/master-interfaces')
const moduleDeclaration = require('./lib/module-declaration')
const remapOptionals = require('./lib/remap-optionals')
Array.prototype.includes = Array.prototype.includes || function (thing) { // eslint-disable-line
return this.indexOf(thing) !== -1
// takes the predefined header and footer and wraps them around the generated files
const wrapWithHeaderAndFooter = (outputLines, electronVersion) => {
const newOutputLines = []
utils.extendArray(newOutputLines, fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'base/base_header.ts'), 'utf8').replace('<<VERSION>>', electronVersion).split(/\r?\n/))
newOutputLines.push('declare namespace Electron {')
utils.extendArray(newOutputLines, fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'base/base_inner.ts'), 'utf8').replace('<<VERSION>>', electronVersion).split(/\r?\n/))
outputLines.slice(1).forEach((l) => newOutputLines.push(`${_.trimEnd(` ${l}`)}`))
utils.extendArray(newOutputLines, ['}', ''])
utils.extendArray(newOutputLines, fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'base/base_footer.ts'), 'utf8').replace('<<VERSION>>', electronVersion).split(/\r?\n/))
return newOutputLines
const appendNodeJSOverride = (outputLines) => {
utils.extendArray(outputLines, ['', 'declare namespace NodeJS {'])
const processAPI = moduleDeclaration.getModuleDeclarations().Process
utils.extendArray(outputLines, (processAPI.map((l, index) => l.length ? ((index === 0 || index === processAPI.length - 1) ? ` ${l}` : ` ${l}`) : '')))
utils.extendArray(outputLines, [' interface ProcessVersions {', ' electron: string;', ' chrome: string;', ' }'])
utils.extendArray(outputLines, ['}'])
return outputLines
module.exports = (API) => {
const outputLines = []
// adds lines to output with given indentation level
const addToOutput = (lines, indentation) => {
indentation = indentation || ''
utils.extendArray(outputLines, lines.map((l, i) => (i === 0 || i >= lines.length - 1) ? l : `${l}${indentation}`).concat(['\n']))
generateMasterInterfaces(API, addToOutput)
// generate module declaration for every class, module, structure, element, etc
API.sort((m1, m2) => m1.name.localeCompare(m2.name)).forEach((module, index) => {
moduleDeclaration.generateModuleDeclaration(module, index, API)
// fetch everything that's been made and pop it into the actual API
Object.keys(moduleDeclaration.getModuleDeclarations()).forEach((moduleKey) => {
if (moduleKey === 'Process') return
const moduleAPI = moduleDeclaration.getModuleDeclarations()[moduleKey]
addToOutput(moduleAPI.map((l, index) => (index === 0 || index === moduleAPI.length - 1) ? l : ` ${l}`))
paramInterfaces.flushParamInterfaces(API, addToOutput)
const electronOutput = wrapWithHeaderAndFooter(outputLines, API[0].version)
return appendNodeJSOverride(electronOutput)