Try typing the following commonly misspelled words into the edit box below. When a misspelled word is identified, place the cursor in the word and press Shift+F10 to bring up the correction menu.
acceptible* | commited | dicipline* |
recieve* | ocurrance | vaccume |
Preexisting text will not be spellchecked, however pasted text will be checked when it is inserted. Try copying and pasting the following text into the text area:
IE10 spelling corection is based on the latest Microsoft spellchecing engine and dictionarys. IE10's spell checker also includes auto-correction to help corrct mistacks while you type!Did you notice anything unusual about the above words with asterisks (*)?
IE10+ also supports autocorrection or "correction-while-you-type." Commonly misspelled words will be corrected immediately, making your review process faster.
Spellchecking is active by default on <textarea> and contenteditable elements, and off by default for text boxes
Web developers can override the defaults using the spellcheck attribute.