177 строки
6.0 KiB
177 строки
6.0 KiB
/*global sceneWidth, sceneHeight*/
var Performance = function () {
'use strict';
// Browser Information
this.browserCheck = '';
this.browserName = '';
this.browserVersion = '';
this.browserTransform = '';
// Performance Dashboard
this.canvas = null;
this.context = null;
this.displayDashboard = false;
// Runtime Performance Information
this.startTime = 0;
this.drawCount = 0;
this.startDrawingTime = 0;
this.stopDrawTime = 0;
this.previousStopDrawTime = 0;
this.currentDrawTime = 0;
this.delta = 0;
this.rollingAverageDrawTime = '';
this.rollingAverageCounter = 0;
this.rollingAverageSum = 0;
this.rollingAverageFPS = 0;
this.rollingAveragePercent = 0;
this.rollingAverageCallbackEfficiencyPercent = 0;
this.rollingAverageCallback = 0;
this.callbackEfficiency = 0;
this.callbackInstances = 0;
// Debug Information
this.debugText = '';
this.initialize = function () {
this.startTime = new Date();
this.canvas = document.getElementById('performance-canvas');
this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
this.resize = function () {
this.canvas.setAttribute('width', sceneWidth);
this.canvas.setAttribute('height', sceneHeight - 45);
this.canvas.style.top = (sceneHeight - 45) + 'px';
this.beginTrending = function () {
this.previousStopDrawTime = new Date();
this.beginDrawLoop = function () {
this.startDrawingTime = new Date();
this.finishDrawLoop = function () {
var now = new Date();
this.stopDrawTime = now.valueOf();
this.currentDrawTime = this.stopDrawTime - this.startDrawingTime.valueOf();
this.delta = Math.floor(this.stopDrawTime - this.previousStopDrawTime - 17);
if (this.delta > 0) {
this.currentDrawTime += this.delta;
this.previousStopDrawTime = this.stopDrawTime;
this.rollingAverageCallback += (this.callbackEfficiency * 100);
this.rollingAverageSum += this.currentDrawTime;
if (this.rollingAverageCounter === 32) {
this.rollingAverageDrawTime = this.rollingAverageSum / this.rollingAverageCounter;
this.rollingAverageCounter = 0;
this.rollingAverageSum = 0;
this.rollingAveragePercent = Math.min((1000 / this.rollingAverageDrawTime / 60), 1);
// Provide a 5% buffer around the 16.7ms rolling average to account for clock skew
// and other variables which could destabalize the number. This keeps the number more
// stable once we've reached the equilibrium.
this.rollingAverageFPS = Math.min(1000 / this.rollingAverageDrawTime, 60);
this.rollingAverageFPS = (this.rollingAverageFPS < (60 * 0.95)) ? this.rollingAverageFPS : 60;
this.rollingAverageCallbackEfficiencyPercent = this.rollingAverageCallback / this.callbackInstances;
this.drawDashboard = function () {
this.context.clearRect(0, 0, sceneWidth, sceneHeight - 32);
var message = '';
message += ' Using ' + this.browserName + ' ' + this.browserVersion;
message += ' Window Size: ' + sceneWidth + 'x' + sceneHeight;
// Provide a 5% buffer around the 16.7ms rolling average to account for clock skew
// and other variables which could destabalize the number. This keeps the number more
// stable once we've reached the equilibrium.
if (this.rollingAverageDrawTime > 15.865 && this.rollingAverageDrawTime < 17.535) {
message += ' DrawTime: 16.7ms';
message += ' FPS: 60';
message += ' Percent: 100%';
} else {
message += ' DrawTime: ' + Math.floor(this.rollingAverageDrawTime) + 'ms';
message += ' FPS: ' + Math.min(Math.floor(this.rollingAverageFPS), 60);
message += ' FPS Percent: ' + Math.round(this.rollingAveragePercent * 100) + '%';
message += ' Callback Efficiency: ' + Math.round(this.rollingAverageCallbackEfficiencyPercent * 100) / 100 + '%';
message += ' Score: ' + Math.round(this.rollingAverageCallbackEfficiencyPercent * 100 * Math.min(Math.floor(this.rollingAverageFPS), 60));
this.context.fillStyle = '#00000';
this.context.font = '9pt Segoe UI';
this.context.textAlign = 'left';
this.context.fillText(message, 0, 18);
this.show = function () {
this.displayDashboard = true;
this.Hide = function () {
this.displayDashboard = false;
this.toggleVisibility = function () {
this.displayDashboard = (this.displayDashboard === true) ? false : true;
this.getBrowserInformation = function () {
var UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var index;
if (document.documentMode) {
this.browserCheck = 'IE';
this.browserName = 'Internet Explorer';
this.browserVersion = '' + document.documentMode;
this.browserTransform = 'msTransform';
} else if (UA.indexOf('edge') > -1) {
this.browserCheck = 'Spartan';
this.browserName = 'Project Spartan';
this.browserVersion = '';
this.browserTransform = 'transform';
} else if (UA.indexOf('chrome') > -1) {
index = UA.indexOf('chrome');
this.browserCheck = 'Chrome';
this.browserName = 'Google Chrome';
this.browserVersion = '' + parseFloat('' + UA.substring(index + 7));
this.browserTransform = 'WebkitTransform';
} else if (UA.indexOf('firefox') > -1) {
index = UA.indexOf('firefox');
this.browserCheck = 'Firefox';
this.browserName = 'Mozilla Firefox';
this.browserVersion = '' + parseFloat('' + UA.substring(index + 8));
this.browserTransform = 'MozTransform';
} else if (UA.indexOf('minefield') > -1) {
index = UA.indexOf('minefield');
this.browserCheck = 'Firefox';
this.browserName = 'Mozilla Firefox Minefield';
this.browserVersion = '' + parseFloat('' + UA.substring(index + 10));
this.browserTransform = 'MozTransform';
} else if (UA.indexOf('opera') > -1) {
this.browserCheck = 'Opera';
this.browserName = 'Opera';
this.browserVersion = '';
this.browserTransform = 'OTransform';
} else if (UA.indexOf('safari') > -1) {
index = UA.indexOf('safari');
this.browserCheck = 'Safari';
this.browserName = 'Apple Safari';
this.browserVersion = '' + parseFloat('' + UA.substring(index + 7));
this.browserTransform = 'WebkitTransform';
}; |