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2022-02-01 16:30:49 +03:00
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.ColorFontSupport.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.ColorFontSupport.html",
"title": "Enum ColorFontSupport",
"keywords": "Enum ColorFontSupport Options for enabling color font support during layout and rendering. Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax [Flags] public enum ColorFontSupport Fields Name Description MicrosoftColrFormat Render using glyphs accessed via Micropsfts COLR/CPAL table extensions to OpenType None Don't try rendering color glyphs at all"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.FontException.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.FontException.html",
"title": "Class FontException",
"keywords": "Class FontException Base class for exceptions thrown by this library. Inheritance Object Exception FontException FontFamilyNotFoundException GlyphMissingException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public class FontException : Exception, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FontException(String) Initializes a new instance of the FontException class. Declaration public FontException(string message) Parameters Type Name Description String message The message that describes the error. Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable See Also Exception"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.FontFamilyNotFoundException.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.FontFamilyNotFoundException.html",
"title": "Class FontFamilyNotFoundException",
"keywords": "Class FontFamilyNotFoundException Execption for detailing missing font familys. Inheritance Object Exception FontException FontFamilyNotFoundException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public class FontFamilyNotFoundException : FontException, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FontFamilyNotFoundException(String) Initializes a new instance of the FontFamilyNotFoundException class. Declaration public FontFamilyNotFoundException(string family) Parameters Type Name Description String family The name of the missing font family. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source FontFamily Gets the name of the font familiy we failed to find. Declaration public string FontFamily { get; } Property Value Type Description String Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable See Also FontException"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.GlyphMissingException.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.GlyphMissingException.html",
"title": "Class GlyphMissingException",
"keywords": "Class GlyphMissingException Execption for detailing missing font familys. Inheritance Object Exception FontException GlyphMissingException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public class GlyphMissingException : FontException, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GlyphMissingException(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the GlyphMissingException class. Declaration public GlyphMissingException(int codePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 codePoint The code point for the glyph we where unable to find. Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable See Also FontException"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions Classes FontException Base class for exceptions thrown by this library. FontFamilyNotFoundException Execption for detailing missing font familys. GlyphMissingException Execption for detailing missing font familys. InvalidFontFileException Exception font loading can throw if it encounteres invalid data during font loading. InvalidFontTableException Exception font loading can throw if it encounteres invalid data during font loading. MissingFontTableException Exception font loading can throw if it finds a required table is missing during font loading."
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.InvalidFontFileException.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.InvalidFontFileException.html",
"title": "Class InvalidFontFileException",
"keywords": "Class InvalidFontFileException Exception font loading can throw if it encounteres invalid data during font loading. Inheritance Object Exception InvalidFontFileException InvalidFontTableException MissingFontTableException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public class InvalidFontFileException : Exception, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source InvalidFontFileException(String) Initializes a new instance of the InvalidFontFileException class. Declaration public InvalidFontFileException(string message) Parameters Type Name Description String message The message that describes the error. Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable See Also Exception"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.InvalidFontTableException.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.InvalidFontTableException.html",
"title": "Class InvalidFontTableException",
"keywords": "Class InvalidFontTableException Exception font loading can throw if it encounteres invalid data during font loading. Inheritance Object Exception InvalidFontFileException InvalidFontTableException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public class InvalidFontTableException : InvalidFontFileException, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source InvalidFontTableException(String, String) Initializes a new instance of the InvalidFontTableException class. Declaration public InvalidFontTableException(string message, string table) Parameters Type Name Description String message The message that describes the error. String table The table. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Table Gets the table where the error originated. Declaration public string Table { get; } Property Value Type Description String Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable See Also Exception"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.MissingFontTableException.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions.MissingFontTableException.html",
"title": "Class MissingFontTableException",
"keywords": "Class MissingFontTableException Exception font loading can throw if it finds a required table is missing during font loading. Inheritance Object Exception InvalidFontFileException MissingFontTableException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts.Exceptions Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public class MissingFontTableException : InvalidFontFileException, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source MissingFontTableException(String, String) Initializes a new instance of the MissingFontTableException class. Declaration public MissingFontTableException(string message, string table) Parameters Type Name Description String message The message that describes the error. String table The table. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Table Gets the table where the error originated. Declaration public string Table { get; } Property Value Type Description String Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable See Also Exception"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Font.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Font.html",
"title": "Class Font",
"keywords": "Class Font Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes. This class cannot be inherited. Inheritance Object Font Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public sealed class Font Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Font(Font, FontStyle) Initializes a new instance of the Font class. Declaration public Font(Font prototype, FontStyle style) Parameters Type Name Description Font prototype The prototype. FontStyle style The style. | Improve this Doc View Source Font(Font, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Font class. Declaration public Font(Font prototype, float size) Parameters Type Name Description Font prototype The prototype. Single size The size. | Improve this Doc View Source Font(Font, Single, FontStyle) Initializes a new instance of the Font class. Declaration public Font(Font prototype, float size, FontStyle style) Parameters Type Name Description Font prototype The prototype. Single size The size. FontStyle style The style. | Improve this Doc View Source Font(FontFamily, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Font class. Declaration public Font(FontFamily family, float size) Parameters Type Name Description FontFamily family The family. Single size The size. | Improve this Doc View Source Font(FontFamily, Single, FontStyle) Initializes a new instance of the Font class. Declaration public Font(FontFamily family, float size, FontStyle style) Parameters Type Name Description FontFamily family The family. Single size The size. FontStyle style The style. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Ascender Gets the ascender (from the OS/2 table field TypoAscender ). Declaration public short Ascender { get; } Property Value Type Description Int16 | Improve this Doc View Source Bold Gets a value indicating whether this Font is bold. Declaration public bool Bold { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean true if bold; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Descender Gets the descender (from the OS/2 table field TypoDescender ). Declaration public short Descender { get; } Property Value Type Description Int16 | Improve this Doc View Source EmSize Gets the size of the em. Declaration public ushort EmSize { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 The size of the em. | Improve this Doc View Source Family Gets the family. Declaration public FontFamily Family { get; } Property Value Type Description FontFamily The family. | Improve this Doc View Source Instance Gets the font instance. Declaration public IFontInstance Instance { get; } Property Value Type Description IFontInstance The font instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Italic Gets a value indicating whether this Font is italic. Declaration public bool Italic { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean true if italic; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source LineGap Gets the line gap (from the OS/2 table field TypoLineGap ). Declaration public short LineGap { get; } Property Value Type Description Int16 | Improve this Doc View Source LineHeight Gets the line height. Declaration public int LineHeight { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Name Gets the name. Declaration public string Name { get; } Property Value Type Description String The name. | Improve this Doc View Source Size Gets the size. Declaration public float Size { get; } Property Value Type Description Single The size. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetGlyph(Int32) Gets the glyph. Declaration public Glyph GetGlyph(int codePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 codePoint The code point of the character. Returns Type Description Glyph Returns the glyph"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontCollection.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontCollection.html",
"title": "Class FontCollection",
"keywords": "Class FontCollection Provides a collection of fonts. Inheritance Object FontCollection Implements IFontCollection IReadOnlyFontCollection Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public sealed class FontCollection : IFontCollection, IReadOnlyFontCollection Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FontCollection() Initializes a new instance of the FontCollection class. Declaration public FontCollection() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Families Gets the collection of FontFamily objects associated with this FontCollection in the invariant culture. Declaration public IEnumerable<FontFamily> Families { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < FontFamily > The families. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FamiliesByCulture(CultureInfo) Gets the collection of FontFamily objects associated with this FontCollection . Declaration public IEnumerable<FontFamily> FamiliesByCulture(CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description CultureInfo culture The culture to use while getting the family name from the installed set of fonts. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < FontFamily > The set of fonts families using the fonts culture aware font name | Improve this Doc View Source Find(String) Finds the specified font family using the invariant culture font family name. Declaration public FontFamily Find(string fontFamily) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The font family. Returns Type Description FontFamily The family if installed otherwise throws FontFamilyNotFoundException | Improve this Doc View Source Find(String, CultureInfo) Finds the specified font family. Declaration public FontFamily Find(string fontFamily, CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The font family. CultureInfo culture The culture to use while getting the family name from the installed set of fonts. Returns Type Description FontFamily The family if installed otherwise throws FontFamilyNotFoundException | Improve this Doc View Source Install(Stream) Installs the specified font stream. Declaration public FontFamily Install(Stream fontStream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream fontStream The font stream. Returns Type Description FontFamily the description of the font just loaded. | Improve this Doc View Source Install(Stream, out FontDescription) Installs the specified font stream. Declaration public FontFamily Install(Stream fontStream, out FontDescription fontDescription) Parameters Type Name Description Stream fontStream The font stream. FontDescription fontDescription The font description of the installed font. Returns Type Description FontFamily the description of the font just loaded. | Improve this Doc View Source Install(Stream, CultureInfo) Installs the specified font stream. Declaration public FontFamily Install(Stream fontStream, CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description Stream fontStream The font stream. CultureInfo culture The culture of the retuend font family Returns Type Description FontFamily the description of the font just loaded. | Improve this Doc View Source Install(Stream, CultureInfo, out FontDescription) Installs the specified font stream. Declaration public FontFamily Install(Stream fontStream, CultureInfo culture, out FontDescription fontDescription) Parameters Type Name Description Stream fontStream The font stream. CultureInfo culture The culture of the retuend font family FontDescription fontDescription The font description of the installed font. Returns Type Description FontFamily the description of the font just loaded. | Improve this Doc View Source Install(String) Installs a font from the specified path. Declaration public FontFamily Install(string path) Parameters Type Name Description String path The path. Returns Type Description FontFamily the description of the font just loaded. | Improve this Doc View S
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontDescription.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontDescription.html",
"title": "Class FontDescription",
"keywords": "Class FontDescription provide metadata about a font. Inheritance Object FontDescription Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public class FontDescription Properties | Improve this Doc View Source FontFamilyInvariantCulture Gets the name of the font family in the invariant culture. Declaration public string FontFamilyInvariantCulture { get; } Property Value Type Description String The font name | Improve this Doc View Source FontNameInvariantCulture Gets the name of the font in the invariant culture. Declaration public string FontNameInvariantCulture { get; } Property Value Type Description String The font name | Improve this Doc View Source FontSubFamilyNameInvariantCulture Gets the font sub family in the invariant culture. Declaration public string FontSubFamilyNameInvariantCulture { get; } Property Value Type Description String The font sub family name | Improve this Doc View Source Style Gets the style. Declaration public FontStyle Style { get; } Property Value Type Description FontStyle The style. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FontFamily(CultureInfo) Gets the name of the font family . Declaration public string FontFamily(CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description CultureInfo culture The culture to load metadata in. Returns Type Description String The font family name | Improve this Doc View Source FontName(CultureInfo) Gets the name of the font. Declaration public string FontName(CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description CultureInfo culture The culture to load metadata in. Returns Type Description String The font name | Improve this Doc View Source FontSubFamilyName(CultureInfo) Gets the font sub family. Declaration public string FontSubFamilyName(CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description CultureInfo culture The culture to load metadata in. Returns Type Description String The font sub family name | Improve this Doc View Source LoadDescription(Stream) Reads a FontDescription from the specified stream. Declaration public static FontDescription LoadDescription(Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream. Returns Type Description FontDescription a FontDescription . | Improve this Doc View Source LoadDescription(String) Reads a FontDescription from the specified stream. Declaration public static FontDescription LoadDescription(string path) Parameters Type Name Description String path The file path. Returns Type Description FontDescription a FontDescription . | Improve this Doc View Source LoadFontCollectionDescriptions(Stream) Reads all the FontDescription s from the specified stream (typically a .ttc file like simsun.ttc). Declaration public static FontDescription[] LoadFontCollectionDescriptions(Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream to read the font collection from. Returns Type Description FontDescription [] a FontDescription . | Improve this Doc View Source LoadFontCollectionDescriptions(String) Reads all the FontDescription s from the file at the specified path (typically a .ttc file like simsun.ttc). Declaration public static FontDescription[] LoadFontCollectionDescriptions(string path) Parameters Type Name Description String path The file path. Returns Type Description FontDescription [] a FontDescription ."
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontFamily.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontFamily.html",
"title": "Class FontFamily",
"keywords": "Class FontFamily Defines a group of type faces having a similar basic design and certain variations in styles. This class cannot be inherited. Inheritance Object FontFamily Implements IEquatable < FontFamily > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public sealed class FontFamily : IEquatable<FontFamily> Properties | Improve this Doc View Source AvailableStyles Gets the available FontStyle that are currently available. Declaration public IEnumerable<FontStyle> AvailableStyles { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < FontStyle > The available styles. | Improve this Doc View Source Culture Gets the culture this FontFamily was created against. Declaration public CultureInfo Culture { get; } Property Value Type Description CultureInfo The name. | Improve this Doc View Source Name Gets the name of the FontFamily . Declaration public string Name { get; } Property Value Type Description String The name. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(FontFamily) Declaration public bool Equals(FontFamily other) Parameters Type Name Description FontFamily other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides Object.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides Object.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle) Determines whether the specified FontStyle is available. Declaration public bool IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle style) Parameters Type Name Description FontStyle style The style. Returns Type Description Boolean true if the specified FontStyle is available; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Returns a String that represents this instance. Declaration public override string ToString() Returns Type Description String A String that represents this instance. Overrides Object.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(FontFamily, FontFamily) Compares two FontFamily objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(FontFamily left, FontFamily right) Parameters Type Name Description FontFamily left The FontFamily on the left side of the operand. FontFamily right The FontFamily on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean true if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(FontFamily, FontFamily) Compares two FontFamily objects for inequality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(FontFamily left, FontFamily right) Parameters Type Name Description FontFamily left The FontFamily on the left side of the operand. FontFamily right The FontFamily on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean true if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false . Implements System.IEquatable<T> Extension Methods FontFamilyCollectionExtensions.CreateFont(FontFamily, Single, FontStyle) FontFamilyCollectionExtensions.CreateFont(FontFamily, Single)"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontFamilyCollectionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontFamilyCollectionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FontFamilyCollectionExtensions",
"keywords": "Class FontFamilyCollectionExtensions A readonly collection of fonts. Inheritance Object FontFamilyCollectionExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public static class FontFamilyCollectionExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateFont(FontFamily, Single) Create a new instance of the Font for the named font family with regular styling. Declaration public static Font CreateFont(this FontFamily fontFamily, float size) Parameters Type Name Description FontFamily fontFamily The family. Single size The size. Returns Type Description Font Returns instance of the Font from the current collection. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateFont(FontFamily, Single, FontStyle) Create a new instance of the Font for the named font family. Declaration public static Font CreateFont(this FontFamily fontFamily, float size, FontStyle style) Parameters Type Name Description FontFamily fontFamily The family. Single size The size. FontStyle style The style. Returns Type Description Font Returns instance of the Font from the current collection."
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontInstance.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontInstance.html",
"title": "Class FontInstance",
"keywords": "Class FontInstance provide metadata about a font. Inheritance Object FontInstance Implements IFontInstance Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public class FontInstance : IFontInstance Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Ascender Gets the ascender. Declaration public short Ascender { get; } Property Value Type Description Int16 | Improve this Doc View Source Descender Gets the descender. Declaration public short Descender { get; } Property Value Type Description Int16 | Improve this Doc View Source Description Gets the basic descripton of the font instance type. Declaration public FontDescription Description { get; } Property Value Type Description FontDescription | Improve this Doc View Source EmSize Gets the size of the em. Declaration public ushort EmSize { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 The size of the em. | Improve this Doc View Source LineGap Gets the line gap. Declaration public short LineGap { get; } Property Value Type Description Int16 | Improve this Doc View Source LineHeight Gets the height of the line. Declaration public int LineHeight { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 The height of the line. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source LoadFont(Stream) Reads a FontInstance from the specified stream. Declaration public static FontInstance LoadFont(Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream. Returns Type Description FontInstance a FontInstance . | Improve this Doc View Source LoadFont(String) Reads a FontInstance from the specified stream. Declaration public static FontInstance LoadFont(string path) Parameters Type Name Description String path The file path. Returns Type Description FontInstance a FontInstance . | Improve this Doc View Source LoadFont(String, Int64) Reads a FontInstance from the specified stream. Declaration public static FontInstance LoadFont(string path, long offset) Parameters Type Name Description String path The file path. Int64 offset Position in the stream to read the font from. Returns Type Description FontInstance a FontInstance . | Improve this Doc View Source LoadFontCollection(Stream) Reads a FontInstance from the specified stream. Declaration public static FontInstance[] LoadFontCollection(Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream. Returns Type Description FontInstance [] a FontInstance . | Improve this Doc View Source LoadFontCollection(String) Reads a FontInstance from the specified stream. Declaration public static FontInstance[] LoadFontCollection(string path) Parameters Type Name Description String path The file path. Returns Type Description FontInstance [] a FontInstance . Explicit Interface Implementations | Improve this Doc View Source IFontInstance.GetGlyph(Int32) Gets the glyph. Declaration GlyphInstance IFontInstance.GetGlyph(int codePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 codePoint The code point of the character. Returns Type Description GlyphInstance the glyph for a known character. | Improve this Doc View Source IFontInstance.GetOffset(GlyphInstance, GlyphInstance) Gets the amount the glyph should be ofset if it was proceeded by the previousGlyph . Declaration Vector2 IFontInstance.GetOffset(GlyphInstance glyph, GlyphInstance previousGlyph) Parameters Type Name Description GlyphInstance glyph The glyph. GlyphInstance previousGlyph The previous glyph. Returns Type Description Vector2 A Vector2 represting the offset that should be applied to the glyph . Implements IFontInstance"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontRectangle.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontRectangle.html",
"title": "Struct FontRectangle",
"keywords": "Struct FontRectangle Stores a set of four single precision floating points that represent the location and size of a rectangle. Implements IEquatable < FontRectangle > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public readonly struct FontRectangle : IEquatable<FontRectangle> Remarks This struct is fully mutable. This is done (against the guidelines) for the sake of performance, as it avoids the need to create new values for modification operations. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FontRectangle(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the FontRectangle struct. Declaration public FontRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The horizontal position of the rectangle. Single y The vertical position of the rectangle. Single width The width of the rectangle. Single height The height of the rectangle. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Empty Represents a FontRectangle that has X, Y, Width, and Height values set to zero. Declaration public static readonly FontRectangle Empty Field Value Type Description FontRectangle Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bottom Gets the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of this FontRectangle . Declaration public readonly float Bottom { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets the height of this FontRectangle . Declaration public readonly float Height { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Left Gets the x-coordinate of the left edge of this FontRectangle . Declaration public readonly float Left { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Right Gets the x-coordinate of the right edge of this FontRectangle . Declaration public readonly float Right { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Top Gets the y-coordinate of the top edge of this FontRectangle . Declaration public readonly float Top { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets the width of this FontRectangle . Declaration public readonly float Width { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source X Gets the x-coordinate of this FontRectangle . Declaration public readonly float X { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Y Gets the y-coordinate of this FontRectangle . Declaration public readonly float Y { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Center(FontRectangle) Returns the center point of the given FontRectangle . Declaration public static Vector2 Center(FontRectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description FontRectangle rectangle The rectangle. Returns Type Description Vector2 The Vector2 . | Improve this Doc View Source Contains(FontRectangle) Determines if the rectangular region represented by rectangle is entirely contained within the rectangular region represented by this FontRectangle . Declaration public readonly bool Contains(FontRectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description FontRectangle rectangle The rectangle. Returns Type Description Boolean The Boolean . | Improve this Doc View Source Contains(Vector2) Determines if the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this FontRectangle . Declaration public readonly bool Contains(Vector2 point) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 point The point. Returns Type Description Boolean The Boolean . | Improve this Doc View Source Contains(Single, Single) Determines if the specfied point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this FontRectangle . Declaration public readonly bool Contains(float x, float y) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-coordinate of the given point. Single y The y-coordinate of the given point. Returns Type Description Boolean The Boolean . | Improve
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontStyle.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.FontStyle.html",
"title": "Enum FontStyle",
"keywords": "Enum FontStyle The font styles Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax [Flags] public enum FontStyle Fields Name Description Bold Bold BoldItalic Bold and Italic Italic Italic Regular Regular"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Glyph.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.Glyph.html",
"title": "Struct Glyph",
"keywords": "Struct Glyph A glyph from a particular font face. Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public readonly struct Glyph Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Instance Gets the glyph instance. Declaration public readonly GlyphInstance Instance { get; } Property Value Type Description GlyphInstance The glyph instance. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source BoundingBox(Vector2, Vector2) Calculates the bounding box Declaration public readonly FontRectangle BoundingBox(Vector2 location, Vector2 dpi) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 location location to calculate from. Vector2 dpi dpi to calualtes in relation to Returns Type Description FontRectangle The bounding box"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.GlyphColor.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.GlyphColor.html",
"title": "Struct GlyphColor",
"keywords": "Struct GlyphColor Provides access to the the color details for the current glyph. Inherited Members ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public readonly struct GlyphColor Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Alpha Gets the alpha component Declaration public readonly byte Alpha { get; } Property Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source Blue Gets the blue component Declaration public readonly byte Blue { get; } Property Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source Green Gets the green component Declaration public readonly byte Green { get; } Property Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source Red Gets the red component Declaration public readonly byte Red { get; } Property Value Type Description Byte Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(GlyphColor) Compares the GlyphColor for equality to this color. Declaration public readonly bool Equals(GlyphColor other) Parameters Type Name Description GlyphColor other The other GlyphColor to compair to. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current color is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(GlyphColor, GlyphColor) Compares two GlyphColor objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(GlyphColor left, GlyphColor right) Parameters Type Name Description GlyphColor left The GlyphColor on the left side of the operand. GlyphColor right The GlyphColor on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(GlyphColor, GlyphColor) Compares two GlyphColor objects for inequality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(GlyphColor left, GlyphColor right) Parameters Type Name Description GlyphColor left The GlyphColor on the left side of the operand. GlyphColor right The GlyphColor on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false."
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.GlyphInstance.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.GlyphInstance.html",
"title": "Class GlyphInstance",
"keywords": "Class GlyphInstance A glyph from a particular font face. Inheritance Object GlyphInstance Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public class GlyphInstance Properties | Improve this Doc View Source AdvanceWidth Gets the width of the advance. Declaration public ushort AdvanceWidth { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 The width of the advance. | Improve this Doc View Source ControlPoints Gets the points defining the shape of this glyph Declaration public Vector2[] ControlPoints { get; } Property Value Type Description Vector2 [] | Improve this Doc View Source EndPoints Gets the end points Declaration public ushort[] EndPoints { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 [] | Improve this Doc View Source GlyphColor Gets the color of this glyph Declaration public GlyphColor? GlyphColor { get; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < GlyphColor > The color of the glyph when the GlyphType is ColrLayer | Improve this Doc View Source GlyphType Gets a value indicating the type of glyph instance this is. Declaration public GlyphType GlyphType { get; } Property Value Type Description GlyphType The type of this glyph | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets the height. Declaration public float Height { get; } Property Value Type Description Single The height. | Improve this Doc View Source LeftSideBearing Gets the distance from the bounding box start Declaration public short LeftSideBearing { get; } Property Value Type Description Int16 | Improve this Doc View Source OnCurves Gets wether or not the corresponding control point is on a curve Declaration public bool[] OnCurves { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean [] | Improve this Doc View Source ScaleFactor Gets the scale factor that is applied to the glyph Declaration public float ScaleFactor { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source SizeOfEm Gets the size of the EM Declaration public ushort SizeOfEm { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source RenderTo(IGlyphRenderer, Single, Vector2, Vector2, Single) Renders the glyph to the render surface in font units relative to a bottom left origin at (0,0) Declaration public void RenderTo(IGlyphRenderer surface, float pointSize, Vector2 location, Vector2 dpi, float lineHeight) Parameters Type Name Description IGlyphRenderer surface The surface. Single pointSize Size of the point. Vector2 location The location. Vector2 dpi The dpi. Single lineHeight The lineHeight the current glyph was draw agains to offset topLeft while calling out to IGlyphRenderer. Exceptions Type Condition NotSupportedException Too many control points"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.GlyphMetric.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.GlyphMetric.html",
"title": "Struct GlyphMetric",
"keywords": "Struct GlyphMetric Represents a Glyph metric. Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public readonly struct GlyphMetric Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GlyphMetric(Int32, FontRectangle, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the GlyphMetric struct. Declaration public GlyphMetric(int codePoint, FontRectangle bounds, bool isControlCharacter) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 codePoint Unicode codepoint of the character. FontRectangle bounds The bounds. Boolean isControlCharacter Whether the character is a control character. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bounds Gets the character bounds. Declaration public readonly FontRectangle Bounds { get; } Property Value Type Description FontRectangle | Improve this Doc View Source Character Gets the UTF-16 encoded character. Declaration public readonly string Character { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Codepoint Gets the Unicode codepoint of the character. Declaration public readonly int Codepoint { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source IsControlCharacter Gets a value indicating whether the character is a control character. Declaration public readonly bool IsControlCharacter { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString()"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.GlyphRendererParameters.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.GlyphRendererParameters.html",
"title": "Struct GlyphRendererParameters",
"keywords": "Struct GlyphRendererParameters The combined set of properties that uniquely identify the glyph that is to be rendered at a particular size and dpi. Implements IEquatable < GlyphRendererParameters > Inherited Members ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public readonly struct GlyphRendererParameters : IEquatable<GlyphRendererParameters> Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DpiX Gets the dpi along the X axis we are rendering at. Declaration public readonly float DpiX { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source DpiY Gets the dpi along the Y axis we are rendering at. Declaration public readonly float DpiY { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Font Gets the name of the Font this glyph belongs to. Declaration public readonly string Font { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source FontStyle Gets the style of the Font this glyph belongs to. Declaration public readonly FontStyle FontStyle { get; } Property Value Type Description FontStyle | Improve this Doc View Source GlyphColor Gets the type of this glyph. Declaration public readonly GlyphColor GlyphColor { get; } Property Value Type Description GlyphColor | Improve this Doc View Source GlyphIndex Gets the index of the glyph. Declaration public readonly ushort GlyphIndex { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 | Improve this Doc View Source GlyphType Gets the type of this glyph. Declaration public readonly GlyphType GlyphType { get; } Property Value Type Description GlyphType | Improve this Doc View Source PointSize Gets the rendered point size. Declaration public readonly float PointSize { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(GlyphRendererParameters) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(GlyphRendererParameters other) Parameters Type Name Description GlyphRendererParameters other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(GlyphRendererParameters, GlyphRendererParameters) Compares two GlyphRendererParameters objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(GlyphRendererParameters left, GlyphRendererParameters right) Parameters Type Name Description GlyphRendererParameters left The GlyphRendererParameters on the left side of the operand. GlyphRendererParameters right The GlyphRendererParameters on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(GlyphRendererParameters, GlyphRendererParameters) Compares two GlyphRendererParameters objects for inequality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(GlyphRendererParameters left, GlyphRendererParameters right) Parameters Type Name Description GlyphRendererParameters left The GlyphRendererParameters on the left side of the operand. GlyphRendererParameters right The GlyphRendererParameters on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.GlyphType.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.GlyphType.html",
"title": "Enum GlyphType",
"keywords": "Enum GlyphType Represents the various version of a glyph records. Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public enum GlyphType Fields Name Description ColrLayer This is a single layer of the multi-layer colored glyph (emoji). Fallback This is a fall back glyph due to a missing code point. Standard This is a standard glyph to be drawn in the style the user defines."
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.HorizontalAlignment.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.HorizontalAlignment.html",
"title": "Enum HorizontalAlignment",
"keywords": "Enum HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment modes. Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public enum HorizontalAlignment Fields Name Description Center Aligns text from the center. Left Aligns text from the left. Right Aligns text from the right."
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.Fonts",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.Fonts Classes Font Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes. This class cannot be inherited. FontCollection Provides a collection of fonts. FontDescription provide metadata about a font. FontFamily Defines a group of type faces having a similar basic design and certain variations in styles. This class cannot be inherited. FontFamilyCollectionExtensions A readonly collection of fonts. FontInstance provide metadata about a font. GlyphInstance A glyph from a particular font face. IGlyphRendererExtensions A surface that can have a glyph renered to it as a series of actions. IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions A readonly collection of fonts. RendererOptions The font style to render onto a peice of text. SystemFonts Provides a collection of fonts. TextMeasurer Encapulated logic for laying out and measuring text. TextRenderer Encapulated logic for laying out and then rendering text to a IGlyphRenderer surface. Structs FontRectangle Stores a set of four single precision floating points that represent the location and size of a rectangle. Glyph A glyph from a particular font face. GlyphColor Provides access to the the color details for the current glyph. GlyphMetric Represents a Glyph metric. GlyphRendererParameters The combined set of properties that uniquely identify the glyph that is to be rendered at a particular size and dpi. Interfaces IColorGlyphRenderer A surface that can have a glyph rendered to it as a series of actions, where the engine support colored glyphs (emoji). IFontCollection A readable and writable collection of fonts. IFontInstance Represents a font instance, which is a set of glyphs under a specific style (regular, italic, bold etc) IGlyphRenderer A surface that can have a glyph renered to it as a series of actions. IReadOnlyFontCollection A readonly collection of fonts. Enums ColorFontSupport Options for enabling color font support during layout and rendering. FontStyle The font styles GlyphType Represents the various version of a glyph records. HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment modes. VerticalAlignment Vertial alignment modes."
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IColorGlyphRenderer.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IColorGlyphRenderer.html",
"title": "Interface IColorGlyphRenderer",
"keywords": "Interface IColorGlyphRenderer A surface that can have a glyph rendered to it as a series of actions, where the engine support colored glyphs (emoji). Inherited Members IGlyphRenderer.BeginFigure() IGlyphRenderer.MoveTo(Vector2) IGlyphRenderer.QuadraticBezierTo(Vector2, Vector2) IGlyphRenderer.CubicBezierTo(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) IGlyphRenderer.LineTo(Vector2) IGlyphRenderer.EndFigure() IGlyphRenderer.EndGlyph() IGlyphRenderer.BeginGlyph(FontRectangle, GlyphRendererParameters) IGlyphRenderer.EndText() IGlyphRenderer.BeginText(FontRectangle) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public interface IColorGlyphRenderer : IGlyphRenderer Methods | Improve this Doc View Source SetColor(GlyphColor) Sets the color to use for the current glyph. Declaration void SetColor(GlyphColor color) Parameters Type Name Description GlyphColor color The color to override the renders brush with. Extension Methods IGlyphRendererExtensions.Render(IGlyphRenderer, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, RendererOptions)"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IFontCollection.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IFontCollection.html",
"title": "Interface IFontCollection",
"keywords": "Interface IFontCollection A readable and writable collection of fonts. Inherited Members IReadOnlyFontCollection.Families IReadOnlyFontCollection.FamiliesByCulture(CultureInfo) IReadOnlyFontCollection.Find(String, CultureInfo) IReadOnlyFontCollection.TryFind(String, CultureInfo, FontFamily) IReadOnlyFontCollection.Find(String) IReadOnlyFontCollection.TryFind(String, FontFamily) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public interface IFontCollection : IReadOnlyFontCollection Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Install(Stream) Installs the specified font stream. Declaration FontFamily Install(Stream fontStream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream fontStream The font stream. Returns Type Description FontFamily the description of the font just loaded. Extension Methods IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions.CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, Single, FontStyle) IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions.CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, Single) IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions.CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, CultureInfo, Single, FontStyle) IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions.CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, CultureInfo, Single) See Also IReadOnlyFontCollection"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IFontInstance.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IFontInstance.html",
"title": "Interface IFontInstance",
"keywords": "Interface IFontInstance Represents a font instance, which is a set of glyphs under a specific style (regular, italic, bold etc) Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public interface IFontInstance Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Ascender Gets the ascender Declaration short Ascender { get; } Property Value Type Description Int16 | Improve this Doc View Source Descender Gets the descender Declaration short Descender { get; } Property Value Type Description Int16 | Improve this Doc View Source Description Gets the basic descripton of the font instance type. Declaration FontDescription Description { get; } Property Value Type Description FontDescription | Improve this Doc View Source EmSize Gets the EM size of the font Declaration ushort EmSize { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 | Improve this Doc View Source LineGap Gets the line gap Declaration short LineGap { get; } Property Value Type Description Int16 | Improve this Doc View Source LineHeight Gets the line height Declaration int LineHeight { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetGlyph(Int32) Gets a specific glyph Declaration GlyphInstance GetGlyph(int codePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 codePoint the code point to get the glyph from Returns Type Description GlyphInstance The glyph to find. | Improve this Doc View Source GetOffset(GlyphInstance, GlyphInstance) Get the kerning offset that should be applied between 2 glyphs. Declaration Vector2 GetOffset(GlyphInstance glyph, GlyphInstance previousGlyph) Parameters Type Name Description GlyphInstance glyph the new glyph GlyphInstance previousGlyph the previous glyph in the rendered font Returns Type Description Vector2 Returns the offset that should be offset between the 2 glyphs"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IGlyphRenderer.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IGlyphRenderer.html",
"title": "Interface IGlyphRenderer",
"keywords": "Interface IGlyphRenderer A surface that can have a glyph renered to it as a series of actions. Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public interface IGlyphRenderer Methods | Improve this Doc View Source BeginFigure() Begins the figure. Declaration void BeginFigure() | Improve this Doc View Source BeginGlyph(FontRectangle, GlyphRendererParameters) Begins the glyph. Declaration bool BeginGlyph(FontRectangle bounds, GlyphRendererParameters paramaters) Parameters Type Name Description FontRectangle bounds The bounds the glyph will be rendered at and at what size. GlyphRendererParameters paramaters The set of paramaters that uniquely represents a version of a glyph in at particular font size, font family, font style and DPI. Returns Type Description Boolean Returns true if the glyph should be rendered othersie it returns false. | Improve this Doc View Source BeginText(FontRectangle) Called before any glyphs have been rendered. Declaration void BeginText(FontRectangle bounds) Parameters Type Name Description FontRectangle bounds The bounds the text will be rendered at and at whats size. | Improve this Doc View Source CubicBezierTo(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) Draw a Cubics bezier curve connecting the previous point to point . Declaration void CubicBezierTo(Vector2 secondControlPoint, Vector2 thirdControlPoint, Vector2 point) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 secondControlPoint The second control point. Vector2 thirdControlPoint The third control point. Vector2 point The point. | Improve this Doc View Source EndFigure() Ends the figure. Declaration void EndFigure() | Improve this Doc View Source EndGlyph() Ends the glyph. Declaration void EndGlyph() | Improve this Doc View Source EndText() Called once all glyphs have completed rendering Declaration void EndText() | Improve this Doc View Source LineTo(Vector2) Draw a straight line connecting the previous point to point . Declaration void LineTo(Vector2 point) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 point The point. | Improve this Doc View Source MoveTo(Vector2) Sets a new start point to draw lines from Declaration void MoveTo(Vector2 point) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 point The point. | Improve this Doc View Source QuadraticBezierTo(Vector2, Vector2) Draw a quadratic bezier curve connecting the previous point to point . Declaration void QuadraticBezierTo(Vector2 secondControlPoint, Vector2 point) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 secondControlPoint The second control point. Vector2 point The point. Extension Methods IGlyphRendererExtensions.Render(IGlyphRenderer, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, RendererOptions)"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IGlyphRendererExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IGlyphRendererExtensions.html",
"title": "Class IGlyphRendererExtensions",
"keywords": "Class IGlyphRendererExtensions A surface that can have a glyph renered to it as a series of actions. Inheritance Object IGlyphRendererExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public static class IGlyphRendererExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Render(IGlyphRenderer, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, RendererOptions) Renders the text. Declaration public static IGlyphRenderer Render(this IGlyphRenderer renderer, ReadOnlySpan<char> text, RendererOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IGlyphRenderer renderer The target renderer surface. ReadOnlySpan < Char > text The text. RendererOptions options The options. Returns Type Description IGlyphRenderer Returns the orginonal renderer"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IReadOnlyFontCollection.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IReadOnlyFontCollection.html",
"title": "Interface IReadOnlyFontCollection",
"keywords": "Interface IReadOnlyFontCollection A readonly collection of fonts. Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public interface IReadOnlyFontCollection Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Families Gets the collection of FontFamily objects associated with this FontCollection in the invariant culture. Declaration IEnumerable<FontFamily> Families { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < FontFamily > The families. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FamiliesByCulture(CultureInfo) Gets the collection of FontFamily objects associated with this FontCollection . Declaration IEnumerable<FontFamily> FamiliesByCulture(CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description CultureInfo culture The culture to use while getting the family name from the installed set of fonts. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < FontFamily > The set of fonts families using the fonts culture aware font name | Improve this Doc View Source Find(String) Finds the specified font family using the invariant culture font family name. Declaration FontFamily Find(string fontFamily) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The font family. Returns Type Description FontFamily The family if installed otherwise throws FontFamilyNotFoundException | Improve this Doc View Source Find(String, CultureInfo) Finds the specified font family. Declaration FontFamily Find(string fontFamily, CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The font family. CultureInfo culture The culture to use while getting the family name from the installed set of fonts. Returns Type Description FontFamily The family if installed otherwise throws FontFamilyNotFoundException | Improve this Doc View Source TryFind(String, out FontFamily) Finds the specified font family using the invariant culture font family name. Declaration bool TryFind(string fontFamily, out FontFamily family) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The font family to find. FontFamily family The found family. Returns Type Description Boolean true if a font of that family has been installed into the font collection. | Improve this Doc View Source TryFind(String, CultureInfo, out FontFamily) Finds the specified font family. Declaration bool TryFind(string fontFamily, CultureInfo culture, out FontFamily family) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The font family to find. CultureInfo culture The culture to use while getting the family name from the installed set of fonts. FontFamily family The found family. Returns Type Description Boolean true if a font of that family has been installed into the font collection. Extension Methods IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions.CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, Single, FontStyle) IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions.CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, Single) IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions.CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, CultureInfo, Single, FontStyle) IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions.CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, CultureInfo, Single)"
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions",
"keywords": "Class IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions A readonly collection of fonts. Inheritance Object IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public static class IReadonlyFontCollectionExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, CultureInfo, Single) Create a new instance of the Font for the named font family with regular styling. Declaration public static Font CreateFont(this IReadOnlyFontCollection collection, string fontFamily, CultureInfo culture, float size) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyFontCollection collection The the ont collection to retrieve the font family from. String fontFamily The family. CultureInfo culture The culture of the retuend font family Single size The size. Returns Type Description Font The font for the representing the configured options. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, CultureInfo, Single, FontStyle) Create a new instance of the Font for the named font family. Declaration public static Font CreateFont(this IReadOnlyFontCollection collection, string fontFamily, CultureInfo culture, float size, FontStyle style) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyFontCollection collection The the ont collection to retrieve the font family from. String fontFamily The family. CultureInfo culture The culture of the retuend font family Single size The size. FontStyle style The style. Returns Type Description Font The font for the representing the configured options. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, Single) Create a new instance of the Font for the named font family with regular styling. Declaration public static Font CreateFont(this IReadOnlyFontCollection collection, string fontFamily, float size) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyFontCollection collection The the ont collection to retrieve the font family from. String fontFamily The family. Single size The size. Returns Type Description Font The font for the representing the configured options. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateFont(IReadOnlyFontCollection, String, Single, FontStyle) Create a new instance of the Font for the named font family. Declaration public static Font CreateFont(this IReadOnlyFontCollection collection, string fontFamily, float size, FontStyle style) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyFontCollection collection The the ont collection to retrieve the font family from. String fontFamily The family. Single size The size. FontStyle style The style. Returns Type Description Font The font for the representing the configured options."
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.RendererOptions.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.RendererOptions.html",
"title": "Class RendererOptions",
"keywords": "Class RendererOptions The font style to render onto a peice of text. Inheritance Object RendererOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public sealed class RendererOptions Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RendererOptions(Font) Initializes a new instance of the RendererOptions class. Declaration public RendererOptions(Font font) Parameters Type Name Description Font font The font. | Improve this Doc View Source RendererOptions(Font, Vector2) Initializes a new instance of the RendererOptions class. Declaration public RendererOptions(Font font, Vector2 origin) Parameters Type Name Description Font font The font. Vector2 origin The origin location. | Improve this Doc View Source RendererOptions(Font, Single) Initializes a new instance of the RendererOptions class. Declaration public RendererOptions(Font font, float dpi) Parameters Type Name Description Font font The font. Single dpi The dpi. | Improve this Doc View Source RendererOptions(Font, Single, Vector2) Initializes a new instance of the RendererOptions class. Declaration public RendererOptions(Font font, float dpi, Vector2 origin) Parameters Type Name Description Font font The font. Single dpi The dpi. Vector2 origin The origin location. | Improve this Doc View Source RendererOptions(Font, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the RendererOptions class. Declaration public RendererOptions(Font font, float dpiX, float dpiY) Parameters Type Name Description Font font The font. Single dpiX The X dpi. Single dpiY The Y dpi. | Improve this Doc View Source RendererOptions(Font, Single, Single, Vector2) Initializes a new instance of the RendererOptions class. Declaration public RendererOptions(Font font, float dpiX, float dpiY, Vector2 origin) Parameters Type Name Description Font font The font. Single dpiX The X dpi. Single dpiY The Y dpi. Vector2 origin The origin location. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyKerning Gets or sets a value indicating whether [apply kerning]. Declaration public bool ApplyKerning { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean true if [apply kerning]; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source ColorFontSupport Gets or sets a value indicating whether we enable various color font formats. Declaration public ColorFontSupport ColorFontSupport { get; set; } Property Value Type Description ColorFontSupport | Improve this Doc View Source DpiX Gets or sets the the current X DPI to render/measure the text at. Declaration public float DpiX { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source DpiY Gets or sets the the current Ys DPI to render/measure the text at. Declaration public float DpiY { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source FallbackFontFamilies Gets or sets the collection of Fallback fontfamiles to try and use when enspecific glyph is missing. Declaration public IEnumerable<FontFamily> FallbackFontFamilies { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < FontFamily > | Improve this Doc View Source Font Gets the font. Declaration public Font Font { get; } Property Value Type Description Font The font. | Improve this Doc View Source HorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the Horizontal alignment of the text. Declaration public HorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment { get; set; } Property Value Type Description HorizontalAlignment | Improve this Doc View Source LineSpacing Gets or sets the line spacing. Applied as a multiple of the line height. Declaration public float LineSpacing { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Origin Gets or sets the rendering origin. Declaration public Vector2 Origin { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Vector2 | Improve this Doc View Source TabWidth Gets or sets the width of the tab. Declaration public float Ta
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.SystemFonts.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.SystemFonts.html",
"title": "Class SystemFonts",
"keywords": "Class SystemFonts Provides a collection of fonts. Inheritance Object SystemFonts Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public static class SystemFonts Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Collection Gets the collection containing the globaly installled system fonts. Declaration public static IReadOnlyFontCollection Collection { get; } Property Value Type Description IReadOnlyFontCollection The system fonts. | Improve this Doc View Source Families Gets the collection of FontFamily s installed on current system. Declaration public static IEnumerable<FontFamily> Families { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < FontFamily > The families. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateFont(String, Single) Create a new instance of the Font for the named font family with regular styling. Declaration public static Font CreateFont(string fontFamily, float size) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The family. Single size The size. Returns Type Description Font Returns instance of the Font from the current collection. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateFont(String, Single, FontStyle) Create a new instance of the Font for the named font family. Declaration public static Font CreateFont(string fontFamily, float size, FontStyle style) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The family. Single size The size. FontStyle style The style. Returns Type Description Font Returns instance of the Font from the current collection. | Improve this Doc View Source FamiliesByCulture(CultureInfo) Gets the collection of FontFamily objects associated with this FontCollection in the current threads culture. Declaration public static IEnumerable<FontFamily> FamiliesByCulture(CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description CultureInfo culture The culture to find the list of font familes for. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < FontFamily > The set of fonts families using the fonts culture aware font name | Improve this Doc View Source Find(String) Finds the specified font family from the system font store. Declaration public static FontFamily Find(string fontFamily) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The font family. Returns Type Description FontFamily The found family. Exceptions Type Condition FontFamilyNotFoundException Thrown when the font family is not found. | Improve this Doc View Source Find(String, CultureInfo) Finds the specified font family. Declaration public static FontFamily Find(string fontFamily, CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The font family. CultureInfo culture The culture to find the font from of font family for. Returns Type Description FontFamily The family if installed otherwise throws FontFamilyNotFoundException | Improve this Doc View Source TryFind(String, out FontFamily) Finds the specified font family from the system font store. Declaration public static bool TryFind(string fontFamily, out FontFamily family) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The font family to find. FontFamily family The found family. Returns Type Description Boolean True if a font of that family has been installed into the font collection. | Improve this Doc View Source TryFind(String, CultureInfo, out FontFamily) Finds the specified font family. Declaration public static bool TryFind(string fontFamily, CultureInfo culture, out FontFamily family) Parameters Type Name Description String fontFamily The font family to find. CultureInfo culture The culture to find the font from of font family for. FontFamily family The found family. Returns Type Description Boolean true if a font of that family has been installed into the font collection."
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.TextMeasurer.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.TextMeasurer.html",
"title": "Class TextMeasurer",
"keywords": "Class TextMeasurer Encapulated logic for laying out and measuring text. Inheritance Object TextMeasurer Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public static class TextMeasurer Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Measure(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, RendererOptions) Measures the text. Declaration public static FontRectangle Measure(ReadOnlySpan<char> text, RendererOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < Char > text The text. RendererOptions options The style. Returns Type Description FontRectangle The size of the text if it was to be rendered. | Improve this Doc View Source Measure(String, RendererOptions) Measures the text. Declaration public static FontRectangle Measure(string text, RendererOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description String text The text. RendererOptions options The style. Returns Type Description FontRectangle The size of the text if it was to be rendered. | Improve this Doc View Source MeasureBounds(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, RendererOptions) Measures the text. Declaration public static FontRectangle MeasureBounds(ReadOnlySpan<char> text, RendererOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < Char > text The text. RendererOptions options The style. Returns Type Description FontRectangle The size of the text if it was to be rendered. | Improve this Doc View Source MeasureBounds(String, RendererOptions) Measures the text. Declaration public static FontRectangle MeasureBounds(string text, RendererOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description String text The text. RendererOptions options The style. Returns Type Description FontRectangle The size of the text if it was to be rendered. | Improve this Doc View Source TryMeasureCharacterBounds(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, RendererOptions, out GlyphMetric[]) Measures the character bounds of the text. For each control character the list contains a null element. Declaration public static bool TryMeasureCharacterBounds(ReadOnlySpan<char> text, RendererOptions options, out GlyphMetric[] characterBounds) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < Char > text The text. RendererOptions options The style. GlyphMetric [] characterBounds The list of character bounds of the text if it was to be rendered. Returns Type Description Boolean Whether any of the characters had non-empty bounds."
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.TextRenderer.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.TextRenderer.html",
"title": "Class TextRenderer",
"keywords": "Class TextRenderer Encapulated logic for laying out and then rendering text to a IGlyphRenderer surface. Inheritance Object TextRenderer Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public class TextRenderer Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source TextRenderer(IGlyphRenderer) Initializes a new instance of the TextRenderer class. Declaration public TextRenderer(IGlyphRenderer renderer) Parameters Type Name Description IGlyphRenderer renderer The renderer. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source RenderText(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, RendererOptions) Renders the text. Declaration public void RenderText(ReadOnlySpan<char> text, RendererOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < Char > text The text. RendererOptions options The style. | Improve this Doc View Source RenderText(String, RendererOptions) Renders the text. Declaration public void RenderText(string text, RendererOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description String text The text. RendererOptions options The style. | Improve this Doc View Source RenderTextTo(IGlyphRenderer, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, RendererOptions) Renders the text to the renderer . Declaration public static void RenderTextTo(IGlyphRenderer renderer, ReadOnlySpan<char> text, RendererOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IGlyphRenderer renderer The target renderer. ReadOnlySpan < Char > text The text. RendererOptions options The style. | Improve this Doc View Source RenderTextTo(IGlyphRenderer, String, RendererOptions) Renders the text to the renderer . Declaration public static void RenderTextTo(IGlyphRenderer renderer, string text, RendererOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IGlyphRenderer renderer The target renderer. String text The text. RendererOptions options The style."
"api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.VerticalAlignment.html": {
"href": "api/Fonts/SixLabors.Fonts.VerticalAlignment.html",
"title": "Enum VerticalAlignment",
"keywords": "Enum VerticalAlignment Vertial alignment modes. Namespace : SixLabors.Fonts Assembly : SixLabors.Fonts.dll Syntax public enum VerticalAlignment Fields Name Description Bottom Aligns text upwards from the bottom Center Aligns text up and down from the middle. Top Aligns downward from the top."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.ClipPathExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.ClipPathExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ClipPathExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ClipPathExtensions Path extensions to clip paths. Inheritance Object ClipPathExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class ClipPathExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Clip(IPath, IPath[]) Clips the specified holes. Declaration public static IPath Clip(this IPath shape, params IPath[] holes) Parameters Type Name Description IPath shape The shape. IPath [] holes The holes. Returns Type Description IPath Returns a new shape with the holes clipped out of the shape. | Improve this Doc View Source Clip(IPath, IEnumerable<IPath>) Clips the specified holes. Declaration public static IPath Clip(this IPath shape, IEnumerable<IPath> holes) Parameters Type Name Description IPath shape The shape. IEnumerable < IPath > holes The holes. Returns Type Description IPath Returns a new shape with the holes clipped out of the shape."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.ComplexPolygon.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.ComplexPolygon.html",
"title": "Class ComplexPolygon",
"keywords": "Class ComplexPolygon Represents a complex polygon made up of one or more shapes overlayed on each other, where overlaps causes holes. Inheritance Object ComplexPolygon Implements IPath Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class ComplexPolygon : IPath Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ComplexPolygon(IPath[]) Initializes a new instance of the ComplexPolygon class. Declaration public ComplexPolygon(params IPath[] paths) Parameters Type Name Description IPath [] paths The paths. | Improve this Doc View Source ComplexPolygon(IEnumerable<IPath>) Initializes a new instance of the ComplexPolygon class. Declaration public ComplexPolygon(IEnumerable<IPath> paths) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < IPath > paths The paths. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bounds Gets the bounds enclosing the path. Declaration public RectangleF Bounds { get; } Property Value Type Description RectangleF | Improve this Doc View Source Paths Gets the collection of paths that make up this shape. Declaration public IEnumerable<IPath> Paths { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < IPath > | Improve this Doc View Source PathType Gets a value indicating whether this instance is closed, open or a composite path with a mixture of open and closed figures. Declaration public PathTypes PathType { get; } Property Value Type Description PathTypes Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AsClosedPath() Returns this path with all figures closed. Declaration public IPath AsClosedPath() Returns Type Description IPath Returns the path as a closed path. | Improve this Doc View Source Flatten() Converts the IPath into a simple linear path. Declaration public IEnumerable<ISimplePath> Flatten() Returns Type Description IEnumerable < ISimplePath > Returns the current IPath as simple linear path. | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the path using the specified matrix. Declaration public IPath Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description IPath A new path with the matrix applied to it. Implements IPath Extension Methods ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IEnumerable<IPath>) ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IPath[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[], Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) PathExtensions.Rotate(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.RotateDegree(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, PointF) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single) See Also IPath"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.CubicBezierLineSegment.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.CubicBezierLineSegment.html",
"title": "Class CubicBezierLineSegment",
"keywords": "Class CubicBezierLineSegment Represents a line segment that contains a lists of control points that will be rendered as a cubic bezier curve Inheritance Object CubicBezierLineSegment Implements ILineSegment Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class CubicBezierLineSegment : ILineSegment Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CubicBezierLineSegment(PointF, PointF, PointF, PointF, PointF[]) Initializes a new instance of the CubicBezierLineSegment class. Declaration public CubicBezierLineSegment(PointF start, PointF controlPoint1, PointF controlPoint2, PointF end, params PointF[] additionalPoints) Parameters Type Name Description PointF start The start. PointF controlPoint1 The control point1. PointF controlPoint2 The control point2. PointF end The end. PointF [] additionalPoints The additional points. | Improve this Doc View Source CubicBezierLineSegment(PointF[]) Initializes a new instance of the CubicBezierLineSegment class. Declaration public CubicBezierLineSegment(PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description PointF [] points The points. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ControlPoints Gets the control points. Declaration public IReadOnlyList<PointF> ControlPoints { get; } Property Value Type Description IReadOnlyList < PointF > The control points. | Improve this Doc View Source EndPoint Gets the end point. Declaration public PointF EndPoint { get; } Property Value Type Description PointF The end point. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Flatten() Returns the current ILineSegment a simple linear path. Declaration public ReadOnlyMemory<PointF> Flatten() Returns Type Description ReadOnlyMemory < PointF > Returns the current ILineSegment as simple linear path. | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the current LineSegment using specified matrix. Declaration public CubicBezierLineSegment Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description CubicBezierLineSegment A line segment with the matrix applied to it. Explicit Interface Implementations | Improve this Doc View Source ILineSegment.Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the current LineSegment using specified matrix. Declaration ILineSegment ILineSegment.Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description ILineSegment A line segment with the matrix applied to it. Implements ILineSegment See Also ILineSegment"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.EllipsePolygon.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.EllipsePolygon.html",
"title": "Class EllipsePolygon",
"keywords": "Class EllipsePolygon An elliptical shape made up of a single path made up of one of more ILineSegment s. Inheritance Object EllipsePolygon Implements ISimplePath IPath Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class EllipsePolygon : ISimplePath, IPath Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source EllipsePolygon(PointF, SizeF) Initializes a new instance of the EllipsePolygon class. Declaration public EllipsePolygon(PointF location, SizeF size) Parameters Type Name Description PointF location The location the center of the ellipse will be placed. SizeF size The width/height of the final ellipse. | Improve this Doc View Source EllipsePolygon(PointF, Single) Initializes a new instance of the EllipsePolygon class. Declaration public EllipsePolygon(PointF location, float radius) Parameters Type Name Description PointF location The location the center of the circle will be placed. Single radius The radius final circle. | Improve this Doc View Source EllipsePolygon(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the EllipsePolygon class. Declaration public EllipsePolygon(float x, float y, float radius) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-coordinate of the center of the circle. Single y The y-coordinate of the center of the circle. Single radius The radius final circle. | Improve this Doc View Source EllipsePolygon(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the EllipsePolygon class. Declaration public EllipsePolygon(float x, float y, float width, float height) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-coordinate of the center of the ellipse. Single y The y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse. Single width The width the ellipse should have. Single height The height the ellipse should have. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bounds Gets the bounds enclosing the path. Declaration public RectangleF Bounds { get; } Property Value Type Description RectangleF | Improve this Doc View Source IsClosed Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a closed path. Declaration public bool IsClosed { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source PathType Gets a value indicating whether this instance is closed, open or a composite path with a mixture of open and closed figures. Declaration public PathTypes PathType { get; } Property Value Type Description PathTypes | Improve this Doc View Source Points Gets the points that make this up as a simple linear path. Declaration public ReadOnlyMemory<PointF> Points { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlyMemory < PointF > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AsClosedPath() Returns this path with all figures closed. Declaration public IPath AsClosedPath() Returns Type Description IPath Returns the path as a closed path. | Improve this Doc View Source Flatten() Converts the IPath into a simple linear path. Declaration public IEnumerable<ISimplePath> Flatten() Returns Type Description IEnumerable < ISimplePath > Returns the current IPath as simple linear path. | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the path using the specified matrix. Declaration public IPath Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description IPath A new path with the matrix applied to it. Implements ISimplePath IPath Extension Methods ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IEnumerable<IPath>) ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IPath[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[], Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Bo
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.EndCapStyle.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.EndCapStyle.html",
"title": "Enum EndCapStyle",
"keywords": "Enum EndCapStyle The style to apply to the end cap when generating an outline. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public enum EndCapStyle Fields Name Description Butt The outline stops exactly at the end of the path. Round The outline extends with a rounded style passed the end of the path. Square The outlines ends squared off passed the end of the path."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Classes ClipPathExtensions Path extensions to clip paths. ComplexPolygon Represents a complex polygon made up of one or more shapes overlayed on each other, where overlaps causes holes. CubicBezierLineSegment Represents a line segment that contains a lists of control points that will be rendered as a cubic bezier curve EllipsePolygon An elliptical shape made up of a single path made up of one of more ILineSegment s. LinearLineSegment Represents a series of control points that will be joined by straight lines OutlinePathExtensions Path extensions to generate outlines of paths. Path A aggregate of ILineSegment s making a single logical path. PathBuilder Allow you to derivatively build shapes and paths. PathCollection A aggregate of IPath s to apply common operations to them. PathExtensions Convenience methods that can be applied to shapes and paths. Polygon A shape made up of a single closed path made up of one of more ILineSegment s RectangularPolygon A polygon tha allows the optimized drawing of rectangles. Region Represents a region of an image. RegularPolygon A shape made up of a single path made up of one of more ILineSegment s Star A shape made up of a single closed path made up of one of more ILineSegment s TextBuilder Text drawing extensions for a PathBuilder Structs SegmentInfo Returns metadata about the point along a path. Interfaces ILineSegment Represents a simple path segment IPath Represents a logic path that can be drawn. IPathCollection Represents a logic path that can be drawn ISimplePath Represents a simple (non-composite) path defined by a series of points. Enums EndCapStyle The style to apply to the end cap when generating an outline. IntersectionRule Rule for calulating intersection points, JointStyle The style we use to generate the joints when outlining. PathTypes Describes the different type of paths."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.ILineSegment.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.ILineSegment.html",
"title": "Interface ILineSegment",
"keywords": "Interface ILineSegment Represents a simple path segment Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public interface ILineSegment Properties | Improve this Doc View Source EndPoint Gets the end point. Declaration PointF EndPoint { get; } Property Value Type Description PointF The end point. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Flatten() Converts the ILineSegment into a simple linear path.. Declaration ReadOnlyMemory<PointF> Flatten() Returns Type Description ReadOnlyMemory < PointF > Returns the current ILineSegment as simple linear path. | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the current LineSegment using specified matrix. Declaration ILineSegment Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description ILineSegment A line segment with the matrix applied to it."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.IntersectionRule.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.IntersectionRule.html",
"title": "Enum IntersectionRule",
"keywords": "Enum IntersectionRule Rule for calulating intersection points, Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public enum IntersectionRule Fields Name Description Nonzero Nonzero rule treats intersecting holes as inside the path thus being ignored by intersections. OddEven Use odd/even intersection rules, self intersection will cause holes."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.IPath.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.IPath.html",
"title": "Interface IPath",
"keywords": "Interface IPath Represents a logic path that can be drawn. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public interface IPath Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bounds Gets the bounds enclosing the path. Declaration RectangleF Bounds { get; } Property Value Type Description RectangleF | Improve this Doc View Source PathType Gets a value indicating whether this instance is closed, open or a composite path with a mixture of open and closed figures. Declaration PathTypes PathType { get; } Property Value Type Description PathTypes Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AsClosedPath() Returns this path with all figures closed. Declaration IPath AsClosedPath() Returns Type Description IPath Returns the path as a closed path. | Improve this Doc View Source Flatten() Converts the IPath into a simple linear path. Declaration IEnumerable<ISimplePath> Flatten() Returns Type Description IEnumerable < ISimplePath > Returns the current IPath as simple linear path. | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the path using the specified matrix. Declaration IPath Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description IPath A new path with the matrix applied to it. Extension Methods ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IEnumerable<IPath>) ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IPath[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[], Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) PathExtensions.Rotate(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.RotateDegree(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, PointF) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single)"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.IPathCollection.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.IPathCollection.html",
"title": "Interface IPathCollection",
"keywords": "Interface IPathCollection Represents a logic path that can be drawn Inherited Members IEnumerable<IPath>.GetEnumerator() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public interface IPathCollection : IEnumerable<IPath>, IEnumerable Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bounds Gets the bounds enclosing the path Declaration RectangleF Bounds { get; } Property Value Type Description RectangleF Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the path using the specified matrix. Declaration IPathCollection Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description IPathCollection A new path with the matrix applied to it. Extension Methods PathExtensions.Rotate(IPathCollection, Single) PathExtensions.RotateDegree(IPathCollection, Single) PathExtensions.Translate(IPathCollection, PointF) PathExtensions.Translate(IPathCollection, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPathCollection, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPathCollection, Single)"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.ISimplePath.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.ISimplePath.html",
"title": "Interface ISimplePath",
"keywords": "Interface ISimplePath Represents a simple (non-composite) path defined by a series of points. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public interface ISimplePath Properties | Improve this Doc View Source IsClosed Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a closed path. Declaration bool IsClosed { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Points Gets the points that make this up as a simple linear path. Declaration ReadOnlyMemory<PointF> Points { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlyMemory < PointF >"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.JointStyle.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.JointStyle.html",
"title": "Enum JointStyle",
"keywords": "Enum JointStyle The style we use to generate the joints when outlining. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public enum JointStyle Fields Name Description Miter Joints will generate to a long point unless the end of the point will exceed 20 times the width then we generate the joint using Square . Round Rounded joints. Joints generate with a rounded profile. Square Joints are squared off 1 width distance from the corner."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.LinearLineSegment.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.LinearLineSegment.html",
"title": "Class LinearLineSegment",
"keywords": "Class LinearLineSegment Represents a series of control points that will be joined by straight lines Inheritance Object LinearLineSegment Implements ILineSegment Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class LinearLineSegment : ILineSegment Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source LinearLineSegment(PointF, PointF) Initializes a new instance of the LinearLineSegment class. Declaration public LinearLineSegment(PointF start, PointF end) Parameters Type Name Description PointF start The start. PointF end The end. | Improve this Doc View Source LinearLineSegment(PointF, PointF, PointF[]) Initializes a new instance of the LinearLineSegment class. Declaration public LinearLineSegment(PointF point1, PointF point2, params PointF[] additionalPoints) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point1 The point1. PointF point2 The point2. PointF [] additionalPoints Additional points | Improve this Doc View Source LinearLineSegment(PointF[]) Initializes a new instance of the LinearLineSegment class. Declaration public LinearLineSegment(PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description PointF [] points The points. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source EndPoint Gets the end point. Declaration public PointF EndPoint { get; } Property Value Type Description PointF The end point. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Flatten() Converts the ILineSegment into a simple linear path.. Declaration public ReadOnlyMemory<PointF> Flatten() Returns Type Description ReadOnlyMemory < PointF > Returns the current ILineSegment as simple linear path. | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the current LineSegment using specified matrix. Declaration public LinearLineSegment Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description LinearLineSegment A line segment with the matrix applied to it. Explicit Interface Implementations | Improve this Doc View Source ILineSegment.Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the current LineSegment using specified matrix. Declaration ILineSegment ILineSegment.Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description ILineSegment A line segment with the matrix applied to it. Implements ILineSegment See Also ILineSegment"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.OutlinePathExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.OutlinePathExtensions.html",
"title": "Class OutlinePathExtensions",
"keywords": "Class OutlinePathExtensions Path extensions to generate outlines of paths. Inheritance Object OutlinePathExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class OutlinePathExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GenerateOutline(IPath, Single) Generates a solid outline of the path. Declaration public static IPath GenerateOutline(this IPath path, float width) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path the path to outline Single width The final width outline Returns Type Description IPath A new path representing the outline. | Improve this Doc View Source GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) Generates a solid outline of the path. Declaration public static IPath GenerateOutline(this IPath path, float width, JointStyle jointStyle = JointStyle.Square, EndCapStyle endCapStyle = EndCapStyle.Square) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path the path to outline Single width The final width outline JointStyle jointStyle The style to render the joints. EndCapStyle endCapStyle The style to render the end caps of open paths (ignored on closed paths). Returns Type Description IPath A new path representing the outline. | Improve this Doc View Source GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>) Generates a outline of the path with alternating on and off segments based on the pattern. Declaration public static IPath GenerateOutline(this IPath path, float width, ReadOnlySpan<float> pattern) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path the path to outline Single width The final width outline ReadOnlySpan < Single > pattern The pattern made of multiples of the width. Returns Type Description IPath A new path representing the outline. | Improve this Doc View Source GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean) Generates a outline of the path with alternating on and off segments based on the pattern. Declaration public static IPath GenerateOutline(this IPath path, float width, ReadOnlySpan<float> pattern, bool startOff) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path the path to outline Single width The final width outline ReadOnlySpan < Single > pattern The pattern made of multiples of the width. Boolean startOff Weather the first item in the pattern is on or off. Returns Type Description IPath A new path representing the outline. | Improve this Doc View Source GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) Generates a outline of the path with alternating on and off segments based on the pattern. Declaration public static IPath GenerateOutline(this IPath path, float width, ReadOnlySpan<float> pattern, bool startOff, JointStyle jointStyle = JointStyle.Square, EndCapStyle patternSectionCapStyle = EndCapStyle.Butt) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path the path to outline Single width The final width outline ReadOnlySpan < Single > pattern The pattern made of multiples of the width. Boolean startOff Weather the first item in the pattern is on or off. JointStyle jointStyle The style to render the joints. EndCapStyle patternSectionCapStyle The style to render between sections of the specified pattern. Returns Type Description IPath A new path representing the outline. | Improve this Doc View Source GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[]) Generates a outline of the path with alternating on and off segments based on the pattern. Declaration public static IPath GenerateOutline(this IPath path, float width, float[] pattern) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path the path to outline Single width The final width outline Single [] pattern The pattern made of multiples of the width. Returns Type Description IPath A new path representing the outline. | Improve this Doc View Source GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[], Boolean) Generates a outline of the path with alternating on and
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Path.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Path.html",
"title": "Class Path",
"keywords": "Class Path A aggregate of ILineSegment s making a single logical path. Inheritance Object Path Polygon Implements ISimplePath IPath Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class Path : ISimplePath, IPath Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Path(ILineSegment[]) Initializes a new instance of the Path class. Declaration public Path(params ILineSegment[] segments) Parameters Type Name Description ILineSegment [] segments The segments. | Improve this Doc View Source Path(Path) Initializes a new instance of the Path class. Declaration public Path(Path path) Parameters Type Name Description Path path The path. | Improve this Doc View Source Path(IEnumerable<ILineSegment>) Initializes a new instance of the Path class. Declaration public Path(IEnumerable<ILineSegment> segments) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < ILineSegment > segments The segments. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bounds Gets the bounds enclosing the path. Declaration public RectangleF Bounds { get; } Property Value Type Description RectangleF | Improve this Doc View Source IsClosed Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a closed path. Declaration public virtual bool IsClosed { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source LineSegments Gets readonly collection of line segments. Declaration public IReadOnlyList<ILineSegment> LineSegments { get; } Property Value Type Description IReadOnlyList < ILineSegment > | Improve this Doc View Source PathType Gets a value indicating whether this instance is closed, open or a composite path with a mixture of open and closed figures. Declaration public PathTypes PathType { get; } Property Value Type Description PathTypes | Improve this Doc View Source Points Gets the points that make this up as a simple linear path. Declaration public ReadOnlyMemory<PointF> Points { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlyMemory < PointF > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AsClosedPath() Returns this path with all figures closed. Declaration public IPath AsClosedPath() Returns Type Description IPath Returns the path as a closed path. | Improve this Doc View Source Flatten() Converts the IPath into a simple linear path. Declaration public IEnumerable<ISimplePath> Flatten() Returns Type Description IEnumerable < ISimplePath > Returns the current IPath as simple linear path. | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the path using the specified matrix. Declaration public virtual IPath Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description IPath A new path with the matrix applied to it. Explicit Interface Implementations | Improve this Doc View Source ISimplePath.IsClosed Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a closed path. Declaration bool ISimplePath.IsClosed { get; } Returns Type Description Boolean Implements ISimplePath IPath Extension Methods ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IEnumerable<IPath>) ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IPath[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[], Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) PathExtensions.Rotate(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.RotateDegree(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, PointF) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single) See Also
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PathBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PathBuilder.html",
"title": "Class PathBuilder",
"keywords": "Class PathBuilder Allow you to derivatively build shapes and paths. Inheritance Object PathBuilder Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class PathBuilder Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PathBuilder() Initializes a new instance of the PathBuilder class. Declaration public PathBuilder() | Improve this Doc View Source PathBuilder(Matrix3x2) Initializes a new instance of the PathBuilder class. Declaration public PathBuilder(Matrix3x2 defaultTransform) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 defaultTransform The default transform. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddBezier(PointF, PointF, PointF) Adds a quadratic bezier curve to the current figure joining the last point to the endPoint. Declaration public PathBuilder AddBezier(PointF startPoint, PointF controlPoint, PointF endPoint) Parameters Type Name Description PointF startPoint The start point. PointF controlPoint The control point1. PointF endPoint The end point. Returns Type Description PathBuilder The PathBuilder | Improve this Doc View Source AddBezier(PointF, PointF, PointF, PointF) Adds a cubic bezier curve to the current figure joining the last point to the endPoint. Declaration public PathBuilder AddBezier(PointF startPoint, PointF controlPoint1, PointF controlPoint2, PointF endPoint) Parameters Type Name Description PointF startPoint The start point. PointF controlPoint1 The control point1. PointF controlPoint2 The control point2. PointF endPoint The end point. Returns Type Description PathBuilder The PathBuilder | Improve this Doc View Source AddLine(PointF, PointF) Adds the line connecting the current point to the new point. Declaration public PathBuilder AddLine(PointF start, PointF end) Parameters Type Name Description PointF start The start. PointF end The end. Returns Type Description PathBuilder The PathBuilder | Improve this Doc View Source AddLine(Single, Single, Single, Single) Adds the line connecting the current point to the new point. Declaration public PathBuilder AddLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) Parameters Type Name Description Single x1 The x1. Single y1 The y1. Single x2 The x2. Single y2 The y2. Returns Type Description PathBuilder The PathBuilder | Improve this Doc View Source AddLines(PointF[]) Adds a series of line segments connecting the current point to the new points. Declaration public PathBuilder AddLines(params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description PathBuilder The PathBuilder | Improve this Doc View Source AddLines(IEnumerable<PointF>) Adds a series of line segments connecting the current point to the new points. Declaration public PathBuilder AddLines(IEnumerable<PointF> points) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < PointF > points The points. Returns Type Description PathBuilder The PathBuilder | Improve this Doc View Source AddSegment(ILineSegment) Adds the segment. Declaration public PathBuilder AddSegment(ILineSegment segment) Parameters Type Name Description ILineSegment segment The segment. Returns Type Description PathBuilder The PathBuilder | Improve this Doc View Source Build() Builds a complex polygon fromn the current working set of working operations. Declaration public IPath Build() Returns Type Description IPath The current set of operations as a complex polygon | Improve this Doc View Source Clear() Clears all drawn paths, Leaving any applied transforms. Declaration public void Clear() | Improve this Doc View Source CloseAllFigures() Closes the current figure. Declaration public PathBuilder CloseAllFigures() Returns Type Description PathBuilder The PathBuilder | Improve this Doc View Source CloseFigure() Closes the current figure. Declaration public PathBuilder CloseFigure() Returns Type Description PathBuilder The PathBuilder | Improve this Doc
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PathCollection.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PathCollection.html",
"title": "Class PathCollection",
"keywords": "Class PathCollection A aggregate of IPath s to apply common operations to them. Inheritance Object PathCollection Implements IPathCollection IEnumerable < IPath > IEnumerable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class PathCollection : IPathCollection, IEnumerable<IPath>, IEnumerable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PathCollection(IPath[]) Initializes a new instance of the PathCollection class. Declaration public PathCollection(params IPath[] paths) Parameters Type Name Description IPath [] paths The collection of paths | Improve this Doc View Source PathCollection(IEnumerable<IPath>) Initializes a new instance of the PathCollection class. Declaration public PathCollection(IEnumerable<IPath> paths) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < IPath > paths The collection of paths Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bounds Gets the bounds enclosing the path Declaration public RectangleF Bounds { get; } Property Value Type Description RectangleF Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetEnumerator() Declaration public IEnumerator<IPath> GetEnumerator() Returns Type Description IEnumerator < IPath > | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the path using the specified matrix. Declaration public IPathCollection Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description IPathCollection A new path with the matrix applied to it. Explicit Interface Implementations | Improve this Doc View Source IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() Declaration IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() Returns Type Description IEnumerator Implements IPathCollection System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T> System.Collections.IEnumerable Extension Methods PathExtensions.Rotate(IPathCollection, Single) PathExtensions.RotateDegree(IPathCollection, Single) PathExtensions.Translate(IPathCollection, PointF) PathExtensions.Translate(IPathCollection, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPathCollection, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPathCollection, Single) See Also IPath"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PathExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PathExtensions.html",
"title": "Class PathExtensions",
"keywords": "Class PathExtensions Convenience methods that can be applied to shapes and paths. Inheritance Object PathExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class PathExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Rotate(IPath, Single) Creates a path rotated by the specified radians around its center. Declaration public static IPath Rotate(this IPath path, float radians) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path The path to rotate. Single radians The radians to rotate the path. Returns Type Description IPath A IPath with a rotate transform applied. | Improve this Doc View Source Rotate(IPathCollection, Single) Creates a path rotated by the specified radians around its center. Declaration public static IPathCollection Rotate(this IPathCollection path, float radians) Parameters Type Name Description IPathCollection path The path to rotate. Single radians The radians to rotate the path. Returns Type Description IPathCollection A IPath with a rotate transform applied. | Improve this Doc View Source RotateDegree(IPath, Single) Creates a path rotated by the specified degrees around its center. Declaration public static IPath RotateDegree(this IPath shape, float degree) Parameters Type Name Description IPath shape The path to rotate. Single degree The degree to rotate the path. Returns Type Description IPath A IPath with a rotate transform applied. | Improve this Doc View Source RotateDegree(IPathCollection, Single) Creates a path rotated by the specified degrees around its center. Declaration public static IPathCollection RotateDegree(this IPathCollection shape, float degree) Parameters Type Name Description IPathCollection shape The path to rotate. Single degree The degree to rotate the path. Returns Type Description IPathCollection A IPath with a rotate transform applied. | Improve this Doc View Source Scale(IPath, Single) Creates a path translated by the supplied postion Declaration public static IPath Scale(this IPath path, float scale) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path The path to translate. Single scale The amount to scale along both the x and y axis. Returns Type Description IPath A IPath with a translate transform applied. | Improve this Doc View Source Scale(IPath, Single, Single) Creates a path translated by the supplied postion Declaration public static IPath Scale(this IPath path, float scaleX, float scaleY) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path The path to translate. Single scaleX The amount to scale along the X axis. Single scaleY The amount to scale along the Y axis. Returns Type Description IPath A IPath with a translate transform applied. | Improve this Doc View Source Scale(IPathCollection, Single) Creates a path translated by the supplied postion Declaration public static IPathCollection Scale(this IPathCollection path, float scale) Parameters Type Name Description IPathCollection path The path to translate. Single scale The amount to scale along both the x and y axis. Returns Type Description IPathCollection A IPath with a translate transform applied. | Improve this Doc View Source Scale(IPathCollection, Single, Single) Creates a path translated by the supplied postion Declaration public static IPathCollection Scale(this IPathCollection path, float scaleX, float scaleY) Parameters Type Name Description IPathCollection path The path to translate. Single scaleX The amount to scale along the X axis. Single scaleY The amount to scale along the Y axis. Returns Type Description IPathCollection A IPath with a translate transform applied. | Improve this Doc View Source Translate(IPath, PointF) Creates a path translated by the supplied postion Declaration public static IPath Translate(this IPath path, PointF position) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path The path to translate. PointF position The translation position. Re
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PathTypes.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PathTypes.html",
"title": "Enum PathTypes",
"keywords": "Enum PathTypes Describes the different type of paths. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public enum PathTypes Fields Name Description Closed Denotes a path describing a single simple closed shape Mixed Denotes a path containing one or more child paths that could be open or closed. Open Denotes a path containing a single simple open path"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Polygon.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Polygon.html",
"title": "Class Polygon",
"keywords": "Class Polygon A shape made up of a single closed path made up of one of more ILineSegment s Inheritance Object Path Polygon RegularPolygon Star Implements ISimplePath IPath Inherited Members Path.ISimplePath.IsClosed Path.Points Path.Bounds Path.PathType Path.LineSegments Path.AsClosedPath() Path.Flatten() Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class Polygon : Path, ISimplePath, IPath Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Polygon(ILineSegment) Initializes a new instance of the Polygon class. Declaration public Polygon(ILineSegment segment) Parameters Type Name Description ILineSegment segment The segment. | Improve this Doc View Source Polygon(ILineSegment[]) Initializes a new instance of the Polygon class. Declaration public Polygon(params ILineSegment[] segments) Parameters Type Name Description ILineSegment [] segments The segments. | Improve this Doc View Source Polygon(IEnumerable<ILineSegment>) Initializes a new instance of the Polygon class. Declaration public Polygon(IEnumerable<ILineSegment> segments) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < ILineSegment > segments The segments. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source IsClosed Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a closed path. Declaration public override bool IsClosed { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean Overrides Path.IsClosed Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(Matrix3x2) Transforms the path using the specified matrix. Declaration public override IPath Transform(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix. Returns Type Description IPath A new path with the matrix applied to it. Overrides Path.Transform(Matrix3x2) Implements ISimplePath IPath Extension Methods ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IEnumerable<IPath>) ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IPath[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[], Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) PathExtensions.Rotate(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.RotateDegree(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, PointF) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single)"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper.ClippablePath.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper.ClippablePath.html",
"title": "Struct ClippablePath",
"keywords": "Struct ClippablePath Represents a shape and its type for when clipping is applies. Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public readonly struct ClippablePath Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ClippablePath(IPath, ClippingType) Initializes a new instance of the ClippablePath struct. Declaration public ClippablePath(IPath path, ClippingType type) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path The path. ClippingType type The type. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Path Gets the path. Declaration public readonly IPath Path { get; } Property Value Type Description IPath | Improve this Doc View Source Type Gets the type. Declaration public readonly ClippingType Type { get; } Property Value Type Description ClippingType The type."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper.Clipper.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper.Clipper.html",
"title": "Class Clipper",
"keywords": "Class Clipper Library to clip polygons. Inheritance Object Clipper Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class Clipper Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Clipper() Initializes a new instance of the Clipper class. Declaration public Clipper() | Improve this Doc View Source Clipper(ClippablePath[]) Initializes a new instance of the Clipper class. Declaration public Clipper(params ClippablePath[] shapes) Parameters Type Name Description ClippablePath [] shapes The shapes. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddPath(IPath, ClippingType) Adds the path. Declaration public void AddPath(IPath path, ClippingType clippingType) Parameters Type Name Description IPath path The path. ClippingType clippingType The clipping type. | Improve this Doc View Source AddPaths(ClippablePath[]) Adds the paths. Declaration public void AddPaths(ClippablePath[] paths) Parameters Type Name Description ClippablePath [] paths The paths. | Improve this Doc View Source AddPaths(IEnumerable<IPath>, ClippingType) Adds the shapes. Declaration public void AddPaths(IEnumerable<IPath> paths, ClippingType clippingType) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < IPath > paths The paths. ClippingType clippingType The clipping type. | Improve this Doc View Source GenerateClippedShapes() Executes the specified clip type. Declaration public IPath[] GenerateClippedShapes() Returns Type Description IPath [] Returns the IPath array containing the converted polygons."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper.ClippingType.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper.ClippingType.html",
"title": "Enum ClippingType",
"keywords": "Enum ClippingType Poly Type Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public enum ClippingType Fields Name Description Clip Represents a shape to act as a clipped path. Subject Represent a main shape to act as a main subject whoes path will be clipped or merged."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.PolygonClipper Classes Clipper Library to clip polygons. Structs ClippablePath Represents a shape and its type for when clipping is applies. Enums ClippingType Poly Type"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.BrushApplicator-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.BrushApplicator-1.html",
"title": "Class BrushApplicator<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Class BrushApplicator<TPixel> Performs the application of an IBrush implementation against individual scanlines. Inheritance Object BrushApplicator<TPixel> Implements IDisposable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public abstract class BrushApplicator<TPixel> : IDisposable where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Configuration Gets the configuration instance to use when performing operations. Declaration protected Configuration Configuration { get; } Property Value Type Description Configuration | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the graphics options Declaration protected GraphicsOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description GraphicsOptions | Improve this Doc View Source Target Gets the target image frame. Declaration protected ImageFrame<TPixel> Target { get; } Property Value Type Description ImageFrame <TPixel> Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Apply(Span<Single>, Int32, Int32) Applies the opacity weighting for each pixel in a scanline to the target based on the pattern contained in the brush. Declaration public abstract void Apply(Span<float> scanline, int x, int y) Parameters Type Name Description Span < Single > scanline A collection of opacity values between 0 and 1 to be merged with the brushed color value before being applied to the target. Int32 x The x-position in the target pixel space that the start of the scanline data corresponds to. Int32 y The y-position in the target pixel space that whole scanline corresponds to. | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose() Declaration public void Dispose() | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose(Boolean) Disposes the object and frees resources for the Garbage Collector. Declaration protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) Parameters Type Name Description Boolean disposing Whether to dispose managed and unmanaged objects. Implements System.IDisposable See Also IDisposable"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Brushes.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Brushes.html",
"title": "Class Brushes",
"keywords": "Class Brushes A collection of methods for creating generic brushes. Inheritance Object Brushes Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class Brushes Methods | Improve this Doc View Source BackwardDiagonal(Color) Create as brush that will paint a Backward Diagonal Hatch Pattern with the specified foreground color and a transparent background. Declaration public static PatternBrush BackwardDiagonal(Color foreColor) Parameters Type Name Description Color foreColor Color of the foreground. Returns Type Description PatternBrush A New PatternBrush | Improve this Doc View Source BackwardDiagonal(Color, Color) Create as brush that will paint a Backward Diagonal Hatch Pattern with the specified colors Declaration public static PatternBrush BackwardDiagonal(Color foreColor, Color backColor) Parameters Type Name Description Color foreColor Color of the foreground. Color backColor Color of the background. Returns Type Description PatternBrush A New PatternBrush | Improve this Doc View Source ForwardDiagonal(Color) Create as brush that will paint a Forward Diagonal Hatch Pattern with the specified foreground color and a transparent background. Declaration public static PatternBrush ForwardDiagonal(Color foreColor) Parameters Type Name Description Color foreColor Color of the foreground. Returns Type Description PatternBrush A New PatternBrush | Improve this Doc View Source ForwardDiagonal(Color, Color) Create as brush that will paint a Forward Diagonal Hatch Pattern with the specified colors Declaration public static PatternBrush ForwardDiagonal(Color foreColor, Color backColor) Parameters Type Name Description Color foreColor Color of the foreground. Color backColor Color of the background. Returns Type Description PatternBrush A New PatternBrush | Improve this Doc View Source Horizontal(Color) Create as brush that will paint a Horizontal Hatch Pattern with the specified foreground color and a transparent background. Declaration public static PatternBrush Horizontal(Color foreColor) Parameters Type Name Description Color foreColor Color of the foreground. Returns Type Description PatternBrush A New PatternBrush | Improve this Doc View Source Horizontal(Color, Color) Create as brush that will paint a Horizontal Hatch Pattern with the specified colors Declaration public static PatternBrush Horizontal(Color foreColor, Color backColor) Parameters Type Name Description Color foreColor Color of the foreground. Color backColor Color of the background. Returns Type Description PatternBrush A New PatternBrush | Improve this Doc View Source Min(Color) Create as brush that will paint a Min Hatch Pattern with the specified foreground color and a transparent background. Declaration public static PatternBrush Min(Color foreColor) Parameters Type Name Description Color foreColor Color of the foreground. Returns Type Description PatternBrush A New PatternBrush | Improve this Doc View Source Min(Color, Color) Create as brush that will paint a Min Hatch Pattern with the specified colors Declaration public static PatternBrush Min(Color foreColor, Color backColor) Parameters Type Name Description Color foreColor Color of the foreground. Color backColor Color of the background. Returns Type Description PatternBrush A New PatternBrush | Improve this Doc View Source Percent10(Color) Create as brush that will paint a Percent10 Hatch Pattern with the specified colors Declaration public static PatternBrush Percent10(Color foreColor) Parameters Type Name Description Color foreColor Color of the foreground. Returns Type Description PatternBrush A New PatternBrush | Improve this Doc View Source Percent10(Color, Color) Create as brush that will paint a Percent10 Hatch Pattern with the specified colors Declaration public static PatternBrush Percent10(Color foreColor, Color backColor)
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ClearExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ClearExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ClearExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ClearExtensions Adds extensions that allow the clearing of regions with various brushes to the type. Inheritance Object ClearExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class ClearExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, Color) Flood fills the image with the specified color without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions, Color) Flood fills the image with the specified color without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The graphics options. Color color The color. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions, IBrush) Flood fills the image with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options, IBrush brush) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The graphics options. IBrush brush The details how to fill the region of interest. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush) Flood fills the image with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The details how to fill the region of interest. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ClearPathExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ClearPathExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ClearPathExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ClearPathExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of polygon outlines to the type. Inheritance Object ClearPathExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class ClearPathExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, Color, IPath) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. IPath path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, IPath) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. IPath path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, IPath) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The graphics options. IBrush brush The brush. IPath path The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, IPath) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. IPath path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ClearRectangleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ClearRectangleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ClearRectangleExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ClearRectangleExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of rectangles to the type. Inheritance Object ClearRectangleExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class ClearRectangleExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, Color, RectangleF) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided rectangle with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, RectangleF) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided rectangle with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, RectangleF) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided rectangle with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IBrush brush The brush. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, RectangleF) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided rectangle with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ClearRegionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ClearRegionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ClearRegionExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ClearRegionExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of regions with various brushes to the type. Inheritance Object ClearRegionExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class ClearRegionExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Region) Flood fills the image with in the region with the specified color without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, Region region) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. Region region The region. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, Region) Flood fills the image with in the region with the specified color without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, Region region) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. Region region The region. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, Region) Flood fills the image with in the region with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, Region region) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The graphics options. IBrush brush The brush. Region region The region. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, Region) Flood fills the image with in the region with the specified brush without any blending. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Clear(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, Region region) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. Region region The region. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ColorStop.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ColorStop.html",
"title": "Struct ColorStop",
"keywords": "Struct ColorStop A struct that defines a single color stop. Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public readonly struct ColorStop Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ColorStop(Single, in Color) Initializes a new instance of the ColorStop struct. Declaration public ColorStop(float ratio, in Color color) Parameters Type Name Description Single ratio Where should it be? 0 is at the start, 1 at the end of the Gradient. Color color What color should be used at that point? Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Color Gets the color to be used. Declaration public readonly Color Color { get; } Property Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source Ratio Gets the point along the defined gradient axis. Declaration public readonly float Ratio { get; } Property Value Type Description Single"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawBezierExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawBezierExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DrawBezierExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DrawBezierExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of Bezier paths to the type. Inheritance Object DrawBezierExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class DrawBezierExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DrawBeziers(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided points as an open Bezier path at the provided thickness with the supplied brush Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawBeziers(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawBeziers(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided points as an open Bezier path at the provided thickness with the supplied brush Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawBeziers(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawBeziers(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided points as an open Bezier path at the provided thickness with the supplied brush Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawBeziers(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawBeziers(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IPen, PointF[]) Draws the provided points as an open Bezier path with the supplied pen Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawBeziers(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IPen pen, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IPen pen The pen. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawBeziers(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided points as an open Bezier path at the provided thickness with the supplied brush Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawBeziers(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawBeziers(IImageProcessingContext, IPen, PointF[]) Draws the provided points as an open Bezier path with the supplied pen Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawBeziers(this IImageProcessingContext source, IPen pen, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IPen pen The pen. PointF []
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawingOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawingOptions.html",
"title": "Class DrawingOptions",
"keywords": "Class DrawingOptions Options for influencing the drawing functions. Inheritance Object DrawingOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class DrawingOptions Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source DrawingOptions() Initializes a new instance of the DrawingOptions class. Declaration public DrawingOptions() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source GraphicsOptions Gets or sets the Graphics Options. Declaration public GraphicsOptions GraphicsOptions { get; set; } Property Value Type Description GraphicsOptions | Improve this Doc View Source ShapeOptions Gets or sets the Shape Options. Declaration public ShapeOptions ShapeOptions { get; set; } Property Value Type Description ShapeOptions | Improve this Doc View Source TextOptions Gets or sets the Text Options. Declaration public TextOptions TextOptions { get; set; } Property Value Type Description TextOptions | Improve this Doc View Source Transform Gets or sets the Transform to apply during rasterization. Declaration public Matrix3x2 Transform { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Matrix3x2"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawingOptionsDefaultsExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawingOptionsDefaultsExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DrawingOptionsDefaultsExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DrawingOptionsDefaultsExtensions Adds extensions that help working with DrawingOptions . Inheritance Object DrawingOptionsDefaultsExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class DrawingOptionsDefaultsExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetDrawingOptions(IImageProcessingContext) Gets the default shape processing options against the image processing context. Declaration public static DrawingOptions GetDrawingOptions(this IImageProcessingContext context) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to retrieve defaults from. Returns Type Description DrawingOptions The globally configured default options. | Improve this Doc View Source GetDrawingTransform(Configuration) Gets the default 2D transformation matrix to be used during rasterization when drawing shapes or text. Declaration public static Matrix3x2 GetDrawingTransform(this Configuration configuration) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration to retrieve defaults from. Returns Type Description Matrix3x2 The globally configured default matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source GetDrawingTransform(IImageProcessingContext) Gets the default 2D transformation matrix to be used during rasterization when drawing shapes or text. Declaration public static Matrix3x2 GetDrawingTransform(this IImageProcessingContext context) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to retrieve defaults from. Returns Type Description Matrix3x2 The matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source SetDrawingTransform(Configuration, Matrix3x2) Sets the default 2D transformation matrix to be used during rasterization when drawing shapes or text. Declaration public static void SetDrawingTransform(this Configuration configuration, Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration to store default against. Matrix3x2 matrix The default matrix to use. | Improve this Doc View Source SetDrawingTransform(IImageProcessingContext, Matrix3x2) Sets the 2D transformation matrix to be used during rasterization when drawing shapes or text. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext SetDrawingTransform(this IImageProcessingContext context, Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to store default against. Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix to use. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The passed in context to allow chaining."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawLineExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawLineExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DrawLineExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DrawLineExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of lines to the type. Inheritance Object DrawLineExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class DrawLineExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DrawLines(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as an open Linear path at the provided thickness with the supplied brush Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawLines(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawLines(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as an open Linear path at the provided thickness with the supplied brush Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawLines(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawLines(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as an open Linear path at the provided thickness with the supplied brush Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawLines(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawLines(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IPen, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as an open Linear path with the supplied pen Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawLines(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IPen pen, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IPen pen The pen. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawLines(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as an open Linear path at the provided thickness with the supplied brush Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawLines(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawLines(IImageProcessingContext, IPen, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as an open Linear path with the supplied pen Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawLines(this IImageProcessingContext source, IPen pen, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IPen pen The pen. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Descr
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawPathCollectionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawPathCollectionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DrawPathCollectionExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DrawPathCollectionExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of collections of polygon outlines to the type. Inheritance Object DrawPathCollectionExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class DrawPathCollectionExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Single, IPathCollection) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, float thickness, IPathCollection paths) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. IPathCollection paths The paths. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, Single, IPathCollection) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, float thickness, IPathCollection paths) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. IPathCollection paths The paths. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, Single, IPathCollection) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, float thickness, IPathCollection paths) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. IPathCollection paths The shapes. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IPen, IPathCollection) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided pen. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IPen pen, IPathCollection paths) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IPen pen The pen. IPathCollection paths The paths. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, Single, IPathCollection) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, float thickness, IPathCollection paths) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. IPathCollection paths The paths. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, IPen, IPathCollection) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided pen. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, IPen pen, IPathCollection paths) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IPen pen The pen. IPathCollection paths The paths. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext Th
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawPathExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawPathExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DrawPathExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DrawPathExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of polygon outlines to the type. Inheritance Object DrawPathExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class DrawPathExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Single, IPath) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, float thickness, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. IPath path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, Single, IPath) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, float thickness, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. IPath path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, Single, IPath) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, float thickness, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. IPath path The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IPen, IPath) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided pen. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IPen pen, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IPen pen The pen. IPath path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, Single, IPath) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, float thickness, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. IPath path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, IPen, IPath) Draws the outline of the polygon with the provided pen. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, IPen pen, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IPen pen The pen. IPath path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawPolygonExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawPolygonExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DrawPolygonExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DrawPolygonExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of closed linear polygons to the type. Inheritance Object DrawPolygonExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class DrawPolygonExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DrawPolygon(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as a closed Linear Polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawPolygon(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawPolygon(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as a closed Linear Polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawPolygon(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawPolygon(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as a closed Linear Polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawPolygon(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawPolygon(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IPen, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as a closed Linear Polygon with the provided Pen. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawPolygon(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IPen pen, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IPen pen The pen. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawPolygon(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, Single, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as a closed Linear Polygon with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawPolygon(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, float thickness, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DrawPolygon(IImageProcessingContext, IPen, PointF[]) Draws the provided Points as a closed Linear Polygon with the provided Pen. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawPolygon(this IImageProcessingContext source, IPen pen, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this m
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawRectangleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawRectangleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DrawRectangleExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DrawRectangleExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of rectangles to the type. Inheritance Object DrawRectangleExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class DrawRectangleExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Single, RectangleF) Draws the outline of the rectangle with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, float thickness, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, Single, RectangleF) Draws the outline of the rectangle with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, float thickness, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. Single thickness The thickness. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, Single, RectangleF) Draws the outline of the rectangle with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, float thickness, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IPen, RectangleF) Draws the outline of the rectangle with the provided pen. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IPen pen, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IPen pen The pen. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, Single, RectangleF) Draws the outline of the rectangle with the provided brush at the provided thickness. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, float thickness, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. Single thickness The thickness. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Draw(IImageProcessingContext, IPen, RectangleF) Draws the outline of the rectangle with the provided pen. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Draw(this IImageProcessingContext source, IPen pen, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IPen pen The pen. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawTextExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.DrawTextExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DrawTextExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DrawTextExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of text to the type. Inheritance Object DrawTextExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class DrawTextExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DrawText(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, String, Font, Color, PointF) Draws the text onto the image filled via the brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawText(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, string text, Font font, Color color, PointF location) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. String text The text. Font font The font. Color color The color. PointF location The location. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The . | Improve this Doc View Source DrawText(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, String, Font, IBrush, PointF) Draws the text onto the image filled via the brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawText(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, string text, Font font, IBrush brush, PointF location) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. String text The text. Font font The font. IBrush brush The brush. PointF location The location. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The . | Improve this Doc View Source DrawText(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, String, Font, IBrush, IPen, PointF) Draws the text using the default resolution of 72dpi onto the image filled via the brush then outlined via the pen. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawText(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, string text, Font font, IBrush brush, IPen pen, PointF location) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. String text The text. Font font The font. IBrush brush The brush. IPen pen The pen. PointF location The location. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The . | Improve this Doc View Source DrawText(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, String, Font, IPen, PointF) Draws the text onto the image outlined via the pen. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawText(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, string text, Font font, IPen pen, PointF location) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. String text The text. Font font The font. IPen pen The pen. PointF location The location. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The . | Improve this Doc View Source DrawText(IImageProcessingContext, String, Font, Color, PointF) Draws the text onto the image filled via the brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawText(this IImageProcessingContext source, string text, Font font, Color color, PointF location) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. String text The text. Font font The font. Color color The color. PointF location The location. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The . | Improve this Doc View Source DrawText(IImageProcessingContext, String, Font, IBrush, PointF) Draws the text onto the image filled via the brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawText(this IImageProcessingContext source, string text, Font font, IBrush brush, PointF location) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. String text The text. Font font The font. IBrush brush The brush. PointF location The location. Returns Type Descripti
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.EllipticGradientBrush.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.EllipticGradientBrush.html",
"title": "Class EllipticGradientBrush",
"keywords": "Class EllipticGradientBrush Gradient Brush with elliptic shape. The ellipse is defined by a center point, a point on the longest extension of the ellipse and the ratio between longest and shortest extension. Inheritance Object GradientBrush EllipticGradientBrush Implements IBrush Inherited Members GradientBrush.RepetitionMode GradientBrush.ColorStops Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class EllipticGradientBrush : GradientBrush, IBrush Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source EllipticGradientBrush(PointF, PointF, Single, GradientRepetitionMode, ColorStop[]) Declaration public EllipticGradientBrush(PointF center, PointF referenceAxisEnd, float axisRatio, GradientRepetitionMode repetitionMode, params ColorStop[] colorStops) Parameters Type Name Description PointF center The center of the elliptical gradient and 0 for the color stops. PointF referenceAxisEnd The end point of the reference axis of the ellipse. Single axisRatio The ratio of the axis widths. The second axis' is perpendicular to the reference axis and it's length is the reference axis' length multiplied by this factor. GradientRepetitionMode repetitionMode Defines how the colors of the gradients are repeated. ColorStop [] colorStops the color stops as defined in base class. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Creates the applicator for this brush. Declaration public override BrushApplicator<TPixel> CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, GraphicsOptions options, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, RectangleF region) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration instance to use when performing operations. GraphicsOptions options The graphic options. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. RectangleF region The region the brush will be applied to. Returns Type Description BrushApplicator <TPixel> The BrushApplicator<TPixel> for this brush. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.GradientBrush.CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Remarks The region when being applied to things like shapes would usually be the bounding box of the shape not necessarily the bounds of the whole image. Implements IBrush"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FillExtensions",
"keywords": "Class FillExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of regions with various brushes to the type. Inheritance Object FillExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class FillExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, Color) Flood fills the image with the specified color. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions, Color) Flood fills the image with the specified color. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The graphics options. Color color The color. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions, IBrush) Flood fills the image with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options, IBrush brush) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The graphics options. IBrush brush The details how to fill the region of interest. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush) Flood fills the image with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The details how to fill the region of interest. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillPathBuilderExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillPathBuilderExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FillPathBuilderExtensions",
"keywords": "Class FillPathBuilderExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of polygons with various brushes to the type. Inheritance Object FillPathBuilderExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class FillPathBuilderExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Action<PathBuilder>) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, Action<PathBuilder> path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. Action < PathBuilder > path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, Action<PathBuilder>) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, Action<PathBuilder> path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. Action < PathBuilder > path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, Action<PathBuilder>) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, Action<PathBuilder> path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The graphics options. IBrush brush The brush. Action < PathBuilder > path The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, Action<PathBuilder>) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, Action<PathBuilder> path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. Action < PathBuilder > path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillPathCollectionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillPathCollectionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FillPathCollectionExtensions",
"keywords": "Class FillPathCollectionExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of collections of polygon outlines to the type. Inheritance Object FillPathCollectionExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class FillPathCollectionExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, Color, IPathCollection) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, IPathCollection paths) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. IPathCollection paths The paths. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, IPathCollection) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, IPathCollection paths) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. IPathCollection paths The paths. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, IPathCollection) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, IPathCollection paths) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The graphics options. IBrush brush The brush. IPathCollection paths The shapes. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, IPathCollection) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, IPathCollection paths) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. IPathCollection paths The paths. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillPathExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillPathExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FillPathExtensions",
"keywords": "Class FillPathExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of polygon outlines to the type. Inheritance Object FillPathExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class FillPathExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, Color, IPath) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush.. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. IPath path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, IPath) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush.. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. IPath path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, IPath) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The graphics options. IBrush brush The brush. IPath path The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, IPath) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided polygon with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, IPath path) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. IPath path The path. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillPolygonExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillPolygonExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FillPolygonExtensions",
"keywords": "Class FillPolygonExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of closed linear polygons to the type. Inheritance Object FillPolygonExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class FillPolygonExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FillPolygon(IImageProcessingContext, Color, PointF[]) Flood fills the image in the shape of a Linear polygon described by the points Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext FillPolygon(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source FillPolygon(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, PointF[]) Flood fills the image in the shape of a Linear polygon described by the points Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext FillPolygon(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source FillPolygon(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, PointF[]) Flood fills the image in the shape of a Linear polygon described by the points Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext FillPolygon(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IBrush brush The brush. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source FillPolygon(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, PointF[]) Flood fills the image in the shape of a Linear polygon described by the points Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext FillPolygon(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, params PointF[] points) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. PointF [] points The points. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillRectangleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillRectangleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FillRectangleExtensions",
"keywords": "Class FillRectangleExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of rectangles to the type. Inheritance Object FillRectangleExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class FillRectangleExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, Color, RectangleF) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided rectangle with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, RectangleF) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided rectangle with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, RectangleF) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided rectangle with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. IBrush brush The brush. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, RectangleF) Flood fills the image in the shape of the provided rectangle with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, RectangleF shape) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. RectangleF shape The shape. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillRegionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.FillRegionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FillRegionExtensions",
"keywords": "Class FillRegionExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of regions with various brushes to the type. Inheritance Object FillRegionExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class FillRegionExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Region) Flood fills the image with in the region with the specified color. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, Region region) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color. Region region The region. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, Color, Region) Flood fills the image with in the region with the specified color. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, Color color, Region region) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The options. Color color The color. Region region The region. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, DrawingOptions, IBrush, Region) Flood fills the image with in the region with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, Region region) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. DrawingOptions options The graphics options. IBrush brush The brush. Region region The region. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(IImageProcessingContext, IBrush, Region) Flood fills the image with in the region with the specified brush. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Fill(this IImageProcessingContext source, IBrush brush, Region region) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IBrush brush The brush. Region region The region. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.GradientBrush.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.GradientBrush.html",
"title": "Class GradientBrush",
"keywords": "Class GradientBrush Base class for Gradient brushes Inheritance Object GradientBrush EllipticGradientBrush LinearGradientBrush RadialGradientBrush Implements IBrush Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public abstract class GradientBrush : IBrush Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GradientBrush(GradientRepetitionMode, ColorStop[]) Declaration protected GradientBrush(GradientRepetitionMode repetitionMode, params ColorStop[] colorStops) Parameters Type Name Description GradientRepetitionMode repetitionMode Defines how the colors are repeated beyond the interval [0..1] ColorStop [] colorStops The gradient colors. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ColorStops Gets the list of color stops for this gradient. Declaration protected ColorStop[] ColorStops { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorStop [] | Improve this Doc View Source RepetitionMode Gets how the colors are repeated beyond the interval [0..1]. Declaration protected GradientRepetitionMode RepetitionMode { get; } Property Value Type Description GradientRepetitionMode Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Creates the applicator for this brush. Declaration public abstract BrushApplicator<TPixel> CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, GraphicsOptions options, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, RectangleF region) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration instance to use when performing operations. GraphicsOptions options The graphic options. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. RectangleF region The region the brush will be applied to. Returns Type Description BrushApplicator <TPixel> The BrushApplicator<TPixel> for this brush. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Remarks The region when being applied to things like shapes would usually be the bounding box of the shape not necessarily the bounds of the whole image. Implements IBrush"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.GradientRepetitionMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.GradientRepetitionMode.html",
"title": "Enum GradientRepetitionMode",
"keywords": "Enum GradientRepetitionMode Modes to repeat a gradient. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public enum GradientRepetitionMode Fields Name Description DontFill With DontFill a gradient does not touch any pixel beyond it's borders. For the LinearGradientBrush this is beyond the orthogonal through start and end, TODO For the cref=\"PolygonalGradientBrush\" it's outside the polygon, For RadialGradientBrush and EllipticGradientBrush it's beyond 1.0. None don't repeat, keep the color of start and end beyond those points stable. Reflect Reflect the gradient. Similar to Repeat , but each other repetition uses inverse order of ColorStop s. Used on a Black-White gradient, Reflect leads to Black->{gray}->White->{gray}->White... Repeat Repeat the gradient. If it's a black-white gradient, with Repeat it will be Black->{gray}->White|Black->{gray}->White|..."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Classes BrushApplicator<TPixel> Performs the application of an IBrush implementation against individual scanlines. Brushes A collection of methods for creating generic brushes. ClearExtensions Adds extensions that allow the clearing of regions with various brushes to the type. ClearPathExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of polygon outlines to the type. ClearRectangleExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of rectangles to the type. ClearRegionExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of regions with various brushes to the type. DrawBezierExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of Bezier paths to the type. DrawingOptions Options for influencing the drawing functions. DrawingOptionsDefaultsExtensions Adds extensions that help working with DrawingOptions . DrawLineExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of lines to the type. DrawPathCollectionExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of collections of polygon outlines to the type. DrawPathExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of polygon outlines to the type. DrawPolygonExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of closed linear polygons to the type. DrawRectangleExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of rectangles to the type. DrawTextExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of text to the type. EllipticGradientBrush Gradient Brush with elliptic shape. The ellipse is defined by a center point, a point on the longest extension of the ellipse and the ratio between longest and shortest extension. FillExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of regions with various brushes to the type. FillPathBuilderExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of polygons with various brushes to the type. FillPathCollectionExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of collections of polygon outlines to the type. FillPathExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of polygon outlines to the type. FillPolygonExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of closed linear polygons to the type. FillRectangleExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of rectangles to the type. FillRegionExtensions Adds extensions that allow the filling of regions with various brushes to the type. GradientBrush Base class for Gradient brushes ImageBrush Provides an implementation of an image brush for painting images within areas. LinearGradientBrush Provides an implementation of a brush for painting linear gradients within areas. Supported right now: a set of colors in relative distances to each other. PathGradientBrush Provides an implementation of a brush for painting gradients between multiple color positions in 2D coordinates. PatternBrush Provides an implementation of a pattern brush for painting patterns. Pen Provides a pen that can apply a pattern to a line with a set brush and thickness Pens Contains a collection of common Pen styles RadialGradientBrush A radial gradient brush, defined by center point and radius. RecolorBrush Provides an implementation of a brush that can recolor an image ShapeGraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions Adds extensions that allow the processing of images to the type. ShapeOptions Options for influencing the drawing functions. SolidBrush Provides an implementation of a solid brush for painting solid color areas. TextOptions Options for influencing text parts of the drawing functions. TextOptionsDefaultsExtensions Adds extensions that allow the processing of images to the type. Structs ColorStop A struct that defines a single color stop. Interfaces IBrush Brush represents a logical configuration of a brush which can be used to source pixel colors IPen Interface representing the pattern and size of the stroke to apply with a Pen. Enums GradientRepetitionMode Modes to repeat a gradient."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.IBrush.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.IBrush.html",
"title": "Interface IBrush",
"keywords": "Interface IBrush Brush represents a logical configuration of a brush which can be used to source pixel colors Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public interface IBrush Remarks A brush is a simple class that will return an BrushApplicator<TPixel> that will perform the logic for retrieving pixel values for specific locations. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Creates the applicator for this brush. Declaration BrushApplicator<TPixel> CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, GraphicsOptions options, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, RectangleF region) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration instance to use when performing operations. GraphicsOptions options The graphic options. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. RectangleF region The region the brush will be applied to. Returns Type Description BrushApplicator <TPixel> The BrushApplicator<TPixel> for this brush. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Remarks The region when being applied to things like shapes would usually be the bounding box of the shape not necessarily the bounds of the whole image."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ImageBrush.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ImageBrush.html",
"title": "Class ImageBrush",
"keywords": "Class ImageBrush Provides an implementation of an image brush for painting images within areas. Inheritance Object ImageBrush Implements IBrush Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class ImageBrush : IBrush Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ImageBrush(Image) Initializes a new instance of the ImageBrush class. Declaration public ImageBrush(Image image) Parameters Type Name Description Image image The image. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Creates the applicator for this brush. Declaration public BrushApplicator<TPixel> CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, GraphicsOptions options, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, RectangleF region) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration instance to use when performing operations. GraphicsOptions options The graphic options. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. RectangleF region The region the brush will be applied to. Returns Type Description BrushApplicator <TPixel> The BrushApplicator<TPixel> for this brush. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Remarks The region when being applied to things like shapes would usually be the bounding box of the shape not necessarily the bounds of the whole image. Implements IBrush"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.IPen.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.IPen.html",
"title": "Interface IPen",
"keywords": "Interface IPen Interface representing the pattern and size of the stroke to apply with a Pen. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public interface IPen Properties | Improve this Doc View Source StrokeFill Gets the stroke fill. Declaration IBrush StrokeFill { get; } Property Value Type Description IBrush | Improve this Doc View Source StrokePattern Gets the stoke pattern. Declaration ReadOnlySpan<float> StrokePattern { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlySpan < Single > | Improve this Doc View Source StrokeWidth Gets the width to apply to the stroke Declaration float StrokeWidth { get; } Property Value Type Description Single"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.LinearGradientBrush.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.LinearGradientBrush.html",
"title": "Class LinearGradientBrush",
"keywords": "Class LinearGradientBrush Provides an implementation of a brush for painting linear gradients within areas. Supported right now: a set of colors in relative distances to each other. Inheritance Object GradientBrush LinearGradientBrush Implements IBrush Inherited Members GradientBrush.RepetitionMode GradientBrush.ColorStops Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class LinearGradientBrush : GradientBrush, IBrush Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source LinearGradientBrush(PointF, PointF, GradientRepetitionMode, ColorStop[]) Initializes a new instance of the LinearGradientBrush class. Declaration public LinearGradientBrush(PointF p1, PointF p2, GradientRepetitionMode repetitionMode, params ColorStop[] colorStops) Parameters Type Name Description PointF p1 Start point PointF p2 End point GradientRepetitionMode repetitionMode defines how colors are repeated. ColorStop [] colorStops Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Creates the applicator for this brush. Declaration public override BrushApplicator<TPixel> CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, GraphicsOptions options, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, RectangleF region) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration instance to use when performing operations. GraphicsOptions options The graphic options. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. RectangleF region The region the brush will be applied to. Returns Type Description BrushApplicator <TPixel> The BrushApplicator<TPixel> for this brush. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.GradientBrush.CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Remarks The region when being applied to things like shapes would usually be the bounding box of the shape not necessarily the bounds of the whole image. Implements IBrush"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.PathGradientBrush.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.PathGradientBrush.html",
"title": "Class PathGradientBrush",
"keywords": "Class PathGradientBrush Provides an implementation of a brush for painting gradients between multiple color positions in 2D coordinates. Inheritance Object PathGradientBrush Implements IBrush Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class PathGradientBrush : IBrush Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PathGradientBrush(PointF[], Color[]) Initializes a new instance of the PathGradientBrush class. Declaration public PathGradientBrush(PointF[] points, Color[] colors) Parameters Type Name Description PointF [] points Points that constitute a polygon that represents the gradient area. Color [] colors Array of colors that correspond to each point in the polygon. | Improve this Doc View Source PathGradientBrush(PointF[], Color[], Color) Initializes a new instance of the PathGradientBrush class. Declaration public PathGradientBrush(PointF[] points, Color[] colors, Color centerColor) Parameters Type Name Description PointF [] points Points that constitute a polygon that represents the gradient area. Color [] colors Array of colors that correspond to each point in the polygon. Color centerColor Color at the center of the gradient area to which the other colors converge. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Creates the applicator for this brush. Declaration public BrushApplicator<TPixel> CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, GraphicsOptions options, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, RectangleF region) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration instance to use when performing operations. GraphicsOptions options The graphic options. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. RectangleF region The region the brush will be applied to. Returns Type Description BrushApplicator <TPixel> The BrushApplicator<TPixel> for this brush. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Remarks The region when being applied to things like shapes would usually be the bounding box of the shape not necessarily the bounds of the whole image. Implements IBrush"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.PatternBrush.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.PatternBrush.html",
"title": "Class PatternBrush",
"keywords": "Class PatternBrush Provides an implementation of a pattern brush for painting patterns. Inheritance Object PatternBrush Implements IBrush Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class PatternBrush : IBrush Remarks The patterns that are used to create a custom pattern brush are made up of a repeating matrix of flags, where each flag denotes whether to draw the foreground color or the background color. so to create a new bool[,] with your flags For example if you wanted to create a diagonal line that repeat every 4 pixels you would use a pattern like so 1000 0100 0010 0001 or you want a horizontal stripe which is 3 pixels apart you would use a pattern like 1 0 0 Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PatternBrush(Color, Color, Boolean[,]) Initializes a new instance of the PatternBrush class. Declaration public PatternBrush(Color foreColor, Color backColor, bool[, ] pattern) Parameters Type Name Description Color foreColor Color of the fore. Color backColor Color of the back. Boolean [,] pattern The pattern. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Creates the applicator for this brush. Declaration public BrushApplicator<TPixel> CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, GraphicsOptions options, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, RectangleF region) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration instance to use when performing operations. GraphicsOptions options The graphic options. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. RectangleF region The region the brush will be applied to. Returns Type Description BrushApplicator <TPixel> The BrushApplicator<TPixel> for this brush. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Remarks The region when being applied to things like shapes would usually be the bounding box of the shape not necessarily the bounds of the whole image. Implements IBrush"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Pen.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Pen.html",
"title": "Class Pen",
"keywords": "Class Pen Provides a pen that can apply a pattern to a line with a set brush and thickness Inheritance Object Pen Implements IPen Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class Pen : IPen Remarks The pattern will be in to the form of new float[]{ 1f, 2f, 0.5f} this will be converted into a pattern that is 3.5 times longer that the width with 3 sections section 1 will be width long (making a square) and will be filled by the brush section 2 will be width * 2 long and will be empty section 3 will be width/2 long and will be filled the pattern will immediately repeat without gap. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Pen(Color, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Pen class. Declaration public Pen(Color color, float width) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color. Single width The width. | Improve this Doc View Source Pen(Color, Single, Single[]) Initializes a new instance of the Pen class. Declaration public Pen(Color color, float width, float[] pattern) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color. Single width The width. Single [] pattern The pattern. | Improve this Doc View Source Pen(IBrush, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Pen class. Declaration public Pen(IBrush brush, float width) Parameters Type Name Description IBrush brush The brush. Single width The width. | Improve this Doc View Source Pen(IBrush, Single, Single[]) Initializes a new instance of the Pen class. Declaration public Pen(IBrush brush, float width, float[] pattern) Parameters Type Name Description IBrush brush The brush. Single width The width. Single [] pattern The pattern. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source StrokeFill Gets the stroke fill. Declaration public IBrush StrokeFill { get; } Property Value Type Description IBrush | Improve this Doc View Source StrokePattern Gets the stoke pattern. Declaration public ReadOnlySpan<float> StrokePattern { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlySpan < Single > | Improve this Doc View Source StrokeWidth Gets the width to apply to the stroke Declaration public float StrokeWidth { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements IPen"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Pens.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Pens.html",
"title": "Class Pens",
"keywords": "Class Pens Contains a collection of common Pen styles Inheritance Object Pens Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class Pens Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Dash(Color, Single) Create a pen with a 'Dash' drawing patterns Declaration public static Pen Dash(Color color, float width) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color. Single width The width. Returns Type Description Pen The Pen | Improve this Doc View Source Dash(IBrush, Single) Create a pen with a 'Dash' drawing patterns Declaration public static Pen Dash(IBrush brush, float width) Parameters Type Name Description IBrush brush The brush. Single width The width. Returns Type Description Pen The Pen | Improve this Doc View Source DashDot(Color, Single) Create a pen with a 'Dash Dot' drawing patterns Declaration public static Pen DashDot(Color color, float width) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color. Single width The width. Returns Type Description Pen The Pen | Improve this Doc View Source DashDot(IBrush, Single) Create a pen with a 'Dash Dot' drawing patterns Declaration public static Pen DashDot(IBrush brush, float width) Parameters Type Name Description IBrush brush The brush. Single width The width. Returns Type Description Pen The Pen | Improve this Doc View Source DashDotDot(Color, Single) Create a pen with a 'Dash Dot Dot' drawing patterns Declaration public static Pen DashDotDot(Color color, float width) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color. Single width The width. Returns Type Description Pen The Pen | Improve this Doc View Source DashDotDot(IBrush, Single) Create a pen with a 'Dash Dot Dot' drawing patterns Declaration public static Pen DashDotDot(IBrush brush, float width) Parameters Type Name Description IBrush brush The brush. Single width The width. Returns Type Description Pen The Pen | Improve this Doc View Source Dot(Color, Single) Create a pen with a 'Dot' drawing patterns Declaration public static Pen Dot(Color color, float width) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color. Single width The width. Returns Type Description Pen The Pen | Improve this Doc View Source Dot(IBrush, Single) Create a pen with a 'Dot' drawing patterns Declaration public static Pen Dot(IBrush brush, float width) Parameters Type Name Description IBrush brush The brush. Single width The width. Returns Type Description Pen The Pen | Improve this Doc View Source Solid(Color, Single) Create a solid pen with out any drawing patterns Declaration public static Pen Solid(Color color, float width) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color. Single width The width. Returns Type Description Pen The Pen | Improve this Doc View Source Solid(IBrush, Single) Create a solid pen with out any drawing patterns Declaration public static Pen Solid(IBrush brush, float width) Parameters Type Name Description IBrush brush The brush. Single width The width. Returns Type Description Pen The Pen"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing.DrawPathProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing.DrawPathProcessor.html",
"title": "Class DrawPathProcessor",
"keywords": "Class DrawPathProcessor Defines a processor to fill pixels withing a given IPath with the given IBrush and blending defined by the given DrawingOptions . Inheritance Object DrawPathProcessor Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class DrawPathProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source DrawPathProcessor(DrawingOptions, IPen, IPath) Initializes a new instance of the DrawPathProcessor class. Declaration public DrawPathProcessor(DrawingOptions options, IPen pen, IPath shape) Parameters Type Name Description DrawingOptions options The graphics options. IPen pen The details how to outline the region of interest. IPath shape The shape to be filled. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the DrawingOptions defining how to blend the brush pixels over the image pixels. Declaration public DrawingOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description DrawingOptions | Improve this Doc View Source Pen Gets the IBrush used for filling the destination image. Declaration public IPen Pen { get; } Property Value Type Description IPen | Improve this Doc View Source Shape Gets the region that this processor applies to. Declaration public IPath Shape { get; } Property Value Type Description IPath Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration Image <TPixel> source Rectangle sourceRectangle Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing.FillPathProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing.FillPathProcessor.html",
"title": "Class FillPathProcessor",
"keywords": "Class FillPathProcessor Defines a processor to fill pixels withing a given IPath with the given IBrush and blending defined by the given DrawingOptions . Inheritance Object FillPathProcessor Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class FillPathProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FillPathProcessor(DrawingOptions, IBrush, IPath) Initializes a new instance of the FillPathProcessor class. Declaration public FillPathProcessor(DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, IPath shape) Parameters Type Name Description DrawingOptions options The graphics options. IBrush brush The details how to fill the region of interest. IPath shape The shape to be filled. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Brush Gets the IBrush used for filling the destination image. Declaration public IBrush Brush { get; } Property Value Type Description IBrush | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the defining how to blend the brush pixels over the image pixels. Declaration public DrawingOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description DrawingOptions | Improve this Doc View Source Shape Gets the region that this processor applies to. Declaration public IPath Shape { get; } Property Value Type Description IPath Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration Image <TPixel> source Rectangle sourceRectangle Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing.FillProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing.FillProcessor.html",
"title": "Class FillProcessor",
"keywords": "Class FillProcessor Defines a processor to fill an with the given IBrush using blending defined by the given . Inheritance Object FillProcessor Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class FillProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FillProcessor(GraphicsOptions, IBrush) Initializes a new instance of the FillProcessor class. Declaration public FillProcessor(GraphicsOptions options, IBrush brush) Parameters Type Name Description GraphicsOptions options The defining how to blend the brush pixels over the image pixels. IBrush brush The brush to use for filling. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Brush Gets the IBrush used for filling the destination image. Declaration public IBrush Brush { get; } Property Value Type Description IBrush | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the defining how to blend the brush pixels over the image pixels. Declaration public GraphicsOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description GraphicsOptions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration Image <TPixel> source Rectangle sourceRectangle Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing.FillRegionProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing.FillRegionProcessor.html",
"title": "Class FillRegionProcessor",
"keywords": "Class FillRegionProcessor Defines a processor to fill pixels withing a given Region with the given IBrush and blending defined by the given . Inheritance Object FillRegionProcessor Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class FillRegionProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FillRegionProcessor(DrawingOptions, IBrush, Region) Initializes a new instance of the FillRegionProcessor class. Declaration public FillRegionProcessor(DrawingOptions options, IBrush brush, Region region) Parameters Type Name Description DrawingOptions options The graphics options. IBrush brush The details how to fill the region of interest. Region region The region of interest to be filled. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Brush Gets the IBrush used for filling the destination image. Declaration public IBrush Brush { get; } Property Value Type Description IBrush | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the defining how to blend the brush pixels over the image pixels. Declaration public DrawingOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description DrawingOptions | Improve this Doc View Source Region Gets the region that this processor applies to. Declaration public Region Region { get; } Property Value Type Description Region Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration Image <TPixel> source Rectangle sourceRectangle Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Drawing Classes DrawPathProcessor Defines a processor to fill pixels withing a given IPath with the given IBrush and blending defined by the given DrawingOptions . FillPathProcessor Defines a processor to fill pixels withing a given IPath with the given IBrush and blending defined by the given DrawingOptions . FillProcessor Defines a processor to fill an with the given IBrush using blending defined by the given . FillRegionProcessor Defines a processor to fill pixels withing a given Region with the given IBrush and blending defined by the given ."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Text.DrawTextProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Text.DrawTextProcessor.html",
"title": "Class DrawTextProcessor",
"keywords": "Class DrawTextProcessor Defines a processor to draw text on an . Inheritance Object DrawTextProcessor Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Text Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class DrawTextProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source DrawTextProcessor(DrawingOptions, String, Font, IBrush, IPen, PointF) Initializes a new instance of the DrawTextProcessor class. Declaration public DrawTextProcessor(DrawingOptions options, string text, Font font, IBrush brush, IPen pen, PointF location) Parameters Type Name Description DrawingOptions options The options String text The text we want to render Font font The font we want to render with IBrush brush The brush to source pixel colors from. IPen pen The pen to outline text with. PointF location The location on the image to start drawing the text from. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Brush Gets the brush used to fill the glyphs. Declaration public IBrush Brush { get; } Property Value Type Description IBrush | Improve this Doc View Source Font Gets the font used to render the text. Declaration public Font Font { get; } Property Value Type Description Font | Improve this Doc View Source Location Gets the location to draw the text at. Declaration public PointF Location { get; } Property Value Type Description PointF | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the DrawingOptions defining blending modes and text-specific drawing settings. Declaration public DrawingOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description DrawingOptions | Improve this Doc View Source Pen Gets the pen used for outlining the text, if Null then we will not outline Declaration public IPen Pen { get; } Property Value Type Description IPen | Improve this Doc View Source Text Gets the text to draw. Declaration public string Text { get; } Property Value Type Description String Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration Image <TPixel> source Rectangle sourceRectangle Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Text.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Text.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Text",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.Processors.Text Classes DrawTextProcessor Defines a processor to draw text on an ."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.RadialGradientBrush.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.RadialGradientBrush.html",
"title": "Class RadialGradientBrush",
"keywords": "Class RadialGradientBrush A radial gradient brush, defined by center point and radius. Inheritance Object GradientBrush RadialGradientBrush Implements IBrush Inherited Members GradientBrush.RepetitionMode GradientBrush.ColorStops Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class RadialGradientBrush : GradientBrush, IBrush Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RadialGradientBrush(PointF, Single, GradientRepetitionMode, ColorStop[]) Declaration public RadialGradientBrush(PointF center, float radius, GradientRepetitionMode repetitionMode, params ColorStop[] colorStops) Parameters Type Name Description PointF center The center of the circular gradient and 0 for the color stops. Single radius The radius of the circular gradient and 1 for the color stops. GradientRepetitionMode repetitionMode Defines how the colors in the gradient are repeated. ColorStop [] colorStops the color stops as defined in base class. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Creates the applicator for this brush. Declaration public override BrushApplicator<TPixel> CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, GraphicsOptions options, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, RectangleF region) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration instance to use when performing operations. GraphicsOptions options The graphic options. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. RectangleF region The region the brush will be applied to. Returns Type Description BrushApplicator <TPixel> The BrushApplicator<TPixel> for this brush. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.GradientBrush.CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Remarks The region when being applied to things like shapes would usually be the bounding box of the shape not necessarily the bounds of the whole image. Implements IBrush"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.RecolorBrush.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.RecolorBrush.html",
"title": "Class RecolorBrush",
"keywords": "Class RecolorBrush Provides an implementation of a brush that can recolor an image Inheritance Object RecolorBrush Implements IBrush Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class RecolorBrush : IBrush Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RecolorBrush(Color, Color, Single) Initializes a new instance of the RecolorBrush class. Declaration public RecolorBrush(Color sourceColor, Color targetColor, float threshold) Parameters Type Name Description Color sourceColor Color of the source. Color targetColor Color of the target. Single threshold The threshold as a value between 0 and 1. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source SourceColor Gets the source color. Declaration public Color SourceColor { get; } Property Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source TargetColor Gets the target color. Declaration public Color TargetColor { get; } Property Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source Threshold Gets the threshold. Declaration public float Threshold { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Creates the applicator for this brush. Declaration public BrushApplicator<TPixel> CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, GraphicsOptions options, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, RectangleF region) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration instance to use when performing operations. GraphicsOptions options The graphic options. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. RectangleF region The region the brush will be applied to. Returns Type Description BrushApplicator <TPixel> The BrushApplicator<TPixel> for this brush. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Remarks The region when being applied to things like shapes would usually be the bounding box of the shape not necessarily the bounds of the whole image. Implements IBrush"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ShapeGraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ShapeGraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ShapeGraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ShapeGraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions Adds extensions that allow the processing of images to the type. Inheritance Object ShapeGraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class ShapeGraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetShapeOptions(Configuration) Gets the default shape processing options against the image processing context. Declaration public static ShapeOptions GetShapeOptions(this Configuration configuration) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration to retrieve defaults from. Returns Type Description ShapeOptions The globaly configued default options. | Improve this Doc View Source GetShapeOptions(IImageProcessingContext) Gets the default shape processing options against the image processing context. Declaration public static ShapeOptions GetShapeOptions(this IImageProcessingContext context) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to retrieve defaults from. Returns Type Description ShapeOptions The globaly configued default options. | Improve this Doc View Source SetShapeOptions(Configuration, ShapeOptions) Sets the default shape processing options against the configuration. Declaration public static void SetShapeOptions(this Configuration configuration, ShapeOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration to store default against. ShapeOptions options The default options to use. | Improve this Doc View Source SetShapeOptions(Configuration, Action<ShapeOptions>) Sets the default shape processing options against the configuration. Declaration public static void SetShapeOptions(this Configuration configuration, Action<ShapeOptions> optionsBuilder) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration to store default against. Action < ShapeOptions > optionsBuilder The default options to use. | Improve this Doc View Source SetShapeOptions(IImageProcessingContext, ShapeOptions) Sets the default shape processing options against the image processing context. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext SetShapeOptions(this IImageProcessingContext context, ShapeOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to store default against. ShapeOptions options The default options to use. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The passed in context to allow chaining. | Improve this Doc View Source SetShapeOptions(IImageProcessingContext, Action<ShapeOptions>) Sets the default shape processing options against the image processing context. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext SetShapeOptions(this IImageProcessingContext context, Action<ShapeOptions> optionsBuilder) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to store default against. Action < ShapeOptions > optionsBuilder The action to update instance of the default options used. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The passed in context to allow chaining."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ShapeOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.ShapeOptions.html",
"title": "Class ShapeOptions",
"keywords": "Class ShapeOptions Options for influencing the drawing functions. Inheritance Object ShapeOptions Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class ShapeOptions : IDeepCloneable<ShapeOptions> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ShapeOptions() Initializes a new instance of the ShapeOptions class. Declaration public ShapeOptions() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source IntersectionRule Gets or sets a value indicating whether antialiasing should be applied. Defaults to true. Declaration public IntersectionRule IntersectionRule { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IntersectionRule Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Declaration public ShapeOptions DeepClone() Returns Type Description ShapeOptions"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.SolidBrush.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.SolidBrush.html",
"title": "Class SolidBrush",
"keywords": "Class SolidBrush Provides an implementation of a solid brush for painting solid color areas. Inheritance Object SolidBrush Implements IBrush Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class SolidBrush : IBrush Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source SolidBrush(Color) Initializes a new instance of the SolidBrush class. Declaration public SolidBrush(Color color) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Color Gets the color. Declaration public Color Color { get; } Property Value Type Description Color Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration, GraphicsOptions, ImageFrame<TPixel>, RectangleF) Creates the applicator for this brush. Declaration public BrushApplicator<TPixel> CreateApplicator<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, GraphicsOptions options, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, RectangleF region) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration instance to use when performing operations. GraphicsOptions options The graphic options. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. RectangleF region The region the brush will be applied to. Returns Type Description BrushApplicator <TPixel> The BrushApplicator<TPixel> for this brush. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Remarks The region when being applied to things like shapes would usually be the bounding box of the shape not necessarily the bounds of the whole image. Implements IBrush"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.TextOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.TextOptions.html",
"title": "Class TextOptions",
"keywords": "Class TextOptions Options for influencing text parts of the drawing functions. Inheritance Object TextOptions Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class TextOptions : IDeepCloneable<TextOptions> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source TextOptions() Initializes a new instance of the TextOptions class. Declaration public TextOptions() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyKerning Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text should be drawing with kerning enabled. Defaults to true; Declaration public bool ApplyKerning { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source DpiX Gets or sets a value indicating the DPI (Dots Per Inch) to render text along the X axis. Defaults to 72. Declaration public float DpiX { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source DpiY Gets or sets a value indicating the DPI (Dots Per Inch) to render text along the Y axis. Defaults to 72. Declaration public float DpiY { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source FallbackFonts Gets the list of fallback font families to apply to the text drawing operation. Defaults to . Declaration public List<FontFamily> FallbackFonts { get; } Property Value Type Description List < FontFamily > | Improve this Doc View Source HorizontalAlignment Gets or sets a value indicating how to align the text relative to the rendering space. If WrapTextWidth is greater than zero it will align relative to the space defined by the location and width, if WrapTextWidth equals zero, and thus wrapping disabled, then the alignment is relative to the drawing location. Defaults to . Declaration public HorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment { get; set; } Property Value Type Description HorizontalAlignment | Improve this Doc View Source LineSpacing Gets or sets the line spacing. Applied as a multiple of the line height. Defaults to 1. Declaration public float LineSpacing { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source RenderColorFonts Gets or sets a value indicating whether we should render color(emoji) fonts. Defaults to true. Declaration public bool RenderColorFonts { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source TabWidth Gets or sets a value indicating the number of space widths a tab should lock to. Defaults to 4. Declaration public float TabWidth { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source VerticalAlignment Gets or sets a value indicating how to align the text relative to the rendering space. Defaults to . Declaration public VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment { get; set; } Property Value Type Description VerticalAlignment | Improve this Doc View Source WrapTextWidth Gets or sets a value, if greater than 0, indicating the width at which text should wrap. Defaults to 0. Declaration public float WrapTextWidth { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Declaration public TextOptions DeepClone() Returns Type Description TextOptions"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.TextOptionsDefaultsExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing.TextOptionsDefaultsExtensions.html",
"title": "Class TextOptionsDefaultsExtensions",
"keywords": "Class TextOptionsDefaultsExtensions Adds extensions that allow the processing of images to the type. Inheritance Object TextOptionsDefaultsExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class TextOptionsDefaultsExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetTextOptions(Configuration) Gets the default shape processing options against the image processing context. Declaration public static TextOptions GetTextOptions(this Configuration configuration) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration to retrieve defaults from. Returns Type Description TextOptions The globaly configued default options. | Improve this Doc View Source GetTextOptions(IImageProcessingContext) Gets the default shape processing options against the image processing context. Declaration public static TextOptions GetTextOptions(this IImageProcessingContext context) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to retrieve defaults from. Returns Type Description TextOptions The globaly configued default options. | Improve this Doc View Source SetTextOptions(Configuration, TextOptions) Sets the default shape processing options against the configuration. Declaration public static void SetTextOptions(this Configuration configuration, TextOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration to store default against. TextOptions options The default options to use. | Improve this Doc View Source SetTextOptions(Configuration, Action<TextOptions>) Sets the default shape processing options against the configuration. Declaration public static void SetTextOptions(this Configuration configuration, Action<TextOptions> optionsBuilder) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration to store default against. Action < TextOptions > optionsBuilder The default options to use. | Improve this Doc View Source SetTextOptions(IImageProcessingContext, TextOptions) Sets the default shape processing options against the image processing context. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext SetTextOptions(this IImageProcessingContext context, TextOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to store default against. TextOptions options The default options to use. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The passed in context to allow chaining. | Improve this Doc View Source SetTextOptions(IImageProcessingContext, Action<TextOptions>) Sets the default shape processing options against the image processing context. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext SetTextOptions(this IImageProcessingContext context, Action<TextOptions> optionsBuilder) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to store default against. Action < TextOptions > optionsBuilder The action to update instance of the default options used. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The passed in context to allow chaining."
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.RectangularPolygon.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.RectangularPolygon.html",
"title": "Class RectangularPolygon",
"keywords": "Class RectangularPolygon A polygon tha allows the optimized drawing of rectangles. Inheritance Object RectangularPolygon Implements ISimplePath IPath Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class RectangularPolygon : ISimplePath, IPath Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RectangularPolygon(PointF, PointF) Initializes a new instance of the RectangularPolygon class. Declaration public RectangularPolygon(PointF topLeft, PointF bottomRight) Parameters Type Name Description PointF topLeft The which specifies the rectangles top/left point in a two-dimensional plane. PointF bottomRight The which specifies the rectangles bottom/right point in a two-dimensional plane. | Improve this Doc View Source RectangularPolygon(PointF, SizeF) Initializes a new instance of the RectangularPolygon class. Declaration public RectangularPolygon(PointF point, SizeF size) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The which specifies the rectangles point in a two-dimensional plane. SizeF size The which specifies the rectangles height and width. | Improve this Doc View Source RectangularPolygon(RectangleF) Initializes a new instance of the RectangularPolygon class. Declaration public RectangularPolygon(RectangleF rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description RectangleF rectangle The rectangle. | Improve this Doc View Source RectangularPolygon(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the RectangularPolygon class. Declaration public RectangularPolygon(float x, float y, float width, float height) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The horizontal position of the rectangle. Single y The vertical position of the rectangle. Single width The width of the rectangle. Single height The height of the rectangle. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bottom Gets the y-coordinate of the bottom edge. Declaration public float Bottom { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Bounds Gets the bounds enclosing the path. Declaration public RectangleF Bounds { get; } Property Value Type Description RectangleF | Improve this Doc View Source Center Gets the center point. Declaration public PointF Center { get; } Property Value Type Description PointF | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets the height. Declaration public float Height { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source IsClosed Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a closed path. Declaration public bool IsClosed { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Left Gets the x-coordinate of the left edge. Declaration public float Left { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Location Gets the location. Declaration public PointF Location { get; } Property Value Type Description PointF | Improve this Doc View Source PathType Gets a value indicating whether this instance is closed, open or a composite path with a mixture of open and closed figures. Declaration public PathTypes PathType { get; } Property Value Type Description PathTypes | Improve this Doc View Source Points Gets the points that make this up as a simple linear path. Declaration public ReadOnlyMemory<PointF> Points { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlyMemory < PointF > | Improve this Doc View Source Right Gets the x-coordinate of the right edge. Declaration public float Right { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Size Gets the size. Declaration public SizeF Size { get; } Property Value Type Description SizeF | Improve this Doc View Source Top Gets the y-coordinate of the top edge. Declaration public float Top { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets the width. Declaration public float Width { get
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Region.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Region.html",
"title": "Class Region",
"keywords": "Class Region Represents a region of an image. Inheritance Object Region Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public abstract class Region Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bounds Gets the bounding box that entirely surrounds this region. Declaration public abstract Rectangle Bounds { get; } Property Value Type Description Rectangle"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.RegularPolygon.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.RegularPolygon.html",
"title": "Class RegularPolygon",
"keywords": "Class RegularPolygon A shape made up of a single path made up of one of more ILineSegment s Inheritance Object Path Polygon RegularPolygon Implements ISimplePath IPath Inherited Members Polygon.IsClosed Polygon.Transform(Matrix3x2) Path.ISimplePath.IsClosed Path.Points Path.Bounds Path.PathType Path.LineSegments Path.AsClosedPath() Path.Flatten() Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public class RegularPolygon : Polygon, ISimplePath, IPath Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RegularPolygon(PointF, Int32, Single) Initializes a new instance of the RegularPolygon class. Declaration public RegularPolygon(PointF location, int verticies, float radius) Parameters Type Name Description PointF location The location the center of the polygon will be placed. Int32 verticies The number of verticies the RegularPolygon should have. Single radius The radius of the circle that would touch all verticies. | Improve this Doc View Source RegularPolygon(PointF, Int32, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the RegularPolygon class. Declaration public RegularPolygon(PointF location, int verticies, float radius, float angle) Parameters Type Name Description PointF location The location the center of the polygon will be placed. Int32 verticies The number of verticies the RegularPolygon should have. Single radius The radius of the circle that would touch all verticies. Single angle The angle of rotation in Radians | Improve this Doc View Source RegularPolygon(Single, Single, Int32, Single) Initializes a new instance of the RegularPolygon class. Declaration public RegularPolygon(float x, float y, int verticies, float radius) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-coordinate of the center of the polygon. Single y The y-coordinate of the center of the polygon. Int32 verticies The number of verticies the RegularPolygon should have. Single radius The radius of the circle that would touch all verticies. | Improve this Doc View Source RegularPolygon(Single, Single, Int32, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the RegularPolygon class. Declaration public RegularPolygon(float x, float y, int verticies, float radius, float angle) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-coordinate of the center of the polygon. Single y The y-coordinate of the center of the polygon. Int32 verticies The number of verticies the RegularPolygon should have. Single radius The radius of the circle that would touch all verticies. Single angle The angle of rotation in Radians Implements ISimplePath IPath Extension Methods ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IEnumerable<IPath>) ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IPath[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[], Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) PathExtensions.Rotate(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.RotateDegree(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, PointF) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single)"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.SegmentInfo.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.SegmentInfo.html",
"title": "Struct SegmentInfo",
"keywords": "Struct SegmentInfo Returns metadata about the point along a path. Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public struct SegmentInfo Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Angle The angle of the segment. Declaration public float Angle Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Point The point on the path Declaration public PointF Point Field Value Type Description PointF"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Star.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Star.html",
"title": "Class Star",
"keywords": "Class Star A shape made up of a single closed path made up of one of more ILineSegment s Inheritance Object Path Polygon Star Implements ISimplePath IPath Inherited Members Polygon.IsClosed Polygon.Transform(Matrix3x2) Path.ISimplePath.IsClosed Path.Points Path.Bounds Path.PathType Path.LineSegments Path.AsClosedPath() Path.Flatten() Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public sealed class Star : Polygon, ISimplePath, IPath Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Star(PointF, Int32, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Star class. Declaration public Star(PointF location, int prongs, float innerRadii, float outerRadii) Parameters Type Name Description PointF location The location the center of the polygon will be placed. Int32 prongs The number of verticies the Star should have. Single innerRadii The inner radii. Single outerRadii The outer radii. | Improve this Doc View Source Star(PointF, Int32, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Star class. Declaration public Star(PointF location, int prongs, float innerRadii, float outerRadii, float angle) Parameters Type Name Description PointF location The location the center of the polygon will be placed. Int32 prongs The number of points the Star should have. Single innerRadii The inner radii. Single outerRadii The outer radii. Single angle The angle of rotation in Radians | Improve this Doc View Source Star(Single, Single, Int32, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Star class. Declaration public Star(float x, float y, int prongs, float innerRadii, float outerRadii) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-coordinate of the center of the polygon. Single y The y-coordinate of the center of the polygon. Int32 prongs The number of verticies the RegularPolygon should have. Single innerRadii The inner radii. Single outerRadii The outer radii. | Improve this Doc View Source Star(Single, Single, Int32, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Star class. Declaration public Star(float x, float y, int prongs, float innerRadii, float outerRadii, float angle) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-coordinate of the center of the polygon. Single y The y-coordinate of the center of the polygon. Int32 prongs The number of verticies the RegularPolygon should have. Single innerRadii The inner radii. Single outerRadii The outer radii. Single angle The angle of rotation in Radians Implements ISimplePath IPath Extension Methods ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IEnumerable<IPath>) ClipPathExtensions.Clip(IPath, IPath[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[]) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, Single[], Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, ReadOnlySpan<Single>, Boolean, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single) OutlinePathExtensions.GenerateOutline(IPath, Single, JointStyle, EndCapStyle) PathExtensions.Rotate(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.RotateDegree(IPath, Single) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, PointF) PathExtensions.Translate(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single, Single) PathExtensions.Scale(IPath, Single)"
"api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.TextBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Drawing/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.TextBuilder.html",
"title": "Class TextBuilder",
"keywords": "Class TextBuilder Text drawing extensions for a PathBuilder Inheritance Object TextBuilder Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.dll Syntax public static class TextBuilder Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GenerateGlyphs(String, PointF, RendererOptions) Generates the shapes corresponding the glyphs described by the font and with the settings withing the FontSpan Declaration public static IPathCollection GenerateGlyphs(string text, PointF location, RendererOptions style) Parameters Type Name Description String text The text to generate glyphs for PointF location The location RendererOptions style The style and settings to use while rendering the glyphs Returns Type Description IPathCollection The IPathCollection | Improve this Doc View Source GenerateGlyphs(String, RendererOptions) Generates the shapes corresponding the glyphs described by the font and with the settings withing the FontSpan Declaration public static IPathCollection GenerateGlyphs(string text, RendererOptions style) Parameters Type Name Description String text The text to generate glyphs for RendererOptions style The style and settings to use while rendering the glyphs Returns Type Description IPathCollection The IPathCollection | Improve this Doc View Source GenerateGlyphs(String, IPath, RendererOptions) Generates the shapes corresponding the glyphs described by the font and with the setting in within the FontSpan along the described path. Declaration public static IPathCollection GenerateGlyphs(string text, IPath path, RendererOptions style) Parameters Type Name Description String text The text to generate glyphs for IPath path The path to draw the text in relation to RendererOptions style The style and settings to use while rendering the glyphs Returns Type Description IPathCollection The IPathCollection"
"api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.Azure.AzureBlobStorageCache.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.Azure.AzureBlobStorageCache.html",
"title": "Class AzureBlobStorageCache",
"keywords": "Class AzureBlobStorageCache Implements an Azure Blob Storage based cache. Inheritance Object AzureBlobStorageCache Implements IImageCache Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.Azure Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.dll Syntax public class AzureBlobStorageCache : IImageCache Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AzureBlobStorageCache(IOptions<AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions>) Initializes a new instance of the AzureBlobStorageCache class. Declaration public AzureBlobStorageCache(IOptions<AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions> cacheOptions) Parameters Type Name Description IOptions < AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions > cacheOptions The cache options. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateIfNotExists(AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions, PublicAccessType) Creates a new container under the specified account if a container with the same name does not already exist. Declaration public static Response<BlobContainerInfo> CreateIfNotExists(AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions options, PublicAccessType accessType) Parameters Type Name Description AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions options The Azure Blob Storage cache options. PublicAccessType accessType Optionally specifies whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access. specifies full public read access for container and blob data. Clients can enumerate blobs within the container via anonymous request, but cannot enumerate containers within the storage account. specifies public read access for blobs. Blob data within this container can be read via anonymous request, but container data is not available. Clients cannot enumerate blobs within the container via anonymous request. specifies that the container data is private to the account owner. Returns Type Description Response < BlobContainerInfo > If the container does not already exist, a describing the newly created container. If the container already exists, null . | Improve this Doc View Source GetAsync(String) Declaration public async Task<IImageCacheResolver> GetAsync(string key) Parameters Type Name Description String key Returns Type Description Task < IImageCacheResolver > | Improve this Doc View Source SetAsync(String, Stream, ImageCacheMetadata) Declaration public Task SetAsync(string key, Stream stream, ImageCacheMetadata metadata) Parameters Type Name Description String key Stream stream ImageCacheMetadata metadata Returns Type Description Task Implements IImageCache"
"api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.Azure.AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.Azure.AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions.html",
"title": "Class AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions",
"keywords": "Class AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions Configuration options for the AzureBlobStorageCache . Inheritance Object AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.Azure Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.dll Syntax public class AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ConnectionString Gets or sets the Azure Blob Storage connection string. Declaration public string ConnectionString { get; set; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source ContainerName Gets or sets the Azure Blob Storage container name. Must conform to Azure Blob Storage containiner naming guidlines. Declaration public string ContainerName { get; set; } Property Value Type Description String"
"api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.Azure.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.Azure.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.Azure",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.Azure Classes AzureBlobStorageCache Implements an Azure Blob Storage based cache. AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions Configuration options for the AzureBlobStorageCache ."
"api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.AzureBlobContainerClientOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.AzureBlobContainerClientOptions.html",
"title": "Class AzureBlobContainerClientOptions",
"keywords": "Class AzureBlobContainerClientOptions Represents a single Azure Blob Storage connection and container. Inheritance Object AzureBlobContainerClientOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.dll Syntax public class AzureBlobContainerClientOptions Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ConnectionString Gets or sets the Azure Blob Storage connection string. Declaration public string ConnectionString { get; set; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source ContainerName Gets or sets the Azure Blob Storage container name. Must conform to Azure Blob Storage containiner naming guidlines. Declaration public string ContainerName { get; set; } Property Value Type Description String"
"api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.AzureBlobStorageImageProvider.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.AzureBlobStorageImageProvider.html",
"title": "Class AzureBlobStorageImageProvider",
"keywords": "Class AzureBlobStorageImageProvider Returns images stored in Azure Blob Storage. Inheritance Object AzureBlobStorageImageProvider Implements IImageProvider Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.dll Syntax public class AzureBlobStorageImageProvider : IImageProvider Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AzureBlobStorageImageProvider(IOptions<AzureBlobStorageImageProviderOptions>, FormatUtilities) Initializes a new instance of the AzureBlobStorageImageProvider class. Declaration public AzureBlobStorageImageProvider(IOptions<AzureBlobStorageImageProviderOptions> storageOptions, FormatUtilities formatUtilities) Parameters Type Name Description IOptions < AzureBlobStorageImageProviderOptions > storageOptions The blob storage options. FormatUtilities formatUtilities Contains various format helper methods based on the current configuration. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Match Declaration public Func<HttpContext, bool> Match { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Func < HttpContext , Boolean > | Improve this Doc View Source ProcessingBehavior Declaration public ProcessingBehavior ProcessingBehavior { get; } Property Value Type Description ProcessingBehavior Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetAsync(HttpContext) Declaration public async Task<IImageResolver> GetAsync(HttpContext context) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context Returns Type Description Task < IImageResolver > | Improve this Doc View Source IsValidRequest(HttpContext) Declaration public bool IsValidRequest(HttpContext context) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context Returns Type Description Boolean Implements IImageProvider"
"api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.AzureBlobStorageImageProviderOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.AzureBlobStorageImageProviderOptions.html",
"title": "Class AzureBlobStorageImageProviderOptions",
"keywords": "Class AzureBlobStorageImageProviderOptions Configuration options for the AzureBlobStorageImageProvider provider. Inheritance Object AzureBlobStorageImageProviderOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.dll Syntax public class AzureBlobStorageImageProviderOptions Properties | Improve this Doc View Source BlobContainers Gets or sets the collection of blob container client options. Declaration public ICollection<AzureBlobContainerClientOptions> BlobContainers { get; set; } Property Value Type Description ICollection < AzureBlobContainerClientOptions >"
"api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure Classes AzureBlobContainerClientOptions Represents a single Azure Blob Storage connection and container. AzureBlobStorageImageProvider Returns images stored in Azure Blob Storage. AzureBlobStorageImageProviderOptions Configuration options for the AzureBlobStorageImageProvider provider."
"api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.Azure.AzureBlobStorageCacheResolver.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.Azure.AzureBlobStorageCacheResolver.html",
"title": "Class AzureBlobStorageCacheResolver",
"keywords": "Class AzureBlobStorageCacheResolver Provides means to manage image buffers within the AzureBlobStorageCache . Inheritance Object AzureBlobStorageCacheResolver Implements IImageCacheResolver Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.Azure Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.dll Syntax public class AzureBlobStorageCacheResolver : IImageCacheResolver Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AzureBlobStorageCacheResolver(BlobClient) Initializes a new instance of the AzureBlobStorageCacheResolver class. Declaration public AzureBlobStorageCacheResolver(BlobClient blob) Parameters Type Name Description BlobClient blob The Azure blob. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMetaDataAsync() Declaration public async Task<ImageCacheMetadata> GetMetaDataAsync() Returns Type Description Task < ImageCacheMetadata > | Improve this Doc View Source OpenReadAsync() Declaration public async Task<Stream> OpenReadAsync() Returns Type Description Task < Stream > Implements IImageCacheResolver"
"api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.Azure.AzureBlobStorageImageResolver.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.Azure.AzureBlobStorageImageResolver.html",
"title": "Class AzureBlobStorageImageResolver",
"keywords": "Class AzureBlobStorageImageResolver Provides means to manage image buffers within the Azure Blob file system. Inheritance Object AzureBlobStorageImageResolver Implements IImageResolver Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.Azure Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure.dll Syntax public class AzureBlobStorageImageResolver : IImageResolver Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AzureBlobStorageImageResolver(BlobClient) Initializes a new instance of the AzureBlobStorageImageResolver class. Declaration public AzureBlobStorageImageResolver(BlobClient blob) Parameters Type Name Description BlobClient blob The Azure blob. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMetaDataAsync() Declaration public async Task<ImageMetadata> GetMetaDataAsync() Returns Type Description Task < ImageMetadata > | Improve this Doc View Source OpenReadAsync() Declaration public async Task<Stream> OpenReadAsync() Returns Type Description Task < Stream > Implements IImageResolver"
"api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.Azure.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.Azure.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.Azure",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.Azure Classes AzureBlobStorageCacheResolver Provides means to manage image buffers within the AzureBlobStorageCache . AzureBlobStorageImageResolver Provides means to manage image buffers within the Azure Blob file system."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.CacheHash.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.CacheHash.html",
"title": "Class CacheHash",
"keywords": "Class CacheHash Creates hashed keys for the given inputs hashing them to string of length ranging from 2 to 64. Hashed keys are the result of the SHA256 computation of the input value for the given length. This ensures low collision rates with a shorter file name. Inheritance Object CacheHash Implements ICacheHash Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public sealed class CacheHash : ICacheHash Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CacheHash(IOptions<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions>) Initializes a new instance of the CacheHash class. Declaration public CacheHash(IOptions<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions> options) Parameters Type Name Description IOptions < ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions > options The middleware configuration options. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Create(String, UInt32) Returns the hashed file name for the cached image file. Declaration public string Create(string value, uint length) Parameters Type Name Description String value The input value to hash. UInt32 length The length of the returned hash without any extensions. Returns Type Description String The String . Implements ICacheHash"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching Classes CacheHash Creates hashed keys for the given inputs hashing them to string of length ranging from 2 to 64. Hashed keys are the result of the SHA256 computation of the input value for the given length. This ensures low collision rates with a shorter file name. PhysicalFileSystemCache Implements a physical file system based cache. PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions Configuration options for the PhysicalFileSystemCache . Interfaces ICacheHash Defines a contract that allows the creation of hashed file names for storing cached images. IImageCache Specifies the contract for caching images."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.ICacheHash.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.ICacheHash.html",
"title": "Interface ICacheHash",
"keywords": "Interface ICacheHash Defines a contract that allows the creation of hashed file names for storing cached images. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public interface ICacheHash Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Create(String, UInt32) Returns the hashed file name for the cached image file. Declaration string Create(string value, uint length) Parameters Type Name Description String value The input value to hash. UInt32 length The length of the returned hash without any extensions. Returns Type Description String The String ."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.IImageCache.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.IImageCache.html",
"title": "Interface IImageCache",
"keywords": "Interface IImageCache Specifies the contract for caching images. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public interface IImageCache Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetAsync(String) Gets the image resolver associated with the specified key. Declaration Task<IImageCacheResolver> GetAsync(string key) Parameters Type Name Description String key The cache key. Returns Type Description Task < IImageCacheResolver > The IImageResolver . | Improve this Doc View Source SetAsync(String, Stream, ImageCacheMetadata) Sets the value associated with the specified key. Declaration Task SetAsync(string key, Stream stream, ImageCacheMetadata metadata) Parameters Type Name Description String key The cache key. Stream stream The stream containing the image to store. ImageCacheMetadata metadata The ImageCacheMetadata associated with the image to store. Returns Type Description Task The task."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.PhysicalFileSystemCache.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.PhysicalFileSystemCache.html",
"title": "Class PhysicalFileSystemCache",
"keywords": "Class PhysicalFileSystemCache Implements a physical file system based cache. Inheritance Object PhysicalFileSystemCache Implements IImageCache Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class PhysicalFileSystemCache : IImageCache Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PhysicalFileSystemCache(IOptions<PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions>, IWebHostEnvironment, IOptions<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions>, FormatUtilities) Initializes a new instance of the PhysicalFileSystemCache class. Declaration public PhysicalFileSystemCache(IOptions<PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions> cacheOptions, IWebHostEnvironment environment, IOptions<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions> options, FormatUtilities formatUtilities) Parameters Type Name Description IOptions < PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions > cacheOptions The cache configuration options. IWebHostEnvironment environment The hosting environment the application is running in. IOptions < ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions > options The middleware configuration options. FormatUtilities formatUtilities Contains various format helper methods based on the current configuration. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetAsync(String) Gets the image resolver associated with the specified key. Declaration public Task<IImageCacheResolver> GetAsync(string key) Parameters Type Name Description String key The cache key. Returns Type Description Task < IImageCacheResolver > The IImageResolver . | Improve this Doc View Source SetAsync(String, Stream, ImageCacheMetadata) Sets the value associated with the specified key. Declaration public async Task SetAsync(string key, Stream stream, ImageCacheMetadata metadata) Parameters Type Name Description String key The cache key. Stream stream The stream containing the image to store. ImageCacheMetadata metadata The ImageCacheMetadata associated with the image to store. Returns Type Description Task The task. Implements IImageCache"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching.PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions.html",
"title": "Class PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions",
"keywords": "Class PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions Configuration options for the PhysicalFileSystemCache . Inheritance Object PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Caching Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions Properties | Improve this Doc View Source CacheFolder Gets or sets the cache folder name. Declaration public string CacheFolder { get; set; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source CacheRoot Gets or sets the optional cache root folder. This value can be null , a fully qualified absolute path, or a path relative to the directory that contains the application content files. If not set, this will default to the directory that contains the web-servable application content files; commonly 'wwwroot'. Declaration public string CacheRoot { get; set; } Property Value Type Description String"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.CommandParser.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.CommandParser.html",
"title": "Class CommandParser",
"keywords": "Class CommandParser Parses URI derived command values into usable commands for processors. Inheritance Object CommandParser Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public sealed class CommandParser Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CommandParser(IEnumerable<ICommandConverter>) Initializes a new instance of the CommandParser class. Declaration public CommandParser(IEnumerable<ICommandConverter> converters) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < ICommandConverter > converters The collection of command converters. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ParseValue<T>(String, CultureInfo) Parses the given string value converting it to the given type. Declaration public T ParseValue<T>(string value, CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description String value The string value to parse. CultureInfo culture The CultureInfo to use as the current culture. Returns Type Description T The converted instance or the default. Type Parameters Name Description T The Type to convert the string to."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.Converters.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.Converters.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.Converters",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.Converters Interfaces ICommandConverter Defines a contract for converting the value of a string into a different data type. Implementations should be stateless by design and also implement ICommandConverter<T> . ICommandConverter<T>"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.Converters.ICommandConverter.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.Converters.ICommandConverter.html",
"title": "Interface ICommandConverter",
"keywords": "Interface ICommandConverter Defines a contract for converting the value of a string into a different data type. Implementations should be stateless by design and also implement ICommandConverter<T> . Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.Converters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public interface ICommandConverter Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Type Gets the type this converter returns. Declaration Type Type { get; } Property Value Type Description Type"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.Converters.ICommandConverter-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.Converters.ICommandConverter-1.html",
"title": "Interface ICommandConverter<T>",
"keywords": "Interface ICommandConverter<T> Inherited Members ICommandConverter.Type Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.Converters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public interface ICommandConverter<T> : ICommandConverter Type Parameters Name Description T The type this converter returns. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ConvertFrom(CommandParser, CultureInfo, String, Type) Converts the given string to the type of this converter, using the specified culture information. Declaration T ConvertFrom(CommandParser parser, CultureInfo culture, string value, Type propertyType) Parameters Type Name Description CommandParser parser The command parser use for parting commands. CultureInfo culture The CultureInfo to use as the current parsing culture. String value The String to convert. Type propertyType The property type that the converter will convert to. Returns Type Description T A String that represents the converted value. Exceptions Type Condition NotSupportedException The conversion cannot be performed."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.DictionaryExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.DictionaryExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DictionaryExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DictionaryExtensions Extension methods for IDictionary<TKey,TValue> . Inheritance Object DictionaryExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public static class DictionaryExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetValueOrDefault<TValue, TKey>(IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, TKey) Gets the value associated with the specified key or the default value. Declaration public static TValue GetValueOrDefault<TValue, TKey>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key) Parameters Type Name Description IDictionary <TKey, TValue> dictionary The dictionary instance. TKey key The key of the value to get. Returns Type Description TValue The value associated with the specified key or the default value. Type Parameters Name Description TValue The value type. TKey The key type."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands Classes CommandParser Parses URI derived command values into usable commands for processors. DictionaryExtensions Extension methods for IDictionary<TKey,TValue> . PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser Parses preset name from the request querystring and returns the commands configured for that preset. PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParserOptions Configuration options for the PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser . QueryCollectionRequestParser Parses commands from the request querystring. Interfaces IRequestParser Defines a contract for parsing commands from image requests."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.IRequestParser.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.IRequestParser.html",
"title": "Interface IRequestParser",
"keywords": "Interface IRequestParser Defines a contract for parsing commands from image requests. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public interface IRequestParser Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ParseRequestCommands(HttpContext) Returns a collection of commands from the current request. Declaration IDictionary<string, string> ParseRequestCommands(HttpContext context) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context Encapsulates all HTTP-specific information about an individual HTTP request. Returns Type Description IDictionary < String , String > The IDictionary<TKey,TValue> ."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser.html",
"title": "Class PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser",
"keywords": "Class PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser Parses preset name from the request querystring and returns the commands configured for that preset. Inheritance Object PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser Implements IRequestParser Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser : IRequestParser Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser(IOptions<PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParserOptions>) Initializes a new instance of the PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser class. Declaration public PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser(IOptions<PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParserOptions> presetOptions) Parameters Type Name Description IOptions < PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParserOptions > presetOptions The preset options. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source QueryKey The command constant for the preset query parameter. Declaration public const string QueryKey = \"preset\" Field Value Type Description String Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ParseRequestCommands(HttpContext) Returns a collection of commands from the current request. Declaration public IDictionary<string, string> ParseRequestCommands(HttpContext context) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context Encapsulates all HTTP-specific information about an individual HTTP request. Returns Type Description IDictionary < String , String > The IDictionary<TKey,TValue> . Implements IRequestParser"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParserOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParserOptions.html",
"title": "Class PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParserOptions",
"keywords": "Class PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParserOptions Configuration options for the PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParser . Inheritance Object PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParserOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class PresetOnlyQueryCollectionRequestParserOptions Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Presets Gets or sets the presets, which is a Dictionary of preset names to command query strings. Declaration public IDictionary<string, string> Presets { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IDictionary < String , String >"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.QueryCollectionRequestParser.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands.QueryCollectionRequestParser.html",
"title": "Class QueryCollectionRequestParser",
"keywords": "Class QueryCollectionRequestParser Parses commands from the request querystring. Inheritance Object QueryCollectionRequestParser Implements IRequestParser Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Commands Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public sealed class QueryCollectionRequestParser : IRequestParser Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ParseRequestCommands(HttpContext) Returns a collection of commands from the current request. Declaration public IDictionary<string, string> ParseRequestCommands(HttpContext context) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context Encapsulates all HTTP-specific information about an individual HTTP request. Returns Type Description IDictionary < String , String > The IDictionary<TKey,TValue> . Implements IRequestParser"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.ApplicationBuilderExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.ApplicationBuilderExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ApplicationBuilderExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ApplicationBuilderExtensions Extension methods for IApplicationBuilder to simplify middleware registration. Inheritance Object ApplicationBuilderExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public static class ApplicationBuilderExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source UseImageSharp(IApplicationBuilder) Registers the ImageSharp middleware. Declaration public static IApplicationBuilder UseImageSharp(this IApplicationBuilder app) Parameters Type Name Description IApplicationBuilder app The application with the mechanism to configure a request pipeline. Returns Type Description IApplicationBuilder IApplicationBuilder ."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection Classes ApplicationBuilderExtensions Extension methods for IApplicationBuilder to simplify middleware registration. ImageSharpBuilderExtensions Extension methods for IImageSharpBuilder that allow configuration of services. ImageSharpConfiguration Provides default configuration settings to be consumed by the middleware. ServiceCollectionExtensions Extension methods for IServiceCollection to simplify middleware service registration. Interfaces IImageSharpBuilder Defines a contract for adding ImageSharp services."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.IImageSharpBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.IImageSharpBuilder.html",
"title": "Interface IImageSharpBuilder",
"keywords": "Interface IImageSharpBuilder Defines a contract for adding ImageSharp services. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public interface IImageSharpBuilder Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Services Gets the IServiceCollection where ImageSharp services are configured. Declaration IServiceCollection Services { get; } Property Value Type Description IServiceCollection Extension Methods ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.SetRequestParser<TParser>(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.SetRequestParser(IImageSharpBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider, IRequestParser>) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.SetMemoryAllocator(IImageSharpBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider, MemoryAllocator>) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.SetMemoryAllocator<TMemoryAllocator>(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.SetCache<TCache>(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.SetCache(IImageSharpBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider, IImageCache>) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.SetCacheHash<TCacheHash>(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.SetCacheHash(IImageSharpBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider, ICacheHash>) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.AddProvider<TProvider>(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.AddProvider<TProvider>(IImageSharpBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider, TProvider>) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.RemoveProvider<TProvider>(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.ClearProviders(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.AddProcessor<TProcessor>(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.AddProcessor<TProcessor>(IImageSharpBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider, TProcessor>) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.RemoveProcessor<TProcessor>(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.ClearProcessors(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.AddConverter<TConverter>(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.AddConverter<TConverter>(IImageSharpBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider, TConverter>) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.RemoveConverter<TConverter>(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.ClearConverters(IImageSharpBuilder) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.Configure<TOptions>(IImageSharpBuilder, IConfiguration) ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.Configure<TOptions>(IImageSharpBuilder, Action<TOptions>)"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.ImageSharpBuilderExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ImageSharpBuilderExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ImageSharpBuilderExtensions Extension methods for IImageSharpBuilder that allow configuration of services. Inheritance Object ImageSharpBuilderExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public static class ImageSharpBuilderExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddConverter<TConverter>(IImageSharpBuilder) Adds the given ICommandConverter to the converter collection within the service collection. Declaration public static IImageSharpBuilder AddConverter<TConverter>(this IImageSharpBuilder builder) where TConverter : class, ICommandConverter Parameters Type Name Description IImageSharpBuilder builder The core builder. Returns Type Description IImageSharpBuilder The IImageSharpBuilder . Type Parameters Name Description TConverter The type of class implementing ICommandConverter to add. | Improve this Doc View Source AddConverter<TConverter>(IImageSharpBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider, TConverter>) Adds the given ICommandConverter to the converter collection within the service collection. Declaration public static IImageSharpBuilder AddConverter<TConverter>(this IImageSharpBuilder builder, Func<IServiceProvider, TConverter> implementationFactory) where TConverter : class, ICommandConverter Parameters Type Name Description IImageSharpBuilder builder The core builder. Func < IServiceProvider , TConverter> implementationFactory The factory method for returning a ICommandConverter . Returns Type Description IImageSharpBuilder The IImageSharpBuilder . Type Parameters Name Description TConverter The type of class implementing ICommandConverter to add. | Improve this Doc View Source AddProcessor<TProcessor>(IImageSharpBuilder) Adds the given IImageWebProcessor to the processor collection within the service collection. Declaration public static IImageSharpBuilder AddProcessor<TProcessor>(this IImageSharpBuilder builder) where TProcessor : class, IImageWebProcessor Parameters Type Name Description IImageSharpBuilder builder The core builder. Returns Type Description IImageSharpBuilder The IImageSharpBuilder . Type Parameters Name Description TProcessor The type of class implementing IImageWebProcessor to add. | Improve this Doc View Source AddProcessor<TProcessor>(IImageSharpBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider, TProcessor>) Adds the given IImageWebProcessor to the processor collection within the service collection. Declaration public static IImageSharpBuilder AddProcessor<TProcessor>(this IImageSharpBuilder builder, Func<IServiceProvider, TProcessor> implementationFactory) where TProcessor : class, IImageWebProcessor Parameters Type Name Description IImageSharpBuilder builder The core builder. Func < IServiceProvider , TProcessor> implementationFactory The factory method for returning a IImageProvider . Returns Type Description IImageSharpBuilder The IImageSharpBuilder . Type Parameters Name Description TProcessor The type of class implementing IImageWebProcessor to add. | Improve this Doc View Source AddProvider<TProvider>(IImageSharpBuilder) Adds the given IImageProvider to the provider collection within the service collection. Declaration public static IImageSharpBuilder AddProvider<TProvider>(this IImageSharpBuilder builder) where TProvider : class, IImageProvider Parameters Type Name Description IImageSharpBuilder builder The core builder. Returns Type Description IImageSharpBuilder The IImageSharpBuilder . Type Parameters Name Description TProvider The type of class implementing IImageProvider to add. | Improve this Doc View Source AddProvider<TProvider>(IImageSharpBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider, TProvider>) Adds the given IImageProvider to the provider collection within the service collection. Declaration public static IImageSharpBuilder AddProvider<TProvider>(this IImageSharpBuilder builder, Func<IServiceProvider, TProvider> implementationFa
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.ImageSharpConfiguration.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.ImageSharpConfiguration.html",
"title": "Class ImageSharpConfiguration",
"keywords": "Class ImageSharpConfiguration Provides default configuration settings to be consumed by the middleware. Inheritance Object ImageSharpConfiguration Implements IConfigureOptions < ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class ImageSharpConfiguration : IConfigureOptions<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions> Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Configure(ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions) Declaration public void Configure(ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions options Implements Microsoft.Extensions.Options.IConfigureOptions<TOptions>"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ServiceCollectionExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ServiceCollectionExtensions Extension methods for IServiceCollection to simplify middleware service registration. Inheritance Object ServiceCollectionExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.DependencyInjection Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddImageSharp(IServiceCollection) Adds ImageSharp services to the specified IServiceCollection with the default options. Declaration public static IImageSharpBuilder AddImageSharp(this IServiceCollection services) Parameters Type Name Description IServiceCollection services The IServiceCollection to add services to. Returns Type Description IImageSharpBuilder An IImageSharpBuilder that can be used to further configure the ImageSharp services. | Improve this Doc View Source AddImageSharp(IServiceCollection, Action<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions>) Adds ImageSharp services to the specified IServiceCollection with the given options. Declaration public static IImageSharpBuilder AddImageSharp(this IServiceCollection services, Action<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions> setupAction) Parameters Type Name Description IServiceCollection services The IServiceCollection to add services to. Action < ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions > setupAction An Action<T> to configure the provided ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions . Returns Type Description IImageSharpBuilder An IImageSharpBuilder that can be used to further configure the ImageSharp services."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.FormattedImage.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.FormattedImage.html",
"title": "Class FormattedImage",
"keywords": "Class FormattedImage A class encapsulating an image with a particular file encoding. Inheritance Object FormattedImage Implements IDisposable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public sealed class FormattedImage : IDisposable Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Encoder Gets or sets the encoder. Declaration public IImageEncoder Encoder { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IImageEncoder | Improve this Doc View Source Format Gets or sets the format. Declaration public IImageFormat Format { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IImageFormat | Improve this Doc View Source Image Gets the image. Declaration public Image<Rgba32> Image { get; } Property Value Type Description Image < Rgba32 > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Declaration public void Dispose() | Improve this Doc View Source Load(Configuration, Stream) Loads the specified source. Declaration public static FormattedImage Load(Configuration configuration, Stream source) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration. Stream source The source. Returns Type Description FormattedImage The FormattedImage . | Improve this Doc View Source Save(Stream) Saves image to the specified destination stream. Declaration public void Save(Stream destination) Parameters Type Name Description Stream destination The destination stream. Implements System.IDisposable See Also IDisposable"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.FormatUtilities.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.FormatUtilities.html",
"title": "Class FormatUtilities",
"keywords": "Class FormatUtilities Contains various helper methods based on the given configuration. Inheritance Object FormatUtilities Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public sealed class FormatUtilities Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FormatUtilities(IOptions<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions>) Initializes a new instance of the FormatUtilities class. Declaration public FormatUtilities(IOptions<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions> options) Parameters Type Name Description IOptions < ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions > options The middleware options. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetExtensionFromContentType(String) Gets the correct extension for the given content type (mime-type). Declaration public string GetExtensionFromContentType(string contentType) Parameters Type Name Description String contentType The content type (mime-type). Returns Type Description String The String . | Improve this Doc View Source GetExtensionFromUri(String) Gets the file extension for the given image uri. Declaration public string GetExtensionFromUri(string uri) Parameters Type Name Description String uri The full request uri. Returns Type Description String The String ."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web Classes FormattedImage A class encapsulating an image with a particular file encoding. FormatUtilities Contains various helper methods based on the given configuration. Structs ImageCacheMetadata Represents the metadata associated with an image file. ImageMetadata Represents the metadata associated with an image file."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.ImageCacheMetadata.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.ImageCacheMetadata.html",
"title": "Struct ImageCacheMetadata",
"keywords": "Struct ImageCacheMetadata Represents the metadata associated with an image file. Implements IEquatable < ImageCacheMetadata > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public readonly struct ImageCacheMetadata : IEquatable<ImageCacheMetadata> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ImageCacheMetadata(DateTime, DateTime, String, TimeSpan, Int64) Initializes a new instance of the ImageCacheMetadata struct. Declaration public ImageCacheMetadata(DateTime sourceLastWriteTimeUtc, DateTime cacheLastWriteTimeUtc, string contentType, TimeSpan cacheControlMaxAge, long contentLength) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime sourceLastWriteTimeUtc The date and time in coordinated universal time (UTC) since the source file was last modified. DateTime cacheLastWriteTimeUtc The date and time in coordinated universal time (UTC) since the cache file was last modified. String contentType The content type for the source file. TimeSpan cacheControlMaxAge The maximum amount of time a resource will be considered fresh. Int64 contentLength The length of the image in bytes. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source CacheControlMaxAge Gets the maximum amount of time a resource will be considered fresh. Declaration public readonly TimeSpan CacheControlMaxAge { get; } Property Value Type Description TimeSpan | Improve this Doc View Source CacheLastWriteTimeUtc Gets the date and time in coordinated universal time (UTC) since the cached file was last modified. Declaration public readonly DateTime CacheLastWriteTimeUtc { get; } Property Value Type Description DateTime | Improve this Doc View Source ContentLength Gets the length of the image in bytes. Declaration public readonly long ContentLength { get; } Property Value Type Description Int64 | Improve this Doc View Source ContentType Gets the content type of the source file. Declaration public readonly string ContentType { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source SourceLastWriteTimeUtc Gets the date and time in coordinated universal time (UTC) since the source file was last modified. Declaration public readonly DateTime SourceLastWriteTimeUtc { get; } Property Value Type Description DateTime Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(ImageCacheMetadata) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(ImageCacheMetadata other) Parameters Type Name Description ImageCacheMetadata other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromDictionary(IDictionary<String, String>) Returns a new ImageCacheMetadata parsed from the given dictionary. Declaration public static ImageCacheMetadata FromDictionary(IDictionary<string, string> dictionary) Parameters Type Name Description IDictionary < String , String > dictionary The dictionary to parse and return the metadata from. Returns Type Description ImageCacheMetadata The ImageCacheMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ReadAsync(Stream) Asynchronously reads and returns an ImageCacheMetadata from the input stream. Declaration public static async Task<ImageCacheMetadata> ReadAsync(Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The input stream. Returns Type Description Task < ImageCacheMetadata > The ImageCacheMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source ToDictionary() Returns a new Dictionary<TKey,TValue> representing the current instance. Declaration public readonly Dictionary<string, string> ToDictionary() Returns Type Description Dictionary < String , String > The Dictionary<TKey,TValue> . | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public over
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.ImageMetadata.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.ImageMetadata.html",
"title": "Struct ImageMetadata",
"keywords": "Struct ImageMetadata Represents the metadata associated with an image file. Implements IEquatable < ImageMetadata > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public readonly struct ImageMetadata : IEquatable<ImageMetadata> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ImageMetadata(DateTime, Int64) Initializes a new instance of the ImageMetadata struct. Declaration public ImageMetadata(DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc, long contentLength) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc The date and time in coordinated universal time (UTC) since the source file was last modified. Int64 contentLength The length of the image in bytes. | Improve this Doc View Source ImageMetadata(DateTime, TimeSpan, Int64) Initializes a new instance of the ImageMetadata struct. Declaration public ImageMetadata(DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc, TimeSpan cacheControlMaxAge, long contentLength) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc The date and time in coordinated universal time (UTC) since the source file was last modified. TimeSpan cacheControlMaxAge The maximum amount of time a resource will be considered fresh. Int64 contentLength The length of the image in bytes. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source CacheControlMaxAge Gets the maximum amount of time a resource will be considered fresh. Declaration public readonly TimeSpan CacheControlMaxAge { get; } Property Value Type Description TimeSpan | Improve this Doc View Source ContentLength Gets the length of the image in bytes. Declaration public readonly long ContentLength { get; } Property Value Type Description Int64 | Improve this Doc View Source LastWriteTimeUtc Gets the date and time in coordinated universal time (UTC) since the source file was last modified. Declaration public readonly DateTime LastWriteTimeUtc { get; } Property Value Type Description DateTime Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(ImageMetadata) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(ImageMetadata other) Parameters Type Name Description ImageMetadata other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(in ImageMetadata, in ImageMetadata) Compares two ImageMetadata objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(in ImageMetadata left, in ImageMetadata right) Parameters Type Name Description ImageMetadata left The ImageMetadata on the left side of the operand. ImageMetadata right The ImageMetadata on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(in ImageMetadata, in ImageMetadata) Compares two ImageMetadata objects for inequality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(in ImageMetadata left, in ImageMetadata right) Parameters Type Name Description ImageMetadata left The ImageMetadata on the left side of the operand. ImageMetadata right The ImageMetadata on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.ConcurrentDictionaryExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.ConcurrentDictionaryExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ConcurrentDictionaryExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ConcurrentDictionaryExtensions Extensions used to manage asynchronous access to the ImageSharpMiddleware Inheritance Object ConcurrentDictionaryExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public static class ConcurrentDictionaryExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetOrAddAsync<TKey, TValue>(ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, Task<TValue>>, TKey, Func<TKey, Task<TValue>>) Provides an alternative to GetOrAdd(TKey, Func<TKey,TValue>) specifically for asynchronous values. The factory method will only run once. Declaration public static async Task<TValue> GetOrAddAsync<TKey, TValue>(this ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, Task<TValue>> dictionary, TKey key, Func<TKey, Task<TValue>> valueFactory) Parameters Type Name Description ConcurrentDictionary <TKey, Task <TValue>> dictionary The ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue> . TKey key The key of the element to add. Func <TKey, Task <TValue>> valueFactory The function used to generate a value for the key Returns Type Description Task <TValue> The value for the key. This will be either the existing value for the key if the key is already in the dictionary, or the new value for the key as returned by valueFactory if the key was not in the dictionary. Type Parameters Name Description TKey The type of the key. TValue The value for the dictionary."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware Classes ConcurrentDictionaryExtensions Extensions used to manage asynchronous access to the ImageSharpMiddleware ImageCommandContext Contains information about the current image request and parsed commands. ImageProcessingContext Contains information about the current image request and processed image. ImageSharpMiddleware Middleware for handling the processing of images via image requests. ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions Configuration options for the ImageSharpMiddleware middleware."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.ImageCommandContext.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.ImageCommandContext.html",
"title": "Class ImageCommandContext",
"keywords": "Class ImageCommandContext Contains information about the current image request and parsed commands. Inheritance Object ImageCommandContext Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class ImageCommandContext Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ImageCommandContext(HttpContext, IDictionary<String, String>, CommandParser, CultureInfo) Initializes a new instance of the ImageCommandContext class. Declaration public ImageCommandContext(HttpContext context, IDictionary<string, string> commands, CommandParser parser, CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context The current HTTP request context. IDictionary < String , String > commands The dictionary containing the collection of URI derived processing commands. CommandParser parser The command parser for parsing URI derived processing commands. CultureInfo culture The culture used to parse commands. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Commands Gets the dictionary containing the collection of URI derived processing commands. Declaration public IDictionary<string, string> Commands { get; } Property Value Type Description IDictionary < String , String > | Improve this Doc View Source Context Gets the current HTTP request context. Declaration public HttpContext Context { get; } Property Value Type Description HttpContext | Improve this Doc View Source Culture Gets the culture used for parsing commands. Declaration public CultureInfo Culture { get; } Property Value Type Description CultureInfo | Improve this Doc View Source Parser Gets the command parser for parsing URI derived processing commands. Declaration public CommandParser Parser { get; } Property Value Type Description CommandParser"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.ImageProcessingContext.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.ImageProcessingContext.html",
"title": "Class ImageProcessingContext",
"keywords": "Class ImageProcessingContext Contains information about the current image request and processed image. Inheritance Object ImageProcessingContext Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class ImageProcessingContext Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ImageProcessingContext(HttpContext, Stream, IDictionary<String, String>, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the ImageProcessingContext class. Declaration public ImageProcessingContext(HttpContext context, Stream stream, IDictionary<string, string> commands, string contentType, string extension) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context The current HTTP request context. Stream stream The stream containing the processed image bytes. IDictionary < String , String > commands The parsed collection of processing commands. String contentType The content type for the processed image. String extension The file extension for the processed image. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Commands Gets the parsed collection of processing commands. Declaration public IDictionary<string, string> Commands { get; } Property Value Type Description IDictionary < String , String > | Improve this Doc View Source ContentType Gets the content type for for the processed image. Declaration public string ContentType { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Context Gets the current HTTP request context. Declaration public HttpContext Context { get; } Property Value Type Description HttpContext | Improve this Doc View Source Extension Gets the file extension for the processed image. Declaration public string Extension { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Stream Gets the stream containing the processed image bytes. Declaration public Stream Stream { get; } Property Value Type Description Stream"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.ImageSharpMiddleware.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.ImageSharpMiddleware.html",
"title": "Class ImageSharpMiddleware",
"keywords": "Class ImageSharpMiddleware Middleware for handling the processing of images via image requests. Inheritance Object ImageSharpMiddleware Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class ImageSharpMiddleware Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ImageSharpMiddleware(RequestDelegate, IOptions<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions>, ILoggerFactory, IRequestParser, IEnumerable<IImageProvider>, IEnumerable<IImageWebProcessor>, IImageCache, ICacheHash, CommandParser, FormatUtilities, AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock<String>) Initializes a new instance of the ImageSharpMiddleware class. Declaration public ImageSharpMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IOptions<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions> options, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IRequestParser requestParser, IEnumerable<IImageProvider> resolvers, IEnumerable<IImageWebProcessor> processors, IImageCache cache, ICacheHash cacheHash, CommandParser commandParser, FormatUtilities formatUtilities, AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock<string> asyncKeyLock) Parameters Type Name Description RequestDelegate next The next middleware in the pipeline. IOptions < ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions > options The middleware configuration options. ILoggerFactory loggerFactory An ILoggerFactory instance used to create loggers. IRequestParser requestParser An IRequestParser instance used to parse image requests for commands. IEnumerable < IImageProvider > resolvers A collection of IImageProvider instances used to resolve images. IEnumerable < IImageWebProcessor > processors A collection of IImageWebProcessor instances used to process images. IImageCache cache An IImageCache instance used for caching images. ICacheHash cacheHash An ICacheHash instance used for calculating cached file names. CommandParser commandParser The command parser FormatUtilities formatUtilities Contains various format helper methods based on the current configuration. AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock < String > asyncKeyLock The async key lock Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Invoke(HttpContext) Performs operations upon the current request. Declaration public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context The current HTTP request context. Returns Type Description Task The Task ."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware.ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions.html",
"title": "Class ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions",
"keywords": "Class ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions Configuration options for the ImageSharpMiddleware middleware. Inheritance Object ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Middleware Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions Properties | Improve this Doc View Source BrowserMaxAge Gets or sets the duration to store images in the browser cache. If an image provider provides a Max-Age for a source image then that will override this value. Defaults to 7 days. Declaration public TimeSpan BrowserMaxAge { get; set; } Property Value Type Description TimeSpan | Improve this Doc View Source CachedNameLength Gets or sets the length of the filename to use (minus the extension) when storing images in the image cache. Defaults to 12 characters. Declaration public uint CachedNameLength { get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source CacheMaxAge Gets or sets the duration to store images in the image cache. Defaults to 365 days. Declaration public TimeSpan CacheMaxAge { get; set; } Property Value Type Description TimeSpan | Improve this Doc View Source Configuration Gets or sets the base library configuration. Declaration public Configuration Configuration { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Configuration | Improve this Doc View Source MemoryStreamManager Gets or sets the recyclable memorystream manager used for managing pooled stream buffers independently from image buffer pooling. Declaration public RecyclableMemoryStreamManager MemoryStreamManager { get; set; } Property Value Type Description RecyclableMemoryStreamManager | Improve this Doc View Source OnBeforeSaveAsync Gets or sets the additional method that can be used for final manipulation before the image is saved. This is called after image has been processed, but before the image has been saved to the output stream for caching. This can be used to alter the metadata of the resultant image. Declaration public Func<FormattedImage, Task> OnBeforeSaveAsync { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Func < FormattedImage , Task > | Improve this Doc View Source OnParseCommandsAsync Gets or sets the additional command parsing method that can be used to used to augment commands. This is called once the commands have been gathered and before an IImageProvider has been assigned. Declaration public Func<ImageCommandContext, Task> OnParseCommandsAsync { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Func < ImageCommandContext , Task > | Improve this Doc View Source OnPrepareResponseAsync Gets or sets the additional response method. This is called after the status code and headers have been set, but before the body has been written. This can be used to add or change the response headers. Declaration public Func<HttpContext, Task> OnPrepareResponseAsync { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Func < HttpContext , Task > | Improve this Doc View Source OnProcessedAsync Gets or sets the additional processing method. This is called after image has been processed, but before the result has been cached. This can be used to further optimize the resultant image. Declaration public Func<ImageProcessingContext, Task> OnProcessedAsync { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Func < ImageProcessingContext , Task > | Improve this Doc View Source UseInvariantParsingCulture Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use culture-independent (invariant) conversion when converting commands. If set to false the CommandParser will use the CurrentCulture . Declaration public bool UseInvariantParsingCulture { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.BackgroundColorWebProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.BackgroundColorWebProcessor.html",
"title": "Class BackgroundColorWebProcessor",
"keywords": "Class BackgroundColorWebProcessor Allows setting of the background color. Inheritance Object BackgroundColorWebProcessor Implements IImageWebProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class BackgroundColorWebProcessor : IImageWebProcessor Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Color The command for changing the background color. Declaration public const string Color = \"bgcolor\" Field Value Type Description String Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Commands Gets the collection of recognized querystring commands. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> Commands { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Process(FormattedImage, ILogger, IDictionary<String, String>, CommandParser, CultureInfo) Processes the image based on the querystring commands. Declaration public FormattedImage Process(FormattedImage image, ILogger logger, IDictionary<string, string> commands, CommandParser parser, CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description FormattedImage image The image to process. ILogger logger The type used for performing logging. IDictionary < String , String > commands The querystring collection containing the processing commands. CommandParser parser The command parser use for parting commands. CultureInfo culture The CultureInfo to use as the current parsing culture. Returns Type Description FormattedImage The FormattedImage . Implements IImageWebProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.FormatWebProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.FormatWebProcessor.html",
"title": "Class FormatWebProcessor",
"keywords": "Class FormatWebProcessor Allows the changing of image formats. Inheritance Object FormatWebProcessor Implements IImageWebProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class FormatWebProcessor : IImageWebProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FormatWebProcessor(IOptions<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions>) Initializes a new instance of the FormatWebProcessor class. Declaration public FormatWebProcessor(IOptions<ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions> options) Parameters Type Name Description IOptions < ImageSharpMiddlewareOptions > options The middleware configuration options. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Format The command constant for format. Declaration public const string Format = \"format\" Field Value Type Description String Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Commands Gets the collection of recognized querystring commands. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> Commands { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Process(FormattedImage, ILogger, IDictionary<String, String>, CommandParser, CultureInfo) Processes the image based on the querystring commands. Declaration public FormattedImage Process(FormattedImage image, ILogger logger, IDictionary<string, string> commands, CommandParser parser, CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description FormattedImage image The image to process. ILogger logger The type used for performing logging. IDictionary < String , String > commands The querystring collection containing the processing commands. CommandParser parser The command parser use for parting commands. CultureInfo culture The CultureInfo to use as the current parsing culture. Returns Type Description FormattedImage The FormattedImage . Implements IImageWebProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors Classes BackgroundColorWebProcessor Allows setting of the background color. FormatWebProcessor Allows the changing of image formats. JpegQualityWebProcessor Allows the setting of quality for the jpeg image format. ResizeWebProcessor Allows the resizing of images. Interfaces IImageWebProcessor Specifies the contract for processing images using a querystring URI API."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.IImageWebProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.IImageWebProcessor.html",
"title": "Interface IImageWebProcessor",
"keywords": "Interface IImageWebProcessor Specifies the contract for processing images using a querystring URI API. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public interface IImageWebProcessor Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Commands Gets the collection of recognized querystring commands. Declaration IEnumerable<string> Commands { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Process(FormattedImage, ILogger, IDictionary<String, String>, CommandParser, CultureInfo) Processes the image based on the querystring commands. Declaration FormattedImage Process(FormattedImage image, ILogger logger, IDictionary<string, string> commands, CommandParser parser, CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description FormattedImage image The image to process. ILogger logger The type used for performing logging. IDictionary < String , String > commands The querystring collection containing the processing commands. CommandParser parser The command parser use for parting commands. CultureInfo culture The CultureInfo to use as the current parsing culture. Returns Type Description FormattedImage The FormattedImage ."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.JpegQualityWebProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.JpegQualityWebProcessor.html",
"title": "Class JpegQualityWebProcessor",
"keywords": "Class JpegQualityWebProcessor Allows the setting of quality for the jpeg image format. Inheritance Object JpegQualityWebProcessor Implements IImageWebProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class JpegQualityWebProcessor : IImageWebProcessor Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Quality The command constant for quality. Declaration public const string Quality = \"quality\" Field Value Type Description String Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Commands Gets the collection of recognized querystring commands. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> Commands { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Process(FormattedImage, ILogger, IDictionary<String, String>, CommandParser, CultureInfo) Processes the image based on the querystring commands. Declaration public FormattedImage Process(FormattedImage image, ILogger logger, IDictionary<string, string> commands, CommandParser parser, CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description FormattedImage image The image to process. ILogger logger The type used for performing logging. IDictionary < String , String > commands The querystring collection containing the processing commands. CommandParser parser The command parser use for parting commands. CultureInfo culture The CultureInfo to use as the current parsing culture. Returns Type Description FormattedImage The FormattedImage . Implements IImageWebProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.ResizeWebProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors.ResizeWebProcessor.html",
"title": "Class ResizeWebProcessor",
"keywords": "Class ResizeWebProcessor Allows the resizing of images. Inheritance Object ResizeWebProcessor Implements IImageWebProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class ResizeWebProcessor : IImageWebProcessor Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Anchor The command constant for the resize sampler. Declaration public const string Anchor = \"ranchor\" Field Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Compand The command constant for the resize compand mode. Declaration public const string Compand = \"compand\" Field Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Height The command constant for the resize height. Declaration public const string Height = \"height\" Field Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Mode The command constant for the resize mode. Declaration public const string Mode = \"rmode\" Field Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Sampler The command constant for the resize sampler. Declaration public const string Sampler = \"rsampler\" Field Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Width The command constant for the resize width. Declaration public const string Width = \"width\" Field Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Xy The command constant for the resize focal point coordinates. Declaration public const string Xy = \"rxy\" Field Value Type Description String Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Commands Gets the collection of recognized querystring commands. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> Commands { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Process(FormattedImage, ILogger, IDictionary<String, String>, CommandParser, CultureInfo) Processes the image based on the querystring commands. Declaration public FormattedImage Process(FormattedImage image, ILogger logger, IDictionary<string, string> commands, CommandParser parser, CultureInfo culture) Parameters Type Name Description FormattedImage image The image to process. ILogger logger The type used for performing logging. IDictionary < String , String > commands The querystring collection containing the processing commands. CommandParser parser The command parser use for parting commands. CultureInfo culture The CultureInfo to use as the current parsing culture. Returns Type Description FormattedImage The FormattedImage . Implements IImageWebProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers Classes PhysicalFileSystemProvider Returns images stored in the local physical file system. Interfaces IImageProvider Specifies the contract for returning images from different locations. Enums ProcessingBehavior Enumerates the possible processing behaviors."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.IImageProvider.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.IImageProvider.html",
"title": "Interface IImageProvider",
"keywords": "Interface IImageProvider Specifies the contract for returning images from different locations. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public interface IImageProvider Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Match Gets or sets the method used by the resolver to identify itself as the correct resolver to use. Declaration Func<HttpContext, bool> Match { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Func < HttpContext , Boolean > | Improve this Doc View Source ProcessingBehavior Gets the processing behavior. Declaration ProcessingBehavior ProcessingBehavior { get; } Property Value Type Description ProcessingBehavior Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetAsync(HttpContext) Gets the image resolver associated with the context. Declaration Task<IImageResolver> GetAsync(HttpContext context) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context The current HTTP request context. Returns Type Description Task < IImageResolver > The IImageResolver . | Improve this Doc View Source IsValidRequest(HttpContext) Gets a value indicating whether the current request passes sanitizing rules. Declaration bool IsValidRequest(HttpContext context) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context The current HTTP request context. Returns Type Description Boolean The Boolean"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.PhysicalFileSystemProvider.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.PhysicalFileSystemProvider.html",
"title": "Class PhysicalFileSystemProvider",
"keywords": "Class PhysicalFileSystemProvider Returns images stored in the local physical file system. Inheritance Object PhysicalFileSystemProvider Implements IImageProvider Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class PhysicalFileSystemProvider : IImageProvider Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PhysicalFileSystemProvider(IWebHostEnvironment, FormatUtilities) Initializes a new instance of the PhysicalFileSystemProvider class. Declaration public PhysicalFileSystemProvider(IWebHostEnvironment environment, FormatUtilities formatUtilities) Parameters Type Name Description IWebHostEnvironment environment The environment used by this middleware. FormatUtilities formatUtilities Contains various format helper methods based on the current configuration. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Match Gets or sets the method used by the resolver to identify itself as the correct resolver to use. Declaration public Func<HttpContext, bool> Match { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Func < HttpContext , Boolean > | Improve this Doc View Source ProcessingBehavior Gets the processing behavior. Declaration public ProcessingBehavior ProcessingBehavior { get; } Property Value Type Description ProcessingBehavior Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetAsync(HttpContext) Gets the image resolver associated with the context. Declaration public Task<IImageResolver> GetAsync(HttpContext context) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context The current HTTP request context. Returns Type Description Task < IImageResolver > The IImageResolver . | Improve this Doc View Source IsValidRequest(HttpContext) Gets a value indicating whether the current request passes sanitizing rules. Declaration public bool IsValidRequest(HttpContext context) Parameters Type Name Description HttpContext context The current HTTP request context. Returns Type Description Boolean The Boolean Implements IImageProvider"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.ProcessingBehavior.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.ProcessingBehavior.html",
"title": "Enum ProcessingBehavior",
"keywords": "Enum ProcessingBehavior Enumerates the possible processing behaviors. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public enum ProcessingBehavior Fields Name Description All The image will always be processed. CommandOnly The image will be processed only when commands are supplied."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers Classes PhysicalFileSystemCacheResolver Provides means to manage image buffers within the PhysicalFileSystemCache . PhysicalFileSystemResolver Provides means to manage image buffers within the physical file system. Interfaces IImageCacheResolver Specifies the contract for resolving image buffers from different cached locations. IImageResolver Specifies the contract for resolving image buffers from different locations."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.IImageCacheResolver.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.IImageCacheResolver.html",
"title": "Interface IImageCacheResolver",
"keywords": "Interface IImageCacheResolver Specifies the contract for resolving image buffers from different cached locations. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public interface IImageCacheResolver Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMetaDataAsync() Asynchronously gets metadata associated with this image. Declaration Task<ImageCacheMetadata> GetMetaDataAsync() Returns Type Description Task < ImageCacheMetadata > The ImageCacheMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source OpenReadAsync() Asynchronously gets the input image stream. Declaration Task<Stream> OpenReadAsync() Returns Type Description Task < Stream > The Task<TResult> ."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.IImageResolver.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.IImageResolver.html",
"title": "Interface IImageResolver",
"keywords": "Interface IImageResolver Specifies the contract for resolving image buffers from different locations. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public interface IImageResolver Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMetaDataAsync() Asynchronously gets metadata associated with this image. Declaration Task<ImageMetadata> GetMetaDataAsync() Returns Type Description Task < ImageMetadata > The ImageMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source OpenReadAsync() Asynchronously gets the input image stream. Declaration Task<Stream> OpenReadAsync() Returns Type Description Task < Stream > The Task<TResult> ."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.PhysicalFileSystemCacheResolver.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.PhysicalFileSystemCacheResolver.html",
"title": "Class PhysicalFileSystemCacheResolver",
"keywords": "Class PhysicalFileSystemCacheResolver Provides means to manage image buffers within the PhysicalFileSystemCache . Inheritance Object PhysicalFileSystemCacheResolver Implements IImageCacheResolver Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class PhysicalFileSystemCacheResolver : IImageCacheResolver Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PhysicalFileSystemCacheResolver(IFileInfo, FormatUtilities) Initializes a new instance of the PhysicalFileSystemCacheResolver class. Declaration public PhysicalFileSystemCacheResolver(IFileInfo metaFileInfo, FormatUtilities formatUtilities) Parameters Type Name Description IFileInfo metaFileInfo The cached metadata file info. FormatUtilities formatUtilities Contains various format helper methods based on the current configuration. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMetaDataAsync() Asynchronously gets metadata associated with this image. Declaration public async Task<ImageCacheMetadata> GetMetaDataAsync() Returns Type Description Task < ImageCacheMetadata > The ImageCacheMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source OpenReadAsync() Asynchronously gets the input image stream. Declaration public Task<Stream> OpenReadAsync() Returns Type Description Task < Stream > The Task<TResult> . Implements IImageCacheResolver"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.PhysicalFileSystemResolver.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers.PhysicalFileSystemResolver.html",
"title": "Class PhysicalFileSystemResolver",
"keywords": "Class PhysicalFileSystemResolver Provides means to manage image buffers within the physical file system. Inheritance Object PhysicalFileSystemResolver Implements IImageResolver Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Resolvers Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class PhysicalFileSystemResolver : IImageResolver Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PhysicalFileSystemResolver(IFileInfo, in ImageMetadata) Initializes a new instance of the PhysicalFileSystemResolver class. Declaration public PhysicalFileSystemResolver(IFileInfo fileInfo, in ImageMetadata metadata) Parameters Type Name Description IFileInfo fileInfo The input file info. ImageMetadata metadata The image metadata associated with this file. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMetaDataAsync() Asynchronously gets metadata associated with this image. Declaration public Task<ImageMetadata> GetMetaDataAsync() Returns Type Description Task < ImageMetadata > The ImageMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source OpenReadAsync() Asynchronously gets the input image stream. Declaration public Task<Stream> OpenReadAsync() Returns Type Description Task < Stream > The Task<TResult> . Implements IImageResolver"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.AsyncKeyLock-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.AsyncKeyLock-1.html",
"title": "Class AsyncKeyLock<TKey>",
"keywords": "Class AsyncKeyLock<TKey> Extension of the AsyncLock that enables fine-grained locking on a given key. Concurrent lock requests using different keys can execute simultaneously, while requests to lock using the same key will be forced to wait. This object is thread-safe and internally uses a pooling mechanism to minimize allocation of new locks. Inheritance Object AsyncKeyLock<TKey> Implements IDisposable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class AsyncKeyLock<TKey> : IDisposable Type Parameters Name Description TKey The type of the key. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AsyncKeyLock(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the AsyncKeyLock<TKey> class. Declaration public AsyncKeyLock(int maxPoolSize = 64) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 maxPoolSize The maximum number of locks that should be pooled for reuse. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose() Releases all resources used by the current instance of the AsyncKeyLock<TKey> class. Declaration public void Dispose() | Improve this Doc View Source LockAsync(TKey) Locks the current thread asynchronously. Declaration public Task<IDisposable> LockAsync(TKey key) Parameters Type Name Description TKey key The key identifying the specific object to lock against. Returns Type Description Task < IDisposable > The IDisposable that will release the lock. Implements System.IDisposable"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock-1.html",
"title": "Class AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock<TKey>",
"keywords": "Class AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock<TKey> Extension of the AsyncReaderWriterLock that enables fine-grained locking on a given key. Concurrent write lock requests using different keys can execute simultaneously, while requests to lock using the same key will be forced to wait. This object is thread-safe and internally uses a pooling mechanism to minimize allocation of new locks. Inheritance Object AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock<TKey> Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock<TKey> Type Parameters Name Description TKey The type of the key. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock<TKey> class. Declaration public AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock(int maxPoolSize = 64) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 maxPoolSize The maximum number of locks that should be pooled for reuse. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ReaderLockAsync(TKey) Locks the current thread in read mode asynchronously. Declaration public Task<IDisposable> ReaderLockAsync(TKey key) Parameters Type Name Description TKey key The key identifying the specific object to lock against. Returns Type Description Task < IDisposable > The IDisposable that will release the lock. | Improve this Doc View Source WriterLockAsync(TKey) Locks the current thread in write mode asynchronously. Declaration public Task<IDisposable> WriterLockAsync(TKey key) Parameters Type Name Description TKey key The key identifying the specific object to lock against. Returns Type Description Task < IDisposable > The IDisposable that will release the lock."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.AsyncLock.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.AsyncLock.html",
"title": "Class AsyncLock",
"keywords": "Class AsyncLock An asynchronous locker that uses an IDisposable pattern for releasing the lock. Inheritance Object AsyncLock Implements IDisposable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class AsyncLock : IDisposable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AsyncLock() Initializes a new instance of the AsyncLock class. Declaration public AsyncLock() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source OnRelease Gets or sets the callback that should be invoked whenever this lock is released. Declaration public Action OnRelease { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Action Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose() Releases all resources used by the current instance of the AsyncLock class. Declaration public void Dispose() | Improve this Doc View Source LockAsync() Asynchronously obtains the lock. Dispose the returned IDisposable to release the lock. Declaration public Task<IDisposable> LockAsync() Returns Type Description Task < IDisposable > The IDisposable that will release the lock. Implements System.IDisposable"
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.AsyncReaderWriterLock.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.AsyncReaderWriterLock.html",
"title": "Class AsyncReaderWriterLock",
"keywords": "Class AsyncReaderWriterLock An asynchronous locker that provides read and write locking policies. This is based on the following blog post: Inheritance Object AsyncReaderWriterLock Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class AsyncReaderWriterLock Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AsyncReaderWriterLock() Initializes a new instance of the AsyncReaderWriterLock class. Declaration public AsyncReaderWriterLock() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source OnRelease Gets or sets the callback that should be invoked whenever this lock is released. Declaration public Action OnRelease { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Action Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ReaderLockAsync() Asynchronously obtains the lock in shared reader mode. Dispose the returned IDisposable to release the lock. Declaration public Task<IDisposable> ReaderLockAsync() Returns Type Description Task < IDisposable > The IDisposable that will release the lock. | Improve this Doc View Source WriterLockAsync() Asynchronously obtains the lock in exclusive writer mode. Dispose the returned IDisposable to release the lock. Declaration public Task<IDisposable> WriterLockAsync() Returns Type Description Task < IDisposable > The IDisposable that will release the lock."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization Classes AsyncKeyLock<TKey> Extension of the AsyncLock that enables fine-grained locking on a given key. Concurrent lock requests using different keys can execute simultaneously, while requests to lock using the same key will be forced to wait. This object is thread-safe and internally uses a pooling mechanism to minimize allocation of new locks. AsyncKeyReaderWriterLock<TKey> Extension of the AsyncReaderWriterLock that enables fine-grained locking on a given key. Concurrent write lock requests using different keys can execute simultaneously, while requests to lock using the same key will be forced to wait. This object is thread-safe and internally uses a pooling mechanism to minimize allocation of new locks. AsyncLock An asynchronous locker that uses an IDisposable pattern for releasing the lock. AsyncReaderWriterLock An asynchronous locker that provides read and write locking policies. This is based on the following blog post: RefCountedConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> Represents a thread-safe collection of reference-counted key/value pairs that can be accessed by multiple threads concurrently. Values that don't yet exist are automatically created using a caller supplied value factory method, and when their final refcount is released they are removed from the dictionary."
"api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.RefCountedConcurrentDictionary-2.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp.Web/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization.RefCountedConcurrentDictionary-2.html",
"title": "Class RefCountedConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>",
"keywords": "Class RefCountedConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> Represents a thread-safe collection of reference-counted key/value pairs that can be accessed by multiple threads concurrently. Values that don't yet exist are automatically created using a caller supplied value factory method, and when their final refcount is released they are removed from the dictionary. Inheritance Object RefCountedConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Synchronization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.dll Syntax public class RefCountedConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> where TValue : class Type Parameters Name Description TKey The type of the key. TValue The value for the dictionary. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RefCountedConcurrentDictionary(IEqualityComparer<TKey>, Func<TKey, TValue>, Action<TValue>) Initializes a new instance of the RefCountedConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> class that is empty, has the default concurrency level and capacity,, and uses the specified IEqualityComparer<T> . Declaration public RefCountedConcurrentDictionary(IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer, Func<TKey, TValue> valueFactory, Action<TValue> valueReleaser) Parameters Type Name Description IEqualityComparer <TKey> comparer The IEqualityComparer<T> implementation to use when comparing keys. Func <TKey, TValue> valueFactory Factory method that generates a new TValue for a given TKey . Action <TValue> valueReleaser Optional callback that is used to cleanup TValue s after their final ref count is released. | Improve this Doc View Source RefCountedConcurrentDictionary(Func<TKey, TValue>, Action<TValue>) Initializes a new instance of the RefCountedConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> class that is empty, has the default concurrency level, has the default initial capacity, and uses the default comparer for the key type. Declaration public RefCountedConcurrentDictionary(Func<TKey, TValue> valueFactory, Action<TValue> valueReleaser = null) Parameters Type Name Description Func <TKey, TValue> valueFactory Factory method that generates a new TValue for a given TKey . Action <TValue> valueReleaser Optional callback that is used to cleanup TValue s after their final ref count is released. | Improve this Doc View Source RefCountedConcurrentDictionary(Int32, Int32, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, Func<TKey, TValue>, Action<TValue>) Initializes a new instance of the RefCountedConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> class that is empty, has the specified concurrency level, has the specified initial capacity, and uses the specified IEqualityComparer<T> . Declaration public RefCountedConcurrentDictionary(int concurrencyLevel, int capacity, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer, Func<TKey, TValue> valueFactory, Action<TValue> valueReleaser) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 concurrencyLevel The estimated number of threads that will access the RefCountedConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> concurrently Int32 capacity The initial number of elements that the RefCountedConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> can contain. IEqualityComparer <TKey> comparer The IEqualityComparer<T> implementation to use when comparing keys. Func <TKey, TValue> valueFactory Factory method that generates a new TValue for a given TKey . Action <TValue> valueReleaser Optional callback that is used to cleanup TValue s after their final ref count is released. | Improve this Doc View Source RefCountedConcurrentDictionary(Int32, Int32, Func<TKey, TValue>, Action<TValue>) Initializes a new instance of the RefCountedConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> class that is empty, has the specified concurrency level and capacity, and uses the default comparer for the key type. Declaration public RefCountedConcurrentDictionary(int concurrencyLevel, int capacity, Func<TKey, TValue> valueFactory, Action<TValue> valueReleaser = null) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 concurrencyLevel The estimated n
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.AdvancedImageExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.AdvancedImageExtensions.html",
"title": "Class AdvancedImageExtensions",
"keywords": "Class AdvancedImageExtensions Extension methods over Image{TPixel} Inheritance Object AdvancedImageExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class AdvancedImageExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AcceptVisitor(Image, IImageVisitor) Accepts a IImageVisitor to implement a double-dispatch pattern in order to apply pixel-specific operations on non-generic Image instances Declaration public static void AcceptVisitor(this Image source, IImageVisitor visitor) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The source image. IImageVisitor visitor The image visitor. | Improve this Doc View Source AcceptVisitorAsync(Image, IImageVisitorAsync, CancellationToken) Accepts a IImageVisitor to implement a double-dispatch pattern in order to apply pixel-specific operations on non-generic Image instances Declaration public static Task AcceptVisitorAsync(this Image source, IImageVisitorAsync visitor, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The source image. IImageVisitorAsync visitor The image visitor. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task A Task representing the asynchronous operation. | Improve this Doc View Source DetectEncoder(Image, String) For a given file path find the best encoder to use via its extension. Declaration public static IImageEncoder DetectEncoder(this Image source, string filePath) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The source image. String filePath The target file path to save the image to. Returns Type Description IImageEncoder The matching IImageEncoder . Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException The file path is null. NotSupportedException No encoder available for provided path. | Improve this Doc View Source GetConfiguration(Image) Gets the configuration for the image. Declaration public static Configuration GetConfiguration(this Image source) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The source image. Returns Type Description Configuration Returns the configuration. | Improve this Doc View Source GetConfiguration(ImageFrame) Gets the configuration for the image frame. Declaration public static Configuration GetConfiguration(this ImageFrame source) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame source The source image. Returns Type Description Configuration Returns the configuration. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPixelMemoryGroup<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>) Gets the representation of the pixels as a IMemoryGroup<T> containing the backing pixel data of the image stored in row major order, as a list of contiguous Memory<T> blocks in the source image's pixel format. Declaration public static IMemoryGroup<TPixel> GetPixelMemoryGroup<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> source The source image. Returns Type Description IMemoryGroup <TPixel> The IMemoryGroup<T> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The type of the pixel. Remarks Certain Image Processors may invalidate the returned IMemoryGroup<T> and all it's buffers, therefore it's not recommended to mutate the image while holding a reference to it's IMemoryGroup<T> . | Improve this Doc View Source GetPixelMemoryGroup<TPixel>(ImageFrame<TPixel>) Gets the representation of the pixels as a IMemoryGroup<T> containing the backing pixel data of the image stored in row major order, as a list of contiguous Memory<T> blocks in the source image's pixel format. Declaration public static IMemoryGroup<TPixel> GetPixelMemoryGroup<TPixel>(this ImageFrame<TPixel> source) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. Returns Type Description IMemoryGroup <TPixel> The IMemoryGroup<T> .
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced Classes AdvancedImageExtensions Extension methods over Image{TPixel} ParallelRowIterator Utility methods for batched processing of pixel row intervals. Parallel execution is optimized for image processing based on values defined ParallelExecutionSettings or Configuration . Using this class is preferred over direct usage of Parallel utility methods. Structs ParallelExecutionSettings Defines execution settings for methods in ParallelRowIterator . Interfaces IImageVisitor A visitor to implement a double-dispatch pattern in order to apply pixel-specific operations on non-generic Image instances. IImageVisitorAsync A visitor to implement a double-dispatch pattern in order to apply pixel-specific operations on non-generic Image instances. IRowIntervalOperation Defines the contract for an action that operates on a row interval. IRowIntervalOperation<TBuffer> Defines the contract for an action that operates on a row interval with a temporary buffer. IRowOperation Defines the contract for an action that operates on a row. IRowOperation<TBuffer> Defines the contract for an action that operates on a row with a temporary buffer."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IImageVisitor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IImageVisitor.html",
"title": "Interface IImageVisitor",
"keywords": "Interface IImageVisitor A visitor to implement a double-dispatch pattern in order to apply pixel-specific operations on non-generic Image instances. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageVisitor Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Visit<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>) Provides a pixel-specific implementation for a given operation. Declaration void Visit<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The image. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IImageVisitorAsync.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IImageVisitorAsync.html",
"title": "Interface IImageVisitorAsync",
"keywords": "Interface IImageVisitorAsync A visitor to implement a double-dispatch pattern in order to apply pixel-specific operations on non-generic Image instances. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageVisitorAsync Methods | Improve this Doc View Source VisitAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, CancellationToken) Provides a pixel-specific implementation for a given operation. Declaration Task VisitAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The image. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task A Task representing the asynchronous operation. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IRowIntervalOperation.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IRowIntervalOperation.html",
"title": "Interface IRowIntervalOperation",
"keywords": "Interface IRowIntervalOperation Defines the contract for an action that operates on a row interval. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IRowIntervalOperation Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Invoke(in RowInterval) Invokes the method passing the row interval. Declaration void Invoke(in RowInterval rows) Parameters Type Name Description RowInterval rows The row interval."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IRowIntervalOperation-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IRowIntervalOperation-1.html",
"title": "Interface IRowIntervalOperation<TBuffer>",
"keywords": "Interface IRowIntervalOperation<TBuffer> Defines the contract for an action that operates on a row interval with a temporary buffer. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IRowIntervalOperation<TBuffer> where TBuffer : struct Type Parameters Name Description TBuffer The type of buffer elements. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Invoke(in RowInterval, Span<TBuffer>) Invokes the method passing the row interval and a buffer. Declaration void Invoke(in RowInterval rows, Span<TBuffer> span) Parameters Type Name Description RowInterval rows The row interval. Span <TBuffer> span The contiguous region of memory."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IRowOperation.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IRowOperation.html",
"title": "Interface IRowOperation",
"keywords": "Interface IRowOperation Defines the contract for an action that operates on a row. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IRowOperation Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Invoke(Int32) Invokes the method passing the row y coordinate. Declaration void Invoke(int y) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 y The row y coordinate."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IRowOperation-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.IRowOperation-1.html",
"title": "Interface IRowOperation<TBuffer>",
"keywords": "Interface IRowOperation<TBuffer> Defines the contract for an action that operates on a row with a temporary buffer. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IRowOperation<TBuffer> where TBuffer : struct Type Parameters Name Description TBuffer The type of buffer elements. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Invoke(Int32, Span<TBuffer>) Invokes the method passing the row and a buffer. Declaration void Invoke(int y, Span<TBuffer> span) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 y The row y coordinate. Span <TBuffer> span The contiguous region of memory."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.ParallelExecutionSettings.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.ParallelExecutionSettings.html",
"title": "Struct ParallelExecutionSettings",
"keywords": "Struct ParallelExecutionSettings Defines execution settings for methods in ParallelRowIterator . Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct ParallelExecutionSettings Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ParallelExecutionSettings(Int32, MemoryAllocator) Initializes a new instance of the ParallelExecutionSettings struct. Declaration public ParallelExecutionSettings(int maxDegreeOfParallelism, MemoryAllocator memoryAllocator) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 maxDegreeOfParallelism The value used for initializing MaxDegreeOfParallelism when using TPL. MemoryAllocator memoryAllocator The MemoryAllocator . | Improve this Doc View Source ParallelExecutionSettings(Int32, Int32, MemoryAllocator) Initializes a new instance of the ParallelExecutionSettings struct. Declaration public ParallelExecutionSettings(int maxDegreeOfParallelism, int minimumPixelsProcessedPerTask, MemoryAllocator memoryAllocator) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 maxDegreeOfParallelism The value used for initializing MaxDegreeOfParallelism when using TPL. Int32 minimumPixelsProcessedPerTask The value for MinimumPixelsProcessedPerTask . MemoryAllocator memoryAllocator The MemoryAllocator . Fields | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultMinimumPixelsProcessedPerTask Default value for MinimumPixelsProcessedPerTask . Declaration public const int DefaultMinimumPixelsProcessedPerTask = 4096 Field Value Type Description Int32 Properties | Improve this Doc View Source MaxDegreeOfParallelism Gets the value used for initializing MaxDegreeOfParallelism when using TPL. Declaration public readonly int MaxDegreeOfParallelism { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source MemoryAllocator Gets the MemoryAllocator . Declaration public readonly MemoryAllocator MemoryAllocator { get; } Property Value Type Description MemoryAllocator | Improve this Doc View Source MinimumPixelsProcessedPerTask Gets the minimum number of pixels being processed by a single task when parallelizing operations with TPL. Launching tasks for pixel regions below this limit is not worth the overhead. Initialized with DefaultMinimumPixelsProcessedPerTask by default, the optimum value is operation specific. (The cheaper the operation, the larger the value is.) Declaration public readonly int MinimumPixelsProcessedPerTask { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FromConfiguration(Configuration) Get the default ParallelExecutionSettings for a Configuration Declaration public static ParallelExecutionSettings FromConfiguration(Configuration configuration) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration . Returns Type Description ParallelExecutionSettings The ParallelExecutionSettings . | Improve this Doc View Source MultiplyMinimumPixelsPerTask(Int32) Creates a new instance of ParallelExecutionSettings having MinimumPixelsProcessedPerTask multiplied by multiplier Declaration public readonly ParallelExecutionSettings MultiplyMinimumPixelsPerTask(int multiplier) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 multiplier The value to multiply MinimumPixelsProcessedPerTask with. Returns Type Description ParallelExecutionSettings The modified ParallelExecutionSettings ."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.ParallelRowIterator.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced.ParallelRowIterator.html",
"title": "Class ParallelRowIterator",
"keywords": "Class ParallelRowIterator Utility methods for batched processing of pixel row intervals. Parallel execution is optimized for image processing based on values defined ParallelExecutionSettings or Configuration . Using this class is preferred over direct usage of Parallel utility methods. Inheritance Object ParallelRowIterator Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Advanced Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class ParallelRowIterator Methods | Improve this Doc View Source IterateRowIntervals<T>(Configuration, Rectangle, in T) Iterate through the rows of a rectangle in optimized batches defined by RowInterval -s. Declaration public static void IterateRowIntervals<T>(Configuration configuration, Rectangle rectangle, in T operation) where T : struct, IRowIntervalOperation Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration to get the parallel settings from. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle . T operation The operation defining the iteration logic on a single RowInterval . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of row operation to perform. | Improve this Doc View Source IterateRowIntervals<T>(Rectangle, in ParallelExecutionSettings, in T) Iterate through the rows of a rectangle in optimized batches defined by RowInterval -s. Declaration public static void IterateRowIntervals<T>(Rectangle rectangle, in ParallelExecutionSettings parallelSettings, in T operation) where T : struct, IRowIntervalOperation Parameters Type Name Description Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle . ParallelExecutionSettings parallelSettings The ParallelExecutionSettings . T operation The operation defining the iteration logic on a single RowInterval . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of row operation to perform. | Improve this Doc View Source IterateRowIntervals<T, TBuffer>(Configuration, Rectangle, in T) Iterate through the rows of a rectangle in optimized batches defined by RowInterval -s instantiating a temporary buffer for each operation invocation. Declaration public static void IterateRowIntervals<T, TBuffer>(Configuration configuration, Rectangle rectangle, in T operation) where T : struct, IRowIntervalOperation<TBuffer> where TBuffer : struct Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration to get the parallel settings from. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle . T operation The operation defining the iteration logic on a single RowInterval . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of row operation to perform. TBuffer The type of buffer elements. | Improve this Doc View Source IterateRowIntervals<T, TBuffer>(Rectangle, in ParallelExecutionSettings, in T) Iterate through the rows of a rectangle in optimized batches defined by RowInterval -s instantiating a temporary buffer for each operation invocation. Declaration public static void IterateRowIntervals<T, TBuffer>(Rectangle rectangle, in ParallelExecutionSettings parallelSettings, in T operation) where T : struct, IRowIntervalOperation<TBuffer> where TBuffer : struct Parameters Type Name Description Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle . ParallelExecutionSettings parallelSettings The ParallelExecutionSettings . T operation The operation defining the iteration logic on a single RowInterval . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of row operation to perform. TBuffer The type of buffer elements. | Improve this Doc View Source IterateRows<T>(Configuration, Rectangle, in T) Iterate through the rows of a rectangle in optimized batches. Declaration public static void IterateRows<T>(Configuration configuration, Rectangle rectangle, in T operation) where T : struct, IRowOperation Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration to get the parallel settings from. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle . T operation The operation defining the iteration logic on a single row. Type Parameters
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Color.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Color.html",
"title": "Struct Color",
"keywords": "Struct Color Represents a color value that is convertible to any IPixel<TSelf> type. Implements IEquatable < Color > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct Color : IEquatable<Color> Remarks The internal representation and layout of this structure is hidden by intention. It's not serializable, and it should not be considered as part of a contract. Unlike System.Drawing.Color, Color has to be converted to a specific pixel value to query the color components. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Color(Argb32) Initializes a new instance of the Color struct. Declaration public Color(Argb32 pixel) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 pixel The Argb32 containing the color information. | Improve this Doc View Source Color(Bgr24) Initializes a new instance of the Color struct. Declaration public Color(Bgr24 pixel) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 pixel The Bgr24 containing the color information. | Improve this Doc View Source Color(Bgra32) Initializes a new instance of the Color struct. Declaration public Color(Bgra32 pixel) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 pixel The Bgra32 containing the color information. | Improve this Doc View Source Color(Rgb24) Initializes a new instance of the Color struct. Declaration public Color(Rgb24 pixel) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 pixel The Rgb24 containing the color information. | Improve this Doc View Source Color(Rgba32) Initializes a new instance of the Color struct. Declaration public Color(Rgba32 pixel) Parameters Type Name Description Rgba32 pixel The Rgba32 containing the color information. | Improve this Doc View Source Color(Rgba64) Initializes a new instance of the Color struct. Declaration public Color(Rgba64 pixel) Parameters Type Name Description Rgba64 pixel The Rgba64 containing the color information. | Improve this Doc View Source Color(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the Color struct. Declaration public Color(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The Vector4 containing the color information. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source AliceBlue Represents a matching the W3C definition that has an hex value of #F0F8FF. Declaration public static readonly Color AliceBlue Field Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source AntiqueWhite Represents a matching the W3C definition that has an hex value of #FAEBD7. Declaration public static readonly Color AntiqueWhite Field Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source Aqua Represents a matching the W3C definition that has an hex value of #00FFFF. Declaration public static readonly Color Aqua Field Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source Aquamarine Represents a matching the W3C definition that has an hex value of #7FFFD4. Declaration public static readonly Color Aquamarine Field Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source Azure Represents a matching the W3C definition that has an hex value of #F0FFFF. Declaration public static readonly Color Azure Field Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source Beige Represents a matching the W3C definition that has an hex value of #F5F5DC. Declaration public static readonly Color Beige Field Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source Bisque Represents a matching the W3C definition that has an hex value of #FFE4C4. Declaration public static readonly Color Bisque Field Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source Black Represents a matching the W3C definition that has an hex value of #000000. Declaration public static readonly Color Black Field Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source BlanchedAlmond Represents a matching the W3C definition that has an hex value of #FFEBCD. Declaration public static readonly Color BlanchedAlmond Field Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source Blue Represents a matching the W3C definition t
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorMatrix.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorMatrix.html",
"title": "Struct ColorMatrix",
"keywords": "Struct ColorMatrix A structure encapsulating a 5x4 matrix used for transforming the color and alpha components of an image. Implements IEquatable < ColorMatrix > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct ColorMatrix : IEquatable<ColorMatrix> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ColorMatrix(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the ColorMatrix struct. Declaration public ColorMatrix(float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m24, float m31, float m32, float m33, float m34, float m41, float m42, float m43, float m44, float m51, float m52, float m53, float m54) Parameters Type Name Description Single m11 The value at row 1, column 1 of the matrix. Single m12 The value at row 1, column 2 of the matrix. Single m13 The value at row 1, column 3 of the matrix. Single m14 The value at row 1, column 4 of the matrix. Single m21 The value at row 2, column 1 of the matrix. Single m22 The value at row 2, column 2 of the matrix. Single m23 The value at row 2, column 3 of the matrix. Single m24 The value at row 2, column 4 of the matrix. Single m31 The value at row 3, column 1 of the matrix. Single m32 The value at row 3, column 2 of the matrix. Single m33 The value at row 3, column 3 of the matrix. Single m34 The value at row 3, column 4 of the matrix. Single m41 The value at row 4, column 1 of the matrix. Single m42 The value at row 4, column 2 of the matrix. Single m43 The value at row 4, column 3 of the matrix. Single m44 The value at row 4, column 4 of the matrix. Single m51 The value at row 5, column 1 of the matrix. Single m52 The value at row 5, column 2 of the matrix. Single m53 The value at row 5, column 3 of the matrix. Single m54 The value at row 5, column 4 of the matrix. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source M11 Value at row 1, column 1 of the matrix. Declaration public float M11 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M12 Value at row 1, column 2 of the matrix. Declaration public float M12 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M13 Value at row 1, column 3 of the matrix. Declaration public float M13 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M14 Value at row 1, column 4 of the matrix. Declaration public float M14 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M21 Value at row 2, column 1 of the matrix. Declaration public float M21 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M22 Value at row 2, column 2 of the matrix. Declaration public float M22 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M23 Value at row 2, column 3 of the matrix. Declaration public float M23 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M24 Value at row 2, column 4 of the matrix. Declaration public float M24 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M31 Value at row 3, column 1 of the matrix. Declaration public float M31 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M32 Value at row 3, column 2 of the matrix. Declaration public float M32 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M33 Value at row 3, column 3 of the matrix. Declaration public float M33 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M34 Value at row 3, column 4 of the matrix. Declaration public float M34 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M41 Value at row 4, column 1 of the matrix. Declaration public float M41 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M42 Value at row 4, column 2 of the matrix. Declaration public float M42 Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M43 Value at row 4, column 3 of
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieLab.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieLab.html",
"title": "Struct CieLab",
"keywords": "Struct CieLab Represents a CIE L a b* 1976 color. Implements IEquatable < CieLab > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct CieLab : IEquatable<CieLab> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CieLab(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the CieLab struct. Declaration public CieLab(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the l, a, b components. Remarks Uses DefaultWhitePoint as white point. | Improve this Doc View Source CieLab(Vector3, CieXyz) Initializes a new instance of the CieLab struct. Declaration public CieLab(Vector3 vector, CieXyz whitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the l, a, b components. CieXyz whitePoint The reference white point. Illuminants | Improve this Doc View Source CieLab(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the CieLab struct. Declaration public CieLab(float l, float a, float b) Parameters Type Name Description Single l The lightness dimension. Single a The a (green - magenta) component. Single b The b (blue - yellow) component. Remarks Uses DefaultWhitePoint as white point. | Improve this Doc View Source CieLab(Single, Single, Single, CieXyz) Initializes a new instance of the CieLab struct. Declaration public CieLab(float l, float a, float b, CieXyz whitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Single l The lightness dimension. Single a The a (green - magenta) component. Single b The b (blue - yellow) component. CieXyz whitePoint The reference white point. Illuminants Fields | Improve this Doc View Source A Gets the a color component. A value usually ranging from -100 to 100. Negative is green, positive magenta. Declaration public readonly float A Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source B Gets the b color component. A value usually ranging from -100 to 100. Negative is blue, positive is yellow Declaration public readonly float B Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultWhitePoint D50 standard illuminant. Used when reference white is not specified explicitly. Declaration public static readonly CieXyz DefaultWhitePoint Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source L Gets the lightness dimension. A value usually ranging between 0 (black), 100 (diffuse white) or higher (specular white). Declaration public readonly float L Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source WhitePoint Gets the reference white point of this color Declaration public readonly CieXyz WhitePoint Field Value Type Description CieXyz Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(CieLab) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(CieLab other) Parameters Type Name Description CieLab other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(CieLab, CieLab) Compares two CieLab objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(CieLab left, CieLab right) Parameters Type Name Description CieLab left The CieLab on the left side of the operand. CieLab right The CieLab on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(CieLab, CieLab) Compares two CieLab objects for inequality Declaration
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieLch.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieLch.html",
"title": "Struct CieLch",
"keywords": "Struct CieLch Represents the CIE L C h°, cylindrical form of the CIE L a b* 1976 color. Implements IEquatable < CieLch > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct CieLch : IEquatable<CieLch> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CieLch(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the CieLch struct. Declaration public CieLch(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the l, c, h components. Remarks Uses DefaultWhitePoint as white point. | Improve this Doc View Source CieLch(Vector3, CieXyz) Initializes a new instance of the CieLch struct. Declaration public CieLch(Vector3 vector, CieXyz whitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the l, c, h components. CieXyz whitePoint The reference white point. Illuminants | Improve this Doc View Source CieLch(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the CieLch struct. Declaration public CieLch(float l, float c, float h) Parameters Type Name Description Single l The lightness dimension. Single c The chroma, relative saturation. Single h The hue in degrees. Remarks Uses DefaultWhitePoint as white point. | Improve this Doc View Source CieLch(Single, Single, Single, CieXyz) Initializes a new instance of the CieLch struct. Declaration public CieLch(float l, float c, float h, CieXyz whitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Single l The lightness dimension. Single c The chroma, relative saturation. Single h The hue in degrees. CieXyz whitePoint The reference white point. Illuminants Fields | Improve this Doc View Source C Gets the a chroma component. A value ranging from 0 to 200. Declaration public readonly float C Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultWhitePoint D50 standard illuminant. Used when reference white is not specified explicitly. Declaration public static readonly CieXyz DefaultWhitePoint Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source H Gets the h° hue component in degrees. A value ranging from 0 to 360. Declaration public readonly float H Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source L Gets the lightness dimension. A value ranging between 0 (black), 100 (diffuse white) or higher (specular white). Declaration public readonly float L Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source WhitePoint Gets the reference white point of this color Declaration public readonly CieXyz WhitePoint Field Value Type Description CieXyz Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(CieLch) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(CieLch other) Parameters Type Name Description CieLch other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source Saturation() Computes the saturation of the color (chroma normalized by lightness) Declaration public readonly float Saturation() Returns Type Description Single The Single Remarks A value ranging from 0 to 100. | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(CieLch, CieLch) Compares two CieLch objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(CieLch left, CieLch right) Parameters Type Name Description CieLch left The CieLch on the left side of the operand. CieLch right The CieLch on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Desc
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieLchuv.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieLchuv.html",
"title": "Struct CieLchuv",
"keywords": "Struct CieLchuv Represents the CIE L C h°, cylindrical form of the CIE L u v* 1976 color. Implements IEquatable < CieLchuv > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct CieLchuv : IEquatable<CieLchuv> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CieLchuv(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the CieLchuv struct. Declaration public CieLchuv(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the l, c, h components. Remarks Uses DefaultWhitePoint as white point. | Improve this Doc View Source CieLchuv(Vector3, CieXyz) Initializes a new instance of the CieLchuv struct. Declaration public CieLchuv(Vector3 vector, CieXyz whitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the l, c, h components. CieXyz whitePoint The reference white point. Illuminants | Improve this Doc View Source CieLchuv(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the CieLchuv struct. Declaration public CieLchuv(float l, float c, float h) Parameters Type Name Description Single l The lightness dimension. Single c The chroma, relative saturation. Single h The hue in degrees. Remarks Uses DefaultWhitePoint as white point. | Improve this Doc View Source CieLchuv(Single, Single, Single, CieXyz) Initializes a new instance of the CieLchuv struct. Declaration public CieLchuv(float l, float c, float h, CieXyz whitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Single l The lightness dimension. Single c The chroma, relative saturation. Single h The hue in degrees. CieXyz whitePoint The reference white point. Illuminants Fields | Improve this Doc View Source C Gets the a chroma component. A value ranging from 0 to 200. Declaration public readonly float C Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultWhitePoint D50 standard illuminant. Used when reference white is not specified explicitly. Declaration public static readonly CieXyz DefaultWhitePoint Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source H Gets the h° hue component in degrees. A value ranging from 0 to 360. Declaration public readonly float H Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source L Gets the lightness dimension. A value ranging between 0 (black), 100 (diffuse white) or higher (specular white). Declaration public readonly float L Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source WhitePoint Gets the reference white point of this color Declaration public readonly CieXyz WhitePoint Field Value Type Description CieXyz Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(CieLchuv) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(CieLchuv other) Parameters Type Name Description CieLchuv other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source Saturation() Computes the saturation of the color (chroma normalized by lightness) Declaration public readonly float Saturation() Returns Type Description Single The Single Remarks A value ranging from 0 to 100. | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(CieLchuv, CieLchuv) Compares two CieLchuv objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(CieLchuv left, CieLchuv right) Parameters Type Name Description CieLchuv left The CieLchuv on the left side of the operand. CieLchuv right The C
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieLuv.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieLuv.html",
"title": "Struct CieLuv",
"keywords": "Struct CieLuv The CIE 1976 (L , u , v*) color space, commonly known by its abbreviation CIELUV, is a color space adopted by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) in 1976, as a simple-to-compute transformation of the 1931 CIE XYZ color space, but which attempted perceptual uniformity Implements IEquatable < CieLuv > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct CieLuv : IEquatable<CieLuv> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CieLuv(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the CieLuv struct. Declaration public CieLuv(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the l, u, v components. Remarks Uses DefaultWhitePoint as white point. | Improve this Doc View Source CieLuv(Vector3, CieXyz) Initializes a new instance of the CieLuv struct. Declaration public CieLuv(Vector3 vector, CieXyz whitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the l, u, v components. CieXyz whitePoint The reference white point. Illuminants | Improve this Doc View Source CieLuv(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the CieLuv struct. Declaration public CieLuv(float l, float u, float v) Parameters Type Name Description Single l The lightness dimension. Single u The blue-yellow chromaticity coordinate of the given whitepoint. Single v The red-green chromaticity coordinate of the given whitepoint. Remarks Uses DefaultWhitePoint as white point. | Improve this Doc View Source CieLuv(Single, Single, Single, CieXyz) Initializes a new instance of the CieLuv struct. Declaration public CieLuv(float l, float u, float v, CieXyz whitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Single l The lightness dimension. Single u The blue-yellow chromaticity coordinate of the given whitepoint. Single v The red-green chromaticity coordinate of the given whitepoint. CieXyz whitePoint The reference white point. Illuminants Fields | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultWhitePoint D65 standard illuminant. Used when reference white is not specified explicitly. Declaration public static readonly CieXyz DefaultWhitePoint Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source L Gets the lightness dimension A value usually ranging between 0 and 100. Declaration public readonly float L Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source U Gets the blue-yellow chromaticity coordinate of the given whitepoint. A value usually ranging between -100 and 100. Declaration public readonly float U Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source V Gets the red-green chromaticity coordinate of the given whitepoint. A value usually ranging between -100 and 100. Declaration public readonly float V Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source WhitePoint Gets the reference white point of this color Declaration public readonly CieXyz WhitePoint Field Value Type Description CieXyz Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(CieLuv) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(CieLuv other) Parameters Type Name Description CieLuv other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(CieLuv, CieLuv) Compares two CieLuv objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(CieLuv left, CieLuv right) Parameters Type Name Description CieLuv left
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieXyy.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieXyy.html",
"title": "Struct CieXyy",
"keywords": "Struct CieXyy Represents an CIE xyY 1931 color Implements IEquatable < CieXyy > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct CieXyy : IEquatable<CieXyy> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CieXyy(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the CieXyy struct. Declaration public CieXyy(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the x, y, Y components. | Improve this Doc View Source CieXyy(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the CieXyy struct. Declaration public CieXyy(float x, float y, float yl) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x chroma component. Single y The y chroma component. Single yl The y luminance component. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source X Gets the X chrominance component. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float X Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Y Gets the Y chrominance component. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float Y Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Yl Gets the Y luminance component. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float Yl Field Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(CieXyy) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(CieXyy other) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyy other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(CieXyy, CieXyy) Compares two CieXyy objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(CieXyy left, CieXyy right) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyy left The CieXyy on the left side of the operand. CieXyy right The CieXyy on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(CieXyy, CieXyy) Compares two CieXyy objects for inequality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(CieXyy left, CieXyy right) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyy left The CieXyy on the left side of the operand. CieXyy right The CieXyy on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieXyz.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.CieXyz.html",
"title": "Struct CieXyz",
"keywords": "Struct CieXyz Represents an CIE XYZ 1931 color Implements IEquatable < CieXyz > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct CieXyz : IEquatable<CieXyz> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CieXyz(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the CieXyz struct. Declaration public CieXyz(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the x, y, z components. | Improve this Doc View Source CieXyz(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the CieXyz struct. Declaration public CieXyz(float x, float y, float z) Parameters Type Name Description Single x X is a mix (a linear combination) of cone response curves chosen to be nonnegative Single y The y luminance component. Single z Z is quasi-equal to blue stimulation, or the S cone of the human eye. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source X Gets the X component. A mix (a linear combination) of cone response curves chosen to be nonnegative. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float X Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Y Gets the Y luminance component. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float Y Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Z Gets the Z component. Quasi-equal to blue stimulation, or the S cone response. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float Z Field Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(CieXyz) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(CieXyz other) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() | Improve this Doc View Source ToVector3() Returns a new Vector3 representing this instance. Declaration public readonly Vector3 ToVector3() Returns Type Description Vector3 The Vector3 . Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(CieXyz, CieXyz) Compares two CieXyz objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(CieXyz left, CieXyz right) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz left The CieXyz on the left side of the operand. CieXyz right The CieXyz on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(CieXyz, CieXyz) Compares two CieXyz objects for inequality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(CieXyz left, CieXyz right) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz left The CieXyz on the left side of the operand. CieXyz right The CieXyz on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Cmyk.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Cmyk.html",
"title": "Struct Cmyk",
"keywords": "Struct Cmyk Represents an CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, keyline) color. Implements IEquatable < Cmyk > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct Cmyk : IEquatable<Cmyk> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Cmyk(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the Cmyk struct. Declaration public Cmyk(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector representing the c, m, y, k components. | Improve this Doc View Source Cmyk(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Cmyk struct. Declaration public Cmyk(float c, float m, float y, float k) Parameters Type Name Description Single c The cyan component. Single m The magenta component. Single y The yellow component. Single k The keyline black component. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source C Gets the cyan color component. A value ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float C Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source K Gets the keyline black color component. A value ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float K Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M Gets the magenta color component. A value ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float M Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Y Gets the yellow color component. A value ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float Y Field Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Cmyk) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Cmyk other) Parameters Type Name Description Cmyk other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(Cmyk, Cmyk) Compares two Cmyk objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(Cmyk left, Cmyk right) Parameters Type Name Description Cmyk left The Cmyk on the left side of the operand. Cmyk right The Cmyk on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(Cmyk, Cmyk) Compares two Cmyk objects for inequality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(Cmyk left, Cmyk right) Parameters Type Name Description Cmyk left The Cmyk on the left side of the operand. Cmyk right The Cmyk on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.GammaCompanding.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.GammaCompanding.html",
"title": "Class GammaCompanding",
"keywords": "Class GammaCompanding Implements gamma companding. Inheritance Object GammaCompanding Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class GammaCompanding Remarks Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Single, Single) Compresses an uncompanded channel (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent. Declaration public static float Compress(float channel, float gamma) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Single gamma The gamma value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the nonlinear channel value. | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Single, Single) Expands a companded channel to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public static float Expand(float channel, float gamma) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Single gamma The gamma value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the linear channel value."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding Classes GammaCompanding Implements gamma companding. LCompanding Implements L* companding. Rec2020Companding Implements Rec. 2020 companding function. Rec709Companding Implements the Rec. 709 companding function. SRgbCompanding Implements sRGB companding."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.LCompanding.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.LCompanding.html",
"title": "Class LCompanding",
"keywords": "Class LCompanding Implements L* companding. Inheritance Object LCompanding Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class LCompanding Remarks For more info see: Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Single) Compresses an uncompanded channel (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent. Declaration public static float Compress(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the nonlinear channel value. | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Single) Expands a companded channel to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public static float Expand(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the linear channel value."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.Rec2020Companding.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.Rec2020Companding.html",
"title": "Class Rec2020Companding",
"keywords": "Class Rec2020Companding Implements Rec. 2020 companding function. Inheritance Object Rec2020Companding Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class Rec2020Companding Remarks Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Single) Compresses an uncompanded channel (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent. Declaration public static float Compress(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the nonlinear channel value. | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Single) Expands a companded channel to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public static float Expand(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the linear channel value."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.Rec709Companding.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.Rec709Companding.html",
"title": "Class Rec709Companding",
"keywords": "Class Rec709Companding Implements the Rec. 709 companding function. Inheritance Object Rec709Companding Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class Rec709Companding Remarks Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Single) Compresses an uncompanded channel (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent. Declaration public static float Compress(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the nonlinear channel value. | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Single) Expands a companded channel to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public static float Expand(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the linear channel value."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.SRgbCompanding.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding.SRgbCompanding.html",
"title": "Class SRgbCompanding",
"keywords": "Class SRgbCompanding Implements sRGB companding. Inheritance Object SRgbCompanding Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Companding Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class SRgbCompanding Remarks For more info see: Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(ref Vector4) Compresses an uncompanded vector (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent. Declaration public static void Compress(ref Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Single) Compresses an uncompanded channel (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent. Declaration public static float Compress(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the nonlinear channel value. | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Span<Vector4>) Compresses the uncompanded vectors to their nonlinear equivalents with respect to the energy. Declaration public static void Compress(Span<Vector4> vectors) Parameters Type Name Description Span < Vector4 > vectors The span of vectors. | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(ref Vector4) Expands a companded vector to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public static void Expand(ref Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Single) Expands a companded channel to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public static float Expand(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the linear channel value. | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Span<Vector4>) Expands the companded vectors to their linear equivalents with respect to the energy. Declaration public static void Expand(Span<Vector4> vectors) Parameters Type Name Description Span < Vector4 > vectors The span of vectors."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.CieXyChromaticityCoordinates.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.CieXyChromaticityCoordinates.html",
"title": "Struct CieXyChromaticityCoordinates",
"keywords": "Struct CieXyChromaticityCoordinates Represents the coordinates of CIEXY chromaticity space. Implements IEquatable < CieXyChromaticityCoordinates > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct CieXyChromaticityCoordinates : IEquatable<CieXyChromaticityCoordinates> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CieXyChromaticityCoordinates(Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the CieXyChromaticityCoordinates struct. Declaration public CieXyChromaticityCoordinates(float x, float y) Parameters Type Name Description Single x Chromaticity coordinate x (usually from 0 to 1) Single y Chromaticity coordinate y (usually from 0 to 1) Fields | Improve this Doc View Source X Gets the chromaticity X-coordinate. Declaration public readonly float X Field Value Type Description Single Remarks Ranges usually from 0 to 1. | Improve this Doc View Source Y Gets the chromaticity Y-coordinate Declaration public readonly float Y Field Value Type Description Single Remarks Ranges usually from 0 to 1. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(CieXyChromaticityCoordinates) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(CieXyChromaticityCoordinates other) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyChromaticityCoordinates other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(CieXyChromaticityCoordinates, CieXyChromaticityCoordinates) Compares two CieXyChromaticityCoordinates objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(CieXyChromaticityCoordinates left, CieXyChromaticityCoordinates right) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyChromaticityCoordinates left The CieXyChromaticityCoordinates on the left side of the operand. CieXyChromaticityCoordinates right The CieXyChromaticityCoordinates on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(CieXyChromaticityCoordinates, CieXyChromaticityCoordinates) Compares two CieXyChromaticityCoordinates objects for inequality Declaration public static bool operator !=(CieXyChromaticityCoordinates left, CieXyChromaticityCoordinates right) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyChromaticityCoordinates left The CieXyChromaticityCoordinates on the left side of the operand. CieXyChromaticityCoordinates right The CieXyChromaticityCoordinates on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.ColorSpaceConverter.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.ColorSpaceConverter.html",
"title": "Class ColorSpaceConverter",
"keywords": "Class ColorSpaceConverter Provides methods to allow the conversion of color values between different color spaces. Inheritance Object ColorSpaceConverter Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class ColorSpaceConverter Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ColorSpaceConverter() Initializes a new instance of the ColorSpaceConverter class. Declaration public ColorSpaceConverter() | Improve this Doc View Source ColorSpaceConverter(ColorSpaceConverterOptions) Initializes a new instance of the ColorSpaceConverter class. Declaration public ColorSpaceConverter(ColorSpaceConverterOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description ColorSpaceConverterOptions options The configuration options. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Adapt(in CieLab) Adapts CieLab color from the source white point to white point set in TargetLabWhitePoint . Declaration public CieLab Adapt(in CieLab color) Parameters Type Name Description CieLab color The color to adapt Returns Type Description CieLab The adapted color | Improve this Doc View Source Adapt(in CieLch) Adapts CieLch color from the source white point to white point set in TargetLabWhitePoint . Declaration public CieLch Adapt(in CieLch color) Parameters Type Name Description CieLch color The color to adapt Returns Type Description CieLch The adapted color | Improve this Doc View Source Adapt(in CieLchuv) Adapts CieLchuv color from the source white point to white point set in TargetLabWhitePoint . Declaration public CieLchuv Adapt(in CieLchuv color) Parameters Type Name Description CieLchuv color The color to adapt Returns Type Description CieLchuv The adapted color | Improve this Doc View Source Adapt(in CieLuv) Adapts CieLuv color from the source white point to white point set in TargetLuvWhitePoint . Declaration public CieLuv Adapt(in CieLuv color) Parameters Type Name Description CieLuv color The color to adapt Returns Type Description CieLuv The adapted color | Improve this Doc View Source Adapt(in CieXyz, in CieXyz) Performs chromatic adaptation of given CieXyz color. Target white point is WhitePoint . Declaration public CieXyz Adapt(in CieXyz color, in CieXyz sourceWhitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz color The color to adapt CieXyz sourceWhitePoint The source white point. Returns Type Description CieXyz The adapted color | Improve this Doc View Source Adapt(in CieXyz, in CieXyz, in CieXyz) Performs chromatic adaptation of given CieXyz color. Target white point is WhitePoint . Declaration public CieXyz Adapt(in CieXyz color, in CieXyz sourceWhitePoint, in CieXyz targetWhitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz color The color to adapt CieXyz sourceWhitePoint The source white point. CieXyz targetWhitePoint The target white point. Returns Type Description CieXyz The adapted color | Improve this Doc View Source Adapt(in HunterLab) Adapts HunterLab color from the source white point to white point set in TargetHunterLabWhitePoint . Declaration public HunterLab Adapt(in HunterLab color) Parameters Type Name Description HunterLab color The color to adapt Returns Type Description HunterLab The adapted color | Improve this Doc View Source Adapt(in LinearRgb) Adapts a LinearRgb color from the source working space to working space set in TargetRgbWorkingSpace . Declaration public LinearRgb Adapt(in LinearRgb color) Parameters Type Name Description LinearRgb color The color to adapt Returns Type Description LinearRgb The adapted color | Improve this Doc View Source Adapt(in Rgb) Adapts an Rgb color from the source working space to working space set in TargetRgbWorkingSpace . Declaration public Rgb Adapt(in Rgb color) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb color The color to adapt Returns Type Description Rgb The adapted color | Improve this Doc View Source Convert(ReadOnlySpan<CieLab>, Span<CieLch>)
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.ColorSpaceConverterOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.ColorSpaceConverterOptions.html",
"title": "Class ColorSpaceConverterOptions",
"keywords": "Class ColorSpaceConverterOptions Configuration options for the ColorSpaceConverter class. Inheritance Object ColorSpaceConverterOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class ColorSpaceConverterOptions Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ChromaticAdaptation Gets or sets the chromatic adaptation method used. When null , no adaptation will be performed. Declaration public IChromaticAdaptation ChromaticAdaptation { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IChromaticAdaptation | Improve this Doc View Source LmsAdaptationMatrix Gets or sets transformation matrix used in conversion to and from Lms . Declaration public Matrix4x4 LmsAdaptationMatrix { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Matrix4x4 | Improve this Doc View Source TargetHunterLabWhitePoint Gets or sets the white point used when creating HunterLab colors. (HunterLab colors on the input already contain the white point information) Defaults to: DefaultWhitePoint . Declaration public CieXyz TargetHunterLabWhitePoint { get; set; } Property Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source TargetLabWhitePoint Gets or sets the white point used when creating Lab/LChab colors. (Lab/LChab colors on the input already contain the white point information) Defaults to: DefaultWhitePoint . Declaration public CieXyz TargetLabWhitePoint { get; set; } Property Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source TargetLuvWhitePoint Gets or sets the white point used when creating Luv/LChuv colors. (Luv/LChuv colors on the input already contain the white point information) Defaults to: DefaultWhitePoint . Declaration public CieXyz TargetLuvWhitePoint { get; set; } Property Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source TargetRgbWorkingSpace Gets or sets the target working space used when creating RGB colors. (RGB colors on the input already contain the working space information) Defaults to: DefaultWorkingSpace . Declaration public RgbWorkingSpace TargetRgbWorkingSpace { get; set; } Property Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source WhitePoint Gets or sets the white point used for chromatic adaptation in conversions from/to XYZ color space. When default , no adaptation will be performed. Defaults to: DefaultWhitePoint . Declaration public CieXyz WhitePoint { get; set; } Property Value Type Description CieXyz"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.GammaWorkingSpace.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.GammaWorkingSpace.html",
"title": "Class GammaWorkingSpace",
"keywords": "Class GammaWorkingSpace The gamma working space. Inheritance Object RgbWorkingSpace GammaWorkingSpace Inherited Members RgbWorkingSpace.WhitePoint RgbWorkingSpace.ChromaticityCoordinates Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class GammaWorkingSpace : RgbWorkingSpace Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GammaWorkingSpace(Single, CieXyz, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates) Initializes a new instance of the GammaWorkingSpace class. Declaration public GammaWorkingSpace(float gamma, CieXyz referenceWhite, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates) Parameters Type Name Description Single gamma The gamma value. CieXyz referenceWhite The reference white point. RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates The chromaticity of the rgb primaries. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Gamma Gets the gamma value. Declaration public float Gamma { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Single) Compresses an uncompanded channel (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent (depends on the RGB color system). Declaration public override float Compress(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the nonlinear channel value. Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.Compress(Single) Remarks For more info see: | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Single) Expands a companded channel to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public override float Expand(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the linear channel value. Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.Expand(Single) Remarks For more info see: | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.GetHashCode()"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Classes ColorSpaceConverter Provides methods to allow the conversion of color values between different color spaces. ColorSpaceConverterOptions Configuration options for the ColorSpaceConverter class. GammaWorkingSpace The gamma working space. LmsAdaptationMatrix Matrices used for transformation from CieXyz to Lms , defining the cone response domain. Used in IChromaticAdaptation LWorkingSpace L* working space. Rec2020WorkingSpace Rec. 2020 (ITU-R Recommendation BT.2020F) working space. Rec709WorkingSpace Rec. 709 (ITU-R Recommendation BT.709) working space. RgbWorkingSpace Base class for all implementations of RgbWorkingSpace . SRgbWorkingSpace The sRgb working space. VonKriesChromaticAdaptation Implementation of the von Kries chromatic adaptation model. Structs CieXyChromaticityCoordinates Represents the coordinates of CIEXY chromaticity space. RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates Represents the chromaticity coordinates of RGB primaries. One of the specifiers of RgbWorkingSpace . Interfaces IChromaticAdaptation Chromatic adaptation. A linear transformation of a source color (XS, YS, ZS) into a destination color (XD, YD, ZD) by a linear transformation [M] which is dependent on the source reference white (XWS, YWS, ZWS) and the destination reference white (XWD, YWD, ZWD)."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.IChromaticAdaptation.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.IChromaticAdaptation.html",
"title": "Interface IChromaticAdaptation",
"keywords": "Interface IChromaticAdaptation Chromatic adaptation. A linear transformation of a source color (XS, YS, ZS) into a destination color (XD, YD, ZD) by a linear transformation [M] which is dependent on the source reference white (XWS, YWS, ZWS) and the destination reference white (XWD, YWD, ZWD). Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IChromaticAdaptation Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(in CieXyz, in CieXyz, in CieXyz) Performs a linear transformation of a source color in to the destination color. Declaration CieXyz Transform(in CieXyz source, in CieXyz sourceWhitePoint, in CieXyz destinationWhitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz source The source color. CieXyz sourceWhitePoint The source white point. CieXyz destinationWhitePoint The destination white point. Returns Type Description CieXyz The CieXyz Remarks Doesn't crop the resulting color space coordinates (e. g. allows negative values for XYZ coordinates). | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(ReadOnlySpan<CieXyz>, Span<CieXyz>, CieXyz, in CieXyz) Performs a bulk linear transformation of a source color in to the destination color. Declaration void Transform(ReadOnlySpan<CieXyz> source, Span<CieXyz> destination, CieXyz sourceWhitePoint, in CieXyz destinationWhitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < CieXyz > source The span to the source colors. Span < CieXyz > destination The span to the destination colors. CieXyz sourceWhitePoint The source white point. CieXyz destinationWhitePoint The destination white point. Remarks Doesn't crop the resulting color space coordinates (e. g. allows negative values for XYZ coordinates)."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.LmsAdaptationMatrix.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.LmsAdaptationMatrix.html",
"title": "Class LmsAdaptationMatrix",
"keywords": "Class LmsAdaptationMatrix Matrices used for transformation from CieXyz to Lms , defining the cone response domain. Used in IChromaticAdaptation Inheritance Object LmsAdaptationMatrix Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class LmsAdaptationMatrix Remarks Matrix data obtained from: Two New von Kries Based Chromatic Adaptation Transforms Found by Numerical Optimization S. Bianco, R. Schettini DISCo, Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication, University of Milan-Bicocca, viale Sarca 336, 20126 Milan, Italy Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Bradford Bradford chromatic adaptation transform matrix (used in CMCCAT97) Declaration public static readonly Matrix4x4 Bradford Field Value Type Description Matrix4x4 | Improve this Doc View Source BradfordSharp Spectral sharpening and the Bradford transform Declaration public static readonly Matrix4x4 BradfordSharp Field Value Type Description Matrix4x4 | Improve this Doc View Source CAT02 CAT02 (optimized for minimizing CIELAB differences) Declaration public static readonly Matrix4x4 CAT02 Field Value Type Description Matrix4x4 | Improve this Doc View Source CMCCAT2000 CMCCAT2000 (fitted from all available color data sets) Declaration public static readonly Matrix4x4 CMCCAT2000 Field Value Type Description Matrix4x4 | Improve this Doc View Source VonKriesHPE Von Kries chromatic adaptation transform matrix (Hunt-Pointer-Estevez for equal energy) Declaration public static readonly Matrix4x4 VonKriesHPE Field Value Type Description Matrix4x4 | Improve this Doc View Source VonKriesHPEAdjusted Von Kries chromatic adaptation transform matrix (Hunt-Pointer-Estevez adjusted for D65) Declaration public static readonly Matrix4x4 VonKriesHPEAdjusted Field Value Type Description Matrix4x4 | Improve this Doc View Source XyzScaling XYZ scaling chromatic adaptation transform matrix Declaration public static readonly Matrix4x4 XyzScaling Field Value Type Description Matrix4x4"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.LWorkingSpace.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.LWorkingSpace.html",
"title": "Class LWorkingSpace",
"keywords": "Class LWorkingSpace L* working space. Inheritance Object RgbWorkingSpace LWorkingSpace Inherited Members RgbWorkingSpace.WhitePoint RgbWorkingSpace.ChromaticityCoordinates RgbWorkingSpace.Equals(Object) RgbWorkingSpace.GetHashCode() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class LWorkingSpace : RgbWorkingSpace Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source LWorkingSpace(CieXyz, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates) Initializes a new instance of the LWorkingSpace class. Declaration public LWorkingSpace(CieXyz referenceWhite, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz referenceWhite The reference white point. RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates The chromaticity of the rgb primaries. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Single) Compresses an uncompanded channel (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent (depends on the RGB color system). Declaration public override float Compress(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the nonlinear channel value. Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.Compress(Single) Remarks For more info see: | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Single) Expands a companded channel to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public override float Expand(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the linear channel value. Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.Expand(Single) Remarks For more info see:"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.Rec2020WorkingSpace.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.Rec2020WorkingSpace.html",
"title": "Class Rec2020WorkingSpace",
"keywords": "Class Rec2020WorkingSpace Rec. 2020 (ITU-R Recommendation BT.2020F) working space. Inheritance Object RgbWorkingSpace Rec2020WorkingSpace Inherited Members RgbWorkingSpace.WhitePoint RgbWorkingSpace.ChromaticityCoordinates RgbWorkingSpace.Equals(Object) RgbWorkingSpace.GetHashCode() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class Rec2020WorkingSpace : RgbWorkingSpace Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Rec2020WorkingSpace(CieXyz, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates) Initializes a new instance of the Rec2020WorkingSpace class. Declaration public Rec2020WorkingSpace(CieXyz referenceWhite, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz referenceWhite The reference white point. RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates The chromaticity of the rgb primaries. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Single) Compresses an uncompanded channel (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent (depends on the RGB color system). Declaration public override float Compress(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the nonlinear channel value. Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.Compress(Single) Remarks For more info see: | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Single) Expands a companded channel to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public override float Expand(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the linear channel value. Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.Expand(Single) Remarks For more info see:"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.Rec709WorkingSpace.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.Rec709WorkingSpace.html",
"title": "Class Rec709WorkingSpace",
"keywords": "Class Rec709WorkingSpace Rec. 709 (ITU-R Recommendation BT.709) working space. Inheritance Object RgbWorkingSpace Rec709WorkingSpace Inherited Members RgbWorkingSpace.WhitePoint RgbWorkingSpace.ChromaticityCoordinates RgbWorkingSpace.Equals(Object) RgbWorkingSpace.GetHashCode() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class Rec709WorkingSpace : RgbWorkingSpace Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Rec709WorkingSpace(CieXyz, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates) Initializes a new instance of the Rec709WorkingSpace class. Declaration public Rec709WorkingSpace(CieXyz referenceWhite, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz referenceWhite The reference white point. RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates The chromaticity of the rgb primaries. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Single) Compresses an uncompanded channel (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent (depends on the RGB color system). Declaration public override float Compress(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the nonlinear channel value. Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.Compress(Single) Remarks For more info see: | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Single) Expands a companded channel to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public override float Expand(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the linear channel value. Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.Expand(Single) Remarks For more info see:"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates.html",
"title": "Struct RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates",
"keywords": "Struct RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates Represents the chromaticity coordinates of RGB primaries. One of the specifiers of RgbWorkingSpace . Implements IEquatable < RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates > Inherited Members ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates : IEquatable<RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates(CieXyChromaticityCoordinates, CieXyChromaticityCoordinates, CieXyChromaticityCoordinates) Initializes a new instance of the RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates struct. Declaration public RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates(CieXyChromaticityCoordinates r, CieXyChromaticityCoordinates g, CieXyChromaticityCoordinates b) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyChromaticityCoordinates r The chromaticity coordinates of the red channel. CieXyChromaticityCoordinates g The chromaticity coordinates of the green channel. CieXyChromaticityCoordinates b The chromaticity coordinates of the blue channel. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source B Gets the chromaticity coordinates of the blue channel. Declaration public readonly CieXyChromaticityCoordinates B { get; } Property Value Type Description CieXyChromaticityCoordinates | Improve this Doc View Source G Gets the chromaticity coordinates of the green channel. Declaration public readonly CieXyChromaticityCoordinates G { get; } Property Value Type Description CieXyChromaticityCoordinates | Improve this Doc View Source R Gets the chromaticity coordinates of the red channel. Declaration public readonly CieXyChromaticityCoordinates R { get; } Property Value Type Description CieXyChromaticityCoordinates Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates other) Parameters Type Name Description RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates) Compares two RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates left, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates right) Parameters Type Name Description RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates left The RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates on the left side of the operand. RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates right The RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates) Compares two RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates objects for inequality Declaration public static bool operator !=(RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates left, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates right) Parameters Type Name Description RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates left The RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates on the left side of the operand. RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates right The RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.RgbWorkingSpace.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.RgbWorkingSpace.html",
"title": "Class RgbWorkingSpace",
"keywords": "Class RgbWorkingSpace Base class for all implementations of RgbWorkingSpace . Inheritance Object RgbWorkingSpace GammaWorkingSpace LWorkingSpace Rec2020WorkingSpace Rec709WorkingSpace SRgbWorkingSpace Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class RgbWorkingSpace Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RgbWorkingSpace(CieXyz, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates) Initializes a new instance of the RgbWorkingSpace class. Declaration protected RgbWorkingSpace(CieXyz referenceWhite, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz referenceWhite The reference white point. RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates The chromaticity of the rgb primaries. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ChromaticityCoordinates Gets the chromaticity of the rgb primaries. Declaration public RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates ChromaticityCoordinates { get; } Property Value Type Description RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates | Improve this Doc View Source WhitePoint Gets the reference white point Declaration public CieXyz WhitePoint { get; } Property Value Type Description CieXyz Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Single) Compresses an uncompanded channel (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent (depends on the RGB color system). Declaration public abstract float Compress(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the nonlinear channel value. Remarks For more info see: | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides Object.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Single) Expands a companded channel to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public abstract float Expand(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the linear channel value. Remarks For more info see: | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides Object.GetHashCode()"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.SRgbWorkingSpace.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.SRgbWorkingSpace.html",
"title": "Class SRgbWorkingSpace",
"keywords": "Class SRgbWorkingSpace The sRgb working space. Inheritance Object RgbWorkingSpace SRgbWorkingSpace Inherited Members RgbWorkingSpace.WhitePoint RgbWorkingSpace.ChromaticityCoordinates RgbWorkingSpace.Equals(Object) RgbWorkingSpace.GetHashCode() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class SRgbWorkingSpace : RgbWorkingSpace Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source SRgbWorkingSpace(CieXyz, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates) Initializes a new instance of the SRgbWorkingSpace class. Declaration public SRgbWorkingSpace(CieXyz referenceWhite, RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz referenceWhite The reference white point. RgbPrimariesChromaticityCoordinates chromaticityCoordinates The chromaticity of the rgb primaries. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Compress(Single) Compresses an uncompanded channel (linear) to its nonlinear equivalent (depends on the RGB color system). Declaration public override float Compress(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the nonlinear channel value. Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.Compress(Single) Remarks For more info see: | Improve this Doc View Source Expand(Single) Expands a companded channel to its linear equivalent with respect to the energy. Declaration public override float Expand(float channel) Parameters Type Name Description Single channel The channel value. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the linear channel value. Overrides RgbWorkingSpace.Expand(Single) Remarks For more info see:"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.VonKriesChromaticAdaptation.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion.VonKriesChromaticAdaptation.html",
"title": "Class VonKriesChromaticAdaptation",
"keywords": "Class VonKriesChromaticAdaptation Implementation of the von Kries chromatic adaptation model. Inheritance Object VonKriesChromaticAdaptation Implements IChromaticAdaptation Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Conversion Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class VonKriesChromaticAdaptation : IChromaticAdaptation Remarks Transformation described here: Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source VonKriesChromaticAdaptation() Initializes a new instance of the VonKriesChromaticAdaptation class. Declaration public VonKriesChromaticAdaptation() | Improve this Doc View Source VonKriesChromaticAdaptation(Matrix4x4) Initializes a new instance of the VonKriesChromaticAdaptation class. Declaration public VonKriesChromaticAdaptation(Matrix4x4 transformationMatrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix4x4 transformationMatrix The transformation matrix used for the conversion (definition of the cone response domain). LmsAdaptationMatrix Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(in CieXyz, in CieXyz, in CieXyz) Performs a linear transformation of a source color in to the destination color. Declaration public CieXyz Transform(in CieXyz source, in CieXyz sourceWhitePoint, in CieXyz destinationWhitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description CieXyz source The source color. CieXyz sourceWhitePoint The source white point. CieXyz destinationWhitePoint The destination white point. Returns Type Description CieXyz The CieXyz Remarks Doesn't crop the resulting color space coordinates (e. g. allows negative values for XYZ coordinates). | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(ReadOnlySpan<CieXyz>, Span<CieXyz>, CieXyz, in CieXyz) Performs a bulk linear transformation of a source color in to the destination color. Declaration public void Transform(ReadOnlySpan<CieXyz> source, Span<CieXyz> destination, CieXyz sourceWhitePoint, in CieXyz destinationWhitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < CieXyz > source The span to the source colors. Span < CieXyz > destination The span to the destination colors. CieXyz sourceWhitePoint The source white point. CieXyz destinationWhitePoint The destination white point. Remarks Doesn't crop the resulting color space coordinates (e. g. allows negative values for XYZ coordinates). Implements IChromaticAdaptation"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Hsl.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Hsl.html",
"title": "Struct Hsl",
"keywords": "Struct Hsl Represents a Hsl (hue, saturation, lightness) color. Implements IEquatable < Hsl > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct Hsl : IEquatable<Hsl> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Hsl(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the Hsl struct. Declaration public Hsl(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the h, s, l components. | Improve this Doc View Source Hsl(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Hsl struct. Declaration public Hsl(float h, float s, float l) Parameters Type Name Description Single h The h hue component. Single s The s saturation component. Single l The l value (lightness) component. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source H Gets the hue component. A value ranging between 0 and 360. Declaration public readonly float H Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source L Gets the lightness component. A value ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float L Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source S Gets the saturation component. A value ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float S Field Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Hsl) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Hsl other) Parameters Type Name Description Hsl other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(Hsl, Hsl) Compares two Hsl objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(Hsl left, Hsl right) Parameters Type Name Description Hsl left The Hsl on the left side of the operand. Hsl right The Hsl on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(Hsl, Hsl) Compares two Hsl objects for inequality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(Hsl left, Hsl right) Parameters Type Name Description Hsl left The Hsl on the left side of the operand. Hsl right The Hsl on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Hsv.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Hsv.html",
"title": "Struct Hsv",
"keywords": "Struct Hsv Represents a HSV (hue, saturation, value) color. Also known as HSB (hue, saturation, brightness). Implements IEquatable < Hsv > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct Hsv : IEquatable<Hsv> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Hsv(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the Hsv struct. Declaration public Hsv(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the h, s, v components. | Improve this Doc View Source Hsv(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Hsv struct. Declaration public Hsv(float h, float s, float v) Parameters Type Name Description Single h The h hue component. Single s The s saturation component. Single v The v value (brightness) component. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source H Gets the hue component. A value ranging between 0 and 360. Declaration public readonly float H Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source S Gets the saturation component. A value ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float S Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source V Gets the value (brightness) component. A value ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float V Field Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Hsv) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Hsv other) Parameters Type Name Description Hsv other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(Hsv, Hsv) Compares two Hsv objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(Hsv left, Hsv right) Parameters Type Name Description Hsv left The Hsv on the left side of the operand. Hsv right The Hsv on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(Hsv, Hsv) Compares two Hsv objects for inequality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(Hsv left, Hsv right) Parameters Type Name Description Hsv left The Hsv on the left side of the operand. Hsv right The Hsv on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Classes Illuminants The well known standard illuminants. Standard illuminants provide a basis for comparing images or colors recorded under different lighting RgbWorkingSpaces Chromaticity coordinates based on: Structs CieLab Represents a CIE L a b* 1976 color. CieLch Represents the CIE L C h°, cylindrical form of the CIE L a b* 1976 color. CieLchuv Represents the CIE L C h°, cylindrical form of the CIE L u v* 1976 color. CieLuv The CIE 1976 (L , u , v*) color space, commonly known by its abbreviation CIELUV, is a color space adopted by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) in 1976, as a simple-to-compute transformation of the 1931 CIE XYZ color space, but which attempted perceptual uniformity CieXyy Represents an CIE xyY 1931 color CieXyz Represents an CIE XYZ 1931 color Cmyk Represents an CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, keyline) color. Hsl Represents a Hsl (hue, saturation, lightness) color. Hsv Represents a HSV (hue, saturation, value) color. Also known as HSB (hue, saturation, brightness). HunterLab Represents an Hunter LAB color. . LinearRgb Represents an linear Rgb color with specified RgbWorkingSpace working space Lms LMS is a color space represented by the response of the three types of cones of the human eye, named after their responsivity (sensitivity) at long, medium and short wavelengths. Rgb Represents an RGB color with specified RgbWorkingSpace working space. YCbCr Represents an YCbCr (luminance, blue chroma, red chroma) color as defined in the ITU-T T.871 specification for the JFIF use with Jpeg.!!PDF-E.pdf"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.HunterLab.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.HunterLab.html",
"title": "Struct HunterLab",
"keywords": "Struct HunterLab Represents an Hunter LAB color. . Implements IEquatable < HunterLab > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct HunterLab : IEquatable<HunterLab> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source HunterLab(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the HunterLab struct. Declaration public HunterLab(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the l, a, b components. Remarks Uses DefaultWhitePoint as white point. | Improve this Doc View Source HunterLab(Vector3, CieXyz) Initializes a new instance of the HunterLab struct. Declaration public HunterLab(Vector3 vector, CieXyz whitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the l a b components. CieXyz whitePoint The reference white point. Illuminants | Improve this Doc View Source HunterLab(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the HunterLab struct. Declaration public HunterLab(float l, float a, float b) Parameters Type Name Description Single l The lightness dimension. Single a The a (green - magenta) component. Single b The b (blue - yellow) component. Remarks Uses DefaultWhitePoint as white point. | Improve this Doc View Source HunterLab(Single, Single, Single, CieXyz) Initializes a new instance of the HunterLab struct. Declaration public HunterLab(float l, float a, float b, CieXyz whitePoint) Parameters Type Name Description Single l The lightness dimension. Single a The a (green - magenta) component. Single b The b (blue - yellow) component. CieXyz whitePoint The reference white point. Illuminants Fields | Improve this Doc View Source A Gets the a color component. A value usually ranging from -100 to 100. Negative is green, positive magenta. Declaration public readonly float A Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source B Gets the b color component. A value usually ranging from -100 to 100. Negative is blue, positive is yellow Declaration public readonly float B Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultWhitePoint D50 standard illuminant. Used when reference white is not specified explicitly. Declaration public static readonly CieXyz DefaultWhitePoint Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source L Gets the lightness dimension. A value usually ranging between 0 (black), 100 (diffuse white) or higher (specular white). Declaration public readonly float L Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source WhitePoint Gets the reference white point of this color. Declaration public readonly CieXyz WhitePoint Field Value Type Description CieXyz Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(HunterLab) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(HunterLab other) Parameters Type Name Description HunterLab other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(HunterLab, HunterLab) Compares two HunterLab objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(HunterLab left, HunterLab right) Parameters Type Name Description HunterLab left The HunterLab on the left side of the operand. HunterLab right The HunterLab on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source I
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Illuminants.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Illuminants.html",
"title": "Class Illuminants",
"keywords": "Class Illuminants The well known standard illuminants. Standard illuminants provide a basis for comparing images or colors recorded under different lighting Inheritance Object Illuminants Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class Illuminants Remarks Coefficients taken from: Descriptions taken from: Fields | Improve this Doc View Source A Incandescent / Tungsten Declaration public static readonly CieXyz A Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source B Direct sunlight at noon (obsoleteF) Declaration public static readonly CieXyz B Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source C Average / North sky Daylight (obsoleteF) Declaration public static readonly CieXyz C Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source D50 Horizon Light. ICC profile PCS Declaration public static readonly CieXyz D50 Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source D55 Mid-morning / Mid-afternoon Daylight Declaration public static readonly CieXyz D55 Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source D65 Noon Daylight: TelevisionF, sRGB color space Declaration public static readonly CieXyz D65 Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source D75 North sky Daylight Declaration public static readonly CieXyz D75 Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source E Equal energy Declaration public static readonly CieXyz E Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source F11 Philips TL84F, Ultralume 40 Declaration public static readonly CieXyz F11 Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source F2 Cool White Fluorescent Declaration public static readonly CieXyz F2 Field Value Type Description CieXyz | Improve this Doc View Source F7 D65 simulatorF, Daylight simulator Declaration public static readonly CieXyz F7 Field Value Type Description CieXyz"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.LinearRgb.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.LinearRgb.html",
"title": "Struct LinearRgb",
"keywords": "Struct LinearRgb Represents an linear Rgb color with specified RgbWorkingSpace working space Implements IEquatable < LinearRgb > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct LinearRgb : IEquatable<LinearRgb> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source LinearRgb(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the LinearRgb struct. Declaration public LinearRgb(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the r, g, b components. | Improve this Doc View Source LinearRgb(Vector3, RgbWorkingSpace) Initializes a new instance of the LinearRgb struct. Declaration public LinearRgb(Vector3 vector, RgbWorkingSpace workingSpace) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the r, g, b components. RgbWorkingSpace workingSpace The LinearRgb working space. | Improve this Doc View Source LinearRgb(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the LinearRgb struct. Declaration public LinearRgb(float r, float g, float b) Parameters Type Name Description Single r The red component ranging between 0 and 1. Single g The green component ranging between 0 and 1. Single b The blue component ranging between 0 and 1. | Improve this Doc View Source LinearRgb(Single, Single, Single, RgbWorkingSpace) Initializes a new instance of the LinearRgb struct. Declaration public LinearRgb(float r, float g, float b, RgbWorkingSpace workingSpace) Parameters Type Name Description Single r The red component ranging between 0 and 1. Single g The green component ranging between 0 and 1. Single b The blue component ranging between 0 and 1. RgbWorkingSpace workingSpace The rgb working space. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source B Gets the blue component. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float B Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultWorkingSpace The default LinearRgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace DefaultWorkingSpace Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source G Gets the green component. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float G Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source R Gets the red component. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float R Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source WorkingSpace Gets the LinearRgb color space RgbWorkingSpaces Declaration public readonly RgbWorkingSpace WorkingSpace Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(LinearRgb) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(LinearRgb other) Parameters Type Name Description LinearRgb other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() | Improve this Doc View Source ToVector3() Returns a new Vector3 representing this instance. Declaration public readonly Vector3 ToVector3() Returns Type Description Vector3 The Vector3 . Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(LinearRgb, LinearRgb) Compares two LinearRgb objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(LinearRgb left, LinearRgb right) Parameters Type Name Description LinearRgb left The LinearRgb on the left side of the operand. LinearRgb right The LinearRgb on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Lms.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Lms.html",
"title": "Struct Lms",
"keywords": "Struct Lms LMS is a color space represented by the response of the three types of cones of the human eye, named after their responsivity (sensitivity) at long, medium and short wavelengths. Implements IEquatable < Lms > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct Lms : IEquatable<Lms> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Lms(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the Lms struct. Declaration public Lms(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the l, m, s components. | Improve this Doc View Source Lms(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Lms struct. Declaration public Lms(float l, float m, float s) Parameters Type Name Description Single l L represents the responsivity at long wavelengths. Single m M represents the responsivity at medium wavelengths. Single s S represents the responsivity at short wavelengths. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source L Gets the L long component. A value usually ranging between -1 and 1. Declaration public readonly float L Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source M Gets the M medium component. A value usually ranging between -1 and 1. Declaration public readonly float M Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source S Gets the S short component. A value usually ranging between -1 and 1. Declaration public readonly float S Field Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Lms) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Lms other) Parameters Type Name Description Lms other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() | Improve this Doc View Source ToVector3() Returns a new Vector3 representing this instance. Declaration public readonly Vector3 ToVector3() Returns Type Description Vector3 The Vector3 . Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(Lms, Lms) Compares two Lms objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(Lms left, Lms right) Parameters Type Name Description Lms left The Lms on the left side of the operand. Lms right The Lms on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(Lms, Lms) Compares two Lms objects for inequality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(Lms left, Lms right) Parameters Type Name Description Lms left The Lms on the left side of the operand. Lms right The Lms on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Rgb.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.Rgb.html",
"title": "Struct Rgb",
"keywords": "Struct Rgb Represents an RGB color with specified RgbWorkingSpace working space. Implements IEquatable < Rgb > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct Rgb : IEquatable<Rgb> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Rgb(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the Rgb struct. Declaration public Rgb(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the r, g, b components. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgb(Vector3, RgbWorkingSpace) Initializes a new instance of the Rgb struct. Declaration public Rgb(Vector3 vector, RgbWorkingSpace workingSpace) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the r, g, b components. RgbWorkingSpace workingSpace The rgb working space. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgb(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Rgb struct. Declaration public Rgb(float r, float g, float b) Parameters Type Name Description Single r The red component ranging between 0 and 1. Single g The green component ranging between 0 and 1. Single b The blue component ranging between 0 and 1. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgb(Single, Single, Single, RgbWorkingSpace) Initializes a new instance of the Rgb struct. Declaration public Rgb(float r, float g, float b, RgbWorkingSpace workingSpace) Parameters Type Name Description Single r The red component ranging between 0 and 1. Single g The green component ranging between 0 and 1. Single b The blue component ranging between 0 and 1. RgbWorkingSpace workingSpace The rgb working space. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source B Gets the blue component. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float B Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultWorkingSpace The default rgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace DefaultWorkingSpace Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source G Gets the green component. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float G Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source R Gets the red component. A value usually ranging between 0 and 1. Declaration public readonly float R Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source WorkingSpace Gets the Rgb color space RgbWorkingSpaces Declaration public readonly RgbWorkingSpace WorkingSpace Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Rgb) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Rgb other) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() | Improve this Doc View Source ToVector3() Returns a new Vector3 representing this instance. Declaration public readonly Vector3 ToVector3() Returns Type Description Vector3 The Vector3 . Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(Rgb, Rgb) Compares two Rgb objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(Rgb left, Rgb right) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb left The Rgb on the left side of the operand. Rgb right The Rgb on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Implicit(Rgb24 to Rgb) Allows the implicit conversion of an instance of Rgb24 to a Rgb . Declaration public static implic
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.RgbWorkingSpaces.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.RgbWorkingSpaces.html",
"title": "Class RgbWorkingSpaces",
"keywords": "Class RgbWorkingSpaces Chromaticity coordinates based on: Inheritance Object RgbWorkingSpaces Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class RgbWorkingSpaces Fields | Improve this Doc View Source AdobeRgb1998 Adobe Rgb (1998) working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace AdobeRgb1998 Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source ApplesRgb Apple sRgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace ApplesRgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source BestRgb Best Rgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace BestRgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source BetaRgb Beta Rgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace BetaRgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source BruceRgb Bruce Rgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace BruceRgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source CIERgb CIE Rgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace CIERgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source ColorMatchRgb ColorMatch Rgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace ColorMatchRgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source DonRgb4 Don Rgb 4 working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace DonRgb4 Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source ECIRgbv2 ECI Rgb v2 working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace ECIRgbv2 Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source EktaSpacePS5 Ekta Space PS5 working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace EktaSpacePS5 Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source NTSCRgb NTSC Rgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace NTSCRgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source PALSECAMRgb PAL/SECAM Rgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace PALSECAMRgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source ProPhotoRgb ProPhoto Rgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace ProPhotoRgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source Rec2020 Rec. 2020 (ITU-R Recommendation BT.2020F) working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace Rec2020 Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source Rec709 Rec. 709 (ITU-R Recommendation BT.709) working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace Rec709 Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source SMPTECRgb SMPTE-C Rgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace SMPTECRgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source SRgb sRgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace SRgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace Remarks Uses proper companding function, according to: | Improve this Doc View Source SRgbSimplified Simplified sRgb working space (uses GammaCompanding instead of SRgbCompanding ). See also SRgb . Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace SRgbSimplified Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace | Improve this Doc View Source WideGamutRgb Wide Gamut Rgb working space. Declaration public static readonly RgbWorkingSpace WideGamutRgb Field Value Type Description RgbWorkingSpace"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.YCbCr.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces.YCbCr.html",
"title": "Struct YCbCr",
"keywords": "Struct YCbCr Represents an YCbCr (luminance, blue chroma, red chroma) color as defined in the ITU-T T.871 specification for the JFIF use with Jpeg.!!PDF-E.pdf Implements IEquatable < YCbCr > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.ColorSpaces Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct YCbCr : IEquatable<YCbCr> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source YCbCr(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the YCbCr struct. Declaration public YCbCr(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector representing the y, cb, cr components. | Improve this Doc View Source YCbCr(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the YCbCr struct. Declaration public YCbCr(float y, float cb, float cr) Parameters Type Name Description Single y The y luminance component. Single cb The cb chroma component. Single cr The cr chroma component. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Cb Gets the Cb chroma component. A value ranging between 0 and 255. Declaration public readonly float Cb Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Cr Gets the Cr chroma component. A value ranging between 0 and 255. Declaration public readonly float Cr Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Y Gets the Y luminance component. A value ranging between 0 and 255. Declaration public readonly float Y Field Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(YCbCr) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(YCbCr other) Parameters Type Name Description YCbCr other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(YCbCr, YCbCr) Compares two YCbCr objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(YCbCr left, YCbCr right) Parameters Type Name Description YCbCr left The YCbCr on the left side of the operand. YCbCr right The YCbCr on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(YCbCr, YCbCr) Compares two YCbCr objects for inequality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(YCbCr left, YCbCr right) Parameters Type Name Description YCbCr left The YCbCr on the left side of the operand. YCbCr right The YCbCr on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current left is unequal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration.html",
"title": "Class Configuration",
"keywords": "Class Configuration Provides configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Inheritance Object Configuration Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class Configuration Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Configuration() Initializes a new instance of the Configuration class. Declaration public Configuration() | Improve this Doc View Source Configuration(IConfigurationModule[]) Initializes a new instance of the Configuration class. Declaration public Configuration(params IConfigurationModule[] configurationModules) Parameters Type Name Description IConfigurationModule [] configurationModules A collection of configuration modules to register Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Default Gets the default Configuration instance. Declaration public static Configuration Default { get; } Property Value Type Description Configuration | Improve this Doc View Source ImageFormats Gets the currently registered IImageFormat s. Declaration public IEnumerable<IImageFormat> ImageFormats { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < IImageFormat > | Improve this Doc View Source ImageFormatsManager Gets or sets the ImageFormatManager that is currently in use. Declaration public ImageFormatManager ImageFormatsManager { get; set; } Property Value Type Description ImageFormatManager | Improve this Doc View Source MaxDegreeOfParallelism Gets or sets the maximum number of concurrent tasks enabled in ImageSharp algorithms configured with this Configuration instance. Initialized with ProcessorCount by default. Declaration public int MaxDegreeOfParallelism { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source MemoryAllocator Gets or sets the MemoryAllocator that is currently in use. Declaration public MemoryAllocator MemoryAllocator { get; set; } Property Value Type Description MemoryAllocator | Improve this Doc View Source Properties Gets a set of properties for the Congiguration. Declaration public IDictionary<object, object> Properties { get; } Property Value Type Description IDictionary < Object , Object > Remarks This can be used for storing global settings and defaults to be accessable to processors. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadOrigin Gets or sets the position in a stream to use for reading when using a seekable stream as an image data source. Declaration public ReadOrigin ReadOrigin { get; set; } Property Value Type Description ReadOrigin | Improve this Doc View Source StreamProcessingBufferSize Gets or sets the size of the buffer to use when working with streams. Intitialized with SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration.DefaultStreamProcessingBufferSize by default. Declaration public int StreamProcessingBufferSize { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Clone() Creates a shallow copy of the Configuration . Declaration public Configuration Clone() Returns Type Description Configuration A new configuration instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Configure(IConfigurationModule) Registers a new format provider. Declaration public void Configure(IConfigurationModule configuration) Parameters Type Name Description IConfigurationModule configuration The configuration provider to call configure on. Extension Methods GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions.SetGraphicsOptions(Configuration, Action<GraphicsOptions>) GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions.SetGraphicsOptions(Configuration, GraphicsOptions) GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions.GetGraphicsOptions(Configuration)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.DenseMatrix-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.DenseMatrix-1.html",
"title": "Struct DenseMatrix<T>",
"keywords": "Struct DenseMatrix<T> Represents a dense matrix with arbitrary elements. Components that are adjacent in a column of the matrix are adjacent in the storage array. The components are said to be stored in column major order. Implements IEquatable < DenseMatrix <T>> Inherited Members ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct DenseMatrix<T> : IEquatable<DenseMatrix<T>> where T : struct, IEquatable<T> Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in the matrix. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source DenseMatrix(T[,]) Initializes a new instance of the DenseMatrix<T> struct. Declaration public DenseMatrix(T[, ] data) Parameters Type Name Description T[,] data The 2D array to provide access to. | Improve this Doc View Source DenseMatrix(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the DenseMatrix<T> struct. Declaration public DenseMatrix(int length) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 length The length of each side in the matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source DenseMatrix(Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the DenseMatrix<T> struct. Declaration public DenseMatrix(int columns, int rows) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 columns The number of columns. Int32 rows The number of rows. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Columns Gets the number of columns in the dense matrix. Declaration public readonly int Columns Field Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Count Gets the number of items in the array. Declaration public readonly int Count Field Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Data The 1D representation of the dense matrix. Declaration public readonly T[] Data Field Value Type Description T[] | Improve this Doc View Source Rows Gets the number of rows in the dense matrix. Declaration public readonly int Rows Field Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Size Gets the size of the dense matrix. Declaration public readonly Size Size Field Value Type Description Size Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Item[Int32, Int32] Gets or sets the item at the specified position. Declaration public readonly ref T this[int row, int column] { get; } Parameters Type Name Description Int32 row The row-coordinate of the item. Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the height of the array. Int32 column The column-coordinate of the item. Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the width of the array. Property Value Type Description T The at the specified position. | Improve this Doc View Source Span Gets a span wrapping the Data . Declaration public readonly Span<T> Span { get; } Property Value Type Description Span <T> Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Clear() Clears the matrix setting each value to the default value for the element type Declaration public readonly void Clear() | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(DenseMatrix<T>) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(DenseMatrix<T> other) Parameters Type Name Description DenseMatrix <T> other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source Fill(T) Fills the matrix with the given value Declaration public readonly void Fill(T value) Parameters Type Name Description T value The value to fill each item with | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source Transpose() Transposes the rows and columns of the dense matrix. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<T> Transpose() Returns Type Description DenseMatrix <T> The DenseMatrix<T> . Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(DenseMatrix<T>, DenseMatrix<T>) Compares
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpBitsPerPixel.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpBitsPerPixel.html",
"title": "Enum BmpBitsPerPixel",
"keywords": "Enum BmpBitsPerPixel Enumerates the available bits per pixel the bitmap encoder supports. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum BmpBitsPerPixel : short Fields Name Description Pixel16 16 bits per pixel. Each pixel consists of 2 bytes. Pixel24 24 bits per pixel. Each pixel consists of 3 bytes. Pixel32 32 bits per pixel. Each pixel consists of 4 bytes. Pixel8 8 bits per pixel. Each pixel consists of 1 byte."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpConfigurationModule.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpConfigurationModule.html",
"title": "Class BmpConfigurationModule",
"keywords": "Class BmpConfigurationModule Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the bmp format. Inheritance Object BmpConfigurationModule Implements IConfigurationModule Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class BmpConfigurationModule : IConfigurationModule Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Configure(Configuration) Called when loaded into a configuration object so the module can register items into the configuration. Declaration public void Configure(Configuration configuration) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration that will retain the encoders, decodes and mime type detectors. Implements IConfigurationModule"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpDecoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpDecoder.html",
"title": "Class BmpDecoder",
"keywords": "Class BmpDecoder Image decoder for generating an image out of a Windows bitmap stream. Inheritance Object BmpDecoder Implements IImageDecoder IImageInfoDetector Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class BmpDecoder : IImageDecoder, IImageInfoDetector Remarks Does not support the following formats at the moment: Formats will be supported in a later releases. We advise always to use only 24 Bit Windows bitmaps. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source RleSkippedPixelHandling Gets or sets a value indicating how to deal with skipped pixels, which can occur during decoding run length encoded bitmaps. Declaration public RleSkippedPixelHandling RleSkippedPixelHandling { get; set; } Property Value Type Description RleSkippedPixelHandling Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Decode(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration public Image Decode(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source Decode<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration public Image<TPixel> Decode<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image <TPixel> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration public async Task<Image> DecodeAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image > The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration public Task<Image<TPixel>> DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image <TPixel>> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source Identify(Configuration, Stream) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration public IImageInfo Identify(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description IImageInfo The PixelTypeInfo object | Improve this Doc View Source IdentifyAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration public Task<IImageInfo> IdentifyAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monit
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpEncoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpEncoder.html",
"title": "Class BmpEncoder",
"keywords": "Class BmpEncoder Image encoder for writing an image to a stream as a Windows bitmap. Inheritance Object BmpEncoder Implements IImageEncoder Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class BmpEncoder : IImageEncoder Properties | Improve this Doc View Source BitsPerPixel Gets or sets the number of bits per pixel. Declaration public BmpBitsPerPixel? BitsPerPixel { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < BmpBitsPerPixel > | Improve this Doc View Source Quantizer Gets or sets the quantizer for reducing the color count for 8-Bit images. Defaults to OctreeQuantizer. Declaration public IQuantizer Quantizer { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IQuantizer | Improve this Doc View Source SupportTransparency Gets or sets a value indicating whether the encoder should support transparency. Note: Transparency support only works together with 32 bits per pixel. This option will change the default behavior of the encoder of writing a bitmap version 3 info header with no compression. Instead a bitmap version 4 info header will be written with the BITFIELDS compression. Declaration public bool SupportTransparency { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration public void Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream, CancellationToken) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration public Task EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task A Task representing the asynchronous operation. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Implements IImageEncoder"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpFileMarkerType.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpFileMarkerType.html",
"title": "Enum BmpFileMarkerType",
"keywords": "Enum BmpFileMarkerType Indicates which bitmap file marker was read. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum BmpFileMarkerType Fields Name Description Bitmap Single-image BMP file that may have been created under Windows or OS/2. BitmapArray OS/2 Bitmap Array. ColorIcon OS/2 Color Icon. ColorPointer OS/2 Color Pointer. Icon OS/2 Icon. Pointer OS/2 Pointer."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpFormat.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpFormat.html",
"title": "Class BmpFormat",
"keywords": "Class BmpFormat Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the bmp format. Inheritance Object BmpFormat Implements IImageFormat < BmpMetadata > IImageFormat Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class BmpFormat : IImageFormat<BmpMetadata>, IImageFormat Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultMimeType Gets the default mimetype that the image format uses Declaration public string DefaultMimeType { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source FileExtensions Gets the file extensions this image format commonly uses. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> FileExtensions { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source Instance Gets the current instance. Declaration public static BmpFormat Instance { get; } Property Value Type Description BmpFormat | Improve this Doc View Source MimeTypes Gets all the mimetypes that have been used by this image format. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> MimeTypes { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source Name Gets the name that describes this image format. Declaration public string Name { get; } Property Value Type Description String Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Creates a default instance of the format metadata. Declaration public BmpMetadata CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Returns Type Description BmpMetadata The TFormatMetadata . Implements IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata> IImageFormat"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpImageFormatDetector.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpImageFormatDetector.html",
"title": "Class BmpImageFormatDetector",
"keywords": "Class BmpImageFormatDetector Detects bmp file headers. Inheritance Object BmpImageFormatDetector Implements IImageFormatDetector Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class BmpImageFormatDetector : IImageFormatDetector Properties | Improve this Doc View Source HeaderSize Gets the size of the header for this image type. Declaration public int HeaderSize { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 The size of the header. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Detect mimetype Declaration public IImageFormat DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<byte> header) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < Byte > header The byte[] containing the file header. Returns Type Description IImageFormat returns the mime type of detected otherwise returns null Implements IImageFormatDetector"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpInfoHeaderType.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpInfoHeaderType.html",
"title": "Enum BmpInfoHeaderType",
"keywords": "Enum BmpInfoHeaderType Enum value for the different bitmap info header types. The enum value is the number of bytes for the specific bitmap header. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum BmpInfoHeaderType Fields Name Description AdobeVersion3 Adobe variant of the BMP Version 3 header. AdobeVersion3WithAlpha Adobe variant of the BMP Version 3 header with an alpha mask. Os2Version2 BMP Version 2.x header (IBM OS/2 2.x). Os2Version2Short Short variant of the OS/2 Version 2 bitmap header. WinVersion2 Bitmap Core or BMP Version 2 header (Microsoft Windows 2.x). WinVersion3 BMP Version 3 header (Microsoft Windows 3.x or Microsoft Windows NT). WinVersion4 BMP Version 4 header (Microsoft Windows 95). WinVersion5 BMP Version 5 header (Windows NT 5.0, 98 or later)."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpMetadata.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpMetadata.html",
"title": "Class BmpMetadata",
"keywords": "Class BmpMetadata Provides Bmp specific metadata information for the image. Inheritance Object BmpMetadata Implements IDeepCloneable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class BmpMetadata : IDeepCloneable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source BmpMetadata() Initializes a new instance of the BmpMetadata class. Declaration public BmpMetadata() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source BitsPerPixel Gets or sets the number of bits per pixel. Declaration public BmpBitsPerPixel BitsPerPixel { get; set; } Property Value Type Description BmpBitsPerPixel | Improve this Doc View Source InfoHeaderType Gets or sets the bitmap info header type. Declaration public BmpInfoHeaderType InfoHeaderType { get; set; } Property Value Type Description BmpInfoHeaderType Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new object that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public IDeepCloneable DeepClone() Returns Type Description IDeepCloneable The IDeepCloneable . Implements IDeepCloneable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp Classes BmpConfigurationModule Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the bmp format. BmpDecoder Image decoder for generating an image out of a Windows bitmap stream. BmpEncoder Image encoder for writing an image to a stream as a Windows bitmap. BmpFormat Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the bmp format. BmpImageFormatDetector Detects bmp file headers. BmpMetadata Provides Bmp specific metadata information for the image. Enums BmpBitsPerPixel Enumerates the available bits per pixel the bitmap encoder supports. BmpFileMarkerType Indicates which bitmap file marker was read. BmpInfoHeaderType Enum value for the different bitmap info header types. The enum value is the number of bytes for the specific bitmap header. RleSkippedPixelHandling Defines possible options, how skipped pixels during decoding of run length encoded bitmaps should be treated."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.RleSkippedPixelHandling.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.RleSkippedPixelHandling.html",
"title": "Enum RleSkippedPixelHandling",
"keywords": "Enum RleSkippedPixelHandling Defines possible options, how skipped pixels during decoding of run length encoded bitmaps should be treated. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum RleSkippedPixelHandling Fields Name Description Black Undefined pixels should be black. This is the default behavior and equal to how System.Drawing handles undefined pixels. FirstColorOfPalette Undefined pixels should have the first color of the palette. Transparent Undefined pixels should be transparent."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifColorTableMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifColorTableMode.html",
"title": "Enum GifColorTableMode",
"keywords": "Enum GifColorTableMode Provides enumeration for the available color table modes. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum GifColorTableMode Fields Name Description Global A single color table is calculated from the first frame and reused for subsequent frames. Local A unique color table is calculated for each frame."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifConfigurationModule.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifConfigurationModule.html",
"title": "Class GifConfigurationModule",
"keywords": "Class GifConfigurationModule Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the gif format. Inheritance Object GifConfigurationModule Implements IConfigurationModule Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class GifConfigurationModule : IConfigurationModule Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Configure(Configuration) Called when loaded into a configuration object so the module can register items into the configuration. Declaration public void Configure(Configuration configuration) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration that will retain the encoders, decodes and mime type detectors. Implements IConfigurationModule"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifDecoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifDecoder.html",
"title": "Class GifDecoder",
"keywords": "Class GifDecoder Decoder for generating an image out of a gif encoded stream. Inheritance Object GifDecoder Implements IImageDecoder IImageInfoDetector Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class GifDecoder : IImageDecoder, IImageInfoDetector Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DecodingMode Gets or sets the decoding mode for multi-frame images Declaration public FrameDecodingMode DecodingMode { get; set; } Property Value Type Description FrameDecodingMode | Improve this Doc View Source IgnoreMetadata Gets or sets a value indicating whether the metadata should be ignored when the image is being decoded. Declaration public bool IgnoreMetadata { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Decode(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration public Image Decode(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source Decode<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration public Image<TPixel> Decode<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image <TPixel> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration public async Task<Image> DecodeAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image > The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration public Task<Image<TPixel>> DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image <TPixel>> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source Identify(Configuration, Stream) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration public IImageInfo Identify(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description IImageInfo The PixelTypeInfo object | Improve this Doc View Source IdentifyAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration public Task<IImageInfo> IdentifyAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Ret
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifDisposalMethod.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifDisposalMethod.html",
"title": "Enum GifDisposalMethod",
"keywords": "Enum GifDisposalMethod Provides enumeration for instructing the decoder what to do with the last image in an animation sequence. section 23 Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum GifDisposalMethod Fields Name Description NotDispose Do not dispose. The graphic is to be left in place. RestoreToBackground Restore to background color. The area used by the graphic must be restored to the background color. RestoreToPrevious Restore to previous. The decoder is required to restore the area overwritten by the graphic with what was there prior to rendering the graphic. Unspecified No disposal specified. The decoder is not required to take any action."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifEncoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifEncoder.html",
"title": "Class GifEncoder",
"keywords": "Class GifEncoder Image encoder for writing image data to a stream in gif format. Inheritance Object GifEncoder Implements IImageEncoder Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class GifEncoder : IImageEncoder Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ColorTableMode Gets or sets the color table mode: Global or local. Declaration public GifColorTableMode? ColorTableMode { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < GifColorTableMode > | Improve this Doc View Source GlobalPixelSamplingStrategy Gets or sets the IPixelSamplingStrategy used for quantization when building a global color table in case of Global . Declaration public IPixelSamplingStrategy GlobalPixelSamplingStrategy { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IPixelSamplingStrategy | Improve this Doc View Source Quantizer Gets or sets the quantizer for reducing the color count. Defaults to the OctreeQuantizer Declaration public IQuantizer Quantizer { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IQuantizer Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration public void Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream, CancellationToken) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration public Task EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task A Task representing the asynchronous operation. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Implements IImageEncoder"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifFormat.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifFormat.html",
"title": "Class GifFormat",
"keywords": "Class GifFormat Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the gif format. Inheritance Object GifFormat Implements IImageFormat < GifMetadata , GifFrameMetadata > IImageFormat < GifMetadata > IImageFormat Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class GifFormat : IImageFormat<GifMetadata, GifFrameMetadata>, IImageFormat<GifMetadata>, IImageFormat Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultMimeType Gets the default mimetype that the image format uses Declaration public string DefaultMimeType { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source FileExtensions Gets the file extensions this image format commonly uses. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> FileExtensions { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source Instance Gets the current instance. Declaration public static GifFormat Instance { get; } Property Value Type Description GifFormat | Improve this Doc View Source MimeTypes Gets all the mimetypes that have been used by this image format. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> MimeTypes { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source Name Gets the name that describes this image format. Declaration public string Name { get; } Property Value Type Description String Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateDefaultFormatFrameMetadata() Creates a default instance of the format frame metadata. Declaration public GifFrameMetadata CreateDefaultFormatFrameMetadata() Returns Type Description GifFrameMetadata The TFormatFrameMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Creates a default instance of the format metadata. Declaration public GifMetadata CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Returns Type Description GifMetadata The TFormatMetadata . Implements IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata, TFormatFrameMetadata> IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata> IImageFormat"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifFrameMetadata.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifFrameMetadata.html",
"title": "Class GifFrameMetadata",
"keywords": "Class GifFrameMetadata Provides Gif specific metadata information for the image frame. Inheritance Object GifFrameMetadata Implements IDeepCloneable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class GifFrameMetadata : IDeepCloneable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GifFrameMetadata() Initializes a new instance of the GifFrameMetadata class. Declaration public GifFrameMetadata() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ColorTableLength Gets or sets the length of the color table for paletted images. If not 0, then this field indicates the maximum number of colors to use when quantizing the image frame. Declaration public int ColorTableLength { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source DisposalMethod Gets or sets the disposal method for animated images. Primarily used in Gif animation, this field indicates the way in which the graphic is to be treated after being displayed. Declaration public GifDisposalMethod DisposalMethod { get; set; } Property Value Type Description GifDisposalMethod | Improve this Doc View Source FrameDelay Gets or sets the frame delay for animated images. If not 0, when utilized in Gif animation, this field specifies the number of hundredths (1/100) of a second to wait before continuing with the processing of the Data Stream. The clock starts ticking immediately after the graphic is rendered. Declaration public int FrameDelay { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new object that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public IDeepCloneable DeepClone() Returns Type Description IDeepCloneable The IDeepCloneable . Implements IDeepCloneable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifImageFormatDetector.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifImageFormatDetector.html",
"title": "Class GifImageFormatDetector",
"keywords": "Class GifImageFormatDetector Detects gif file headers Inheritance Object GifImageFormatDetector Implements IImageFormatDetector Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class GifImageFormatDetector : IImageFormatDetector Properties | Improve this Doc View Source HeaderSize Gets the size of the header for this image type. Declaration public int HeaderSize { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 The size of the header. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Detect mimetype Declaration public IImageFormat DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<byte> header) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < Byte > header The byte[] containing the file header. Returns Type Description IImageFormat returns the mime type of detected otherwise returns null Implements IImageFormatDetector"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifMetadata.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.GifMetadata.html",
"title": "Class GifMetadata",
"keywords": "Class GifMetadata Provides Gif specific metadata information for the image. Inheritance Object GifMetadata Implements IDeepCloneable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class GifMetadata : IDeepCloneable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GifMetadata() Initializes a new instance of the GifMetadata class. Declaration public GifMetadata() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ColorTableMode Gets or sets the color table mode. Declaration public GifColorTableMode ColorTableMode { get; set; } Property Value Type Description GifColorTableMode | Improve this Doc View Source Comments Gets or sets the the collection of comments about the graphics, credits, descriptions or any other type of non-control and non-graphic data. Declaration public IList<string> Comments { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IList < String > | Improve this Doc View Source GlobalColorTableLength Gets or sets the length of the global color table if present. Declaration public int GlobalColorTableLength { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source RepeatCount Gets or sets the number of times any animation is repeated. 0 means to repeat indefinitely, count is set as repeat n-1 times. Defaults to 1. Declaration public ushort RepeatCount { get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new object that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public IDeepCloneable DeepClone() Returns Type Description IDeepCloneable The IDeepCloneable . Implements IDeepCloneable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif Classes GifConfigurationModule Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the gif format. GifDecoder Decoder for generating an image out of a gif encoded stream. GifEncoder Image encoder for writing image data to a stream in gif format. GifFormat Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the gif format. GifFrameMetadata Provides Gif specific metadata information for the image frame. GifImageFormatDetector Detects gif file headers GifMetadata Provides Gif specific metadata information for the image. Interfaces IGifExtension A base interface for GIF extensions. Enums GifColorTableMode Provides enumeration for the available color table modes. GifDisposalMethod Provides enumeration for instructing the decoder what to do with the last image in an animation sequence. section 23"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.IGifExtension.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif.IGifExtension.html",
"title": "Interface IGifExtension",
"keywords": "Interface IGifExtension A base interface for GIF extensions. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Gif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IGifExtension Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Label Gets the label identifying the extensions. Declaration byte Label { get; } Property Value Type Description Byte Methods | Improve this Doc View Source WriteTo(Span<Byte>) Writes the extension data to the buffer. Declaration int WriteTo(Span<byte> buffer) Parameters Type Name Description Span < Byte > buffer The buffer to write the extension to. Returns Type Description Int32 The number of bytes written to the buffer."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats Classes ImageFormatManager Collection of Image Formats to be used in Configuration class. PixelTypeInfo Contains information about the pixels that make up an images visual data. Interfaces IImageDecoder Encapsulates properties and methods required for decoding an image from a stream. IImageEncoder Encapsulates properties and methods required for encoding an image to a stream. IImageFormat Defines the contract for an image format. IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata> Defines the contract for an image format containing metadata. IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata, TFormatFrameMetadata> Defines the contract for an image format containing metadata with multiple frames. IImageFormatDetector Used for detecting mime types from a file header IImageInfoDetector Encapsulates methods used for detecting the raw image information without fully decoding it."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageDecoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageDecoder.html",
"title": "Interface IImageDecoder",
"keywords": "Interface IImageDecoder Encapsulates properties and methods required for decoding an image from a stream. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageDecoder Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Decode(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration Image Decode(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source Decode<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration Image<TPixel> Decode<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image <TPixel> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration Task<Image> DecodeAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image > The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration Task<Image<TPixel>> DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image <TPixel>> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageEncoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageEncoder.html",
"title": "Interface IImageEncoder",
"keywords": "Interface IImageEncoder Encapsulates properties and methods required for encoding an image to a stream. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageEncoder Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration void Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream, CancellationToken) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration Task EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task A Task representing the asynchronous operation. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageFormat.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageFormat.html",
"title": "Interface IImageFormat",
"keywords": "Interface IImageFormat Defines the contract for an image format. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageFormat Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultMimeType Gets the default mimetype that the image format uses Declaration string DefaultMimeType { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source FileExtensions Gets the file extensions this image format commonly uses. Declaration IEnumerable<string> FileExtensions { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source MimeTypes Gets all the mimetypes that have been used by this image format. Declaration IEnumerable<string> MimeTypes { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source Name Gets the name that describes this image format. Declaration string Name { get; } Property Value Type Description String"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageFormat-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageFormat-1.html",
"title": "Interface IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata>",
"keywords": "Interface IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata> Defines the contract for an image format containing metadata. Inherited Members IImageFormat.Name IImageFormat.DefaultMimeType IImageFormat.MimeTypes IImageFormat.FileExtensions Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageFormat<out TFormatMetadata> : IImageFormat where TFormatMetadata : class Type Parameters Name Description TFormatMetadata The type of format metadata. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Creates a default instance of the format metadata. Declaration TFormatMetadata CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Returns Type Description TFormatMetadata The TFormatMetadata ."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageFormat-2.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageFormat-2.html",
"title": "Interface IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata, TFormatFrameMetadata>",
"keywords": "Interface IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata, TFormatFrameMetadata> Defines the contract for an image format containing metadata with multiple frames. Inherited Members IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata>.CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() IImageFormat.Name IImageFormat.DefaultMimeType IImageFormat.MimeTypes IImageFormat.FileExtensions Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageFormat<out TFormatMetadata, out TFormatFrameMetadata> : IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata>, IImageFormat where TFormatMetadata : class where TFormatFrameMetadata : class Type Parameters Name Description TFormatMetadata The type of format metadata. TFormatFrameMetadata The type of format frame metadata. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateDefaultFormatFrameMetadata() Creates a default instance of the format frame metadata. Declaration TFormatFrameMetadata CreateDefaultFormatFrameMetadata() Returns Type Description TFormatFrameMetadata The TFormatFrameMetadata ."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageFormatDetector.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageFormatDetector.html",
"title": "Interface IImageFormatDetector",
"keywords": "Interface IImageFormatDetector Used for detecting mime types from a file header Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageFormatDetector Properties | Improve this Doc View Source HeaderSize Gets the size of the header for this image type. Declaration int HeaderSize { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 The size of the header. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Detect mimetype Declaration IImageFormat DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<byte> header) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < Byte > header The byte[] containing the file header. Returns Type Description IImageFormat returns the mime type of detected otherwise returns null"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageInfoDetector.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.IImageInfoDetector.html",
"title": "Interface IImageInfoDetector",
"keywords": "Interface IImageInfoDetector Encapsulates methods used for detecting the raw image information without fully decoding it. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageInfoDetector Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Identify(Configuration, Stream) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration IImageInfo Identify(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description IImageInfo The PixelTypeInfo object | Improve this Doc View Source IdentifyAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration Task<IImageInfo> IdentifyAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < IImageInfo > The PixelTypeInfo object"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.ImageFormatManager.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.ImageFormatManager.html",
"title": "Class ImageFormatManager",
"keywords": "Class ImageFormatManager Collection of Image Formats to be used in Configuration class. Inheritance Object ImageFormatManager Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class ImageFormatManager Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ImageFormatManager() Initializes a new instance of the ImageFormatManager class. Declaration public ImageFormatManager() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ImageFormats Gets the currently registered IImageFormat s. Declaration public IEnumerable<IImageFormat> ImageFormats { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < IImageFormat > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddImageFormat(IImageFormat) Registers a new format provider. Declaration public void AddImageFormat(IImageFormat format) Parameters Type Name Description IImageFormat format The format to register as a known format. | Improve this Doc View Source AddImageFormatDetector(IImageFormatDetector) Adds a new detector for detecting mime types. Declaration public void AddImageFormatDetector(IImageFormatDetector detector) Parameters Type Name Description IImageFormatDetector detector The detector to add | Improve this Doc View Source ClearImageFormatDetectors() Removes all the registered image format detectors. Declaration public void ClearImageFormatDetectors() | Improve this Doc View Source FindDecoder(IImageFormat) For the specified mime type find the decoder. Declaration public IImageDecoder FindDecoder(IImageFormat format) Parameters Type Name Description IImageFormat format The format to discover Returns Type Description IImageDecoder The IImageDecoder if found otherwise null | Improve this Doc View Source FindEncoder(IImageFormat) For the specified mime type find the encoder. Declaration public IImageEncoder FindEncoder(IImageFormat format) Parameters Type Name Description IImageFormat format The format to discover Returns Type Description IImageEncoder The IImageEncoder if found otherwise null | Improve this Doc View Source FindFormatByFileExtension(String) For the specified file extensions type find the e IImageFormat . Declaration public IImageFormat FindFormatByFileExtension(string extension) Parameters Type Name Description String extension The extension to discover Returns Type Description IImageFormat The IImageFormat if found otherwise null | Improve this Doc View Source FindFormatByMimeType(String) For the specified mime type find the IImageFormat . Declaration public IImageFormat FindFormatByMimeType(string mimeType) Parameters Type Name Description String mimeType The mime-type to discover Returns Type Description IImageFormat The IImageFormat if found; otherwise null | Improve this Doc View Source SetDecoder(IImageFormat, IImageDecoder) Sets a specific image decoder as the decoder for a specific image format. Declaration public void SetDecoder(IImageFormat imageFormat, IImageDecoder decoder) Parameters Type Name Description IImageFormat imageFormat The image format to register the encoder for. IImageDecoder decoder The decoder to use, | Improve this Doc View Source SetEncoder(IImageFormat, IImageEncoder) Sets a specific image encoder as the encoder for a specific image format. Declaration public void SetEncoder(IImageFormat imageFormat, IImageEncoder encoder) Parameters Type Name Description IImageFormat imageFormat The image format to register the encoder for. IImageEncoder encoder The encoder to use,"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg Classes JpegConfigurationModule Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the jpeg format. JpegDecoder Image decoder for generating an image out of a jpg stream. JpegEncoder Encoder for writing the data image to a stream in jpeg format. JpegFormat Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the jpeg format. JpegImageFormatDetector Detects Jpeg file headers JpegMetadata Provides Jpeg specific metadata information for the image. Enums JpegSubsample Enumerates the chroma subsampling method applied to the image."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegConfigurationModule.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegConfigurationModule.html",
"title": "Class JpegConfigurationModule",
"keywords": "Class JpegConfigurationModule Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the jpeg format. Inheritance Object JpegConfigurationModule Implements IConfigurationModule Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class JpegConfigurationModule : IConfigurationModule Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Configure(Configuration) Called when loaded into a configuration object so the module can register items into the configuration. Declaration public void Configure(Configuration configuration) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration that will retain the encoders, decodes and mime type detectors. Implements IConfigurationModule"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegDecoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegDecoder.html",
"title": "Class JpegDecoder",
"keywords": "Class JpegDecoder Image decoder for generating an image out of a jpg stream. Inheritance Object JpegDecoder Implements IImageDecoder IImageInfoDetector Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class JpegDecoder : IImageDecoder, IImageInfoDetector Properties | Improve this Doc View Source IgnoreMetadata Declaration public bool IgnoreMetadata { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Decode(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration public Image Decode(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source Decode<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration public Image<TPixel> Decode<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image <TPixel> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration public async Task<Image> DecodeAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image > The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration public Task<Image<TPixel>> DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image <TPixel>> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source Identify(Configuration, Stream) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration public IImageInfo Identify(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description IImageInfo The PixelTypeInfo object | Improve this Doc View Source IdentifyAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration public async Task<IImageInfo> IdentifyAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < IImageInfo > The PixelTypeInfo object Implements IImageDecoder IImageInfoDetector"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegEncoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegEncoder.html",
"title": "Class JpegEncoder",
"keywords": "Class JpegEncoder Encoder for writing the data image to a stream in jpeg format. Inheritance Object JpegEncoder Implements IImageEncoder Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class JpegEncoder : IImageEncoder Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Quality Gets or sets the quality, that will be used to encode the image. Quality index must be between 0 and 100 (compression from max to min). Defaults to 75 . Declaration public int? Quality { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < Int32 > | Improve this Doc View Source Subsample Gets or sets the subsample ration, that will be used to encode the image. Declaration public JpegSubsample? Subsample { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < JpegSubsample > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration public void Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream, CancellationToken) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration public Task EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task A Task representing the asynchronous operation. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Implements IImageEncoder"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegFormat.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegFormat.html",
"title": "Class JpegFormat",
"keywords": "Class JpegFormat Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the jpeg format. Inheritance Object JpegFormat Implements IImageFormat < JpegMetadata > IImageFormat Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class JpegFormat : IImageFormat<JpegMetadata>, IImageFormat Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultMimeType Gets the default mimetype that the image format uses Declaration public string DefaultMimeType { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source FileExtensions Gets the file extensions this image format commonly uses. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> FileExtensions { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source Instance Gets the current instance. Declaration public static JpegFormat Instance { get; } Property Value Type Description JpegFormat | Improve this Doc View Source MimeTypes Gets all the mimetypes that have been used by this image format. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> MimeTypes { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source Name Gets the name that describes this image format. Declaration public string Name { get; } Property Value Type Description String Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Creates a default instance of the format metadata. Declaration public JpegMetadata CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Returns Type Description JpegMetadata The TFormatMetadata . Implements IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata> IImageFormat"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegImageFormatDetector.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegImageFormatDetector.html",
"title": "Class JpegImageFormatDetector",
"keywords": "Class JpegImageFormatDetector Detects Jpeg file headers Inheritance Object JpegImageFormatDetector Implements IImageFormatDetector Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class JpegImageFormatDetector : IImageFormatDetector Properties | Improve this Doc View Source HeaderSize Gets the size of the header for this image type. Declaration public int HeaderSize { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 The size of the header. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Detect mimetype Declaration public IImageFormat DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<byte> header) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < Byte > header The byte[] containing the file header. Returns Type Description IImageFormat returns the mime type of detected otherwise returns null Implements IImageFormatDetector"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegMetadata.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegMetadata.html",
"title": "Class JpegMetadata",
"keywords": "Class JpegMetadata Provides Jpeg specific metadata information for the image. Inheritance Object JpegMetadata Implements IDeepCloneable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class JpegMetadata : IDeepCloneable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source JpegMetadata() Initializes a new instance of the JpegMetadata class. Declaration public JpegMetadata() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Quality Gets or sets the encoded quality. Declaration public int Quality { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new object that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public IDeepCloneable DeepClone() Returns Type Description IDeepCloneable The IDeepCloneable . Implements IDeepCloneable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegSubsample.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegSubsample.html",
"title": "Enum JpegSubsample",
"keywords": "Enum JpegSubsample Enumerates the chroma subsampling method applied to the image. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum JpegSubsample Fields Name Description Ratio420 Medium Quality - The horizontal sampling is halved and the Cb and Cr channels are only sampled on each alternate line. Ratio444 High Quality - Each of the three Y'CbCr components have the same sample rate, thus there is no chroma subsampling."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.PixelTypeInfo.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.PixelTypeInfo.html",
"title": "Class PixelTypeInfo",
"keywords": "Class PixelTypeInfo Contains information about the pixels that make up an images visual data. Inheritance Object PixelTypeInfo Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class PixelTypeInfo Properties | Improve this Doc View Source AlphaRepresentation Gets the pixel alpha transparency behavior. null means unknown, unspecified. Declaration public PixelAlphaRepresentation? AlphaRepresentation { get; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < PixelAlphaRepresentation > | Improve this Doc View Source BitsPerPixel Gets color depth, in number of bits per pixel. Declaration public int BitsPerPixel { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Classes PngConfigurationModule Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the png format. PngDecoder Decoder for generating an image out of a png encoded stream. PngEncoder Image encoder for writing image data to a stream in png format. PngFormat Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the png format. PngImageFormatDetector Detects png file headers PngMetadata Provides Png specific metadata information for the image. Structs PngTextData Stores text data contained in the iTXt, tEXt, and zTXt chunks. Used for conveying textual information associated with the image, like the name of the author, the copyright information, the date, where the image was created, or some other information. Enums PngBitDepth Provides enumeration for the available PNG bit depths. PngChunkFilter Provides enumeration of available PNG optimization methods. PngColorType Provides enumeration of available PNG color types. PngCompressionLevel Provides enumeration of available PNG compression levels. PngFilterMethod Provides enumeration of available PNG filter methods. PngInterlaceMode Provides enumeration of available PNG interlace modes. PngTransparentColorMode Enum indicating how the transparency should be handled on encoding."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngBitDepth.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngBitDepth.html",
"title": "Enum PngBitDepth",
"keywords": "Enum PngBitDepth Provides enumeration for the available PNG bit depths. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum PngBitDepth : byte Fields Name Description Bit1 1 bit per sample or per palette index (not per pixel). Bit16 16 bits per sample or per palette index (not per pixel). Bit2 2 bits per sample or per palette index (not per pixel). Bit4 4 bits per sample or per palette index (not per pixel). Bit8 8 bits per sample or per palette index (not per pixel)."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngChunkFilter.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngChunkFilter.html",
"title": "Enum PngChunkFilter",
"keywords": "Enum PngChunkFilter Provides enumeration of available PNG optimization methods. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax [Flags] public enum PngChunkFilter Fields Name Description ExcludeAll All ancillary chunks will be excluded. ExcludeExifChunk Excludes the eXIf chunk from encoding. ExcludeGammaChunk Excludes the gamma information chunk from encoding. ExcludePhysicalChunk Excludes the physical dimension information chunk from encoding. ExcludeTextChunks Excludes the tTXt, iTXt or zTXt chunk from encoding. None With the None filter, all chunks will be written."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngColorType.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngColorType.html",
"title": "Enum PngColorType",
"keywords": "Enum PngColorType Provides enumeration of available PNG color types. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum PngColorType : byte Fields Name Description Grayscale Each pixel is a grayscale sample. GrayscaleWithAlpha Each pixel is a grayscale sample, followed by an alpha sample. Palette Each pixel is a palette index; a PLTE chunk must appear. Rgb Each pixel is an R,G,B triple. RgbWithAlpha Each pixel is an R,G,B triple, followed by an alpha sample."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngCompressionLevel.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngCompressionLevel.html",
"title": "Enum PngCompressionLevel",
"keywords": "Enum PngCompressionLevel Provides enumeration of available PNG compression levels. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum PngCompressionLevel Fields Name Description BestCompression Best compression level. Equivalent to Level9 . BestSpeed Best speed compression level. DefaultCompression The default compression level. Equivalent to Level6 . Level0 Level 0. Equivalent to NoCompression . Level1 Level 1. Equivalent to BestSpeed . Level2 Level 2. Level3 Level 3. Level4 Level 4. Level5 Level 5. Level6 Level 6. Equivalent to DefaultCompression . Level7 Level 7. Level8 Level 8. Level9 Level 9. Equivalent to BestCompression . NoCompression No compression. Equivalent to Level0 ."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngConfigurationModule.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngConfigurationModule.html",
"title": "Class PngConfigurationModule",
"keywords": "Class PngConfigurationModule Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the png format. Inheritance Object PngConfigurationModule Implements IConfigurationModule Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class PngConfigurationModule : IConfigurationModule Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Configure(Configuration) Called when loaded into a configuration object so the module can register items into the configuration. Declaration public void Configure(Configuration configuration) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration that will retain the encoders, decodes and mime type detectors. Implements IConfigurationModule"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngDecoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngDecoder.html",
"title": "Class PngDecoder",
"keywords": "Class PngDecoder Decoder for generating an image out of a png encoded stream. Inheritance Object PngDecoder Implements IImageDecoder IImageInfoDetector Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class PngDecoder : IImageDecoder, IImageInfoDetector Properties | Improve this Doc View Source IgnoreMetadata Declaration public bool IgnoreMetadata { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Decode(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration public Image Decode(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source Decode<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration public Image<TPixel> Decode<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image <TPixel> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration public async Task<Image> DecodeAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image > The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration public Task<Image<TPixel>> DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image <TPixel>> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source Identify(Configuration, Stream) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration public IImageInfo Identify(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description IImageInfo The PixelTypeInfo object | Improve this Doc View Source IdentifyAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration public Task<IImageInfo> IdentifyAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < IImageInfo > The PixelTypeInfo object Implements IImageDecoder IImageInfoDetector"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngEncoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngEncoder.html",
"title": "Class PngEncoder",
"keywords": "Class PngEncoder Image encoder for writing image data to a stream in png format. Inheritance Object PngEncoder Implements IImageEncoder Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class PngEncoder : IImageEncoder Properties | Improve this Doc View Source BitDepth Declaration public PngBitDepth? BitDepth { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < PngBitDepth > | Improve this Doc View Source ChunkFilter Declaration public PngChunkFilter? ChunkFilter { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < PngChunkFilter > | Improve this Doc View Source ColorType Declaration public PngColorType? ColorType { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < PngColorType > | Improve this Doc View Source CompressionLevel Declaration public PngCompressionLevel CompressionLevel { get; set; } Property Value Type Description PngCompressionLevel | Improve this Doc View Source FilterMethod Declaration public PngFilterMethod? FilterMethod { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < PngFilterMethod > | Improve this Doc View Source Gamma Declaration public float? Gamma { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < Single > | Improve this Doc View Source IgnoreMetadata Declaration public bool IgnoreMetadata { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source InterlaceMethod Declaration public PngInterlaceMode? InterlaceMethod { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < PngInterlaceMode > | Improve this Doc View Source Quantizer Declaration public IQuantizer Quantizer { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IQuantizer | Improve this Doc View Source TextCompressionThreshold Declaration public int TextCompressionThreshold { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Threshold Declaration public byte Threshold { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source TransparentColorMode Declaration public PngTransparentColorMode TransparentColorMode { get; set; } Property Value Type Description PngTransparentColorMode Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration public void Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream, CancellationToken) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration public async Task EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task A Task representing the asynchronous operation. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Implements IImageEncoder"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngFilterMethod.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngFilterMethod.html",
"title": "Enum PngFilterMethod",
"keywords": "Enum PngFilterMethod Provides enumeration of available PNG filter methods. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum PngFilterMethod Fields Name Description Adaptive Computes the output scanline using all five filters, and selects the filter that gives the smallest sum of absolute values of outputs. This method usually outperforms any single fixed filter choice. Average The Average filter uses the average of the two neighboring pixels (left and above) to predict the value of a pixel. None With the None filter, the scanline is transmitted unmodified. Paeth The Paeth filter computes a simple linear function of the three neighboring pixels (left, above, upper left), then chooses as predictor the neighboring pixel closest to the computed value. Sub The Sub filter transmits the difference between each byte and the value of the corresponding byte of the prior pixel. Up The Up filter is just like the Sub filter except that the pixel immediately above the current pixel, rather than just to its left, is used as the predictor."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngFormat.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngFormat.html",
"title": "Class PngFormat",
"keywords": "Class PngFormat Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the png format. Inheritance Object PngFormat Implements IImageFormat < PngMetadata > IImageFormat Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class PngFormat : IImageFormat<PngMetadata>, IImageFormat Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultMimeType Gets the default mimetype that the image format uses Declaration public string DefaultMimeType { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source FileExtensions Gets the file extensions this image format commonly uses. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> FileExtensions { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source Instance Gets the current instance. Declaration public static PngFormat Instance { get; } Property Value Type Description PngFormat | Improve this Doc View Source MimeTypes Gets all the mimetypes that have been used by this image format. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> MimeTypes { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source Name Gets the name that describes this image format. Declaration public string Name { get; } Property Value Type Description String Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Creates a default instance of the format metadata. Declaration public PngMetadata CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Returns Type Description PngMetadata The TFormatMetadata . Implements IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata> IImageFormat"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngImageFormatDetector.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngImageFormatDetector.html",
"title": "Class PngImageFormatDetector",
"keywords": "Class PngImageFormatDetector Detects png file headers Inheritance Object PngImageFormatDetector Implements IImageFormatDetector Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class PngImageFormatDetector : IImageFormatDetector Properties | Improve this Doc View Source HeaderSize Gets the size of the header for this image type. Declaration public int HeaderSize { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 The size of the header. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Detect mimetype Declaration public IImageFormat DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<byte> header) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < Byte > header The byte[] containing the file header. Returns Type Description IImageFormat returns the mime type of detected otherwise returns null Implements IImageFormatDetector"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngInterlaceMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngInterlaceMode.html",
"title": "Enum PngInterlaceMode",
"keywords": "Enum PngInterlaceMode Provides enumeration of available PNG interlace modes. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum PngInterlaceMode : byte Fields Name Description Adam7 Adam 7 interlacing. None Non interlaced"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngMetadata.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngMetadata.html",
"title": "Class PngMetadata",
"keywords": "Class PngMetadata Provides Png specific metadata information for the image. Inheritance Object PngMetadata Implements IDeepCloneable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class PngMetadata : IDeepCloneable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PngMetadata() Initializes a new instance of the PngMetadata class. Declaration public PngMetadata() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source BitDepth Gets or sets the number of bits per sample or per palette index (not per pixel). Not all values are allowed for all ColorType values. Declaration public PngBitDepth? BitDepth { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < PngBitDepth > | Improve this Doc View Source ColorType Gets or sets the color type. Declaration public PngColorType? ColorType { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < PngColorType > | Improve this Doc View Source Gamma Gets or sets the gamma value for the image. Declaration public float Gamma { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source HasTransparency Gets or sets a value indicating whether the image contains a transparency chunk and markers were decoded. Declaration public bool HasTransparency { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source InterlaceMethod Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance should write an Adam7 interlaced image. Declaration public PngInterlaceMode? InterlaceMethod { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < PngInterlaceMode > | Improve this Doc View Source TextData Gets or sets the collection of text data stored within the iTXt, tEXt, and zTXt chunks. Used for conveying textual information associated with the image. Declaration public IList<PngTextData> TextData { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IList < PngTextData > | Improve this Doc View Source TransparentL16 Gets or sets the 16 bit grayscale transparent color. This represents any color in a 16 bit grayscale encoded png that should be transparent. Declaration public L16? TransparentL16 { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < L16 > | Improve this Doc View Source TransparentL8 Gets or sets the 8 bit grayscale transparent color. This represents any color in an 8 bit grayscale encoded png that should be transparent. Declaration public L8? TransparentL8 { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < L8 > | Improve this Doc View Source TransparentRgb24 Gets or sets the Rgb24 transparent color. This represents any color in an 8 bit Rgb24 encoded png that should be transparent. Declaration public Rgb24? TransparentRgb24 { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < Rgb24 > | Improve this Doc View Source TransparentRgb48 Gets or sets the Rgb48 transparent color. This represents any color in a 16 bit Rgb24 encoded png that should be transparent. Declaration public Rgb48? TransparentRgb48 { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < Rgb48 > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new object that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public IDeepCloneable DeepClone() Returns Type Description IDeepCloneable The IDeepCloneable . Implements IDeepCloneable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngTextData.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngTextData.html",
"title": "Struct PngTextData",
"keywords": "Struct PngTextData Stores text data contained in the iTXt, tEXt, and zTXt chunks. Used for conveying textual information associated with the image, like the name of the author, the copyright information, the date, where the image was created, or some other information. Implements IEquatable < PngTextData > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct PngTextData : IEquatable<PngTextData> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PngTextData(String, String, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the PngTextData struct. Declaration public PngTextData(string keyword, string value, string languageTag, string translatedKeyword) Parameters Type Name Description String keyword The keyword of the property. String value The value of the property. String languageTag An optional language tag. String translatedKeyword A optional translated keyword. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Keyword Gets the keyword of this PngTextData which indicates the type of information represented by the text string as described in . Declaration public readonly string Keyword { get; } Property Value Type Description String Examples Typical properties are the author, copyright information or other meta information. | Improve this Doc View Source LanguageTag Gets an optional language tag defined in indicates the human language used by the translated keyword and the text. If the first word is two or three letters long, it is an ISO language code . Declaration public readonly string LanguageTag { get; } Property Value Type Description String Examples Examples: cn, en-uk, no-bok, x-klingon, x-KlInGoN. | Improve this Doc View Source TranslatedKeyword Gets an optional translated keyword, should contain a translation of the keyword into the language indicated by the language tag. Declaration public readonly string TranslatedKeyword { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Value Gets the value of this PngTextData . Declaration public readonly string Value { get; } Property Value Type Description String Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(PngTextData) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. Declaration public readonly bool Equals(PngTextData other) Parameters Type Name Description PngTextData other An object to compare with this object. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj The object to compare with the current instance. Returns Type Description Boolean true if obj and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false. Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance. Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance. Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance. Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String A String containing a fully qualified type name. Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(PngTextData, PngTextData) Compares two PngTextData objects. The result specifies whether the values of the properties of the two PngTextData objects are equal. Declaration public static bool operator ==(PngTextData left, PngTextData right) Parameters Type Name Description PngTextData left The PngTextData on the left side of t
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngTransparentColorMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngTransparentColorMode.html",
"title": "Enum PngTransparentColorMode",
"keywords": "Enum PngTransparentColorMode Enum indicating how the transparency should be handled on encoding. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum PngTransparentColorMode Fields Name Description Clear Converts fully transparent pixels that may contain R, G, B values which are not 0, to transparent black, which can yield in better compression in some cases. Preserve The transparency will be kept as is."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga Classes TgaConfigurationModule Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the tga format. TgaDecoder Image decoder for Truevision TGA images. TgaEncoder Image encoder for writing an image to a stream as a targa truevision image. TgaFormat Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the tga format. TgaImageFormatDetector Detects tga file headers. TgaImageTypeExtensions Extension methods for TgaImageType enum. TgaMetadata Provides TGA specific metadata information for the image. Enums TgaBitsPerPixel Enumerates the available bits per pixel the tga encoder supports. TgaCompression Indicates if compression is used. TgaImageType Defines the tga image type. The TGA File Format can be used to store Pseudo-Color, True-Color and Direct-Color images of various pixel depths."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaBitsPerPixel.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaBitsPerPixel.html",
"title": "Enum TgaBitsPerPixel",
"keywords": "Enum TgaBitsPerPixel Enumerates the available bits per pixel the tga encoder supports. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum TgaBitsPerPixel : byte Fields Name Description Pixel16 16 bits per pixel. Each pixel consists of 2 bytes. Pixel24 24 bits per pixel. Each pixel consists of 3 bytes. Pixel32 32 bits per pixel. Each pixel consists of 4 bytes. Pixel8 8 bits per pixel. Each pixel consists of 1 byte."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaCompression.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaCompression.html",
"title": "Enum TgaCompression",
"keywords": "Enum TgaCompression Indicates if compression is used. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum TgaCompression Fields Name Description None No compression is used. RunLength Run length encoding is used."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaConfigurationModule.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaConfigurationModule.html",
"title": "Class TgaConfigurationModule",
"keywords": "Class TgaConfigurationModule Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the tga format. Inheritance Object TgaConfigurationModule Implements IConfigurationModule Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class TgaConfigurationModule : IConfigurationModule Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Configure(Configuration) Called when loaded into a configuration object so the module can register items into the configuration. Declaration public void Configure(Configuration configuration) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration that will retain the encoders, decodes and mime type detectors. Implements IConfigurationModule"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaDecoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaDecoder.html",
"title": "Class TgaDecoder",
"keywords": "Class TgaDecoder Image decoder for Truevision TGA images. Inheritance Object TgaDecoder Implements IImageDecoder IImageInfoDetector Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class TgaDecoder : IImageDecoder, IImageInfoDetector Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Decode(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration public Image Decode(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source Decode<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration public Image<TPixel> Decode<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description Image <TPixel> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image . Declaration public async Task<Image> DecodeAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image > The Image . | Improve this Doc View Source DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Decodes the image from the specified stream to an Image<TPixel> of a specific pixel type. Declaration public Task<Image<TPixel>> DecodeAsync<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < Image <TPixel>> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source Identify(Configuration, Stream) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration public IImageInfo Identify(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. Returns Type Description IImageInfo The PixelTypeInfo object | Improve this Doc View Source IdentifyAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Reads the raw image information from the specified stream. Declaration public Task<IImageInfo> IdentifyAsync(Configuration configuration, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration for the image. Stream stream The Stream containing image data. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task < IImageInfo > The PixelTypeInfo object Implements IImageDecoder IImageInfoDetector"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaEncoder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaEncoder.html",
"title": "Class TgaEncoder",
"keywords": "Class TgaEncoder Image encoder for writing an image to a stream as a targa truevision image. Inheritance Object TgaEncoder Implements IImageEncoder Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class TgaEncoder : IImageEncoder Properties | Improve this Doc View Source BitsPerPixel Gets or sets the number of bits per pixel. Declaration public TgaBitsPerPixel? BitsPerPixel { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < TgaBitsPerPixel > | Improve this Doc View Source Compression Gets or sets a value indicating whether no compression or run length compression should be used. Declaration public TgaCompression Compression { get; set; } Property Value Type Description TgaCompression Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration public void Encode<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Stream, CancellationToken) Encodes the image to the specified stream from the Image<TPixel> . Declaration public Task EncodeAsync<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The Image<TPixel> to encode from. Stream stream The Stream to encode the image data to. CancellationToken cancellationToken The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Returns Type Description Task A Task representing the asynchronous operation. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Implements IImageEncoder"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaFormat.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaFormat.html",
"title": "Class TgaFormat",
"keywords": "Class TgaFormat Registers the image encoders, decoders and mime type detectors for the tga format. Inheritance Object TgaFormat Implements IImageFormat < TgaMetadata > IImageFormat Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class TgaFormat : IImageFormat<TgaMetadata>, IImageFormat Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultMimeType Gets the default mimetype that the image format uses Declaration public string DefaultMimeType { get; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source FileExtensions Gets the file extensions this image format commonly uses. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> FileExtensions { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source Instance Gets the current instance. Declaration public static TgaFormat Instance { get; } Property Value Type Description TgaFormat | Improve this Doc View Source MimeTypes Gets all the mimetypes that have been used by this image format. Declaration public IEnumerable<string> MimeTypes { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < String > | Improve this Doc View Source Name Gets the name that describes this image format. Declaration public string Name { get; } Property Value Type Description String Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Creates a default instance of the format metadata. Declaration public TgaMetadata CreateDefaultFormatMetadata() Returns Type Description TgaMetadata The TFormatMetadata . Implements IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata> IImageFormat"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaImageFormatDetector.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaImageFormatDetector.html",
"title": "Class TgaImageFormatDetector",
"keywords": "Class TgaImageFormatDetector Detects tga file headers. Inheritance Object TgaImageFormatDetector Implements IImageFormatDetector Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class TgaImageFormatDetector : IImageFormatDetector Properties | Improve this Doc View Source HeaderSize Gets the size of the header for this image type. Declaration public int HeaderSize { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 The size of the header. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Detect mimetype Declaration public IImageFormat DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<byte> header) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < Byte > header The byte[] containing the file header. Returns Type Description IImageFormat returns the mime type of detected otherwise returns null Implements IImageFormatDetector"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaImageType.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaImageType.html",
"title": "Enum TgaImageType",
"keywords": "Enum TgaImageType Defines the tga image type. The TGA File Format can be used to store Pseudo-Color, True-Color and Direct-Color images of various pixel depths. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum TgaImageType : byte Fields Name Description BlackAndWhite Uncompressed Black and white (grayscale) image. ColorMapped Uncompressed, color mapped image. NoImageData No image data included. RleBlackAndWhite Run length encoded, black and white (grayscale) image. RleColorMapped Run length encoded, color mapped image. RleTrueColor Run length encoded, true color image. TrueColor Uncompressed true color image. Extension Methods TgaImageTypeExtensions.IsRunLengthEncoded() TgaImageTypeExtensions.IsValid()"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaImageTypeExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaImageTypeExtensions.html",
"title": "Class TgaImageTypeExtensions",
"keywords": "Class TgaImageTypeExtensions Extension methods for TgaImageType enum. Inheritance Object TgaImageTypeExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class TgaImageTypeExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source IsRunLengthEncoded(TgaImageType) Checks if this tga image type is run length encoded. Declaration public static bool IsRunLengthEncoded(this TgaImageType imageType) Parameters Type Name Description TgaImageType imageType The tga image type. Returns Type Description Boolean True, if this image type is run length encoded, otherwise false. | Improve this Doc View Source IsValid(TgaImageType) Checks, if the image type has valid value. Declaration public static bool IsValid(this TgaImageType imageType) Parameters Type Name Description TgaImageType imageType The image type. Returns Type Description Boolean true, if its a valid tga image type."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaMetadata.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga.TgaMetadata.html",
"title": "Class TgaMetadata",
"keywords": "Class TgaMetadata Provides TGA specific metadata information for the image. Inheritance Object TgaMetadata Implements IDeepCloneable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tga Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class TgaMetadata : IDeepCloneable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source TgaMetadata() Initializes a new instance of the TgaMetadata class. Declaration public TgaMetadata() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source AlphaChannelBits Gets or sets the the number of alpha bits per pixel. Declaration public byte AlphaChannelBits { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source BitsPerPixel Gets or sets the number of bits per pixel. Declaration public TgaBitsPerPixel BitsPerPixel { get; set; } Property Value Type Description TgaBitsPerPixel Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new object that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public IDeepCloneable DeepClone() Returns Type Description IDeepCloneable The IDeepCloneable . Implements IDeepCloneable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.GeometryUtilities.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.GeometryUtilities.html",
"title": "Class GeometryUtilities",
"keywords": "Class GeometryUtilities Utility class for common geometric functions. Inheritance Object GeometryUtilities Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class GeometryUtilities Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DegreeToRadian(Single) Converts a degree (360-periodic) angle to a radian (2*Pi-periodic) angle. Declaration public static float DegreeToRadian(float degree) Parameters Type Name Description Single degree The angle in degrees. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the degree as radians. | Improve this Doc View Source RadianToDegree(Single) Converts a radian (2*Pi-periodic) angle to a degree (360-periodic) angle. Declaration public static float RadianToDegree(float radian) Parameters Type Name Description Single radian The angle in radians. Returns Type Description Single The Single representing the degree as radians."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions.html",
"title": "Class GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions",
"keywords": "Class GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions Adds extensions that allow the processing of images to the Image<TPixel> type. Inheritance Object GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetGraphicsOptions(Configuration) Gets the default options against the image processing context. Declaration public static GraphicsOptions GetGraphicsOptions(this Configuration configuration) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration to retrieve defaults from. Returns Type Description GraphicsOptions The globaly configued default options. | Improve this Doc View Source GetGraphicsOptions(IImageProcessingContext) Gets the default options against the image processing context. Declaration public static GraphicsOptions GetGraphicsOptions(this IImageProcessingContext context) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to retrieve defaults from. Returns Type Description GraphicsOptions The globaly configued default options. | Improve this Doc View Source SetGraphicsOptions(Configuration, GraphicsOptions) Sets the default options against the configuration. Declaration public static void SetGraphicsOptions(this Configuration configuration, GraphicsOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration to store default against. GraphicsOptions options The default options to use. | Improve this Doc View Source SetGraphicsOptions(Configuration, Action<GraphicsOptions>) Sets the default options against the configuration. Declaration public static void SetGraphicsOptions(this Configuration configuration, Action<GraphicsOptions> optionsBuilder) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration to store default against. Action < GraphicsOptions > optionsBuilder The default options to use. | Improve this Doc View Source SetGraphicsOptions(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions) Sets the default options against the image processing context. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext SetGraphicsOptions(this IImageProcessingContext context, GraphicsOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to store default against. GraphicsOptions options The default options to use. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The passed in context to allow chaining. | Improve this Doc View Source SetGraphicsOptions(IImageProcessingContext, Action<GraphicsOptions>) Sets the default options against the image processing context. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext SetGraphicsOptions(this IImageProcessingContext context, Action<GraphicsOptions> optionsBuilder) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext context The image processing context to store default against. Action < GraphicsOptions > optionsBuilder The action to update instance of the default options used. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The passed in context to allow chaining."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.GraphicsOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.GraphicsOptions.html",
"title": "Class GraphicsOptions",
"keywords": "Class GraphicsOptions Options for influencing the drawing functions. Inheritance Object GraphicsOptions Implements IDeepCloneable < GraphicsOptions > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class GraphicsOptions : IDeepCloneable<GraphicsOptions> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GraphicsOptions() Initializes a new instance of the GraphicsOptions class. Declaration public GraphicsOptions() Properties | Improve this Doc View Source AlphaCompositionMode Gets or sets a value indicating the alpha composition mode to apply to the drawing operation Defaults to SrcOver . Declaration public PixelAlphaCompositionMode AlphaCompositionMode { get; set; } Property Value Type Description PixelAlphaCompositionMode | Improve this Doc View Source Antialias Gets or sets a value indicating whether antialiasing should be applied. Defaults to true. Declaration public bool Antialias { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source AntialiasSubpixelDepth Gets or sets a value indicating the number of subpixels to use while rendering with antialiasing enabled. Defaults to 16. Declaration public int AntialiasSubpixelDepth { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source BlendPercentage Gets or sets a value between indicating the blending percentage to apply to the drawing operation. Range 0..1; Defaults to 1. Declaration public float BlendPercentage { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source ColorBlendingMode Gets or sets a value indicating the color blending mode to apply to the drawing operation. Defaults to Normal . Declaration public PixelColorBlendingMode ColorBlendingMode { get; set; } Property Value Type Description PixelColorBlendingMode Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new T that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public GraphicsOptions DeepClone() Returns Type Description GraphicsOptions The T . Implements IDeepCloneable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp Classes Configuration Provides configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. GeometryUtilities Utility class for common geometric functions. GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions Adds extensions that allow the processing of images to the Image<TPixel> type. GraphicsOptions Options for influencing the drawing functions. Image Encapsulates an image, which consists of the pixel data for a graphics image and its attributes. For the non-generic Image type, the pixel type is only known at runtime. Image is always implemented by a pixel-specific Image<TPixel> instance. Image<TPixel> Encapsulates an image, which consists of the pixel data for a graphics image and its attributes. For generic Image<TPixel> -s the pixel type is known at compile time. ImageExtensions Extension methods for the Image type. ImageFormatException The exception that is thrown when the library tries to load an image, which has format or content that is invalid or unsupported by ImageSharp. ImageFrame Represents a pixel-agnostic image frame containing all pixel data and ImageFrameMetadata . In case of animated formats like gif, it contains the single frame in a animation. In all other cases it is the only frame of the image. ImageFrame<TPixel> Represents a pixel-specific image frame containing all pixel data and ImageFrameMetadata . In case of animated formats like gif, it contains the single frame in a animation. In all other cases it is the only frame of the image. ImageFrameCollection Encapsulates a pixel-agnostic collection of ImageFrame instances that make up an Image . ImageFrameCollection<TPixel> Encapsulates a pixel-specific collection of ImageFrame<TPixel> instances that make up an Image<TPixel> . ImageInfoExtensions Extension methods that allow the addition of geometry calculating methods to the IImageInfo type ImageProcessingException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs when applying a process to an image. IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> A pixel-specific image frame where each pixel buffer value represents an index in a color palette. InvalidImageContentException The exception that is thrown when the library tries to load an image which contains invalid content. Matrix3x2Extensions Extension methods for the Matrix3x2 struct. MetadataExtensions Extension methods for the ImageMetadata type. UnknownImageFormatException The exception that is thrown when the library tries to load an image which has an unknown format. Structs Color Represents a color value that is convertible to any IPixel<TSelf> type. ColorMatrix A structure encapsulating a 5x4 matrix used for transforming the color and alpha components of an image. DenseMatrix<T> Represents a dense matrix with arbitrary elements. Components that are adjacent in a column of the matrix are adjacent in the storage array. The components are said to be stored in column major order. Number Represents an integral number. Point Represents an ordered pair of integer x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane. PointF Represents an ordered pair of single precision floating point x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane. Rational Represents a number that can be expressed as a fraction. Rectangle Stores a set of four integers that represent the location and size of a rectangle. RectangleF Stores a set of four single precision floating points that represent the location and size of a rectangle. SignedRational Represents a number that can be expressed as a fraction. Size Stores an ordered pair of integers, which specify a height and width. SizeF Stores an ordered pair of single precision floating points, which specify a height and width. Interfaces IConfigurationModule Represents an interface that can register image encoders, decoders and image format detectors. IDeepCloneable An interface for objects that can be cloned. This creates a deep copy of the object. IDeepCloneable<T> A generic interface for a deeply cloneable type. IImage Encapsulates the properties and methods that
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IConfigurationModule.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IConfigurationModule.html",
"title": "Interface IConfigurationModule",
"keywords": "Interface IConfigurationModule Represents an interface that can register image encoders, decoders and image format detectors. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IConfigurationModule Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Configure(Configuration) Called when loaded into a configuration object so the module can register items into the configuration. Declaration void Configure(Configuration configuration) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration that will retain the encoders, decodes and mime type detectors."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IDeepCloneable.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IDeepCloneable.html",
"title": "Interface IDeepCloneable",
"keywords": "Interface IDeepCloneable An interface for objects that can be cloned. This creates a deep copy of the object. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IDeepCloneable Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new object that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration IDeepCloneable DeepClone() Returns Type Description IDeepCloneable The IDeepCloneable ."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IDeepCloneable-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IDeepCloneable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IDeepCloneable<T>",
"keywords": "Interface IDeepCloneable<T> A generic interface for a deeply cloneable type. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IDeepCloneable<out T> where T : class Type Parameters Name Description T The type of object to clone. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new T that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration T DeepClone() Returns Type Description T The T ."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IImage.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IImage.html",
"title": "Interface IImage",
"keywords": "Interface IImage Encapsulates the properties and methods that describe an image. Inherited Members IImageInfo.PixelType IImageInfo.Width IImageInfo.Height IImageInfo.Metadata IDisposable.Dispose() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImage : IImageInfo, IDisposable Extension Methods ImageInfoExtensions.Size(IImageInfo) ImageInfoExtensions.Bounds(IImageInfo)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IImageInfo.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IImageInfo.html",
"title": "Interface IImageInfo",
"keywords": "Interface IImageInfo Encapsulates properties that describe basic image information including dimensions, pixel type information and additional metadata. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageInfo Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets the height. Declaration int Height { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Metadata Gets the metadata of the image. Declaration ImageMetadata Metadata { get; } Property Value Type Description ImageMetadata | Improve this Doc View Source PixelType Gets information about the image pixels. Declaration PixelTypeInfo PixelType { get; } Property Value Type Description PixelTypeInfo | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets the width. Declaration int Width { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Extension Methods ImageInfoExtensions.Size(IImageInfo) ImageInfoExtensions.Bounds(IImageInfo)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.html",
"title": "Class Image",
"keywords": "Class Image Encapsulates an image, which consists of the pixel data for a graphics image and its attributes. For the non-generic Image type, the pixel type is only known at runtime. Image is always implemented by a pixel-specific Image<TPixel> instance. Inheritance Object Image Image <TPixel> Implements IImage IImageInfo IDisposable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class Image : IImage, IImageInfo, IDisposable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Image(Configuration, PixelTypeInfo, ImageMetadata, Size) Initializes a new instance of the Image class. Declaration protected Image(Configuration configuration, PixelTypeInfo pixelType, ImageMetadata metadata, Size size) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. PixelTypeInfo pixelType The PixelTypeInfo . ImageMetadata metadata The ImageMetadata . Size size The SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.size . Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Frames Gets the frames of the image as (non-generic) ImageFrameCollection . Declaration public ImageFrameCollection Frames { get; } Property Value Type Description ImageFrameCollection | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets the height. Declaration public int Height { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Metadata Gets the metadata of the image. Declaration public ImageMetadata Metadata { get; } Property Value Type Description ImageMetadata | Improve this Doc View Source NonGenericFrameCollection Gets the ImageFrameCollection implementing the public Frames property. Declaration protected abstract ImageFrameCollection NonGenericFrameCollection { get; } Property Value Type Description ImageFrameCollection | Improve this Doc View Source PixelType Gets information about the image pixels. Declaration public PixelTypeInfo PixelType { get; } Property Value Type Description PixelTypeInfo | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets the width. Declaration public int Width { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CloneAs<TPixel2>() Returns a copy of the image in the given pixel format. Declaration public Image<TPixel2> CloneAs<TPixel2>() where TPixel2 : struct, IPixel<TPixel2> Returns Type Description Image <TPixel2> The Image<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel2 The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source CloneAs<TPixel2>(Configuration) Returns a copy of the image in the given pixel format. Declaration public abstract Image<TPixel2> CloneAs<TPixel2>(Configuration configuration) where TPixel2 : struct, IPixel<TPixel2> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration providing initialization code which allows extending the library. Returns Type Description Image <TPixel2> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel2 The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source DetectFormat(Configuration, Byte[]) By reading the header on the provided byte array this calculates the images format. Declaration public static IImageFormat DetectFormat(Configuration configuration, byte[] data) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration. Byte [] data The byte array containing encoded image data to read the header from. Returns Type Description IImageFormat The mime type or null if none found. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException The configuration is null. ArgumentNullException The data is null. | Improve this Doc View Source DetectFormat(Configuration, Stream) By reading the header on the provided stream this calculates the images format type. Declaration public static IImageFormat DetectFormat(Configuration configuration, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration. Str
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image-1.html",
"title": "Class Image<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Class Image<TPixel> Encapsulates an image, which consists of the pixel data for a graphics image and its attributes. For generic Image<TPixel> -s the pixel type is known at compile time. Inheritance Object Image Image<TPixel> Implements IImage IImageInfo IDisposable Inherited Members Image.PixelType Image.Width Image.Height Image.Metadata Image.Dispose() Image.Save(Stream, IImageEncoder) Image.SaveAsync(Stream, IImageEncoder, CancellationToken) Image.CloneAs<TPixel2>() Image.UpdateSize(Size) Image.DetectFormat(Byte[]) Image.DetectFormat(Configuration, Byte[]) Image.Identify(Byte[]) Image.Identify(Byte[], IImageFormat) Image.Identify(Configuration, Byte[], IImageFormat) Image.Load(Byte[]) Image.Load<TPixel>(Byte[]) Image.Load<TPixel>(Byte[], IImageFormat) Image.Load<TPixel>(Configuration, Byte[]) Image.Load<TPixel>(Configuration, Byte[], IImageFormat) Image.Load<TPixel>(Byte[], IImageDecoder) Image.Load<TPixel>(Configuration, Byte[], IImageDecoder) Image.DetectFormat(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Image.DetectFormat(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Image.Load<TPixel>(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Image.Load<TPixel>(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, IImageFormat) Image.Load<TPixel>(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, IImageDecoder) Image.Load<TPixel>(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Image.Load<TPixel>(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, IImageDecoder) Image.Load<TPixel>(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, IImageFormat) Image.Load(Byte[], IImageFormat) Image.Load(Byte[], IImageDecoder) Image.Load(Configuration, Byte[]) Image.Load(Configuration, Byte[], IImageDecoder) Image.Load(Configuration, Byte[], IImageFormat) Image.Load(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Image.Load(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, IImageDecoder) Image.Load(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, IImageFormat) Image.Load(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>) Image.Load(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, IImageDecoder) Image.Load(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, IImageFormat) Image.DetectFormat(String) Image.DetectFormat(Configuration, String) Image.Identify(String) Image.Identify(String, IImageFormat) Image.Identify(Configuration, String, IImageFormat) Image.IdentifyAsync(String, CancellationToken) Image.IdentifyAsync(Configuration, String, CancellationToken) Image.IdentifyWithFormatAsync(String, CancellationToken) Image.IdentifyWithFormatAsync(Configuration, String, CancellationToken) Image.Load(String) Image.Load(String, IImageFormat) Image.Load(Configuration, String) Image.LoadAsync(Configuration, String, CancellationToken) Image.Load(Configuration, String, IImageDecoder) Image.LoadAsync(String, CancellationToken) Image.LoadAsync(String, IImageDecoder) Image.LoadAsync<TPixel>(String, IImageDecoder) Image.LoadAsync(Configuration, String, IImageDecoder, CancellationToken) Image.LoadAsync<TPixel>(Configuration, String, IImageDecoder, CancellationToken) Image.LoadAsync<TPixel>(String) Image.LoadAsync<TPixel>(Configuration, String, CancellationToken) Image.Load(String, IImageDecoder) Image.Load<TPixel>(String) Image.Load<TPixel>(String, IImageFormat) Image.Load<TPixel>(Configuration, String) Image.Load<TPixel>(Configuration, String, IImageFormat) Image.Load(Configuration, String, IImageFormat) Image.Load<TPixel>(String, IImageDecoder) Image.Load<TPixel>(Configuration, String, IImageDecoder) Image.DetectFormat(Stream) Image.DetectFormat(Configuration, Stream) Image.DetectFormatAsync(Stream) Image.DetectFormatAsync(Configuration, Stream) Image.Identify(Stream) Image.IdentifyAsync(Stream) Image.Identify(Stream, IImageFormat) Image.Identify(Configuration, Stream) Image.IdentifyAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Image.Identify(Configuration, Stream, IImageFormat) Image.IdentifyWithFormatAsync(Stream, CancellationToken) Image.IdentifyWithFormatAsync(Configuration, Stream, CancellationToken) Image.Load(Stream, IImageFormat) Image.LoadWithFormatAsync(Stream) Image.Load(Stream) Image.LoadAsync(Stream) Image.Load(Stream, IImageDecoder) Image.LoadAsync(Stream, IImageDecoder) Image.Load(Configuration, Stream, IImageDecoder) Image.LoadAsync(Configuration, Stream, IImageDecoder, CancellationToken) Image.Load(Configuration, Stream) Ima
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ImageExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ImageExtensions Extension methods for the Image type. Inheritance Object ImageExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class ImageExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Save(Image, Stream, IImageFormat) Writes the image to the given stream using the given image format. Declaration public static void Save(this Image source, Stream stream, IImageFormat format) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The source image. Stream stream The stream to save the image to. IImageFormat format The format to save the image in. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException The stream is null. ArgumentNullException The format is null. NotSupportedException The stream is not writable. NotSupportedException No encoder available for provided format. | Improve this Doc View Source Save(Image, String) Writes the image to the given file path using an encoder detected from the path. Declaration public static void Save(this Image source, string path) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The source image. String path The file path to save the image to. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException The path is null. NotSupportedException No encoder available for provided path. | Improve this Doc View Source Save(Image, String, IImageEncoder) Writes the image to the given file path using the given image encoder. Declaration public static void Save(this Image source, string path, IImageEncoder encoder) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The source image. String path The file path to save the image to. IImageEncoder encoder The encoder to save the image with. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException The path is null. ArgumentNullException The encoder is null. | Improve this Doc View Source SaveAsBmp(Image, Stream) Saves the image to the given stream with the Bmp format. Declaration public static void SaveAsBmp(this Image source, Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The image this method extends. Stream stream The stream to save the image to. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException Thrown if the stream is null. | Improve this Doc View Source SaveAsBmp(Image, Stream, BmpEncoder) Saves the image to the given stream with the Bmp format. Declaration public static void SaveAsBmp(this Image source, Stream stream, BmpEncoder encoder) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The image this method extends. Stream stream The stream to save the image to. BmpEncoder encoder The encoder to save the image with. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException Thrown if the stream is null. | Improve this Doc View Source SaveAsBmp(Image, String) Saves the image to the given stream with the Bmp format. Declaration public static void SaveAsBmp(this Image source, string path) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The image this method extends. String path The file path to save the image to. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException Thrown if the path is null. | Improve this Doc View Source SaveAsBmp(Image, String, BmpEncoder) Saves the image to the given stream with the Bmp format. Declaration public static void SaveAsBmp(this Image source, string path, BmpEncoder encoder) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The image this method extends. String path The file path to save the image to. BmpEncoder encoder The encoder to save the image with. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException Thrown if the path is null. | Improve this Doc View Source SaveAsBmpAsync(Image, Stream, BmpEncoder, CancellationToken) Saves the image to the given stream with the Bmp format. Declaration public static Task SaveAsBmpAsync(this Image source, Stream stream, BmpEncoder encoder, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The image this method exte
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageFormatException.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageFormatException.html",
"title": "Class ImageFormatException",
"keywords": "Class ImageFormatException The exception that is thrown when the library tries to load an image, which has format or content that is invalid or unsupported by ImageSharp. Inheritance Object Exception ImageFormatException InvalidImageContentException UnknownImageFormatException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class ImageFormatException : Exception, ISerializable Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageFrame.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageFrame.html",
"title": "Class ImageFrame",
"keywords": "Class ImageFrame Represents a pixel-agnostic image frame containing all pixel data and ImageFrameMetadata . In case of animated formats like gif, it contains the single frame in a animation. In all other cases it is the only frame of the image. Inheritance Object ImageFrame ImageFrame<TPixel> Implements IDisposable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class ImageFrame : IDisposable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ImageFrame(Configuration, Int32, Int32, ImageFrameMetadata) Initializes a new instance of the ImageFrame class. Declaration protected ImageFrame(Configuration configuration, int width, int height, ImageFrameMetadata metadata) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Int32 width The frame width. Int32 height The frame height. ImageFrameMetadata metadata The ImageFrameMetadata . Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets the height. Declaration public int Height { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Metadata Gets the metadata of the frame. Declaration public ImageFrameMetadata Metadata { get; } Property Value Type Description ImageFrameMetadata | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets the width. Declaration public int Width { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Bounds() Gets the bounds of the frame. Declaration public Rectangle Bounds() Returns Type Description Rectangle The Rectangle | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose() Declaration public void Dispose() | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose(Boolean) Disposes the object and frees resources for the Garbage Collector. Declaration protected abstract void Dispose(bool disposing) Parameters Type Name Description Boolean disposing Whether to dispose of managed and unmanaged objects. | Improve this Doc View Source Size() Gets the size of the frame. Declaration public Size Size() Returns Type Description Size The Size() Implements System.IDisposable Extension Methods AdvancedImageExtensions.GetConfiguration(ImageFrame)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageFrame-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageFrame-1.html",
"title": "Class ImageFrame<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Class ImageFrame<TPixel> Represents a pixel-specific image frame containing all pixel data and ImageFrameMetadata . In case of animated formats like gif, it contains the single frame in a animation. In all other cases it is the only frame of the image. Inheritance Object ImageFrame ImageFrame<TPixel> Implements IDisposable Inherited Members ImageFrame.Width ImageFrame.Height ImageFrame.Metadata ImageFrame.Size() ImageFrame.Bounds() ImageFrame.Dispose() Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class ImageFrame<TPixel> : ImageFrame, IDisposable where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Item[Int32, Int32] Gets or sets the pixel at the specified position. Declaration public TPixel this[int x, int y] { get; set; } Parameters Type Name Description Int32 x The x-coordinate of the pixel. Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the width of the image. Int32 y The y-coordinate of the pixel. Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the height of the image. Property Value Type Description TPixel The at the specified position. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException Thrown when the provided (x,y) coordinates are outside the image boundary. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose(Boolean) Disposes the object and frees resources for the Garbage Collector. Declaration protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) Parameters Type Name Description Boolean disposing Whether to dispose of managed and unmanaged objects. Overrides ImageFrame.Dispose(Boolean) | Improve this Doc View Source GetPixelRowSpan(Int32) Gets the representation of the pixels as a Span<T> of contiguous memory at row rowIndex beginning from the first pixel on that row. Declaration public Span<TPixel> GetPixelRowSpan(int rowIndex) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 rowIndex The row. Returns Type Description Span <TPixel> The Span<T> Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException Thrown when row index is out of range. | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides Object.ToString() | Improve this Doc View Source TryGetSinglePixelSpan(out Span<TPixel>) Gets the representation of the pixels as a Span<T> in the source image's pixel format stored in row major order, if the backing buffer is contiguous. Declaration public bool TryGetSinglePixelSpan(out Span<TPixel> span) Parameters Type Name Description Span <TPixel> span The Span<T> . Returns Type Description Boolean The Boolean . Implements System.IDisposable Extension Methods AdvancedImageExtensions.GetConfiguration(ImageFrame) AdvancedImageExtensions.GetPixelMemoryGroup<TPixel>(ImageFrame<TPixel>) AdvancedImageExtensions.GetPixelRowMemory<TPixel>(ImageFrame<TPixel>, Int32)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageFrameCollection.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageFrameCollection.html",
"title": "Class ImageFrameCollection",
"keywords": "Class ImageFrameCollection Encapsulates a pixel-agnostic collection of ImageFrame instances that make up an Image . Inheritance Object ImageFrameCollection ImageFrameCollection <TPixel> Implements IEnumerable < ImageFrame > IEnumerable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class ImageFrameCollection : IEnumerable<ImageFrame>, IEnumerable Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Count Gets the number of frames. Declaration public abstract int Count { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Item[Int32] Gets the ImageFrame at the specified index. Declaration public ImageFrame this[int index] { get; } Parameters Type Name Description Int32 index The index. Property Value Type Description ImageFrame The ImageFrame . | Improve this Doc View Source NonGenericRootFrame Gets the root frame. (Implements RootFrame .) Declaration protected abstract ImageFrame NonGenericRootFrame { get; } Property Value Type Description ImageFrame | Improve this Doc View Source RootFrame Gets the root frame. Declaration public ImageFrame RootFrame { get; } Property Value Type Description ImageFrame Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddFrame(ImageFrame) Clones the source frame and appends the clone to the end of the collection. Declaration public ImageFrame AddFrame(ImageFrame source) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame source The raw pixel data to generate the ImageFrame<TPixel> from. Returns Type Description ImageFrame The cloned ImageFrame<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source CloneFrame(Int32) Creates an Image<TPixel> with only the frame at the specified index with the same metadata as the original image. Declaration public Image CloneFrame(int index) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 index The zero-based index of the frame to clone. Returns Type Description Image The new Image<TPixel> with the specified frame. | Improve this Doc View Source Contains(ImageFrame) Determines whether the ImageFrameCollection<TPixel> contains the frame . Declaration public abstract bool Contains(ImageFrame frame) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame frame The frame. Returns Type Description Boolean true if the ImageFrameCollection<TPixel> contains the specified frame; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source CreateFrame() Creates a new ImageFrame<TPixel> and appends it to the end of the collection. Declaration public ImageFrame CreateFrame() Returns Type Description ImageFrame The new ImageFrame<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source CreateFrame(Color) Creates a new ImageFrame<TPixel> and appends it to the end of the collection. Declaration public ImageFrame CreateFrame(Color backgroundColor) Parameters Type Name Description Color backgroundColor The background color to initialize the pixels with. Returns Type Description ImageFrame The new ImageFrame<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source ExportFrame(Int32) Removes the frame at the specified index and creates a new image with only the removed frame with the same metadata as the original image. Declaration public Image ExportFrame(int index) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 index The zero-based index of the frame to export. Returns Type Description Image The new Image<TPixel> with the specified frame. Exceptions Type Condition InvalidOperationException Cannot remove last frame. | Improve this Doc View Source GetEnumerator() Declaration public IEnumerator<ImageFrame> GetEnumerator() Returns Type Description IEnumerator < ImageFrame > | Improve this Doc View Source IndexOf(ImageFrame) Determines the index of a specific frame in the ImageFrameCollection . Declaration public abstract int IndexOf(ImageFrame frame) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame frame The ImageFrame to locate in the ImageFrameCollection . Returns Type Description Int32 The index of item if found in the li
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageFrameCollection-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageFrameCollection-1.html",
"title": "Class ImageFrameCollection<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Class ImageFrameCollection<TPixel> Encapsulates a pixel-specific collection of ImageFrame<TPixel> instances that make up an Image<TPixel> . Inheritance Object ImageFrameCollection ImageFrameCollection<TPixel> Implements IEnumerable < ImageFrame > IEnumerable < ImageFrame <TPixel>> IEnumerable Inherited Members ImageFrameCollection.InsertFrame(Int32, ImageFrame) ImageFrameCollection.AddFrame(ImageFrame) ImageFrameCollection.CreateFrame(Color) ImageFrameCollection.GetEnumerator() Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class ImageFrameCollection<TPixel> : ImageFrameCollection, IEnumerable<ImageFrame>, IEnumerable<ImageFrame<TPixel>>, IEnumerable where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The type of the pixel. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Count Gets the number of frames. Declaration public override int Count { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Overrides ImageFrameCollection.Count | Improve this Doc View Source Item[Int32] Gets the ImageFrame<TPixel> at the specified index. Declaration public ImageFrame<TPixel> this[int index] { get; } Parameters Type Name Description Int32 index The index. Property Value Type Description ImageFrame <TPixel> The ImageFrame<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source NonGenericRootFrame Gets the root frame. (Implements RootFrame .) Declaration protected override ImageFrame NonGenericRootFrame { get; } Property Value Type Description ImageFrame Overrides ImageFrameCollection.NonGenericRootFrame | Improve this Doc View Source RootFrame Gets the root frame. Declaration public ImageFrame<TPixel> RootFrame { get; } Property Value Type Description ImageFrame <TPixel> Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddFrame(TPixel[]) Creates a new frame from the pixel data with the same dimensions as the other frames and inserts the new frame at the end of the collection. Declaration public ImageFrame<TPixel> AddFrame(TPixel[] source) Parameters Type Name Description TPixel[] source The raw pixel data to generate the ImageFrame<TPixel> from. Returns Type Description ImageFrame <TPixel> The new ImageFrame<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source AddFrame(ImageFrame<TPixel>) Clones the source frame and appends the clone to the end of the collection. Declaration public ImageFrame<TPixel> AddFrame(ImageFrame<TPixel> source) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame <TPixel> source The raw pixel data to generate the ImageFrame<TPixel> from. Returns Type Description ImageFrame <TPixel> The cloned ImageFrame<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source AddFrame(ReadOnlySpan<TPixel>) Creates a new frame from the pixel data with the same dimensions as the other frames and inserts the new frame at the end of the collection. Declaration public ImageFrame<TPixel> AddFrame(ReadOnlySpan<TPixel> source) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan <TPixel> source The raw pixel data to generate the ImageFrame<TPixel> from. Returns Type Description ImageFrame <TPixel> The new ImageFrame<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source CloneFrame(Int32) Creates an Image<TPixel> with only the frame at the specified index with the same metadata as the original image. Declaration public Image<TPixel> CloneFrame(int index) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 index The zero-based index of the frame to clone. Returns Type Description Image <TPixel> The new Image<TPixel> with the specified frame. | Improve this Doc View Source Contains(ImageFrame) Determines whether the ImageFrameCollection<TPixel> contains the frame . Declaration public override bool Contains(ImageFrame frame) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame frame The frame. Returns Type Description Boolean true if the ImageFrameCollection<TPixel> contains the specified frame; otherwise, false . Overrides ImageFrameCollection.Contains(ImageFrame) | Improve this Doc View Source Contain
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageInfoExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageInfoExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ImageInfoExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ImageInfoExtensions Extension methods that allow the addition of geometry calculating methods to the IImageInfo type Inheritance Object ImageInfoExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class ImageInfoExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Bounds(IImageInfo) Gets the bounds of the image. Declaration public static Rectangle Bounds(this IImageInfo info) Parameters Type Name Description IImageInfo info The image info Returns Type Description Rectangle The Rectangle | Improve this Doc View Source Size(IImageInfo) Gets the bounds of the image. Declaration public static Size Size(this IImageInfo info) Parameters Type Name Description IImageInfo info The image info Returns Type Description Size The Size(IImageInfo)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageProcessingException.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ImageProcessingException.html",
"title": "Class ImageProcessingException",
"keywords": "Class ImageProcessingException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs when applying a process to an image. Inheritance Object Exception ImageProcessingException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class ImageProcessingException : Exception, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ImageProcessingException() Initializes a new instance of the ImageProcessingException class. Declaration public ImageProcessingException() | Improve this Doc View Source ImageProcessingException(String) Initializes a new instance of the ImageProcessingException class with the name of the parameter that causes this exception. Declaration public ImageProcessingException(string errorMessage) Parameters Type Name Description String errorMessage The error message that explains the reason for this exception. | Improve this Doc View Source ImageProcessingException(String, Exception) Initializes a new instance of the ImageProcessingException class with a specified error message and the exception that is the cause of this exception. Declaration public ImageProcessingException(string errorMessage, Exception innerException) Parameters Type Name Description String errorMessage The error message that explains the reason for this exception. Exception innerException The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IndexedImageFrame-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.IndexedImageFrame-1.html",
"title": "Class IndexedImageFrame<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Class IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> A pixel-specific image frame where each pixel buffer value represents an index in a color palette. Inheritance Object IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> Implements IDisposable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> : IDisposable where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Configuration Gets the configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Declaration public Configuration Configuration { get; } Property Value Type Description Configuration | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets the height of this IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> . Declaration public int Height { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Palette Gets the color palette of this IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> . Declaration public ReadOnlyMemory<TPixel> Palette { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlyMemory <TPixel> | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets the width of this IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> . Declaration public int Width { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose() Declaration public void Dispose() | Improve this Doc View Source GetPixelRowSpan(Int32) Gets the representation of the pixels as a ReadOnlySpan<T> of contiguous memory at row rowIndex beginning from the first pixel on that row. Declaration public ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetPixelRowSpan(int rowIndex) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 rowIndex The row index in the pixel buffer. Returns Type Description ReadOnlySpan < Byte > The pixel row as a ReadOnlySpan<T> . | Improve this Doc View Source GetWritablePixelRowSpanUnsafe(Int32) Gets the representation of the pixels as a Span<T> of contiguous memory at row rowIndex beginning from the first pixel on that row. Note: Values written to this span are not sanitized against the palette length. Care should be taken during assignment to prevent out-of-bounds errors. Declaration public Span<byte> GetWritablePixelRowSpanUnsafe(int rowIndex) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 rowIndex The row index in the pixel buffer. Returns Type Description Span < Byte > The pixel row as a Span<T> . Implements System.IDisposable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.InvalidImageContentException.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.InvalidImageContentException.html",
"title": "Class InvalidImageContentException",
"keywords": "Class InvalidImageContentException The exception that is thrown when the library tries to load an image which contains invalid content. Inheritance Object Exception ImageFormatException InvalidImageContentException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class InvalidImageContentException : ImageFormatException, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source InvalidImageContentException(String) Initializes a new instance of the InvalidImageContentException class with the name of the parameter that causes this exception. Declaration public InvalidImageContentException(string errorMessage) Parameters Type Name Description String errorMessage The error message that explains the reason for this exception. | Improve this Doc View Source InvalidImageContentException(String, Exception) Initializes a new instance of the InvalidImageContentException class with the name of the parameter that causes this exception. Declaration public InvalidImageContentException(string errorMessage, Exception innerException) Parameters Type Name Description String errorMessage The error message that explains the reason for this exception. Exception innerException The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Matrix3x2Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Matrix3x2Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Matrix3x2Extensions",
"keywords": "Class Matrix3x2Extensions Extension methods for the Matrix3x2 struct. Inheritance Object Matrix3x2Extensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class Matrix3x2Extensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateRotation(Single, PointF) Creates a rotation matrix using the given rotation in radians and a center point. Declaration public static Matrix3x2 CreateRotation(float radians, PointF centerPoint) Parameters Type Name Description Single radians The amount of rotation, in radians. PointF centerPoint The center point. Returns Type Description Matrix3x2 A rotation matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateRotationDegrees(Single) Creates a rotation matrix using the given rotation in degrees. Declaration public static Matrix3x2 CreateRotationDegrees(float degrees) Parameters Type Name Description Single degrees The amount of rotation, in degrees. Returns Type Description Matrix3x2 A rotation matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateRotationDegrees(Single, PointF) Creates a rotation matrix using the given rotation in degrees and a center point. Declaration public static Matrix3x2 CreateRotationDegrees(float degrees, PointF centerPoint) Parameters Type Name Description Single degrees The amount of rotation, in degrees. PointF centerPoint The center point. Returns Type Description Matrix3x2 A rotation matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateScale(SizeF) Creates a scale matrix from the given vector scale. Declaration public static Matrix3x2 CreateScale(SizeF scales) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF scales The scale to use. Returns Type Description Matrix3x2 A scaling matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateScale(SizeF, PointF) Creates a scale matrix from the given vector scale with an offset from the given center point. Declaration public static Matrix3x2 CreateScale(SizeF scales, PointF centerPoint) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF scales The scale to use. PointF centerPoint The center offset. Returns Type Description Matrix3x2 A scaling matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateScale(Single, PointF) Creates a scale matrix that scales uniformly with the given scale with an offset from the given center. Declaration public static Matrix3x2 CreateScale(float scale, PointF centerPoint) Parameters Type Name Description Single scale The uniform scale to use. PointF centerPoint The center offset. Returns Type Description Matrix3x2 A scaling matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateScale(Single, Single, PointF) Creates a scale matrix that is offset by a given center point. Declaration public static Matrix3x2 CreateScale(float xScale, float yScale, PointF centerPoint) Parameters Type Name Description Single xScale Value to scale by on the X-axis. Single yScale Value to scale by on the Y-axis. PointF centerPoint The center point. Returns Type Description Matrix3x2 A scaling matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateSkew(Single, Single, PointF) Creates a skew matrix from the given angles in radians and a center point. Declaration public static Matrix3x2 CreateSkew(float radiansX, float radiansY, PointF centerPoint) Parameters Type Name Description Single radiansX The X angle, in radians. Single radiansY The Y angle, in radians. PointF centerPoint The center point. Returns Type Description Matrix3x2 A skew matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateSkewDegrees(Single, Single) Creates a skew matrix from the given angles in degrees. Declaration public static Matrix3x2 CreateSkewDegrees(float degreesX, float degreesY) Parameters Type Name Description Single degreesX The X angle, in degrees. Single degreesY The Y angle, in degrees. Returns Type Description Matrix3x2 A skew matrix. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateSkewDegrees(Single, Single, PointF) Creates a skew matrix from the given angles in degrees and a center point. Declaration p
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.AllocationOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.AllocationOptions.html",
"title": "Enum AllocationOptions",
"keywords": "Enum AllocationOptions Options for allocating buffers. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum AllocationOptions Fields Name Description Clean Indicates that the allocated buffer should be cleaned following allocation. None Indicates that the buffer should just be allocated."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator.html",
"title": "Class ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator",
"keywords": "Class ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator Contains SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator.Buffer`1 and SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator.ManagedByteBuffer . Inheritance Object MemoryAllocator ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator : MemoryAllocator Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator() Initializes a new instance of the ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator class. Declaration public ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator() | Improve this Doc View Source ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator class. Declaration public ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator(int maxPoolSizeInBytes) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 maxPoolSizeInBytes The maximum size of pooled arrays. Arrays over the thershold are gonna be always allocated. | Improve this Doc View Source ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator(Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator class. Declaration public ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator(int maxPoolSizeInBytes, int poolSelectorThresholdInBytes) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 maxPoolSizeInBytes The maximum size of pooled arrays. Arrays over the thershold are gonna be always allocated. Int32 poolSelectorThresholdInBytes Arrays over this threshold will be pooled in SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator.largeArrayPool which has less buckets for memory safety. | Improve this Doc View Source ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator class. Declaration public ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator(int maxPoolSizeInBytes, int poolSelectorThresholdInBytes, int maxArraysPerBucketLargePool, int maxArraysPerBucketNormalPool) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 maxPoolSizeInBytes The maximum size of pooled arrays. Arrays over the thershold are gonna be always allocated. Int32 poolSelectorThresholdInBytes The threshold to pool arrays in SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator.largeArrayPool which has less buckets for memory safety. Int32 maxArraysPerBucketLargePool Max arrays per bucket for the large array pool. Int32 maxArraysPerBucketNormalPool Max arrays per bucket for the normal array pool. | Improve this Doc View Source ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator class. Declaration public ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator(int maxPoolSizeInBytes, int poolSelectorThresholdInBytes, int maxArraysPerBucketLargePool, int maxArraysPerBucketNormalPool, int bufferCapacityInBytes) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 maxPoolSizeInBytes The maximum size of pooled arrays. Arrays over the thershold are gonna be always allocated. Int32 poolSelectorThresholdInBytes The threshold to pool arrays in SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator.largeArrayPool which has less buckets for memory safety. Int32 maxArraysPerBucketLargePool Max arrays per bucket for the large array pool. Int32 maxArraysPerBucketNormalPool Max arrays per bucket for the normal array pool. Int32 bufferCapacityInBytes The length of the largest contiguous buffer that can be handled by this allocator instance. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source BufferCapacityInBytes Gets the length of the largest contiguous buffer that can be handled by this allocator instance. Declaration public int BufferCapacityInBytes { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source MaxPoolSizeInBytes Gets the maximum size of pooled arrays in bytes. Declaration public int MaxPoolSizeInBytes { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source PoolSelectorThresholdInBytes Gets the threshold to pool arrays in SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator.largeArrayPool which has l
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.Buffer2D-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.Buffer2D-1.html",
"title": "Class Buffer2D<T>",
"keywords": "Class Buffer2D<T> Represents a buffer of value type objects interpreted as a 2D region of Width x Height elements. Inheritance Object Buffer2D<T> Implements IDisposable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class Buffer2D<T> : IDisposable where T : struct Type Parameters Name Description T The value type. Remarks Before RC1, this class might be target of API changes, use it on your own risk! Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets the height. Declaration public int Height { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Item[Int32, Int32] Gets a reference to the element at the specified position. Declaration public ref T this[int x, int y] { get; } Parameters Type Name Description Int32 x The x coordinate (row) Int32 y The y coordinate (position at row) Property Value Type Description T A reference to the element. Exceptions Type Condition IndexOutOfRangeException When index is out of range of the buffer. | Improve this Doc View Source MemoryGroup Gets the backing IMemoryGroup<T> . Declaration public IMemoryGroup<T> MemoryGroup { get; } Property Value Type Description IMemoryGroup <T> The MemoryGroup. | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets the width. Declaration public int Width { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose() Disposes the Buffer2D<T> instance Declaration public void Dispose() | Improve this Doc View Source GetRowSpan(Int32) Gets a Span<T> to the row 'y' beginning from the pixel at the first pixel on that row. Declaration public Span<T> GetRowSpan(int y) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 y The row index. Returns Type Description Span <T> The Span<T> of the pixels in the row. Remarks This method does not validate the y argument for performance reason, ArgumentOutOfRangeException is being propagated from lower levels. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException Thrown when row index is out of range. Implements System.IDisposable Extension Methods Buffer2DExtensions.GetMemoryGroup<T>(Buffer2D<T>)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.Buffer2DExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.Buffer2DExtensions.html",
"title": "Class Buffer2DExtensions",
"keywords": "Class Buffer2DExtensions Defines extension methods for Buffer2D<T> . Inheritance Object Buffer2DExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class Buffer2DExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetMemoryGroup<T>(Buffer2D<T>) Gets the backing IMemoryGroup<T> . Declaration public static IMemoryGroup<T> GetMemoryGroup<T>(this Buffer2D<T> buffer) where T : struct Parameters Type Name Description Buffer2D <T> buffer The buffer. Returns Type Description IMemoryGroup <T> The MemoryGroup. Type Parameters Name Description T The element type."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.Buffer2DRegion-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.Buffer2DRegion-1.html",
"title": "Struct Buffer2DRegion<T>",
"keywords": "Struct Buffer2DRegion<T> Represents a rectangular region inside a 2D memory buffer ( Buffer2D<T> ). Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct Buffer2DRegion<T> where T : struct Type Parameters Name Description T The element type. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Buffer2DRegion(Buffer2D<T>) Initializes a new instance of the Buffer2DRegion<T> struct. Declaration public Buffer2DRegion(Buffer2D<T> buffer) Parameters Type Name Description Buffer2D <T> buffer The Buffer2D<T> . | Improve this Doc View Source Buffer2DRegion(Buffer2D<T>, Rectangle) Initializes a new instance of the Buffer2DRegion<T> struct. Declaration public Buffer2DRegion(Buffer2D<T> buffer, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description Buffer2D <T> buffer The Buffer2D<T> . Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle defining a rectangular area within the buffer. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Buffer Gets the Buffer2D<T> being pointed by this instance. Declaration public readonly Buffer2D<T> Buffer { get; } Property Value Type Description Buffer2D <T> | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets the height Declaration public readonly int Height { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Rectangle Gets the rectangle specifying the boundaries of the area in Buffer . Declaration public readonly Rectangle Rectangle { get; } Property Value Type Description Rectangle | Improve this Doc View Source Stride Gets the pixel stride which is equal to the width of Buffer . Declaration public readonly int Stride { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets the width Declaration public readonly int Width { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetRowSpan(Int32) Gets a span to row 'y' inside this area. Declaration public readonly Span<T> GetRowSpan(int y) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 y The row index Returns Type Description Span <T> The span | Improve this Doc View Source GetSubRegion(Rectangle) Returns a subregion as Buffer2DRegion<T> . (Similar to Slice(Int32, Int32) .) Declaration public readonly Buffer2DRegion<T> GetSubRegion(Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle specifying the boundaries of the subregion Returns Type Description Buffer2DRegion <T> The subregion | Improve this Doc View Source GetSubRegion(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a subregion as Buffer2DRegion<T> . (Similar to Slice(Int32, Int32) .) Declaration public readonly Buffer2DRegion<T> GetSubRegion(int x, int y, int width, int height) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 x The x index at the subregion origin. Int32 y The y index at the subregion origin. Int32 width The desired width of the subregion. Int32 height The desired height of the subregion. Returns Type Description Buffer2DRegion <T> The subregion"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Classes ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator Contains SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator.Buffer`1 and SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator.ManagedByteBuffer . Buffer2D<T> Represents a buffer of value type objects interpreted as a 2D region of Width x Height elements. Buffer2DExtensions Defines extension methods for Buffer2D<T> . InvalidMemoryOperationException Exception thrown when the library detects an invalid memory allocation request, or an attempt has been made to use an invalidated IMemoryGroup<T> . MemoryAllocator Memory managers are used to allocate memory for image processing operations. MemoryAllocatorExtensions Extension methods for MemoryAllocator . SimpleGcMemoryAllocator Implements MemoryAllocator by newing up managed arrays on every allocation request. Structs Buffer2DRegion<T> Represents a rectangular region inside a 2D memory buffer ( Buffer2D<T> ). RowInterval Represents an interval of rows in a Rectangle and/or Buffer2D<T> Interfaces IManagedByteBuffer Represents a byte buffer backed by a managed array. Useful for interop with classic .NET API-s. IMemoryGroup<T> Represents discontiguous group of multiple uniformly-sized memory segments. The last segment can be smaller than the preceding ones. Enums AllocationOptions Options for allocating buffers."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.IManagedByteBuffer.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.IManagedByteBuffer.html",
"title": "Interface IManagedByteBuffer",
"keywords": "Interface IManagedByteBuffer Represents a byte buffer backed by a managed array. Useful for interop with classic .NET API-s. Inherited Members IMemoryOwner<Byte>.Memory IDisposable.Dispose() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IManagedByteBuffer : IMemoryOwner<byte>, IDisposable Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Array Gets the managed array backing this buffer instance. Declaration byte[] Array { get; } Property Value Type Description Byte []"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.IMemoryGroup-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.IMemoryGroup-1.html",
"title": "Interface IMemoryGroup<T>",
"keywords": "Interface IMemoryGroup<T> Represents discontiguous group of multiple uniformly-sized memory segments. The last segment can be smaller than the preceding ones. Inherited Members IReadOnlyList<Memory<T>>.Item[Int32] IReadOnlyCollection<Memory<T>>.Count Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IMemoryGroup<T> : IReadOnlyList<Memory<T>>, IReadOnlyCollection<Memory<T>>, IEnumerable<Memory<T>>, IEnumerable where T : struct Type Parameters Name Description T The element type. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source BufferLength Gets the number of elements per contiguous sub-buffer preceding the last buffer. The last buffer is allowed to be smaller. Declaration int BufferLength { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source IsValid Gets a value indicating whether the group has been invalidated. Declaration bool IsValid { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean Remarks Invalidation usually occurs when an image processor capable to alter the image dimensions replaces the image buffers internally. | Improve this Doc View Source TotalLength Gets the aggregate number of elements in the group. Declaration long TotalLength { get; } Property Value Type Description Int64 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetEnumerator() Returns a value-type implementing an allocation-free enumerator of the memory groups in the current instance. The return type shouldn't be used directly: just use a langword_csharp_foreach block on the IMemoryGroup<T> instance in use and the C# compiler will automatically invoke this method behind the scenes. This method takes precedence over the GetEnumerator() implementation, which is still available when casting to one of the underlying interfaces. Declaration MemoryGroupEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() Returns Type Description SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.MemoryGroupEnumerator <T> A new SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.MemoryGroupEnumerator<T> instance mapping the current Memory<T> values in use."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.InvalidMemoryOperationException.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.InvalidMemoryOperationException.html",
"title": "Class InvalidMemoryOperationException",
"keywords": "Class InvalidMemoryOperationException Exception thrown when the library detects an invalid memory allocation request, or an attempt has been made to use an invalidated IMemoryGroup<T> . Inheritance Object Exception SystemException InvalidOperationException InvalidMemoryOperationException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class InvalidMemoryOperationException : InvalidOperationException, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source InvalidMemoryOperationException() Initializes a new instance of the InvalidMemoryOperationException class. Declaration public InvalidMemoryOperationException() | Improve this Doc View Source InvalidMemoryOperationException(String) Initializes a new instance of the InvalidMemoryOperationException class. Declaration public InvalidMemoryOperationException(string message) Parameters Type Name Description String message The exception message text. Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.MemoryAllocator.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.MemoryAllocator.html",
"title": "Class MemoryAllocator",
"keywords": "Class MemoryAllocator Memory managers are used to allocate memory for image processing operations. Inheritance Object MemoryAllocator ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator SimpleGcMemoryAllocator Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class MemoryAllocator Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Allocate<T>(Int32, AllocationOptions) Allocates an IMemoryOwner<T> , holding a Memory<T> of length length . Declaration public abstract IMemoryOwner<T> Allocate<T>(int length, AllocationOptions options = AllocationOptions.None) where T : struct Parameters Type Name Description Int32 length Size of the buffer to allocate. AllocationOptions options The allocation options. Returns Type Description IMemoryOwner <T> A buffer of values of type T . Type Parameters Name Description T Type of the data stored in the buffer. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException When length is zero or negative. InvalidMemoryOperationException When length is over the capacity of the allocator. | Improve this Doc View Source AllocateManagedByteBuffer(Int32, AllocationOptions) Allocates an IManagedByteBuffer . Declaration public abstract IManagedByteBuffer AllocateManagedByteBuffer(int length, AllocationOptions options = AllocationOptions.None) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 length The requested buffer length. AllocationOptions options The allocation options. Returns Type Description IManagedByteBuffer The IManagedByteBuffer . Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException When length is zero or negative. InvalidMemoryOperationException When length is over the capacity of the allocator. | Improve this Doc View Source GetBufferCapacityInBytes() Gets the length of the largest contiguous buffer that can be handled by this allocator instance in bytes. Declaration protected abstract int GetBufferCapacityInBytes() Returns Type Description Int32 The length of the largest contiguous buffer that can be handled by this allocator instance. | Improve this Doc View Source ReleaseRetainedResources() Releases all retained resources not being in use. Eg: by resetting array pools and letting GC to free the arrays. Declaration public virtual void ReleaseRetainedResources() Extension Methods MemoryAllocatorExtensions.Allocate2D<T>(MemoryAllocator, Int32, Int32, AllocationOptions) MemoryAllocatorExtensions.Allocate2D<T>(MemoryAllocator, Size, AllocationOptions)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.MemoryAllocatorExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.MemoryAllocatorExtensions.html",
"title": "Class MemoryAllocatorExtensions",
"keywords": "Class MemoryAllocatorExtensions Extension methods for MemoryAllocator . Inheritance Object MemoryAllocatorExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class MemoryAllocatorExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Allocate2D<T>(MemoryAllocator, Size, AllocationOptions) Allocates a buffer of value type objects interpreted as a 2D region of size width x size height elements. Declaration public static Buffer2D<T> Allocate2D<T>(this MemoryAllocator memoryAllocator, Size size, AllocationOptions options = AllocationOptions.None) where T : struct Parameters Type Name Description MemoryAllocator memoryAllocator The memory allocator. Size size The buffer size. AllocationOptions options The allocation options. Returns Type Description Buffer2D <T> The Buffer2D<T> . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of buffer items to allocate. | Improve this Doc View Source Allocate2D<T>(MemoryAllocator, Int32, Int32, AllocationOptions) Allocates a buffer of value type objects interpreted as a 2D region of width x height elements. Declaration public static Buffer2D<T> Allocate2D<T>(this MemoryAllocator memoryAllocator, int width, int height, AllocationOptions options = AllocationOptions.None) where T : struct Parameters Type Name Description MemoryAllocator memoryAllocator The memory allocator. Int32 width The buffer width. Int32 height The buffer height. AllocationOptions options The allocation options. Returns Type Description Buffer2D <T> The Buffer2D<T> . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of buffer items to allocate."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.RowInterval.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.RowInterval.html",
"title": "Struct RowInterval",
"keywords": "Struct RowInterval Represents an interval of rows in a Rectangle and/or Buffer2D<T> Implements IEquatable < RowInterval > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct RowInterval : IEquatable<RowInterval> Remarks Before RC1, this class might be target of API changes, use it on your own risk! Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RowInterval(Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the RowInterval struct. Declaration public RowInterval(int min, int max) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 min The inclusive minimum row. Int32 max The exclusive maximum row. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets the difference ( Max - Min ). Declaration public readonly int Height { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Max Gets the exclusive maximum row. Declaration public readonly int Max { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Min Gets the inclusive minimum row. Declaration public readonly int Min { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(RowInterval) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(RowInterval other) Parameters Type Name Description RowInterval other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(RowInterval, RowInterval) Returns a boolean indicating whether the given two RowInterval -s are equal. Declaration public static bool operator ==(RowInterval left, RowInterval right) Parameters Type Name Description RowInterval left The first RowInterval to compare. RowInterval right The second RowInterval to compare. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the given RowInterval -s are equal; False otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(RowInterval, RowInterval) Returns a boolean indicating whether the given two RowInterval -s are not equal. Declaration public static bool operator !=(RowInterval left, RowInterval right) Parameters Type Name Description RowInterval left The first RowInterval to compare. RowInterval right The second RowInterval to compare. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the given RowInterval -s are not equal; False otherwise. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.SimpleGcMemoryAllocator.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory.SimpleGcMemoryAllocator.html",
"title": "Class SimpleGcMemoryAllocator",
"keywords": "Class SimpleGcMemoryAllocator Implements MemoryAllocator by newing up managed arrays on every allocation request. Inheritance Object MemoryAllocator SimpleGcMemoryAllocator Inherited Members MemoryAllocator.ReleaseRetainedResources() Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Memory Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class SimpleGcMemoryAllocator : MemoryAllocator Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Allocate<T>(Int32, AllocationOptions) Allocates an IMemoryOwner<T> , holding a Memory<T> of length length . Declaration public override IMemoryOwner<T> Allocate<T>(int length, AllocationOptions options = AllocationOptions.None) where T : struct Parameters Type Name Description Int32 length Size of the buffer to allocate. AllocationOptions options The allocation options. Returns Type Description IMemoryOwner <T> A buffer of values of type T . Type Parameters Name Description T Type of the data stored in the buffer. Overrides MemoryAllocator.Allocate<T>(Int32, AllocationOptions) Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException When length is zero or negative. InvalidMemoryOperationException When length is over the capacity of the allocator. | Improve this Doc View Source AllocateManagedByteBuffer(Int32, AllocationOptions) Allocates an IManagedByteBuffer . Declaration public override IManagedByteBuffer AllocateManagedByteBuffer(int length, AllocationOptions options = AllocationOptions.None) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 length The requested buffer length. AllocationOptions options The allocation options. Returns Type Description IManagedByteBuffer The IManagedByteBuffer . Overrides MemoryAllocator.AllocateManagedByteBuffer(Int32, AllocationOptions) Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException When length is zero or negative. InvalidMemoryOperationException When length is over the capacity of the allocator. | Improve this Doc View Source GetBufferCapacityInBytes() Gets the length of the largest contiguous buffer that can be handled by this allocator instance in bytes. Declaration protected override int GetBufferCapacityInBytes() Returns Type Description Int32 The length of the largest contiguous buffer that can be handled by this allocator instance. Overrides MemoryAllocator.GetBufferCapacityInBytes() Extension Methods MemoryAllocatorExtensions.Allocate2D<T>(MemoryAllocator, Int32, Int32, AllocationOptions) MemoryAllocatorExtensions.Allocate2D<T>(MemoryAllocator, Size, AllocationOptions)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.FrameDecodingMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.FrameDecodingMode.html",
"title": "Enum FrameDecodingMode",
"keywords": "Enum FrameDecodingMode Enumerated frame process modes to apply to multi-frame images. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum FrameDecodingMode Fields Name Description All Decodes all the frames of a multi-frame image. First Decodes only the first frame of a multi-frame image."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata Classes ImageFrameMetadata Encapsulates the metadata of an image frame. ImageMetadata Encapsulates the metadata of an image. Enums FrameDecodingMode Enumerated frame process modes to apply to multi-frame images. PixelResolutionUnit Provides enumeration of available pixel density units."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.ImageFrameMetadata.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.ImageFrameMetadata.html",
"title": "Class ImageFrameMetadata",
"keywords": "Class ImageFrameMetadata Encapsulates the metadata of an image frame. Inheritance Object ImageFrameMetadata Implements IDeepCloneable < ImageFrameMetadata > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class ImageFrameMetadata : IDeepCloneable<ImageFrameMetadata> Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new T that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public ImageFrameMetadata DeepClone() Returns Type Description ImageFrameMetadata The T . | Improve this Doc View Source GetFormatMetadata<TFormatMetadata, TFormatFrameMetadata>(IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata, TFormatFrameMetadata>) Gets the metadata value associated with the specified key. Declaration public TFormatFrameMetadata GetFormatMetadata<TFormatMetadata, TFormatFrameMetadata>(IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata, TFormatFrameMetadata> key) where TFormatMetadata : class where TFormatFrameMetadata : class, IDeepCloneable Parameters Type Name Description IImageFormat <TFormatMetadata, TFormatFrameMetadata> key The key of the value to get. Returns Type Description TFormatFrameMetadata The TFormatFrameMetadata . Type Parameters Name Description TFormatMetadata The type of format metadata. TFormatFrameMetadata The type of format frame metadata. Implements IDeepCloneable<T> Extension Methods MetadataExtensions.GetGifMetadata(ImageFrameMetadata)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.ImageMetadata.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.ImageMetadata.html",
"title": "Class ImageMetadata",
"keywords": "Class ImageMetadata Encapsulates the metadata of an image. Inheritance Object ImageMetadata Implements IDeepCloneable < ImageMetadata > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class ImageMetadata : IDeepCloneable<ImageMetadata> Fields | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultHorizontalResolution The default horizontal resolution value (dots per inch) in x direction. The default value is 96 PixelsPerInch . Declaration public const double DefaultHorizontalResolution = 96 Field Value Type Description Double | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultPixelResolutionUnits The default pixel resolution units. The default value is PixelsPerInch . Declaration public const PixelResolutionUnit DefaultPixelResolutionUnits = PixelResolutionUnit.PixelsPerInch Field Value Type Description PixelResolutionUnit | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultVerticalResolution The default vertical resolution value (dots per inch) in y direction. The default value is 96 PixelsPerInch . Declaration public const double DefaultVerticalResolution = 96 Field Value Type Description Double Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ExifProfile Gets or sets the Exif profile. Declaration public ExifProfile ExifProfile { get; set; } Property Value Type Description ExifProfile | Improve this Doc View Source HorizontalResolution Gets or sets the resolution of the image in x- direction. It is defined as the number of dots per inch and should be an positive value. Declaration public double HorizontalResolution { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Double The density of the image in x- direction. | Improve this Doc View Source IccProfile Gets or sets the list of ICC profiles. Declaration public IccProfile IccProfile { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccProfile | Improve this Doc View Source IptcProfile Gets or sets the iptc profile. Declaration public IptcProfile IptcProfile { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IptcProfile | Improve this Doc View Source ResolutionUnits Gets or sets unit of measure used when reporting resolution. 00 : No units; width:height pixel aspect ratio = Ydensity:Xdensity 01 : Pixels per inch (2.54 cm) 02 : Pixels per centimeter 03 : Pixels per meter Declaration public PixelResolutionUnit ResolutionUnits { get; set; } Property Value Type Description PixelResolutionUnit | Improve this Doc View Source VerticalResolution Gets or sets the resolution of the image in y- direction. It is defined as the number of dots per inch and should be an positive value. Declaration public double VerticalResolution { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Double The density of the image in y- direction. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new T that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public ImageMetadata DeepClone() Returns Type Description ImageMetadata The T . | Improve this Doc View Source GetFormatMetadata<TFormatMetadata>(IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata>) Gets the metadata value associated with the specified key. Declaration public TFormatMetadata GetFormatMetadata<TFormatMetadata>(IImageFormat<TFormatMetadata> key) where TFormatMetadata : class, IDeepCloneable Parameters Type Name Description IImageFormat <TFormatMetadata> key The key of the value to get. Returns Type Description TFormatMetadata The TFormatMetadata . Type Parameters Name Description TFormatMetadata The type of metadata. Implements IDeepCloneable<T> Extension Methods MetadataExtensions.GetBmpMetadata(ImageMetadata) MetadataExtensions.GetGifMetadata(ImageMetadata) MetadataExtensions.GetJpegMetadata(ImageMetadata) MetadataExtensions.GetPngMetadata(ImageMetadata) MetadataExtensions.GetTgaMetadata(ImageMetadata)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.PixelResolutionUnit.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.PixelResolutionUnit.html",
"title": "Enum PixelResolutionUnit",
"keywords": "Enum PixelResolutionUnit Provides enumeration of available pixel density units. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum PixelResolutionUnit : byte Fields Name Description AspectRatio No units; width:height pixel aspect ratio. PixelsPerCentimeter Pixels per centimeter. PixelsPerInch Pixels per inch (2.54 cm). PixelsPerMeter Pixels per meter (100 cm)."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.ExifDataType.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.ExifDataType.html",
"title": "Enum ExifDataType",
"keywords": "Enum ExifDataType Specifies exif data types. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum ExifDataType Fields Name Description Ascii An 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ASCII code. The final byte is terminated with NULL. Although the standard defines ASCII this has commonly been ignored as ASCII cannot properly encode text in many languages. Byte An 8-bit unsigned integer. DoubleFloat A 64-bit double precision floating point value. Long A 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer. Rational Two LONGs. The first LONG is the numerator and the second LONG expresses the denominator. Short A 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer. SignedByte An 8-bit signed integer. SignedLong A 32-bit (4-byte) signed integer (2's complement notation). SignedRational Two SLONGs. The first SLONG is the numerator and the second SLONG is the denominator. SignedShort A 16-bit (2-byte) signed integer. SingleFloat A 32-bit single precision floating point value. Undefined An 8-bit byte that can take any value depending on the field definition. Unknown Unknown"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.ExifParts.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.ExifParts.html",
"title": "Enum ExifParts",
"keywords": "Enum ExifParts Specifies which parts will be written when the profile is added to an image. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax [Flags] public enum ExifParts Fields Name Description All All ExifTags ExifTags GpsTags GPSTags IfdTags IfdTags None None"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.ExifProfile.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.ExifProfile.html",
"title": "Class ExifProfile",
"keywords": "Class ExifProfile Represents an EXIF profile providing access to the collection of values. Inheritance Object ExifProfile Implements IDeepCloneable < ExifProfile > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class ExifProfile : IDeepCloneable<ExifProfile> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ExifProfile() Initializes a new instance of the ExifProfile class. Declaration public ExifProfile() | Improve this Doc View Source ExifProfile(Byte[]) Initializes a new instance of the ExifProfile class. Declaration public ExifProfile(byte[] data) Parameters Type Name Description Byte [] data The byte array to read the EXIF profile from. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source InvalidTags Gets the tags that where found but contained an invalid value. Declaration public IReadOnlyList<ExifTag> InvalidTags { get; } Property Value Type Description IReadOnlyList < ExifTag > | Improve this Doc View Source Parts Gets or sets which parts will be written when the profile is added to an image. Declaration public ExifParts Parts { get; set; } Property Value Type Description ExifParts | Improve this Doc View Source Values Gets the values of this EXIF profile. Declaration public IReadOnlyList<IExifValue> Values { get; } Property Value Type Description IReadOnlyList < IExifValue > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateThumbnail<TPixel>() Returns the thumbnail in the EXIF profile when available. Declaration public Image<TPixel> CreateThumbnail<TPixel>() where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Returns Type Description Image <TPixel> The Image<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new T that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public ExifProfile DeepClone() Returns Type Description ExifProfile The T . | Improve this Doc View Source GetValue<TValueType>(ExifTag<TValueType>) Returns the value with the specified tag. Declaration public IExifValue<TValueType> GetValue<TValueType>(ExifTag<TValueType> tag) Parameters Type Name Description ExifTag <TValueType> tag The tag of the exif value. Returns Type Description IExifValue <TValueType> The value with the specified tag. Type Parameters Name Description TValueType The data type of the tag. | Improve this Doc View Source RemoveValue(ExifTag) Removes the value with the specified tag. Declaration public bool RemoveValue(ExifTag tag) Parameters Type Name Description ExifTag tag The tag of the EXIF value. Returns Type Description Boolean The Boolean . | Improve this Doc View Source SetValue<TValueType>(ExifTag<TValueType>, TValueType) Sets the value of the specified tag. Declaration public void SetValue<TValueType>(ExifTag<TValueType> tag, TValueType value) Parameters Type Name Description ExifTag <TValueType> tag The tag of the exif value. TValueType value The value. Type Parameters Name Description TValueType The data type of the tag. | Improve this Doc View Source ToByteArray() Converts this instance to a byte array. Declaration public byte[] ToByteArray() Returns Type Description Byte [] The byte[] Implements IDeepCloneable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.ExifTag.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.ExifTag.html",
"title": "Class ExifTag",
"keywords": "Class ExifTag Class that represents an exif tag from the Exif standard 2.31. Inheritance Object ExifTag ExifTag <TValueType> Implements IEquatable < ExifTag > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class ExifTag : IEquatable<ExifTag> Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Acceleration Gets the Acceleration exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<Rational> Acceleration { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < Rational > | Improve this Doc View Source AmbientTemperature Gets the AmbientTemperature exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<SignedRational> AmbientTemperature { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < SignedRational > | Improve this Doc View Source ApertureValue Gets the ApertureValue exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<Rational> ApertureValue { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < Rational > | Improve this Doc View Source Artist Gets the Artist exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<string> Artist { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < String > | Improve this Doc View Source BadFaxLines Gets the BadFaxLines exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<Number> BadFaxLines { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < Number > | Improve this Doc View Source BatteryLevel Gets the BatteryLevel exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<Rational> BatteryLevel { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < Rational > | Improve this Doc View Source BitsPerSample Gets the BitsPerSample exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<ushort[]> BitsPerSample { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < UInt16 []> | Improve this Doc View Source BrightnessValue Gets the BrightnessValue exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<SignedRational> BrightnessValue { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < SignedRational > | Improve this Doc View Source CameraElevationAngle Gets the CameraElevationAngle exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<SignedRational> CameraElevationAngle { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < SignedRational > | Improve this Doc View Source CellLength Gets the CellLength exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<ushort> CellLength { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < UInt16 > | Improve this Doc View Source CellWidth Gets the CellWidth exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<ushort> CellWidth { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < UInt16 > | Improve this Doc View Source CFAPattern Gets the CFAPattern exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<byte[]> CFAPattern { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < Byte []> | Improve this Doc View Source CFAPattern2 Gets the CFAPattern2 exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<byte[]> CFAPattern2 { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < Byte []> | Improve this Doc View Source CFARepeatPatternDim Gets the CFARepeatPatternDim exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<ushort[]> CFARepeatPatternDim { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < UInt16 []> | Improve this Doc View Source CleanFaxData Gets the CleanFaxData exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<ushort> CleanFaxData { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < UInt16 > | Improve this Doc View Source ClipPath Gets the ClipPath exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<byte[]> ClipPath { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < Byte []> | Improve this Doc View Source CodingMethods Gets the CodingMethods exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<uint> CodingMethods { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < UInt32 > | Improve this Doc View Source ColorMap Gets the ColorMap exif tag. Declaration public static ExifTag<ushort[]> ColorMap { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag < UInt16 []> | Improve this Doc View Source ColorResponseUnit Gets the ColorResponseUnit exif tag. Declaration public sta
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.ExifTag-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.ExifTag-1.html",
"title": "Class ExifTag<TValueType>",
"keywords": "Class ExifTag<TValueType> Class that represents an exif tag from the Exif standard 2.31 with TValueType as the data type of the tag. Inheritance Object ExifTag ExifTag<TValueType> Implements IEquatable < ExifTag > Inherited Members ExifTag.FaxProfile ExifTag.ModeNumber ExifTag.GPSAltitudeRef ExifTag.ClipPath ExifTag.VersionYear ExifTag.XMP ExifTag.CFAPattern2 ExifTag.TIFFEPStandardID ExifTag.XPTitle ExifTag.XPComment ExifTag.XPAuthor ExifTag.XPKeywords ExifTag.XPSubject ExifTag.GPSVersionID ExifTag.Equals(Object) ExifTag.Equals(ExifTag) ExifTag.GetHashCode() ExifTag.ToString() ExifTag.PixelScale ExifTag.IntergraphMatrix ExifTag.ModelTiePoint ExifTag.ModelTransform ExifTag.SubfileType ExifTag.SubIFDOffset ExifTag.GPSIFDOffset ExifTag.T4Options ExifTag.T6Options ExifTag.XClipPathUnits ExifTag.YClipPathUnits ExifTag.ProfileType ExifTag.CodingMethods ExifTag.T82ptions ExifTag.JPEGInterchangeFormat ExifTag.JPEGInterchangeFormatLength ExifTag.MDFileTag ExifTag.StandardOutputSensitivity ExifTag.RecommendedExposureIndex ExifTag.ISOSpeed ExifTag.ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy ExifTag.ISOSpeedLatitudezzz ExifTag.FaxRecvParams ExifTag.FaxRecvTime ExifTag.ImageNumber ExifTag.FreeOffsets ExifTag.FreeByteCounts ExifTag.ColorResponseUnit ExifTag.TileOffsets ExifTag.SMinSampleValue ExifTag.SMaxSampleValue ExifTag.JPEGQTables ExifTag.JPEGDCTables ExifTag.JPEGACTables ExifTag.StripRowCounts ExifTag.IntergraphRegisters ExifTag.TimeZoneOffset ExifTag.ImageWidth ExifTag.ImageLength ExifTag.TileWidth ExifTag.TileLength ExifTag.BadFaxLines ExifTag.ConsecutiveBadFaxLines ExifTag.PixelXDimension ExifTag.PixelYDimension ExifTag.StripOffsets ExifTag.TileByteCounts ExifTag.ImageLayer ExifTag.XPosition ExifTag.YPosition ExifTag.XResolution ExifTag.YResolution ExifTag.BatteryLevel ExifTag.ExposureTime ExifTag.FNumber ExifTag.MDScalePixel ExifTag.CompressedBitsPerPixel ExifTag.ApertureValue ExifTag.MaxApertureValue ExifTag.SubjectDistance ExifTag.FocalLength ExifTag.FlashEnergy2 ExifTag.FocalPlaneXResolution2 ExifTag.FocalPlaneYResolution2 ExifTag.ExposureIndex2 ExifTag.Humidity ExifTag.Pressure ExifTag.Acceleration ExifTag.FlashEnergy ExifTag.FocalPlaneXResolution ExifTag.FocalPlaneYResolution ExifTag.ExposureIndex ExifTag.DigitalZoomRatio ExifTag.GPSAltitude ExifTag.GPSDOP ExifTag.GPSSpeed ExifTag.GPSTrack ExifTag.GPSImgDirection ExifTag.GPSDestBearing ExifTag.GPSDestDistance ExifTag.WhitePoint ExifTag.PrimaryChromaticities ExifTag.YCbCrCoefficients ExifTag.ReferenceBlackWhite ExifTag.GPSLatitude ExifTag.GPSLongitude ExifTag.GPSTimestamp ExifTag.GPSDestLatitude ExifTag.GPSDestLongitude ExifTag.LensSpecification ExifTag.OldSubfileType ExifTag.Compression ExifTag.PhotometricInterpretation ExifTag.Thresholding ExifTag.CellWidth ExifTag.CellLength ExifTag.FillOrder ExifTag.Orientation ExifTag.SamplesPerPixel ExifTag.PlanarConfiguration ExifTag.GrayResponseUnit ExifTag.ResolutionUnit ExifTag.CleanFaxData ExifTag.InkSet ExifTag.NumberOfInks ExifTag.DotRange ExifTag.Indexed ExifTag.OPIProxy ExifTag.JPEGProc ExifTag.JPEGRestartInterval ExifTag.YCbCrPositioning ExifTag.Rating ExifTag.RatingPercent ExifTag.ExposureProgram ExifTag.Interlace ExifTag.SelfTimerMode ExifTag.SensitivityType ExifTag.MeteringMode ExifTag.LightSource ExifTag.FocalPlaneResolutionUnit2 ExifTag.SensingMethod2 ExifTag.Flash ExifTag.ColorSpace ExifTag.FocalPlaneResolutionUnit ExifTag.SensingMethod ExifTag.CustomRendered ExifTag.ExposureMode ExifTag.WhiteBalance ExifTag.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm ExifTag.SceneCaptureType ExifTag.GainControl ExifTag.Contrast ExifTag.Saturation ExifTag.Sharpness ExifTag.SubjectDistanceRange ExifTag.GPSDifferential ExifTag.BitsPerSample ExifTag.MinSampleValue ExifTag.MaxSampleValue ExifTag.GrayResponseCurve ExifTag.ColorMap ExifTag.ExtraSamples ExifTag.PageNumber ExifTag.TransferFunction ExifTag.Predictor ExifTag.HalftoneHints ExifTag.SampleFormat ExifTag.TransferRange ExifTag.DefaultImageColor ExifTag.JPEGLosslessPredictors ExifTag.JPEGPointTransforms ExifTag.YCbCrSubsampling ExifTag.CFARepeatPatternDim ExifTag.IntergraphPacketData ExifTag.ISOSpeedRatings E
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif Classes ExifProfile Represents an EXIF profile providing access to the collection of values. ExifTag Class that represents an exif tag from the Exif standard 2.31. ExifTag<TValueType> Class that represents an exif tag from the Exif standard 2.31 with TValueType as the data type of the tag. Interfaces IExifValue A value of the exif profile. IExifValue<TValueType> A value of the exif profile. Enums ExifDataType Specifies exif data types. ExifParts Specifies which parts will be written when the profile is added to an image."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.IExifValue.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.IExifValue.html",
"title": "Interface IExifValue",
"keywords": "Interface IExifValue A value of the exif profile. Inherited Members IDeepCloneable<IExifValue>.DeepClone() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IExifValue : IDeepCloneable<IExifValue> Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DataType Gets the data type of the exif value. Declaration ExifDataType DataType { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifDataType | Improve this Doc View Source IsArray Gets a value indicating whether the value is an array. Declaration bool IsArray { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Tag Gets the tag of the exif value. Declaration ExifTag Tag { get; } Property Value Type Description ExifTag Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetValue() Gets the value of this exif value. Declaration object GetValue() Returns Type Description Object The value of this exif value. | Improve this Doc View Source TrySetValue(Object) Sets the value of this exif value. Declaration bool TrySetValue(object value) Parameters Type Name Description Object value The value of this exif value. Returns Type Description Boolean A value indicating whether the value could be set."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.IExifValue-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif.IExifValue-1.html",
"title": "Interface IExifValue<TValueType>",
"keywords": "Interface IExifValue<TValueType> A value of the exif profile. Inherited Members IExifValue.DataType IExifValue.IsArray IExifValue.Tag IExifValue.GetValue() IExifValue.TrySetValue(Object) IDeepCloneable<IExifValue>.DeepClone() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Exif Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IExifValue<TValueType> : IExifValue, IDeepCloneable<IExifValue> Type Parameters Name Description TValueType The type of the value. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Value Gets or sets the value. Declaration TValueType Value { get; set; } Property Value Type Description TValueType"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Classes IccProfile Represents an ICC profile IccProfileHeader Contains all values of an ICC profile header. IccTagDataEntry The data of an ICC tag entry InvalidIccProfileException Represents an error that happened while reading or writing a corrupt/invalid ICC profile Structs IccProfileId ICC Profile ID IccVersion Represents the ICC profile version number. Enums IccColorSpaceType Color Space Type IccDeviceAttribute Device attributes. Can be combined with a logical OR The least-significant 32 bits are defined by the ICC, the rest can be used for vendor specific values IccPrimaryPlatformType Enumerates the primary platform/operating system framework for which the profile was created IccProfileClass Profile Class Name IccProfileFlag Profile flags. Can be combined with a logical OR. The least-significant 16 bits are reserved for the ICC, the rest can be used for vendor specific values IccProfileTag Enumerates the ICC Profile Tags as defined in ICC.1:2010 version Section 9 Each tag value represent the size of the tag in the profile. IccRenderingIntent Rendering intent IccTypeSignature Type Signature"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccColorSpaceType.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccColorSpaceType.html",
"title": "Enum IccColorSpaceType",
"keywords": "Enum IccColorSpaceType Color Space Type Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum IccColorSpaceType : uint Fields Name Description CieLab CIE Lab CieLuv CIE Luv CieXyz CIE XYZ CieYxy CIE Yxy Cmy CMY Cmyk CMYK Color10 Generic 10 channel color Color11 Generic 11 channel color Color12 Generic 12 channel color Color13 Generic 13 channel color Color14 Generic 14 channel color Color15 Generic 15 channel color Color2 Generic 2 channel color Color3 Generic 3 channel color Color4 Generic 4 channel color Color5 Generic 5 channel color Color6 Generic 6 channel color Color7 Generic 7 channel color Color8 Generic 8 channel color Color9 Generic 9 channel color Gray Gray Hls HLS Hsv HSV Rgb RGB YCbCr YCbCr"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccDeviceAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccDeviceAttribute.html",
"title": "Enum IccDeviceAttribute",
"keywords": "Enum IccDeviceAttribute Device attributes. Can be combined with a logical OR The least-significant 32 bits are defined by the ICC, the rest can be used for vendor specific values Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax [Flags] public enum IccDeviceAttribute : long Fields Name Description ChromaBlackWhite Chroma black and white ChromaColor Chroma color OpacityReflective Opacity reflective OpacityTransparent Opacity transparent PolarityNegative Polarity negative PolarityPositive Polarity positive ReflectivityGlossy Reflectivity glossy ReflectivityMatte Reflectivity matte"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccPrimaryPlatformType.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccPrimaryPlatformType.html",
"title": "Enum IccPrimaryPlatformType",
"keywords": "Enum IccPrimaryPlatformType Enumerates the primary platform/operating system framework for which the profile was created Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum IccPrimaryPlatformType : uint Fields Name Description AppleComputerInc Apple Computer, Inc. MicrosoftCorporation Microsoft Corporation NotIdentified No platform identified SiliconGraphicsInc Silicon Graphics, Inc. SunMicrosystemsInc Sun Microsystems, Inc."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfile.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfile.html",
"title": "Class IccProfile",
"keywords": "Class IccProfile Represents an ICC profile Inheritance Object IccProfile Implements IDeepCloneable < IccProfile > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class IccProfile : IDeepCloneable<IccProfile> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source IccProfile() Initializes a new instance of the IccProfile class. Declaration public IccProfile() | Improve this Doc View Source IccProfile(Byte[]) Initializes a new instance of the IccProfile class. Declaration public IccProfile(byte[] data) Parameters Type Name Description Byte [] data The raw ICC profile data Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Entries Gets the actual profile data Declaration public IccTagDataEntry[] Entries { get; } Property Value Type Description IccTagDataEntry [] | Improve this Doc View Source Header Gets or sets the profile header Declaration public IccProfileHeader Header { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccProfileHeader Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CalculateHash(Byte[]) Calculates the MD5 hash value of an ICC profile Declaration public static IccProfileId CalculateHash(byte[] data) Parameters Type Name Description Byte [] data The data of which to calculate the hash value Returns Type Description IccProfileId The calculated hash | Improve this Doc View Source CheckIsValid() Checks for signs of a corrupt profile. Declaration public bool CheckIsValid() Returns Type Description Boolean True if the profile is valid; False otherwise Remarks This is not an absolute proof of validity but should weed out most corrupt data. | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new T that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public IccProfile DeepClone() Returns Type Description IccProfile The T . | Improve this Doc View Source ToByteArray() Converts this instance to a byte array. Declaration public byte[] ToByteArray() Returns Type Description Byte [] The byte[] Implements IDeepCloneable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfileClass.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfileClass.html",
"title": "Enum IccProfileClass",
"keywords": "Enum IccProfileClass Profile Class Name Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum IccProfileClass : uint Fields Name Description Abstract This profile represents abstract transforms and does not represent any device model. Color transformations using Abstract profiles are performed from PCS to PCS. Abstract profiles cannot be embedded in images. ColorSpace This profile provides the relevant information to perform a transformation between color encodings and the PCS. This type of profile is based on modeling rather than device measurement or characterization data. ColorSpace profiles may be embedded in images. DeviceLink This profile contains a pre-evaluated transform that cannot be undone, which represents a one-way link or connection between devices. It does not represent any device model nor can it be embedded into images. DisplayDevice This class of profiles represents display devices such as monitors. The types of profiles available for use as Display profiles are N-component LUT-based, Three-component matrix-based, and monochrome. InputDevice Input profiles are generally used with devices such as scanners and digital cameras. The types of profiles available for use as Input profiles are N-component LUT-based, Three-component matrix-based, and monochrome. NamedColor NamedColor profiles can be thought of as sibling profiles to device profiles. For a given device there would be one or more device profiles to handle process color conversions and one or more named color profiles to handle named colors. OutputDevice Output profiles are used to support devices such as printers and film recorders. The types of profiles available for use as Output profiles are N-component LUT-based and Monochrome."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfileFlag.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfileFlag.html",
"title": "Enum IccProfileFlag",
"keywords": "Enum IccProfileFlag Profile flags. Can be combined with a logical OR. The least-significant 16 bits are reserved for the ICC, the rest can be used for vendor specific values Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax [Flags] public enum IccProfileFlag Fields Name Description Embedded Profile is embedded within another file Independent Profile can be used independently of the embedded color data None No flags (equivalent to NotEmbedded and Independent) NotEmbedded Profile is embedded within another file NotIndependent Profile cannot be used independently of the embedded color data"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfileHeader.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfileHeader.html",
"title": "Class IccProfileHeader",
"keywords": "Class IccProfileHeader Contains all values of an ICC profile header. Inheritance Object IccProfileHeader Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class IccProfileHeader Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Class Gets or sets the type of the profile. Declaration public IccProfileClass Class { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccProfileClass | Improve this Doc View Source CmmType Gets or sets the preferred CMM (Color Management Module) type. Declaration public string CmmType { get; set; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source CreationDate Gets or sets the date and time this profile was created. Declaration public DateTime CreationDate { get; set; } Property Value Type Description DateTime | Improve this Doc View Source CreatorSignature Gets or sets profile creator signature. Declaration public string CreatorSignature { get; set; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source DataColorSpace Gets or sets the data colorspace. Declaration public IccColorSpaceType DataColorSpace { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccColorSpaceType | Improve this Doc View Source DeviceAttributes Gets or sets the device attributes unique to the particular device setup such as media type. Declaration public IccDeviceAttribute DeviceAttributes { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccDeviceAttribute | Improve this Doc View Source DeviceManufacturer Gets or sets the device manufacturer of the device for which this profile is created. Declaration public uint DeviceManufacturer { get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source DeviceModel Gets or sets the model of the device for which this profile is created. Declaration public uint DeviceModel { get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source FileSignature Gets or sets the file signature. Should always be \"acsp\". Value will be ignored when writing a profile. Declaration public string FileSignature { get; set; } Property Value Type Description String | Improve this Doc View Source Flags Gets or sets the profile flags to indicate various options for the CMM such as distributed processing and caching options. Declaration public IccProfileFlag Flags { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccProfileFlag | Improve this Doc View Source Id Gets or sets the profile ID (hash). Declaration public IccProfileId Id { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccProfileId | Improve this Doc View Source PcsIlluminant Gets or sets The normalized XYZ values of the illuminant of the PCS. Declaration public Vector3 PcsIlluminant { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Vector3 | Improve this Doc View Source PrimaryPlatformSignature Gets or sets the primary platform this profile as created for Declaration public IccPrimaryPlatformType PrimaryPlatformSignature { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccPrimaryPlatformType | Improve this Doc View Source ProfileConnectionSpace Gets or sets the profile connection space. Declaration public IccColorSpaceType ProfileConnectionSpace { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccColorSpaceType | Improve this Doc View Source RenderingIntent Gets or sets the rendering Intent. Declaration public IccRenderingIntent RenderingIntent { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccRenderingIntent | Improve this Doc View Source Size Gets or sets the profile size in bytes (will be ignored when writing a profile). Declaration public uint Size { get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source Version Gets or sets the profiles version number. Declaration public IccVersion Version { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccVersion"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfileId.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfileId.html",
"title": "Struct IccProfileId",
"keywords": "Struct IccProfileId ICC Profile ID Implements IEquatable < IccProfileId > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct IccProfileId : IEquatable<IccProfileId> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source IccProfileId(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32) Initializes a new instance of the IccProfileId struct. Declaration public IccProfileId(uint p1, uint p2, uint p3, uint p4) Parameters Type Name Description UInt32 p1 Part 1 of the ID UInt32 p2 Part 2 of the ID UInt32 p3 Part 3 of the ID UInt32 p4 Part 4 of the ID Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Zero A profile ID with all values set to zero Declaration public static readonly IccProfileId Zero Field Value Type Description IccProfileId Properties | Improve this Doc View Source IsSet Gets a value indicating whether the ID is set or just consists of zeros. Declaration public readonly bool IsSet { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Part1 Gets the first part of the ID. Declaration public readonly uint Part1 { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source Part2 Gets the second part of the ID. Declaration public readonly uint Part2 { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source Part3 Gets the third part of the ID. Declaration public readonly uint Part3 { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source Part4 Gets the fourth part of the ID. Declaration public readonly uint Part4 { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(IccProfileId) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(IccProfileId other) Parameters Type Name Description IccProfileId other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(IccProfileId, IccProfileId) Compares two IccProfileId objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator ==(IccProfileId left, IccProfileId right) Parameters Type Name Description IccProfileId left The IccProfileId on the left side of the operand. IccProfileId right The IccProfileId on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the left parameter is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(IccProfileId, IccProfileId) Compares two IccProfileId objects for equality. Declaration public static bool operator !=(IccProfileId left, IccProfileId right) Parameters Type Name Description IccProfileId left The IccProfileId on the left side of the operand. IccProfileId right The IccProfileId on the right side of the operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the left parameter is not equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfileTag.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccProfileTag.html",
"title": "Enum IccProfileTag",
"keywords": "Enum IccProfileTag Enumerates the ICC Profile Tags as defined in ICC.1:2010 version Section 9 Each tag value represent the size of the tag in the profile. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum IccProfileTag : uint Fields Name Description AToB0 A2B0 - This tag defines a color transform from Device, Color Encoding or PCS, to PCS, or a color transform from Device 1 to Device 2, using lookup table tag element structures AToB1 A2B2 - This tag describes the color transform from Device or Color Encoding to PCS using lookup table tag element structures AToB2 A2B2 - This tag describes the color transform from Device or Color Encoding to PCS using lookup table tag element structures BlueMatrixColumn bXYZ - This tag contains the third column in the matrix used in matrix/TRC transforms. BlueTrc bTRC - This tag contains the blue channel tone reproduction curve. The first element represents no colorant (white) or phosphor (black) and the last element represents 100 % colorant (blue) or 100 % phosphor (blue). BToA0 B2A0 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device or Color Encoding using the lookup table tag element structures BToA1 B2A1 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device or Color Encoding using the lookup table tag element structures. BToA2 B2A2 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device or Color Encoding using the lookup table tag element structures. BToD0 B2D0 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the BToA0 tag. BToD1 B2D1 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the BToA1 tag. BToD2 B2D2 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the BToA2 tag. BToD3 B2D3 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the BToA1 tag. CalibrationDateTime calt - This tag contains the profile calibration date and time. This allows applications and utilities to verify if this profile matches a vendor's profile and how recently calibration has been performed. CharTarget targ - This tag contains the name of the registered characterization data set, or it contains the measurement data for a characterization target. ChromaticAdaptation chad - This tag contains a matrix, which shall be invertible, and which converts an nCIEXYZ color, measured using the actual illumination conditions and relative to the actual adopted white, to an nCIEXYZ color relative to the PCS adopted white Chromaticity chrm - This tag contains the type and the data of the phosphor/colorant chromaticity set used. ColorantOrder clro - This tag specifies the laydown order of colorants. ColorantTable clrt ColorantTableOut clot - This tag identifies the colorants used in the profile by a unique name and set of PCSXYZ or PCSLAB values. When used in DeviceLink profiles only the PCSLAB values shall be permitted. ColorimetricIntentImageStat ciis - This tag indicates the image state of PCS colorimetry produced using the colorimetric intent transforms. Copyright cprt - This tag contains the text copyright information for the profile. CrdInfo crdi - Removed in V4 Data data - Removed in V4 DateTime dtim - Removed in V4 DeviceManufacturerDescription dmnd - This tag describes the structure containing invariant and localizable versions of the device manufacturer for display DeviceModelDescription dmdd - This tag describes the structure containing invariant and localizable versions of the device model for display. DeviceSettings devs - Removed in V4 DToB0 D2B0 - This tag defines a color transform from Device to PCS. It supports
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccRenderingIntent.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccRenderingIntent.html",
"title": "Enum IccRenderingIntent",
"keywords": "Enum IccRenderingIntent Rendering intent Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum IccRenderingIntent : uint Fields Name Description AbsoluteColorimetric Transformations for this intent shall leave the chromatically adapted nCIEXYZ tristimulus values of the in-gamut colors unchanged. MediaRelativeColorimetric Transformations for this intent shall re-scale the in-gamut, chromatically adapted tristimulus values such that the white point of the actual medium is mapped to the PCS white point (for either input or output) Perceptual In perceptual transforms the PCS values represent hypothetical measurements of a color reproduction on the reference reflective medium. By extension, for the perceptual intent, the PCS represents the appearance of that reproduction as viewed in the reference viewing environment by a human observer adapted to that environment. The exact color rendering of the perceptual intent is vendor specific. Saturation The exact color rendering of the saturation intent is vendor specific and involves compromises such as trading off preservation of hue in order to preserve the vividness of pure colors."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccTagDataEntry.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccTagDataEntry.html",
"title": "Class IccTagDataEntry",
"keywords": "Class IccTagDataEntry The data of an ICC tag entry Inheritance Object IccTagDataEntry Implements IEquatable < IccTagDataEntry > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class IccTagDataEntry : IEquatable<IccTagDataEntry> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source IccTagDataEntry(IccTypeSignature) Initializes a new instance of the IccTagDataEntry class. TagSignature will be Unknown Declaration protected IccTagDataEntry(IccTypeSignature signature) Parameters Type Name Description IccTypeSignature signature Type Signature | Improve this Doc View Source IccTagDataEntry(IccTypeSignature, IccProfileTag) Initializes a new instance of the IccTagDataEntry class. Declaration protected IccTagDataEntry(IccTypeSignature signature, IccProfileTag tagSignature) Parameters Type Name Description IccTypeSignature signature Type Signature IccProfileTag tagSignature Tag Signature Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Signature Gets the type Signature Declaration public IccTypeSignature Signature { get; } Property Value Type Description IccTypeSignature | Improve this Doc View Source TagSignature Gets or sets the tag Signature Declaration public IccProfileTag TagSignature { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IccProfileTag Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(IccTagDataEntry) Declaration public virtual bool Equals(IccTagDataEntry other) Parameters Type Name Description IccTagDataEntry other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides Object.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides Object.GetHashCode() Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccTypeSignature.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccTypeSignature.html",
"title": "Enum IccTypeSignature",
"keywords": "Enum IccTypeSignature Type Signature Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum IccTypeSignature : uint Fields Name Description Chromaticity The chromaticity tag type provides basic chromaticity data and type of phosphors or colorants of a monitor to applications and utilities ColorantOrder This is an optional tag which specifies the laydown order in which colorants will be printed on an n-colorant device. The laydown order may be the same as the channel generation order listed in the colorantTableTag or the channel order of a color encoding type such as CMYK, in which case this tag is not needed. When this is not the case (for example, ink-towers sometimes use the order KCMY), this tag may be used to specify the laydown order of the colorants ColorantTable The purpose of this tag is to identify the colorants used in the profile by a unique name and set of PCSXYZ or PCSLAB values to give the colorant an unambiguous value. The first colorant listed is the colorant of the first device channel of a LUT tag. The second colorant listed is the colorant of the second device channel of a LUT tag, and so on CrdInfo REMOVED IN V4 - This type contains the PostScript product name to which this profile corresponds and the names of the companion CRDs Curve The curveType embodies a one-dimensional function which maps an input value in the domain of the function to an output value in the range of the function Data The dataType is a simple data structure that contains either 7-bit ASCII or binary data DateTime Date and time defined by 6 unsigned 16bit integers (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) DeviceSettings REMOVED IN V4 - This type is an array of structures each of which contains platform-specific information about the settings of the device for which this profile is valid. This type is not supported. Lut16 This structure represents a color transform using tables with 16-bit precision. This type contains four processing elements: a 3 × 3 matrix (which shall be the identity matrix unless the input color space is PCSXYZ), a set of one-dimensional input tables, a multi-dimensional lookup table, and a set of one-dimensional output tables Lut8 This structure represents a color transform using tables of 8-bit precision. This type contains four processing elements: a 3 × 3 matrix (which shall be the identity matrix unless the input color space is PCSXYZ), a set of one-dimensional input tables, a multi-dimensional lookup table, and a set of one-dimensional output tables. LutAToB This structure represents a color transform. The type contains up to five processing elements which are stored in the AToBTag tag in the following order: a set of one-dimensional curves, a 3 × 3 matrix with offset terms, a set of one-dimensional curves, a multi-dimensional lookup table, and a set of one-dimensional output curves LutBToA This structure represents a color transform. The type contains up to five processing elements which are stored in the BToATag in the following order: a set of one-dimensional curves, a 3 × 3 matrix with offset terms, a set of one-dimensional curves, a multi-dimensional lookup table, and a set of one-dimensional curves. Measurement This information refers only to the internal profile data and is meant to provide profile makers an alternative to the default measurement specifications MultiLocalizedUnicode This tag structure contains a set of records each referencing a multilingual Unicode string associated with a profile. Each string is referenced in a separate record with the information about what language and region the string is for. MultiProcessElements This structure represents a color transform, containing a sequence of processing elements. The processing elements contained in the structure are defined in the structure itself, allowing for a flexible structure. Currently supported processing elements are: a set of one dimensional curves, a matrix with offset terms, and a multidimensional lookup table (CLUT). Other processing element type
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccVersion.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.IccVersion.html",
"title": "Struct IccVersion",
"keywords": "Struct IccVersion Represents the ICC profile version number. Implements IEquatable < IccVersion > Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct IccVersion : IEquatable<IccVersion> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source IccVersion(Int32, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the IccVersion struct. Declaration public IccVersion(int major, int minor, int patch) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 major The major version number. Int32 minor The minor version number. Int32 patch The patch version number. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Major Gets the major version number. Declaration public readonly int Major { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Minor Gets the minor version number. Declaration public readonly int Minor { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Patch Gets the patch number. Declaration public readonly int Patch { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(IccVersion) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(IccVersion other) Parameters Type Name Description IccVersion other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override readonly string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.InvalidIccProfileException.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc.InvalidIccProfileException.html",
"title": "Class InvalidIccProfileException",
"keywords": "Class InvalidIccProfileException Represents an error that happened while reading or writing a corrupt/invalid ICC profile Inheritance Object Exception InvalidIccProfileException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class InvalidIccProfileException : Exception, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source InvalidIccProfileException(String) Initializes a new instance of the InvalidIccProfileException class. Declaration public InvalidIccProfileException(string message) Parameters Type Name Description String message The message that describes the error | Improve this Doc View Source InvalidIccProfileException(String, Exception) Initializes a new instance of the InvalidIccProfileException class. Declaration public InvalidIccProfileException(string message, Exception inner) Parameters Type Name Description String message The message that describes the error Exception inner The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc Classes IptcProfile Represents an IPTC profile providing access to the collection of values. IptcTagExtensions Extension methods for IPTC tags. IptcValue Represents a single value of the IPTC profile. Enums IptcTag Provides enumeration of all IPTC tags relevant for images."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc.IptcProfile.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc.IptcProfile.html",
"title": "Class IptcProfile",
"keywords": "Class IptcProfile Represents an IPTC profile providing access to the collection of values. Inheritance Object IptcProfile Implements IDeepCloneable < IptcProfile > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class IptcProfile : IDeepCloneable<IptcProfile> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source IptcProfile() Initializes a new instance of the IptcProfile class. Declaration public IptcProfile() | Improve this Doc View Source IptcProfile(Byte[]) Initializes a new instance of the IptcProfile class. Declaration public IptcProfile(byte[] data) Parameters Type Name Description Byte [] data The byte array to read the iptc profile from. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Data Gets the byte data of the IPTC profile. Declaration public byte[] Data { get; } Property Value Type Description Byte [] | Improve this Doc View Source Values Gets the values of this iptc profile. Declaration public IEnumerable<IptcValue> Values { get; } Property Value Type Description IEnumerable < IptcValue > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new T that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public IptcProfile DeepClone() Returns Type Description IptcProfile The T . | Improve this Doc View Source GetValues(IptcTag) Returns all values with the specified tag. Declaration public List<IptcValue> GetValues(IptcTag tag) Parameters Type Name Description IptcTag tag The tag of the iptc value. Returns Type Description List < IptcValue > The values found with the specified tag. | Improve this Doc View Source RemoveValue(IptcTag) Removes all values with the specified tag. Declaration public bool RemoveValue(IptcTag tag) Parameters Type Name Description IptcTag tag The tag of the iptc value to remove. Returns Type Description Boolean True when the value was found and removed. | Improve this Doc View Source RemoveValue(IptcTag, String) Removes values with the specified tag and value. Declaration public bool RemoveValue(IptcTag tag, string value) Parameters Type Name Description IptcTag tag The tag of the iptc value to remove. String value The value of the iptc item to remove. Returns Type Description Boolean True when the value was found and removed. | Improve this Doc View Source SetDateTimeValue(IptcTag, DateTimeOffset) Makes sure the datetime is formatted according to the iptc specification. A date will be formatted as CCYYMMDD, e.g. \"19890317\" for 17 March 1989. A time value will be formatted as HHMMSS±HHMM, e.g. \"090000+0200\" for 9 o'clock Berlin time, two hours ahead of UTC. Declaration public void SetDateTimeValue(IptcTag tag, DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset) Parameters Type Name Description IptcTag tag The tag of the iptc value. DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset The datetime. | Improve this Doc View Source SetEncoding(Encoding) Changes the encoding for all the values. Declaration public void SetEncoding(Encoding encoding) Parameters Type Name Description Encoding encoding The encoding to use when storing the bytes. | Improve this Doc View Source SetValue(IptcTag, String, Boolean) Sets the value of the specified tag. Declaration public void SetValue(IptcTag tag, string value, bool strict = true) Parameters Type Name Description IptcTag tag The tag of the iptc value. String value The value. Boolean strict Indicates if length restrictions from the specification should be followed strictly. Defaults to true. | Improve this Doc View Source SetValue(IptcTag, Encoding, String, Boolean) Sets the value for the specified tag. Declaration public void SetValue(IptcTag tag, Encoding encoding, string value, bool strict = true) Parameters Type Name Description IptcTag tag The tag of the iptc value. Encoding encoding The encoding to use when storing the bytes. String value The value. Boolean strict Indicates if length restrictions from the specification sho
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc.IptcTag.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc.IptcTag.html",
"title": "Enum IptcTag",
"keywords": "Enum IptcTag Provides enumeration of all IPTC tags relevant for images. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum IptcTag Fields Name Description ActionAdvised Action advised, not repeatable. Max length is 2. Byline Byline. Max length is 32. BylineTitle Byline title. Max length is 32. Caption Caption, not repeatable. Max length is 2000. CaptionWriter Caption writer. Max length is 32. Category Category, not repeatable. Max length is 3. City City, not repeatable. Max length is 32. Contact Contact. Max length 128. CopyrightNotice Copyright notice, not repeatable. Max length is 128. Country Country, not repeatable. Max length is 64. CountryCode Country code, not repeatable. Max length is 3. CreatedDate Created date. Format should be CCYYMMDD. Not repeatable, max length is 8. A date will be formatted as CCYYMMDD, e.g. \"19890317\" for 17 March 1989. CreatedTime Created time. Format should be HHMMSS±HHMM. Not repeatable, max length is 11. A time value will be formatted as HHMMSS±HHMM, e.g. \"090000+0200\" for 9 o'clock Berlin time, two hours ahead of UTC. Credit Credit, not repeatable. Max length is 32. CustomField1 Custom field 1 CustomField10 Custom field 10 CustomField11 Custom field 11 CustomField12 Custom field 12 CustomField13 Custom field 13 CustomField14 Custom field 14 CustomField15 Custom field 15 CustomField16 Custom field 16 CustomField17 Custom field 17 CustomField18 Custom field 18 CustomField19 Custom field 19 CustomField2 Custom field 2 CustomField20 Custom field 20 CustomField3 Custom field 3 CustomField4 Custom field 4 CustomField5 Custom field 5 CustomField6 Custom field 6 CustomField7 Custom field 7 CustomField8 Custom field 8 CustomField9 Custom field 9 DigitalCreationDate Digital creation date. Format should be CCYYMMDD. Not repeatable, max length is 8. A date will be formatted as CCYYMMDD, e.g. \"19890317\" for 17 March 1989. DigitalCreationTime Digital creation time. Format should be HHMMSS±HHMM. Not repeatable, max length is 11. A time value will be formatted as HHMMSS±HHMM, e.g. \"090000+0200\" for 9 o'clock Berlin time, two hours ahead of UTC. EditorialUpdate Editorial update, not repeatable. Max length is 2. EditStatus Edit status, not repeatable. Max length is 64. ExpirationDate Expiration date. Format should be CCYYMMDD. Not repeatable, max length is 8. A date will be formatted as CCYYMMDD, e.g. \"19890317\" for 17 March 1989. ExpirationTime Expiration time. Format should be HHMMSS±HHMM. Not repeatable, max length is 11. A time value will be formatted as HHMMSS±HHMM, e.g. \"090000+0200\" for 9 o'clock Berlin time, two hours ahead of UTC. FixtureIdentifier Fixture identifier, not repeatable. Max length is 32. Headline Headline, not repeatable. Max length is 256. ImageOrientation Image orientation, not repeatable. Max length is 1. ImageType Image type, not repeatable. Max length is 2. Keywords Keywords. Max length is 64. LocalCaption Local caption. LocationCode Location code. Max length is 3. LocationName Location name. Max length is 64. Name Object Name, not repeatable. Max length is 64. ObjectAttribute Object attribute. Max length is 68. ObjectCycle Object cycle, not repeatable. Max length is 1. ObjectType Object type, not repeatable. Max Length is 67. OriginalTransmissionReference Original transmission reference, not repeatable. Max length is 32. OriginatingProgram Originating program, not repeatable. Max length is 32. ProgramVersion Program version, not repeatable. Max length is 10. ProvinceState Province/State, not repeatable. Max length is 32. RecordVersion Record version identifying the version of the Information Interchange Model. Not repeatable. Max length is 2. ReferenceDate Reference date. Format should be CCYYMMDD. Not repeatable, max length is 8. A date will be formatted as CCYYMMDD, e.g. \"19890317\" for 17 March 1989. ReferenceNumber ReferenceNumber. Max length is 8. ReferenceService Reference service. Max length is 10. ReleaseDate Release date. Format should be CCYYMMDD. Not repeatable, max l
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc.IptcTagExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc.IptcTagExtensions.html",
"title": "Class IptcTagExtensions",
"keywords": "Class IptcTagExtensions Extension methods for IPTC tags. Inheritance Object IptcTagExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class IptcTagExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source IsDate(IptcTag) Determines if the tag is a datetime tag which needs to be formatted as CCYYMMDD. Declaration public static bool IsDate(this IptcTag tag) Parameters Type Name Description IptcTag tag The tag to check. Returns Type Description Boolean True, if its a datetime tag. | Improve this Doc View Source IsRepeatable(IptcTag) Determines if the given tag can be repeated according to the specification. Declaration public static bool IsRepeatable(this IptcTag tag) Parameters Type Name Description IptcTag tag The tag to check. Returns Type Description Boolean True, if the tag can occur multiple times. | Improve this Doc View Source IsTime(IptcTag) Determines if the tag is a time tag which need to be formatted as HHMMSS±HHMM. Declaration public static bool IsTime(this IptcTag tag) Parameters Type Name Description IptcTag tag The tag to check. Returns Type Description Boolean True, if its a time tag. | Improve this Doc View Source MaxLength(IptcTag) Maximum length of the IPTC value with the given tag according to the specification. Declaration public static int MaxLength(this IptcTag tag) Parameters Type Name Description IptcTag tag The tag to check the max length for. Returns Type Description Int32 The maximum length."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc.IptcValue.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc.IptcValue.html",
"title": "Class IptcValue",
"keywords": "Class IptcValue Represents a single value of the IPTC profile. Inheritance Object IptcValue Implements IDeepCloneable < IptcValue > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Iptc Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class IptcValue : IDeepCloneable<IptcValue> Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Encoding Gets or sets the encoding to use for the Value. Declaration public Encoding Encoding { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Encoding | Improve this Doc View Source Length Gets the length of the value. Declaration public int Length { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Strict Gets or sets a value indicating whether to be enforce value length restrictions according to the specification. Declaration public bool Strict { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Tag Gets the tag of the iptc value. Declaration public IptcTag Tag { get; } Property Value Type Description IptcTag | Improve this Doc View Source Value Gets or sets the value. Declaration public string Value { get; set; } Property Value Type Description String Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DeepClone() Creates a new T that is a deep copy of the current instance. Declaration public IptcValue DeepClone() Returns Type Description IptcValue The T . | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(IptcValue) Determines whether the specified iptc value is equal to the current IptcValue . Declaration public bool Equals(IptcValue other) Parameters Type Name Description IptcValue other The iptc value to compare this IptcValue with. Returns Type Description Boolean True when the specified iptc value is equal to the current IptcValue . | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current IptcValue . Declaration public override bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj The object to compare this IptcValue with. Returns Type Description Boolean True when the specified object is equal to the current IptcValue . Overrides Object.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Serves as a hash of this type. Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 A hash code for the current instance. Overrides Object.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToByteArray() Converts this instance to a byte array. Declaration public byte[] ToByteArray() Returns Type Description Byte [] A Byte array. | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Returns a string that represents the current value. Declaration public override string ToString() Returns Type Description String A string that represents the current value. Overrides Object.ToString() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString(Encoding) Returns a string that represents the current value with the specified encoding. Declaration public string ToString(Encoding encoding) Parameters Type Name Description Encoding encoding The encoding to use. Returns Type Description String A string that represents the current value with the specified encoding. Implements IDeepCloneable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.MetadataExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.MetadataExtensions.html",
"title": "Class MetadataExtensions",
"keywords": "Class MetadataExtensions Extension methods for the ImageMetadata type. Inheritance Object MetadataExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class MetadataExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBmpMetadata(ImageMetadata) Gets the bmp format specific metadata for the image. Declaration public static BmpMetadata GetBmpMetadata(this ImageMetadata metadata) Parameters Type Name Description ImageMetadata metadata The metadata this method extends. Returns Type Description BmpMetadata The BmpMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source GetGifMetadata(ImageFrameMetadata) Gets the gif format specific metadata for the image frame. Declaration public static GifFrameMetadata GetGifMetadata(this ImageFrameMetadata metadata) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrameMetadata metadata The metadata this method extends. Returns Type Description GifFrameMetadata The GifFrameMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source GetGifMetadata(ImageMetadata) Gets the gif format specific metadata for the image. Declaration public static GifMetadata GetGifMetadata(this ImageMetadata metadata) Parameters Type Name Description ImageMetadata metadata The metadata this method extends. Returns Type Description GifMetadata The GifMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source GetJpegMetadata(ImageMetadata) Gets the jpeg format specific metadata for the image. Declaration public static JpegMetadata GetJpegMetadata(this ImageMetadata metadata) Parameters Type Name Description ImageMetadata metadata The metadata this method extends. Returns Type Description JpegMetadata The JpegMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source GetPngMetadata(ImageMetadata) Gets the png format specific metadata for the image. Declaration public static PngMetadata GetPngMetadata(this ImageMetadata metadata) Parameters Type Name Description ImageMetadata metadata The metadata this method extends. Returns Type Description PngMetadata The PngMetadata . | Improve this Doc View Source GetTgaMetadata(ImageMetadata) Gets the tga format specific metadata for the image. Declaration public static TgaMetadata GetTgaMetadata(this ImageMetadata metadata) Parameters Type Name Description ImageMetadata metadata The metadata this method extends. Returns Type Description TgaMetadata The TgaMetadata ."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Number.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Number.html",
"title": "Struct Number",
"keywords": "Struct Number Represents an integral number. Implements IEquatable < Number > IComparable < Number > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Number : IEquatable<Number>, IComparable<Number> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Number(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the Number struct. Declaration public Number(int value) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 value The value of the number. | Improve this Doc View Source Number(UInt32) Initializes a new instance of the Number struct. Declaration public Number(uint value) Parameters Type Name Description UInt32 value The value of the number. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(Number) Declaration public int CompareTo(Number other) Parameters Type Name Description Number other Returns Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Number) Declaration public bool Equals(Number other) Parameters Type Name Description Number other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() | Improve this Doc View Source ToString(IFormatProvider) Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information. Declaration public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider) Parameters Type Name Description IFormatProvider provider An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. Returns Type Description String The string representation of the value of this instance, which consists of a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9, without a sign or leading zeros. Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(Number, Number) Determines whether the specified Number instances are considered equal. Declaration public static bool operator ==(Number left, Number right) Parameters Type Name Description Number left The first Number to compare. Number right The second Number to compare. Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Explicit(Number to Int32) Converts the specified Number to a Int32 . Declaration public static explicit operator int (Number number) Parameters Type Name Description Number number The Number to convert. Returns Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Explicit(Number to UInt16) Converts the specified Number to a UInt16 . Declaration public static explicit operator ushort (Number number) Parameters Type Name Description Number number The Number to convert. Returns Type Description UInt16 | Improve this Doc View Source Explicit(Number to UInt32) Converts the specified Number to a UInt32 . Declaration public static explicit operator uint (Number number) Parameters Type Name Description Number number The Number to convert. Returns Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source GreaterThan(Number, Number) Determines whether the first Number is more than the second Number . Declaration public static bool operator>(Number left, Number right) Parameters Type Name Description Number left The first Number to compare. Number right The second Number to compare. Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source GreaterThanOrEqual(Number, Number) Determines whether the first Number is more than or equal to the second Number . Declaration public static bool operator >=(Number left, Number right) Parameters Type Name Description Number left The first Number to compare. Number right The second Number to compare. Returns Type Description Boolean | Improv
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.A8.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.A8.html",
"title": "Struct A8",
"keywords": "Struct A8 Packed pixel type containing a single 8-bit normalized alpha value. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [0, 0, 0, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < A8 > IEquatable < A8 > IPackedVector < Byte > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct A8 : IPixel<A8>, IEquatable<A8>, IPackedVector<byte>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source A8(Byte) Initializes a new instance of the A8 struct. Declaration public A8(byte alpha) Parameters Type Name Description Byte alpha The alpha component. | Improve this Doc View Source A8(Single) Initializes a new instance of the A8 struct. Declaration public A8(float alpha) Parameters Type Name Description Single alpha The alpha component. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public byte PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Byte Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<A8> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < A8 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(A8) Compares another A8 packed vector with the packed vector. Declaration public readonly bool Equals(A8 other) Parameters Type Name Description A8 other The A8 packed vector to compare. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the packed vectors are equal. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Compares an object with the packed vector. Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj The object to compare. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the object is equal to the packed vector. Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Argb32.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Argb32.html",
"title": "Struct Argb32",
"keywords": "Struct Argb32 Packed pixel type containing four 8-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 255. The color components are stored in alpha, red, green, and blue order (least significant to most significant byte). Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Argb32 > IEquatable < Argb32 > IPackedVector < UInt32 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Argb32 : IPixel<Argb32>, IEquatable<Argb32>, IPackedVector<uint>, IPixel Remarks This struct is fully mutable. This is done (against the guidelines) for the sake of performance, as it avoids the need to create new values for modification operations. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Argb32(Byte, Byte, Byte) Initializes a new instance of the Argb32 struct. Declaration public Argb32(byte r, byte g, byte b) Parameters Type Name Description Byte r The red component. Byte g The green component. Byte b The blue component. | Improve this Doc View Source Argb32(Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte) Initializes a new instance of the Argb32 struct. Declaration public Argb32(byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a) Parameters Type Name Description Byte r The red component. Byte g The green component. Byte b The blue component. Byte a The alpha component. | Improve this Doc View Source Argb32(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the Argb32 struct. Declaration public Argb32(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector containing the components for the packed vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Argb32(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the Argb32 struct. Declaration public Argb32(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector containing the components for the packed vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Argb32(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Argb32 struct. Declaration public Argb32(float r, float g, float b, float a = 1F) Parameters Type Name Description Single r The red component. Single g The green component. Single b The blue component. Single a The alpha component. | Improve this Doc View Source Argb32(UInt32) Initializes a new instance of the Argb32 struct. Declaration public Argb32(uint packed) Parameters Type Name Description UInt32 packed The packed value. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source A Gets or sets the alpha component. Declaration public byte A Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source B Gets or sets the blue component. Declaration public byte B Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source G Gets or sets the green component. Declaration public byte G Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source R Gets or sets the red component. Declaration public byte R Field Value Type Description Byte Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Argb Gets or sets the packed representation of the Argb32 struct. Declaration public uint Argb { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public uint PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Argb32> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Argb32 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Argb32) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Argb32 other) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overri
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Bgr24.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Bgr24.html",
"title": "Struct Bgr24",
"keywords": "Struct Bgr24 Pixel type containing three 8-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 255. The color components are stored in blue, green, red order (least significant to most significant byte). Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Bgr24 > IPixel IEquatable < Bgr24 > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Bgr24 : IPixel<Bgr24>, IPixel, IEquatable<Bgr24> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Bgr24(Byte, Byte, Byte) Initializes a new instance of the Bgr24 struct. Declaration public Bgr24(byte r, byte g, byte b) Parameters Type Name Description Byte r The red component. Byte g The green component. Byte b The blue component. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source B The blue component. Declaration public byte B Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source G The green component. Declaration public byte G Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source R The red component. Declaration public byte R Field Value Type Description Byte Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Bgr24> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Bgr24 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Bgr24) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Bgr24 other) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 source The Rgb48 value. | Improve this Doc View So
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Bgr565.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Bgr565.html",
"title": "Struct Bgr565",
"keywords": "Struct Bgr565 Packed pixel type containing unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 1. The x and z components use 5 bits, and the y component uses 6 bits. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Bgr565 > IEquatable < Bgr565 > IPackedVector < UInt16 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Bgr565 : IPixel<Bgr565>, IEquatable<Bgr565>, IPackedVector<ushort>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Bgr565(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the Bgr565 struct. Declaration public Bgr565(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector containing the components for the packed value. | Improve this Doc View Source Bgr565(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Bgr565 struct. Declaration public Bgr565(float x, float y, float z) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component Single y The y-component Single z The z-component Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public ushort PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Bgr565> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Bgr565 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Bgr565) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Bgr565 other) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr565 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declarati
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Bgra32.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Bgra32.html",
"title": "Struct Bgra32",
"keywords": "Struct Bgra32 Packed pixel type containing four 8-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 255. The color components are stored in blue, green, red, and alpha order (least significant to most significant byte). The format is binary compatible with System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Bgra32 > IEquatable < Bgra32 > IPackedVector < UInt32 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Bgra32 : IPixel<Bgra32>, IEquatable<Bgra32>, IPackedVector<uint>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Bgra32(Byte, Byte, Byte) Initializes a new instance of the Bgra32 struct. Declaration public Bgra32(byte r, byte g, byte b) Parameters Type Name Description Byte r The red component. Byte g The green component. Byte b The blue component. | Improve this Doc View Source Bgra32(Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte) Initializes a new instance of the Bgra32 struct. Declaration public Bgra32(byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a) Parameters Type Name Description Byte r The red component. Byte g The green component. Byte b The blue component. Byte a The alpha component. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source A Gets or sets the alpha component. Declaration public byte A Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source B Gets or sets the blue component. Declaration public byte B Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source G Gets or sets the green component. Declaration public byte G Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source R Gets or sets the red component. Declaration public byte R Field Value Type Description Byte Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bgra Gets or sets the packed representation of the Bgra32 struct. Declaration public uint Bgra { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public uint PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Bgra32> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Bgra32 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Bgra32) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Bgra32 other) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve t
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Bgra4444.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Bgra4444.html",
"title": "Struct Bgra4444",
"keywords": "Struct Bgra4444 Packed pixel type containing unsigned normalized values, ranging from 0 to 1, using 4 bits each for x, y, z, and w. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Bgra4444 > IEquatable < Bgra4444 > IPackedVector < UInt16 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Bgra4444 : IPixel<Bgra4444>, IEquatable<Bgra4444>, IPackedVector<ushort>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Bgra4444(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the Bgra4444 struct. Declaration public Bgra4444(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector containing the components for the packed vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Bgra4444(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Bgra4444 struct. Declaration public Bgra4444(float x, float y, float z, float w) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component Single y The y-component Single z The z-component Single w The w-component Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public ushort PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Bgra4444> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Bgra4444 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Bgra4444) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Bgra4444 other) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra4444 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes t
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Bgra5551.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Bgra5551.html",
"title": "Struct Bgra5551",
"keywords": "Struct Bgra5551 Packed pixel type containing unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 1. The x , y and z components use 5 bits, and the w component uses 1 bit. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Bgra5551 > IEquatable < Bgra5551 > IPackedVector < UInt16 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Bgra5551 : IPixel<Bgra5551>, IEquatable<Bgra5551>, IPackedVector<ushort>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Bgra5551(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the Bgra5551 struct. Declaration public Bgra5551(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector containing the components for the packed vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Bgra5551(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Bgra5551 struct. Declaration public Bgra5551(float x, float y, float z, float w) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component Single y The y-component Single z The z-component Single w The w-component Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public ushort PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Bgra5551> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Bgra5551 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Bgra5551) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Bgra5551 other) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Byte4.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Byte4.html",
"title": "Struct Byte4",
"keywords": "Struct Byte4 Packed pixel type containing four 8-bit unsigned integer values, ranging from 0 to 255. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [255, 255, 255, 255] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Byte4 > IEquatable < Byte4 > IPackedVector < UInt32 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Byte4 : IPixel<Byte4>, IEquatable<Byte4>, IPackedVector<uint>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Byte4(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the Byte4 struct. Declaration public Byte4(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector A vector containing the initial values for the components of the Byte4 structure. | Improve this Doc View Source Byte4(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Byte4 struct. Declaration public Byte4(float x, float y, float z, float w) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component Single y The y-component Single z The z-component Single w The w-component Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public uint PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Byte4> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Byte4 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Byte4) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Byte4 other) Parameters Type Name Description Byte4 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration pu
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.HalfSingle.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.HalfSingle.html",
"title": "Struct HalfSingle",
"keywords": "Struct HalfSingle Packed pixel type containing a single 16 bit floating point value. Ranges from [-1, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 0, 0, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < HalfSingle > IEquatable < HalfSingle > IPackedVector < UInt16 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct HalfSingle : IPixel<HalfSingle>, IEquatable<HalfSingle>, IPackedVector<ushort>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source HalfSingle(Single) Initializes a new instance of the HalfSingle struct. Declaration public HalfSingle(float single) Parameters Type Name Description Single single The single component. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public ushort PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public PixelOperations<HalfSingle> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < HalfSingle > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(HalfSingle) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(HalfSingle other) Parameters Type Name Description HalfSingle other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 source The Rgb48 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgba32(Rgba32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgba32 value. Declaration public void FromRgba32(Rgba32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgba32 source The Rgba32 value. | Improve this Doc View
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.HalfVector2.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.HalfVector2.html",
"title": "Struct HalfVector2",
"keywords": "Struct HalfVector2 Packed pixel type containing two 16-bit floating-point values. Ranges from [-1, -1, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 0, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < HalfVector2 > IEquatable < HalfVector2 > IPackedVector < UInt32 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct HalfVector2 : IPixel<HalfVector2>, IEquatable<HalfVector2>, IPackedVector<uint>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source HalfVector2(Vector2) Initializes a new instance of the HalfVector2 struct. Declaration public HalfVector2(Vector2 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector A vector containing the initial values for the components. | Improve this Doc View Source HalfVector2(Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the HalfVector2 struct. Declaration public HalfVector2(float x, float y) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component. Single y The y-component. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public uint PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<HalfVector2> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < HalfVector2 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(HalfVector2) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(HalfVector2 other) Parameters Type Name Description HalfVector2 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source)
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.HalfVector4.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.HalfVector4.html",
"title": "Struct HalfVector4",
"keywords": "Struct HalfVector4 Packed pixel type containing four 16-bit floating-point values. Ranges from [-1, -1, -1, -1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < HalfVector4 > IEquatable < HalfVector4 > IPackedVector < UInt64 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct HalfVector4 : IPixel<HalfVector4>, IEquatable<HalfVector4>, IPackedVector<ulong>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source HalfVector4(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the HalfVector4 struct. Declaration public HalfVector4(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector A vector containing the initial values for the components | Improve this Doc View Source HalfVector4(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the HalfVector4 struct. Declaration public HalfVector4(float x, float y, float z, float w) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component. Single y The y-component. Single z The z-component. Single w The w-component. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public ulong PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt64 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<HalfVector4> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < HalfVector4 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(HalfVector4) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(HalfVector4 other) Parameters Type Name Description HalfVector4 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initialize
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Classes PixelBlender<TPixel> Abstract base class for calling pixel composition functions PixelOperations<TPixel> A stateless class implementing Strategy Pattern for batched pixel-data conversion operations for pixel buffers of type TPixel . Structs A8 Packed pixel type containing a single 8-bit normalized alpha value. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [0, 0, 0, 1] in vector form. Argb32 Packed pixel type containing four 8-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 255. The color components are stored in alpha, red, green, and blue order (least significant to most significant byte). Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Bgr24 Pixel type containing three 8-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 255. The color components are stored in blue, green, red order (least significant to most significant byte). Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Bgr565 Packed pixel type containing unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 1. The x and z components use 5 bits, and the y component uses 6 bits. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Bgra32 Packed pixel type containing four 8-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 255. The color components are stored in blue, green, red, and alpha order (least significant to most significant byte). The format is binary compatible with System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Bgra4444 Packed pixel type containing unsigned normalized values, ranging from 0 to 1, using 4 bits each for x, y, z, and w. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Bgra5551 Packed pixel type containing unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 1. The x , y and z components use 5 bits, and the w component uses 1 bit. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Byte4 Packed pixel type containing four 8-bit unsigned integer values, ranging from 0 to 255. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [255, 255, 255, 255] in vector form. HalfSingle Packed pixel type containing a single 16 bit floating point value. Ranges from [-1, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 0, 0, 1] in vector form. HalfVector2 Packed pixel type containing two 16-bit floating-point values. Ranges from [-1, -1, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 0, 1] in vector form. HalfVector4 Packed pixel type containing four 16-bit floating-point values. Ranges from [-1, -1, -1, -1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. L16 Packed pixel type containing a single 16-bit normalized luminance value. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. L8 Packed pixel type containing a single 8-bit normalized luminance value. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. La16 Packed pixel type containing two 8-bit normalized values representing luminance and alpha. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. La32 Packed pixel type containing two 16-bit normalized values representing luminance and alpha. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. NormalizedByte2 Packed pixel type containing two 8-bit signed normalized values, ranging from 1 to 1. Ranges from [-1, -1, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 0, 1] in vector form. NormalizedByte4 Packed pixel type containing four 8-bit signed normalized values, ranging from 1 to 1. Ranges from [-1, -1, -1, -1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. NormalizedShort2 Packed pixel type containing two 16-bit signed normalized values, ranging from 1 to 1. Ranges from [-1, -1, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 0, 1] in vector form. NormalizedShort4 Packed pixel type containing four 16-bit signed normalized values, ranging from 1 to 1. Ranges from [-1, -1, -1, -1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Rg32 Packed pixel type containing two 16-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 1. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 0, 1] in vector form. Rgb24 Pixel type containing three 8-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 255. The color components are stored in red, green, blue order (least significant to most significant byte). Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] t
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.IPackedVector-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.IPackedVector-1.html",
"title": "Interface IPackedVector<TPacked>",
"keywords": "Interface IPackedVector<TPacked> This interface exists for ensuring signature compatibility to MonoGame and XNA packed color types. Inherited Members IPixel.FromScaledVector4(Vector4) IPixel.ToScaledVector4() IPixel.FromVector4(Vector4) IPixel.ToVector4() IPixel.FromArgb32(Argb32) IPixel.FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) IPixel.FromBgr24(Bgr24) IPixel.FromBgra32(Bgra32) IPixel.FromL8(L8) IPixel.FromL16(L16) IPixel.FromLa16(La16) IPixel.FromLa32(La32) IPixel.FromRgb24(Rgb24) IPixel.FromRgba32(Rgba32) IPixel.ToRgba32(Rgba32) IPixel.FromRgb48(Rgb48) IPixel.FromRgba64(Rgba64) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IPackedVector<TPacked> : IPixel where TPacked : struct, IEquatable<TPacked> Type Parameters Name Description TPacked The packed format. uint, long, float. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration TPacked PackedValue { get; set; } Property Value Type Description TPacked"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.IPixel.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.IPixel.html",
"title": "Interface IPixel",
"keywords": "Interface IPixel A base interface for all pixels, defining the mandatory operations to be implemented by a pixel type. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IPixel Methods | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 source The Rgb48 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgba32(Rgba32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgba32 value. Declaration void FromRgba32(Rgba32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgba32 source The Rgba32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgba64(Rgba64) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgba64 value. Declaration void FromRgba64(Rgba64 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgba64 source The Rgba64 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromScaledVector4(Vector4) Initializes the pixel instance from a generic (\"scaled\") Vector4 . Declaration void FromScaledVector4(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector to load the pixel from. | Improve this Doc View Source FromVector4(Vector4) Initializes the pixel instance from a Vector4 which is specific to the current pixel type. Declaration void FromVector4(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector to load the pixel from. | Improve this Doc View Source ToRgba32(ref Rgba32) Convert the pixel instance into Rgba32 representation. Declaration void ToRgba32(ref Rgba32 dest) Parameters Type Name Description Rgba32 dest The reference to the destination Rgba32 pixel | Improve this Doc View Source ToScaledVector4() Expands the pixel into a generic (\"scaled\") Vector4 representation with values scaled and clamped between 0 and 1 . The vector components are typically expanded in least to greatest significance order. Declaration Vector4 ToScaledVector4() Returns Type Description Vector4 The Vector4 . | Improve this Doc View Source ToVector4() Expands the pixel into a Vector4 which is specific to the current pixel type. The vector components are typically expanded in least to greatest significance order. Declaration Vector4 ToVector4() Returns Type Description Vector4 The Vec
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.IPixel-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.IPixel-1.html",
"title": "Interface IPixel<TSelf>",
"keywords": "Interface IPixel<TSelf> An interface that represents a generic pixel type. The naming convention of each pixel format is to order the color components from least significant to most significant, reading from left to right. For example in the Rgba32 pixel format the R component is the least significant byte, and the A component is the most significant. Inherited Members IPixel.FromScaledVector4(Vector4) IPixel.ToScaledVector4() IPixel.FromVector4(Vector4) IPixel.ToVector4() IPixel.FromArgb32(Argb32) IPixel.FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) IPixel.FromBgr24(Bgr24) IPixel.FromBgra32(Bgra32) IPixel.FromL8(L8) IPixel.FromL16(L16) IPixel.FromLa16(La16) IPixel.FromLa32(La32) IPixel.FromRgb24(Rgb24) IPixel.FromRgba32(Rgba32) IPixel.ToRgba32(Rgba32) IPixel.FromRgb48(Rgb48) IPixel.FromRgba64(Rgba64) IEquatable<TSelf>.Equals(TSelf) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IPixel<TSelf> : IPixel, IEquatable<TSelf> where TSelf : struct, IPixel<TSelf> Type Parameters Name Description TSelf The type implementing this interface Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration PixelOperations<TSelf> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations <TSelf> The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.L16.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.L16.html",
"title": "Struct L16",
"keywords": "Struct L16 Packed pixel type containing a single 16-bit normalized luminance value. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < L16 > IEquatable < L16 > IPackedVector < UInt16 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct L16 : IPixel<L16>, IEquatable<L16>, IPackedVector<ushort>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source L16(UInt16) Initializes a new instance of the L16 struct. Declaration public L16(ushort luminance) Parameters Type Name Description UInt16 luminance The luminance component Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public ushort PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<L16> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < L16 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(L16) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(L16 other) Parameters Type Name Description L16 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 source The Rgb48 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgba32(Rgba32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgba32 value. Declaration public void FromRgba32(Rgba32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgba32 source The Rgba32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgba64(Rgba64) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgba64 va
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.L8.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.L8.html",
"title": "Struct L8",
"keywords": "Struct L8 Packed pixel type containing a single 8-bit normalized luminance value. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < L8 > IEquatable < L8 > IPackedVector < Byte > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct L8 : IPixel<L8>, IEquatable<L8>, IPackedVector<byte>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source L8(Byte) Initializes a new instance of the L8 struct. Declaration public L8(byte luminance) Parameters Type Name Description Byte luminance The luminance component. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public byte PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Byte Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<L8> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < L8 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(L8) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(L8 other) Parameters Type Name Description L8 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 source The Rgb48 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgba32(Rgba32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgba32 value. Declaration public void FromRgba32(Rgba32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgba32 source The Rgba32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgba64(Rgba64) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgba64 value. Declaration public void
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.La16.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.La16.html",
"title": "Struct La16",
"keywords": "Struct La16 Packed pixel type containing two 8-bit normalized values representing luminance and alpha. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < La16 > IEquatable < La16 > IPackedVector < UInt16 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct La16 : IPixel<La16>, IEquatable<La16>, IPackedVector<ushort>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source La16(Byte, Byte) Initializes a new instance of the La16 struct. Declaration public La16(byte l, byte a) Parameters Type Name Description Byte l The luminance component. Byte a The alpha componant. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source A Gets or sets the alpha component. Declaration public byte A Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source L Gets or sets the luminance component. Declaration public byte L Field Value Type Description Byte Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public ushort PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<La16> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < La16 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(La16) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(La16 other) Parameters Type Name Description La16 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 source The Rgb48 value
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.La32.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.La32.html",
"title": "Struct La32",
"keywords": "Struct La32 Packed pixel type containing two 16-bit normalized values representing luminance and alpha. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < La32 > IEquatable < La32 > IPackedVector < UInt32 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct La32 : IPixel<La32>, IEquatable<La32>, IPackedVector<uint>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source La32(UInt16, UInt16) Initializes a new instance of the La32 struct. Declaration public La32(ushort l, ushort a) Parameters Type Name Description UInt16 l The luminance component. UInt16 a The alpha componant. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source A Gets or sets the alpha component. Declaration public ushort A Field Value Type Description UInt16 | Improve this Doc View Source L Gets or sets the luminance component. Declaration public ushort L Field Value Type Description UInt16 Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public uint PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<La32> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < La32 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(La32) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(La32 other) Parameters Type Name Description La32 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 sourc
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.NormalizedByte2.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.NormalizedByte2.html",
"title": "Struct NormalizedByte2",
"keywords": "Struct NormalizedByte2 Packed pixel type containing two 8-bit signed normalized values, ranging from 1 to 1. Ranges from [-1, -1, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 0, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < NormalizedByte2 > IEquatable < NormalizedByte2 > IPackedVector < UInt16 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct NormalizedByte2 : IPixel<NormalizedByte2>, IEquatable<NormalizedByte2>, IPackedVector<ushort>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source NormalizedByte2(Vector2) Initializes a new instance of the NormalizedByte2 struct. Declaration public NormalizedByte2(Vector2 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector The vector containing the component values. | Improve this Doc View Source NormalizedByte2(Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the NormalizedByte2 struct. Declaration public NormalizedByte2(float x, float y) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component. Single y The y-component. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public ushort PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<NormalizedByte2> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < NormalizedByte2 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(NormalizedByte2) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(NormalizedByte2 other) Parameters Type Name Description NormalizedByte2 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the p
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.NormalizedByte4.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.NormalizedByte4.html",
"title": "Struct NormalizedByte4",
"keywords": "Struct NormalizedByte4 Packed pixel type containing four 8-bit signed normalized values, ranging from 1 to 1. Ranges from [-1, -1, -1, -1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < NormalizedByte4 > IEquatable < NormalizedByte4 > IPackedVector < UInt32 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct NormalizedByte4 : IPixel<NormalizedByte4>, IEquatable<NormalizedByte4>, IPackedVector<uint>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source NormalizedByte4(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the NormalizedByte4 struct. Declaration public NormalizedByte4(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector containing the component values. | Improve this Doc View Source NormalizedByte4(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the NormalizedByte4 struct. Declaration public NormalizedByte4(float x, float y, float z, float w) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component. Single y The y-component. Single z The z-component. Single w The w-component. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public uint PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<NormalizedByte4> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < NormalizedByte4 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(NormalizedByte4) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(NormalizedByte4 other) Parameters Type Name Description NormalizedByte4 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 sour
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.NormalizedShort2.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.NormalizedShort2.html",
"title": "Struct NormalizedShort2",
"keywords": "Struct NormalizedShort2 Packed pixel type containing two 16-bit signed normalized values, ranging from 1 to 1. Ranges from [-1, -1, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 0, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < NormalizedShort2 > IEquatable < NormalizedShort2 > IPackedVector < UInt32 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct NormalizedShort2 : IPixel<NormalizedShort2>, IEquatable<NormalizedShort2>, IPackedVector<uint>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source NormalizedShort2(Vector2) Initializes a new instance of the NormalizedShort2 struct. Declaration public NormalizedShort2(Vector2 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector The vector containing the component values. | Improve this Doc View Source NormalizedShort2(Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the NormalizedShort2 struct. Declaration public NormalizedShort2(float x, float y) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component. Single y The y-component. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public uint PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<NormalizedShort2> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < NormalizedShort2 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(NormalizedShort2) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(NormalizedShort2 other) Parameters Type Name Description NormalizedShort2 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Ini
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.NormalizedShort4.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.NormalizedShort4.html",
"title": "Struct NormalizedShort4",
"keywords": "Struct NormalizedShort4 Packed pixel type containing four 16-bit signed normalized values, ranging from 1 to 1. Ranges from [-1, -1, -1, -1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < NormalizedShort4 > IEquatable < NormalizedShort4 > IPackedVector < UInt64 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct NormalizedShort4 : IPixel<NormalizedShort4>, IEquatable<NormalizedShort4>, IPackedVector<ulong>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source NormalizedShort4(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the NormalizedShort4 struct. Declaration public NormalizedShort4(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector containing the component values. | Improve this Doc View Source NormalizedShort4(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the NormalizedShort4 struct. Declaration public NormalizedShort4(float x, float y, float z, float w) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component. Single y The y-component. Single z The z-component. Single w The w-component. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public ulong PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt64 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<NormalizedShort4> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < NormalizedShort4 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(NormalizedShort4) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(NormalizedShort4 other) Parameters Type Name Description NormalizedShort4 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name De
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelAlphaCompositionMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelAlphaCompositionMode.html",
"title": "Enum PixelAlphaCompositionMode",
"keywords": "Enum PixelAlphaCompositionMode Enumerates the various alpha composition modes. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum PixelAlphaCompositionMode Fields Name Description Clear The clear. Dest The destination where the source does not overlap it. DestAtop The source where they don't overlap otherwise dest in overlapping parts. DestIn The destination where the destination and source overlap. DestOut The source where the destination and source overlap. DestOver The destination over the source. Src Returns the source colors. SrcAtop Returns the source over the destination. SrcIn The source where the destination and source overlap. SrcOut The destination where the destination and source overlap. SrcOver Returns the destination over the source. Xor Clear where they overlap."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelAlphaRepresentation.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelAlphaRepresentation.html",
"title": "Enum PixelAlphaRepresentation",
"keywords": "Enum PixelAlphaRepresentation Provides enumeration of the alpha value transparency behavior of a pixel format. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum PixelAlphaRepresentation Fields Name Description Associated Indicates that the transparency behavior is premultiplied. Each color is first scaled by the alpha value. The alpha value itself is the same in both straight and premultiplied alpha. Typically, no color channel value is greater than the alpha channel value. If a color channel value in a premultiplied format is greater than the alpha channel, the standard source-over blending math results in an additive blend. None Indicates that the pixel format does not contain an alpha channel. Unassociated Indicates that the transparency behavior is not premultiplied. The alpha channel indicates the transparency of the color."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelBlender-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelBlender-1.html",
"title": "Class PixelBlender<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Class PixelBlender<TPixel> Abstract base class for calling pixel composition functions Inheritance Object PixelBlender<TPixel> Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class PixelBlender<TPixel> where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The type of the pixel Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Blend(TPixel, TPixel, Single) Blend 2 pixels together. Declaration public abstract TPixel Blend(TPixel background, TPixel source, float amount) Parameters Type Name Description TPixel background The background color. TPixel source The source color. Single amount A value between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of the second source vector. At amount = 0, \"background\" is returned, at amount = 1, \"source\" is returned. Returns Type Description TPixel The final pixel value after composition. | Improve this Doc View Source Blend(Configuration, Span<TPixel>, ReadOnlySpan<TPixel>, ReadOnlySpan<TPixel>, ReadOnlySpan<Single>) Blends 2 rows together Declaration public void Blend(Configuration configuration, Span<TPixel> destination, ReadOnlySpan<TPixel> background, ReadOnlySpan<TPixel> source, ReadOnlySpan<float> amount) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration Configuration to use internally Span <TPixel> destination the destination span ReadOnlySpan <TPixel> background the background span ReadOnlySpan <TPixel> source the source span ReadOnlySpan < Single > amount A span with values between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of the second source vector. At amount = 0, \"background\" is returned, at amount = 1, \"source\" is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source Blend<TPixelSrc>(Configuration, Span<TPixel>, ReadOnlySpan<TPixel>, ReadOnlySpan<TPixelSrc>, ReadOnlySpan<Single>) Blends 2 rows together Declaration public void Blend<TPixelSrc>(Configuration configuration, Span<TPixel> destination, ReadOnlySpan<TPixel> background, ReadOnlySpan<TPixelSrc> source, ReadOnlySpan<float> amount) where TPixelSrc : struct, IPixel<TPixelSrc> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration Configuration to use internally Span <TPixel> destination the destination span ReadOnlySpan <TPixel> background the background span ReadOnlySpan <TPixelSrc> source the source span ReadOnlySpan < Single > amount A span with values between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of the second source vector. At amount = 0, \"background\" is returned, at amount = 1, \"source\" is returned. Type Parameters Name Description TPixelSrc the pixel format of the source span | Improve this Doc View Source Blend<TPixelSrc>(Configuration, Span<TPixel>, ReadOnlySpan<TPixel>, ReadOnlySpan<TPixelSrc>, Single) Blends 2 rows together Declaration public void Blend<TPixelSrc>(Configuration configuration, Span<TPixel> destination, ReadOnlySpan<TPixel> background, ReadOnlySpan<TPixelSrc> source, float amount) where TPixelSrc : struct, IPixel<TPixelSrc> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration Configuration to use internally Span <TPixel> destination the destination span ReadOnlySpan <TPixel> background the background span ReadOnlySpan <TPixelSrc> source the source span Single amount A value between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of the second source vector. At amount = 0, \"background\" is returned, at amount = 1, \"source\" is returned. Type Parameters Name Description TPixelSrc the pixel format of the source span | Improve this Doc View Source BlendFunction(Span<Vector4>, ReadOnlySpan<Vector4>, ReadOnlySpan<Vector4>, ReadOnlySpan<Single>) Blend 2 rows together. Declaration protected abstract void BlendFunction(Span<Vector4> destination, ReadOnlySpan<Vector4> background, ReadOnlySpan<Vector4> source, ReadOnlySpan<float> amount) Parameters Type Name Description Span < Vector4 > destination destination span ReadOnlySpan < Vector4 > background the backg
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelColorBlendingMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelColorBlendingMode.html",
"title": "Enum PixelColorBlendingMode",
"keywords": "Enum PixelColorBlendingMode Enumerates the various color blending modes. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum PixelColorBlendingMode Fields Name Description Add Blends the 2 values by addition. Darken Selects the minimum of the backdrop and source values. HardLight Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the source value. Lighten Selects the max of the backdrop and source values. Multiply Blends the 2 values by multiplication. Normal Default blending mode, also known as \"Normal\" or \"Alpha Blending\" Overlay Multiplies or screens the values, depending on the backdrop vector values. Screen Multiplies the complements of the backdrop and source values, then complements the result. Subtract Blends the 2 values by subtraction."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelConversionModifiers.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelConversionModifiers.html",
"title": "Enum PixelConversionModifiers",
"keywords": "Enum PixelConversionModifiers Flags responsible to select additional operations which could be efficiently applied in ToVector4(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<TPixel>, Span<Vector4>, PixelConversionModifiers) or FromVector4Destructive(Configuration, Span<Vector4>, Span<TPixel>, PixelConversionModifiers) knowing the pixel type. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax [Flags] public enum PixelConversionModifiers Fields Name Description None No special operation is selected Premultiply Enable alpha premultiplication / unpremultiplication Scale Select ToScaledVector4() and FromScaledVector4(Vector4) instead the standard (non scaled) variants. SRgbCompand Enable SRGB companding (defined in SRgbCompanding )."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelOperations-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.PixelOperations-1.html",
"title": "Class PixelOperations<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Class PixelOperations<TPixel> A stateless class implementing Strategy Pattern for batched pixel-data conversion operations for pixel buffers of type TPixel . Inheritance Object PixelOperations<TPixel> Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class PixelOperations<TPixel> where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Instance Gets the global PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for the pixel type TPixel Declaration public static PixelOperations<TPixel> Instance { get; } Property Value Type Description PixelOperations <TPixel> Methods | Improve this Doc View Source From<TSourcePixel>(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<TSourcePixel>, Span<TPixel>) Bulk operation that copies the sourcePixels to destinationPixels in TSourcePixel format. Declaration public virtual void From<TSourcePixel>(Configuration configuration, ReadOnlySpan<TSourcePixel> sourcePixels, Span<TPixel> destinationPixels) where TSourcePixel : struct, IPixel<TSourcePixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration A Configuration to configure internal operations. ReadOnlySpan <TSourcePixel> sourcePixels The ReadOnlySpan<T> to the source pixels. Span <TPixel> destinationPixels The Span<T> to the destination pixels. Type Parameters Name Description TSourcePixel The destination pixel type. | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Argb32>, Span<TPixel>) Converts all pixels in 'source` span of Argb32 into a span of TPixel -s. Declaration public virtual void FromArgb32(Configuration configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Argb32> source, Span<TPixel> destinationPixels) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration A Configuration to configure internal operations. ReadOnlySpan < Argb32 > source The source Span<T> of Argb32 data. Span <TPixel> destinationPixels The Span<T> to the destination pixels. | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32Bytes(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, Span<TPixel>, Int32) A helper for FromArgb32(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Argb32>, Span<TPixel>) that expects a byte span. The layout of the data in 'sourceBytes' must be compatible with Argb32 layout. Declaration public void FromArgb32Bytes(Configuration configuration, ReadOnlySpan<byte> sourceBytes, Span<TPixel> destinationPixels, int count) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration A Configuration to configure internal operations. ReadOnlySpan < Byte > sourceBytes The ReadOnlySpan<T> to the source bytes. Span <TPixel> destinationPixels The Span<T> to the destination pixels. Int32 count The number of pixels to convert. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Bgr24>, Span<TPixel>) Converts all pixels in 'source` span of Bgr24 into a span of TPixel -s. Declaration public virtual void FromBgr24(Configuration configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Bgr24> source, Span<TPixel> destinationPixels) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration A Configuration to configure internal operations. ReadOnlySpan < Bgr24 > source The source Span<T> of Bgr24 data. Span <TPixel> destinationPixels The Span<T> to the destination pixels. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24Bytes(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, Span<TPixel>, Int32) A helper for FromBgr24(Configuration, ReadOnlySpan<Bgr24>, Span<TPixel>) that expects a byte span. The layout of the data in 'sourceBytes' must be compatible with Bgr24 layout. Declaration public void FromBgr24Bytes(Configuration configuration, ReadOnlySpan<byte> sourceBytes, Span<TPixel> destinationPixels, int count) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration A Configuration to configure internal operations. ReadOnlySpan < Byte > sourceBytes The ReadOnlySpan<T> to the source bytes. Span <TPixel> destinationPixels The Span<T>
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rg32.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rg32.html",
"title": "Struct Rg32",
"keywords": "Struct Rg32 Packed pixel type containing two 16-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 1. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 0, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Rg32 > IEquatable < Rg32 > IPackedVector < UInt32 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Rg32 : IPixel<Rg32>, IEquatable<Rg32>, IPackedVector<uint>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Rg32(Vector2) Initializes a new instance of the Rg32 struct. Declaration public Rg32(Vector2 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector The vector containing the component values. | Improve this Doc View Source Rg32(Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Rg32 struct. Declaration public Rg32(float x, float y) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component Single y The y-component Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public uint PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Rg32> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Rg32 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Rg32) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Rg32 other) Parameters Type Name Description Rg32 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 source The Rgb48 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgba32(Rgba32)
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rgb24.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rgb24.html",
"title": "Struct Rgb24",
"keywords": "Struct Rgb24 Pixel type containing three 8-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 255. The color components are stored in red, green, blue order (least significant to most significant byte). Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Rgb24 > IPixel IEquatable < Rgb24 > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Rgb24 : IPixel<Rgb24>, IPixel, IEquatable<Rgb24> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Rgb24(Byte, Byte, Byte) Initializes a new instance of the Rgb24 struct. Declaration public Rgb24(byte r, byte g, byte b) Parameters Type Name Description Byte r The red component. Byte g The green component. Byte b The blue component. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source B The blue component. Declaration public byte B Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source G The green component. Declaration public byte G Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source R The red component. Declaration public byte R Field Value Type Description Byte Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Rgb24> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Rgb24 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Rgb24) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Rgb24 other) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 source The Rgb48 value. | Improve this Doc View So
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rgb48.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rgb48.html",
"title": "Struct Rgb48",
"keywords": "Struct Rgb48 Packed pixel type containing three 16-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 635535. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 1] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Rgb48 > IPixel IEquatable < Rgb48 > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Rgb48 : IPixel<Rgb48>, IPixel, IEquatable<Rgb48> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Rgb48(UInt16, UInt16, UInt16) Initializes a new instance of the Rgb48 struct. Declaration public Rgb48(ushort r, ushort g, ushort b) Parameters Type Name Description UInt16 r The red component. UInt16 g The green component. UInt16 b The blue component. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source B Gets or sets the blue component. Declaration public ushort B Field Value Type Description UInt16 | Improve this Doc View Source G Gets or sets the green component. Declaration public ushort G Field Value Type Description UInt16 | Improve this Doc View Source R Gets or sets the red component. Declaration public ushort R Field Value Type Description UInt16 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Rgb48> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Rgb48 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Rgb48) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Rgb48 other) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 source The Rgb48 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgba32(Rgba32)
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rgba1010102.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rgba1010102.html",
"title": "Struct Rgba1010102",
"keywords": "Struct Rgba1010102 Packed vector type containing unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 1. The x, y and z components use 10 bits, and the w component uses 2 bits. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Rgba1010102 > IEquatable < Rgba1010102 > IPackedVector < UInt32 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Rgba1010102 : IPixel<Rgba1010102>, IEquatable<Rgba1010102>, IPackedVector<uint>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba1010102(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba1010102 struct. Declaration public Rgba1010102(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector containing the component values. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba1010102(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba1010102 struct. Declaration public Rgba1010102(float x, float y, float z, float w) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component Single y The y-component Single z The z-component Single w The w-component Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public uint PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Rgba1010102> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Rgba1010102 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Rgba1010102) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Rgba1010102 other) Parameters Type Name Description Rgba1010102 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 val
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rgba32.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rgba32.html",
"title": "Struct Rgba32",
"keywords": "Struct Rgba32 Packed pixel type containing four 8-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 255. The color components are stored in red, green, blue, and alpha order (least significant to most significant byte). Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Rgba32 > IEquatable < Rgba32 > IPackedVector < UInt32 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Rgba32 : IPixel<Rgba32>, IEquatable<Rgba32>, IPackedVector<uint>, IPixel Remarks This struct is fully mutable. This is done (against the guidelines) for the sake of performance, as it avoids the need to create new values for modification operations. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba32(Byte, Byte, Byte) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba32 struct. Declaration public Rgba32(byte r, byte g, byte b) Parameters Type Name Description Byte r The red component. Byte g The green component. Byte b The blue component. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba32(Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba32 struct. Declaration public Rgba32(byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a) Parameters Type Name Description Byte r The red component. Byte g The green component. Byte b The blue component. Byte a The alpha component. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba32(Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba32 struct. Declaration public Rgba32(Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector containing the components for the packed vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba32(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba32 struct. Declaration public Rgba32(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector containing the components for the packed vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba32(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba32 struct. Declaration public Rgba32(float r, float g, float b, float a = 1F) Parameters Type Name Description Single r The red component. Single g The green component. Single b The blue component. Single a The alpha component. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba32(UInt32) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba32 struct. Declaration public Rgba32(uint packed) Parameters Type Name Description UInt32 packed The packed value. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source A Gets or sets the alpha component. Declaration public byte A Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source B Gets or sets the blue component. Declaration public byte B Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source G Gets or sets the green component. Declaration public byte G Field Value Type Description Byte | Improve this Doc View Source R Gets or sets the red component. Declaration public byte R Field Value Type Description Byte Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bgr Gets or sets the RGB components of this struct as Bgr24 reverting the component order. Declaration public Bgr24 Bgr { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Bgr24 | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public uint PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source Rgb Gets or sets the RGB components of this struct as Rgb24 Declaration public Rgb24 Rgb { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Rgb24 | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba Gets or sets the packed representation of the Rgba32 struct. Declaration public uint Rgba { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Rgba32> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Rgba32 > The PixelOpera
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rgba64.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rgba64.html",
"title": "Struct Rgba64",
"keywords": "Struct Rgba64 Packed pixel type containing four 16-bit unsigned normalized values ranging from 0 to 65535. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Rgba64 > IEquatable < Rgba64 > IPackedVector < UInt64 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Rgba64 : IPixel<Rgba64>, IEquatable<Rgba64>, IPackedVector<ulong>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba64(Argb32) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba64 struct. Declaration public Rgba64(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source A structure of 4 bytes in ARGB byte order. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba64(Bgr24) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba64 struct. Declaration public Rgba64(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source A structure of 3 bytes in BGR byte order. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba64(Bgra32) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba64 struct. Declaration public Rgba64(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source A structure of 4 bytes in BGRA byte order. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba64(Rgb24) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba64 struct. Declaration public Rgba64(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source A structure of 3 bytes in RGB byte order. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba64(Rgba32) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba64 struct. Declaration public Rgba64(Rgba32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgba32 source A structure of 4 bytes in RGBA byte order. | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba64(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba64 struct. Declaration public Rgba64(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The Vector4 . | Improve this Doc View Source Rgba64(UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16) Initializes a new instance of the Rgba64 struct. Declaration public Rgba64(ushort r, ushort g, ushort b, ushort a) Parameters Type Name Description UInt16 r The red component. UInt16 g The green component. UInt16 b The blue component. UInt16 a The alpha component. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source A Gets or sets the alpha component. Declaration public ushort A Field Value Type Description UInt16 | Improve this Doc View Source B Gets or sets the blue component. Declaration public ushort B Field Value Type Description UInt16 | Improve this Doc View Source G Gets or sets the green component. Declaration public ushort G Field Value Type Description UInt16 | Improve this Doc View Source R Gets or sets the red component. Declaration public ushort R Field Value Type Description UInt16 Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public ulong PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt64 | Improve this Doc View Source Rgb Gets or sets the RGB components of this struct as Rgb48 . Declaration public Rgb48 Rgb { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Rgb48 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Rgba64> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Rgba64 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Rgba64) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Rgba64 other) Parameters Type Name Description Rgba64 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 sour
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.RgbaVector.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.RgbaVector.html",
"title": "Struct RgbaVector",
"keywords": "Struct RgbaVector Unpacked pixel type containing four 32-bit floating-point values typically ranging from 0 to 1. The color components are stored in red, green, blue, and alpha order. Ranges from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [1, 1, 1, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < RgbaVector > IPixel IEquatable < RgbaVector > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct RgbaVector : IPixel<RgbaVector>, IPixel, IEquatable<RgbaVector> Remarks This struct is fully mutable. This is done (against the guidelines) for the sake of performance, as it avoids the need to create new values for modification operations. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RgbaVector(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the RgbaVector struct. Declaration public RgbaVector(float r, float g, float b, float a = 1F) Parameters Type Name Description Single r The red component. Single g The green component. Single b The blue component. Single a The alpha component. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source A Gets or sets the alpha component. Declaration public float A Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source B Gets or sets the blue component. Declaration public float B Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source G Gets or sets the green component. Declaration public float G Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source R Gets or sets the red component. Declaration public float R Field Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<RgbaVector> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < RgbaVector > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(RgbaVector) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(RgbaVector other) Parameters Type Name Description RgbaVector other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromHex(String) Creates a new instance of the RgbaVector struct. Declaration public static RgbaVector FromHex(string hex) Parameters Type Name Description String hex The hexadecimal representation of the combined color components arranged in rgb, rgba, rrggbb, or rrggbbaa format to match web syntax. Returns Type Description RgbaVector The RgbaVector . | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. |
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Short2.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Short2.html",
"title": "Struct Short2",
"keywords": "Struct Short2 Packed pixel type containing two 16-bit signed integer values. Ranges from [-32767, -32767, 0, 1] to [32767, 32767, 0, 1] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Short2 > IEquatable < Short2 > IPackedVector < UInt32 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Short2 : IPixel<Short2>, IEquatable<Short2>, IPackedVector<uint>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Short2(Vector2) Initializes a new instance of the Short2 struct. Declaration public Short2(Vector2 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector The vector containing the component values. | Improve this Doc View Source Short2(Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Short2 struct. Declaration public Short2(float x, float y) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component. Single y The y-component. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public uint PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Short2> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Short2 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Short2) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Short2 other) Parameters Type Name Description Short2 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaration public void FromRgb48(Rgb48 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb48 source The Rgb48 value. | Improve this Doc Vi
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Short4.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Short4.html",
"title": "Struct Short4",
"keywords": "Struct Short4 Packed pixel type containing four 16-bit signed integer values. Ranges from [-37267, -37267, -37267, -37267] to [37267, 37267, 37267, 37267] in vector form. Implements IPixel < Short4 > IEquatable < Short4 > IPackedVector < UInt64 > IPixel Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Short4 : IPixel<Short4>, IEquatable<Short4>, IPackedVector<ulong>, IPixel Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Short4(Vector4) Initializes a new instance of the Short4 struct. Declaration public Short4(Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector A vector containing the initial values for the components. | Improve this Doc View Source Short4(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Short4 struct. Declaration public Short4(float x, float y, float z, float w) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The x-component. Single y The y-component. Single z The z-component. Single w The w-component. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source PackedValue Gets or sets the packed representation of the value. Declaration public ulong PackedValue { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description UInt64 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelOperations() Creates a PixelOperations<TPixel> instance for this pixel type. This method is not intended to be consumed directly. Use Instance instead. Declaration public readonly PixelOperations<Short4> CreatePixelOperations() Returns Type Description PixelOperations < Short4 > The PixelOperations<TPixel> instance. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Short4) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Short4 other) Parameters Type Name Description Short4 other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromArgb32(Argb32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Argb32 value. Declaration public void FromArgb32(Argb32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Argb32 source The Argb32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgr24(Bgr24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgr24 value. Declaration public void FromBgr24(Bgr24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgr24 source The Bgr24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra32(Bgra32) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra32 value. Declaration public void FromBgra32(Bgra32 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra32 source The Bgra32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromBgra5551(Bgra5551) Initializes the pixel instance from an Bgra5551 value. Declaration public void FromBgra5551(Bgra5551 source) Parameters Type Name Description Bgra5551 source The Bgra5551 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL16(L16) Initializes the pixel instance from an L16 value. Declaration public void FromL16(L16 source) Parameters Type Name Description L16 source The L16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromL8(L8) Initializes the pixel instance from an L8 value. Declaration public void FromL8(L8 source) Parameters Type Name Description L8 source The L8 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa16(La16) Initializes the pixel instance from an La16 value. Declaration public void FromLa16(La16 source) Parameters Type Name Description La16 source The La16 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromLa32(La32) Initializes the pixel instance from an La32 value. Declaration public void FromLa32(La32 source) Parameters Type Name Description La32 source The La32 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb24(Rgb24) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb24 value. Declaration public void FromRgb24(Rgb24 source) Parameters Type Name Description Rgb24 source The Rgb24 value. | Improve this Doc View Source FromRgb48(Rgb48) Initializes the pixel instance from an Rgb48 value. Declaratio
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Point.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Point.html",
"title": "Struct Point",
"keywords": "Struct Point Represents an ordered pair of integer x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane. Implements IEquatable < Point > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Point : IEquatable<Point> Remarks This struct is fully mutable. This is done (against the guidelines) for the sake of performance, as it avoids the need to create new values for modification operations. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Point(Size) Initializes a new instance of the Point struct from the given Size . Declaration public Point(Size size) Parameters Type Name Description Size size The size. | Improve this Doc View Source Point(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the Point struct. Declaration public Point(int value) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 value The horizontal and vertical position of the point. | Improve this Doc View Source Point(Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the Point struct. Declaration public Point(int x, int y) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 x The horizontal position of the point. Int32 y The vertical position of the point. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Empty Represents a Point that has X and Y values set to zero. Declaration public static readonly Point Empty Field Value Type Description Point Properties | Improve this Doc View Source X Gets or sets the x-coordinate of this Point . Declaration public int X { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Y Gets or sets the y-coordinate of this Point . Declaration public int Y { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Add(Point, Size) Translates a Point by the negative of a given Size . Declaration public static Point Add(Point point, Size size) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The point on the left hand of the operand. Size size The size on the right hand of the operand. Returns Type Description Point The Point . | Improve this Doc View Source Ceiling(PointF) Converts a PointF to a Point by performing a ceiling operation on all the coordinates. Declaration public static Point Ceiling(PointF point) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point. Returns Type Description Point The Point . | Improve this Doc View Source Deconstruct(out Int32, out Int32) Deconstructs this point into two integers. Declaration public void Deconstruct(out int x, out int y) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 x The out value for X. Int32 y The out value for Y. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Point) Declaration public bool Equals(Point other) Parameters Type Name Description Point other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source Multiply(Point, Int32) Translates a Point by the negative of a given value. Declaration public static Point Multiply(Point point, int value) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The point on the left hand of the operand. Int32 value The value on the right hand of the operand. Returns Type Description Point The Point . | Improve this Doc View Source Offset(Point) Translates this Point by the specified amount. Declaration public void Offset(Point point) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The Point used offset this Point . | Improve this Doc View Source Offset(Int32, Int32) Translates this Point by the specified amount. Declaration public void Offset(int dx, int dy) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 dx The amount to offset the x-coordinate. Int32 dy The amount to offset the y-coordinate. | Improve this Doc View S
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PointF.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.PointF.html",
"title": "Struct PointF",
"keywords": "Struct PointF Represents an ordered pair of single precision floating point x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane. Implements IEquatable < PointF > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct PointF : IEquatable<PointF> Remarks This struct is fully mutable. This is done (against the guidelines) for the sake of performance, as it avoids the need to create new values for modification operations. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PointF(SizeF) Initializes a new instance of the PointF struct from the given SizeF . Declaration public PointF(SizeF size) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF size The size. | Improve this Doc View Source PointF(Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the PointF struct. Declaration public PointF(float x, float y) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The horizontal position of the point. Single y The vertical position of the point. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Empty Represents a PointF that has X and Y values set to zero. Declaration public static readonly PointF Empty Field Value Type Description PointF Properties | Improve this Doc View Source X Gets or sets the x-coordinate of this PointF . Declaration public float X { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Y Gets or sets the y-coordinate of this PointF . Declaration public float Y { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Add(PointF, PointF) Translates a PointF by the given PointF . Declaration public static PointF Add(PointF point, PointF pointb) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point on the left hand of the operand. PointF pointb The point on the right hand of the operand. Returns Type Description PointF The PointF . | Improve this Doc View Source Add(PointF, SizeF) Translates a PointF by the given SizeF . Declaration public static PointF Add(PointF point, SizeF size) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point on the left hand of the operand. SizeF size The size on the right hand of the operand. Returns Type Description PointF The PointF . | Improve this Doc View Source Deconstruct(out Single, out Single) Deconstructs this point into two floats. Declaration public void Deconstruct(out float x, out float y) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The out value for X. Single y The out value for Y. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(PointF) Declaration public bool Equals(PointF other) Parameters Type Name Description PointF other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source Multiply(PointF, Single) Translates a PointF by the multiplying the X and Y by the given value. Declaration public static PointF Multiply(PointF point, float right) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point on the left hand of the operand. Single right The value on the right hand of the operand. Returns Type Description PointF The PointF . | Improve this Doc View Source Offset(PointF) Translates this PointF by the specified amount. Declaration public void Offset(PointF point) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The PointF used offset this PointF . | Improve this Doc View Source Offset(Single, Single) Translates this PointF by the specified amount. Declaration public void Offset(float dx, float dy) Parameters Type Name Description Single dx The amount to offset the x-coordinate. Single dy The amount to offset the y-coordinate. | Improve this Doc View Source Subtract(PointF, PointF) Translates a PointF by t
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.AdaptiveThresholdExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.AdaptiveThresholdExtensions.html",
"title": "Class AdaptiveThresholdExtensions",
"keywords": "Class AdaptiveThresholdExtensions Extensions to perform AdaptiveThreshold through Mutator. Inheritance Object AdaptiveThresholdExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class AdaptiveThresholdExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext) Applies Bradley Adaptive Threshold to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext AdaptiveThreshold(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The Image<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Color) Applies Bradley Adaptive Threshold to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext AdaptiveThreshold(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color upper, Color lower) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color upper Upper (white) color for thresholding. Color lower Lower (black) color for thresholding. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The Image<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Color, Rectangle) Applies Bradley Adaptive Threshold to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext AdaptiveThreshold(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color upper, Color lower, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color upper Upper (white) color for thresholding. Color lower Lower (black) color for thresholding. Rectangle rectangle Rectangle region to apply the processor on. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The Image<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Color, Single) Applies Bradley Adaptive Threshold to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext AdaptiveThreshold(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color upper, Color lower, float thresholdLimit) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color upper Upper (white) color for thresholding. Color lower Lower (black) color for thresholding. Single thresholdLimit Threshold limit (0.0-1.0) to consider for binarization. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The Image<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Color, Single, Rectangle) Applies Bradley Adaptive Threshold to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext AdaptiveThreshold(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color upper, Color lower, float thresholdLimit, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color upper Upper (white) color for thresholding. Color lower Lower (black) color for thresholding. Single thresholdLimit Threshold limit (0.0-1.0) to consider for binarization. Rectangle rectangle Rectangle region to apply the processor on. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The Image<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Applies Bradley Adaptive Threshold to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext AdaptiveThreshold(this IImageProcessingContext source, float thresholdLimit) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single thresholdLimit Threshold limit (0.0-1.0) to consider for binarization. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The Image<TPixel> ."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.AffineTransformBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.AffineTransformBuilder.html",
"title": "Class AffineTransformBuilder",
"keywords": "Class AffineTransformBuilder A helper class for constructing Matrix3x2 instances for use in affine transforms. Inheritance Object AffineTransformBuilder Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class AffineTransformBuilder Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AppendMatrix(Matrix3x2) Appends a raw matrix. Declaration public AffineTransformBuilder AppendMatrix(Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The matrix to append. Returns Type Description AffineTransformBuilder The AffineTransformBuilder . Exceptions Type Condition DegenerateTransformException The resultant matrix is degenerate containing one or more values equivalent to NaN or a zero determinant and therefore cannot be used for linear transforms. | Improve this Doc View Source AppendRotationDegrees(Single) Appends a rotation matrix using the given rotation angle in degrees and the image center point as rotation center. Declaration public AffineTransformBuilder AppendRotationDegrees(float degrees) Parameters Type Name Description Single degrees The amount of rotation, in degrees. Returns Type Description AffineTransformBuilder The AffineTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendRotationDegrees(Single, Vector2) Appends a rotation matrix using the given rotation in degrees at the given origin. Declaration public AffineTransformBuilder AppendRotationDegrees(float degrees, Vector2 origin) Parameters Type Name Description Single degrees The amount of rotation, in degrees. Vector2 origin The rotation origin point. Returns Type Description AffineTransformBuilder The AffineTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendRotationRadians(Single) Appends a rotation matrix using the given rotation angle in radians and the image center point as rotation center. Declaration public AffineTransformBuilder AppendRotationRadians(float radians) Parameters Type Name Description Single radians The amount of rotation, in radians. Returns Type Description AffineTransformBuilder The AffineTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendRotationRadians(Single, Vector2) Appends a rotation matrix using the given rotation in radians at the given origin. Declaration public AffineTransformBuilder AppendRotationRadians(float radians, Vector2 origin) Parameters Type Name Description Single radians The amount of rotation, in radians. Vector2 origin The rotation origin point. Returns Type Description AffineTransformBuilder The AffineTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendScale(SizeF) Appends a scale matrix from the given vector scale. Declaration public AffineTransformBuilder AppendScale(SizeF scales) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF scales The horizontal and vertical scale. Returns Type Description AffineTransformBuilder The AffineTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendScale(Vector2) Appends a scale matrix from the given vector scale. Declaration public AffineTransformBuilder AppendScale(Vector2 scales) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 scales The horizontal and vertical scale. Returns Type Description AffineTransformBuilder The AffineTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendScale(Single) Appends a scale matrix from the given uniform scale. Declaration public AffineTransformBuilder AppendScale(float scale) Parameters Type Name Description Single scale The uniform scale. Returns Type Description AffineTransformBuilder The AffineTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendSkewDegrees(Single, Single) Appends a centered skew matrix from the give angles in degrees. Declaration public AffineTransformBuilder AppendSkewDegrees(float degreesX, float degreesY) Parameters Type Name Description Single degreesX The X angle, in degrees. Single degreesY The Y angle, in degrees. Returns Type Description AffineTransformBuilder
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.AnchorPositionMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.AnchorPositionMode.html",
"title": "Enum AnchorPositionMode",
"keywords": "Enum AnchorPositionMode Enumerated anchor positions to apply to resized images. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum AnchorPositionMode Fields Name Description Bottom Anchors the position of the image to the bottom of it's bounding container. BottomLeft Anchors the position of the image to the bottom left side of it's bounding container. BottomRight Anchors the position of the image to the bottom right side of it's bounding container. Center Anchors the position of the image to the center of it's bounding container. Left Anchors the position of the image to the left of it's bounding container. Right Anchors the position of the image to the right of it's bounding container. Top Anchors the position of the image to the top of it's bounding container. TopLeft Anchors the position of the image to the top left side of it's bounding container. TopRight Anchors the position of the image to the top right side of it's bounding container."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.AutoOrientExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.AutoOrientExtensions.html",
"title": "Class AutoOrientExtensions",
"keywords": "Class AutoOrientExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of auto-orientation operations to an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object AutoOrientExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class AutoOrientExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AutoOrient(IImageProcessingContext) Adjusts an image so that its orientation is suitable for viewing. Adjustments are based on EXIF metadata embedded in the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext AutoOrient(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to auto rotate. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BackgroundColorExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BackgroundColorExtensions.html",
"title": "Class BackgroundColorExtensions",
"keywords": "Class BackgroundColorExtensions Defines extension methods to replace the background color of an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object BackgroundColorExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class BackgroundColorExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source BackgroundColor(IImageProcessingContext, Color) Replaces the background color of image with the given one. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BackgroundColor(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color to set as the background. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BackgroundColor(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Rectangle) Replaces the background color of image with the given one. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BackgroundColor(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color to set as the background. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BackgroundColor(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions, Color) Replaces the background color of image with the given one. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BackgroundColor(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The options effecting pixel blending. Color color The color to set as the background. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BackgroundColor(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions, Color, Rectangle) Replaces the background color of image with the given one. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BackgroundColor(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options, Color color, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The options effecting pixel blending. Color color The color to set as the background. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BinaryDitherExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BinaryDitherExtensions.html",
"title": "Class BinaryDitherExtensions",
"keywords": "Class BinaryDitherExtensions Defines extensions to apply binary dithering on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object BinaryDitherExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class BinaryDitherExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryDither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither) Dithers the image reducing it to two colors using ordered dithering. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BinaryDither(this IImageProcessingContext source, IDither dither) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IDither dither The ordered ditherer. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryDither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither, Color, Color) Dithers the image reducing it to two colors using ordered dithering. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BinaryDither(this IImageProcessingContext source, IDither dither, Color upperColor, Color lowerColor) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IDither dither The ordered ditherer. Color upperColor The color to use for pixels that are above the threshold. Color lowerColor The color to use for pixels that are below the threshold Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryDither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither, Color, Color, Rectangle) Dithers the image reducing it to two colors using ordered dithering. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BinaryDither(this IImageProcessingContext source, IDither dither, Color upperColor, Color lowerColor, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IDither dither The ordered ditherer. Color upperColor The color to use for pixels that are above the threshold. Color lowerColor The color to use for pixels that are below the threshold Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryDither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither, Rectangle) Dithers the image reducing it to two colors using ordered dithering. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BinaryDither(this IImageProcessingContext source, IDither dither, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IDither dither The ordered ditherer. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BinaryThresholdExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BinaryThresholdExtensions.html",
"title": "Class BinaryThresholdExtensions",
"keywords": "Class BinaryThresholdExtensions Defines extension methods to apply binary thresholding on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object BinaryThresholdExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class BinaryThresholdExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Applies binarization to the image splitting the pixels at the given threshold with Luminance as the color component to be compared to threshold. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BinaryThreshold(this IImageProcessingContext source, float threshold) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single threshold The threshold to apply binarization of the image. Must be between 0 and 1. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Color, Color) Applies binarization to the image splitting the pixels at the given threshold with Luminance as the color component to be compared to threshold. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BinaryThreshold(this IImageProcessingContext source, float threshold, Color upperColor, Color lowerColor) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single threshold The threshold to apply binarization of the image. Must be between 0 and 1. Color upperColor The color to use for pixels that are above the threshold. Color lowerColor The color to use for pixels that are below the threshold Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Color, Color, BinaryThresholdMode) Applies binarization to the image splitting the pixels at the given threshold. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BinaryThreshold(this IImageProcessingContext source, float threshold, Color upperColor, Color lowerColor, BinaryThresholdMode mode) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single threshold The threshold to apply binarization of the image. Must be between 0 and 1. Color upperColor The color to use for pixels that are above the threshold. Color lowerColor The color to use for pixels that are below the threshold BinaryThresholdMode mode Selects the value to be compared to threshold. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Color, Color, BinaryThresholdMode, Rectangle) Applies binarization to the image splitting the pixels at the given threshold. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BinaryThreshold(this IImageProcessingContext source, float threshold, Color upperColor, Color lowerColor, BinaryThresholdMode mode, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single threshold The threshold to apply binarization of the image. Must be between 0 and 1. Color upperColor The color to use for pixels that are above the threshold. Color lowerColor The color to use for pixels that are below the threshold BinaryThresholdMode mode Selects the value to be compared to threshold. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Color, Color, Rectangle) Applies binarization to the image splitting the pixels at the given thresh
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BinaryThresholdMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BinaryThresholdMode.html",
"title": "Enum BinaryThresholdMode",
"keywords": "Enum BinaryThresholdMode Selects the value to be compared to threshold. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum BinaryThresholdMode Fields Name Description Luminance Compare the color luminance (according to ITU-R Recommendation BT.709). MaxChroma Compare the maximum of YCbCr chroma value, i.e. Cb and Cr distance from achromatic value. Saturation Compare the HSL saturation of the color."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BlackWhiteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BlackWhiteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class BlackWhiteExtensions",
"keywords": "Class BlackWhiteExtensions Defines extension methods that allow the application of black and white toning to an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object BlackWhiteExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class BlackWhiteExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source BlackWhite(IImageProcessingContext) Applies black and white toning to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BlackWhite(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BlackWhite(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) Applies black and white toning to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BlackWhite(this IImageProcessingContext source, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BokehBlurExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BokehBlurExtensions.html",
"title": "Class BokehBlurExtensions",
"keywords": "Class BokehBlurExtensions Adds bokeh blurring extensions to the Image<TPixel> type. Inheritance Object BokehBlurExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class BokehBlurExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source BokehBlur(IImageProcessingContext) Applies a bokeh blur to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BokehBlur(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BokehBlur(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) Applies a bokeh blur to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BokehBlur(this IImageProcessingContext source, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BokehBlur(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Int32, Single) Applies a bokeh blur to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BokehBlur(this IImageProcessingContext source, int radius, int components, float gamma) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Int32 radius The 'radius' value representing the size of the area to sample. Int32 components The 'components' value representing the number of kernels to use to approximate the bokeh effect. Single gamma The gamma highlight factor to use to emphasize bright spots in the source image Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BokehBlur(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Int32, Single, Rectangle) Applies a bokeh blur to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BokehBlur(this IImageProcessingContext source, int radius, int components, float gamma, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Int32 radius The 'radius' value representing the size of the area to sample. Int32 components The 'components' value representing the number of kernels to use to approximate the bokeh effect. Single gamma The gamma highlight factor to use to emphasize bright spots in the source image Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BoxBlurExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BoxBlurExtensions.html",
"title": "Class BoxBlurExtensions",
"keywords": "Class BoxBlurExtensions Defines extensions methods to apply box blurring to an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object BoxBlurExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class BoxBlurExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source BoxBlur(IImageProcessingContext) Applies a box blur to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BoxBlur(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BoxBlur(IImageProcessingContext, Int32) Applies a box blur to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BoxBlur(this IImageProcessingContext source, int radius) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Int32 radius The 'radius' value representing the size of the area to sample. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source BoxBlur(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Rectangle) Applies a box blur to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext BoxBlur(this IImageProcessingContext source, int radius, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Int32 radius The 'radius' value representing the size of the area to sample. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BrightnessExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.BrightnessExtensions.html",
"title": "Class BrightnessExtensions",
"keywords": "Class BrightnessExtensions Defines extensions that allow the alteration of the brightness component of an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object BrightnessExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class BrightnessExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Brightness(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Alters the brightness component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Brightness(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks A value of 0 will create an image that is completely black. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of an amount over 1 are allowed, providing brighter results. | Improve this Doc View Source Brightness(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Rectangle) Alters the brightness component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Brightness(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks A value of 0 will create an image that is completely black. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of an amount over 1 are allowed, providing brighter results."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ColorBlindnessExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ColorBlindnessExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ColorBlindnessExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ColorBlindnessExtensions Defines extensions that simulate the effects of various color blindness disorders on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object ColorBlindnessExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class ColorBlindnessExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ColorBlindness(IImageProcessingContext, ColorBlindnessMode) Applies the given colorblindness simulator to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext ColorBlindness(this IImageProcessingContext source, ColorBlindnessMode colorBlindness) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. ColorBlindnessMode colorBlindness The type of color blindness simulator to apply. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source ColorBlindness(IImageProcessingContext, ColorBlindnessMode, Rectangle) Applies the given colorblindness simulator to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext ColorBlindness(this IImageProcessingContext source, ColorBlindnessMode colorBlindnessMode, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. ColorBlindnessMode colorBlindnessMode The type of color blindness simulator to apply. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ColorBlindnessMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ColorBlindnessMode.html",
"title": "Enum ColorBlindnessMode",
"keywords": "Enum ColorBlindnessMode Enumerates the various types of defined color blindness filters. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum ColorBlindnessMode Fields Name Description Achromatomaly Partial color desensitivity. Achromatopsia Complete color desensitivity (Monochrome) Deuteranomaly Green weak Deuteranopia Green blind Protanomaly Red weak Protanopia Red blind Tritanomaly Blue weak Tritanopia Blue blind"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ContrastExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ContrastExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ContrastExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ContrastExtensions Defines extensions that allow the alteration of the contrast component of an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object ContrastExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class ContrastExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Contrast(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Alters the contrast component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Contrast(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks A value of 0 will create an image that is completely gray. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of an amount over 1 are allowed, providing results with more contrast. | Improve this Doc View Source Contrast(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Rectangle) Alters the contrast component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Contrast(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks A value of 0 will create an image that is completely gray. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of an amount over 1 are allowed, providing results with more contrast."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.CropExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.CropExtensions.html",
"title": "Class CropExtensions",
"keywords": "Class CropExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of cropping operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object CropExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class CropExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Crop(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) Crops an image to the given rectangle. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Crop(this IImageProcessingContext source, Rectangle cropRectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to crop. Rectangle cropRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to retain. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Crop(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Int32) Crops an image to the given width and height. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Crop(this IImageProcessingContext source, int width, int height) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to resize. Int32 width The target image width. Int32 height The target image height. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.DetectEdgesExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.DetectEdgesExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DetectEdgesExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DetectEdgesExtensions Defines edge detection extensions applicable on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object DetectEdgesExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class DetectEdgesExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DetectEdges(IImageProcessingContext) Detects any edges within the image. Uses the Sobel kernel operating in grayscale mode. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DetectEdges(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DetectEdges(IImageProcessingContext, EdgeDetector2DKernel) Detects any edges within the image operating in grayscale mode. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DetectEdges(this IImageProcessingContext source, EdgeDetector2DKernel kernel) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. EdgeDetector2DKernel kernel The 2D edge detector kernel. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DetectEdges(IImageProcessingContext, EdgeDetector2DKernel, Rectangle) Detects any edges within the image operating in grayscale mode. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DetectEdges(this IImageProcessingContext source, EdgeDetector2DKernel kernel, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. EdgeDetector2DKernel kernel The 2D edge detector kernel. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DetectEdges(IImageProcessingContext, EdgeDetector2DKernel, Boolean) Detects any edges within the image using a EdgeDetector2DKernel . Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DetectEdges(this IImageProcessingContext source, EdgeDetector2DKernel kernel, bool grayscale) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. EdgeDetector2DKernel kernel The 2D edge detector kernel. Boolean grayscale Whether to convert the image to grayscale before performing edge detection. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DetectEdges(IImageProcessingContext, EdgeDetector2DKernel, Boolean, Rectangle) Detects any edges within the image using a EdgeDetector2DKernel . Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DetectEdges(this IImageProcessingContext source, EdgeDetector2DKernel kernel, bool grayscale, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. EdgeDetector2DKernel kernel The 2D edge detector kernel. Boolean grayscale Whether to convert the image to grayscale before performing edge detection. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source DetectEdges(IImageProcessingContext, EdgeDetectorCompassKernel) Detects any edges within the image operating in grayscale mode. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DetectEdges(this IImageProcessingContext source, EdgeDetectorCompassKernel kernel) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. EdgeDetectorCompassKernel kernel Thecompass edge detector kernel. Returns T
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.DitherExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.DitherExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DitherExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DitherExtensions Defines dithering extensions to apply on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object DitherExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class DitherExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Dither(IImageProcessingContext) Dithers the image reducing it to a web-safe palette using Bayer8x8 . Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Dither(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Dither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither) Dithers the image reducing it to a web-safe palette using ordered dithering. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Dither(this IImageProcessingContext source, IDither dither) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IDither dither The ordered ditherer. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Dither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither, Rectangle) Dithers the image reducing it to a web-safe palette using ordered dithering. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Dither(this IImageProcessingContext source, IDither dither, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IDither dither The ordered ditherer. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Dither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither, ReadOnlyMemory<Color>) Dithers the image reducing it to the given palette using ordered dithering. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Dither(this IImageProcessingContext source, IDither dither, ReadOnlyMemory<Color> palette) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IDither dither The ordered ditherer. ReadOnlyMemory < Color > palette The palette to select substitute colors from. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Dither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither, ReadOnlyMemory<Color>, Rectangle) Dithers the image reducing it to the given palette using ordered dithering. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Dither(this IImageProcessingContext source, IDither dither, ReadOnlyMemory<Color> palette, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IDither dither The ordered ditherer. ReadOnlyMemory < Color > palette The palette to select substitute colors from. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Dither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither, Single) Dithers the image reducing it to a web-safe palette using ordered dithering. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Dither(this IImageProcessingContext source, IDither dither, float ditherScale) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IDither dither The ordered ditherer. Single ditherScale The dithering scale used to adjust the amount of dither. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Dither(IImageProcessingCont
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.DrawImageExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.DrawImageExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DrawImageExtensions",
"keywords": "Class DrawImageExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of images to the Image<TPixel> type. Inheritance Object DrawImageExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class DrawImageExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DrawImage(IImageProcessingContext, Image, GraphicsOptions) Draws the given image together with the current one by blending their pixels. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawImage(this IImageProcessingContext source, Image image, GraphicsOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Image image The image to blend with the currently processing image. GraphicsOptions options The options, including the blending type and blending amount. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The Image<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source DrawImage(IImageProcessingContext, Image, PixelColorBlendingMode, PixelAlphaCompositionMode, Single) Draws the given image together with the current one by blending their pixels. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawImage(this IImageProcessingContext source, Image image, PixelColorBlendingMode colorBlending, PixelAlphaCompositionMode alphaComposition, float opacity) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Image image The image to blend with the currently processing image. PixelColorBlendingMode colorBlending The color blending mode. PixelAlphaCompositionMode alphaComposition The alpha composition mode. Single opacity The opacity of the image to blend. Must be between 0 and 1. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The Image<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source DrawImage(IImageProcessingContext, Image, PixelColorBlendingMode, Single) Draws the given image together with the current one by blending their pixels. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawImage(this IImageProcessingContext source, Image image, PixelColorBlendingMode colorBlending, float opacity) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Image image The image to blend with the currently processing image. PixelColorBlendingMode colorBlending The blending mode. Single opacity The opacity of the image to blend. Must be between 0 and 1. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The Image<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source DrawImage(IImageProcessingContext, Image, Point, GraphicsOptions) Draws the given image together with the current one by blending their pixels. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawImage(this IImageProcessingContext source, Image image, Point location, GraphicsOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Image image The image to blend with the currently processing image. Point location The location to draw the blended image. GraphicsOptions options The options containing the blend mode and opacity. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The Image<TPixel> . | Improve this Doc View Source DrawImage(IImageProcessingContext, Image, Point, PixelColorBlendingMode, PixelAlphaCompositionMode, Single) Draws the given image together with the current one by blending their pixels. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext DrawImage(this IImageProcessingContext source, Image image, Point location, PixelColorBlendingMode colorBlending, PixelAlphaCompositionMode alphaComposition, float opacity) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Image image The image to blend with the currently processing image. Point location The location to draw the blended image. PixelColorBlendingMode colorBlending The color blending to apply. PixelAlphaCom
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.EntropyCropExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.EntropyCropExtensions.html",
"title": "Class EntropyCropExtensions",
"keywords": "Class EntropyCropExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of entropy cropping operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object EntropyCropExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class EntropyCropExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source EntropyCrop(IImageProcessingContext) Crops an image to the area of greatest entropy using a threshold for entropic density of .5F . Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext EntropyCrop(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to crop. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source EntropyCrop(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Crops an image to the area of greatest entropy. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext EntropyCrop(this IImageProcessingContext source, float threshold) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to crop. Single threshold The threshold for entropic density. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Extensions.Transforms.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Extensions.Transforms.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Extensions.Transforms",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Extensions.Transforms Classes SwizzleExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of swizzle operations on an Image"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Extensions.Transforms.SwizzleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Extensions.Transforms.SwizzleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SwizzleExtensions",
"keywords": "Class SwizzleExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of swizzle operations on an Image Inheritance Object SwizzleExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Extensions.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class SwizzleExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Swizzle<TSwizzler>(IImageProcessingContext, TSwizzler) Swizzles an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Swizzle<TSwizzler>(this IImageProcessingContext source, TSwizzler swizzler) where TSwizzler : struct, ISwizzler Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to swizzle. TSwizzler swizzler The swizzler function. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Type Parameters Name Description TSwizzler The swizzler function type."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.FilterExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.FilterExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FilterExtensions",
"keywords": "Class FilterExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of composable filters to an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object FilterExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class FilterExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Filter(IImageProcessingContext, ColorMatrix) Filters an image by the given color matrix Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Filter(this IImageProcessingContext source, ColorMatrix matrix) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. ColorMatrix matrix The filter color matrix Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Filter(IImageProcessingContext, ColorMatrix, Rectangle) Filters an image by the given color matrix Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Filter(this IImageProcessingContext source, ColorMatrix matrix, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. ColorMatrix matrix The filter color matrix Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.FlipExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.FlipExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FlipExtensions",
"keywords": "Class FlipExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of flipping operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object FlipExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class FlipExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Flip(IImageProcessingContext, FlipMode) Flips an image by the given instructions. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Flip(this IImageProcessingContext source, FlipMode flipMode) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to rotate, flip, or both. FlipMode flipMode The FlipMode to perform the flip. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.FlipMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.FlipMode.html",
"title": "Enum FlipMode",
"keywords": "Enum FlipMode Provides enumeration over how a image should be flipped. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum FlipMode Fields Name Description Horizontal Flip the image horizontally. None Don't flip the image. Vertical Flip the image vertically."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.GaussianBlurExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.GaussianBlurExtensions.html",
"title": "Class GaussianBlurExtensions",
"keywords": "Class GaussianBlurExtensions Defines Gaussian blurring extensions to apply on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object GaussianBlurExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class GaussianBlurExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianBlur(IImageProcessingContext) Applies a Gaussian blur to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext GaussianBlur(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianBlur(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Applies a Gaussian blur to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext GaussianBlur(this IImageProcessingContext source, float sigma) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single sigma The 'sigma' value representing the weight of the blur. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianBlur(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Rectangle) Applies a Gaussian blur to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext GaussianBlur(this IImageProcessingContext source, float sigma, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single sigma The 'sigma' value representing the weight of the blur. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.GaussianSharpenExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.GaussianSharpenExtensions.html",
"title": "Class GaussianSharpenExtensions",
"keywords": "Class GaussianSharpenExtensions Defines Gaussian sharpening extensions to apply on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object GaussianSharpenExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class GaussianSharpenExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianSharpen(IImageProcessingContext) Applies a Gaussian sharpening filter to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext GaussianSharpen(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianSharpen(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Applies a Gaussian sharpening filter to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext GaussianSharpen(this IImageProcessingContext source, float sigma) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single sigma The 'sigma' value representing the weight of the blur. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianSharpen(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Rectangle) Applies a Gaussian sharpening filter to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext GaussianSharpen(this IImageProcessingContext source, float sigma, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single sigma The 'sigma' value representing the weight of the blur. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.GlowExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.GlowExtensions.html",
"title": "Class GlowExtensions",
"keywords": "Class GlowExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of a radial glow on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object GlowExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class GlowExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Glow(IImageProcessingContext) Applies a radial glow effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Glow(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Glow(IImageProcessingContext, Color) Applies a radial glow effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Glow(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color to set as the glow. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Glow(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Single, Rectangle) Applies a radial glow effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Glow(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, float radius, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color to set as the glow. Single radius The the radius. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Glow(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions) Applies a radial glow effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Glow(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The options effecting things like blending. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Glow(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions, Color) Applies a radial glow effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Glow(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The options effecting things like blending. Color color The color to set as the glow. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Glow(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions, Color, Single, Rectangle) Applies a radial glow effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Glow(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options, Color color, float radius, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The options effecting things like blending. Color color The color to set as the glow. Single radius The the radius. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Glow(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions, Rectangle) Applies a radial glow effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Glow(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options, Rectangle re
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.GrayscaleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.GrayscaleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class GrayscaleExtensions",
"keywords": "Class GrayscaleExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of grayscale toning to an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object GrayscaleExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class GrayscaleExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Grayscale(IImageProcessingContext) Applies Bt709 grayscale toning to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Grayscale(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext . | Improve this Doc View Source Grayscale(IImageProcessingContext, GrayscaleMode) Applies grayscale toning to the image with the given GrayscaleMode . Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Grayscale(this IImageProcessingContext source, GrayscaleMode mode) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GrayscaleMode mode The formula to apply to perform the operation. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext . | Improve this Doc View Source Grayscale(IImageProcessingContext, GrayscaleMode, Rectangle) Applies grayscale toning to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Grayscale(this IImageProcessingContext source, GrayscaleMode mode, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GrayscaleMode mode The formula to apply to perform the operation. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext . | Improve this Doc View Source Grayscale(IImageProcessingContext, GrayscaleMode, Single) Applies grayscale toning to the image with the given GrayscaleMode using the given amount. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Grayscale(this IImageProcessingContext source, GrayscaleMode mode, float amount) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GrayscaleMode mode The formula to apply to perform the operation. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be between 0 and 1. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext . | Improve this Doc View Source Grayscale(IImageProcessingContext, GrayscaleMode, Single, Rectangle) Applies grayscale toning to the image using the given amount. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Grayscale(this IImageProcessingContext source, GrayscaleMode mode, float amount, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GrayscaleMode mode The formula to apply to perform the operation. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be between 0 and 1. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext . | Improve this Doc View Source Grayscale(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) Applies Bt709 grayscale toning to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Grayscale(this IImageProcessingContext source, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext . | Improve this Doc View Source Grayscale(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Applies Bt709 grayscale toning to the image using the given amount. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Grayscale(this IImageProcessingC
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.GrayscaleMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.GrayscaleMode.html",
"title": "Enum GrayscaleMode",
"keywords": "Enum GrayscaleMode Enumerates the various types of defined grayscale filters. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum GrayscaleMode Fields Name Description Bt601 ITU-R Recommendation BT.601 Bt709 ITU-R Recommendation BT.709"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.HistogramEqualizationExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.HistogramEqualizationExtensions.html",
"title": "Class HistogramEqualizationExtensions",
"keywords": "Class HistogramEqualizationExtensions Defines extension that allow the adjustment of the contrast of an image via its histogram. Inheritance Object HistogramEqualizationExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class HistogramEqualizationExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source HistogramEqualization(IImageProcessingContext) Equalizes the histogram of an image to increases the contrast. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext HistogramEqualization(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source HistogramEqualization(IImageProcessingContext, HistogramEqualizationOptions) Equalizes the histogram of an image to increases the contrast. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext HistogramEqualization(this IImageProcessingContext source, HistogramEqualizationOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. HistogramEqualizationOptions options The histogram equalization options to use. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Classes AdaptiveThresholdExtensions Extensions to perform AdaptiveThreshold through Mutator. AffineTransformBuilder A helper class for constructing Matrix3x2 instances for use in affine transforms. AutoOrientExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of auto-orientation operations to an Image using Mutate/Clone. BackgroundColorExtensions Defines extension methods to replace the background color of an Image using Mutate/Clone. BinaryDitherExtensions Defines extensions to apply binary dithering on an Image using Mutate/Clone. BinaryThresholdExtensions Defines extension methods to apply binary thresholding on an Image using Mutate/Clone. BlackWhiteExtensions Defines extension methods that allow the application of black and white toning to an Image using Mutate/Clone. BokehBlurExtensions Adds bokeh blurring extensions to the Image<TPixel> type. BoxBlurExtensions Defines extensions methods to apply box blurring to an Image using Mutate/Clone. BrightnessExtensions Defines extensions that allow the alteration of the brightness component of an Image using Mutate/Clone. ColorBlindnessExtensions Defines extensions that simulate the effects of various color blindness disorders on an Image using Mutate/Clone. ContrastExtensions Defines extensions that allow the alteration of the contrast component of an Image using Mutate/Clone. CropExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of cropping operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. DetectEdgesExtensions Defines edge detection extensions applicable on an Image using Mutate/Clone. DitherExtensions Defines dithering extensions to apply on an Image using Mutate/Clone. DrawImageExtensions Adds extensions that allow the drawing of images to the Image<TPixel> type. EntropyCropExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of entropy cropping operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. FilterExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of composable filters to an Image using Mutate/Clone. FlipExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of flipping operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. GaussianBlurExtensions Defines Gaussian blurring extensions to apply on an Image using Mutate/Clone. GaussianSharpenExtensions Defines Gaussian sharpening extensions to apply on an Image using Mutate/Clone. GlowExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of a radial glow on an Image using Mutate/Clone. GrayscaleExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of grayscale toning to an Image using Mutate/Clone. HistogramEqualizationExtensions Defines extension that allow the adjustment of the contrast of an image via its histogram. HueExtensions Defines extensions that allow the alteration of the hue component of an Image using Mutate/Clone. InvertExtensions Defines extensions that allow the inversion of colors of an Image using Mutate/Clone. KnownDitherings Contains reusable static instances of known dithering algorithms. KnownEdgeDetectorKernels Contains reusable static instances of known edge detection kernels. KnownFilterMatrices A collection of known ColorMatrix values for composing filters KnownQuantizers Contains reusable static instances of known quantizing algorithms KnownResamplers Contains reusable static instances of known resampling algorithms KodachromeExtensions Defines extensions that allow the recreation of an old Kodachrome camera effect on an Image using Mutate/Clone. LightnessExtensions Defines extensions that allow the alteration of the lightness component of an Image using Mutate/Clone. LomographExtensions Defines extensions that allow the recreation of an old Lomograph camera effect on an Image using Mutate/Clone. OilPaintExtensions Defines oil painting effect extensions applicable on an Image using Mutate/Clone. OpacityExtensions Defines extensions that allow the alteration of the opacity component of an Image using Mutate/Clone. PadExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of padding operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Pix
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.HueExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.HueExtensions.html",
"title": "Class HueExtensions",
"keywords": "Class HueExtensions Defines extensions that allow the alteration of the hue component of an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object HueExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class HueExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Hue(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Alters the hue component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Hue(this IImageProcessingContext source, float degrees) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single degrees The rotation angle in degrees to adjust the hue. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Hue(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Rectangle) Alters the hue component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Hue(this IImageProcessingContext source, float degrees, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single degrees The rotation angle in degrees to adjust the hue. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.IImageProcessingContext.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.IImageProcessingContext.html",
"title": "Interface IImageProcessingContext",
"keywords": "Interface IImageProcessingContext A pixel-agnostic interface to queue up image operations to apply to an image. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageProcessingContext Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Configuration Gets the configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Declaration Configuration Configuration { get; } Property Value Type Description Configuration | Improve this Doc View Source Properties Gets a set of properties for the Image Processing Context. Declaration IDictionary<object, object> Properties { get; } Property Value Type Description IDictionary < Object , Object > Remarks This can be used for storing global settings and defaults to be accessable to processors. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyProcessor(IImageProcessor) Adds the processor to the current set of image operations to be applied. Declaration IImageProcessingContext ApplyProcessor(IImageProcessor processor) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessor processor The processor to apply. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The current operations class to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyProcessor(IImageProcessor, Rectangle) Adds the processor to the current set of image operations to be applied. Declaration IImageProcessingContext ApplyProcessor(IImageProcessor processor, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessor processor The processor to apply. Rectangle rectangle The area to apply it to. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The current operations class to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source GetCurrentSize() Gets the image dimensions at the current point in the processing pipeline. Declaration Size GetCurrentSize() Returns Type Description Size The Rectangle . Extension Methods GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions.SetGraphicsOptions(IImageProcessingContext, Action<GraphicsOptions>) GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions.SetGraphicsOptions(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions) GraphicOptionsDefaultsExtensions.GetGraphicsOptions(IImageProcessingContext) AdaptiveThresholdExtensions.AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext) AdaptiveThresholdExtensions.AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single) AdaptiveThresholdExtensions.AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Color) AdaptiveThresholdExtensions.AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Color, Single) AdaptiveThresholdExtensions.AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Color, Rectangle) AdaptiveThresholdExtensions.AdaptiveThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Color, Single, Rectangle) BinaryDitherExtensions.BinaryDither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither) BinaryDitherExtensions.BinaryDither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither, Color, Color) BinaryDitherExtensions.BinaryDither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither, Rectangle) BinaryDitherExtensions.BinaryDither(IImageProcessingContext, IDither, Color, Color, Rectangle) BinaryThresholdExtensions.BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single) BinaryThresholdExtensions.BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single, BinaryThresholdMode) BinaryThresholdExtensions.BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Rectangle) BinaryThresholdExtensions.BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single, BinaryThresholdMode, Rectangle) BinaryThresholdExtensions.BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Color, Color) BinaryThresholdExtensions.BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Color, Color, BinaryThresholdMode) BinaryThresholdExtensions.BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Color, Color, Rectangle) BinaryThresholdExtensions.BinaryThreshold(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Color, Color, BinaryThresholdMode, Rectangle) BokehBlurExtensions.BokehBlur(IImageProcessingContext) BokehBlurExtensions.BokehBlur(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Int32, Single) BokehBlurExtensions.BokehBlur(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) BokehBlurExtensions.BokehBlur(IImageProc
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.InvertExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.InvertExtensions.html",
"title": "Class InvertExtensions",
"keywords": "Class InvertExtensions Defines extensions that allow the inversion of colors of an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object InvertExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class InvertExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Invert(IImageProcessingContext) Inverts the colors of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Invert(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Invert(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) Inverts the colors of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Invert(this IImageProcessingContext source, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KnownDitherings.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KnownDitherings.html",
"title": "Class KnownDitherings",
"keywords": "Class KnownDitherings Contains reusable static instances of known dithering algorithms. Inheritance Object KnownDitherings Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class KnownDitherings Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Atkinson Gets the error Dither that implements the Atkinson algorithm. Declaration public static IDither Atkinson { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source Bayer2x2 Gets the order ditherer using the 2x2 Bayer dithering matrix Declaration public static IDither Bayer2x2 { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source Bayer4x4 Gets the order ditherer using the 4x4 Bayer dithering matrix Declaration public static IDither Bayer4x4 { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source Bayer8x8 Gets the order ditherer using the 8x8 Bayer dithering matrix Declaration public static IDither Bayer8x8 { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source Burks Gets the error Dither that implements the Burks algorithm. Declaration public static IDither Burks { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source FloydSteinberg Gets the error Dither that implements the Floyd-Steinberg algorithm. Declaration public static IDither FloydSteinberg { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source JarvisJudiceNinke Gets the error Dither that implements the Jarvis-Judice-Ninke algorithm. Declaration public static IDither JarvisJudiceNinke { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source Ordered3x3 Gets the order ditherer using the 3x3 dithering matrix Declaration public static IDither Ordered3x3 { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source Sierra2 Gets the error Dither that implements the Sierra-2 algorithm. Declaration public static IDither Sierra2 { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source Sierra3 Gets the error Dither that implements the Sierra-3 algorithm. Declaration public static IDither Sierra3 { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source SierraLite Gets the error Dither that implements the Sierra-Lite algorithm. Declaration public static IDither SierraLite { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source StevensonArce Gets the error Dither that implements the Stevenson-Arce algorithm. Declaration public static IDither StevensonArce { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source Stucki Gets the error Dither that implements the Stucki algorithm. Declaration public static IDither Stucki { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KnownEdgeDetectorKernels.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KnownEdgeDetectorKernels.html",
"title": "Class KnownEdgeDetectorKernels",
"keywords": "Class KnownEdgeDetectorKernels Contains reusable static instances of known edge detection kernels. Inheritance Object KnownEdgeDetectorKernels Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class KnownEdgeDetectorKernels Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Kayyali Gets the Kayyali edge detector kernel. Declaration public static EdgeDetector2DKernel Kayyali { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetector2DKernel | Improve this Doc View Source Kirsch Gets the Kirsch edge detector kernel. Declaration public static EdgeDetectorCompassKernel Kirsch { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetectorCompassKernel | Improve this Doc View Source Laplacian3x3 Gets the Laplacian 3x3 edge detector kernel. Declaration public static EdgeDetectorKernel Laplacian3x3 { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetectorKernel | Improve this Doc View Source Laplacian5x5 Gets the Laplacian 5x5 edge detector kernel. Declaration public static EdgeDetectorKernel Laplacian5x5 { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetectorKernel | Improve this Doc View Source LaplacianOfGaussian Gets the Laplacian of Gaussian edge detector kernel. Declaration public static EdgeDetectorKernel LaplacianOfGaussian { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetectorKernel | Improve this Doc View Source Prewitt Gets the Prewitt edge detector kernel. Declaration public static EdgeDetector2DKernel Prewitt { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetector2DKernel | Improve this Doc View Source RobertsCross Gets the Roberts-Cross edge detector kernel. Declaration public static EdgeDetector2DKernel RobertsCross { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetector2DKernel | Improve this Doc View Source Robinson Gets the Robinson edge detector kernel. Declaration public static EdgeDetectorCompassKernel Robinson { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetectorCompassKernel | Improve this Doc View Source Scharr Gets the Scharr edge detector kernel. Declaration public static EdgeDetector2DKernel Scharr { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetector2DKernel | Improve this Doc View Source Sobel Gets the Sobel edge detector kernel. Declaration public static EdgeDetector2DKernel Sobel { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetector2DKernel"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KnownFilterMatrices.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KnownFilterMatrices.html",
"title": "Class KnownFilterMatrices",
"keywords": "Class KnownFilterMatrices A collection of known ColorMatrix values for composing filters Inheritance Object KnownFilterMatrices Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class KnownFilterMatrices Properties | Improve this Doc View Source AchromatomalyFilter Gets a filter recreating Achromatomaly (Color desensitivity) color blindness Declaration public static ColorMatrix AchromatomalyFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix | Improve this Doc View Source AchromatopsiaFilter Gets a filter recreating Achromatopsia (Monochrome) color blindness. Declaration public static ColorMatrix AchromatopsiaFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix | Improve this Doc View Source BlackWhiteFilter Gets an approximated black and white filter Declaration public static ColorMatrix BlackWhiteFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix | Improve this Doc View Source DeuteranomalyFilter Gets a filter recreating Deuteranomaly (Green-Weak) color blindness. Declaration public static ColorMatrix DeuteranomalyFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix | Improve this Doc View Source DeuteranopiaFilter Gets a filter recreating Deuteranopia (Green-Blind) color blindness. Declaration public static ColorMatrix DeuteranopiaFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix | Improve this Doc View Source KodachromeFilter Gets a filter recreating an old Kodachrome camera effect. Declaration public static ColorMatrix KodachromeFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix | Improve this Doc View Source LomographFilter Gets a filter recreating an old Lomograph camera effect. Declaration public static ColorMatrix LomographFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix | Improve this Doc View Source PolaroidFilter Gets a filter recreating an old Polaroid camera effect. Declaration public static ColorMatrix PolaroidFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix | Improve this Doc View Source ProtanomalyFilter Gets a filter recreating Protanomaly (Red-Weak) color blindness. Declaration public static ColorMatrix ProtanomalyFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix | Improve this Doc View Source ProtanopiaFilter Gets a filter recreating Protanopia (Red-Blind) color blindness. Declaration public static ColorMatrix ProtanopiaFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix | Improve this Doc View Source TritanomalyFilter Gets a filter recreating Tritanomaly (Blue-Weak) color blindness. Declaration public static ColorMatrix TritanomalyFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix | Improve this Doc View Source TritanopiaFilter Gets a filter recreating Tritanopia (Blue-Blind) color blindness. Declaration public static ColorMatrix TritanopiaFilter { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreateBrightnessFilter(Single) Create a brightness filter matrix using the given amount. Declaration public static ColorMatrix CreateBrightnessFilter(float amount) Parameters Type Name Description Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Returns Type Description ColorMatrix The ColorMatrix Remarks A value of 0 will create an image that is completely black. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of an amount over 1 are allowed, providing brighter results. | Improve this Doc View Source CreateContrastFilter(Single) Create a contrast filter matrix using the given amount. Declaration public static ColorMatrix CreateContrastFilter(float amount) Parameters Type Name Description Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Returns Type Description ColorMatrix The ColorMatrix Remarks A
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KnownQuantizers.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KnownQuantizers.html",
"title": "Class KnownQuantizers",
"keywords": "Class KnownQuantizers Contains reusable static instances of known quantizing algorithms Inheritance Object KnownQuantizers Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class KnownQuantizers Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Octree Gets the adaptive Octree quantizer. Fast with good quality. Declaration public static IQuantizer Octree { get; } Property Value Type Description IQuantizer | Improve this Doc View Source WebSafe Gets the palette based quantizer consisting of web safe colors as defined in the CSS Color Module Level 4. Declaration public static IQuantizer WebSafe { get; } Property Value Type Description IQuantizer | Improve this Doc View Source Werner Gets the palette based quantizer consisting of colors as defined in the original second edition of Werners Nomenclature of Colours 1821. The hex codes were collected and defined by Nicholas Rougeux Declaration public static IQuantizer Werner { get; } Property Value Type Description IQuantizer | Improve this Doc View Source Wu Gets the Xiaolin Wu's Color Quantizer which generates high quality output. Declaration public static IQuantizer Wu { get; } Property Value Type Description IQuantizer"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KnownResamplers.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KnownResamplers.html",
"title": "Class KnownResamplers",
"keywords": "Class KnownResamplers Contains reusable static instances of known resampling algorithms Inheritance Object KnownResamplers Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class KnownResamplers Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bicubic Gets the Bicubic sampler that implements the bicubic kernel algorithm W(x) Declaration public static IResampler Bicubic { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Box Gets the Box sampler that implements the box algorithm. Similar to nearest neighbor when upscaling. When downscaling the pixels will average, merging pixels together. Declaration public static IResampler Box { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source CatmullRom Gets the Catmull-Rom sampler, a well known standard Cubic Filter often used as a interpolation function Declaration public static IResampler CatmullRom { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Hermite Gets the Hermite sampler. A type of smoothed triangular interpolation filter that rounds off strong edges while preserving flat 'color levels' in the original image. Declaration public static IResampler Hermite { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Lanczos2 Gets the Lanczos kernel sampler that implements smooth interpolation with a radius of 2 pixels. This algorithm provides sharpened results when compared to others when downsampling. Declaration public static IResampler Lanczos2 { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Lanczos3 Gets the Lanczos kernel sampler that implements smooth interpolation with a radius of 3 pixels This algorithm provides sharpened results when compared to others when downsampling. Declaration public static IResampler Lanczos3 { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Lanczos5 Gets the Lanczos kernel sampler that implements smooth interpolation with a radius of 5 pixels This algorithm provides sharpened results when compared to others when downsampling. Declaration public static IResampler Lanczos5 { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Lanczos8 Gets the Lanczos kernel sampler that implements smooth interpolation with a radius of 8 pixels This algorithm provides sharpened results when compared to others when downsampling. Declaration public static IResampler Lanczos8 { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source MitchellNetravali Gets the Mitchell-Netravali sampler. This seperable cubic algorithm yields a very good equilibrium between detail preservation (sharpness) and smoothness. Declaration public static IResampler MitchellNetravali { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source NearestNeighbor Gets the Nearest-Neighbour sampler that implements the nearest neighbor algorithm. This uses a very fast, unscaled filter which will select the closest pixel to the new pixels position. Declaration public static IResampler NearestNeighbor { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Robidoux Gets the Robidoux sampler. This algorithm developed by Nicolas Robidoux providing a very good equilibrium between detail preservation (sharpness) and smoothness comparable to MitchellNetravali . Declaration public static IResampler Robidoux { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source RobidouxSharp Gets the Robidoux Sharp sampler. A sharpened form of the Robidoux sampler Declaration public static IResampler RobidouxSharp { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Spline Gets the Spline sampler. A separable cubic algorithm similar t
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KodachromeExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.KodachromeExtensions.html",
"title": "Class KodachromeExtensions",
"keywords": "Class KodachromeExtensions Defines extensions that allow the recreation of an old Kodachrome camera effect on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object KodachromeExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class KodachromeExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Kodachrome(IImageProcessingContext) Alters the colors of the image recreating an old Kodachrome camera effect. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Kodachrome(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Kodachrome(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) Alters the colors of the image recreating an old Kodachrome camera effect. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Kodachrome(this IImageProcessingContext source, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.LightnessExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.LightnessExtensions.html",
"title": "Class LightnessExtensions",
"keywords": "Class LightnessExtensions Defines extensions that allow the alteration of the lightness component of an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object LightnessExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class LightnessExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Lightness(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Alters the lightness component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Lightness(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks A value of 0 will create an image that is completely black. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of an amount over 1 are allowed, providing lighter results. | Improve this Doc View Source Lightness(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Rectangle) Alters the lightness component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Lightness(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks A value of 0 will create an image that is completely black. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of an amount over 1 are allowed, providing lighter results."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.LomographExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.LomographExtensions.html",
"title": "Class LomographExtensions",
"keywords": "Class LomographExtensions Defines extensions that allow the recreation of an old Lomograph camera effect on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object LomographExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class LomographExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Lomograph(IImageProcessingContext) Alters the colors of the image recreating an old Lomograph camera effect. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Lomograph(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Lomograph(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) Alters the colors of the image recreating an old Lomograph camera effect. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Lomograph(this IImageProcessingContext source, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.OilPaintExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.OilPaintExtensions.html",
"title": "Class OilPaintExtensions",
"keywords": "Class OilPaintExtensions Defines oil painting effect extensions applicable on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object OilPaintExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class OilPaintExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source OilPaint(IImageProcessingContext) Alters the colors of the image recreating an oil painting effect with levels and brushSize set to 10 and 15 respectively. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext OilPaint(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source OilPaint(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) Alters the colors of the image recreating an oil painting effect with levels and brushSize set to 10 and 15 respectively. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext OilPaint(this IImageProcessingContext source, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source OilPaint(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Int32) Alters the colors of the image recreating an oil painting effect. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext OilPaint(this IImageProcessingContext source, int levels, int brushSize) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Int32 levels The number of intensity levels. Higher values result in a broader range of color intensities forming part of the result image. Int32 brushSize The number of neighboring pixels used in calculating each individual pixel value. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source OilPaint(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Int32, Rectangle) Alters the colors of the image recreating an oil painting effect. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext OilPaint(this IImageProcessingContext source, int levels, int brushSize, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Int32 levels The number of intensity levels. Higher values result in a broader range of color intensities forming part of the result image. Int32 brushSize The number of neighboring pixels used in calculating each individual pixel value. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.OpacityExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.OpacityExtensions.html",
"title": "Class OpacityExtensions",
"keywords": "Class OpacityExtensions Defines extensions that allow the alteration of the opacity component of an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object OpacityExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class OpacityExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Opacity(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Multiplies the alpha component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Opacity(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be between 0 and 1. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Opacity(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Rectangle) Multiplies the alpha component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Opacity(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be between 0 and 1. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PadExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PadExtensions.html",
"title": "Class PadExtensions",
"keywords": "Class PadExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of padding operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object PadExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class PadExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Pad(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Int32) Evenly pads an image to fit the new dimensions. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Pad(this IImageProcessingContext source, int width, int height) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The source image to pad. Int32 width The new width. Int32 height The new height. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Pad(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Int32, Color) Evenly pads an image to fit the new dimensions with the given background color. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Pad(this IImageProcessingContext source, int width, int height, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The source image to pad. Int32 width The new width. Int32 height The new height. Color color The background color with which to pad the image. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PixelateExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PixelateExtensions.html",
"title": "Class PixelateExtensions",
"keywords": "Class PixelateExtensions Defines pixelation effect extensions applicable on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object PixelateExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class PixelateExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Pixelate(IImageProcessingContext) Pixelates an image with the given pixel size. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Pixelate(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Pixelate(IImageProcessingContext, Int32) Pixelates an image with the given pixel size. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Pixelate(this IImageProcessingContext source, int size) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Int32 size The size of the pixels. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Pixelate(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Rectangle) Pixelates an image with the given pixel size. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Pixelate(this IImageProcessingContext source, int size, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Int32 size The size of the pixels. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PixelRowDelegateExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PixelRowDelegateExtensions.html",
"title": "Class PixelRowDelegateExtensions",
"keywords": "Class PixelRowDelegateExtensions Defines extension methods that allow the application of user defined processing delegate to an Image . Inheritance Object PixelRowDelegateExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class PixelRowDelegateExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(IImageProcessingContext, PixelRowOperation) Applies a user defined processing delegate to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(this IImageProcessingContext source, PixelRowOperation rowOperation) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. PixelRowOperation rowOperation The user defined processing delegate to use to modify image rows. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(IImageProcessingContext, PixelRowOperation, PixelConversionModifiers) Applies a user defined processing delegate to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(this IImageProcessingContext source, PixelRowOperation rowOperation, PixelConversionModifiers modifiers) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. PixelRowOperation rowOperation The user defined processing delegate to use to modify image rows. PixelConversionModifiers modifiers The PixelConversionModifiers to apply during the pixel conversions. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(IImageProcessingContext, PixelRowOperation, Rectangle) Applies a user defined processing delegate to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(this IImageProcessingContext source, PixelRowOperation rowOperation, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. PixelRowOperation rowOperation The user defined processing delegate to use to modify image rows. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(IImageProcessingContext, PixelRowOperation, Rectangle, PixelConversionModifiers) Applies a user defined processing delegate to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(this IImageProcessingContext source, PixelRowOperation rowOperation, Rectangle rectangle, PixelConversionModifiers modifiers) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. PixelRowOperation rowOperation The user defined processing delegate to use to modify image rows. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. PixelConversionModifiers modifiers The PixelConversionModifiers to apply during the pixel conversions. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(IImageProcessingContext, PixelRowOperation<Point>) Applies a user defined processing delegate to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(this IImageProcessingContext source, PixelRowOperation<Point> rowOperation) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. PixelRowOperation < Point > rowOperation The user defined processing delegate to use to modify image rows. Returns Type Description IIma
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PixelRowOperation.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PixelRowOperation.html",
"title": "Delegate PixelRowOperation",
"keywords": "Delegate PixelRowOperation A langword_csharp_delegate representing a user defined processing delegate to use to modify image rows. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public delegate void PixelRowOperation(Span<Vector4> span); Parameters Type Name Description Span < Vector4 > span The target row of Vector4 pixels to process. Remarks The X , Y , Z , and W fields map the RGBA channels respectively."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PixelRowOperation-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PixelRowOperation-1.html",
"title": "Delegate PixelRowOperation<T>",
"keywords": "Delegate PixelRowOperation<T> A langword_csharp_delegate representing a user defined processing delegate to use to modify image rows. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public delegate void PixelRowOperation<in T>(Span<Vector4> span, T value); Parameters Type Name Description Span < Vector4 > span The target row of Vector4 pixels to process. T value The parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates. This type parameter is contravariant.That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. Remarks The X , Y , Z , and W fields map the RGBA channels respectively."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PolaroidExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.PolaroidExtensions.html",
"title": "Class PolaroidExtensions",
"keywords": "Class PolaroidExtensions Defines extensions that allow the recreation of an old Polaroid camera effect on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object PolaroidExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class PolaroidExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Polaroid(IImageProcessingContext) Alters the colors of the image recreating an old Polaroid camera effect. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Polaroid(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Polaroid(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) Alters the colors of the image recreating an old Polaroid camera effect. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Polaroid(this IImageProcessingContext source, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ProcessingExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ProcessingExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ProcessingExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ProcessingExtensions Adds extensions that allow the processing of images to the Image<TPixel> type. Inheritance Object ProcessingExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class ProcessingExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyProcessors(IImageProcessingContext, IImageProcessor[]) Applies the given IImageProcessor<TPixel> collection against the context Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext ApplyProcessors(this IImageProcessingContext source, params IImageProcessor[] operations) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image processing context. IImageProcessor [] operations The operations to perform on the source. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessor<TPixel> to allow chaining of operations. Exceptions Type Condition ImageProcessingException The processing operation failed. | Improve this Doc View Source Clone(Image, Configuration, Action<IImageProcessingContext>) Creates a deep clone of the current image. The clone is then mutated by the given operation. Declaration public static Image Clone(this Image source, Configuration configuration, Action<IImageProcessingContext> operation) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The image to clone. Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Action < IImageProcessingContext > operation The operation to perform on the clone. Returns Type Description Image The new Image . Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException The configuration is null. ArgumentNullException The source is null. ArgumentNullException The operation is null. ObjectDisposedException The source has been disposed. ImageProcessingException The processing operation failed. | Improve this Doc View Source Clone(Image, Action<IImageProcessingContext>) Creates a deep clone of the current image. The clone is then mutated by the given operation. Declaration public static Image Clone(this Image source, Action<IImageProcessingContext> operation) Parameters Type Name Description Image source The image to clone. Action < IImageProcessingContext > operation The operation to perform on the clone. Returns Type Description Image The new Image . Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException The source is null. ArgumentNullException The operation is null. ObjectDisposedException The source has been disposed. ImageProcessingException The processing operation failed. | Improve this Doc View Source Clone<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Configuration, IImageProcessor[]) Creates a deep clone of the current image. The clone is then mutated by the given operations. Declaration public static Image<TPixel> Clone<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, Configuration configuration, params IImageProcessor[] operations) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> source The image to clone. Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. IImageProcessor [] operations The operations to perform on the clone. Returns Type Description Image <TPixel> The new Image<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentNullException The configuration is null. ArgumentNullException The source is null. ArgumentNullException The operations are null. ObjectDisposedException The source has been disposed. ImageProcessingException The processing operation failed. | Improve this Doc View Source Clone<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>, Configuration, Action<IImageProcessingContext>) Creates a deep clone of the current image. The clone is then mutated by the given operation. Declaration public static Image<TPixel> Clone<TPixel>(this Image<TPixel> source, Configuration configuration, Action<IImageProc
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Binarization.AdaptiveThresholdProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Binarization.AdaptiveThresholdProcessor.html",
"title": "Class AdaptiveThresholdProcessor",
"keywords": "Class AdaptiveThresholdProcessor Performs Bradley Adaptive Threshold filter against an image. Inheritance Object AdaptiveThresholdProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Binarization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class AdaptiveThresholdProcessor : IImageProcessor Remarks Implements \"Adaptive Thresholding Using the Integral Image\", see paper: Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveThresholdProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the AdaptiveThresholdProcessor class. Declaration public AdaptiveThresholdProcessor() | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveThresholdProcessor(Color, Color) Initializes a new instance of the AdaptiveThresholdProcessor class. Declaration public AdaptiveThresholdProcessor(Color upper, Color lower) Parameters Type Name Description Color upper Color for upper threshold. Color lower Color for lower threshold. | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveThresholdProcessor(Color, Color, Single) Initializes a new instance of the AdaptiveThresholdProcessor class. Declaration public AdaptiveThresholdProcessor(Color upper, Color lower, float thresholdLimit) Parameters Type Name Description Color upper Color for upper threshold. Color lower Color for lower threshold. Single thresholdLimit Threshold limit. | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveThresholdProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the AdaptiveThresholdProcessor class. Declaration public AdaptiveThresholdProcessor(float thresholdLimit) Parameters Type Name Description Single thresholdLimit Threshold limit. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Lower Gets or sets lower color limit for threshold. Declaration public Color Lower { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source ThresholdLimit Gets or sets the value for threshold limit. Declaration public float ThresholdLimit { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Upper Gets or sets upper color limit for thresholding. Declaration public Color Upper { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Color Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Binarization.BinaryThresholdProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Binarization.BinaryThresholdProcessor.html",
"title": "Class BinaryThresholdProcessor",
"keywords": "Class BinaryThresholdProcessor Performs simple binary threshold filtering against an image. Inheritance Object BinaryThresholdProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Binarization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class BinaryThresholdProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryThresholdProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the BinaryThresholdProcessor class with Luminance as color component to be compared to threshold. Declaration public BinaryThresholdProcessor(float threshold) Parameters Type Name Description Single threshold The threshold to split the image. Must be between 0 and 1. | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryThresholdProcessor(Single, Color, Color) Initializes a new instance of the BinaryThresholdProcessor class with Luminance as color component to be compared to threshold. Declaration public BinaryThresholdProcessor(float threshold, Color upperColor, Color lowerColor) Parameters Type Name Description Single threshold The threshold to split the image. Must be between 0 and 1. Color upperColor The color to use for pixels that are above the threshold. Color lowerColor The color to use for pixels that are below the threshold. | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryThresholdProcessor(Single, Color, Color, BinaryThresholdMode) Initializes a new instance of the BinaryThresholdProcessor class. Declaration public BinaryThresholdProcessor(float threshold, Color upperColor, Color lowerColor, BinaryThresholdMode mode) Parameters Type Name Description Single threshold The threshold to split the image. Must be between 0 and 1. Color upperColor The color to use for pixels that are above the threshold. Color lowerColor The color to use for pixels that are below the threshold. BinaryThresholdMode mode The color component to be compared to threshold. | Improve this Doc View Source BinaryThresholdProcessor(Single, BinaryThresholdMode) Initializes a new instance of the BinaryThresholdProcessor class. Declaration public BinaryThresholdProcessor(float threshold, BinaryThresholdMode mode) Parameters Type Name Description Single threshold The threshold to split the image. Must be between 0 and 1. BinaryThresholdMode mode The color component to be compared to threshold. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source LowerColor Gets the color to use for pixels that fall below the threshold. Declaration public Color LowerColor { get; } Property Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source Mode Gets the BinaryThresholdMode defining the value to be compared to threshold. Declaration public BinaryThresholdMode Mode { get; } Property Value Type Description BinaryThresholdMode | Improve this Doc View Source Threshold Gets the threshold value. Declaration public float Threshold { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source UpperColor Gets the color to use for pixels that are above the threshold. Declaration public Color UpperColor { get; } Property Value Type Description Color Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel>
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Binarization.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Binarization.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Binarization",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Binarization Classes AdaptiveThresholdProcessor Performs Bradley Adaptive Threshold filter against an image. BinaryThresholdProcessor Performs simple binary threshold filtering against an image."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.CloningImageProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.CloningImageProcessor.html",
"title": "Class CloningImageProcessor",
"keywords": "Class CloningImageProcessor The base class for all cloning image processors. Inheritance Object CloningImageProcessor AffineTransformProcessor CropProcessor ProjectiveTransformProcessor ResizeProcessor Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class CloningImageProcessor : ICloningImageProcessor, IImageProcessor Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public abstract ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description ICloningImageProcessor <TPixel> The ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Explicit Interface Implementations | Improve this Doc View Source IImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration IImageProcessor<TPixel> IImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.CloningImageProcessor-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.CloningImageProcessor-1.html",
"title": "Class CloningImageProcessor<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Class CloningImageProcessor<TPixel> The base class for all pixel specific cloning image processors. Allows the application of processing algorithms to the image. The image is cloned before operating upon and the buffers swapped upon completion. Inheritance Object CloningImageProcessor<TPixel> Implements ICloningImageProcessor <TPixel> IImageProcessor <TPixel> IDisposable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class CloningImageProcessor<TPixel> : ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel>, IImageProcessor<TPixel>, IDisposable where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CloningImageProcessor(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Initializes a new instance of the CloningImageProcessor<TPixel> class. Declaration protected CloningImageProcessor(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source Image<TPixel> for the current processor instance. Rectangle sourceRectangle The source area to process for the current processor instance. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Configuration Gets the Configuration instance to use when performing operations. Declaration protected Configuration Configuration { get; } Property Value Type Description Configuration | Improve this Doc View Source Source Gets The source Image<TPixel> for the current processor instance. Declaration protected Image<TPixel> Source { get; } Property Value Type Description Image <TPixel> | Improve this Doc View Source SourceRectangle Gets The source area to process for the current processor instance. Declaration protected Rectangle SourceRectangle { get; } Property Value Type Description Rectangle Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AfterFrameApply(ImageFrame<TPixel>, ImageFrame<TPixel>) This method is called after the process is applied to prepare the processor. Declaration protected virtual void AfterFrameApply(ImageFrame<TPixel> source, ImageFrame<TPixel> destination) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. ImageFrame <TPixel> destination The cloned/destination image. Cannot be null. | Improve this Doc View Source AfterImageApply(Image<TPixel>) This method is called after the process is applied to prepare the processor. Declaration protected virtual void AfterImageApply(Image<TPixel> destination) Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> destination The cloned/destination image. Cannot be null. | Improve this Doc View Source BeforeFrameApply(ImageFrame<TPixel>, ImageFrame<TPixel>) This method is called before the process is applied to prepare the processor. Declaration protected virtual void BeforeFrameApply(ImageFrame<TPixel> source, ImageFrame<TPixel> destination) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. ImageFrame <TPixel> destination The cloned/destination image. Cannot be null. | Improve this Doc View Source BeforeImageApply(Image<TPixel>) This method is called before the process is applied to prepare the processor. Declaration protected virtual void BeforeImageApply(Image<TPixel> destination) Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> destination The cloned/destination image. Cannot be null. | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose() Declaration public void Dispose() | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose(Boolean) Disposes the object and frees resources for the Garbage Collector. Declaration protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) Parameters Type Name Description Boolean disposing Whether to dispose managed and unmanaged objects. | Improve this Doc View Source Ge
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.BokehBlurProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.BokehBlurProcessor.html",
"title": "Class BokehBlurProcessor",
"keywords": "Class BokehBlurProcessor Applies bokeh blur processing to the image. Inheritance Object BokehBlurProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class BokehBlurProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source BokehBlurProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the BokehBlurProcessor class. Declaration public BokehBlurProcessor() | Improve this Doc View Source BokehBlurProcessor(Int32, Int32, Single) Initializes a new instance of the BokehBlurProcessor class. Declaration public BokehBlurProcessor(int radius, int components, float gamma) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 radius The 'radius' value representing the size of the area to sample. Int32 components The number of components to use to approximate the original 2D bokeh blur convolution kernel. Single gamma The gamma highlight factor to use to further process the image. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultComponents The default component count used by the parameterless constructor. Declaration public const int DefaultComponents = 2 Field Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultGamma The default gamma used by the parameterless constructor. Declaration public const float DefaultGamma = 3F Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultRadius The default radius used by the parameterless constructor. Declaration public const int DefaultRadius = 32 Field Value Type Description Int32 Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Components Gets the number of components. Declaration public int Components { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Gamma Gets the gamma highlight factor to use when applying the effect. Declaration public float Gamma { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius. Declaration public int Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.BoxBlurProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.BoxBlurProcessor.html",
"title": "Class BoxBlurProcessor",
"keywords": "Class BoxBlurProcessor Defines a box blur processor of a given radius. Inheritance Object BoxBlurProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class BoxBlurProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source BoxBlurProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the BoxBlurProcessor class. Declaration public BoxBlurProcessor() | Improve this Doc View Source BoxBlurProcessor(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the BoxBlurProcessor class. Declaration public BoxBlurProcessor(int radius) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 radius The 'radius' value representing the size of the area to sample. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultRadius The default radius used by the parameterless constructor. Declaration public const int DefaultRadius = 7 Field Value Type Description Int32 Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the Radius. Declaration public int Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetector2DKernel.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetector2DKernel.html",
"title": "Struct EdgeDetector2DKernel",
"keywords": "Struct EdgeDetector2DKernel Represents an edge detection convolution kernel consisting of two 1D gradient operators. Implements IEquatable < EdgeDetector2DKernel > Inherited Members ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct EdgeDetector2DKernel : IEquatable<EdgeDetector2DKernel> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source EdgeDetector2DKernel(DenseMatrix<Single>, DenseMatrix<Single>) Initializes a new instance of the EdgeDetector2DKernel struct. Declaration public EdgeDetector2DKernel(DenseMatrix<float> kernelX, DenseMatrix<float> kernelY) Parameters Type Name Description DenseMatrix < Single > kernelX The horizontal gradient operator. DenseMatrix < Single > kernelY The vertical gradient operator. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source KayyaliKernel An edge detection kernel containing two Kayyali operators. Declaration public static EdgeDetector2DKernel KayyaliKernel Field Value Type Description EdgeDetector2DKernel | Improve this Doc View Source PrewittKernel An edge detection kernel containing two Prewitt operators. . Declaration public static EdgeDetector2DKernel PrewittKernel Field Value Type Description EdgeDetector2DKernel | Improve this Doc View Source RobertsCrossKernel An edge detection kernel containing two Roberts-Cross operators. . Declaration public static EdgeDetector2DKernel RobertsCrossKernel Field Value Type Description EdgeDetector2DKernel | Improve this Doc View Source ScharrKernel An edge detection kernel containing two Scharr operators. Declaration public static EdgeDetector2DKernel ScharrKernel Field Value Type Description EdgeDetector2DKernel | Improve this Doc View Source SobelKernel An edge detection kernel containing two Sobel operators. . Declaration public static EdgeDetector2DKernel SobelKernel Field Value Type Description EdgeDetector2DKernel Properties | Improve this Doc View Source KernelX Gets the horizontal gradient operator. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<float> KernelX { get; } Property Value Type Description DenseMatrix < Single > | Improve this Doc View Source KernelY Gets the vertical gradient operator. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<float> KernelY { get; } Property Value Type Description DenseMatrix < Single > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(EdgeDetector2DKernel) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(EdgeDetector2DKernel other) Parameters Type Name Description EdgeDetector2DKernel other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(EdgeDetector2DKernel, EdgeDetector2DKernel) Checks whether two EdgeDetector2DKernel structures are equal. Declaration public static bool operator ==(EdgeDetector2DKernel left, EdgeDetector2DKernel right) Parameters Type Name Description EdgeDetector2DKernel left The left hand EdgeDetector2DKernel operand. EdgeDetector2DKernel right The right hand EdgeDetector2DKernel operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the left parameter is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(EdgeDetector2DKernel, EdgeDetector2DKernel) Checks whether two EdgeDetector2DKernel structures are equal. Declaration public static bool operator !=(EdgeDetector2DKernel left, EdgeDetector2DKernel right) Parameters Type Name Description EdgeDetector2DKernel left The left hand EdgeDetector2DKernel operand. EdgeDetector2DKernel right The right
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetector2DProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetector2DProcessor.html",
"title": "Class EdgeDetector2DProcessor",
"keywords": "Class EdgeDetector2DProcessor Defines edge detection using the two 1D gradient operators. Inheritance Object EdgeDetector2DProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class EdgeDetector2DProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source EdgeDetector2DProcessor(EdgeDetector2DKernel, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the EdgeDetector2DProcessor class. Declaration public EdgeDetector2DProcessor(EdgeDetector2DKernel kernel, bool grayscale) Parameters Type Name Description EdgeDetector2DKernel kernel The 2D edge detector kernel. Boolean grayscale Whether to convert the image to grayscale before performing edge detection. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Grayscale Gets a value indicating whether to convert the image to grayscale before performing edge detection. Declaration public bool Grayscale { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Kernel Gets the 2D edge detector kernel. Declaration public EdgeDetector2DKernel Kernel { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetector2DKernel Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetectorCompassKernel.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetectorCompassKernel.html",
"title": "Struct EdgeDetectorCompassKernel",
"keywords": "Struct EdgeDetectorCompassKernel Represents an edge detection convolution kernel consisting of eight gradient operators. Implements IEquatable < EdgeDetectorCompassKernel > Inherited Members ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct EdgeDetectorCompassKernel : IEquatable<EdgeDetectorCompassKernel> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source EdgeDetectorCompassKernel(DenseMatrix<Single>, DenseMatrix<Single>, DenseMatrix<Single>, DenseMatrix<Single>, DenseMatrix<Single>, DenseMatrix<Single>, DenseMatrix<Single>, DenseMatrix<Single>) Initializes a new instance of the EdgeDetectorCompassKernel struct. Declaration public EdgeDetectorCompassKernel(DenseMatrix<float> north, DenseMatrix<float> northWest, DenseMatrix<float> west, DenseMatrix<float> southWest, DenseMatrix<float> south, DenseMatrix<float> southEast, DenseMatrix<float> east, DenseMatrix<float> northEast) Parameters Type Name Description DenseMatrix < Single > north The north gradient operator. DenseMatrix < Single > northWest The north-west gradient operator. DenseMatrix < Single > west The west gradient operator. DenseMatrix < Single > southWest The south-west gradient operator. DenseMatrix < Single > south The south gradient operator. DenseMatrix < Single > southEast The south-east gradient operator. DenseMatrix < Single > east The east gradient operator. DenseMatrix < Single > northEast The north-east gradient operator. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Kirsch An edge detection kenel comprised of Kirsch gradient operators. . Declaration public static EdgeDetectorCompassKernel Kirsch Field Value Type Description EdgeDetectorCompassKernel | Improve this Doc View Source Robinson An edge detection kenel comprised of Robinson gradient operators. Declaration public static EdgeDetectorCompassKernel Robinson Field Value Type Description EdgeDetectorCompassKernel Properties | Improve this Doc View Source East Gets the East gradient operator. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<float> East { get; } Property Value Type Description DenseMatrix < Single > | Improve this Doc View Source North Gets the North gradient operator. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<float> North { get; } Property Value Type Description DenseMatrix < Single > | Improve this Doc View Source NorthEast Gets the NorthEast gradient operator. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<float> NorthEast { get; } Property Value Type Description DenseMatrix < Single > | Improve this Doc View Source NorthWest Gets the NorthWest gradient operator. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<float> NorthWest { get; } Property Value Type Description DenseMatrix < Single > | Improve this Doc View Source South Gets the South gradient operator. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<float> South { get; } Property Value Type Description DenseMatrix < Single > | Improve this Doc View Source SouthEast Gets the SouthEast gradient operator. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<float> SouthEast { get; } Property Value Type Description DenseMatrix < Single > | Improve this Doc View Source SouthWest Gets the SouthWest gradient operator. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<float> SouthWest { get; } Property Value Type Description DenseMatrix < Single > | Improve this Doc View Source West Gets the West gradient operator. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<float> West { get; } Property Value Type Description DenseMatrix < Single > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(EdgeDetectorCompassKernel) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(EdgeDetectorCompassKernel other) Parameters Type Name Description EdgeDetectorCompassKernel other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Nam
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetectorCompassProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetectorCompassProcessor.html",
"title": "Class EdgeDetectorCompassProcessor",
"keywords": "Class EdgeDetectorCompassProcessor Defines edge detection using eight gradient operators. Inheritance Object EdgeDetectorCompassProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class EdgeDetectorCompassProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source EdgeDetectorCompassProcessor(EdgeDetectorCompassKernel, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the EdgeDetectorCompassProcessor class. Declaration public EdgeDetectorCompassProcessor(EdgeDetectorCompassKernel kernel, bool grayscale) Parameters Type Name Description EdgeDetectorCompassKernel kernel The edge detector kernel. Boolean grayscale Whether to convert the image to grayscale before performing edge detection. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Grayscale Gets a value indicating whether to convert the image to grayscale before performing edge detection. Declaration public bool Grayscale { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Kernel Gets the edge detector kernel. Declaration public EdgeDetectorCompassKernel Kernel { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetectorCompassKernel Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetectorKernel.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetectorKernel.html",
"title": "Struct EdgeDetectorKernel",
"keywords": "Struct EdgeDetectorKernel Represents an edge detection convolution kernel consisting of a single 2D gradient operator. Implements IEquatable < EdgeDetectorKernel > Inherited Members ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct EdgeDetectorKernel : IEquatable<EdgeDetectorKernel> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source EdgeDetectorKernel(DenseMatrix<Single>) Initializes a new instance of the EdgeDetectorKernel struct. Declaration public EdgeDetectorKernel(DenseMatrix<float> kernelXY) Parameters Type Name Description DenseMatrix < Single > kernelXY The 2D gradient operator. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Laplacian3x3 An edge detection kernel containing a 3x3 Laplacian operator. Declaration public static EdgeDetectorKernel Laplacian3x3 Field Value Type Description EdgeDetectorKernel | Improve this Doc View Source Laplacian5x5 An edge detection kernel containing a 5x5 Laplacian operator. Declaration public static EdgeDetectorKernel Laplacian5x5 Field Value Type Description EdgeDetectorKernel | Improve this Doc View Source LaplacianOfGaussian An edge detection kernel containing a Laplacian of Gaussian operator. . Declaration public static EdgeDetectorKernel LaplacianOfGaussian Field Value Type Description EdgeDetectorKernel Properties | Improve this Doc View Source KernelXY Gets the 2D gradient operator. Declaration public readonly DenseMatrix<float> KernelXY { get; } Property Value Type Description DenseMatrix < Single > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(EdgeDetectorKernel) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(EdgeDetectorKernel other) Parameters Type Name Description EdgeDetectorKernel other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(EdgeDetectorKernel, EdgeDetectorKernel) Checks whether two EdgeDetectorKernel structures are equal. Declaration public static bool operator ==(EdgeDetectorKernel left, EdgeDetectorKernel right) Parameters Type Name Description EdgeDetectorKernel left The left hand EdgeDetectorKernel operand. EdgeDetectorKernel right The right hand EdgeDetectorKernel operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the left parameter is equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. | Improve this Doc View Source Inequality(EdgeDetectorKernel, EdgeDetectorKernel) Checks whether two EdgeDetectorKernel structures are equal. Declaration public static bool operator !=(EdgeDetectorKernel left, EdgeDetectorKernel right) Parameters Type Name Description EdgeDetectorKernel left The left hand EdgeDetectorKernel operand. EdgeDetectorKernel right The right hand EdgeDetectorKernel operand. Returns Type Description Boolean True if the left parameter is not equal to the right parameter; otherwise, false. Implements System.IEquatable<T>"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetectorProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.EdgeDetectorProcessor.html",
"title": "Class EdgeDetectorProcessor",
"keywords": "Class EdgeDetectorProcessor Defines edge detection using a single 2D gradient operator. Inheritance Object EdgeDetectorProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class EdgeDetectorProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source EdgeDetectorProcessor(EdgeDetectorKernel, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the EdgeDetectorProcessor class. Declaration public EdgeDetectorProcessor(EdgeDetectorKernel kernel, bool grayscale) Parameters Type Name Description EdgeDetectorKernel kernel The edge detector kernel. Boolean grayscale Whether to convert the image to grayscale before performing edge detection. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Grayscale Gets a value indicating whether to convert the image to grayscale before performing edge detection. Declaration public bool Grayscale { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Kernel Gets the edge detector kernel. Declaration public EdgeDetectorKernel Kernel { get; } Property Value Type Description EdgeDetectorKernel Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.GaussianBlurProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.GaussianBlurProcessor.html",
"title": "Class GaussianBlurProcessor",
"keywords": "Class GaussianBlurProcessor Defines Gaussian blur by a (Sigma, Radius) pair. Inheritance Object GaussianBlurProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class GaussianBlurProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianBlurProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the GaussianBlurProcessor class. Declaration public GaussianBlurProcessor() | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianBlurProcessor(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the GaussianBlurProcessor class. Declaration public GaussianBlurProcessor(int radius) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 radius The 'radius' value representing the size of the area to sample. | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianBlurProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the GaussianBlurProcessor class. Declaration public GaussianBlurProcessor(float sigma) Parameters Type Name Description Single sigma The 'sigma' value representing the weight of the blur. | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianBlurProcessor(Single, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the GaussianBlurProcessor class. Declaration public GaussianBlurProcessor(float sigma, int radius) Parameters Type Name Description Single sigma The 'sigma' value representing the weight of the blur. Int32 radius The 'radius' value representing the size of the area to sample. This should be at least twice the sigma value. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultSigma The default value for Sigma . Declaration public const float DefaultSigma = 3F Field Value Type Description Single Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius defining the size of the area to sample. Declaration public int Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Sigma Gets the sigma value representing the weight of the blur Declaration public float Sigma { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.GaussianSharpenProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.GaussianSharpenProcessor.html",
"title": "Class GaussianSharpenProcessor",
"keywords": "Class GaussianSharpenProcessor Defines Gaussian sharpening by a (Sigma, Radius) pair. Inheritance Object GaussianSharpenProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class GaussianSharpenProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianSharpenProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the GaussianSharpenProcessor class. Declaration public GaussianSharpenProcessor() | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianSharpenProcessor(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the GaussianSharpenProcessor class. Declaration public GaussianSharpenProcessor(int radius) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 radius The 'radius' value representing the size of the area to sample. | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianSharpenProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the GaussianSharpenProcessor class. Declaration public GaussianSharpenProcessor(float sigma) Parameters Type Name Description Single sigma The 'sigma' value representing the weight of the blur. | Improve this Doc View Source GaussianSharpenProcessor(Single, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the GaussianSharpenProcessor class. Declaration public GaussianSharpenProcessor(float sigma, int radius) Parameters Type Name Description Single sigma The 'sigma' value representing the weight of the blur. Int32 radius The 'radius' value representing the size of the area to sample. This should be at least twice the sigma value. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultSigma The default value for Sigma . Declaration public const float DefaultSigma = 3F Field Value Type Description Single Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius defining the size of the area to sample. Declaration public int Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Sigma Gets the sigma value representing the weight of the blur Declaration public float Sigma { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Convolution Classes BokehBlurProcessor Applies bokeh blur processing to the image. BoxBlurProcessor Defines a box blur processor of a given radius. EdgeDetector2DProcessor Defines edge detection using the two 1D gradient operators. EdgeDetectorCompassProcessor Defines edge detection using eight gradient operators. EdgeDetectorProcessor Defines edge detection using a single 2D gradient operator. GaussianBlurProcessor Defines Gaussian blur by a (Sigma, Radius) pair. GaussianSharpenProcessor Defines Gaussian sharpening by a (Sigma, Radius) pair. Structs EdgeDetector2DKernel Represents an edge detection convolution kernel consisting of two 1D gradient operators. EdgeDetectorCompassKernel Represents an edge detection convolution kernel consisting of eight gradient operators. EdgeDetectorKernel Represents an edge detection convolution kernel consisting of a single 2D gradient operator."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.ErrorDither.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.ErrorDither.html",
"title": "Struct ErrorDither",
"keywords": "Struct ErrorDither An error diffusion dithering implementation. Implements IDither IEquatable < ErrorDither > IEquatable < IDither > Inherited Members ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct ErrorDither : IDither, IEquatable<ErrorDither>, IEquatable<IDither> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ErrorDither(in DenseMatrix<Single>, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the ErrorDither struct. Declaration public ErrorDither(in DenseMatrix<float> matrix, int offset) Parameters Type Name Description DenseMatrix < Single > matrix The diffusion matrix. Int32 offset The starting offset within the matrix. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Atkinson Applies error diffusion based dithering using the Atkinson image dithering algorithm. Declaration public static ErrorDither Atkinson Field Value Type Description ErrorDither | Improve this Doc View Source Burkes Applies error diffusion based dithering using the Burks image dithering algorithm. Declaration public static ErrorDither Burkes Field Value Type Description ErrorDither | Improve this Doc View Source FloydSteinberg Applies error diffusion based dithering using the FloydSteinberg image dithering algorithm. Declaration public static ErrorDither FloydSteinberg Field Value Type Description ErrorDither | Improve this Doc View Source JarvisJudiceNinke Applies error diffusion based dithering using the Jarvis, Judice, Ninke image dithering algorithm. Declaration public static ErrorDither JarvisJudiceNinke Field Value Type Description ErrorDither | Improve this Doc View Source Sierra2 Applies error diffusion based dithering using the Sierra2 image dithering algorithm. Declaration public static ErrorDither Sierra2 Field Value Type Description ErrorDither | Improve this Doc View Source Sierra3 Applies error diffusion based dithering using the Sierra3 image dithering algorithm. Declaration public static ErrorDither Sierra3 Field Value Type Description ErrorDither | Improve this Doc View Source SierraLite Applies error diffusion based dithering using the Sierra Lite image dithering algorithm. Declaration public static ErrorDither SierraLite Field Value Type Description ErrorDither | Improve this Doc View Source StevensonArce Applies error diffusion based dithering using the Stevenson-Arce image dithering algorithm. Declaration public static ErrorDither StevensonArce Field Value Type Description ErrorDither | Improve this Doc View Source Stucki Applies error diffusion based dithering using the Stucki image dithering algorithm. Declaration public static ErrorDither Stucki Field Value Type Description ErrorDither Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyPaletteDither<TPaletteDitherImageProcessor, TPixel>(in TPaletteDitherImageProcessor, ImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) Transforms the image frame applying a dither matrix. This method should be treated as destructive, altering the input pixels. Declaration public readonly void ApplyPaletteDither<TPaletteDitherImageProcessor, TPixel>(in TPaletteDitherImageProcessor processor, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, Rectangle bounds) where TPaletteDitherImageProcessor : struct, IPaletteDitherImageProcessor<TPixel> where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description TPaletteDitherImageProcessor processor The palette dithering processor. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. Rectangle bounds The region of interest bounds. Type Parameters Name Description TPaletteDitherImageProcessor The type of palette dithering processor. TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyQuantizationDither<TFrameQuantizer, TPixel>(ref TFrameQuantizer, ImageFrame<TPixel>, IndexedImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) Transforms the quantized image frame applying a dither matrix. This method should be treated as destructive, altering the input pixels. Declaration public readonly void ApplyQuantizationDither<TFrameQuantizer, TP
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering Classes PaletteDitherProcessor Allows the consumption a palette to dither an image. Structs ErrorDither An error diffusion dithering implementation. OrderedDither An ordered dithering matrix with equal sides of arbitrary length Interfaces IDither Defines the contract for types that apply dithering to images. IPaletteDitherImageProcessor<TPixel> Implements an algorithm to alter the pixels of an image via palette dithering."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.IDither.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.IDither.html",
"title": "Interface IDither",
"keywords": "Interface IDither Defines the contract for types that apply dithering to images. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IDither Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyPaletteDither<TPaletteDitherImageProcessor, TPixel>(in TPaletteDitherImageProcessor, ImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) Transforms the image frame applying a dither matrix. This method should be treated as destructive, altering the input pixels. Declaration void ApplyPaletteDither<TPaletteDitherImageProcessor, TPixel>(in TPaletteDitherImageProcessor processor, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, Rectangle bounds) where TPaletteDitherImageProcessor : struct, IPaletteDitherImageProcessor<TPixel> where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description TPaletteDitherImageProcessor processor The palette dithering processor. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. Rectangle bounds The region of interest bounds. Type Parameters Name Description TPaletteDitherImageProcessor The type of palette dithering processor. TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyQuantizationDither<TFrameQuantizer, TPixel>(ref TFrameQuantizer, ImageFrame<TPixel>, IndexedImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) Transforms the quantized image frame applying a dither matrix. This method should be treated as destructive, altering the input pixels. Declaration void ApplyQuantizationDither<TFrameQuantizer, TPixel>(ref TFrameQuantizer quantizer, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> destination, Rectangle bounds) where TFrameQuantizer : struct, IQuantizer<TPixel> where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description TFrameQuantizer quantizer The frame quantizer. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. IndexedImageFrame <TPixel> destination The destination quantized frame. Rectangle bounds The region of interest bounds. Type Parameters Name Description TFrameQuantizer The type of frame quantizer. TPixel The pixel format."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.IPaletteDitherImageProcessor-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.IPaletteDitherImageProcessor-1.html",
"title": "Interface IPaletteDitherImageProcessor<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Interface IPaletteDitherImageProcessor<TPixel> Implements an algorithm to alter the pixels of an image via palette dithering. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IPaletteDitherImageProcessor<TPixel> where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Configuration Gets the configuration instance to use when performing operations. Declaration Configuration Configuration { get; } Property Value Type Description Configuration | Improve this Doc View Source DitherScale Gets the dithering scale used to adjust the amount of dither. Range 0..1. Declaration float DitherScale { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Palette Gets the dithering palette. Declaration ReadOnlyMemory<TPixel> Palette { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlyMemory <TPixel> Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetPaletteColor(TPixel) Returns the color from the dithering palette corresponding to the given color. Declaration TPixel GetPaletteColor(TPixel color) Parameters Type Name Description TPixel color The color to match. Returns Type Description TPixel The TPixel match."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.OrderedDither.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.OrderedDither.html",
"title": "Struct OrderedDither",
"keywords": "Struct OrderedDither An ordered dithering matrix with equal sides of arbitrary length Implements IDither IEquatable < OrderedDither > IEquatable < IDither > Inherited Members ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct OrderedDither : IDither, IEquatable<OrderedDither>, IEquatable<IDither> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source OrderedDither(UInt32) Initializes a new instance of the OrderedDither struct. Declaration public OrderedDither(uint length) Parameters Type Name Description UInt32 length The length of the matrix sides Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Bayer2x2 Applies order dithering using the 2x2 Bayer dithering matrix. Declaration public static OrderedDither Bayer2x2 Field Value Type Description OrderedDither | Improve this Doc View Source Bayer4x4 Applies order dithering using the 4x4 Bayer dithering matrix. Declaration public static OrderedDither Bayer4x4 Field Value Type Description OrderedDither | Improve this Doc View Source Bayer8x8 Applies order dithering using the 8x8 Bayer dithering matrix. Declaration public static OrderedDither Bayer8x8 Field Value Type Description OrderedDither | Improve this Doc View Source Ordered3x3 Applies order dithering using the 3x3 ordered dithering matrix. Declaration public static OrderedDither Ordered3x3 Field Value Type Description OrderedDither Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyPaletteDither<TPaletteDitherImageProcessor, TPixel>(in TPaletteDitherImageProcessor, ImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) Transforms the image frame applying a dither matrix. This method should be treated as destructive, altering the input pixels. Declaration public readonly void ApplyPaletteDither<TPaletteDitherImageProcessor, TPixel>(in TPaletteDitherImageProcessor processor, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, Rectangle bounds) where TPaletteDitherImageProcessor : struct, IPaletteDitherImageProcessor<TPixel> where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description TPaletteDitherImageProcessor processor The palette dithering processor. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. Rectangle bounds The region of interest bounds. Type Parameters Name Description TPaletteDitherImageProcessor The type of palette dithering processor. TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyQuantizationDither<TFrameQuantizer, TPixel>(ref TFrameQuantizer, ImageFrame<TPixel>, IndexedImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) Transforms the quantized image frame applying a dither matrix. This method should be treated as destructive, altering the input pixels. Declaration public readonly void ApplyQuantizationDither<TFrameQuantizer, TPixel>(ref TFrameQuantizer quantizer, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> destination, Rectangle bounds) where TFrameQuantizer : struct, IQuantizer<TPixel> where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description TFrameQuantizer quantizer The frame quantizer. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. IndexedImageFrame <TPixel> destination The destination quantized frame. Rectangle bounds The region of interest bounds. Type Parameters Name Description TFrameQuantizer The type of frame quantizer. TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(IDither) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(IDither other) Parameters Type Name Description IDither other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(OrderedDither) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(OrderedDither other) Parameters Type Name Description OrderedDither other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Descr
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.PaletteDitherProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering.PaletteDitherProcessor.html",
"title": "Class PaletteDitherProcessor",
"keywords": "Class PaletteDitherProcessor Allows the consumption a palette to dither an image. Inheritance Object PaletteDitherProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Dithering Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class PaletteDitherProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PaletteDitherProcessor(IDither) Initializes a new instance of the PaletteDitherProcessor class. Declaration public PaletteDitherProcessor(IDither dither) Parameters Type Name Description IDither dither The ordered ditherer. | Improve this Doc View Source PaletteDitherProcessor(IDither, ReadOnlyMemory<Color>) Initializes a new instance of the PaletteDitherProcessor class. Declaration public PaletteDitherProcessor(IDither dither, ReadOnlyMemory<Color> palette) Parameters Type Name Description IDither dither The dithering algorithm. ReadOnlyMemory < Color > palette The palette to select substitute colors from. | Improve this Doc View Source PaletteDitherProcessor(IDither, Single) Initializes a new instance of the PaletteDitherProcessor class. Declaration public PaletteDitherProcessor(IDither dither, float ditherScale) Parameters Type Name Description IDither dither The ordered ditherer. Single ditherScale The dithering scale used to adjust the amount of dither. | Improve this Doc View Source PaletteDitherProcessor(IDither, Single, ReadOnlyMemory<Color>) Initializes a new instance of the PaletteDitherProcessor class. Declaration public PaletteDitherProcessor(IDither dither, float ditherScale, ReadOnlyMemory<Color> palette) Parameters Type Name Description IDither dither The dithering algorithm. Single ditherScale The dithering scale used to adjust the amount of dither. ReadOnlyMemory < Color > palette The palette to select substitute colors from. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Dither Gets the dithering algorithm to apply to the output image. Declaration public IDither Dither { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source DitherScale Gets the dithering scale used to adjust the amount of dither. Range 0..1. Declaration public float DitherScale { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Palette Gets the palette to select substitute colors from. Declaration public ReadOnlyMemory<Color> Palette { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlyMemory < Color > Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Drawing.DrawImageProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Drawing.DrawImageProcessor.html",
"title": "Class DrawImageProcessor",
"keywords": "Class DrawImageProcessor Combines two images together by blending the pixels. Inheritance Object DrawImageProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Drawing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class DrawImageProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source DrawImageProcessor(Image, Point, PixelColorBlendingMode, PixelAlphaCompositionMode, Single) Initializes a new instance of the DrawImageProcessor class. Declaration public DrawImageProcessor(Image image, Point location, PixelColorBlendingMode colorBlendingMode, PixelAlphaCompositionMode alphaCompositionMode, float opacity) Parameters Type Name Description Image image The image to blend. Point location The location to draw the blended image. PixelColorBlendingMode colorBlendingMode The blending mode to use when drawing the image. PixelAlphaCompositionMode alphaCompositionMode The Alpha blending mode to use when drawing the image. Single opacity The opacity of the image to blend. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source AlphaCompositionMode Gets the Alpha blending mode to use when drawing the image. Declaration public PixelAlphaCompositionMode AlphaCompositionMode { get; } Property Value Type Description PixelAlphaCompositionMode | Improve this Doc View Source ColorBlendingMode Gets the blending mode to use when drawing the image. Declaration public PixelColorBlendingMode ColorBlendingMode { get; } Property Value Type Description PixelColorBlendingMode | Improve this Doc View Source Image Gets the image to blend. Declaration public Image Image { get; } Property Value Type Description Image | Improve this Doc View Source Location Gets the location to draw the blended image. Declaration public Point Location { get; } Property Value Type Description Point | Improve this Doc View Source Opacity Gets the opacity of the image to blend. Declaration public float Opacity { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixelBg>(Configuration, Image<TPixelBg>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixelBg> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixelBg>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixelBg> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixelBg : struct, IPixel<TPixelBg> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixelBg> source Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixelBg> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixelBg Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Drawing.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Drawing.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Drawing",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Drawing Classes DrawImageProcessor Combines two images together by blending the pixels."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects Classes OilPaintingProcessor Defines an oil painting effect. PixelateProcessor Defines a pixelation effect of a given size. Interfaces IPixelRowDelegate An langword_csharp_interface used by the row delegates for a given SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects.PixelRowDelegateProcessor`2 instance"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects.IPixelRowDelegate.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects.IPixelRowDelegate.html",
"title": "Interface IPixelRowDelegate",
"keywords": "Interface IPixelRowDelegate An langword_csharp_interface used by the row delegates for a given SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects.PixelRowDelegateProcessor`2 instance Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IPixelRowDelegate Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Invoke(Span<Vector4>, Point) Applies the current pixel row delegate to a target row of preprocessed pixels. Declaration void Invoke(Span<Vector4> span, Point offset) Parameters Type Name Description Span < Vector4 > span The target row of Vector4 pixels to process. Point offset The initial horizontal and vertical offset for the input pixels to process."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects.OilPaintingProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects.OilPaintingProcessor.html",
"title": "Class OilPaintingProcessor",
"keywords": "Class OilPaintingProcessor Defines an oil painting effect. Inheritance Object OilPaintingProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class OilPaintingProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source OilPaintingProcessor(Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the OilPaintingProcessor class. Declaration public OilPaintingProcessor(int levels, int brushSize) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 levels The number of intensity levels. Higher values result in a broader range of color intensities forming part of the result image. Int32 brushSize The number of neighboring pixels used in calculating each individual pixel value. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source BrushSize Gets the brush size. Declaration public int BrushSize { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Levels Gets the number of intensity levels. Declaration public int Levels { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects.PixelateProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects.PixelateProcessor.html",
"title": "Class PixelateProcessor",
"keywords": "Class PixelateProcessor Defines a pixelation effect of a given size. Inheritance Object PixelateProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Effects Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class PixelateProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PixelateProcessor(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the PixelateProcessor class. Declaration public PixelateProcessor(int size) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 size The size of the pixels. Must be greater than 0. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentException size is less than 0 or equal to 0. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Size Gets or the pixel size. Declaration public int Size { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.AchromatomalyProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.AchromatomalyProcessor.html",
"title": "Class AchromatomalyProcessor",
"keywords": "Class AchromatomalyProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Achromatomaly (Color desensitivity) color blindness. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor AchromatomalyProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class AchromatomalyProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AchromatomalyProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the AchromatomalyProcessor class. Declaration public AchromatomalyProcessor() Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.AchromatopsiaProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.AchromatopsiaProcessor.html",
"title": "Class AchromatopsiaProcessor",
"keywords": "Class AchromatopsiaProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Achromatopsia (Monochrome) color blindness. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor AchromatopsiaProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class AchromatopsiaProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AchromatopsiaProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the AchromatopsiaProcessor class. Declaration public AchromatopsiaProcessor() Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.BlackWhiteProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.BlackWhiteProcessor.html",
"title": "Class BlackWhiteProcessor",
"keywords": "Class BlackWhiteProcessor Applies a black and white filter matrix to the image. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor BlackWhiteProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class BlackWhiteProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source BlackWhiteProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the BlackWhiteProcessor class. Declaration public BlackWhiteProcessor() Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.BrightnessProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.BrightnessProcessor.html",
"title": "Class BrightnessProcessor",
"keywords": "Class BrightnessProcessor Applies a brightness filter matrix using the given amount. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor BrightnessProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class BrightnessProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source BrightnessProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the BrightnessProcessor class. Declaration public BrightnessProcessor(float amount) Parameters Type Name Description Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Remarks A value of 0 will create an image that is completely black. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of an amount over 1 are allowed, providing brighter results. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Amount Gets the proportion of the conversion Declaration public float Amount { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.ContrastProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.ContrastProcessor.html",
"title": "Class ContrastProcessor",
"keywords": "Class ContrastProcessor Applies a contrast filter matrix using the given amount. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor ContrastProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class ContrastProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ContrastProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the ContrastProcessor class. Declaration public ContrastProcessor(float amount) Parameters Type Name Description Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Remarks A value of 0 will create an image that is completely gray. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of an amount over 1 are allowed, providing results with more contrast. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Amount Gets the proportion of the conversion. Declaration public float Amount { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.DeuteranomalyProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.DeuteranomalyProcessor.html",
"title": "Class DeuteranomalyProcessor",
"keywords": "Class DeuteranomalyProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Deuteranomaly (Green-Weak) color blindness. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor DeuteranomalyProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class DeuteranomalyProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source DeuteranomalyProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the DeuteranomalyProcessor class. Declaration public DeuteranomalyProcessor() Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.DeuteranopiaProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.DeuteranopiaProcessor.html",
"title": "Class DeuteranopiaProcessor",
"keywords": "Class DeuteranopiaProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Deuteranopia (Green-Blind) color blindness. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor DeuteranopiaProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class DeuteranopiaProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source DeuteranopiaProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the DeuteranopiaProcessor class. Declaration public DeuteranopiaProcessor() Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.FilterProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.FilterProcessor.html",
"title": "Class FilterProcessor",
"keywords": "Class FilterProcessor Defines a free-form color filter by a ColorMatrix . Inheritance Object FilterProcessor AchromatomalyProcessor AchromatopsiaProcessor BlackWhiteProcessor BrightnessProcessor ContrastProcessor DeuteranomalyProcessor DeuteranopiaProcessor GrayscaleBt601Processor GrayscaleBt709Processor HueProcessor InvertProcessor KodachromeProcessor LightnessProcessor LomographProcessor OpacityProcessor PolaroidProcessor ProtanomalyProcessor ProtanopiaProcessor SaturateProcessor SepiaProcessor TritanomalyProcessor TritanopiaProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class FilterProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FilterProcessor(ColorMatrix) Initializes a new instance of the FilterProcessor class. Declaration public FilterProcessor(ColorMatrix matrix) Parameters Type Name Description ColorMatrix matrix The matrix used to apply the image filter Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Matrix Gets the ColorMatrix used to apply the image filter. Declaration public ColorMatrix Matrix { get; } Property Value Type Description ColorMatrix Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public virtual IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.GrayscaleBt601Processor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.GrayscaleBt601Processor.html",
"title": "Class GrayscaleBt601Processor",
"keywords": "Class GrayscaleBt601Processor Applies a grayscale filter matrix using the given amount and the formula as specified by ITU-R Recommendation BT.601 Inheritance Object FilterProcessor GrayscaleBt601Processor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class GrayscaleBt601Processor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GrayscaleBt601Processor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the GrayscaleBt601Processor class. Declaration public GrayscaleBt601Processor(float amount) Parameters Type Name Description Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be between 0 and 1. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Amount Gets the proportion of the conversion Declaration public float Amount { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.GrayscaleBt709Processor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.GrayscaleBt709Processor.html",
"title": "Class GrayscaleBt709Processor",
"keywords": "Class GrayscaleBt709Processor Applies a grayscale filter matrix using the given amount and the formula as specified by ITU-R Recommendation BT.709 Inheritance Object FilterProcessor GrayscaleBt709Processor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class GrayscaleBt709Processor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GrayscaleBt709Processor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the GrayscaleBt709Processor class. Declaration public GrayscaleBt709Processor(float amount) Parameters Type Name Description Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be between 0 and 1. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Amount Gets the proportion of the conversion. Declaration public float Amount { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Classes AchromatomalyProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Achromatomaly (Color desensitivity) color blindness. AchromatopsiaProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Achromatopsia (Monochrome) color blindness. BlackWhiteProcessor Applies a black and white filter matrix to the image. BrightnessProcessor Applies a brightness filter matrix using the given amount. ContrastProcessor Applies a contrast filter matrix using the given amount. DeuteranomalyProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Deuteranomaly (Green-Weak) color blindness. DeuteranopiaProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Deuteranopia (Green-Blind) color blindness. FilterProcessor Defines a free-form color filter by a ColorMatrix . GrayscaleBt601Processor Applies a grayscale filter matrix using the given amount and the formula as specified by ITU-R Recommendation BT.601 GrayscaleBt709Processor Applies a grayscale filter matrix using the given amount and the formula as specified by ITU-R Recommendation BT.709 HueProcessor Applies a hue filter matrix using the given angle of rotation in degrees InvertProcessor Applies a filter matrix that inverts the colors of an image KodachromeProcessor Applies a filter matrix recreating an old Kodachrome camera effect matrix to the image LightnessProcessor Applies a lightness filter matrix using the given amount. LomographProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating an old Lomograph effect. OpacityProcessor Applies an opacity filter matrix using the given amount. PolaroidProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating an old Polaroid effect. ProtanomalyProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Protanomaly (Red-Weak) color blindness. ProtanopiaProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Protanopia (Red-Blind) color blindness. SaturateProcessor Applies a saturation filter matrix using the given amount. SepiaProcessor Applies a sepia filter matrix using the given amount. TritanomalyProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Tritanomaly (Blue-Weak) color blindness. TritanopiaProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Tritanopia (Blue-Blind) color blindness."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.HueProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.HueProcessor.html",
"title": "Class HueProcessor",
"keywords": "Class HueProcessor Applies a hue filter matrix using the given angle of rotation in degrees Inheritance Object FilterProcessor HueProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class HueProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source HueProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the HueProcessor class. Declaration public HueProcessor(float degrees) Parameters Type Name Description Single degrees The angle of rotation in degrees Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Degrees Gets the angle of rotation in degrees Declaration public float Degrees { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.InvertProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.InvertProcessor.html",
"title": "Class InvertProcessor",
"keywords": "Class InvertProcessor Applies a filter matrix that inverts the colors of an image Inheritance Object FilterProcessor InvertProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class InvertProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source InvertProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the InvertProcessor class. Declaration public InvertProcessor(float amount) Parameters Type Name Description Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be between 0 and 1. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Amount Gets the proportion of the conversion Declaration public float Amount { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.KodachromeProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.KodachromeProcessor.html",
"title": "Class KodachromeProcessor",
"keywords": "Class KodachromeProcessor Applies a filter matrix recreating an old Kodachrome camera effect matrix to the image Inheritance Object FilterProcessor KodachromeProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class KodachromeProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source KodachromeProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the KodachromeProcessor class. Declaration public KodachromeProcessor() Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.LightnessProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.LightnessProcessor.html",
"title": "Class LightnessProcessor",
"keywords": "Class LightnessProcessor Applies a lightness filter matrix using the given amount. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor LightnessProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class LightnessProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source LightnessProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the LightnessProcessor class. Declaration public LightnessProcessor(float amount) Parameters Type Name Description Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Remarks A value of 0 will create an image that is completely black. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of an amount over 1 are allowed, providing lighter results. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Amount Gets the proportion of the conversion Declaration public float Amount { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.LomographProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.LomographProcessor.html",
"title": "Class LomographProcessor",
"keywords": "Class LomographProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating an old Lomograph effect. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor LomographProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class LomographProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source LomographProcessor(GraphicsOptions) Initializes a new instance of the LomographProcessor class. Declaration public LomographProcessor(GraphicsOptions graphicsOptions) Parameters Type Name Description GraphicsOptions graphicsOptions Graphics options to use within the processor. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source GraphicsOptions Gets the options effecting blending and composition Declaration public GraphicsOptions GraphicsOptions { get; } Property Value Type Description GraphicsOptions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public override IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image<TPixel>, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle) Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.OpacityProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.OpacityProcessor.html",
"title": "Class OpacityProcessor",
"keywords": "Class OpacityProcessor Applies an opacity filter matrix using the given amount. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor OpacityProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class OpacityProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source OpacityProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the OpacityProcessor class. Declaration public OpacityProcessor(float amount) Parameters Type Name Description Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be between 0 and 1. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Amount Gets the proportion of the conversion. Declaration public float Amount { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.PolaroidProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.PolaroidProcessor.html",
"title": "Class PolaroidProcessor",
"keywords": "Class PolaroidProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating an old Polaroid effect. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor PolaroidProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class PolaroidProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PolaroidProcessor(GraphicsOptions) Initializes a new instance of the PolaroidProcessor class. Declaration public PolaroidProcessor(GraphicsOptions graphicsOptions) Parameters Type Name Description GraphicsOptions graphicsOptions Graphics options to use within the processor. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source GraphicsOptions Gets the options effecting blending and composition Declaration public GraphicsOptions GraphicsOptions { get; } Property Value Type Description GraphicsOptions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public override IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image<TPixel>, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle) Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.ProtanomalyProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.ProtanomalyProcessor.html",
"title": "Class ProtanomalyProcessor",
"keywords": "Class ProtanomalyProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Protanomaly (Red-Weak) color blindness. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor ProtanomalyProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class ProtanomalyProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ProtanomalyProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the ProtanomalyProcessor class. Declaration public ProtanomalyProcessor() Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.ProtanopiaProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.ProtanopiaProcessor.html",
"title": "Class ProtanopiaProcessor",
"keywords": "Class ProtanopiaProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Protanopia (Red-Blind) color blindness. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor ProtanopiaProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class ProtanopiaProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ProtanopiaProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the ProtanopiaProcessor class. Declaration public ProtanopiaProcessor() Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.SaturateProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.SaturateProcessor.html",
"title": "Class SaturateProcessor",
"keywords": "Class SaturateProcessor Applies a saturation filter matrix using the given amount. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor SaturateProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class SaturateProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source SaturateProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the SaturateProcessor class. Declaration public SaturateProcessor(float amount) Parameters Type Name Description Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Remarks A value of 0 is completely un-saturated. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of amount over 1 are allowed, providing super-saturated results Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Amount Gets the proportion of the conversion Declaration public float Amount { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.SepiaProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.SepiaProcessor.html",
"title": "Class SepiaProcessor",
"keywords": "Class SepiaProcessor Applies a sepia filter matrix using the given amount. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor SepiaProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class SepiaProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source SepiaProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the SepiaProcessor class. Declaration public SepiaProcessor(float amount) Parameters Type Name Description Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be between 0 and 1. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Amount Gets the proportion of the conversion Declaration public float Amount { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.TritanomalyProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.TritanomalyProcessor.html",
"title": "Class TritanomalyProcessor",
"keywords": "Class TritanomalyProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Tritanomaly (Blue-Weak) color blindness. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor TritanomalyProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class TritanomalyProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source TritanomalyProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the TritanomalyProcessor class. Declaration public TritanomalyProcessor() Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.TritanopiaProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters.TritanopiaProcessor.html",
"title": "Class TritanopiaProcessor",
"keywords": "Class TritanopiaProcessor Converts the colors of the image recreating Tritanopia (Blue-Blind) color blindness. Inheritance Object FilterProcessor TritanopiaProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members FilterProcessor.Matrix FilterProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Filters Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class TritanopiaProcessor : FilterProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source TritanopiaProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the TritanopiaProcessor class. Declaration public TritanopiaProcessor() Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors Classes CloningImageProcessor The base class for all cloning image processors. CloningImageProcessor<TPixel> The base class for all pixel specific cloning image processors. Allows the application of processing algorithms to the image. The image is cloned before operating upon and the buffers swapped upon completion. ImageProcessor<TPixel> The base class for all pixel specific image processors. Allows the application of processing algorithms to the image. Interfaces ICloningImageProcessor Defines an algorithm to alter the pixels of a cloned image. ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> Implements an algorithm to alter the pixels of a cloned image. IImageProcessor Defines an algorithm to alter the pixels of an image. Non-generic IImageProcessor implementations are responsible for: Encapsulating the parameters of the algorithm. Creating the generic IImageProcessor<TPixel> instance to execute the algorithm. IImageProcessor<TPixel> Implements an algorithm to alter the pixels of an image."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.ICloningImageProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.ICloningImageProcessor.html",
"title": "Interface ICloningImageProcessor",
"keywords": "Interface ICloningImageProcessor Defines an algorithm to alter the pixels of a cloned image. Inherited Members IImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface ICloningImageProcessor : IImageProcessor Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description ICloningImageProcessor <TPixel> The ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.ICloningImageProcessor-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.ICloningImageProcessor-1.html",
"title": "Interface ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Interface ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> Implements an algorithm to alter the pixels of a cloned image. Inherited Members IImageProcessor<TPixel>.Execute() IDisposable.Dispose() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> : IImageProcessor<TPixel>, IDisposable where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CloneAndExecute() Clones the specified Image<TPixel> and executes the process against the clone. Declaration Image<TPixel> CloneAndExecute() Returns Type Description Image <TPixel> The Image<TPixel> ."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.IImageProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.IImageProcessor.html",
"title": "Interface IImageProcessor",
"keywords": "Interface IImageProcessor Defines an algorithm to alter the pixels of an image. Non-generic IImageProcessor implementations are responsible for: Encapsulating the parameters of the algorithm. Creating the generic IImageProcessor<TPixel> instance to execute the algorithm. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageProcessor Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.IImageProcessor-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.IImageProcessor-1.html",
"title": "Interface IImageProcessor<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Interface IImageProcessor<TPixel> Implements an algorithm to alter the pixels of an image. Inherited Members IDisposable.Dispose() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IImageProcessor<TPixel> : IDisposable where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Execute() Executes the process against the specified Image<TPixel> . Declaration void Execute()"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.ImageProcessor-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.ImageProcessor-1.html",
"title": "Class ImageProcessor<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Class ImageProcessor<TPixel> The base class for all pixel specific image processors. Allows the application of processing algorithms to the image. Inheritance Object ImageProcessor<TPixel> Implements IImageProcessor <TPixel> IDisposable Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class ImageProcessor<TPixel> : IImageProcessor<TPixel>, IDisposable where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ImageProcessor(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Initializes a new instance of the ImageProcessor<TPixel> class. Declaration protected ImageProcessor(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source Image<TPixel> for the current processor instance. Rectangle sourceRectangle The source area to process for the current processor instance. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Configuration Gets the Configuration instance to use when performing operations. Declaration protected Configuration Configuration { get; } Property Value Type Description Configuration | Improve this Doc View Source Source Gets The source Image<TPixel> for the current processor instance. Declaration protected Image<TPixel> Source { get; } Property Value Type Description Image <TPixel> | Improve this Doc View Source SourceRectangle Gets The source area to process for the current processor instance. Declaration protected Rectangle SourceRectangle { get; } Property Value Type Description Rectangle Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AfterFrameApply(ImageFrame<TPixel>) This method is called after the process is applied to prepare the processor. Declaration protected virtual void AfterFrameApply(ImageFrame<TPixel> source) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. | Improve this Doc View Source AfterImageApply() This method is called after the process is applied to prepare the processor. Declaration protected virtual void AfterImageApply() | Improve this Doc View Source Apply(ImageFrame<TPixel>) Applies the processor to a single image frame. Declaration public void Apply(ImageFrame<TPixel> source) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame <TPixel> source the source image. | Improve this Doc View Source BeforeFrameApply(ImageFrame<TPixel>) This method is called before the process is applied to prepare the processor. Declaration protected virtual void BeforeFrameApply(ImageFrame<TPixel> source) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. | Improve this Doc View Source BeforeImageApply() This method is called before the process is applied to prepare the processor. Declaration protected virtual void BeforeImageApply() | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose() Declaration public void Dispose() | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose(Boolean) Disposes the object and frees resources for the Garbage Collector. Declaration protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) Parameters Type Name Description Boolean disposing Whether to dispose managed and unmanaged objects. | Improve this Doc View Source OnFrameApply(ImageFrame<TPixel>) Applies the process to the specified portion of the specified ImageFrame<TPixel> at the specified location and with the specified size. Declaration protected abstract void OnFrameApply(ImageFrame<TPixel> source) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Explicit Interface Implementations | Improve this Doc View Source IImageProcessor<TPixel>.Execute() Executes the process against the specified Image<TPixel> . Declaratio
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessor.html",
"title": "Class AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessor",
"keywords": "Class AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessor Applies an adaptive histogram equalization to the image. The image is split up in tiles. For each tile a cumulative distribution function (cdf) is calculated. To calculate the final equalized pixel value, the cdf value of four adjacent tiles will be interpolated. Inheritance Object HistogramEqualizationProcessor AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members HistogramEqualizationProcessor.LuminanceLevels HistogramEqualizationProcessor.ClipHistogram HistogramEqualizationProcessor.ClipLimit HistogramEqualizationProcessor.FromOptions(HistogramEqualizationOptions) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessor : HistogramEqualizationProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessor(Int32, Boolean, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessor class. Declaration public AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessor(int luminanceLevels, bool clipHistogram, int clipLimit, int numberOfTiles) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 luminanceLevels The number of different luminance levels. Typical values are 256 for 8-bit grayscale images or 65536 for 16-bit grayscale images. Boolean clipHistogram Indicating whether to clip the histogram bins at a specific value. Int32 clipLimit The histogram clip limit. Histogram bins which exceed this limit, will be capped at this value. Int32 numberOfTiles The number of tiles the image is split into (horizontal and vertically). Minimum value is 2. Maximum value is 100. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source NumberOfTiles Gets the number of tiles the image is split into (horizontal and vertically) for the adaptive histogram equalization. Declaration public int NumberOfTiles { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public override IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.HistogramEqualizationProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image<TPixel>, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle) Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationSlidingWindowProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationSlidingWindowProcessor.html",
"title": "Class AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationSlidingWindowProcessor",
"keywords": "Class AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationSlidingWindowProcessor Applies an adaptive histogram equalization to the image using an sliding window approach. Inheritance Object HistogramEqualizationProcessor AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationSlidingWindowProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members HistogramEqualizationProcessor.LuminanceLevels HistogramEqualizationProcessor.ClipHistogram HistogramEqualizationProcessor.ClipLimit HistogramEqualizationProcessor.FromOptions(HistogramEqualizationOptions) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationSlidingWindowProcessor : HistogramEqualizationProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationSlidingWindowProcessor(Int32, Boolean, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationSlidingWindowProcessor class. Declaration public AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationSlidingWindowProcessor(int luminanceLevels, bool clipHistogram, int clipLimit, int numberOfTiles) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 luminanceLevels The number of different luminance levels. Typical values are 256 for 8-bit grayscale images or 65536 for 16-bit grayscale images. Boolean clipHistogram Indicating whether to clip the histogram bins at a specific value. Int32 clipLimit The histogram clip limit. Histogram bins which exceed this limit, will be capped at this value. Int32 numberOfTiles The number of tiles the image is split into (horizontal and vertically). Minimum value is 2. Maximum value is 100. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source NumberOfTiles Gets the number of tiles the image is split into (horizontal and vertically) for the adaptive histogram equalization. Declaration public int NumberOfTiles { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public override IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.HistogramEqualizationProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image<TPixel>, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle) Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.GlobalHistogramEqualizationProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.GlobalHistogramEqualizationProcessor.html",
"title": "Class GlobalHistogramEqualizationProcessor",
"keywords": "Class GlobalHistogramEqualizationProcessor Defines a global histogram equalization applicable to an Image . Inheritance Object HistogramEqualizationProcessor GlobalHistogramEqualizationProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members HistogramEqualizationProcessor.LuminanceLevels HistogramEqualizationProcessor.ClipHistogram HistogramEqualizationProcessor.ClipLimit HistogramEqualizationProcessor.FromOptions(HistogramEqualizationOptions) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class GlobalHistogramEqualizationProcessor : HistogramEqualizationProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GlobalHistogramEqualizationProcessor(Int32, Boolean, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the GlobalHistogramEqualizationProcessor class. Declaration public GlobalHistogramEqualizationProcessor(int luminanceLevels, bool clipHistogram, int clipLimit) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 luminanceLevels The number of luminance levels. Boolean clipHistogram A value indicating whether to clip the histogram bins at a specific value. Int32 clipLimit The histogram clip limit. Histogram bins which exceed this limit, will be capped at this value. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public override IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.HistogramEqualizationProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image<TPixel>, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle) Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.HistogramEqualizationMethod.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.HistogramEqualizationMethod.html",
"title": "Enum HistogramEqualizationMethod",
"keywords": "Enum HistogramEqualizationMethod Enumerates the different types of defined histogram equalization methods. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum HistogramEqualizationMethod Fields Name Description AdaptiveSlidingWindow Adaptive histogram equalization using sliding window. Slower then the tile interpolation mode, but can yield to better results. AdaptiveTileInterpolation Adaptive histogram equalization using a tile interpolation approach. Global A global histogram equalization."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.HistogramEqualizationOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.HistogramEqualizationOptions.html",
"title": "Class HistogramEqualizationOptions",
"keywords": "Class HistogramEqualizationOptions Data container providing the different options for the histogram equalization. Inheritance Object HistogramEqualizationOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class HistogramEqualizationOptions Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ClipHistogram Gets or sets a value indicating whether to clip the histogram bins at a specific value. It is recommended to use clipping when the AdaptiveTileInterpolation method is used, to suppress artifacts which can occur on the borders of the tiles. Defaults to false. Declaration public bool ClipHistogram { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source ClipLimit Gets or sets the histogram clip limit. Adaptive histogram equalization may cause noise to be amplified in near constant regions. To reduce this problem, histogram bins which exceed a given limit will be capped at this value. The exceeding values will be redistributed equally to all other bins. The clipLimit depends on the size of the tiles the image is split into and therefore the image size itself. Defaults to 350. Declaration public int ClipLimit { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Remarks For more information, see also: | Improve this Doc View Source Default Gets the default HistogramEqualizationOptions instance. Declaration public static HistogramEqualizationOptions Default { get; } Property Value Type Description HistogramEqualizationOptions | Improve this Doc View Source LuminanceLevels Gets or sets the number of different luminance levels. Typical values are 256 for 8-bit grayscale images or 65536 for 16-bit grayscale images. Defaults to 256. Declaration public int LuminanceLevels { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Method Gets or sets the histogram equalization method to use. Defaults to global histogram equalization. Declaration public HistogramEqualizationMethod Method { get; set; } Property Value Type Description HistogramEqualizationMethod | Improve this Doc View Source NumberOfTiles Gets or sets the number of tiles the image is split into (horizontal and vertically) for the adaptive histogram equalization. Defaults to 8. Declaration public int NumberOfTiles { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.HistogramEqualizationProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.HistogramEqualizationProcessor.html",
"title": "Class HistogramEqualizationProcessor",
"keywords": "Class HistogramEqualizationProcessor Defines a processor that normalizes the histogram of an image. Inheritance Object HistogramEqualizationProcessor AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessor AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationSlidingWindowProcessor GlobalHistogramEqualizationProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public abstract class HistogramEqualizationProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source HistogramEqualizationProcessor(Int32, Boolean, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the HistogramEqualizationProcessor class. Declaration protected HistogramEqualizationProcessor(int luminanceLevels, bool clipHistogram, int clipLimit) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 luminanceLevels The number of different luminance levels. Typical values are 256 for 8-bit grayscale images or 65536 for 16-bit grayscale images. Boolean clipHistogram Indicates, if histogram bins should be clipped. Int32 clipLimit The histogram clip limit. Histogram bins which exceed this limit, will be capped at this value. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ClipHistogram Gets a value indicating whether to clip the histogram bins at a specific value. Declaration public bool ClipHistogram { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source ClipLimit Gets the histogram clip limit. Histogram bins which exceed this limit, will be capped at this value. Declaration public int ClipLimit { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source LuminanceLevels Gets the number of luminance levels. Declaration public int LuminanceLevels { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public abstract IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. | Improve this Doc View Source FromOptions(HistogramEqualizationOptions) Creates the HistogramEqualizationProcessor that implements the algorithm defined by the given HistogramEqualizationOptions . Declaration public static HistogramEqualizationProcessor FromOptions(HistogramEqualizationOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description HistogramEqualizationOptions options The HistogramEqualizationOptions . Returns Type Description HistogramEqualizationProcessor The HistogramEqualizationProcessor . Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Normalization Classes AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessor Applies an adaptive histogram equalization to the image. The image is split up in tiles. For each tile a cumulative distribution function (cdf) is calculated. To calculate the final equalized pixel value, the cdf value of four adjacent tiles will be interpolated. AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationSlidingWindowProcessor Applies an adaptive histogram equalization to the image using an sliding window approach. GlobalHistogramEqualizationProcessor Defines a global histogram equalization applicable to an Image . HistogramEqualizationOptions Data container providing the different options for the histogram equalization. HistogramEqualizationProcessor Defines a processor that normalizes the histogram of an image. Enums HistogramEqualizationMethod Enumerates the different types of defined histogram equalization methods."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays.BackgroundColorProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays.BackgroundColorProcessor.html",
"title": "Class BackgroundColorProcessor",
"keywords": "Class BackgroundColorProcessor Defines a processing operation to replace the background color of an Image . Inheritance Object BackgroundColorProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class BackgroundColorProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source BackgroundColorProcessor(GraphicsOptions, Color) Initializes a new instance of the BackgroundColorProcessor class. Declaration public BackgroundColorProcessor(GraphicsOptions options, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description GraphicsOptions options The options defining blending algorithm and amount. Color color The Color to set the background color to. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Color Gets the background color value. Declaration public Color Color { get; } Property Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source GraphicsOptions Gets the Graphics options to alter how processor is applied. Declaration public GraphicsOptions GraphicsOptions { get; } Property Value Type Description GraphicsOptions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays.GlowProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays.GlowProcessor.html",
"title": "Class GlowProcessor",
"keywords": "Class GlowProcessor Defines a radial glow effect applicable to an Image . Inheritance Object GlowProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class GlowProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source GlowProcessor(GraphicsOptions, Color) Initializes a new instance of the GlowProcessor class. Declaration public GlowProcessor(GraphicsOptions options, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description GraphicsOptions options The options effecting blending and composition. Color color The color or the glow. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source GlowColor Gets the glow color to apply. Declaration public Color GlowColor { get; } Property Value Type Description Color | Improve this Doc View Source GraphicsOptions Gets the options effecting blending and composition. Declaration public GraphicsOptions GraphicsOptions { get; } Property Value Type Description GraphicsOptions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays Classes BackgroundColorProcessor Defines a processing operation to replace the background color of an Image . GlowProcessor Defines a radial glow effect applicable to an Image . VignetteProcessor Defines a radial vignette effect applicable to an Image ."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays.VignetteProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays.VignetteProcessor.html",
"title": "Class VignetteProcessor",
"keywords": "Class VignetteProcessor Defines a radial vignette effect applicable to an Image . Inheritance Object VignetteProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Overlays Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class VignetteProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source VignetteProcessor(GraphicsOptions, Color) Initializes a new instance of the VignetteProcessor class. Declaration public VignetteProcessor(GraphicsOptions options, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description GraphicsOptions options The options effecting blending and composition. Color color The color of the vignette. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source GraphicsOptions Gets the options effecting blending and composition Declaration public GraphicsOptions GraphicsOptions { get; } Property Value Type Description GraphicsOptions | Improve this Doc View Source VignetteColor Gets the vignette color to apply. Declaration public Color VignetteColor { get; } Property Value Type Description Color Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy.html",
"title": "Class DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy",
"keywords": "Class DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy A pixel sampling strategy that enumerates a limited amount of rows from different frames, if the total number of pixels is over a threshold. Inheritance Object DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy Implements IPixelSamplingStrategy Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy : IPixelSamplingStrategy Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy() Initializes a new instance of the DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy class. Declaration public DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy() | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy(Int32, Double) Initializes a new instance of the DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy class. Declaration public DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy(int maximumPixels, double minimumScanRatio) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 maximumPixels The maximum number of pixels to process. Double minimumScanRatio always scan at least this portion of total pixels within the image. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source MaximumPixels Gets the maximum number of pixels to process. (The threshold.) Declaration public long MaximumPixels { get; } Property Value Type Description Int64 | Improve this Doc View Source MinimumScanRatio Gets a value indicating: always scan at least this portion of total pixels within the image. The default is 0.1 (10%). Declaration public double MinimumScanRatio { get; } Property Value Type Description Double Methods | Improve this Doc View Source EnumeratePixelRegions<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>) Enumerates pixel regions within the image as Buffer2DRegion<T> . Declaration public IEnumerable<Buffer2DRegion<TPixel>> EnumeratePixelRegions<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The image. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < Buffer2DRegion <TPixel>> An enumeration of pixel regions. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IPixelSamplingStrategy"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.ExtensivePixelSamplingStrategy.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.ExtensivePixelSamplingStrategy.html",
"title": "Class ExtensivePixelSamplingStrategy",
"keywords": "Class ExtensivePixelSamplingStrategy A pixel sampling strategy that enumerates all pixels. Inheritance Object ExtensivePixelSamplingStrategy Implements IPixelSamplingStrategy Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class ExtensivePixelSamplingStrategy : IPixelSamplingStrategy Methods | Improve this Doc View Source EnumeratePixelRegions<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>) Enumerates pixel regions within the image as Buffer2DRegion<T> . Declaration public IEnumerable<Buffer2DRegion<TPixel>> EnumeratePixelRegions<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The image. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < Buffer2DRegion <TPixel>> An enumeration of pixel regions. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IPixelSamplingStrategy"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Classes DefaultPixelSamplingStrategy A pixel sampling strategy that enumerates a limited amount of rows from different frames, if the total number of pixels is over a threshold. ExtensivePixelSamplingStrategy A pixel sampling strategy that enumerates all pixels. OctreeQuantizer Allows the quantization of images pixels using Octrees. PaletteQuantizer Allows the quantization of images pixels using color palettes. QuantizeProcessor Defines quantization processing for images to reduce the number of colors used in the image palette. QuantizerConstants Contains color quantization specific constants. QuantizerOptions Defines options for quantization. QuantizerUtilities Contains utility methods for IQuantizer<TPixel> instances. WebSafePaletteQuantizer A palette quantizer consisting of web safe colors as defined in the CSS Color Module Level 4. WernerPaletteQuantizer A palette quantizer consisting of colors as defined in the original second edition of Werners Nomenclature of Colours 1821. The hex codes were collected and defined by Nicholas Rougeux WuQuantizer Allows the quantization of images pixels using Xiaolin Wu's Color Quantizer Structs OctreeQuantizer<TPixel> Encapsulates methods to calculate the color palette if an image using an Octree pattern. Interfaces IPixelSamplingStrategy Provides an abstraction to enumerate pixel regions within a multi-framed Image<TPixel> . IQuantizer Provides methods for allowing quantization of images pixels with configurable dithering. IQuantizer<TPixel> Provides methods to allow the execution of the quantization process on an image frame."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.IPixelSamplingStrategy.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.IPixelSamplingStrategy.html",
"title": "Interface IPixelSamplingStrategy",
"keywords": "Interface IPixelSamplingStrategy Provides an abstraction to enumerate pixel regions within a multi-framed Image<TPixel> . Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IPixelSamplingStrategy Methods | Improve this Doc View Source EnumeratePixelRegions<TPixel>(Image<TPixel>) Enumerates pixel regions within the image as Buffer2DRegion<T> . Declaration IEnumerable<Buffer2DRegion<TPixel>> EnumeratePixelRegions<TPixel>(Image<TPixel> image) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Image <TPixel> image The image. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < Buffer2DRegion <TPixel>> An enumeration of pixel regions. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.IQuantizer.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.IQuantizer.html",
"title": "Interface IQuantizer",
"keywords": "Interface IQuantizer Provides methods for allowing quantization of images pixels with configurable dithering. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IQuantizer Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the quantizer options defining quantization rules. Declaration QuantizerOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description QuantizerOptions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration) Creates the generic frame quantizer. Declaration IQuantizer<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration configuration) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration to configure internal operations. Returns Type Description IQuantizer <TPixel> The IQuantizer<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration, QuantizerOptions) Creates the generic frame quantizer. Declaration IQuantizer<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, QuantizerOptions options) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration to configure internal operations. QuantizerOptions options The options to create the quantizer with. Returns Type Description IQuantizer <TPixel> The IQuantizer<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.IQuantizer-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.IQuantizer-1.html",
"title": "Interface IQuantizer<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Interface IQuantizer<TPixel> Provides methods to allow the execution of the quantization process on an image frame. Inherited Members IDisposable.Dispose() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IQuantizer<TPixel> : IDisposable where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Configuration Gets the configuration. Declaration Configuration Configuration { get; } Property Value Type Description Configuration | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the quantizer options defining quantization rules. Declaration QuantizerOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description QuantizerOptions | Improve this Doc View Source Palette Gets the quantized color palette. Declaration ReadOnlyMemory<TPixel> Palette { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlyMemory <TPixel> Exceptions Type Condition InvalidOperationException The palette has not been built via AddPaletteColors(Buffer2DRegion<TPixel>) . Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddPaletteColors(Buffer2DRegion<TPixel>) Adds colors to the quantized palette from the given pixel source. Declaration void AddPaletteColors(Buffer2DRegion<TPixel> pixelRegion) Parameters Type Name Description Buffer2DRegion <TPixel> pixelRegion The Buffer2DRegion<T> of source pixels to register. | Improve this Doc View Source GetQuantizedColor(TPixel, out TPixel) Returns the index and color from the quantized palette corresponding to the given color. Declaration byte GetQuantizedColor(TPixel color, out TPixel match) Parameters Type Name Description TPixel color The color to match. TPixel match The matched color. Returns Type Description Byte The Byte index. | Improve this Doc View Source QuantizeFrame(ImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) Quantizes an image frame and return the resulting output pixels. Declaration IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> QuantizeFrame(ImageFrame<TPixel> source, Rectangle bounds) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image frame to quantize. Rectangle bounds The bounds within the frame to quantize. Returns Type Description IndexedImageFrame <TPixel> A IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> representing a quantized version of the source frame pixels. Remarks Only executes the second (quantization) step. The palette has to be built by calling AddPaletteColors(Buffer2DRegion<TPixel>) . To run both steps, use BuildPaletteAndQuantizeFrame<TPixel>(IQuantizer<TPixel>, ImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) . Extension Methods QuantizerUtilities.BuildPaletteAndQuantizeFrame<TPixel>(IQuantizer<TPixel>, ImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.OctreeQuantizer.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.OctreeQuantizer.html",
"title": "Class OctreeQuantizer",
"keywords": "Class OctreeQuantizer Allows the quantization of images pixels using Octrees. Inheritance Object OctreeQuantizer Implements IQuantizer Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class OctreeQuantizer : IQuantizer Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source OctreeQuantizer() Initializes a new instance of the OctreeQuantizer class using the default QuantizerOptions . Declaration public OctreeQuantizer() | Improve this Doc View Source OctreeQuantizer(QuantizerOptions) Initializes a new instance of the OctreeQuantizer class. Declaration public OctreeQuantizer(QuantizerOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description QuantizerOptions options The quantizer options defining quantization rules. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the quantizer options defining quantization rules. Declaration public QuantizerOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description QuantizerOptions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration) Creates the generic frame quantizer. Declaration public IQuantizer<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration configuration) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration to configure internal operations. Returns Type Description IQuantizer <TPixel> The IQuantizer<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration, QuantizerOptions) Creates the generic frame quantizer. Declaration public IQuantizer<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, QuantizerOptions options) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration to configure internal operations. QuantizerOptions options The options to create the quantizer with. Returns Type Description IQuantizer <TPixel> The IQuantizer<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Implements IQuantizer"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.OctreeQuantizer-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.OctreeQuantizer-1.html",
"title": "Struct OctreeQuantizer<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Struct OctreeQuantizer<TPixel> Encapsulates methods to calculate the color palette if an image using an Octree pattern. Implements IQuantizer <TPixel> IDisposable Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct OctreeQuantizer<TPixel> : IQuantizer<TPixel>, IDisposable where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source OctreeQuantizer(Configuration, QuantizerOptions) Initializes a new instance of the OctreeQuantizer<TPixel> struct. Declaration public OctreeQuantizer(Configuration configuration, QuantizerOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. QuantizerOptions options The quantizer options defining quantization rules. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Configuration Gets the configuration. Declaration public readonly Configuration Configuration { get; } Property Value Type Description Configuration | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the quantizer options defining quantization rules. Declaration public readonly QuantizerOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description QuantizerOptions | Improve this Doc View Source Palette Gets the quantized color palette. Declaration public readonly ReadOnlyMemory<TPixel> Palette { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlyMemory <TPixel> Exceptions Type Condition InvalidOperationException The palette has not been built via AddPaletteColors(Buffer2DRegion<TPixel>) . Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddPaletteColors(Buffer2DRegion<TPixel>) Adds colors to the quantized palette from the given pixel source. Declaration public void AddPaletteColors(Buffer2DRegion<TPixel> pixelRegion) Parameters Type Name Description Buffer2DRegion <TPixel> pixelRegion The Buffer2DRegion<T> of source pixels to register. | Improve this Doc View Source Dispose() Declaration public void Dispose() | Improve this Doc View Source GetQuantizedColor(TPixel, out TPixel) Returns the index and color from the quantized palette corresponding to the given color. Declaration public readonly byte GetQuantizedColor(TPixel color, out TPixel match) Parameters Type Name Description TPixel color The color to match. TPixel match The matched color. Returns Type Description Byte The Byte index. | Improve this Doc View Source QuantizeFrame(ImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) Quantizes an image frame and return the resulting output pixels. Declaration public readonly IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> QuantizeFrame(ImageFrame<TPixel> source, Rectangle bounds) Parameters Type Name Description ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image frame to quantize. Rectangle bounds The bounds within the frame to quantize. Returns Type Description IndexedImageFrame <TPixel> A IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> representing a quantized version of the source frame pixels. Remarks Only executes the second (quantization) step. The palette has to be built by calling AddPaletteColors(Buffer2DRegion<TPixel>) . To run both steps, use BuildPaletteAndQuantizeFrame<TPixel>(IQuantizer<TPixel>, ImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) . Implements IQuantizer<TPixel> System.IDisposable Extension Methods QuantizerUtilities.BuildPaletteAndQuantizeFrame<TPixel>(IQuantizer<TPixel>, ImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle)"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.PaletteQuantizer.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.PaletteQuantizer.html",
"title": "Class PaletteQuantizer",
"keywords": "Class PaletteQuantizer Allows the quantization of images pixels using color palettes. Inheritance Object PaletteQuantizer WebSafePaletteQuantizer WernerPaletteQuantizer Implements IQuantizer Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class PaletteQuantizer : IQuantizer Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PaletteQuantizer(ReadOnlyMemory<Color>) Initializes a new instance of the PaletteQuantizer class. Declaration public PaletteQuantizer(ReadOnlyMemory<Color> palette) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlyMemory < Color > palette The color palette. | Improve this Doc View Source PaletteQuantizer(ReadOnlyMemory<Color>, QuantizerOptions) Initializes a new instance of the PaletteQuantizer class. Declaration public PaletteQuantizer(ReadOnlyMemory<Color> palette, QuantizerOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlyMemory < Color > palette The color palette. QuantizerOptions options The quantizer options defining quantization rules. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the quantizer options defining quantization rules. Declaration public QuantizerOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description QuantizerOptions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration) Creates the generic frame quantizer. Declaration public IQuantizer<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration configuration) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration to configure internal operations. Returns Type Description IQuantizer <TPixel> The IQuantizer<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration, QuantizerOptions) Creates the generic frame quantizer. Declaration public IQuantizer<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, QuantizerOptions options) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration to configure internal operations. QuantizerOptions options The options to create the quantizer with. Returns Type Description IQuantizer <TPixel> The IQuantizer<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Implements IQuantizer"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.QuantizeProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.QuantizeProcessor.html",
"title": "Class QuantizeProcessor",
"keywords": "Class QuantizeProcessor Defines quantization processing for images to reduce the number of colors used in the image palette. Inheritance Object QuantizeProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class QuantizeProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source QuantizeProcessor(IQuantizer) Initializes a new instance of the QuantizeProcessor class. Declaration public QuantizeProcessor(IQuantizer quantizer) Parameters Type Name Description IQuantizer quantizer The quantizer used to reduce the color palette. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Quantizer Gets the quantizer. Declaration public IQuantizer Quantizer { get; } Property Value Type Description IQuantizer Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.QuantizerConstants.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.QuantizerConstants.html",
"title": "Class QuantizerConstants",
"keywords": "Class QuantizerConstants Contains color quantization specific constants. Inheritance Object QuantizerConstants Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class QuantizerConstants Fields | Improve this Doc View Source MaxColors The maximum number of colors to use when quantizing an image. Declaration public const int MaxColors = 256 Field Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source MaxDitherScale The max dithering scale used to adjust the amount of dither. Declaration public const float MaxDitherScale = 1F Field Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source MinColors The minimum number of colors to use when quantizing an image. Declaration public const int MinColors = 1 Field Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source MinDitherScale The minumim dithering scale used to adjust the amount of dither. Declaration public const float MinDitherScale = 0F Field Value Type Description Single Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DefaultDither Gets the default dithering algorithm to use. Declaration public static IDither DefaultDither { get; } Property Value Type Description IDither"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.QuantizerOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.QuantizerOptions.html",
"title": "Class QuantizerOptions",
"keywords": "Class QuantizerOptions Defines options for quantization. Inheritance Object QuantizerOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class QuantizerOptions Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Dither Gets or sets the algorithm to apply to the output image. Defaults to DefaultDither ; set to null for no dithering. Declaration public IDither Dither { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IDither | Improve this Doc View Source DitherScale Gets or sets the dithering scale used to adjust the amount of dither. Range 0..1. Defaults to MaxDitherScale . Declaration public float DitherScale { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source MaxColors Gets or sets the maximum number of colors to hold in the color palette. Range 0..256. Defaults to MaxColors . Declaration public int MaxColors { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.QuantizerUtilities.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.QuantizerUtilities.html",
"title": "Class QuantizerUtilities",
"keywords": "Class QuantizerUtilities Contains utility methods for IQuantizer<TPixel> instances. Inheritance Object QuantizerUtilities Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class QuantizerUtilities Methods | Improve this Doc View Source BuildPaletteAndQuantizeFrame<TPixel>(IQuantizer<TPixel>, ImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) Execute both steps of the quantization. Declaration public static IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> BuildPaletteAndQuantizeFrame<TPixel>(this IQuantizer<TPixel> quantizer, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, Rectangle bounds) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description IQuantizer <TPixel> quantizer The pixel specific quantizer. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image frame to quantize. Rectangle bounds The bounds within the frame to quantize. Returns Type Description IndexedImageFrame <TPixel> A IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> representing a quantized version of the source frame pixels. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. | Improve this Doc View Source CheckPaletteState<TPixel>(in ReadOnlyMemory<TPixel>) Helper method for throwing an exception when a frame quantizer palette has been requested but not built yet. Declaration public static void CheckPaletteState<TPixel>(in ReadOnlyMemory<TPixel> palette) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlyMemory <TPixel> palette The frame quantizer palette. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Exceptions Type Condition InvalidOperationException The palette has not been built via AddPaletteColors(Buffer2DRegion<TPixel>) | Improve this Doc View Source QuantizeFrame<TFrameQuantizer, TPixel>(ref TFrameQuantizer, ImageFrame<TPixel>, Rectangle) Quantizes an image frame and return the resulting output pixels. Declaration public static IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> QuantizeFrame<TFrameQuantizer, TPixel>(ref TFrameQuantizer quantizer, ImageFrame<TPixel> source, Rectangle bounds) where TFrameQuantizer : struct, IQuantizer<TPixel> where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description TFrameQuantizer quantizer The pixel specific quantizer. ImageFrame <TPixel> source The source image frame to quantize. Rectangle bounds The bounds within the frame to quantize. Returns Type Description IndexedImageFrame <TPixel> A IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> representing a quantized version of the source frame pixels. Type Parameters Name Description TFrameQuantizer The type of frame quantizer. TPixel The pixel format."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.WebSafePaletteQuantizer.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.WebSafePaletteQuantizer.html",
"title": "Class WebSafePaletteQuantizer",
"keywords": "Class WebSafePaletteQuantizer A palette quantizer consisting of web safe colors as defined in the CSS Color Module Level 4. Inheritance Object PaletteQuantizer WebSafePaletteQuantizer Implements IQuantizer Inherited Members PaletteQuantizer.Options PaletteQuantizer.CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration) PaletteQuantizer.CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration, QuantizerOptions) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class WebSafePaletteQuantizer : PaletteQuantizer, IQuantizer Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source WebSafePaletteQuantizer() Initializes a new instance of the WebSafePaletteQuantizer class. Declaration public WebSafePaletteQuantizer() | Improve this Doc View Source WebSafePaletteQuantizer(QuantizerOptions) Initializes a new instance of the WebSafePaletteQuantizer class. Declaration public WebSafePaletteQuantizer(QuantizerOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description QuantizerOptions options The quantizer options defining quantization rules. Implements IQuantizer"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.WernerPaletteQuantizer.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.WernerPaletteQuantizer.html",
"title": "Class WernerPaletteQuantizer",
"keywords": "Class WernerPaletteQuantizer A palette quantizer consisting of colors as defined in the original second edition of Werners Nomenclature of Colours 1821. The hex codes were collected and defined by Nicholas Rougeux Inheritance Object PaletteQuantizer WernerPaletteQuantizer Implements IQuantizer Inherited Members PaletteQuantizer.Options PaletteQuantizer.CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration) PaletteQuantizer.CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration, QuantizerOptions) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class WernerPaletteQuantizer : PaletteQuantizer, IQuantizer Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source WernerPaletteQuantizer() Initializes a new instance of the WernerPaletteQuantizer class. Declaration public WernerPaletteQuantizer() | Improve this Doc View Source WernerPaletteQuantizer(QuantizerOptions) Initializes a new instance of the WernerPaletteQuantizer class. Declaration public WernerPaletteQuantizer(QuantizerOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description QuantizerOptions options The quantizer options defining quantization rules. Implements IQuantizer"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.WuQuantizer.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization.WuQuantizer.html",
"title": "Class WuQuantizer",
"keywords": "Class WuQuantizer Allows the quantization of images pixels using Xiaolin Wu's Color Quantizer Inheritance Object WuQuantizer Implements IQuantizer Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Quantization Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class WuQuantizer : IQuantizer Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source WuQuantizer() Initializes a new instance of the WuQuantizer class using the default QuantizerOptions . Declaration public WuQuantizer() | Improve this Doc View Source WuQuantizer(QuantizerOptions) Initializes a new instance of the WuQuantizer class. Declaration public WuQuantizer(QuantizerOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description QuantizerOptions options The quantizer options defining quantization rules. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Options Gets the quantizer options defining quantization rules. Declaration public QuantizerOptions Options { get; } Property Value Type Description QuantizerOptions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration) Creates the generic frame quantizer. Declaration public IQuantizer<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration configuration) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration to configure internal operations. Returns Type Description IQuantizer <TPixel> The IQuantizer<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration, QuantizerOptions) Creates the generic frame quantizer. Declaration public IQuantizer<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificQuantizer<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, QuantizerOptions options) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The Configuration to configure internal operations. QuantizerOptions options The options to create the quantizer with. Returns Type Description IQuantizer <TPixel> The IQuantizer<TPixel> . Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Implements IQuantizer"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.AffineTransformProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.AffineTransformProcessor.html",
"title": "Class AffineTransformProcessor",
"keywords": "Class AffineTransformProcessor Defines an affine transformation applicable on an Image . Inheritance Object CloningImageProcessor AffineTransformProcessor RotateProcessor SkewProcessor Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor Inherited Members CloningImageProcessor.IImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class AffineTransformProcessor : CloningImageProcessor, ICloningImageProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source AffineTransformProcessor(Matrix3x2, IResampler, Size) Initializes a new instance of the AffineTransformProcessor class. Declaration public AffineTransformProcessor(Matrix3x2 matrix, IResampler sampler, Size targetDimensions) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix3x2 matrix The transform matrix. IResampler sampler The sampler to perform the transform operation. Size targetDimensions The target dimensions. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DestinationSize Gets the destination size to constrain the transformed image to. Declaration public Size DestinationSize { get; } Property Value Type Description Size | Improve this Doc View Source Sampler Gets the sampler to perform interpolation of the transform operation. Declaration public IResampler Sampler { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source TransformMatrix Gets the matrix used to supply the affine transform. Declaration public Matrix3x2 TransformMatrix { get; } Property Value Type Description Matrix3x2 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public override ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description ICloningImageProcessor <TPixel> The ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.CloningImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image<TPixel>, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle) Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.AutoOrientProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.AutoOrientProcessor.html",
"title": "Class AutoOrientProcessor",
"keywords": "Class AutoOrientProcessor Adjusts an image so that its orientation is suitable for viewing. Adjustments are based on EXIF metadata embedded in the image. Inheritance Object AutoOrientProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class AutoOrientProcessor : IImageProcessor Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.BicubicResampler.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.BicubicResampler.html",
"title": "Struct BicubicResampler",
"keywords": "Struct BicubicResampler The function implements the bicubic kernel algorithm W(x) as described on Wikipedia A commonly used algorithm within image processing that preserves sharpness better than triangle interpolation. Implements IResampler Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct BicubicResampler : IResampler Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius in which to sample pixels. Declaration public readonly float Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel>) Applies a transformation upon an image. Declaration public readonly void ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel> processor) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description IResamplingTransformImageProcessor <TPixel> processor The transforming image processor. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source GetValue(Single) Gets the result of the interpolation algorithm. Declaration public readonly float GetValue(float x) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The value to process. Returns Type Description Single The Single Implements IResampler"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.BoxResampler.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.BoxResampler.html",
"title": "Struct BoxResampler",
"keywords": "Struct BoxResampler The function implements the box algorithm. Similar to nearest neighbor when upscaling. When downscaling the pixels will average, merging together. Implements IResampler Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct BoxResampler : IResampler Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius in which to sample pixels. Declaration public readonly float Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel>) Applies a transformation upon an image. Declaration public readonly void ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel> processor) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description IResamplingTransformImageProcessor <TPixel> processor The transforming image processor. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source GetValue(Single) Gets the result of the interpolation algorithm. Declaration public readonly float GetValue(float x) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The value to process. Returns Type Description Single The Single Implements IResampler"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.CropProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.CropProcessor.html",
"title": "Class CropProcessor",
"keywords": "Class CropProcessor Defines a crop operation on an image. Inheritance Object CloningImageProcessor CropProcessor Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor Inherited Members CloningImageProcessor.IImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class CropProcessor : CloningImageProcessor, ICloningImageProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CropProcessor(Rectangle, Size) Initializes a new instance of the CropProcessor class. Declaration public CropProcessor(Rectangle cropRectangle, Size sourceSize) Parameters Type Name Description Rectangle cropRectangle The target cropped rectangle. Size sourceSize The source image size. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source CropRectangle Gets the width. Declaration public Rectangle CropRectangle { get; } Property Value Type Description Rectangle Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public override ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description ICloningImageProcessor <TPixel> The ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.CloningImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image<TPixel>, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle) Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.CubicResampler.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.CubicResampler.html",
"title": "Struct CubicResampler",
"keywords": "Struct CubicResampler Cubic filters contain a collection of different filters of varying B-Spline and Cardinal values. With these two values you can generate any smoothly fitting (continuious first derivative) piece-wise cubic filter. Implements IResampler Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct CubicResampler : IResampler Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CubicResampler(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the CubicResampler struct. Declaration public CubicResampler(float radius, float bspline, float cardinal) Parameters Type Name Description Single radius The sampling radius. Single bspline The B-Spline value. Single cardinal The Cardinal cubic value. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source CatmullRom The Catmull-Rom filter is a well known standard Cubic Filter often used as a interpolation function. This filter produces a reasonably sharp edge, but without a the pronounced gradient change on large scale image enlargements that a 'Lagrange' filter can produce. Declaration public static CubicResampler CatmullRom Field Value Type Description CubicResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Hermite The Hermite filter is type of smoothed triangular interpolation Filter, This filter rounds off strong edges while preserving flat 'color levels' in the original image. Declaration public static CubicResampler Hermite Field Value Type Description CubicResampler | Improve this Doc View Source MitchellNetravali The function implements the Mitchell-Netravali algorithm as described on Wikipedia Declaration public static CubicResampler MitchellNetravali Field Value Type Description CubicResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Robidoux The function implements the Robidoux algorithm. Declaration public static CubicResampler Robidoux Field Value Type Description CubicResampler | Improve this Doc View Source RobidouxSharp The function implements the Robidoux Sharp algorithm. Declaration public static CubicResampler RobidouxSharp Field Value Type Description CubicResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Spline The function implements the spline algorithm. Declaration public static CubicResampler Spline Field Value Type Description CubicResampler Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius in which to sample pixels. Declaration public readonly float Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel>) Applies a transformation upon an image. Declaration public readonly void ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel> processor) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description IResamplingTransformImageProcessor <TPixel> processor The transforming image processor. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source GetValue(Single) Gets the result of the interpolation algorithm. Declaration public readonly float GetValue(float x) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The value to process. Returns Type Description Single The Single Implements IResampler"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.DegenerateTransformException.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.DegenerateTransformException.html",
"title": "Class DegenerateTransformException",
"keywords": "Class DegenerateTransformException Represents an error that occurs during a transform operation. Inheritance Object Exception DegenerateTransformException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class DegenerateTransformException : Exception, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source DegenerateTransformException() Initializes a new instance of the DegenerateTransformException class. Declaration public DegenerateTransformException() | Improve this Doc View Source DegenerateTransformException(String) Initializes a new instance of the DegenerateTransformException class with a specified error message. Declaration public DegenerateTransformException(string message) Parameters Type Name Description String message The message that describes the error. | Improve this Doc View Source DegenerateTransformException(String, Exception) Initializes a new instance of the DegenerateTransformException class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. Declaration public DegenerateTransformException(string message, Exception innerException) Parameters Type Name Description String message The error message that explains the reason for the exception. Exception innerException The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference ( langword_csharp_Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.EntropyCropProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.EntropyCropProcessor.html",
"title": "Class EntropyCropProcessor",
"keywords": "Class EntropyCropProcessor Defines cropping operation that preserves areas of highest entropy. Inheritance Object EntropyCropProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class EntropyCropProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source EntropyCropProcessor() Initializes a new instance of the EntropyCropProcessor class. Declaration public EntropyCropProcessor() | Improve this Doc View Source EntropyCropProcessor(Single) Initializes a new instance of the EntropyCropProcessor class. Declaration public EntropyCropProcessor(float threshold) Parameters Type Name Description Single threshold The threshold to split the image. Must be between 0 and 1. Exceptions Type Condition ArgumentException threshold is less than 0 or is greater than 1. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Threshold Gets the entropy threshold value. Declaration public float Threshold { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.FlipProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.FlipProcessor.html",
"title": "Class FlipProcessor",
"keywords": "Class FlipProcessor Defines a flipping around the center point of the image. Inheritance Object FlipProcessor Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class FlipProcessor : IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source FlipProcessor(FlipMode) Initializes a new instance of the FlipProcessor class. Declaration public FlipProcessor(FlipMode flipMode) Parameters Type Name Description FlipMode flipMode The FlipMode used to perform flipping. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source FlipMode Gets the FlipMode used to perform flipping. Declaration public FlipMode FlipMode { get; } Property Value Type Description FlipMode Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.html",
"title": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms",
"keywords": "Namespace SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Classes AffineTransformProcessor Defines an affine transformation applicable on an Image . AutoOrientProcessor Adjusts an image so that its orientation is suitable for viewing. Adjustments are based on EXIF metadata embedded in the image. CropProcessor Defines a crop operation on an image. DegenerateTransformException Represents an error that occurs during a transform operation. EntropyCropProcessor Defines cropping operation that preserves areas of highest entropy. FlipProcessor Defines a flipping around the center point of the image. ProjectiveTransformProcessor Defines a projective transformation applicable to an Image . ResizeProcessor Defines an image resizing operation with the given IResampler and dimensional parameters. RotateProcessor Defines a rotation applicable to an Image . SkewProcessor Defines a skew transformation applicable to an Image . SwizzleProcessor<TSwizzler> Defines a swizzle operation on an image. Structs BicubicResampler The function implements the bicubic kernel algorithm W(x) as described on Wikipedia A commonly used algorithm within image processing that preserves sharpness better than triangle interpolation. BoxResampler The function implements the box algorithm. Similar to nearest neighbor when upscaling. When downscaling the pixels will average, merging together. CubicResampler Cubic filters contain a collection of different filters of varying B-Spline and Cardinal values. With these two values you can generate any smoothly fitting (continuious first derivative) piece-wise cubic filter. LanczosResampler The function implements the Lanczos kernel algorithm as described on Wikipedia . NearestNeighborResampler The function implements the nearest neighbor algorithm. This uses an unscaled filter which will select the closest pixel to the new pixels position. TriangleResampler The function implements the triangle (bilinear) algorithm. Bilinear interpolation can be used where perfect image transformation with pixel matching is impossible, so that one can calculate and assign appropriate intensity values to pixels. WelchResampler The function implements the welch algorithm. Interfaces IResampler Encapsulates an interpolation algorithm for resampling images. IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel> Implements an algorithm to alter the pixels of an image via resampling transforms. ISwizzler Encapsulate an algorithm to swizzle pixels in an image."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.IResampler.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.IResampler.html",
"title": "Interface IResampler",
"keywords": "Interface IResampler Encapsulates an interpolation algorithm for resampling images. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IResampler Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius in which to sample pixels. Declaration float Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel>) Applies a transformation upon an image. Declaration void ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel> processor) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description IResamplingTransformImageProcessor <TPixel> processor The transforming image processor. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source GetValue(Single) Gets the result of the interpolation algorithm. Declaration float GetValue(float x) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The value to process. Returns Type Description Single The Single"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.IResamplingTransformImageProcessor-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.IResamplingTransformImageProcessor-1.html",
"title": "Interface IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel>",
"keywords": "Interface IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel> Implements an algorithm to alter the pixels of an image via resampling transforms. Inherited Members IImageProcessor<TPixel>.Execute() IDisposable.Dispose() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel> : IImageProcessor<TPixel>, IDisposable where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyTransform<TResampler>(in TResampler) Applies a resampling transform with the given sampler. Declaration void ApplyTransform<TResampler>(in TResampler sampler) where TResampler : struct, IResampler Parameters Type Name Description TResampler sampler The sampler to use. Type Parameters Name Description TResampler The type of sampler."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.ISwizzler.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.ISwizzler.html",
"title": "Interface ISwizzler",
"keywords": "Interface ISwizzler Encapsulate an algorithm to swizzle pixels in an image. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public interface ISwizzler Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DestinationSize Gets the size of the image after transformation. Declaration Size DestinationSize { get; } Property Value Type Description Size Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(Point) Applies the swizzle transformation to a given point. Declaration Point Transform(Point point) Parameters Type Name Description Point point Point to transform. Returns Type Description Point The transformed point."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.LanczosResampler.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.LanczosResampler.html",
"title": "Struct LanczosResampler",
"keywords": "Struct LanczosResampler The function implements the Lanczos kernel algorithm as described on Wikipedia . Implements IResampler Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct LanczosResampler : IResampler Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source LanczosResampler(Single) Initializes a new instance of the LanczosResampler struct. Declaration public LanczosResampler(float radius) Parameters Type Name Description Single radius The sampling radius. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Lanczos2 Implements the Lanczos kernel algorithm with a radius of 2. Declaration public static LanczosResampler Lanczos2 Field Value Type Description LanczosResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Lanczos3 Implements the Lanczos kernel algorithm with a radius of 3. Declaration public static LanczosResampler Lanczos3 Field Value Type Description LanczosResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Lanczos5 Implements the Lanczos kernel algorithm with a radius of 5. Declaration public static LanczosResampler Lanczos5 Field Value Type Description LanczosResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Lanczos8 Implements the Lanczos kernel algorithm with a radius of 8. Declaration public static LanczosResampler Lanczos8 Field Value Type Description LanczosResampler Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius in which to sample pixels. Declaration public readonly float Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel>) Applies a transformation upon an image. Declaration public readonly void ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel> processor) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description IResamplingTransformImageProcessor <TPixel> processor The transforming image processor. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source GetValue(Single) Gets the result of the interpolation algorithm. Declaration public readonly float GetValue(float x) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The value to process. Returns Type Description Single The Single Implements IResampler"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.NearestNeighborResampler.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.NearestNeighborResampler.html",
"title": "Struct NearestNeighborResampler",
"keywords": "Struct NearestNeighborResampler The function implements the nearest neighbor algorithm. This uses an unscaled filter which will select the closest pixel to the new pixels position. Implements IResampler Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct NearestNeighborResampler : IResampler Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius in which to sample pixels. Declaration public readonly float Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel>) Applies a transformation upon an image. Declaration public readonly void ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel> processor) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description IResamplingTransformImageProcessor <TPixel> processor The transforming image processor. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source GetValue(Single) Gets the result of the interpolation algorithm. Declaration public readonly float GetValue(float x) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The value to process. Returns Type Description Single The Single Implements IResampler"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.ProjectiveTransformProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.ProjectiveTransformProcessor.html",
"title": "Class ProjectiveTransformProcessor",
"keywords": "Class ProjectiveTransformProcessor Defines a projective transformation applicable to an Image . Inheritance Object CloningImageProcessor ProjectiveTransformProcessor Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor Inherited Members CloningImageProcessor.IImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class ProjectiveTransformProcessor : CloningImageProcessor, ICloningImageProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ProjectiveTransformProcessor(Matrix4x4, IResampler, Size) Initializes a new instance of the ProjectiveTransformProcessor class. Declaration public ProjectiveTransformProcessor(Matrix4x4 matrix, IResampler sampler, Size targetDimensions) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix4x4 matrix The transform matrix. IResampler sampler The sampler to perform the transform operation. Size targetDimensions The target dimensions. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DestinationSize Gets the destination size to constrain the transformed image to. Declaration public Size DestinationSize { get; } Property Value Type Description Size | Improve this Doc View Source Sampler Gets the sampler to perform interpolation of the transform operation. Declaration public IResampler Sampler { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source TransformMatrix Gets the matrix used to supply the projective transform. Declaration public Matrix4x4 TransformMatrix { get; } Property Value Type Description Matrix4x4 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public override ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description ICloningImageProcessor <TPixel> The ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.CloningImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image<TPixel>, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle) Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.ResizeProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.ResizeProcessor.html",
"title": "Class ResizeProcessor",
"keywords": "Class ResizeProcessor Defines an image resizing operation with the given IResampler and dimensional parameters. Inheritance Object CloningImageProcessor ResizeProcessor Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor Inherited Members CloningImageProcessor.IImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class ResizeProcessor : CloningImageProcessor, ICloningImageProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source ResizeProcessor(ResizeOptions, Size) Initializes a new instance of the ResizeProcessor class. Declaration public ResizeProcessor(ResizeOptions options, Size sourceSize) Parameters Type Name Description ResizeOptions options The resize options. Size sourceSize The source image size. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Compand Gets a value indicating whether to compress or expand individual pixel color values on processing. Declaration public bool Compand { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source DestinationHeight Gets the destination height. Declaration public int DestinationHeight { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source DestinationRectangle Gets the resize rectangle. Declaration public Rectangle DestinationRectangle { get; } Property Value Type Description Rectangle | Improve this Doc View Source DestinationWidth Gets the destination width. Declaration public int DestinationWidth { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source PremultiplyAlpha Gets a value indicating whether to premultiply the alpha (if it exists) during the resize operation. Declaration public bool PremultiplyAlpha { get; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Sampler Gets the sampler to perform the resize operation. Declaration public IResampler Sampler { get; } Property Value Type Description IResampler Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public override ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description ICloningImageProcessor <TPixel> The ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.CloningImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image<TPixel>, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle) Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.RotateProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.RotateProcessor.html",
"title": "Class RotateProcessor",
"keywords": "Class RotateProcessor Defines a rotation applicable to an Image . Inheritance Object CloningImageProcessor AffineTransformProcessor RotateProcessor Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor Inherited Members AffineTransformProcessor.Sampler AffineTransformProcessor.TransformMatrix AffineTransformProcessor.DestinationSize CloningImageProcessor.IImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class RotateProcessor : AffineTransformProcessor, ICloningImageProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RotateProcessor(Single, IResampler, Size) Initializes a new instance of the RotateProcessor class. Declaration public RotateProcessor(float degrees, IResampler sampler, Size sourceSize) Parameters Type Name Description Single degrees The angle of rotation in degrees. IResampler sampler The sampler to perform the rotating operation. Size sourceSize The source image size | Improve this Doc View Source RotateProcessor(Single, Size) Initializes a new instance of the RotateProcessor class. Declaration public RotateProcessor(float degrees, Size sourceSize) Parameters Type Name Description Single degrees The angle of rotation in degrees. Size sourceSize The source image size Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Degrees Gets the angle of rotation in degrees. Declaration public float Degrees { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public override ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description ICloningImageProcessor <TPixel> The ICloningImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Overrides SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.AffineTransformProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image<TPixel>, SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle) Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.SkewProcessor.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.SkewProcessor.html",
"title": "Class SkewProcessor",
"keywords": "Class SkewProcessor Defines a skew transformation applicable to an Image . Inheritance Object CloningImageProcessor AffineTransformProcessor SkewProcessor Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor Inherited Members AffineTransformProcessor.Sampler AffineTransformProcessor.TransformMatrix AffineTransformProcessor.DestinationSize AffineTransformProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificCloningProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) CloningImageProcessor.IImageProcessor.CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class SkewProcessor : AffineTransformProcessor, ICloningImageProcessor, IImageProcessor Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source SkewProcessor(Single, Single, IResampler, Size) Initializes a new instance of the SkewProcessor class. Declaration public SkewProcessor(float degreesX, float degreesY, IResampler sampler, Size sourceSize) Parameters Type Name Description Single degreesX The angle in degrees to perform the skew along the x-axis. Single degreesY The angle in degrees to perform the skew along the y-axis. IResampler sampler The sampler to perform the skew operation. Size sourceSize The source image size | Improve this Doc View Source SkewProcessor(Single, Single, Size) Initializes a new instance of the SkewProcessor class. Declaration public SkewProcessor(float degreesX, float degreesY, Size sourceSize) Parameters Type Name Description Single degreesX The angle in degrees to perform the skew along the x-axis. Single degreesY The angle in degrees to perform the skew along the y-axis. Size sourceSize The source image size Properties | Improve this Doc View Source DegreesX Gets the angle of rotation along the x-axis in degrees. Declaration public float DegreesX { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source DegreesY Gets the angle of rotation along the y-axis in degrees. Declaration public float DegreesY { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Implements ICloningImageProcessor IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.SwizzleProcessor-1.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.SwizzleProcessor-1.html",
"title": "Class SwizzleProcessor<TSwizzler>",
"keywords": "Class SwizzleProcessor<TSwizzler> Defines a swizzle operation on an image. Inheritance Object SwizzleProcessor<TSwizzler> Implements IImageProcessor Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class SwizzleProcessor<TSwizzler> : IImageProcessor where TSwizzler : struct, ISwizzler Type Parameters Name Description TSwizzler The swizzle function type. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source SwizzleProcessor(TSwizzler) Initializes a new instance of the SwizzleProcessor<TSwizzler> class. Declaration public SwizzleProcessor(TSwizzler swizzler) Parameters Type Name Description TSwizzler swizzler The swizzler operation. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Swizzler Gets the swizzler operation. Declaration public TSwizzler Swizzler { get; } Property Value Type Description TSwizzler Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration, Image<TPixel>, Rectangle) Creates a pixel specific IImageProcessor<TPixel> that is capable of executing the processing algorithm on an Image<TPixel> . Declaration public IImageProcessor<TPixel> CreatePixelSpecificProcessor<TPixel>(Configuration configuration, Image<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description Configuration configuration The configuration which allows altering default behaviour or extending the library. Image <TPixel> source The source image. Cannot be null. Rectangle sourceRectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw. Returns Type Description IImageProcessor <TPixel> The IImageProcessor<TPixel> Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel type. Implements IImageProcessor"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.TriangleResampler.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.TriangleResampler.html",
"title": "Struct TriangleResampler",
"keywords": "Struct TriangleResampler The function implements the triangle (bilinear) algorithm. Bilinear interpolation can be used where perfect image transformation with pixel matching is impossible, so that one can calculate and assign appropriate intensity values to pixels. Implements IResampler Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct TriangleResampler : IResampler Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius in which to sample pixels. Declaration public readonly float Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel>) Applies a transformation upon an image. Declaration public readonly void ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel> processor) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description IResamplingTransformImageProcessor <TPixel> processor The transforming image processor. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source GetValue(Single) Gets the result of the interpolation algorithm. Declaration public readonly float GetValue(float x) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The value to process. Returns Type Description Single The Single Implements IResampler"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.WelchResampler.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms.WelchResampler.html",
"title": "Struct WelchResampler",
"keywords": "Struct WelchResampler The function implements the welch algorithm. Implements IResampler Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(Object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Processors.Transforms Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct WelchResampler : IResampler Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius in which to sample pixels. Declaration public readonly float Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel>) Applies a transformation upon an image. Declaration public readonly void ApplyTransform<TPixel>(IResamplingTransformImageProcessor<TPixel> processor) where TPixel : struct, IPixel<TPixel> Parameters Type Name Description IResamplingTransformImageProcessor <TPixel> processor The transforming image processor. Type Parameters Name Description TPixel The pixel format. | Improve this Doc View Source GetValue(Single) Gets the result of the interpolation algorithm. Declaration public readonly float GetValue(float x) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The value to process. Returns Type Description Single The Single Implements IResampler"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ProjectiveTransformBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ProjectiveTransformBuilder.html",
"title": "Class ProjectiveTransformBuilder",
"keywords": "Class ProjectiveTransformBuilder A helper class for constructing Matrix4x4 instances for use in projective transforms. Inheritance Object ProjectiveTransformBuilder Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class ProjectiveTransformBuilder Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AppendMatrix(Matrix4x4) Appends a raw matrix. Declaration public ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendMatrix(Matrix4x4 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description Matrix4x4 matrix The matrix to append. Returns Type Description ProjectiveTransformBuilder The ProjectiveTransformBuilder . Exceptions Type Condition DegenerateTransformException The resultant matrix is degenerate containing one or more values equivalent to NaN or a zero determinant and therefore cannot be used for linear transforms. | Improve this Doc View Source AppendRotationDegrees(Single) Appends a centered rotation matrix using the given rotation in degrees. Declaration public ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendRotationDegrees(float degrees) Parameters Type Name Description Single degrees The amount of rotation, in degrees. Returns Type Description ProjectiveTransformBuilder The ProjectiveTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendRotationRadians(Single) Appends a centered rotation matrix using the given rotation in radians. Declaration public ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendRotationRadians(float radians) Parameters Type Name Description Single radians The amount of rotation, in radians. Returns Type Description ProjectiveTransformBuilder The ProjectiveTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendScale(SizeF) Appends a scale matrix from the given vector scale. Declaration public ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendScale(SizeF scales) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF scales The horizontal and vertical scale. Returns Type Description ProjectiveTransformBuilder The ProjectiveTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendScale(Vector2) Appends a scale matrix from the given vector scale. Declaration public ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendScale(Vector2 scales) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 scales The horizontal and vertical scale. Returns Type Description ProjectiveTransformBuilder The ProjectiveTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendScale(Single) Appends a scale matrix from the given uniform scale. Declaration public ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendScale(float scale) Parameters Type Name Description Single scale The uniform scale. Returns Type Description ProjectiveTransformBuilder The ProjectiveTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendSkewDegrees(Single, Single, Vector2) Appends a skew matrix using the given angles in degrees at the given origin. Declaration public ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendSkewDegrees(float degreesX, float degreesY, Vector2 origin) Parameters Type Name Description Single degreesX The X angle, in degrees. Single degreesY The Y angle, in degrees. Vector2 origin The skew origin point. Returns Type Description ProjectiveTransformBuilder The ProjectiveTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendSkewRadians(Single, Single) Appends a centered skew matrix from the give angles in radians. Declaration public ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendSkewRadians(float radiansX, float radiansY) Parameters Type Name Description Single radiansX The X angle, in radians. Single radiansY The Y angle, in radians. Returns Type Description ProjectiveTransformBuilder The ProjectiveTransformBuilder . | Improve this Doc View Source AppendSkewRadians(Single, Single, Vector2) Appends a skew matrix using the given angles in radians at the given origin. Declaration public ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendSkewRadians(float radiansX, float radiansY, Vector2 origin) Parameters Type Name Description Single radiansX The X angle, in radians. Single radiansY The Y
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.QuantizeExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.QuantizeExtensions.html",
"title": "Class QuantizeExtensions",
"keywords": "Class QuantizeExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of quantizing algorithms on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object QuantizeExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class QuantizeExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Quantize(IImageProcessingContext) Applies quantization to the image using the OctreeQuantizer . Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Quantize(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Quantize(IImageProcessingContext, IQuantizer) Applies quantization to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Quantize(this IImageProcessingContext source, IQuantizer quantizer) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IQuantizer quantizer The quantizer to apply to perform the operation. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Quantize(IImageProcessingContext, IQuantizer, Rectangle) Applies quantization to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Quantize(this IImageProcessingContext source, IQuantizer quantizer, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. IQuantizer quantizer The quantizer to apply to perform the operation. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Quantize(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) Applies quantization to the image using the OctreeQuantizer . Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Quantize(this IImageProcessingContext source, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ResizeExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ResizeExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ResizeExtensions",
"keywords": "Class ResizeExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of resize operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object ResizeExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class ResizeExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Resize(IImageProcessingContext, ResizeOptions) Resizes an image in accordance with the given ResizeOptions . Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Resize(this IImageProcessingContext source, ResizeOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to resize. ResizeOptions options The resize options. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks Passing zero for one of height or width within the resize options will automatically preserve the aspect ratio of the original image or the nearest possible ratio. | Improve this Doc View Source Resize(IImageProcessingContext, Size) Resizes an image to the given Size . Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Resize(this IImageProcessingContext source, Size size) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to resize. Size size The target image size. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks Passing zero for one of height or width will automatically preserve the aspect ratio of the original image or the nearest possible ratio. | Improve this Doc View Source Resize(IImageProcessingContext, Size, IResampler, Boolean) Resizes an image to the given width and height with the given sampler. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Resize(this IImageProcessingContext source, Size size, IResampler sampler, bool compand) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to resize. Size size The target image size. IResampler sampler The IResampler to perform the resampling. Boolean compand Whether to compress and expand the image color-space to gamma correct the image during processing. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks Passing zero for one of height or width will automatically preserve the aspect ratio of the original image or the nearest possible ratio. | Improve this Doc View Source Resize(IImageProcessingContext, Size, Boolean) Resizes an image to the given Size . Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Resize(this IImageProcessingContext source, Size size, bool compand) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to resize. Size size The target image size. Boolean compand Whether to compress and expand the image color-space to gamma correct the image during processing. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks Passing zero for one of height or width will automatically preserve the aspect ratio of the original image or the nearest possible ratio. | Improve this Doc View Source Resize(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Int32) Resizes an image to the given width and height. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Resize(this IImageProcessingContext source, int width, int height) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to resize. Int32 width The target image width. Int32 height The target image height. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks Passing zero for one of height or width will automatically preserve the aspect ratio of the original image or the nearest possible ratio. | Improve this Doc View Source Resize(IImageProcessingContext, Int32, Int32, IResampler) Resizes an image to the give
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ResizeMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ResizeMode.html",
"title": "Enum ResizeMode",
"keywords": "Enum ResizeMode Provides enumeration over how the image should be resized. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum ResizeMode Fields Name Description BoxPad Pads the image to fit the bound of the container without resizing the original source. When downscaling, performs the same functionality as Pad Crop Crops the resized image to fit the bounds of its container. Manual The target location and size of the resized image has been manually set. Max Constrains the resized image to fit the bounds of its container maintaining the original aspect ratio. Min Resizes the image until the shortest side reaches the set given dimension. Upscaling is disabled in this mode and the original image will be returned if attempted. Pad Pads the resized image to fit the bounds of its container. If only one dimension is passed, will maintain the original aspect ratio. Stretch Stretches the resized image to fit the bounds of its container."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ResizeOptions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.ResizeOptions.html",
"title": "Class ResizeOptions",
"keywords": "Class ResizeOptions The resize options for resizing images against certain modes. Inheritance Object ResizeOptions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public class ResizeOptions Properties | Improve this Doc View Source CenterCoordinates Gets or sets the center coordinates. Declaration public PointF? CenterCoordinates { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < PointF > | Improve this Doc View Source Compand Gets or sets a value indicating whether to compress or expand individual pixel colors the value on processing. Declaration public bool Compand { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Mode Gets or sets the resize mode. Declaration public ResizeMode Mode { get; set; } Property Value Type Description ResizeMode | Improve this Doc View Source Position Gets or sets the anchor position. Declaration public AnchorPositionMode Position { get; set; } Property Value Type Description AnchorPositionMode | Improve this Doc View Source PremultiplyAlpha Gets or sets a value indicating whether to premultiply the alpha (if it exists) during the resize operation. Declaration public bool PremultiplyAlpha { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Sampler Gets or sets the sampler to perform the resize operation. Declaration public IResampler Sampler { get; set; } Property Value Type Description IResampler | Improve this Doc View Source Size Gets or sets the target size. Declaration public Size Size { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Size | Improve this Doc View Source TargetRectangle Gets or sets the target rectangle to resize into. Declaration public Rectangle? TargetRectangle { get; set; } Property Value Type Description Nullable < Rectangle >"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.RotateExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.RotateExtensions.html",
"title": "Class RotateExtensions",
"keywords": "Class RotateExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of rotate operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object RotateExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class RotateExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Rotate(IImageProcessingContext, RotateMode) Rotates and flips an image by the given instructions. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Rotate(this IImageProcessingContext source, RotateMode rotateMode) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to rotate. RotateMode rotateMode The RotateMode to perform the rotation. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Rotate(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Rotates an image by the given angle in degrees. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Rotate(this IImageProcessingContext source, float degrees) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to rotate. Single degrees The angle in degrees to perform the rotation. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Rotate(IImageProcessingContext, Single, IResampler) Rotates an image by the given angle in degrees using the specified sampling algorithm. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Rotate(this IImageProcessingContext source, float degrees, IResampler sampler) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to rotate. Single degrees The angle in degrees to perform the rotation. IResampler sampler The IResampler to perform the resampling. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.RotateFlipExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.RotateFlipExtensions.html",
"title": "Class RotateFlipExtensions",
"keywords": "Class RotateFlipExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of rotate-flip operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object RotateFlipExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class RotateFlipExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source RotateFlip(IImageProcessingContext, RotateMode, FlipMode) Rotates and flips an image by the given instructions. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext RotateFlip(this IImageProcessingContext source, RotateMode rotateMode, FlipMode flipMode) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to rotate, flip, or both. RotateMode rotateMode The RotateMode to perform the rotation. FlipMode flipMode The FlipMode to perform the flip. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.RotateMode.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.RotateMode.html",
"title": "Enum RotateMode",
"keywords": "Enum RotateMode Provides enumeration over how the image should be rotated. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum RotateMode Fields Name Description None Do not rotate the image. Rotate180 Rotate the image by 180 degrees clockwise. Rotate270 Rotate the image by 270 degrees clockwise. Rotate90 Rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.SaturateExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.SaturateExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SaturateExtensions",
"keywords": "Class SaturateExtensions Defines extensions that allow the alteration of the saturation component of an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object SaturateExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class SaturateExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Saturate(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Alters the saturation component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Saturate(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks A value of 0 is completely un-saturated. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of amount over 1 are allowed, providing super-saturated results | Improve this Doc View Source Saturate(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Rectangle) Alters the saturation component of the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Saturate(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be greater than or equal to 0. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. Remarks A value of 0 is completely un-saturated. A value of 1 leaves the input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect. Values of amount over 1 are allowed, providing super-saturated results"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.SepiaExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.SepiaExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SepiaExtensions",
"keywords": "Class SepiaExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of sepia toning on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object SepiaExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class SepiaExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Sepia(IImageProcessingContext) Applies sepia toning to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Sepia(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Sepia(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle) Applies sepia toning to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Sepia(this IImageProcessingContext source, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Sepia(IImageProcessingContext, Single) Applies sepia toning to the image using the given amount. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Sepia(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be between 0 and 1. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Sepia(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Rectangle) Applies sepia toning to the image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Sepia(this IImageProcessingContext source, float amount, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Single amount The proportion of the conversion. Must be between 0 and 1. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.SkewExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.SkewExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SkewExtensions",
"keywords": "Class SkewExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of skew operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object SkewExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class SkewExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Skew(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Single) Skews an image by the given angles in degrees. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Skew(this IImageProcessingContext source, float degreesX, float degreesY) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to skew. Single degreesX The angle in degrees to perform the skew along the x-axis. Single degreesY The angle in degrees to perform the skew along the y-axis. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Skew(IImageProcessingContext, Single, Single, IResampler) Skews an image by the given angles in degrees using the specified sampling algorithm. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Skew(this IImageProcessingContext source, float degreesX, float degreesY, IResampler sampler) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to skew. Single degreesX The angle in degrees to perform the skew along the x-axis. Single degreesY The angle in degrees to perform the skew along the y-axis. IResampler sampler The IResampler to perform the resampling. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.TaperCorner.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.TaperCorner.html",
"title": "Enum TaperCorner",
"keywords": "Enum TaperCorner Enumerates the various options which determine how to taper corners Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum TaperCorner Fields Name Description Both Taper the both sets of corners LeftOrTop Taper the left or top corner RightOrBottom Taper the right or bottom corner"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.TaperSide.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.TaperSide.html",
"title": "Enum TaperSide",
"keywords": "Enum TaperSide Enumerates the various options which determine which side to taper Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum TaperSide Fields Name Description Bottom Taper the bottom side Left Taper the left side Right Taper the right side Top Taper the top side"
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.TransformExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.TransformExtensions.html",
"title": "Class TransformExtensions",
"keywords": "Class TransformExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of composable transform operations on an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object TransformExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class TransformExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(IImageProcessingContext, AffineTransformBuilder) Performs an affine transform of an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Transform(this IImageProcessingContext source, AffineTransformBuilder builder) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to transform. AffineTransformBuilder builder The affine transform builder. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The Image<TPixel> | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(IImageProcessingContext, AffineTransformBuilder, IResampler) Performs an affine transform of an image using the specified sampling algorithm. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Transform(this IImageProcessingContext ctx, AffineTransformBuilder builder, IResampler sampler) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext ctx The IImageProcessingContext . AffineTransformBuilder builder The affine transform builder. IResampler sampler The IResampler to perform the resampling. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(IImageProcessingContext, ProjectiveTransformBuilder) Performs a projective transform of an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Transform(this IImageProcessingContext source, ProjectiveTransformBuilder builder) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image to transform. ProjectiveTransformBuilder builder The affine transform builder. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(IImageProcessingContext, ProjectiveTransformBuilder, IResampler) Performs a projective transform of an image using the specified sampling algorithm. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Transform(this IImageProcessingContext ctx, ProjectiveTransformBuilder builder, IResampler sampler) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext ctx The IImageProcessingContext . ProjectiveTransformBuilder builder The projective transform builder. IResampler sampler The IResampler to perform the resampling. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle, AffineTransformBuilder, IResampler) Performs an affine transform of an image using the specified sampling algorithm. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Transform(this IImageProcessingContext ctx, Rectangle sourceRectangle, AffineTransformBuilder builder, IResampler sampler) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext ctx The IImageProcessingContext . Rectangle sourceRectangle The source rectangle AffineTransformBuilder builder The affine transform builder. IResampler sampler The IResampler to perform the resampling. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(IImageProcessingContext, Rectangle, ProjectiveTransformBuilder, IResampler) Performs a projective transform of an image using the specified sampling algorithm. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Transform(this IImageProcessingContext ctx, Rectangle sourceRectangle, ProjectiveTransformBuilder builder, IResampler sampler) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext ctx The IImageProcessingContext . Rectangle sourceRectangle The sour
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.VignetteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.VignetteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class VignetteExtensions",
"keywords": "Class VignetteExtensions Defines extensions that allow the application of a radial glow to an Image using Mutate/Clone. Inheritance Object VignetteExtensions Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.GetType() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Object.ToString() Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public static class VignetteExtensions Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Vignette(IImageProcessingContext) Applies a radial vignette effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Vignette(this IImageProcessingContext source) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Vignette(IImageProcessingContext, Color) Applies a radial vignette effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Vignette(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color to set as the vignette. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Vignette(IImageProcessingContext, Color, Single, Single, Rectangle) Applies a radial vignette effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Vignette(this IImageProcessingContext source, Color color, float radiusX, float radiusY, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. Color color The color to set as the vignette. Single radiusX The the x-radius. Single radiusY The the y-radius. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Vignette(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions) Applies a radial vignette effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Vignette(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The options effecting pixel blending. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Vignette(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions, Color) Applies a radial vignette effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Vignette(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options, Color color) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The options effecting pixel blending. Color color The color to set as the vignette. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Vignette(IImageProcessingContext, GraphicsOptions, Color, Single, Single, Rectangle) Applies a radial vignette effect to an image. Declaration public static IImageProcessingContext Vignette(this IImageProcessingContext source, GraphicsOptions options, Color color, float radiusX, float radiusY, Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description IImageProcessingContext source The image this method extends. GraphicsOptions options The options effecting pixel blending. Color color The color to set as the vignette. Single radiusX The the x-radius. Single radiusY The the y-radius. Rectangle rectangle The Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to alter. Returns Type Description IImageProcessingContext The IImageProcessingContext to allow chaining of operations. | Improve this Doc View Source Vignette(IImageProcessingCo
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rational.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rational.html",
"title": "Struct Rational",
"keywords": "Struct Rational Represents a number that can be expressed as a fraction. Implements IEquatable < Rational > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct Rational : IEquatable<Rational> Remarks This is a very simplified implementation of a rational number designed for use with metadata only. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Rational(Double) Initializes a new instance of the Rational struct. Declaration public Rational(double value) Parameters Type Name Description Double value The Double to create the instance from. | Improve this Doc View Source Rational(Double, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the Rational struct. Declaration public Rational(double value, bool bestPrecision) Parameters Type Name Description Double value The Double to create the instance from. Boolean bestPrecision Whether to use the best possible precision when parsing the value. | Improve this Doc View Source Rational(UInt32) Initializes a new instance of the Rational struct. Declaration public Rational(uint value) Parameters Type Name Description UInt32 value The UInt32 to create the rational from. | Improve this Doc View Source Rational(UInt32, UInt32) Initializes a new instance of the Rational struct. Declaration public Rational(uint numerator, uint denominator) Parameters Type Name Description UInt32 numerator The number above the line in a vulgar fraction showing how many of the parts indicated by the denominator are taken. UInt32 denominator The number below the line in a vulgar fraction; a divisor. | Improve this Doc View Source Rational(UInt32, UInt32, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the Rational struct. Declaration public Rational(uint numerator, uint denominator, bool simplify) Parameters Type Name Description UInt32 numerator The number above the line in a vulgar fraction showing how many of the parts indicated by the denominator are taken. UInt32 denominator The number below the line in a vulgar fraction; a divisor. Boolean simplify Specified if the rational should be simplified. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Denominator Gets the denominator of a number. Declaration public readonly uint Denominator { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 | Improve this Doc View Source Numerator Gets the numerator of a number. Declaration public readonly uint Numerator { get; } Property Value Type Description UInt32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Rational) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(Rational other) Parameters Type Name Description Rational other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromDouble(Double) Converts the specified Double to an instance of this type. Declaration public static Rational FromDouble(double value) Parameters Type Name Description Double value The Double to convert to an instance of this type. Returns Type Description Rational The Rational . | Improve this Doc View Source FromDouble(Double, Boolean) Converts the specified Double to an instance of this type. Declaration public static Rational FromDouble(double value, bool bestPrecision) Parameters Type Name Description Double value The Double to convert to an instance of this type. Boolean bestPrecision Whether to use the best possible precision when parsing the value. Returns Type Description Rational The Rational . | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToDouble() Converts a rational number to the nearest Double . Declaration public readonly double ToDouble() Returns Type Description Double The Double . | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Decla
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ReadOrigin.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.ReadOrigin.html",
"title": "Enum ReadOrigin",
"keywords": "Enum ReadOrigin Specifies the position in a stream to use for reading. Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public enum ReadOrigin Fields Name Description Begin Specifies the beginning of a stream. Current Specifies the current position within a stream."
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle.html",
"title": "Struct Rectangle",
"keywords": "Struct Rectangle Stores a set of four integers that represent the location and size of a rectangle. Implements IEquatable < Rectangle > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Rectangle : IEquatable<Rectangle> Remarks This struct is fully mutable. This is done (against the guidelines) for the sake of performance, as it avoids the need to create new values for modification operations. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Rectangle(Point, Size) Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle struct. Declaration public Rectangle(Point point, Size size) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The Point which specifies the rectangles point in a two-dimensional plane. Size size The SixLabors.ImageSharp.Rectangle.Size which specifies the rectangles height and width. | Improve this Doc View Source Rectangle(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle struct. Declaration public Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 x The horizontal position of the rectangle. Int32 y The vertical position of the rectangle. Int32 width The width of the rectangle. Int32 height The height of the rectangle. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Empty Represents a Rectangle that has X, Y, Width, and Height values set to zero. Declaration public static readonly Rectangle Empty Field Value Type Description Rectangle Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bottom Gets the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of this Rectangle . Declaration public readonly int Bottom { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets or sets the height of this Rectangle . Declaration public int Height { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Left Gets the x-coordinate of the left edge of this Rectangle . Declaration public readonly int Left { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Right Gets the x-coordinate of the right edge of this Rectangle . Declaration public readonly int Right { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Top Gets the y-coordinate of the top edge of this Rectangle . Declaration public readonly int Top { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets or sets the width of this Rectangle . Declaration public int Width { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source X Gets or sets the x-coordinate of this Rectangle . Declaration public int X { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Y Gets or sets the y-coordinate of this Rectangle . Declaration public int Y { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Ceiling(RectangleF) Converts a RectangleF to a Rectangle by performing a ceiling operation on all the coordinates. Declaration public static Rectangle Ceiling(RectangleF rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description RectangleF rectangle The rectangle. Returns Type Description Rectangle The Rectangle . | Improve this Doc View Source Center(Rectangle) Returns the center point of the given Rectangle . Declaration public static Point Center(Rectangle rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description Rectangle rectangle The rectangle. Returns Type Description Point The Point . | Improve this Doc View Source Contains(Point) Determines if the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle . Declaration public bool Contains(Point point) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The point. Returns Type Description Boolean The Boolean . | Improve this Doc View Source Contains(Rectangle) Determines if the rectangular region represented by rectangle is entirely contained within the rectangular region represented by this Rectangle . Declaration pu
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.RectangleF.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.RectangleF.html",
"title": "Struct RectangleF",
"keywords": "Struct RectangleF Stores a set of four single precision floating points that represent the location and size of a rectangle. Implements IEquatable < RectangleF > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct RectangleF : IEquatable<RectangleF> Remarks This struct is fully mutable. This is done (against the guidelines) for the sake of performance, as it avoids the need to create new values for modification operations. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RectangleF(PointF, SizeF) Initializes a new instance of the RectangleF struct. Declaration public RectangleF(PointF point, SizeF size) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The Point which specifies the rectangles point in a two-dimensional plane. SizeF size The SixLabors.ImageSharp.RectangleF.Size which specifies the rectangles height and width. | Improve this Doc View Source RectangleF(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the RectangleF struct. Declaration public RectangleF(float x, float y, float width, float height) Parameters Type Name Description Single x The horizontal position of the rectangle. Single y The vertical position of the rectangle. Single width The width of the rectangle. Single height The height of the rectangle. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Empty Represents a RectangleF that has X, Y, Width, and Height values set to zero. Declaration public static readonly RectangleF Empty Field Value Type Description RectangleF Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Bottom Gets the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of this RectangleF . Declaration public readonly float Bottom { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets or sets the height of this RectangleF . Declaration public float Height { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Left Gets the x-coordinate of the left edge of this RectangleF . Declaration public readonly float Left { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Right Gets the x-coordinate of the right edge of this RectangleF . Declaration public readonly float Right { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Top Gets the y-coordinate of the top edge of this RectangleF . Declaration public readonly float Top { get; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets or sets the width of this RectangleF . Declaration public float Width { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source X Gets or sets the x-coordinate of this RectangleF . Declaration public float X { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Y Gets or sets the y-coordinate of this RectangleF . Declaration public float Y { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Center(RectangleF) Returns the center point of the given RectangleF . Declaration public static PointF Center(RectangleF rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description RectangleF rectangle The rectangle. Returns Type Description PointF The Point . | Improve this Doc View Source Contains(PointF) Determines if the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this RectangleF . Declaration public bool Contains(PointF point) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point. Returns Type Description Boolean The Boolean . | Improve this Doc View Source Contains(RectangleF) Determines if the rectangular region represented by rectangle is entirely contained within the rectangular region represented by this RectangleF . Declaration public bool Contains(RectangleF rectangle) Parameters Type Name Description RectangleF rectangle The rectangle. Returns Type Description Boolean The Boolean . | Improve this Doc View Source Contains(Single, Single) Determines if t
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.SignedRational.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.SignedRational.html",
"title": "Struct SignedRational",
"keywords": "Struct SignedRational Represents a number that can be expressed as a fraction. Implements IEquatable < SignedRational > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public readonly struct SignedRational : IEquatable<SignedRational> Remarks This is a very simplified implementation of a rational number designed for use with metadata only. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source SignedRational(Double) Initializes a new instance of the SignedRational struct. Declaration public SignedRational(double value) Parameters Type Name Description Double value The Double to create the instance from. | Improve this Doc View Source SignedRational(Double, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the SignedRational struct. Declaration public SignedRational(double value, bool bestPrecision) Parameters Type Name Description Double value The Double to create the instance from. Boolean bestPrecision Whether to use the best possible precision when parsing the value. | Improve this Doc View Source SignedRational(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the SignedRational struct. Declaration public SignedRational(int value) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 value The Int32 to create the rational from. | Improve this Doc View Source SignedRational(Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the SignedRational struct. Declaration public SignedRational(int numerator, int denominator) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 numerator The number above the line in a vulgar fraction showing how many of the parts indicated by the denominator are taken. Int32 denominator The number below the line in a vulgar fraction; a divisor. | Improve this Doc View Source SignedRational(Int32, Int32, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the SignedRational struct. Declaration public SignedRational(int numerator, int denominator, bool simplify) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 numerator The number above the line in a vulgar fraction showing how many of the parts indicated by the denominator are taken. Int32 denominator The number below the line in a vulgar fraction; a divisor. Boolean simplify Specified if the rational should be simplified. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Denominator Gets the denominator of a number. Declaration public readonly int Denominator { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Numerator Gets the numerator of a number. Declaration public readonly int Numerator { get; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(SignedRational) Declaration public readonly bool Equals(SignedRational other) Parameters Type Name Description SignedRational other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override readonly bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source FromDouble(Double) Converts the specified Double to an instance of this type. Declaration public static SignedRational FromDouble(double value) Parameters Type Name Description Double value The Double to convert to an instance of this type. Returns Type Description SignedRational The SignedRational . | Improve this Doc View Source FromDouble(Double, Boolean) Converts the specified Double to an instance of this type. Declaration public static SignedRational FromDouble(double value, bool bestPrecision) Parameters Type Name Description Double value The Double to convert to an instance of this type. Boolean bestPrecision Whether to use the best possible precision when parsing the value. Returns Type Description SignedRational The SignedRational . | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source ToDouble() Converts a rational number to the nearest
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Size.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.Size.html",
"title": "Struct Size",
"keywords": "Struct Size Stores an ordered pair of integers, which specify a height and width. Implements IEquatable < Size > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct Size : IEquatable<Size> Remarks This struct is fully mutable. This is done (against the guidelines) for the sake of performance, as it avoids the need to create new values for modification operations. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Size(Point) Initializes a new instance of the Size struct from the given Point . Declaration public Size(Point point) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The point. | Improve this Doc View Source Size(Size) Initializes a new instance of the Size struct. Declaration public Size(Size size) Parameters Type Name Description Size size The size. | Improve this Doc View Source Size(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the Size struct. Declaration public Size(int value) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 value The width and height of the size. | Improve this Doc View Source Size(Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the Size struct. Declaration public Size(int width, int height) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 width The width of the size. Int32 height The height of the size. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Empty Represents a Size that has Width and Height values set to zero. Declaration public static readonly Size Empty Field Value Type Description Size Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets or sets the height of this Size . Declaration public int Height { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets or sets the width of this Size . Declaration public int Width { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Int32 Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Add(Size, Size) Performs vector addition of two Size objects. Declaration public static Size Add(Size left, Size right) Parameters Type Name Description Size left The size on the left hand of the operand. Size right The size on the right hand of the operand. Returns Type Description Size The Size . | Improve this Doc View Source Ceiling(SizeF) Converts a SizeF to a Size by performing a ceiling operation on all the dimensions. Declaration public static Size Ceiling(SizeF size) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF size The size. Returns Type Description Size The Size . | Improve this Doc View Source Deconstruct(out Int32, out Int32) Deconstructs this size into two integers. Declaration public void Deconstruct(out int width, out int height) Parameters Type Name Description Int32 width The out value for the width. Int32 height The out value for the height. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Size) Declaration public bool Equals(Size other) Parameters Type Name Description Size other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source Round(SizeF) Converts a SizeF to a Size by performing a round operation on all the dimensions. Declaration public static Size Round(SizeF size) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF size The size. Returns Type Description Size The Size . | Improve this Doc View Source Subtract(Size, Size) Contracts a Size by another Size . Declaration public static Size Subtract(Size left, Size right) Parameters Type Name Description Size left The size on the left hand of the operand. Size right The size on the right hand of the operand. Returns Type Description Size The Size . | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() | I
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.SizeF.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.SizeF.html",
"title": "Struct SizeF",
"keywords": "Struct SizeF Stores an ordered pair of single precision floating points, which specify a height and width. Implements IEquatable < SizeF > Inherited Members Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetType() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public struct SizeF : IEquatable<SizeF> Remarks This struct is fully mutable. This is done (against the guidelines) for the sake of performance, as it avoids the need to create new values for modification operations. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source SizeF(PointF) Initializes a new instance of the SizeF struct from the given PointF . Declaration public SizeF(PointF point) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point. | Improve this Doc View Source SizeF(SizeF) Initializes a new instance of the SizeF struct. Declaration public SizeF(SizeF size) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF size The size. | Improve this Doc View Source SizeF(Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the SizeF struct. Declaration public SizeF(float width, float height) Parameters Type Name Description Single width The width of the size. Single height The height of the size. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Empty Represents a SizeF that has Width and Height values set to zero. Declaration public static readonly SizeF Empty Field Value Type Description SizeF Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Height Gets or sets the height of this SizeF . Declaration public float Height { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single | Improve this Doc View Source Width Gets or sets the width of this SizeF . Declaration public float Width { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Description Single Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Add(SizeF, SizeF) Performs vector addition of two SizeF objects. Declaration public static SizeF Add(SizeF left, SizeF right) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF left The size on the left hand of the operand. SizeF right The size on the right hand of the operand. Returns Type Description SizeF The SizeF . | Improve this Doc View Source Deconstruct(out Single, out Single) Deconstructs this size into two floats. Declaration public void Deconstruct(out float width, out float height) Parameters Type Name Description Single width The out value for the width. Single height The out value for the height. | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(SizeF) Declaration public bool Equals(SizeF other) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF other Returns Type Description Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Object) Declaration public override bool Equals(object obj) Parameters Type Name Description Object obj Returns Type Description Boolean Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object) | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description Int32 Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode() | Improve this Doc View Source Subtract(SizeF, SizeF) Contracts a SizeF by another SizeF . Declaration public static SizeF Subtract(SizeF left, SizeF right) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF left The size on the left hand of the operand. SizeF right The size on the right hand of the operand. Returns Type Description SizeF The SizeF . | Improve this Doc View Source ToString() Declaration public override string ToString() Returns Type Description String Overrides ValueType.ToString() | Improve this Doc View Source Transform(SizeF, Matrix3x2) Transforms a size by the given matrix. Declaration public static SizeF Transform(SizeF size, Matrix3x2 matrix) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF size The source size. Matrix3x2 matrix The transformation matrix. Returns Type Description SizeF A transformed size. Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Addition(SizeF, SizeF) Computes the sum of adding two sizes. Declaration public static SizeF operator +(SizeF left, SizeF right) Parameters Type Name Description SizeF left The size on the left hand of the operand. SizeF right The size on the right hand of the operand. Returns Type Descriptio
"api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.UnknownImageFormatException.html": {
"href": "api/ImageSharp/SixLabors.ImageSharp.UnknownImageFormatException.html",
"title": "Class UnknownImageFormatException",
"keywords": "Class UnknownImageFormatException The exception that is thrown when the library tries to load an image which has an unknown format. Inheritance Object Exception ImageFormatException UnknownImageFormatException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Exception.SerializeObjectState Object.Equals(Object) Object.Equals(Object, Object) Object.GetHashCode() Object.MemberwiseClone() Object.ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Namespace : SixLabors.ImageSharp Assembly : SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll Syntax public sealed class UnknownImageFormatException : ImageFormatException, ISerializable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source UnknownImageFormatException(String) Initializes a new instance of the UnknownImageFormatException class with the name of the parameter that causes this exception. Declaration public UnknownImageFormatException(string errorMessage) Parameters Type Name Description String errorMessage The error message that explains the reason for this exception. Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable"
"api/index.html": {
"href": "api/index.html",
"title": "API Documentation",
"keywords": "API Documentation The API documentation is automatically generated from source-code-level comments. Often, more information can be found by looking into the source code itself."
"articles/fonts/customrendering.html": {
"href": "articles/fonts/customrendering.html",
"title": "Custom Rendering",
"keywords": "Custom Rendering Warning Fonts is still considered BETA quality and we still reserve the rights to change the API shapes. Note ImageSharp.Drawing already implements the glyph rendering for you unless you are rendering on other platforms we would recommend using the version provided by that library.. This is a more advanced topic. Implementing a glyph renderer The abstraction used by Fonts to allow implementing glyph rendering is the IGlyphRenderer and its brother IColoredGlypheRenderer (for colored emoji support). // `IColoredGlyphRenderer` implements `IGlyphRenderer` so if you don't want colored font support just implement `IGlyphRenderer`. public class CustomGlyphRenderer : IColoredGlyphRenderer { /// <summary> /// Called before any glyphs have been rendered. /// </summary> /// <param name=\"bounds\">The bounds the text will be rendered at and at whats size.</param> void IGlyphRenderer.BeginText(FontRectangle bounds) { // called before any thing else to provide access to the total required size to redner the text } /// <summary> /// Begins the glyph. /// </summary> /// <param name=\"bounds\">The bounds the glyph will be rendered at and at what size.</param> /// <param name=\"paramaters\">The set of paramaters that uniquely represents a version of a glyph in at particular font size, font family, font style and DPI.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if the glyph should be rendered othersie it returns false.</returns> bool IGlyphRenderer.BeginGlyph(FontRectangle bounds, GlyphRendererParameters paramaters) { // called before each glyph/glyph layer is rendered. // The paramaters can be used to detect the exact details // of the glyph so that duplicate glyphs could optionally // be cached to reduce processing. // You can return false to skip all the figures within the glyph (if you return false EndGlyph will still be called) } /// <summary> /// Sets the color to use for the current glyph. /// </summary> /// <param name=\"color\">The color to override the renders brush with.</param> void IColorGlyphRenderer.SetColor(GlyphColor color) { // from the IColorGlyphRenderer version, onlt called if the current glyph should override the forgound color of current glyph/layer } /// <summary> /// Begins the figure. /// </summary> void IGlyphRenderer.BeginFigure() { // called at the start of the figure within the single glyph/layer // glyphs are rendered as a serise of arcs, lines and movements // which together describe a complex shape. } /// <summary> /// Sets a new start point to draw lines from /// </summary> /// <param name=\"point\">The point.</param> void IGlyphRenderer.MoveTo(Vector2 point) { // move current point to location marked by point without describing a line; } /// <summary> /// Draw a quadratic bezier curve connecting the previous point to <paramref name=\"point\"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name=\"secondControlPoint\">The second control point.</param> /// <param name=\"point\">The point.</param> void IGlyphRenderer.QuadraticBezierTo(Vector2 secondControlPoint, Vector2 point) { // describes Quadratic Bezier curve from the 'current point' using the // 'second control point' and final 'point' leaving the 'current point' // at 'point' } /// <summary> /// Draw a Cubics bezier curve connecting the previous point to <paramref name=\"point\"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name=\"secondControlPoint\">The second control point.</param> /// <param name=\"thirdControlPoint\">The third control point.</param> /// <param name=\"point\">The point.</param> void IGlyphRenderer.CubicBezierTo(Vector2 secondControlPoint, Vector2 thirdControlPoint, Vector2 point) { // describes Cubic Bezier curve from the 'current point' using the // 'second control point', 'third control point' and final 'point' // leaving the 'current point' at 'point' } /// <summary> /// Draw a straight line connecting the previous point to <paramref name=\"point\"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name=\"point\">The point.</param> void IGlyphRenderer.LineTo(Vector2 point) { // describes straight line from the 'current point' to the final 'point' // leaving the
"articles/fonts/gettingstarted.html": {
"href": "articles/fonts/gettingstarted.html",
"title": "Getting Started",
"keywords": "Getting Started Warning Fonts is still considered BETA quality and we still reserve the rights to change the API shapes. Note The official guide assumes intermediate level knowledge of C# and .NET. If you are totally new to .NET development, it might not be the best idea to jump right into a framework as your first step - grasp the basics then come back. Prior experience with other languages and frameworks helps, but is not required. Fonts Fonts provides the core to your text layout and loading subsystems. SixLabors.Fonts.FontCollection is the root type you will configure and load up with all the TrueType/OpenType/Woff fonts. (font loading is deemed expensive and should be done once and shared across multiple rasterizations) SixLabors.Fonts.Font is our currying type for passing information about your chosen font face. Loading Fonts Fonts provides several options for loading fonts, you can load then from a streams or files, we also support loading collections out of *.TTC files and well as single variants out if individual *.TTF files. We also support loading *.woff files. Minimal Example using SixLabors.Fonts; FontCollection collection = new FontCollection(); FontFamily family = collection.Install(\"path/to/font.ttf\"); Font font = family.Create(12, FontStyle.Italic); // \"font\" can now be used in calls to DrawText from our ImageSharp.Drawing library. Expanded Example using SixLabors.Fonts; FontCollection collection = new FontCollection(); collection.Install(\"path/to/font.ttf\"); collection.Install(\"path/to/font2.ttf\"); collection.Install(\"path/to/emojiFont.ttf\"); collection.InstallCollection(\"path/to/font.ttc\"); if(collection.TryFind(\"Font Name\", out FontFamily family)) if(collection.TryFind(\"Emoji Font Name\", out FontFamily emojiFamily)) { // family will not be null here Font font = family.Create(12, FontStyle.Italic); RendererOptions options = new RendererOptions(font, dpi: 72) { ApplyKerning = true, FallbackFontFamilies = new [] { emojiFamily // will be used if a particular code point doesn't exist in the font passed into the constructor. (e.g. emoji) } }; FontRectangle rect = TextMeasurer.Measure(\"Text to measure\", options); }"
"articles/fonts/index.html": {
"href": "articles/fonts/index.html",
"title": "Introduction",
"keywords": "Introduction Warning Fonts is still considered BETA quality and we still reserve the rights to change the API shapes. What is Fonts? Fonts is a font loading and layout library built primarily to provide text drawing support to ImageSharp.Drawing. Built against .NET Standard 1.3 , Fonts can be used in device, cloud, and embedded/IoT scenarios. License Fonts is licensed under under the terms of Apache License, Version 2.0 . Commercial support licensing options are available in addition to this license, see for details. Installation Fonts is installed via NuGet with nightly builds available on MyGet . Package Manager .NET CLI PackageReference Paket CLI PM > Install-Package SixLabors.Fonts -Version VERSION_NUMBER dotnet add package SixLabors.Fonts --version VERSION_NUMBER <PackageReference Include=\"SixLabors.Fonts\" Version=\"VERSION_NUMBER\" /> paket add SixLabors.Fonts --version VERSION_NUMBER Warning Prerelease versions installed via the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager require the \"include prerelease\" checkbox to be checked."
"articles/imagesharp.drawing/gettingstarted.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp.drawing/gettingstarted.html",
"title": "Getting Started",
"keywords": "Getting Started Warning ImageSharp.Drawing is still considered BETA quality and we still reserve the rights to change the API shapes. Note The official guide assumes intermediate level knowledge of C# and .NET. If you are totally new to .NET development, it might not be the best idea to jump right into a framework as your first step - grasp the basics then come back. Prior experience with other languages and frameworks helps, but is not required. ImageSharp.Drawing - Paths and Polygons ImageSharp.Drawing provides several classes for build and manipulating various shapes and paths. IPath Root interface defining a path/polygon and the type that the rasterizer uses to generate pixel output. This SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing namespace contains a variety of available polygons to speed up your drawing process. In addition to the vector manipulation APIs the library also contains rasterization APIs that can convert your IPath s to pixels. Drawing Polygons ImageSharp provides several options for drawing polygons whether you want to draw outlines or fill shapes. Minimal Example using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing; Image image = ...; // create any way you like. IPath yourPolygon = new Star(x: 100.0f, y: 100.0f, prongs: 5, innerRadii: 20.0f, outerRadii:30.0f); image.Mutate( x=> x.Fill(Color.Red, yourPolygon)); // fill the star with red Expanded Example using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats; Image image = ...; // create any way you like. // The options are optional ShapeGraphicsOptions options = new ShapeGraphicsOptions() { ColorBlendingMode = PixelColorBlendingMode.Multiply }; IBrush brush = Brushes.Horizontal(Color.Red, Color.Blue); IPen pen = Pens.DashDot(Color.Green, 5); IPath yourPolygon = new Star(x: 100.0f, y: 100.0f, prongs: 5, innerRadii: 20.0f, outerRadii:30.0f); // draws a star with Horizontal red and blue hatching with a dash dot pattern outline. image.Mutate( x=> x.Fill(options, brush, yourPolygon) .Draw(option, pen, yourPolygon)); API Cornerstones for Polygon Rasterization Our Fill APIs always work off a Brush (some helpers create the brush for you) and will take your provided set of paths and polygons filling in all the pixels inside the vector with the color the brush provides. Our Draw APIs always work off the Pen where we processes your vector to create an outline with a certain pattern and fill in the outline with an internal brush inside the pen. Drawing Text ImageSharp.Drawing provides several options for drawing text all overloads of a single DrawText API. Our text drawing infrastructure is build on top of our Fonts library. (See SixLabors.Fonts for details on handling fonts.) Minimal Example using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing; Image image = ...; // create any way you like. Font font = ...; // see our Fonts library for best practices on retriving one of these. string yourText = \"this is some sample text\"; image.Mutate( x=> x.DrawText(yourText, font, Color.Black, new PointF(10, 10))); Expanded Example using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats; Image image = ...; // create any way you like. Font font = ...; // see our Fonts library for best practices on retriving one of these. // The options are optional TextGraphicsOptions options = new TextGraphicsOptions() { ApplyKerning = true, TabWidth = 8, // a tab renders as 8 spaces wide WrapTextWidth = 100, // greater than zero so we will word wrap at 100 pixels wide HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right // right align }; IBrush brush = Brushes.Horizontal(Color.Red, Color.Blue); IPen pen = Pens.DashDot(Color.Green, 5); string text = \"sample text\"; // draws a star with Horizontal red and blue hatching with a dash dot pattern outline. image.Mutate( x=> x.DrawText(op
"articles/imagesharp.drawing/index.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp.drawing/index.html",
"title": "Introduction",
"keywords": "Introduction Warning ImageSharp.Drawing is still considered BETA quality and we reserve the right to change the API shape. What is ImageSharp.Drawing? ImageSharp.Drawing is a library built on top of ImageSharp to providing 2D Drawing extensions. ImageSharp.Drawing is designed from the ground up to be flexible and extensible. The library provides API endpoints for common vector and text processing operations adding the building blocks for building custom images. Built against .NET Standard 1.3 , ImageSharp.Drawing can be used in device, cloud, and embedded/IoT scenarios. License ImageSharp.Drawing is licensed under under the terms of Apache License, Version 2.0 . Commercial support licensing options are available in addition to this license, see for details. Installation ImageSharp.Drawing is installed via NuGet with nightly builds available on MyGet . Package Manager .NET CLI PackageReference Paket CLI PM > Install-Package SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing -Version VERSION_NUMBER dotnet add package SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing --version VERSION_NUMBER <PackageReference Include=\"SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing\" Version=\"VERSION_NUMBER\" /> paket add SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing --version VERSION_NUMBER Warning Prerelease versions installed via the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager require the \"include prerelease\" checkbox to be checked."
"articles/imagesharp.web/gettingstarted.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp.web/gettingstarted.html",
"title": "Getting Started",
"keywords": "Getting Started Note The official guide assumes intermediate level knowledge of C# and .NET. If you are totally new to .NET development, it might not be the best idea to jump right into a framework as your first step - grasp the basics then come back. Prior experience with other languages and frameworks helps, but is not required. Setup and Configuration Once installed you will need to add the following code to ConfigureServices and Configure in your Startup.cs file. This installs the the default service and options. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // Add the default service and options. services.AddImageSharp(); } public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env) { // Add the image processing middleware. app.UseImageSharp(); } The fluent configuration is flexible allowing you to configure a multitude of different options. For example you can add the default service and custom options. // Add the default service and custom options. services.AddImageSharp( options => { // You only need to set the options you want to change here // All properties have been listed for demonstration purposes // only. options.Configuration = Configuration.Default; options.MemoryStreamManager = new RecyclableMemoryStreamManager(); options.BrowserMaxAge = TimeSpan.FromDays(7); options.CacheMaxAge = TimeSpan.FromDays(365); options.CachedNameLength = 8; options.OnParseCommandsAsync = _ => Task.CompletedTask; options.OnBeforeSaveAsync = _ => Task.CompletedTask; options.OnProcessedAsync = _ => Task.CompletedTask; options.OnPrepareResponseAsync = _ => Task.CompletedTask; }); Or you can fine-grain control adding the default options and configure other services. // Fine-grain control adding the default options and configure other services. services.AddImageSharp() .RemoveProcessor<FormatWebProcessor>() .RemoveProcessor<BackgroundColorWebProcessor>(); There are also factory methods for each builder that will allow building from configuration files. // Use the factory methods to configure the PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions services.AddImageSharp() .Configure<PhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions>(options => { options.CacheFolder = \"different-cache\"; }); Full Configuration API options are available here ."
"articles/imagesharp.web/imagecaches.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp.web/imagecaches.html",
"title": "Image Caches",
"keywords": "Image Caches ImageSharp.Web caches the result of any valid processing operation to allow the fast retrieval of future identical requests. The cache is smart, storing additional metadata to allow the detection of updated source images and can be configured to a fine degree to determine the duration a processed image should be cached for. Note It is possible to configure your own image cache by implementing and registering your own version of the IImageCache interface. The following caches are available for the middleware. PhysicalFileSystemCache The PhysicalFileSystemCache stores processed image files in the web root folder. This is the default cache installed when configuring the middleware. Images are cached in separate folders based upon a hash of the request URL. this allows the caching of millions of image files without slowing down the file system. AzureBlobStorageImageCache This cache allows the caching of image files using Azure Blob Storage and is available as an external package installable via NuGet Package Manager .NET CLI PackageReference Paket CLI PM > Install-Package SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure -Version VERSION_NUMBER dotnet add package SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure --version VERSION_NUMBER <PackageReference Include=\"SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure\" Version=\"VERSION_NUMBER\" /> paket add SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure --version VERSION_NUMBER Once installed the cache AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions can be configured as follows: // Configure and register the container. // Alteratively use `appsettings.json` to represent the class and bind those settings. .Configure<AzureBlobStorageCacheOptions>(options => { options.ConnectionString = {AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING}; options.ContainerName = {AZURE_CONTAINER_NAME}; // Optionally create the cache container on startup if not already created. AzureBlobStorageCache.CreateIfNotExists(options, PublicAccessType.None); }) .SetCache<AzureBlobStorageCache>() Images are cached using a hash of the request URL as the blob name. All appropriate metadata is stored in the blob properties to correctly serve the blob with the correct response headers."
"articles/imagesharp.web/imageproviders.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp.web/imageproviders.html",
"title": "Image Providers",
"keywords": "Image Providers ImageSharp.Web determines the location of a source image to process via the registration and application of image providers. Note It is possible to configure your own image provider by implementing and registering your own version of the IImageProvider interface. The following providers are available for the middleware. Multiples providers can be registered and will be queried for a URL match in the order of registration. PhysicalFileSystemProvider The PhysicalFileSystemProvider will allow the processing and serving of image files from the web root folder. This is the default provider installed when configuring the middleware. Url matching for this provider follows the same rules as conventional static files. AzureBlobStorageImageProvider This provider allows the processing and serving of image files from Azure Blob Storage and is available as an external package installable via NuGet Package Manager .NET CLI PackageReference Paket CLI PM > Install-Package SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure -Version VERSION_NUMBER dotnet add package SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure --version VERSION_NUMBER <PackageReference Include=\"SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure\" Version=\"VERSION_NUMBER\" /> paket add SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web.Providers.Azure --version VERSION_NUMBER Once installed the provider AzureBlobContainerClientOptions can be configured as follows: // Configure and register the container. // Alteratively use `appsettings.json` to represent the class and bind those settings. .Configure<AzureBlobStorageImageProviderOptions>(options => { // The \"BlobContainers\" collection allows registration of multiple containers. options.BlobContainers.Add(new AzureBlobContainerClientOptions { ConnectionString = {AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING}, ContainerName = {AZURE_CONTAINER_NAME} }); }) .AddProvider<AzureBlobStorageImageProvider>() Url requests are matched in accordance to the following rule: /{CONTAINER_NAME}/{BLOB_FILENAME}"
"articles/imagesharp.web/index.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp.web/index.html",
"title": "Introduction",
"keywords": "Introduction What is ImageSharp.Web? ImageSharp.Web is a high performance ASP.NET Core Middleware built on top of ImageSharp that allows the processing and caching of image requests via a simple API. ImageSharp.Web is designed from the ground up to be flexible and extensible. The library provides API endpoints for common image processing operations and the building blocks to allow for the development of additional extensions to add image sources, caching mechanisms or even your own processing API. License Imagesharp.Web is licensed under under the terms of Apache License, Version 2.0 . Commercial support licensing options are available in addition to this license, see for details. Installation ImageSharp.Web is installed via NuGet with nightly builds available on MyGet . Package Manager .NET CLI PackageReference Paket CLI PM > Install-Package SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web -Version VERSION_NUMBER dotnet add package SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web --version VERSION_NUMBER <PackageReference Include=\"SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web\" Version=\"VERSION_NUMBER\" /> paket add SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web --version VERSION_NUMBER Warning Prerelease versions installed via the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager require the \"include prerelease\" checkbox to be checked."
"articles/imagesharp.web/processingcommands.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp.web/processingcommands.html",
"title": "Processing Commands",
"keywords": "Processing Commands The ImageSharp.Web processing API is imperative. This means that the order in which you supply the individual processing operations is the order in which they are compiled and applied. This allows the API to be very flexible, allowing you to combine processes in any order. Note It is possible to configure your own processing command pipeline by implementing and registering your own version of the IRequestParser interface. The following processors are built into the middleware. In addition extension points are available to register your own command processors. Resize Allows the resizing of images. {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?width=300 {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?width=300&height=120&rxy=0.37,0.78 {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?width=50&height=50&rsampler=nearest&rmode=stretch Resize commands represent the ResizeOptions class. width The width of the image in px. Use only one dimension to preseve the aspect ratio. height The height of the image in px. Use only one dimension to preseve the aspect ratio. rmode The ResizeMode to use. rsampler The IResampler sampler to use. bicubic Bicubic nearest NearestNeighbor box Box mitchell MitchellNetravali catmull CatmullRom lanczos2 Lanczos2 lanczos3 Lanczos3 lanczos5 Lanczos5 lanczos8 Lanczos8 welch Welch robidoux Robidoux robidouxsharp RobidouxSharp spline Spline triangle Triangle hermite Hermite ranchor The AnchorPositionMode to use. rxy Use an exact anchor position point. The comma-separated x and y values range from 0-1. compand Whether to compress and expand individual pixel colors values to/from a linear color space when processing. Format Allows the encoding of the output image to a new image format. The available formats depend on your configuration settings. {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?format=jpg {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?format=gif {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?format=png {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?format=bmp {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?format=tga Quality Allows the encoding of the output image at the given quality. For Jpeg this ranges from 1—100. {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?quality=90 {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?format=jpg&quality=42 Note Only certain formats support adjustable quality. This is a constraint of individual image standards not the API. Background Color Allows the changing of the background color of transparent images. {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?bgcolor=FFFF00 {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?bgcolor=C1FF0080 {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?bgcolor=red {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?bgcolor=128,64,32 {PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE}?bgcolor=128,64,32,16"
"articles/imagesharp/configuration.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp/configuration.html",
"title": "Configuration",
"keywords": "Configuration ImageSharp contains a Configuration class designed to allow the configuration of application wide settings. This class provides a range of configuration opportunities that cover format support, memory and parallelization settings and more. Default is a shared singleton that is used to configure the default behavior of the ImageSharp library but it is possible to provide your own instances depended upon your required setup. Injection Points. The Configuration class can be injected in several places within the API to allow overriding global values. This provides you with the means to apply fine grain control over your processing activity to cater for your environment. The Image and Image<TPixel> constructors. The Load methods and variants. The Mutate and Clone methods. Configuring ImageFormats As mentioned in Image Formats it is possible to configure your own format collection for the API to consume. For example, if you wanted to restrict the library to support a specific collection of formats you would configure the library as follows: var configuration = new Configuration( new PngConfigurationModule(), new JpegConfigurationModule(), new GifConfigurationModule(), new BmpConfigurationModule(), new TgaConfigurationModule() new CustomFormatConfigurationModule());"
"articles/imagesharp/gettingstarted.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp/gettingstarted.html",
"title": "Getting Started",
"keywords": "Getting Started Note The official guide assumes intermediate level knowledge of C# and .NET. If you are totally new to .NET development, it might not be the best idea to jump right into a framework as your first step - grasp the basics then come back. Prior experience with other languages and frameworks helps, but is not required. ImageSharp Images ImageSharp provides several classes for storing pixel data: Image A pixel format agnostic image container used for general processing operations. Image<TPixel> A generic image container that allows per-pixel access. In addition there are classes available that represent individual image frames: ImageFrame A pixel format agnostic image frame container. ImageFrame<TPixel> A generic image frame container that allows per-pixel access. IndexedImageFrame<TPixel> A generic image frame used for indexed image pixel data where each pixel buffer value represents an index in a color palette. For more information on pixel formats please see the following documentation . Loading and Saving Images ImageSharp provides several options for loading and saving images to cover different scenarios. The library automatically detects the source image format upon load and it is possible to dictate which image format to save an image pixel data to. using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; // Open the file automatically detecting the file type to decode it. // Our image is now in an uncompressed, file format agnostic, structure in-memory as // a series of pixels. // You can also specify the pixel format using a type parameter (e.g. Image<Rgba32> image = Image.Load<Rgba32>(\"foo.jpg\")) using (Image image = Image.Load(\"foo.jpg\")) { // Resize the image in place and return it for chaining. // 'x' signifies the current image processing context. image.Mutate(x => x.Resize(image.Width / 2, image.Height / 2)); // The library automatically picks an encoder based on the file extension then // encodes and write the data to disk. // You can optionally set the encoder to choose. image.Save(\"bar.jpg\"); } // Dispose - releasing memory into a memory pool ready for the next image you wish to process. In this very basic example you are actually utilizing several core ImageSharp features: Image Formats by loading and saving an image. Image Processors by calling Mutate() and Resize() Initializing New Images using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; int width = 640; int height = 480; // Creates a new image with empty pixel data. using(var image = new Image<Rgba32>(width, height)) { // Do your drawing in here... } // Dispose - releasing memory into a memory pool ready for the next image you wish to process. In this example you are utilizing the following core ImageSharp feature: Pixel Formats by using Rgba32 API Cornerstones The easiest way to work with ImageSharp is to utilize our extension methods: SixLabors.ImageSharp for basic operations and primitives. SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing for Mutate() and Clone() . All the processing extensions (eg. Resize(...) ) live within this namespace. Performance Achieving near-to-native performance is a major goal for the SixLabors team, and thanks to the improvements brought by the RyuJIT runtime, it's no longer mission impossible. We have made great progress and are constantly working on improvements. At the moment it's pretty hard to define fair benchmarks comparing GDI+ (aka. System.Drawing on Windows) and ImageSharp, because of the differences between the algorithms being used. Generally speaking, we are more feature rich, producing better quality. We hope we can match the corresponding algorithm parameters, and present some very specific benchmark results soon. If you are experiencing a significant performance gap between System.Drawing and ImageSharp for basic use-cases, there is a high chance that essential SIMD optimizations are not utilized. A few troubleshooting steps to try: Check the value of Vector.IsHardwareAccelerated . If the output is false, it means the
"articles/imagesharp/imageformats.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp/imageformats.html",
"title": "Image Formats",
"keywords": "Image Formats Out of the box ImageSharp supports the following image formats: Jpeg Png Bmp Gif Tga ImageSharp's API however, is designed to support extension by the registration of additional IImageFormat implementations. Loading and Saving Specific Image Formats Image<TPixel> represents raw pixel data, stored in a contiguous memory block. It does not \"remember\" the original image format. ImageSharp identifies image formats (Jpeg, Png, Gif etc.) by IImageFormat instances. There are several overloads of Image.Load capable of returning the format as an out parameter. It's possible to pass that value to image.Save after performing the operation: IImageFormat format; using (var image = Image.Load(inputStream, out format)) { image.Mutate(c => c.Resize(30, 30)); image.Save(outputStream, format); } Note ImageSharp provides common extension methods to save an image into a stream using a specific format. image.SaveAsJpeg() (shortcut for image.Save(new JpegEncoder()) ) image.SaveAsPng() (shortcut for image.Save(new PngEncoder()) ) image.SaveAsGif() (shortcut for image.Save(new GifEncoder()) ) image.SaveAsBmp() (shortcut for image.Save(new BmpEncoder()) ) image.SaveAsTga() (shortcut for image.Save(new TgaEncoder()) ) A Deeper Overview of ImageSharp Format Management Real life image streams are usually stored / transferred in standardized formats like Jpeg, Png, Bmp, Gif etc. An image format is represented by an IImageFormat implementation. IImageDecoder is responsible for decoding streams (and files) in into Image<TPixel> . ImageSharp can auto-detect the image formats of streams/files based on their headers, selecting the correct IImageFormat (and thus IImageDecoder ). This logic is implemented by IImageFormatDetector 's. IImageEncoder is responsible for writing Image<TPixel> into a stream using a given format. Decoders/encoders and IImageFormatDetector 's are mapped to image formats in ImageFormatsManager . It's possible to register new formats, or drop existing ones. See Configuration for more details. Metadata-only Decoding Sometimes it's worth to efficiently decode image metadata ignoring the memory and CPU heavy pixel information inside the stream. ImageSharp allows this by using one of the several Image.Identify overloads: IImageInfo imageInfo = Image.Identify(inputStream); Console.WriteLine($\"{imageInfo.Width}x{imageInfo.Height} | BPP: {imageInfo.PixelType.BitsPerPixel}\"); See IImageInfo for more details about the identification result. Note that Image<TPixel> also implements IImageInfo . Working with Encoders Image formats are usually defined by complex standards allowing multiple representations for the same image. ImageSharp allows parameterizing the encoding process: IImageEncoder implementations are stateless, lightweight parametric objects. This means that if you want to encode a Png in a specific way (eg. changing the compression level), you need to new-up a custom PngEncoder instance. Choosing the right encoder parameters allows to balance between conflicting tradeoffs: Image file size Encoder speed Image quality Each encoder offers options specific to the image format it represents."
"articles/imagesharp/index.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp/index.html",
"title": "Introduction",
"keywords": "Introduction What is ImageSharp? ImageSharp is a new, fully featured, fully managed, cross-platform, 2D graphics library. Designed to simplify image processing, ImageSharp brings you an incredibly powerful yet beautifully simple API. ImageSharp is designed from the ground up to be flexible and extensible. The library provides API endpoints for common image processing operations and the building blocks to allow for the development of additional operations. Built against .NET Standard 1.3 , ImageSharp can be used in device, cloud, and embedded/IoT scenarios. License ImageSharp is licensed under the terms of Apache License, Version 2.0 . Commercial support licensing options are available in addition to this license, see for details. Installation ImageSharp is installed via NuGet with nightly builds available on MyGet . Package Manager .NET CLI PackageReference Paket CLI PM > Install-Package SixLabors.ImageSharp -Version VERSION_NUMBER dotnet add package SixLabors.ImageSharp --version VERSION_NUMBER <PackageReference Include=\"SixLabors.ImageSharp\" Version=\"VERSION_NUMBER\" /> paket add SixLabors.ImageSharp --version VERSION_NUMBER Warning Prerelease versions installed via the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager require the \"include prerelease\" checkbox to be checked."
"articles/imagesharp/memorymanagement.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp/memorymanagement.html",
"title": "Memory Management",
"keywords": "Memory Management ImageSharp seems to retain ~300—400 MB of managed memory even after disposing all my images. Is this a memory leak? By default, ImageSharp uses ArrayPool's for performance reasons, however this behavior is fully configurable. All large buffers are managed by the MemoryAllocator implementation associated to Configuration 's MemoryAllocator property. We are using ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator by default, in order to utilize the benefits of array pooling: Less pressure on GC, because buffers are being reused most of the time Reduced LOH fragmentation When working with unclean buffers is acceptable, we can spare on GC-s array cleaning behavior too Summary : pooling helps us to reduce CPU work and increase throughput for the cost of a larger memory footprint. Working in Memory Constrained Environments Sometimes having ~300 MB memory footprint is not an option. Let's mention a few cases: When horizontal scaling is achieved by having multiple memory constrained containers in a cloud environment. Mobile applications. Before scaling down pooling behavior because of unwanted OutOfMemoryException -s in a cloud or desktop environment: Keep in mind that image processing is a memory intensive application! This may affect your scaling strategy. We don't recommend using containers with 1 GB or smaller memory limit! Make sure that you are running your service in a 64 bit process ! There are several pre-defined factory methods to create an ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator instance for memory constrained environments. For example CreateWithModeratePooling() might be suitable in most constrained situations: Configuration.Default.MemoryAllocator = ArrayPoolMemoryAllocator.CreateWithModeratePooling(); Of course, you may also configure a MemoryAllocator on your own Configuration instance. You can find benchmark results in the original PR which may help to select you a configuration, but they are bit outdated, because our throughput has improved since then! Releasing Pools Programmatically If your application uses ImageSharp sporadically (eg. generating some images on startup, or on other non-frequent use-cases), you may want to release the retained pools using ReleaseRetainedResources() : Configuration.Default.MemoryAllocator.ReleaseRetainedResources(); Using Multiple MemoryAllocator Instances in the Same Process You need to create and maintain your own Configuration instance, setting a specific MemoryAllocator on it. It's possible to pass custom Configuration instances to methods across our whole API."
"articles/imagesharp/pixelbuffers.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp/pixelbuffers.html",
"title": "Working with Pixel Buffers",
"keywords": "Working with Pixel Buffers Setting individual pixels using indexers A very basic and readable way for manipulating individual pixels is to use the indexer either on Image<T> or ImageFrame<T> : using (Image<Rgba32> image = new Image<Rgba32>(400, 400)) { image[200, 200] = Rgba32.White; // also works on ImageFrame<T> } The idexer is an order of magnitude faster than the .GetPixel(x, y) and .SetPixel(x,y) methods of System.Drawing but there's still room for improvement. Efficient pixel manipulation If you want to achieve killer speed in your own low-level pixel manipulation routines, you should utilize the per-row methods. These methods take advantage of the brand-new Span<T> -based memory manipulation primitives from System.Memory , providing a fast, yet safe low-level solution to manipulate pixel data. This is how you can implement efficient row-by-row pixel manipulation: using SixLabors.ImageSharp; // ... using (Image<Rgba32> image = new Image<Rgba32>(400, 400)) { for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++) { Span<Rgba32> pixelRowSpan = image.GetPixelRowSpan(y); for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++) { pixelRowSpan[x] = new Rgba32(x/255, y/255, 50, 255); } } } Parallel, pixel-format agnostic image manipulation There is a way to process image data that is even faster than using the approach mentioned before, and that also has the advantage of working on images of any underlying pixel-format, in a completely transparent way: using the ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(IImageProcessingContext, PixelRowOperation) APIs. This is how you can use this extension to manipulate an image: // ... image.Mutate(c => c.ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4(row => { for (int x = 0; x < row.Length; x++) { // We can apply any custom processing logic here row[x] = Vector4.SquareRoot(row[x]); } })); This API receives a PixelRowOperation instance as input, and uses it to modify the pixel data of the target image. It does so by automatically executing the input operation in parallel, on multiple pixel rows at the same time, to fully leverage the power of modern multicore CPUs. The ProcessPixelRowsAsVector4 extension also takes care of converting the pixel data to/from the Vector4 format, which means the same operation can be used to easily process images of any existing pixel-format, without having to implement the processing logic again for each of them. This extension offers the fastest, easiest and most flexible way to implement custom image processors in ImageSharp. Span<T> limitations Please be aware that Span<T> has a very specific limitation : it is a stack-only type! Read the Is There Anything Span Cant Do?! section in this article for more details. A short summary of the limitations: Span can only live on the execution stack. Span cannot be boxed or put on the heap. Span cannot be used as a generic type argument. Span cannot be an instance field of a type that itself is not stack-only. Span cannot be used within asynchronous methods. Non-conformant code: Span<Rgba32> span = image.GetRowSpan(y); await Task.Run(() => { // ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ // ☠☠☠ BANG! YOU HAVE CAPTURED A SPAN ON THE HEAP! ☠☠☠ for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++) { span[i] = /* ... */; } }); Exporting raw pixel data from an Image<T> You can use TryGetSinglePixelSpan to access the whole contigous pixel buffer, for example, to copy the pixel data into an array. For large, multi-megapixel images, however, the data must be accessed and copied per row: if(image.TryGetSinglePixelSpan(out var pixelSpan)) { Rgba32[] pixelArray = pixelSpan.ToArray(); } Or: Rgba32[] pixelArray = /* your pixel buffer being reused */ if(image.TryGetSinglePixelSpan(out var pixelSpan)) { pixelSpan.CopyTo(pixelArray); } Or: if(image.TryGetSinglePixelSpan(out var pixelSpan)) { byte[] rgbaBytes = MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(pixelSpan).ToArray(); } Loading raw pixel data into an Image<T> int width = ...; int height = ...; Rgba32[] rgbaData = GetMyRgbaArray(); using (var image = Image.LoadPixelData(rgbaData, width, height)) { // Wor
"articles/imagesharp/pixelformats.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp/pixelformats.html",
"title": "Pixel Formats",
"keywords": "Pixel Formats Why is Image<TPixel> a generic class? We support multiple pixel formats just like System.Drawing does. However, unlike their closed PixelFormat enumeration, our solution is extensible. A pixel is basically a small value object (struct), describing the color at a given point according to a pixel model we call Pixel Format. Image<TPixel> represents a pixel graphic bitmap stored as a generic, discontiguous memory block of pixels, of total size image.Width * image.Height . Note that while the image memory should be considered discontiguous by default, if the image is small enough (less than ~4GB in memory, on 64-bit), it will be stored in a single, continuous memory block for improved performance. The reason why there is additional support for discontiguous buffers is to allow images at super high resolution, which couldn't otherwise be loaded due to limitations to the maximum size of objects in the .NET runtime, even on 64-bit systems. In the case of multi-frame images multiple bitmaps are stored in image.Frames as ImageFrame<TPixel> instances. Choosing Pixel Formats Take a look at the various pixel formats available under SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats After picking the pixel format of your choice, use it as a generic argument for Image<TPixel> , for example, by instantiating Image<Bgr24> . Defining Custom Pixel Formats Creating your own pixel format is a case of defining a struct implementing IPixel<TSelf> and using it as a generic argument for Image<TPixel> . Baseline batched pixel-conversion primitives are provided via PixelOperations<TPixel> but it is possible to override those baseline versions with your own optimized implementation. Is it possible to store a pixel on a single bit for monochrome images? No. Our architecture does not allow sub-byte pixel formats at the moment. This feature is incredibly complex to implement, and you are going to pay the price of the low memory footprint in processing speed / CPU load. It is possible to decode into pixel formats like CMYK or CIELAB ? Unfortunately it's not possible and is unlikely to be in the future. Many image processing operations expect the pixels to be laid out in-memory in RGBA format. To manipulate images in exotic colorspaces we would have to translate each pixel to-and-from the colorspace multiple times, which would result in unusable performance and a loss of color information."
"articles/imagesharp/processing.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp/processing.html",
"title": "Processing Image Operations",
"keywords": "Processing Image Operations The ImageSharp processing API is imperative. This means that the order in which you supply the individual processing operations is the order in which they are are compiled and applied. This allows the API to be very flexible, allowing you to combine processes in any order. Details of built in processing extensions can be found in the SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing documentation. Processing operations are implemented using one of two available method calls. Mutate and Clone The difference being that the former applies the given processing operations to the current image whereas the latter applies the operations to a deep copy of the original image. For example: Mutate using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; using (Image image = Image.Load(inPath)) { // Resize the given image in place and return it for chaining. // 'x' signifies the current image processing context. image.Mutate(x => x.Resize(image.Width / 2, image.Height / 2)); image.Save(outPath); } // Dispose - releasing memory into a memory pool ready for the next image you wish to process. Clone using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png; using (Image image = Image.Load(inStream)) { // Create a deep copy of the given image, resize it, and return it for chaining. using (Image copy = image.Clone(x => x.Resize(image.Width / 2, image.Height / 2))) { copy.Save(outStream, new PngEncoder()); } } // Dispose - releasing memory into a memory pool ready for the next image you wish to process. Common Examples Examples of common operations can be found in the following documentation pages. Resizing images using different options."
"articles/imagesharp/resize.html": {
"href": "articles/imagesharp/resize.html",
"title": "Resizing Images",
"keywords": "Resizing Images Resizing an image is probably the most common processing operation that applications use. ImageSharp offers an incredibly flexible collection of resize options that allow developers to choose sizing algorithms, sampling algorithms, and gamma handling as well as other options. The Basics Resizing an image involves the process of creating and iterating through the pixels of a target image and sampling areas of a source image to choose what color to implement for each pixel. The sampling algorithm chosen affects the target color and can dramatically alter the result. Different samplers are usually chosen based upon the use case - For example NearestNeigbor is often used for fast, low quality thumbnail generation, Lanczos3 for high quality thumbnails due to it's sharpening effect, and Spline for high quality enlargement due to it's smoothing effect. With ImageSharp we default to Bicubic as it is a very robust algorithm offering good quality output when both reducing and enlarging images but you can easily set the algorithm when processing. A full list of out-of-the-box sampling algorithms can be found here : Resize the given image using the default Bicubic sampler. using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; using (Image image = Image.Load(inStream)) { int width = image.Width / 2; int height = image.Height / 2; image.Mutate(x => x.Resize(width, height)); image.Save(outPath); } Resize the given image using the Lanczos3 sampler: using SixLabors.ImageSharp; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png; //used only for the PNG encoder below using (Image image = Image.Load(inStream)) { int width = image.Width / 2; int height = image.Height / 2; image.Mutate(x => x.Resize(width, height, KnownResamplers.Lanczos3)); image.Save(outStream, new PngEncoder());//Replace Png encoder with the file format of choice } Note If you pass 0 as any of the values for width and height dimensions then ImageSharp will automatically determine the correct opposite dimensions size to preserve the original aspect ratio. Advanced Resizing In addition to basic resizing operations ImageSharp also offers more advanced features. Check out the ResizeOptions class for details."
"index.html": {
"href": "index.html",
"title": "Six Labors Documentation.",
"keywords": "Six Labors Documentation. We aim to provide modern, cross-platform, incredibly powerful yet beautifully simple graphics libraries. Built against .NET Standard, our libraries can be used in device, cloud, and embedded/IoT scenarios. You can find tutorials, examples and API details covering all Six Labors projects. API documentation Detailed documentation for the entire API available across our projects. Conceptual Documentation Our graphics libraries are split into different projects. They cover different concerns separately, but there is strong cohesion in order to provide the best developer experience. You can find documentation for each project in the links below. ImageSharp Fully featured 2D graphics library. Learn More ImageSharp.Drawing 2D polygon Manipulation and Drawing. Learn More ImageSharp.Web ASP.NET Core Image Manipulation Middleware. Learn More Fonts Font Loading and Drawing API. Learn More Examples Repository We have implemented short self-contained sample projects for a few specific use cases, including: Avatar with rounded corners Crops rounded corners of a source image leaving a nice rounded avatar. Draw watermark on image Draw water mark over an image automaticaly scaling the font size to fill the available space. Change default encoder options Provides an example on how you go about switching out the registered encoder for a file format and changing its default options in the process. Draw text along a path Draw some text following the contours of a path."