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# Steeltoe Initializr
# [Steeltoe Initializr](https://start.steeltoe.io)
Master: ![image](https://dev.azure.com/SteeltoeOSS/Steeltoe/_apis/build/status/SteeltoeOSS.initializr?branchName=master)
Dev: ![image](https://dev.azure.com/SteeltoeOSS/Steeltoe/_apis/build/status/SteeltoeOSS.initializr?branchName=dev)
Steeltoe Initializr provides an extensible API to generate quickstart projects. It provides a simple web UI to configure the project to generate and endpoints that you can use via plain HTTP.
Steeltoe Initializr [start.steeltoe.io](https://start.steeltoe.io) provides an extensible API to generate quickstart projects. It provides a simple web UI to configure the project to generate and endpoints that you can use via plain HTTP.
Steeltoe Initializr also exposes an endpoint that serves its metadata in a well-known
format to allow third-party clients to provide the necessary assistance.
# How to use
## Web
You can see a demo of app running on [Pivotal Web Services](https://startsteeltoe.cfapps.io).
The Web UI allows you to quickly generate a CSharp project with your choice of dependencies
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