Tim Hess 11626fe2fa Music store updates for 2.0, name dotnet processes for easier debug attachment [Finishes #152179228} 2017-11-16 16:41:52 -06:00
src Music store updates for 2.0, name dotnet processes for easier debug attachment [Finishes #152179228} 2017-11-16 16:41:52 -06:00
MusicStore.sln Music store updates for 2.0, name dotnet processes for easier debug attachment [Finishes #152179228} 2017-11-16 16:41:52 -06:00 Revert "fix typo with script name" 2017-10-03 16:34:41 -05:00
config-server.json Changes for horizontal scaling 2016-10-21 13:35:23 -06:00
createCloudFoundryServices.cmd Make createCloudFoundryServices flexible 2016-10-24 15:07:23 -06:00 Make createCloudFoundryServices flexible 2016-10-24 15:07:23 -06:00
deleteCloudFoundryServices.cmd Fix Music store working with mysql 1.9.x PCF tile 2017-07-22 12:30:59 -06:00 Music store updates, run on Core 2.0, add Steeltoe Management 2017-08-19 10:08:50 -06:00
dockerrun-configserver.cmd Use steeltoe OSS docker hub images 2016-08-29 14:27:21 -06:00 Use steeltoe OSS docker hub images 2016-08-29 14:27:21 -06:00
dockerrun-eurekaserver.cmd Use steeltoe OSS docker hub images 2016-08-29 14:27:21 -06:00 Use steeltoe OSS docker hub images 2016-08-29 14:27:21 -06:00
dockerrun-mysqlserver.cmd Fix names 2017-08-26 08:44:17 -06:00 Fix names 2017-08-26 08:44:17 -06:00
dockerrun-postgresserver.cmd Add Postgres & EFCore compile/run option, default to MySQL 2016-08-07 08:53:35 -06:00 Updates for developing/running on MacOS 2016-08-08 09:43:27 -06:00
nuget.config SteelToe -> Steeltoe [#130554549] 2016-09-19 10:21:45 -04:00
pushMusicStoreService.cmd Music store updates, run on Core 2.0, add Steeltoe Management 2017-08-19 10:08:50 -06:00 Music store updates, run on Core 2.0, add Steeltoe Management 2017-08-19 10:08:50 -06:00
pushMusicStoreUI.cmd MusicStore updates 2017-08-24 09:34:28 -06:00 Reference USE_REDIS_CACHE environment variable 2017-10-06 09:06:34 -04:00
pushOrderService.cmd Music store updates, run on Core 2.0, add Steeltoe Management 2017-08-19 10:08:50 -06:00 Music store updates, run on Core 2.0, add Steeltoe Management 2017-08-19 10:08:50 -06:00
pushShoppingCartService.cmd Music store updates, run on Core 2.0, add Steeltoe Management 2017-08-19 10:08:50 -06:00 Music store updates, run on Core 2.0, add Steeltoe Management 2017-08-19 10:08:50 -06:00
runMusicStoreService.cmd Music store updates for 2.0, name dotnet processes for easier debug attachment [Finishes #152179228} 2017-11-16 16:41:52 -06:00 MusicStore updates 2017-08-24 09:34:28 -06:00
runMusicStoreUI.cmd Music store updates for 2.0, name dotnet processes for easier debug attachment [Finishes #152179228} 2017-11-16 16:41:52 -06:00 MusicStore updates 2017-08-24 09:34:28 -06:00
runOrderService.cmd Music store updates for 2.0, name dotnet processes for easier debug attachment [Finishes #152179228} 2017-11-16 16:41:52 -06:00 MusicStore updates 2017-08-24 09:34:28 -06:00
runShoppingCartService.cmd Music store updates for 2.0, name dotnet processes for easier debug attachment [Finishes #152179228} 2017-11-16 16:41:52 -06:00 MusicStore updates 2017-08-24 09:34:28 -06:00

Steeltoe MusicStore Sample Application

This repo tree contains a sample app illustrating how to use all of the Steeltoe components together in a ASP.NET Core application. This application is based on the ASP.NET Core reference app MusicStore provided by Microsoft.

In creating this application, we took the Microsoft reference application and broke it up into multiple independent services:

  • MusicStoreUI - provides the UI to the MusicStore application and all of its services.
  • MusicStoreService - provides a RESTful API to the MusicStore and its backend Music database.
  • OrderService - provides a RESTful API for Order processing service and its backend Order database.
  • ShoppingCartService - provides a RESTful api to a ShoppingCart service and its backend ShoppingCart database.

Note: The OrderService and ShoppingCartService are independent from the Music application and could be used in any other application requiring those basic services.

This application makes use of the following Steeltoe components:

  • Spring Cloud Config Server Client for centralized application configuration
  • Spring Cloud Eureka Server Client for service discovery
  • Steeltoe Connector for connecting to MySql using EFCore
  • Steeltoe Management for enabling management actuator endpoints that can be used by the Pivotal Apps Manager
  • Optionally uses Steeltoe Redis Connector to connect to a Redis cache for Session storage. Note: This is required if you want to scale the MusicStoreUI component to multiple instances.
  • Optionally uses Steeltoe Redis DataProtection provider to the cause the DataProtection KeyRing to be stored in a Redis cache. Note: This is also required if you want to scale the MusicStoreUI component to multiple instances.

The default is to NOT use a Redis cache for Session storage or DataProtection KeyRing storage. Details on how to enable it are provided below.

Getting Started

Pre-requisites - Local

  1. Installed .NET Core SDK.
  2. You need running instances of the following external services on your local machine:
  • Spring Cloud Config Server - listening @ http://localhost:8888
  • Spring Cloud Eureka Server - listening @ http://localhost:8761/eureka/
  • MySql Database Server - listening @ localhost:3306 username: root, password: steeltoe
  • Redis Cache - Optional, can be used for Session state backing store and KeyRing storage.

You have a three options to choose from in order to get these services up and running locally:

  • Use pre-built Steeltoe Docker images.
  • On Windows 10, use pre-built Steeltoe Windows Container images.
  • Install each service manually.

Currently, the simplest way to get these up and running is to use the first option above together with the provided dockerrun-*.cmd, dockerrun-*.sh files to startup those services locally on your machine.

Pre-requisites - Using Steeltoe Docker images

If you don't have Docker installed on your local machine, you can use:

After installing either of the above, you need to enable File Sharing between your Docker VM and your local machine. On Windows 10, share the C: drive from you local machine with the VM. On MacOS, share your Home directory with the VM. This is necessary as the pre-built Config Server image has been pre-configured to read its configuration data from ~/steeltoe/config-repo or C:\steeltoe\config-repo off of the local machine.

Once you have Docker installed and running you can use the provided command files to startup the various services. For example to startup a Spring Cloud Config Server:

  1. cd Samples/MusicStore
  2. start dockerrun-configserver.cmd or ./

This will create a directory ~/steeltoe/config-repo or c:\steeltoe\config-repo if it doesn't exist and then fire up a Spring Cloud Config Server listening on port 8888.

Likewise to startup a Spring Cloud Eureka Server:

  1. cd Samples/MusicStore
  2. start dockerrun-eurekaserver.cmd or ./

This will fire up a Spring Cloud Eureka Server listening on port 8761.

  1. cd Samples/MusicStore
  2. start dockerrun-mysqlserver.cmd or ./

This will fire up a MySql Server listening on port 3306 with username: root and password: steeltoe.

Pre-requisites - Using Windows Containers

Details to be provided when Windows containers stabilize!

Building & Running MusicStore App - Locally

Once you have the pre-requisite services up and running then you are ready to build and run the various MusicStore services locally. Before starting up any of the services you first need to copy the MusicStore configuration files to the `\steeltoe\config-repo' so the running Config Server will have access to them.

  1. cd Samples/MusicStore/src/config
  2. copy *.* c:/steeltoe/config-repo or cp *.* ~/steeltoe/config-repo

Once thats complete, then you are ready to fire up the individual services. The simplest way to get these up and running is to use the provided run*.cmd or run*.sh files.

For example, to startup the MusicStoreService:

  1. cd Samples/MusicStore
  2. runMusicStoreService.cmd or ./

Its probably best to startup the MusicStoreService, OrderService and ShoppingCartService first and then follow up with the MusicStoreUI last.

The run*.* commands will dotnet run -f netcoreapp2.0 (i.e. target .NET Core). See note below regarding MusicStoreUI only runs on .NET Core 1.1.

If all the services startup cleanly, you should be able to hit: http://localhost:5555/ to see the Music Store.

Note: The MusicStoreUI currently will only run on .Net Core 1.1 or .NET Framework 4.6. If you try and run it on .NET Core 2.0, you will likely run into this problem when you register and log in to the Music Store. The problem occurs when EFCore 1.1 is used with .NET Core 2.0.

Debugging/Developing Locally on Windows

You should have no problem using the provided solution to launch the individual services in the debugger and set break points and walk through code as needed.

Pre-requisites - CloudFoundry

  1. Install Pivotal Cloud Foundry
  2. Install Spring Cloud Services
  3. Install .NET Core SDK.
  4. Install Redis service if you want to use Redis for Session storage and KeyRing storage.
  5. Install Pivotal Apps Manager 1.11+ if you want to access Management endpoints from Apps Manager.

Setup Services on CloudFoundry

As mentioned above, the application is dependent on the following services:

  • Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Spring Cloud Eureka Server
  • MySql Database Server - Default database used by all MusicStore services.
  • Redis Cache - Optional! Note you have to specifically build/publish MusicStoreUI service to use Redis (Details below).

Note: Redis Cache is required if you want to scale the MusicStoreUI app to multiple instances (e.g. cf scale musicui -i 2+). Redis is not required to scale the other micro-services.

Before pushing the application to CloudFoundry you need to create those services. If you plan on using Redis, set the environment variable USE_REDIS_CACHE=true before running these command.

  1. cf target -o myOrg -s mySpace
  2. cd Samples/MusicStore
  3. Optionally - SET USE_REDIS_CACHE=true or export USE_REDIS_CACHE=true
  4. start createCloudFoundryServices.cmd or ./

This will create all of the services needed by the application. Specifically, it creates:

  • mStoreConfig - Spring Cloud Config Server instance
  • mStoreRegistry - Spring Cloud Eureka Server instance
  • mStoreAccountsDB - MySql database instance for Users and Roles (Identity)
  • mStoreOrdersDB - MySql database instance for Orders
  • mStoreCartDB - MySql database instance for ShoppingCarts
  • mStoreStoreDB - MySql database instance for MusicStore
  • mStoreRedis(optionally) - Redis cache instance used by MusicStoreUI for storing Session state

Note: The Spring Cloud Config Server instance created by the above script configures the Config Server instance to use the git repo: This repo contains the same configuration files as those found in Samples/MusicStore/config. No changes are required to the application configuration files before pushing the app to CloudFoundry.

Note: If you wish to change what github repo the Config server instance uses, you can modify config-server.json before using the createCloudFoundryServices script above.

Building & Pushing App - CloudFoundry

Once the services have been created and ready on CloudFoundry (i.e. check via cf services) then you can use the provided push*.cmd or push*.sh commands to startup the individual application services on CloudFoundry. For example to start the ShoppingCart service:

  1. cd Samples/MusicStore
  2. pushShoppingCartService.cmd win10-x64 netcoreapp2.0 or ./ ubuntu.14.04-x64 netcoreapp2.0

Note: If you wish to use the Redis cache for storing Session state, you will have to set ENVIRONMENT variable DefineConstants=USE_REDIS_CACHE before building and pushing the MusicUI application.

Each of the push*.* scripts dotnet publish the MusicStore service targeting the framework and runtime you specify. They then push the MusicStore service using the appropriate CloudFoundry manifest found in the projects directory (e.g. manifest-windows.yml, manifest.yml ).

Note: If you are using self-signed certificates it is possible that you might run into SSL certificate validation issues when pushing these apps. The simplest way to fix this:

  1. Disable certificate validation for the Spring Cloud Config Client. You can do this by editing appsettings.json and add spring:cloud:config:validate_certificates=false. You will need to do this for each of the applications.

Once you have pushed all the applications to Cloud Foundry, if you do a cf a, you should see the following applications:

  • musicui - Music store User Interface
  • musicstore - Music store database micro-service
  • orderprocessing - Order processing micro-service
  • shoppingcart - Shopping cart micro-service
name              requested state   instances   memory   disk   urls
musicstore        started           1/1         1G       1G
musicui           started           1/1         1G       1G
orderprocessing   started           1/1         1G       1G
shoppingcart      started           1/1         1G       1G

Known Limitations

Sample Databases

All MusicStore services (i.e. MusicStoreUI, OrderService, etc.) have their own database instance for persisting data. When a MusicStore service is started locally, it will always drop and recreate its database upon startup. When a MusicStore service is started on CloudFoundry, only the first instance (i.e. CF_INSTANCE_INDEX=0) will drop and recreate its database. Note then, the service is not fully ready until the first instance has finished initializing its database, even though other instances are ready.