
134 строки
5.0 KiB

# Validate/set initial parameters
$env:STEELTOE_VERSION = $Steeltoe_Version_To_Build.Split("-")[0]
# Steeltoe version should be 5+ characters and include 2 periods
If ($env:STEELTOE_VERSION.length -lt 5 -or ($env:STEELTOE_VERSION.ToCharArray() | Where-Object {$_ -eq '.'} | Measure-Object).Count -ne 2) {
Write-Error "Please use a version format of 1.2.3"
return -1
If ($Steeltoe_Version_To_Build.Split("-")[1]) {
$env:STEELTOE_VERSION_SUFFIX = $Steeltoe_Version_To_Build.Split("-")[1]
Else {
$scriptPath = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Write-Host "Steeltoe version:" $env:STEELTOE_VERSION
Write-Host "Steeltoe version suffix:" $(If($env:STEELTOE_VERSION_SUFFIX) { $env:STEELTOE_VERSION_SUFFIX } Else { "N/A" })
If (-Not $BuildDebug) {
Write-Warning "Build type not set. Defaulting to config:Release branch:master"
$env:BUILD_TYPE = "Release"
$env:BranchFilter = "--single-branch -b master"
Else {
Write-Host "Debug build specified, we'll use default branches as a side effect"
$env:BUILD_TYPE = $BuildType
$env:BUILD_TYPE = "Debug"
$env:BranchFilter = ""
If (-Not $env:SteeltoeRepositoryList) {
Write-Information "Steeltoe repository list not set in Environment, using complete list"
$s = "SteeltoeOSS"
$p = "pivotal-cf"
$env:SteeltoeRepositoryList = "$s/Common $s/Configuration $p/spring-cloud-dotnet-configuration $s/logging $s/connectors " +
"$s/discovery $p/spring-cloud-dotnet-discovery $s/security $s/management $s/circuitbreaker"
Else {
Write-Information "Using repository list from environment: $env:SteeltoeRepositoryList"
# start the clock
$TotalTime = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
# setup a local folder NuGet feed for use during the build
mkdir artifacts -Force
nuget sources add -Name artifacts -Source "$(Get-Location)\artifacts"
# ensure the workspace is clean
Remove-Item workspace -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
[int]$env:TestErrors = 0
$env:ProcessTimes = ""
mkdir workspace -Force
Set-Location workspace
ForEach ($_ in $env:SteeltoeRepositoryList.Split(' ')) {
$ProjectTime = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
# build the clone command as a string to then execute so the branch filter works
$cloneString = "git clone -q $env:BranchFilter$_.git"
Write-Host "Cloning repository with this command: " $cloneString
Invoke-Expression $cloneString
Set-Location $_.Split("/")[1]
Copy-Item config/versions.props versions.props
# modify versions.props (xml) to update all steeltoe references (except SteeltoeVersion and SteeltoeVersionSuffix)
$xmlContent = [XML](Get-Content("versions.props"))
$xmlContent.SelectNodes("//Project/PropertyGroup/*[starts-with(local-name(), 'Steeltoe')]") |
Where-Object {$ -ne "SteeltoeVersion" -and $ -ne "SteeltoeVersionSuffix"} |
ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Original value of"$_.Name"is"$_.InnerXml
Write-Host "Updated value of"$_.Name"is"$_.InnerXml
$xmlContent.OuterXml | Out-File "versions.props"
dotnet build --configuration $env:BUILD_TYPE
If ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
Write-Error "Build Failure in $_"
return -1
If ($env:RunUnitTests) {
Set-Location test
# run tests in each project in the test folder where the folder is named .test
# this filter will skip integration tests that generally assume another thing (like config server) is running
Get-ChildItem -Directory -Filter "*.Test" | ForEach-Object {
Set-Location $_.Name
dotnet xunit -verbose
$env:TestErrors = $env:TestErrors + $lastexitcode
if ($lastexitcode) {
Write-Error "Test failures encountered in $_"
Set-Location ..
Set-Location ..
# build packages
Set-Location src
Get-ChildItem -Directory | ForEach-Object {
Set-Location $_.Name
dotnet pack --no-build --configuration $env:BUILD_TYPE /p:Version=$env:STEELTOE_VERSION$env:STEELTOE_DASH_VERSION_SUFFIX --output ../../../../artifacts
Set-Location ..
Set-Location ..
Set-Location ..
Write-Host "Process time for $_ :" $ProjectTime.Elapsed.ToString()
$env:ProcessTimes += $_ + ":" + $ProjectTime.Elapsed.ToString() + ";"
Set-Location ..
# cleanup
nuget sources remove -Name artifacts
# display processing times
Write-Host "Package build process times:"
ForEach ($_ in $env:ProcessTimes.Split(';')) {
Write-Host $_
Write-Host "Total process time:" $TotalTime.Elapsed.ToString()