While the most common way to install the Telerik UI for Blazor components is to use the [Telerik private NuGet feed]({%slug installation/nuget%}), you can also use a wizard installer, or a [zip archive]({%slug installation/zip%}).
* Linux (`.sh` + `.tar.gz`). Pass `-s <path to the archive>` when running the script. Other arguments are `-d` for the location where the archive will be extracted (defaults to `${HOME}/telerik-blazor"`) and `-SkipNETCoreInstall` to skip the installation of .NET Core (note that the framework is required).
* The [necessary `.nupkg` files]({%slug getting-started/what-you-need%}) so you can setup a [local feed in Visual Studio](#set-up-a-local-nuget-feed-in-visual-studio). You can find them in the `packages` folder under the installation folder.
* An offline version of our [demos](https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/) that you can run and inspect in your IDE. You can find them in the `demos` folder in the installation. @[template](/_contentTemplates/common/get-started.md#demos-project-net-version)
* Our [Visual Studio Extensions]({%slug getting-started-vs-integration-overview%}).
* We also have [extensions for VS Code]({%slug getting-started-vs-code-integration-overview%}) and you can install them from its own marketplace (<ahref="https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=TelerikInc.blazortemplatewizard"target="_blank">direct link</a>).
Once the download completes, run the downloaded file and follow the instructions. The default installation path is `C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik UI for Blazor <VERSION>\`.
MacOS requires that installer packages are signed. The UI for Blazor installation `.pkg` package is signed and the MacOS system should not block the installation. Nevertheless, in rare cases MacOS may still block the Telerik Installer.
There are several approaches you can try:
* Make sure that the "identified developers" downloads are enabled:
1. Open **System Preferences**
2. Go to **Security & Privacy** and select the **General** tab
3. In the bottom half of the window under **Allow apps downloaded from**: option select the **App Store and identified developers**
4. Apply the option and then give the installer another try
* Install the file manually with either of these approaches:
* Right-click on the `.pkg` and select "Open". This should bring up an install dialog, but with an option to **Open the file anyway**.
* Right-click on the `.pkg` and select "Open With", and choose **Installer**.
* Or, get around Apple's security precautions by removing the quarantine Extended Attribute on the `.pkg` file by executing `xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/file`
* You can, alternatively, obtain all the files you need from the [ZIP archive we provide]({%slug installation/zip%}) which does not require an installation.