title: Add ContextMenu to the TreeView items
description: How add ContextMenu to the TreeView items.
type: how-to
page_title: Add ContextMenu to the TreeView items
slug: contextmenu-kb-treeview-item
ticketid: 1508692
res_type: kb
## Environment
Product |
ContextMenu for Blazor, TreeView for Blazor |
## Description
I would like to add the ContextMenu component to every item (node) in the TreeView.
## Solution
The ContextMenu exposes an API to associate the component to any DOM element through the [ShowAsync]({%slug contextmenu-integration%}) method. You can use the [oncontextmenu](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GlobalEventHandlers/oncontextmenu) event of an HTML element in the [treeview item template]({%slug components/treeview/templates%}) to show the context menu by using the `MouseEventArgs`.
>tip As of version 2.27, the TreeView exposes [`OnItemContextMenu` event]({%slug treeview-events%}#onitemcontextmenu) that you can use to integrate Telerik Context menu for the TreeView nodes. Here is an example of such a configuration - [Context menu for a TreeView node]({%slug contextmenu-integration%}#context-menu-for-a-treeview-node)
@* Use the oncontextmenu event of the HTML element to show the ContextMenu for the TreeView items *@
TreeItem itm = context as TreeItem;
ShowContextMenu(e, itm))">
@code {
private TelerikContextMenu ContextMenu { get; set; }
TreeItem LastClickedItem { get; set; }
private async Task ShowContextMenu(MouseEventArgs e, TreeItem item)
LastClickedItem = item;
await ContextMenu.ShowAsync(e.ClientX, e.ClientY);
private void ClickHandler(ContextMenuItem item)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Text) && LastClickedItem != null)
Console.WriteLine($"Clicked on {item.CommandName} for {LastClickedItem.Text}");
LastClickedItem = null;
async Task NodeClick(TreeItem clickeNode)
//custom code here
// sample data
public IEnumerable TreeData { get; set; }
public List ContextMenuData { get; set; }
public class ContextMenuItem
public string Text { get; set; }
public ISvgIcon Icon { get; set; }
public bool Separator { get; set; }
public string CommandName { get; set; }
public class TreeItem
public string Text { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public List Items { get; set; } = new List();
public bool Expanded { get; set; }
public bool HasChildren { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
ContextMenuData = new List()
new ContextMenuItem
Text = "Info",
Icon = SvgIcon.InfoCircle,
CommandName = "info"
new ContextMenuItem
Separator = true
new ContextMenuItem
Text = "Delete",
Icon = SvgIcon.Trash,
CommandName = "delete"
private void LoadHierarchical()
List roots = new List() {
new TreeItem { Text = "Item 1", Id = 1, Expanded = true, HasChildren = true },
new TreeItem { Text = "Item 2", Id = 2, HasChildren = true }
roots[0].Items.Add(new TreeItem
Text = "Item 1 first child",
Id = 3
roots[0].Items.Add(new TreeItem
Text = "Item 1 second child",
Id = 4
roots[1].Items.Add(new TreeItem
Text = "Item 2 first child",
Id = 5
roots[1].Items.Add(new TreeItem
Text = "Item 2 second child",
Id = 6
TreeData = roots;
## Notes
At the time of writing, when you are using a template you cannot trigger a close of the ContextMenu, you can only close it if you click outside of it (there is an opened feature request for that in our [public feedback portal](https://feedback.telerik.com/blazor/1497622-add-hide-and-or-hideasync-method-to-contextmenu)) that contains a workaround.