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Case Insensitive Matching with Custom Values How to perform Case Insensitive Matching in ComboBox. how-to Case Insensitive Matching combobox-kb-case-insensitive-matching 1460581 kb


Product ComboBox for Blazor


This article showcases how to match case insensitive user input with the AllowCustom parameter of the ComboBox set to true to the data source items.


Depending on your business logic and application workflow you need to use either [OnChange]({%slug components/combobox/events%}#onchange) or [ValueChanged]({%slug components/combobox/events%}#valuechanged) events of the ComboBox.

In the event handler you can use a Where() statement to filter out the result. In case you want the filter to be applied on every keystroke of the user input - use ValueChanged, otherwise use OnChange event. There are examples of both below.

caption How to filter out a result with case insensitive user input while using the OnChange event

@* Observe the behavior of the filtering the result when the ComboBox loses focus or the Enter key is pressed *@

<TelerikComboBox Data="@myComboboxData"
                 Placeholder="Type 'text' and press Enter">

@code {
    public List<ComboItem> myComboboxData { get; set; }
    public string TheValue { get; set; }

    public void ChangedHandler(object userInput)
        var stringInput = (userInput as string).ToLower();
        // you can implement business logic here - contains filter instear of equals, for example
        var matchingItem = myComboboxData.Where(x => x.MyTextField.ToLower() == stringInput).FirstOrDefault();
        TheValue = matchingItem.MyTextField;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        myComboboxData = new List<ComboItem>()
            new ComboItem("ABC Customer"),
            new ComboItem("TexT"),
            new ComboItem("ComBobOx Data")


    public class ComboItem
        public string MyTextField { get; set; }

        public ComboItem(string text)
            MyTextField = text;

caption How to filter out a result with case insensitive user input while using the ValueChanged event.

@* Observe the behavior of the filtering the result when the user presses a key *@

<TelerikComboBox Data="@myComboboxData"
                 ValueChanged="@((string input) => ChangedHandler(input))"
                 Placeholder="start typing 'data'">

@code {
    public List<ComboItem> myComboboxData { get; set; }
    public string TheValue { get; set; }

    public void ChangedHandler(string userInput)
        userInput = userInput.ToLower();
        // you can implement the business logic here - e.g., Equals filter instead of contains
        // note: the Value of the combobox is not used right now becaues setting it here will overwrite the user input
        var matchingItem = myComboboxData.Where(x => (x.MyTextField.ToLower()).Contains(userInput)).FirstOrDefault();
        TheValue = matchingItem.MyTextField;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        myComboboxData = new List<ComboItem>()
            new ComboItem("ABC Customer"),
            new ComboItem("TexT"),
            new ComboItem("ComBobOx Data")


    public class ComboItem
        public string MyTextField { get; set; }

        public ComboItem(string text)
            MyTextField = text;