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JSException Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded Learn what causes the Maximum call stack size exceeded error and how to fix it. troubleshooting How to Fix JSException Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded common-kb-maximum-call-stack-exceeded telerik, blazor, troubleshooting, javascript, js-error, exception 1641599, 1638959, 1639186, 1638288, 1642561, 1645266, 1641021 kb


Product UI for Blazor


This knowledge base article deals with the Maximum call stack size exceeded error.

Error Message

Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: Maximum call stack size exceeded

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded


The possible causes for the Maximum call stack size exceeded error are:

  • Using an old version of Telerik UI for Blazor (4.5.0 and older) in .NET 8 or 9.
  • Updating an existing app to .NET 8 or 9 without updating Telerik UI for Blazor.
  • Using different versions of Telerik UI for Blazor in different projects in your solution. Some of the versions are earlier than 4.6.0.
  • Building a .NET 6 Telerik Blazor app with the .NET 8 SDK on a Mac.
  • Using a cached old version of telerik-blazor.js with up-to-date Telerik UI for Blazor version. In this case, the app may be runnable in one browser and not in another.


To resolve the error:

  • Use a Telerik UI for Blazor version, which is [compatible with .NET 8]({%slug system-requirements%}#supported-net-versions).
  • Clear the browser cache and [add a cache buster for the Telerik CSS and JavaScript files]({%slug common-kb-browser-cache-buster%}).

Clearing the browser cache will reload the telerik-blazor.js file and the error should go away.

If the Telerik UI for Blazor version is up-to-date and the error persists, then clean the solution:

  1. Close Visual Studio.
  2. Delete all bin and obj folders in all projects in the solution.
  3. Clear the browser cache.
  4. Reopen Visual Studio and rebuild the app.


If you receive a TelerikBlazor was undefined JavaScript error after you clear the browser cache, then refer to the [documentation about TelerikBlazor was undefined]({%slug troubleshooting-js-errors%}#telerikblazor-was-undefined).

See Also

  • [Troubleshoot JavaScript Errors]({%slug troubleshooting-js-errors%})