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Custom Sorting Order for Groups in DropDownList Learn how to apply a custom order to groups in the DropDownList for Blazor. how-to How to Set a Custom Grouping Order in Blazor DropDownList dropdownlist-custom-sorting-order-groups dropdownlist, blazor, telerik, grouping, custom order kb 1666981, 1579415


Product DropDownList for Blazor,
AutoComplete for Blazor,
MultiSelect for Blazor,
ComboBox for Blazor,
MultiColumnComboBox for Blazor


I am using the [grouping feature of the DropDownList]({%slug components/dropdownlist/grouping%}). My DropDownList model has a nested model as property. The DropDownList GroupField parameter is bound to a property of the nested model. I want the groups to appear in a non-alphabetical, custom order. I can see that there is a feature request to add a sort direction option when grouping. But in the meantime how can I customize the grouping order in the DropDownList?


To sort the groups in a DropDownList by a custom order, perform a manual sorting operation in the [OnRead event]({%slug components/dropdownlist/events%}#onread) handler. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a list of strings that represents the values of the group headers. This list will determine the preferred sorting order.
  2. Cast the [DataSourceResult]({%slug common-features-data-binding-onread%}#event-argument) to AggregateFunctionsGroup.
  3. Sort the casted data using the Sort method with a custom comparison function.
  4. Pass the sorted data as [args.Data]({%slug common-features-data-binding-onread%}#todatasourceresult-method).

caption Apply a custom grouping order in the DropDownList

@using Telerik.DataSource.Extensions
@using Telerik.DataSource

<TelerikDropDownList TItem="@Product"
                     DefaultText="Select a Product">

@code {
    private int SelectedValue { get; set; }
    private List<Product> Products = new List<Product>
            new Product { ProductId = 10, Description = "Juliet Jewelery Product", ProductCategory = new ProductCategory { CategoryId = 10, CategoryName = "Jewelery" } },
            new Product { ProductId = 18, Description = "Medical Care Product", ProductCategory = new ProductCategory { CategoryId = 8, CategoryName = "Healthcare" } },
            new Product { ProductId = 19, Description = "QQ Tech Product", ProductCategory = new ProductCategory { CategoryId = 9, CategoryName = "Information Technology" } },
            new Product { ProductId = 10, Description = "Z Jewelery Product", ProductCategory = new ProductCategory { CategoryId = 10, CategoryName = "Jewelery" } },
            new Product { ProductId = 4, Description = "Delta Bond Product", ProductCategory = new ProductCategory { CategoryId = 4, CategoryName = "Defense" } },
            new Product { ProductId = 8, Description = "Health Care Product", ProductCategory = new ProductCategory { CategoryId = 8, CategoryName = "Healthcare" } },
            new Product { ProductId = 9, Description = "Tech Product", ProductCategory = new ProductCategory { CategoryId = 9, CategoryName = "Information Technology" } }

    protected async Task ReadItems(DropDownListReadEventArgs args)
        await Task.Delay(200);

        var preferredOrder = new List<string> { "Healthcare", "Information Technology", "Defense", "Jewelery" };

        var datasourceResult = Products.ToDataSourceResult(args.Request);

        var sortedData = datasourceResult.Data.Cast<AggregateFunctionsGroup>().ToList();
        sortedData.Sort((a, b) =>
            int indexA = preferredOrder.IndexOf(a.Key.ToString());
            int indexB = preferredOrder.IndexOf(b.Key.ToString());

            if (indexA >= 0 && indexB >= 0)
                return indexA.CompareTo(indexB);

            if (indexA >= 0) return -1;
            if (indexB >= 0) return 1;
            return a.Key.ToString().CompareTo(b.Key.ToString());

        args.Data = sortedData;

    public class Product
        public int ProductId { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public ProductCategory ProductCategory { get; set; }

    public class ProductCategory
        public int CategoryId { get; set; }
        public string CategoryName { get; set; }

## See Also

- [Telerik DropDownList for Blazor - Overview]({%slug components/dropdownlist/overview%})
- [OnRead Event in Telerik DropDownList]({%slug components/dropdownlist/events%}#onread)
- [Grouping in Telerik DropDownList]({%slug components/dropdownlist/grouping%})
- [Custom Grouping Order in Grid]({%slug grid-custom-grouping-order%})