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Icons Icons How to use the built-in font icons in the UI for Blazor suite general-information/font-icons telerik,blazor,icon,font,built-in True 1

Built-in Icons

The UI for Blazor suite comes with a set of font icons that you can use in various places like in the Button component.

To use a predefined font icon, you can set the corresponding property to a member of the Telerik.Blazor.IconName static class. The Visual Studio intellisense should provide you with the available options.

You can find the full list of available icons in the Kendo UI Web Font Icons Library article. The names of the icons match the classes you see in the article, but without the k-i- prefix. You can use them as hardcoded strings as well. Their corresponding class members are in CamelCase.

caption How to use a built-in font icon class on a component's Icon property

@using Telerik.Blazor
@using Telerik.Blazor.Components.Button

<TelerikButton Icon="@IconName.Filter">I show the Filter icon</TelerikButton>
<br />
<TelerikButton Icon="filter">I also show the Filter icon through a hardcoded class name</TelerikButton>

caption The result from the code snippet above

tip You can also render a standalone icon through a component we provide.

caption Render a standalone font icon through the TelerikIcon component

@using Telerik.Blazor
@using Telerik.Blazor.Components

<TelerikIcon IconName="@IconName.Audio" /> @* will render the audio speaker icon *@

<TelerikIcon Class="oi oi-home" /> @* home icon from OpenIconic, assuming you have loaded the font on the page *@

<TelerikIcon Class="my-font-icon-class" /> @* In this simple example, the built-in Telerik icon font matching the glyph position will be used, unless you provide an actual font icon of your own to override the values *@

	.my-font-icon-class::before {
		font: myFontIconFont; /* use actual font icon font */
		content: "\e123"; /* use actual glyph position */

caption The result from the snippet above

See Also