4.7 KiB
title | description | type | page_title | slug | tags | res_type |
How to Generate a PDF Document from Images with FixedContentEditor | This article explains how to create a PDF document from a collection of images using the RadPdfProcessing library. | how-to | How to Generate a PDF Document from Images with FixedContentEditor | pdf-from-images-with-fixedcontenteditor | pdf,images,editor | kb |
Version | Product | Author |
2024.1.124 | RadPdfProcessing | Desislava Yordanova |
This tutorial demonstrates a sample approach how to generate a PDF document from a collection of images located in a local folder.
To create the PDF document, we will use a [FixedContentEditor]({%slug radpdfprocessing-editing-fixedcontenteditor%}) which is always associated with a single [RadFixedPage]({%slug radpdfprocessing-model-radfixedpage%}). The editor maintains an internal [Position]({%slug radpdfprocessing-concepts-position%}) inside the page at which the image block element will be inserted and drawn. The Position is adjusted after the image is rendered. If there is no remaining space on the page to draw the next image, a new page will be created and the editor's position will be moved to the beginning of the new page.
private static void GeneratePdfFromImagesWithFixedContentEditor(string imageFolderPath)
Size pageSize = new Size(Unit.MmToDip(210), Telerik.Windows.Documents.Media.Unit.MmToDip(297));
Padding pageMarginsValue = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Primitives.Padding(
RadFixedDocument fixedDocument = new RadFixedDocument();
RadFixedPage fixedPage = fixedDocument.Pages.AddPage();
fixedPage.Size = pageSize;
FixedContentEditor fixedEditor = new FixedContentEditor(fixedPage);
double currentYposition = pageMarginsValue.Top;
double pageYLimit = pageSize.Height - pageMarginsValue.Bottom;
string[] imageFiles = Directory.GetFiles(imageFolderPath);
foreach (string imageFilePath in imageFiles)
Block imageBlock = new Block();
imageBlock.SpacingAfter = 0;
imageBlock.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(imageFilePath, FileMode.Open);
var _imageSource = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Resources.ImageSource(fileStream);
Size imageBlockDesiredSize = imageBlock.Measure();
double desiredYLocationToDraw = currentYposition + imageBlockDesiredSize.Height;
if (desiredYLocationToDraw > pageYLimit)
//indicate the page end [optional]
fixedEditor.Position.Translate(0, pageYLimit - Unit.MmToDip(5));
//above code is just for testing purposes
currentYposition = pageMarginsValue.Top;
fixedPage = fixedDocument.Pages.AddPage();
fixedPage.Size = pageSize;
fixedEditor = new FixedContentEditor(fixedPage);
//move the cursor to the beginning of the new page
fixedEditor.Position.Translate(pageMarginsValue.Left, currentYposition);
currentYposition += imageBlock.ActualSize.Height;
fixedEditor.Position.Translate(pageMarginsValue.Left, currentYposition);
PdfFormatProvider provider = new PdfFormatProvider();
string outputFilePath = @"..\..\sample.pdf";
using (Stream output = File.OpenWrite(outputFilePath))
provider.Export(fixedDocument, output);
The produced document is illustrated in the screenshot:
See Also
- [FixedContentEditor]({%slug radpdfprocessing-editing-fixedcontenteditor%})
- [RadFixedPage]({%slug radpdfprocessing-model-radfixedpage%})
- [Position]({%slug radpdfprocessing-concepts-position%})
- [PdfFormatProvider]({%slug radpdfprocessing-formats-and-conversion-pdf-pdfformatprovider%})
- RadPdfProcessing Documentation