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Исходник Ответственный История

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода, которые могут быть отображены не так, как показано ниже. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы показать скрытые символы.

import { load, cldr } from '../src/cldr';
import { formatNumber, parseNumber } from '../src/numbers';
const likelySubtags = require("cldr-data/supplemental/likelySubtags.json");
const numbers = require("cldr-data/main/bg/numbers.json");
const currencies = require("cldr-data/main/bg/currencies.json");
const currencyData = require("cldr-data/supplemental/currencyData.json");
load(likelySubtags, currencyData, numbers, currencies);
function loadCustom(options) {
"main": {
"custom": {
"identity": {
"language": "custom",
"territory": "CUSTOM"
"numbers": {
"symbols-numberSystem-latn": {
"decimal": options.decimal || ".",
"group": || ","
"decimalFormats-numberSystem-latn": {
"standard": options.pattern || "#,##0.###"
"currencyFormats-numberSystem-latn": {
"standard": options.currencyPattern || "¤#,##0.00",
"accounting": options.accountingPattern || "#,##0.00¤"
currencies: options.currencies
describe('formatNumber', () => {
it('should apply decimal formatting if no format is specified', () => {
it('should return empty string if no value is passed', () => {
it('should return empty string if null or undefined value is passed', () => {
it('should return value as string if not finite value is passed', () => {
it('should limit precision', () => {
const value = 5.4654647884512e+96;
expect(formatNumber(value, '#.#')).toEqual(value.toFixed(20));
describe('errors', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
cldr.supplemental.currencyData.region.CUSTOM = [{ XXX: {} }];
loadCustom({ currencies: { USD: { symbol: "$" } } });
it('throws error if the default locale currency cannot be determined', () => {
expect(() => {
formatNumber(10, 'c', 'custom');
it('does not throw error if default locale currency cannot be determined but the currency is specified', () => {
expect(() => {
formatNumber(10, { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }, 'custom');
it('does not throw error if default locale currency cannot be determined but the format does not require it', () => {
expect(() => {
formatNumber(10, 'n', 'custom');
describe('standard scientific formatting', () => {
const value = 123;
it('should apply format', () => {
expect(formatNumber(value, 'e')).toEqual(value.toExponential());
it('should apply format with precision', () => {
expect(formatNumber(value, 'e10')).toEqual(value.toExponential(10));
it('should apply format when passing options object', () => {
expect(formatNumber(value, { style: 'scientific' })).toEqual(value.toExponential());
it('should apply format with precision when passing options object', () => {
expect(formatNumber(value, { style: 'scientific', minimumFractionDigits: 10})).toEqual(value.toExponential(10));
it('should use locale specific decimal separator', () => {
expect(formatNumber(value, { style: 'scientific' }, 'bg')).toEqual('1,23e+2');
describe('standard decimal formatting', () => {
it('should apply format for big positive integer', () => {
const number = 10000;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'n')).toEqual("10,000");
it('should apply format for big positive integer with precision', () => {
const number = 10000;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'n2')).toEqual("10,000.00");
it('should apply format for big negative integer', () => {
const number = -10000;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'n')).toEqual("-10,000");
it('should apply format for big negative integer with precision', () => {
const number = -10000;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'n2')).toEqual("-10,000.00");
it('should apply format for small positive integer', () => {
const number = 10;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'n')).toEqual("10");
it('should apply format for small positive integer with precision', () => {
const number = 10;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'n2')).toEqual("10.00");
it('should apply format for small negative integer', () => {
const number = -10;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'n')).toEqual("-10");
it('should apply format for small negative integer with precision', () => {
const number = -10;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'n2')).toEqual("-10.00");
it('should format only the integer value with zero precision', () => {
const number = 10.3337;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'n0')).toEqual("10");
it('should clear sign if rounded number is zero', () => {
expect(formatNumber(-0.00001, 'n2')).toEqual("0.00");
it('should apply culture specific format', () => {
const number = 10000.123;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'n', 'bg')).toEqual("10 000,123");
it('should apply format with options object', () => {
const number = 10000;
expect(formatNumber(number, {})).toEqual("10,000");
it('should apply minimumIntegerDigits', () => {
const number = 10;
expect(formatNumber(number, { minimumIntegerDigits: 5 })).toEqual("00,010");
it('should apply minimumIntegerDigits for floating point numbers', () => {
const number = 10.123;
expect(formatNumber(number, { minimumIntegerDigits: 5 })).toEqual("00,010.123");
it('should apply minimumIntegerDigits for floating point numbers', () => {
const number = 10.123;
expect(formatNumber(number, { minimumIntegerDigits: 5 })).toEqual("00,010.123");
it('should apply useGrouping', () => {
const number = 10000;
expect(formatNumber(number, { useGrouping: false })).toEqual("10000");
it('should apply minimumFractionDigits', () => {
const number = 10.001;
expect(formatNumber(number, { minimumFractionDigits: 5 })).toEqual("10.00100");
it('should apply zero minimumFractionDigits', () => {
const number = 10;
expect(formatNumber(number, { minimumFractionDigits: 0 })).toEqual("10");
it('should apply maximumFractionDigits', () => {
const number = 10.123456;
expect(formatNumber(number, { maximumFractionDigits: 5 })).toEqual("10.12346");
it('should apply maximumFractionDigits by default', () => {
const number = 10.1235;
expect(formatNumber(number, { })).toEqual("10.124");
it('should limit maximumFractionDigits based on minimumFractionDigits by default', () => {
const number = 10.123456;
expect(formatNumber(number, { minimumFractionDigits: 5})).toEqual("10.12346");
it('should apply multiple group separators', () => {
loadCustom({ pattern: "#,##,##0.###"});
expect(formatNumber(33111110.01, "n", "custom")).toEqual("3,31,11,110.01");
it('should apply group separators with zero length', () => {
loadCustom({ pattern: ",,##0.###"});
expect(formatNumber(33111110, "n", "custom")).toEqual("33111,110");
it('should not group integer for zero group', () => {
loadCustom({ pattern: ",.###"});
expect(formatNumber(33111110, "n", "custom")).toEqual("33111110");
//doesn't seem to be a locale with zero group size so not sure if this is needed
it('should not add group if the integer length is equal to the non-zero group sizes', () => {
loadCustom({ pattern: ",,###,##0.###"});
expect(formatNumber(123456, "n", "custom")).toEqual("123,456");
describe('standard percent formatting', () => {
it('should apply format', () => {
const number = 0.009;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'p')).toEqual("1%");
it('should apply format with precision', () => {
const number = 0.1;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'p0')).toEqual("10%");
it('should apply format for negative values', () => {
const number = -1.3;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'p3')).toEqual("-130.000%");
describe('standard currency formatting', () => {
it('should apply format', () => {
const number = 10;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'c')).toEqual("$10.00");
it('should apply format with precision', () => {
const number = 10;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'c0')).toEqual("$10");
it('should apply format for negative numbers', () => {
const number = -10.3337;
expect(formatNumber(number, 'c3')).toEqual("-$10.334");
it("should apply group separators", () => {
expect(formatNumber(123456789, "c")).toEqual("$123,456,789.00");
it("should not apply group separators to numbers with less digits", () => {
expect(formatNumber(123, "c")).toEqual("$123.00");
it("should apply format when passing language", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "c", "bg")).toEqual("10,00 лв.");
it("should apply format when passing language and territory", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "c", "bg-BG")).toEqual("10,00 лв.");
it("should apply format when passing object", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, { style: "currency" })).toEqual("$10.00");
it("should apply format for specific currency", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, { style: "currency", currency: "BGN" })).toEqual("BGN10.00");
it("should apply specific currency display", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, { style: "currency", currency: "BGN", currencyDisplay: "name" })).toEqual("10.00 Bulgarian leva");
it("should format negative currency with name", () => {
expect(formatNumber(-10, { style: "currency", currency: "BGN", currencyDisplay: "name" })).toEqual("-10.00 Bulgarian leva");
it("should format currency equal to one with name", () => {
expect(formatNumber(1, { style: "currency", currency: "BGN", currencyDisplay: "name" })).toEqual("1.00 Bulgarian lev");
it("should apply minimumFractionDigits", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, { style: "currency", minimumFractionDigits: 5 })).toEqual("$10.00000");
it("should apply maximumFractionDigits", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.1235, { style: "currency", maximumFractionDigits: 3 })).toEqual("$10.124");
describe('standard accounting formatting', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
loadCustom({ currencies: { USD: { symbol: "$" }} });
cldr.custom.numbers.localeCurrency = "USD";
afterAll(() => {
delete cldr.custom;
it('should apply format', () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, 'a', 'custom')).toEqual("10.00$");
it('should apply format with precision', () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, 'a0')).toEqual("$10");
it('should apply format for negative numbers', () => {
expect(formatNumber(-10.3337, 'a3')).toEqual("($10.334)");
it("should apply group separators", () => {
expect(formatNumber(123456789, 'a')).toEqual("$123,456,789.00");
it("should not apply group separators to numbers with less digits", () => {
expect(formatNumber(123, "a")).toEqual("$123.00");
it("should apply format when passing language", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "a", "bg")).toEqual("10,00 лв.");
it("should apply format when passing language and territory", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "a", "bg-BG")).toEqual("10,00 лв.");
it("should apply format when passing object", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, { style: "accounting" })).toEqual("$10.00");
it("should apply format for specific currency", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, { style: "accounting", currency: "BGN" })).toEqual("BGN10.00");
it("should apply specific currency display", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, { style: "accounting", currency: "BGN", currencyDisplay: "name" })).toEqual("10.00 Bulgarian leva");
it("should format negative currency with name", () => {
expect(formatNumber(-10, { style: "accounting", currency: "BGN", currencyDisplay: "name" })).toEqual("-10.00 Bulgarian leva");
it("should format currency equal to one with name", () => {
expect(formatNumber(1, { style: "accounting", currency: "BGN", currencyDisplay: "name" })).toEqual("1.00 Bulgarian lev");
it("should apply minimumFractionDigits", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, { style: "accounting", minimumFractionDigits: 5 })).toEqual("$10.00000");
it("should apply maximumFractionDigits", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.1235, { style: "accounting", maximumFractionDigits: 3 })).toEqual("$10.124");
describe('custom formatting', () => {
it('replaces whole part of the number', () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.9, '#')).toEqual("11");
it('replaces # after 0 with 0', () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.1, '#0####')).toEqual("00010");
it('removes # after replace', () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.1, '####')).toEqual("10");
it('applies thousand separator if pattern contains comma', () => {
expect(formatNumber(1000.1, '##,##')).toEqual("1,000");
it('does not apply thousand separator if there are not enough digits', () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, '##,##')).toEqual("10");
it("applies thousand separator for negative integer", function() {
expect(formatNumber(-18000, '#,##0')).toEqual("-18,000");
it('formats currency', () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, '$#.#')).toEqual("$10");
it('formats currency with locale symbol', () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, '#.#$', 'bg')).toEqual("10лв.");
it('formats percentage', () => {
expect(formatNumber(0.5, '#.#%')).toEqual("50%");
it('percentage does not leave trailing zeros if multiplication by 100 causes rounding error', () => {
expect(formatNumber(0.035, '#.##%')).toEqual("3.5%");
it('applies thousand separator to a longer than the pattern number', () => {
expect(formatNumber(1000000.1, '#,###')).toEqual("1,000,000");
it('replaces number in decimal part', () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.1, '####.#')).toEqual("10.1");
it("replaces # before 0 with 0 in decimal part", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.1, "####.####0#")).toEqual("10.10000");
it("replaces # from decimal part", function() {
expect(formatNumber(10.1, "####.####")).toEqual("10.1");
it("replaces # correctly when exponential number", function() {
expect(formatNumber(0.0000001, "#.#######")).toEqual("0.0000001");
it("returns integer if no 0 in decimal part of the format", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "####.#")).toEqual("10");
it("returns negative integer if no 0 in decimal part of the format", () => {
expect(formatNumber(-10, "####.#")).toEqual("-10");
it("returns decimal if 0 in the decimal part of the format", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "####.#0#")).toEqual("10.00");
it("does not round floating number to the last 0 if # follows", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.12345, "0.000#####")).toEqual("10.12345");
it("one digit after decimal point", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "####.0")).toEqual("10.0");
it("rounds number if last sigh in the format is 0", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.99, "####.0")).toEqual("11.0");
it("decimal number 0.001", () => {
expect(formatNumber(0.001, "####.#0#")).toEqual("0.001");
it("decimal number -0.001", () => {
expect(formatNumber(-0.001, "####.#0#")).toEqual("-0.001");
it("formats with literals", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.1, "'EFD' #")).toEqual("EFD 10");
it("formats with '# %'", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.1, "# %")).toEqual("1010 %");
it("formats with percent symbol as literal", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "# '%'")).toEqual("10 %");
it("formats with escaped percent symbol", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "# \\%")).toEqual("10 %");
it("formats with question mark as literal", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "?\\$#")).toEqual("?$10");
expect(formatNumber(10, "\\?\\$#")).toEqual("?$10");
it("formats with quote as literal", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "# \"%\"")).toEqual("10 %");
it("formats with escaped ' ", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "# %\\'")).toEqual("1000 %'");
it("does not crash when number placeholder is in literal", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10.12, "#.# '# y.0'")).toEqual("10.1 # y.0");
it("does not throw exception when format integer with 0.## format", () => {
expect(formatNumber(4, "0.##")).toEqual("4");
it("formats correctly big integer using custom format", () => {
expect(formatNumber(4000, "0,000.##########")).toEqual("4,000");
it("adds leading zero if number is shorter than format with group separator ", () => {
expect(formatNumber(300, "0,000.##########")).toEqual("0,300");
it("adds group separator to a leading zeros number", () => {
expect(formatNumber(300, "0,000,000.##########")).toEqual("0,000,300");
it("adds [3,2] group separators when custom format is used", () => {
loadCustom({ pattern: "#,##,##0.###"});
expect(formatNumber(33111110, "#,##,##,##,###.00", "custom")).toEqual("3,31,11,110.00");
it("rounds the number if custom format is used", () => {
expect(formatNumber(3.235555, "0.##")).toEqual("3.24");
expect(formatNumber(3.235555, "0.#0")).toEqual("3.24");
it("removes trailing zeros after rounding", () => {
expect(formatNumber(0.016999999999, "#.#####")).toEqual("0.017");
expect(formatNumber(0.016999999999, "#.0000#")).toEqual("0.0170");
expect(formatNumber(1.999, "0.0#")).toEqual("2.0");
expect(formatNumber(1.999, "0.#")).toEqual("2");
it("removes decimal part if no number placeholder", () => {
expect(formatNumber(3.222, "0.")).toEqual("3");
it("formats negative numbers", () => {
expect(formatNumber(-1, "0##")).toEqual("-001");
it("applies negative format", () => {
expect(formatNumber(-0.001, "####;-(#.###)")).toEqual("-(0.001)");
it("applies negative format rounding", () => {
expect(formatNumber(-0.001, "####;-(#.#)")).toEqual("-(0)");
it("toString decimal number -1000 with negative format", () => {
expect(formatNumber(-1000, "#,##0;(#,##0);-")).toEqual("(1,000)");
it("applies negative format", () => {
expect(formatNumber(-123, "####;-(#.00)")).toEqual("-(123.00)");
it("clears negative sign if rounded number is positive", () => {
expect(formatNumber(-0.00001, "#.##")).toEqual("0");
it("formats 0", () => {
expect(formatNumber(0, "####;-(#.#);ZERO")).toEqual("ZERO");
it("applies #.00 format for zero number", () => {
expect(formatNumber(0, "####;-(#.00);#.00")).toEqual("0.00");
it("removes incorrect decimal separators", () => {
expect(formatNumber(10, "# y. it")).toEqual("10 y it");
it("formats correctly big integer values", () => {
expect(formatNumber(5285654313, "#.########0")).toEqual("5285654313.000000000");
it("rounds 17.115", () => {
expect(formatNumber(17.115, "#.##")).toEqual("17.12");
it("returns number if format is a constant", () => {
expect(formatNumber(0, "Foo")).toEqual("0");
describe('parseNumber', () => {
it('returns zero if zero is passed', () => {
const value = 0;
it('returns number if number is passed', () => {
const value = 12.12;
it("parses string number", () => {
it("returns null if incorrect value is passed", () => {
it("returns null if no value is passed", () => {
it("returns null if not valid number string is passed", () => {
expect(parseNumber("not a number")).toBeNull();
it("returns null if negative sign is not in the begining", () => {
it("parses locale specific float numbers", () => {
expect(parseNumber("12,13", "bg")).toEqual(12.13);
it("parses locale numbers with group separators", () => {
expect(parseNumber("1,123.12", "en-US")).toEqual(1123.12);
expect(parseNumber("1 123 112,13", "bg-BG")).toEqual(1123112.13);
it("parses currency numbers", () => {
it("parses currency numbers", () => {
it("parses currency numbers with non-default currency display", () => {
expect(parseNumber("US dollars12")).toEqual(12);
expect(parseNumber("US dollar12")).toEqual(12);
it("parses locale currency numbers", () => {
expect(parseNumber("лв.12", "bg")).toEqual(12);
it("parses locale currency floating numbers", () => {
expect(parseNumber("лв.1 123 112,13", "bg")).toEqual(1123112.13);
it("parses non-default for the locale currency", () => {
expect(parseNumber("€12", "en", { currency: "EUR"})).toEqual(12);
it("parses accounting numbers", () => {
expect(parseNumber("$12", 'en', 'a')).toEqual(12);
expect(parseNumber("$12", 'en', { style: 'accounting' })).toEqual(12);
it("parses accounting numbers with negative pattern", () => {
expect(parseNumber("($12)", 'en', 'a')).toEqual(-12);
it("parses percent numbers", () => {
expect(parseNumber("% 12")).toEqual(0.12);
it("parses locale percent numbers", () => {
expect(parseNumber("%1 234,56", "bg")).toEqual(12.3456);
it("parses negative numbers", () => {
it("parses negative currency numbers", () => {
it("parses locale negative currency numbers", () => {
expect(parseNumber("-1 123 112,13 лв.", "bg")).toEqual(-1123112.13);
it("parses currency numbers with negative format", () => {
loadCustom({ currencyPattern: "¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)", currencies: { USD: { symbol: "$" }}});
expect(parseNumber("($1,123,112.13)", "custom", { style: "currency", currency: "USD" })).toEqual(-1123112.13);
it("parses negative percent numbers", () => {
it("parses exponential numbers", () => {
it("parses negative exponential numbers", () => {
it("parses exponential numbers with capital case", () => {
it("parses localized exponential numbers", () => {
expect(parseNumber("1,23432e+5", "bg")).toEqual(123432);
describe('errors', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
cldr.supplemental.currencyData.region.CUSTOM = [{ XXX: {} }];
loadCustom({ currencies: { USD: { symbol: "$" } } });
it('throws error if the default locale currency cannot be determined', () => {
expect(() => {
parseNumber("10", 'custom', { style: "currency" });
it('does not throw error if default locale currency cannot be determined but the currency is specified', () => {
expect(() => {
parseNumber("10", 'custom', { style: "currency", currency: 'USD' });
it('does not throw error if default locale currency cannot be determined but the format does not require it', () => {
expect(() => {
parseNumber("10", 'custom', "n");
it('does not throw error if the currencies are missing but the format does not require it', () => {
const currencies =;
expect(() => {
parseNumber("10", 'bg', "n");
}).not.toThrow(); = currencies;
it('does not throw error if the default currency is missing but the format does not require it', () => {
const BGN =;
expect(() => {
parseNumber("10", 'bg', "n");
}).not.toThrow(); = BGN;