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title | page_title | description | slug | position |
Overview | Overview | Kendo UI DropDowns for React | Learn about the Kendo UI components for React which are delivered by the DropDowns package. | overview_dropdowns_kendouiforreact | 1 |
DropDowns Overview
DropDowns allow you to choose a value from a pre-defined list of options. The DropDowns package includes the Kendo UI AutoComplete, ComboBox, and DropDownList components for React.
The AutoComplete provides suggestions to the user from a previously entered list of options depending on the typed input.
The ComboBox displays a list of pre-defined options. It allows the user to pick a single value from that list, or to enter a custom value through a keyboard input.
The DropDownList displays a list of pre-defined options and allows the user to pick a single value from that list.
Suggested Links
Articles on the Kendo UI DropDowns package for React:
- [Get Started with the AutoComplete Component]({% slug overview_autocomplete_kendouiforreact %})
- [Client-Side API Reference of the AutoComplete Component]({% slug api_autocomplete_kendouiforreact %})
- [Get Started with the ComboBox Component]({% slug overview_combobox_kendouiforreact %})
- [Client-Side API Reference of the ComboBox Component]({% slug api_combobox_kendouiforreact %})
- [Get Started with the DropDownList Component]({% slug overview_ddl_kendouiforreact %})
- [Client-Side API Reference of the DropDownList Component]({% slug api_ddl_kendouiforreact %})