--- title: Filter the Kendo UI for Vue Native Grid's data using a comma separated values. description: A a sample project that shows how to implement a custom row filter inside the Native Grid that allows data filtering using comma separated values. type: how-to page_title: Filter the Native Grid using comma separated values | Kendo UI for Vue Native Grid slug: grid-filtering-comma-separated-values tags: grid, filter, filtering, row filter, comma separated, kendovue, native res_type: kb category: knowledge-base --- ## Environment
Product Version 3.10.0
Product Progress® Kendo UI for Vue Native
## Description The current KB article demonstrates how you can implement a custom row filter inside the Native Grid that filter's its data using comma separated values. ## Runnable example To test the following example start adding values in the filter input of the `UnitsInStock` column. Ex: "`13,120,17`" {% meta id:index height:600 %} {% embed_file grid-filtering-comma-separated-values/main.vue preview %} {% embed_file grid-filtering-comma-separated-values/main.js %} {% embed_file grid-filtering-comma-separated-values/products.js %} {% endmeta %}