644 строки
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644 строки
19 KiB
var Errors = require('./errors');
var fs = require('fs');
var q = require('q');
var tls = require('tls');
var net = require('net');
var sysu = require('util');
var util = require('./util');
var Device = require('./device');
var events = require('events');
var debug = function() {};
if(process.env.DEBUG) {
try {
debug = require('debug')('apn');
catch (e) {
console.log("Notice: 'debug' module is not available. This should be installed with `npm install debug` to enable debug messages", e);
debug = function() {};
* Create a new connection to the APN service.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [options]
* @config {String} [cert="cert.pem"] The filename of the connection certificate to load from disk
* @config {Buffer|String} [certData] The certificate data. If supplied, will be used instead of loading from disk.
* @config {String} [key="key.pem"] The filename of the connection key to load from disk
* @config {Buffer|String} [keyData] The key data. If supplied will be used instead of loading from disk.
* @config {Buffer[]|String[]} [ca] An array of strings or Buffers of trusted certificates. If this is omitted several well known "root" CAs will be used, like VeriSign. - You may need to use this as some environments don't include the CA used by Apple.
* @config {String} [pfx] File path for private key, certificate and CA certs in PFX or PKCS12 format. If supplied will be used instead of certificate and key above
* @config {Buffer|String} [pfxData] PFX or PKCS12 format data containing the private key, certificate and CA certs. If supplied will be used instead of loading from disk.
* @config {String} [passphrase] The passphrase for the connection key, if required
* @config {String} [gateway="gateway.push.apple.com"] The gateway server to connect to.
* @config {Number} [port=2195] Gateway port
* @config {Boolean} [rejectUnauthorized=true] Reject Unauthorized property to be passed through to tls.connect()
* @config {Boolean} [enhanced=true] Whether to use the enhanced notification format (recommended)
* @config {Function} [errorCallback] A callback which accepts 2 parameters (err, notification). Use `transmissionError` event instead.
* @config {Number} [cacheLength=100] Number of notifications to cache for error purposes (See doc/apn.markdown)
* @config {Boolean} [autoAdjustCache=false] Whether the cache should grow in response to messages being lost after errors. (Will still emit a 'cacheTooSmall' event)
* @config {Number} [maxConnections=1] The maximum number of connections to create for sending messages.
* @config {Number} [connectionTimeout=0] The duration the socket should stay alive with no activity in milliseconds. 0 = Disabled.
* @config {Boolean} [buffersNotifications=true] Whether to buffer notifications and resend them after failure.
* @config {Boolean} [fastMode=false] Whether to aggresively empty the notification buffer while connected.
function Connection (options) {
if(false === (this instanceof Connection)) {
return new Connection(options);
this.options = {
cert: 'cert.pem',
certData: null,
key: 'key.pem',
keyData: null,
ca: null,
pfx: null,
pfxData: null,
passphrase: null,
gateway: 'gateway.push.apple.com',
port: 2195,
rejectUnauthorized: true,
enhanced: true,
cacheLength: 100,
autoAdjustCache: true,
maxConnections: 1,
connectionTimeout: 0,
buffersNotifications: true
util.extend(this.options, options);
this.certData = null;
this.keyData = null;
this.pfxData = null;
this.deferredInitialize = null;
this.deferredConnection = null;
this.sockets = [];
this.notificationBuffer = [];
this.socketId = 0;
sysu.inherits(Connection, events.EventEmitter);
* @private
Connection.prototype.checkInitialized = function () {
if ((this.keyData && this.certData) || this.pfxData) {
* You should never need to call this method, initialisation and connection is handled by {@link Connection#sendNotification}
* @private
Connection.prototype.initialize = function () {
if (this.deferredInitialize) {
return this.deferredInitialize.promise;
debug("Initialising module");
this.deferredInitialize = q.defer();
if(this.options.pfx !== null || this.options.pfxData !== null) {
if(this.options.pfxData) {
this.pfxData = this.options.pfxData;
else {
fs.readFile(this.options.pfx, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
this.pfxData = data;
else {
if (this.options.certData) {
this.certData = this.options.certData;
else {
fs.readFile(this.options.cert, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
this.certData = data.toString();
if (this.options.keyData) {
this.keyData = this.options.keyData;
else {
fs.readFile(this.options.key, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
this.keyData = data.toString();
return this.deferredInitialize.promise;
* You should never need to call this method, initialisation and connection is handled by {@link Connection#pushNotification}
* @private
Connection.prototype.connect = function () {
if (this.deferredConnection) {
return this.deferredConnection.promise;
debug("Initialising connection");
this.deferredConnection = q.defer();
this.initialize().then(function () {
var socketOptions = {};
if(this.pfxData) {
socketOptions.pfx = this.pfxData;
else {
socketOptions.key = this.keyData;
socketOptions.cert = this.certData;
socketOptions.ca = this.options.ca;
socketOptions.passphrase = this.options.passphrase;
socketOptions.rejectUnauthorized = this.options.rejectUnauthorized;
// We pass in our own Stream to delay connection until we have attached the
// event listeners below.
socketOptions.socket = new net.Stream();
this.socket = tls.connect(
function () {
debug("Connection established");
this.emit('connected', this.sockets.length + 1);
this.socket.on("error", this.errorOccurred.bind(this, this.socket));
this.socket.on("timeout", this.socketTimeout.bind(this, this.socket));
this.socket.on("data", this.handleTransmissionError.bind(this, this.socket));
this.socket.on("drain", this.socketDrained.bind(this, this.socket, true));
this.socket.on("clientError", this.errorOccurred.bind(this, this.socket));
this.socket.once("close", this.socketClosed.bind(this, this.socket));
// The actual connection is delayed until after all the event listeners have
// been attached.
socketOptions.socket.connect(this.options['port'], this.options['gateway']);
}.bind(this)).fail(function (error) {
debug("Module initialisation error:", error);
// This is a pretty fatal scenario, we don't have key/certificate to connect to APNS, there's not much we can do, so raise errors and clear the queue.
while(this.notificationBuffer.length > 0) {
var notification = this.notificationBuffer.shift();
this.raiseError(error, notification.notification, notification.recipient);
this.emit('transmissionError', Errors['moduleInitialisationFailed'], notification.notification, notification.recipient);
this.emit('error', error);
this.deferredConnection = null;
return this.deferredConnection.promise;
* @private
Connection.prototype.createConnection = function() {
this.connect().then(function () {
this.socket.socketId = this.socketId++;
this.socket.currentId = 0;
this.socket.cachedNotifications = [];
this.deferredConnection = null;
this.socket = undefined;
}.bind(this)).fail(function (err) {
this.deferredConnection = null;
this.socket = undefined;
* @private
Connection.prototype.initialisingConnection = function() {
if(this.deferredConnection !== null) {
return true;
return false;
* @private
Connection.prototype.serviceBuffer = function() {
var socket = null;
var repeat = false;
if(this.options.fastMode) {
repeat = true;
do {
socket = null;
if (this.notificationBuffer.length === 0) return;
for (var i = this.sockets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(this.socketAvailable(this.sockets[i])) {
socket = this.sockets[i];
if (socket !== null) {
debug("Transmitting notification from buffer");
if(this.transmitNotification(socket, this.notificationBuffer.shift())) {
this.socketDrained(socket, !repeat);
else if (!this.initialisingConnection() && this.sockets.length < this.options.maxConnections) {
repeat = false;
else {
repeat = false;
} while(repeat);
debug("%d left to send", this.notificationBuffer.length);
* @private
Connection.prototype.errorOccurred = function(socket, err) {
debug("Socket error occurred", socket.socketId, err);
if(socket.transmissionErrorOccurred && err.code == 'EPIPE') {
debug("EPIPE occurred after a transmission error which we can ignore");
this.emit('socketError', err);
if(this.socket == socket && this.deferredConnection && this.deferredConnection.promise.isPending()) {
else {
this.raiseError(err, null);
if(socket.busy) {
// A notification was in flight. It should be buffered for resending.
this.bufferNotification(socket.cachedNotifications[socket.cachedNotifications.length - 1]);
* @private
Connection.prototype.socketAvailable = function(socket) {
if (!socket || !socket.writable || socket.busy) {
return false;
return true;
* @private
Connection.prototype.socketDrained = function(socket, serviceBuffer) {
debug("Socket drained", socket.socketId);
socket.busy = false;
if(this.options.enhanced) {
var notification = socket.cachedNotifications[socket.cachedNotifications.length - 1];
this.emit('transmitted', notification.notification, notification.recipient);
if(serviceBuffer === true && !this.runningOnNextTick) {
// There is a possibility that this could add multiple invocations to the
// call stack unnecessarily. It will be resolved within one event loop but
// should be mitigated if possible, this.nextTick aims to solve this,
// ensuring "serviceBuffer" is only called once per loop.
var nextRun = function() { this.runningOnNextTick = false; this.serviceBuffer(); }.bind(this);
if('function' === typeof setImmediate) {
else {
this.runningOnNextTick = true;
* @private
Connection.prototype.socketTimeout = function(socket) {
debug("Socket timeout", socket.socketId);
* @private
Connection.prototype.destroyConnection = function(socket) {
debug("Destroying connection", socket.socketId);
if (socket) {
* @private
Connection.prototype.socketClosed = function(socket) {
debug("Socket closed", socket.socketId);
if (socket === this.socket && this.deferredConnection.promise.isPending()) {
debug("Connection error occurred before TLS Handshake");
this.deferredConnection.reject(new Error("Unable to connect"));
else {
var index = this.sockets.indexOf(socket);
if (index > -1) {
this.sockets.splice(index, 1);
this.emit('disconnected', this.sockets.length);
* Use this method to modify the cache length after initialisation.
Connection.prototype.setCacheLength = function(newLength) {
this.options.cacheLength = newLength;
* @private
Connection.prototype.bufferNotification = function (notification) {
if (notification.retryLimit === 0) {
this.raiseError(Errors['retryCountExceeded'], notification);
this.emit('transmissionError', Errors['retryCountExceeded'], notification.notification, notification.recipient);
notification.retryLimit -= 1;
* @private
Connection.prototype.prepareNotification = function (notification, device) {
var recipient = device;
// If a device token hasn't been given then we should raise an error.
if (recipient === undefined) {
process.nextTick(function () {
this.raiseError(Errors['missingDeviceToken'], notification);
this.emit('transmissionError', Errors['missingDeviceToken'], notification);
// If we have been passed a token instead of a `Device` then we should convert.
if (!(recipient instanceof Device)) {
try {
recipient = new Device(recipient);
catch (e) {
// If an exception has been thrown it's down to an invalid token.
process.nextTick(function () {
this.raiseError(Errors['invalidToken'], notification, device);
this.emit('transmissionError', Errors['invalidToken'], notification, device);
this.bufferNotification( { "notification": notification, "recipient": recipient, "retryLimit": notification.retryLimit } );
* @private
Connection.prototype.cacheNotification = function (socket, notification) {
if (socket.cachedNotifications.length > this.options.cacheLength) {
debug("Clearing notification %d from the cache", socket.cachedNotifications[0]['_uid']);
socket.cachedNotifications.splice(0, socket.cachedNotifications.length - this.options.cacheLength);
* @private
Connection.prototype.handleTransmissionError = function (socket, data) {
if (data[0] == 8) {
if (!this.options.enhanced) {
var errorCode = data[1];
var identifier = data.readUInt32BE(2);
var notification = null;
var foundNotification = false;
var temporaryCache = [];
debug("Notification %d caused an error: %d", identifier, errorCode);
while (socket.cachedNotifications.length) {
notification = socket.cachedNotifications.shift();
if (notification['_uid'] == identifier) {
foundNotification = true;
if (foundNotification) {
while (temporaryCache.length) {
this.emit('transmissionError', errorCode, notification.notification, notification.recipient);
this.raiseError(errorCode, notification.notification, notification.recipient);
else {
socket.cachedNotifications = temporaryCache;
if(socket.cachedNotifications.length > 0) {
var differentialSize = socket.cachedNotifications[0]['_uid'] - identifier;
this.emit('cacheTooSmall', differentialSize);
if(this.options.autoAdjustCache) {
this.options.cacheLength += differentialSize * 2;
this.emit('transmissionError', errorCode, null);
this.raiseError(errorCode, null);
var count = socket.cachedNotifications.length;
if(this.options.buffersNotifications) {
debug("Buffering %d notifications for resending", count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
notification = socket.cachedNotifications.shift();
socket.transmissionErrorOccurred = true;
* @private
Connection.prototype.raiseError = function(errorCode, notification, recipient) {
debug("Raising error:", errorCode, notification, recipient);
if(errorCode instanceof Error) {
debug("Error occurred with trace:", errorCode.stack);
if (notification && typeof notification.errorCallback == 'function' ) {
notification.errorCallback(errorCode, recipient);
} else if (typeof this.options.errorCallback == 'function') {
this.options.errorCallback(errorCode, notification, recipient);
* @private
* @return {Boolean} Write completed, returns true if socketDrained should be called by the caller of this method.
Connection.prototype.transmitNotification = function(socket, notification) {
if (!this.socketAvailable(socket)) {
var token = notification.recipient.token;
var encoding = notification.notification.encoding || 'utf8';
var message = notification.notification.compile();
var messageLength = Buffer.byteLength(message, encoding);
var position = 0;
var data;
notification._uid = socket.currentId++;
if (socket.currentId > 0xffffffff) {
socket.currentId = 0;
if (this.options.enhanced) {
data = new Buffer(1 + 4 + 4 + 2 + token.length + 2 + messageLength);
// Command
data[position] = 1;
// Identifier
data.writeUInt32BE(notification._uid, position);
position += 4;
// Expiry
data.writeUInt32BE(notification.notification.expiry, position);
position += 4;
this.cacheNotification(socket, notification);
else {
data = new Buffer(1 + 2 + token.length + 2 + messageLength);
data[position] = 0;
// Token Length
data.writeUInt16BE(token.length, position);
position += 2;
// Device Token
position += token.copy(data, position, 0);
// Payload Length
data.writeUInt16BE(messageLength, position);
position += 2;
position += data.write(message, position, encoding);
socket.busy = true;
return socket.write(data);
Connection.prototype.validNotification = function (notification, recipient) {
var messageLength = notification.length();
if (messageLength > 256) {
process.nextTick(function () {
this.raiseError(Errors['invalidPayloadSize'], notification, recipient);
this.emit('transmissionError', Errors['invalidPayloadSize'], notification, recipient);
return false;
return true;
* Queue a notification for delivery to recipients
* @param {Notification} notification The Notification object to be sent
* @param {Device|String|Buffer|Device[]|String[]|Buffer[]} recipient The token(s) for devices the notification should be delivered to.
* @since v1.3.0
Connection.prototype.pushNotification = function (notification, recipient) {
if (!this.validNotification(notification, recipient)) {
if (sysu.isArray(recipient)) {
for (var i = recipient.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
this.prepareNotification(notification, recipient[i]);
else {
this.prepareNotification(notification, recipient);
* Send a notification to the APN service
* @param {Notification} notification The notification object to be sent
* @deprecated Since v1.3.0, use pushNotification instead
Connection.prototype.sendNotification = function (notification) {
return this.pushNotification(notification, notification.device);
module.exports = Connection;