# Telerik.Examples.Mvc The current project consists of a collection of Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core examples that cover common scenarios. It is built over the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern exposed by the ASP.NET Core framework. For more information refer to the dedicated [ASP.NET MVC documentation article by Microsoft](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet/mvc). ## Local Setup 1. Clone the repo 2. Open the Telerik.Examples.Mvc.sln file in VS2019 3. Clean the solution 4. Build the solution and run the project. 5. Navigate to a certain example by adding the ControllerName/ActionMethod to the URL, i.e https://localhost:44361/ajaxbinding/ajaxbinding > The project uses a local database which is created upon building the project based on the existent migrations. > Mandatory prerequisite is to have installed ASP.NET Core 3.0 ## Additional Example Notes The following section aims to provide additional information or important notes regarding specific examples. ### Telerik.Examples.Mvc #### Editor/EditorContent This project demonstrates how you can add, read, edit and delete text data using a local database and the UI for ASP.NET Core Editor component > Please note that the current project doesn't have any XSS attack preventions applied. It is a developer's responsibility to manage these security risks. For more information, please refer to this [Preventing Cross-Site Scripting](https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/editor/preventing-xss) article. #### MultiSelect/GetPostData The MultiSelect UI component is a `