--- title: Telerik Named Brushes page_title: Telerik Named Brushes description: Telerik Named Brushes slug: common-teleriknamedbrushes tags: telerik,named,brushes,userthemeresources,extension published: True position: 2 --- # Telerik Named Brushes **Telerik Named Brushes** is a resource naming convention used throughout Telerik UI components. Each brush used in the default ControlTemplates of the controls is uniquely named. This allows developers to easily change the default look of a control without the need to extract and customize the whole ControlTemplate. The benefit of this convention shines when the colors of the default themes should be customized (e.g. axis or label color of a chart, hover background color of a radial menu item, etc.). The combination of such convention and the **ThemeResource** markup extension provides developers access to a flexible customization approach. Following this approach, developers can apply the required changes to all controls in an application. The names of the resources used in a UI component are listed in an article named **Telerik Named Brushes** under the **Styling** folder of that specific component (e.g. [RadDataGrid]({%slug datagrid-styling-teleriknamedbrushes%}), [RadNumericBox]({%slug radnumericbox-styling-teleriknamedbrushes%}), [RadRadialMenu]({%slug radialmenu-teleriknamedbrushes%})…) # UserThemeResources extension The **UserThemeReources** class is a markup extension provided by Telerik. It is designed to allow developers to easily override the default resources used in the default themes. This class exposes three static properties: - **DarkResourcePath** (string): Gets or sets the Uri path to the resource dictionary containing theme resource definitions for the Dark theme. If no value is set, the default Dark theme will be used. - **LightResourcesPath** (string): Gets or sets the Uri path to the resource dictionary containing theme resource definitions for the Light theme. If no value is set, the default Light theme will be used. - **HighContrastResourcesPath** (string): Gets or sets the Uri path to the resource dictionary containing theme resource definitions for the HighContrast theme. This markup extension is also used as custom resource loader. Meaning that >Telerik Named Brushes will be available in an application **only** after instantiating this extension. In order developers to use the predefined resources throughout the entire application it is recommended this extension to be used in the **App.xaml** file. ## Example Let's walk through an example of how this is set up and start with the assumption there are already three separate ResourceDictionary files in the project: * **MyLightResources.xaml** for Light theme resources. * **MyDarkResources.xaml** for the Dark theme resources. * **MyHighContrastResources.xaml** for the HighContrast theme resources. Using the path to those ResourceDictionary files, set the matching `UserThemeResources` static properties. ```xml ``` Next, in the ThemeDictionaries sections, you merge the dictionaries using the `CustomResource` markup extension and the UserThemeResouces's property name. For example, this Light theme snippet is using the **LightResourcesPath**: ```xml ``` Where `ControlAssembly` is the name of the assembly the UI component is defined in. The following table lists all controls and their corresponding assembly names: {% if site.site_name == 'WIN8' %}{% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'UWP' %}{% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'WIN8' %} {% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'UWP' %} {% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'WIN8' %} {% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'UWP' %} {% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'WIN8' %} {% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'UWP' %} {% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'WIN8' %} {% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'UWP' %} {% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'WIN8' %} {% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'UWP' %} {% endif %}
UI componentWinRT assembly nameUWP assembly name
RadChart Telerik.UI.Xaml.Chart Telerik.UI.Xaml.Chart.UWP
RadGrid Telerik.UI.Xaml.Grid Telerik.UI.Xaml.Grid.UWP
RadDatePicker, RadTimePicker, RadAutoCompleteBox, RadNumericBox, RadRangeSlider Telerik.UI.Xaml.Input Telerik.UI.Xaml.Input.UWP
RadHubTile, RadLegendControl, RadRadialMenu Telerik.UI.Xaml.Primitives Telerik.UI.Xaml.Primitives.UWP
RadGauge, RadBulletGraph Telerik.UI.Xaml.DataVisualization Telerik.UI.Xaml.DataVisualization.UWP
#### Full Example Here's what the completed example looks like with all of the Telerik control's theme dictionaries merged: ```xml ```