title: Customize Scheduling UI
description: How to customize Add Appointmnet and Summary Scheduling Views in Calendar and Scheduling for Xamarin
type: how-to
page_title: Remove the day and month title from Calendar view
slug: calendar-custom-scheduling-ui
tags: calendar, control, Xamarin, XamarinForms, scheduler, scheduling, custom, UI, addappointment, summary, view, customize, custom appointment UI
res_type: kb
## Environment
Product Version |
2020.3.1021.1 |
Product |
Calendar for Xamarin Cross-Platform |
## Description
This help article will show you how to customize the following Calendar Scheduling UI Views - [Add Appointment View]({%slug calendar-add-appointment-view%}) and [Appointment Summary View]({%slug calendar-appointment-summary-view%})
## Solution
1. Let's add the following calendar definition to our page:
and the following namespace:
2. Then we will create a custom appointment class and define our property - MeetingOwner:
3. Create a class ViewModel and add appointments to the Calendar.AppointmentsSource:
4. Inside the Resources of the App.xaml file we will customize our AddAppointment and AppointmentSummary Views. We can copy the default [AddAppointmentView ControlTemplate](https://github.com/telerik/xamarin-forms-sdk/blob/master/XamarinSDK/SDKBrowser/SDKBrowser/Examples/CalendarControl/SchedulingCategory/SchedulingUIViews/AddAppointmentView.xaml) and [AppointmentSummaryView ControlTemplate](https://github.com/telerik/xamarin-forms-sdk/blob/master/XamarinSDK/SDKBrowser/SDKBrowser/Examples/CalendarControl/SchedulingCategory/SchedulingUIViews/AppointmentSummaryView.xaml) then add an UI for our data for the custom appointment:
Here are how the Custom Views are defined in the App.xaml resources
### Add Appointment View
You will need the following namespaces:
> Note that when you customize the control template using ControlTemplate property, you need to define first the control template then the style in the App.xaml Resources.
### Appointment Summary View
You will need the following namespaces:
> Note that when you customize the control template using ControlTemplate property, you need to define first the control template then the style in the App.xaml Resources.