title: How to add context menu to the RadListView Item
description: context menu inside a listview item
type: how-to
page_title: How to add context menu to the RadListView Item
slug: listview-contextmenu-in-item
tags: listview, contextmenu, xamarin, XamarinForms, RadListView, add
ticketid: 1424187
res_type: kb
## Environment
Product Version
ListView for Xamarin Cross-Platform
## Description
This article shows how to add a context menu to the ListView item.
## Solution
This scenario could be achieved for example, with [RadButton]({%slug button-overview%}), [RadPopup]({%slug popup-overview%}) controls. We can use the [Telerik Font Icons]({%slug telerik-font-icons%}) to set icon to the RadButton **Text** property instead of text.
## Example
Let's create a business model for the items:
public class DataItem : Telerik.XamarinForms.Common.NotifyPropertyChangedBase
private string name;
private bool isPopupOpen;
public DataItem(string personName)
Name = personName;
public string Name
get => name;
set => UpdateValue(ref name, value);
public bool IsPopupOpen
get => isPopupOpen;
set => UpdateValue(ref isPopupOpen, value);
Then, in the view model, let's create some sample names to populate the data source and a command that will toggle the IsPopupOpen property of that item:
public class ViewModel
public ViewModel()
this.People = new ObservableCollection()
new DataItem("Freda Curtis"),
new DataItem("Jeffery Francis"),
new DataItem("Eva Lawson"),
new DataItem("Emmett Santos"),
new DataItem("Theresa Bryan"),
new DataItem("Jenny Fuller")
OpenContextMenuCommand = new Command(item => item.IsPopupOpen = !item.IsPopupOpen);
public ObservableCollection People { get; set; }
public Command OpenContextMenuCommand { get; }
Finally, the XAML, uses a RadPopup in the ItemTemplate with a slight offset. Here are the important takeaways:
- The control's **IsOpen** property is bound to the model's **IsPopupOpen** property.
- The Button Command uses **x:Reference** to get to the view model command property.
Here is the final result:
![BusyIndicator example](images/listview-contextmenu-item.png)