--- title: Welcome to UI for Xamarin page_title: Telerik UI for Xamarin Documentation position: 1 --- # Welcome to UI for Xamarin ## Overview Telerik UI for Xamarin is a collection of Xamarin.Forms controls and Xamarin bindings built on top of the native Telerik UI for iOS and UI for Android suites. The Xamarin.Forms controls also utilize controls and features from the Telerik UI for UWP, providing common API that allows the developer to use the native Telerik components on all three mobile platforms (iOS / Android / Windows) using a single shared code base. In addition you get access to the full set of controls in UI for Xamarin.IOS, Xamarin.Android and UI for UWP. To read more about the benefits of using UI for Xamarin, please visit the [product overview page](http://www.telerik.com/xamarin-ui). ![Telerik UI for Xamarin](front-image.jpg) ### UI for Xamarin Forms Our suite offers the following controls for cross-platform development with Xamarin forms: - [AutoComplete]({% slug autocomplete-overview %}) - [BusyIndicator]({% slug busyindicator-overview %}) - [Calendar]({% slug calendar-overview %}) - [Chart]({% slug chart-overview %}) - [DataForm]({% slug dataform-overview %}) - [Gauge]({% slug gauge-overview %}) - [ListView]({% slug listview-overview %}) - [SideDrawer]({% slug sidedrawer-overview %}) - [SpreadStreamProcessing]({% slug radspreadstreamprocessing-overview %}) - [ZipLibrary]({% slug radziplibrary-overview %}) ### UI for Xamarin.Android For information about the Xamarin.Android wrappers API and features, refer to the documentation set of [UI for Android](http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/android/). ### UI for Xamarin.iOS For information about the Xamarin.iOS bindings API and features, please check our documentation of [UI for iOS](http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/ios/). ### UI for UWP For information about the control set, API and features, refer to the documentation set of [UI for UWP](http://docs.telerik.com/windows-universal/). ## Supported mobile versions You can use UI for Xamarin.Forms for application development for the following mobile operating systems: |Platform |Supported version | |:--- |:--- | |Android |4.0.3 (API 15) or higher| |iOS |7.0 or higher| |Windows |Windows Phone 8 Silverlight, Windows 8.1 / Windows Phone 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile / Windows 10 | ### Next Steps - [System Requirements]({% slug system-requirements %}) - [Getting started on Windows]({%slug getting-started-windows%}) - [Getting started on Mac]({%slug getting-started-mac%}) - [UI for Xamarin Support and Learning Resources](http://www.telerik.com/support/xamarin-ui)