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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Ink;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Linq;
using Telerik.Windows.Controls;
namespace ToolBarDragAndDrop_SL
public static partial class ToolBarTrayUtilitiesSL
private static class BandsUtilities
internal struct ToolBarPositionInfo
internal readonly int? Band;
internal readonly int? NewBand;
internal readonly int BandIndex;
internal readonly List<RadToolBar> ToolBars;
internal ToolBarPositionInfo(int? band, int? newBand, int bandIndex, List<RadToolBar> toolBars)
this.Band = band;
this.NewBand = newBand;
this.BandIndex = bandIndex;
this.ToolBars = toolBars;
private struct BandInfo
internal int? Band;
internal int? NewBand;
internal static ToolBarPositionInfo CalculateToolBarPositionInfo(RadToolBar sourceToolBar, RadToolBarTray tray, Point mousePosition)
var band = CalculateBand(sourceToolBar, tray, mousePosition);
List<RadToolBar> toolBars = new List<RadToolBar>();
foreach (RadToolBar toolBar in tray.Items)
if (toolBar != sourceToolBar && toolBar.Band == band.Band)
toolBars = toolBars.OrderBy(tb => tb.BandIndex).ToList();
int bandIndex = CalculateBandIndex(tray.Orientation, sourceToolBar, toolBars, mousePosition);
return new ToolBarPositionInfo(band.Band, band.NewBand, bandIndex, toolBars);
internal static void UpdateToolBarPosition(RadToolBarTray tray, RadToolBar toolBar, ToolBarPositionInfo positionInfo, bool allowNewBandCreation)
toolBar.Band = (allowNewBandCreation && positionInfo.NewBand.HasValue) ? positionInfo.NewBand.Value : (positionInfo.Band.HasValue ? positionInfo.Band.Value : 0);
toolBar.BandIndex = positionInfo.BandIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < positionInfo.BandIndex; i++)
positionInfo.ToolBars[i].BandIndex = i < positionInfo.BandIndex ? i : i + 1;
private static BandInfo CalculateBand(RadToolBar toolBar, RadToolBarTray tray, Point mousePosition)
double position = tray.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? mousePosition.Y : mousePosition.X;
double newBandVicinity = 6;
int? newBand = null;
if (position < newBandVicinity)
// Create new band, to left or to top.
newBand = -1;
var bands = GetBandsDict(tray);
double trayLength = tray.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? tray.ActualHeight : tray.ActualWidth;
if (trayLength - newBandVicinity < position)
// Create new band, to right or to bottom.
newBand = bands.Keys.Count;
Func<RadToolBar, double> length = tb => tray.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ?
(tb.ActualHeight + tb.Margin.Top + tb.Margin.Bottom) :
(tb.ActualWidth + tb.Margin.Left + tb.Margin.Right);
List<int> keys = bands.Keys.ToList();
int? existingBand = null;
double currentPosition = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
existingBand = keys[i];
double bandLength = length(bands[keys[i]][0]);
if (position <= currentPosition + bandLength)
if (keys[i] == 1 &&
bands[keys[0]].Count == 1 &&
bands[keys[0]][0] == toolBar &&
position < currentPosition + (1 * newBandVicinity))
// Avoid flicker when the dragged toolbar is the only element in the first band.
existingBand = 0;
else if (keys[i] == keys.Count - 2 &&
bands[keys[keys.Count - 1]].Count == 1 &&
bands[keys[keys.Count - 1]][0] == toolBar &&
currentPosition + bandLength - (1 * newBandVicinity) < position)
// Avoid flicker when the dragged toolbar is the only element in the last band.
existingBand = keys.Count - 1;
currentPosition += bandLength;
if (newBand.HasValue && existingBand.HasValue && bands[existingBand.Value].Count == 1 && bands[existingBand.Value][0] == toolBar)
// A new band will not be created because the dragged bar is the only element in the existing band.
newBand = null;
return new BandInfo { Band = existingBand, NewBand = newBand };
private static int CalculateBandIndex(Orientation orientation, RadToolBar sourceToolBar, List<RadToolBar> toolBars, Point mousePosition)
double position = orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? mousePosition.X : mousePosition.Y;
Func<RadToolBar, double> length = tb => orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? (tb.ActualWidth + tb.Margin.Left + tb.Margin.Right) : (tb.ActualHeight + tb.Margin.Top + tb.Margin.Bottom);
double currentPosition = 0;
int index = 0;
foreach (RadToolBar toolBar in toolBars)
if (toolBar != sourceToolBar)
double toolBarLength = length(toolBar);
if (position <= currentPosition + toolBarLength)
bool positionDraggedBarAfterCurrentBar = (currentPosition + toolBarLength - position) < (position - currentPosition);
if (positionDraggedBarAfterCurrentBar)
currentPosition += toolBarLength;
return index;
private static Dictionary<int, List<RadToolBar>> GetBandsDict(RadToolBarTray tray)
Dictionary<int, List<RadToolBar>> bandsDict = new Dictionary<int, List<RadToolBar>>();
foreach (RadToolBar toolBar in tray.Items)
if (!bandsDict.ContainsKey(toolBar.Band))
bandsDict[toolBar.Band] = new List<RadToolBar>();
return bandsDict;