Added Castle.Windsor bits for SL4.
Added NUnit for Silverlight assemblies against the specs
Wrapping areas which are not supported by System.Runtime.Serialization in SL with conditional compilation symbols.
Tweaking RobustThreadLocal to get more acceptance tests passing in SL
Added csproj file dependencies from SL into .NET csproj
Adding separate builds for .NET35 and .NET40
Cleaning up build configs
Updated notes
Adding acceptance test for calling from multiple threads.
Updated SubstituteContext to use ThreadLocal<T> from Rx.
Added reference to System.Threading distributed with Microsoft's Reacive Extensions (Rx) framework for .NET 3.5.
Adding Rx to acknowledgements.
- Updated Rhino Mocks to 3.6
- Started CastleDynamicProxyFactory implementation
- Renamed IProxyGenerator to IProxyFactory, as the generator is unique to Castle Dynamic Proxy.
- Adding LinFu to the third party dependencies, just in case...
- Created a wrapped for Castle's ProxyGenerator class for test purposes (ProxyGenerator has no interface and non-virtual methods).
While trying to implement the SubstituteFactory dependencies it was hard to properly isolate the proxy mechanism used. It seems easier to hide all the proxy details behind an IProxyGenerator interface instead.
- Implemented basic InvocationHandlerFactory for use by SubstituteFactory
- Removed ISubstituteBuilder and ISubstituteInterceptor and replaced with IProxyGenerator.
- Referenced Castle DynamicProxy 2.1 and Castle.Core.
- Created basic solution, main project and test project.
- Added NUnit and RhinoMocks third party libraries.
- Added Return() extension method on object
- Added testing infrastructure (BaseConcern and related classes).
- Started mocking framework adaptor, as it seems odd to write a mocking framework with hardwired dependency on Rhino Mocks :). Create mocks from BaseConcern and AssertWasCalled wrapped by received() extension method.
- Added shared ReSharper solution settings.
- Created SubstitutionContext static gateway.