const assert = require('assert') const {remote} = require('electron') const {BrowserWindow, app, Menu, MenuItem} = remote const roles = require('../lib/browser/api/menu-item-roles') const {closeWindow} = require('./window-helpers') describe('MenuItems', () => { describe('', () => { it('should be called with the item object passed', (done) => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([{ label: 'text', click: (item) => { assert.equal(, 'MenuItem') assert.equal(item.label, 'text') done() } }]) menu.delegate.executeCommand(menu, {}, menu.items[0].commandId) }) }) describe('MenuItem with checked/radio property', () => { it('clicking an checkbox item should flip the checked property', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([{ label: 'text', type: 'checkbox' }]) assert.equal(menu.items[0].checked, false) menu.delegate.executeCommand(menu, {}, menu.items[0].commandId) assert.equal(menu.items[0].checked, true) }) it('clicking an radio item should always make checked property true', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([{ label: 'text', type: 'radio' }]) menu.delegate.executeCommand(menu, {}, menu.items[0].commandId) assert.equal(menu.items[0].checked, true) menu.delegate.executeCommand(menu, {}, menu.items[0].commandId) assert.equal(menu.items[0].checked, true) }) describe('MenuItem group properties', () => { let template = [] const findRadioGroups = (template) => { let groups = [] let cur = null for (let i = 0; i <= template.length; i++) { if (cur && ((i === template.length) || (template[i].type !== 'radio'))) { cur.end = i groups.push(cur) cur = null } else if (!cur && i < template.length && template[i].type === 'radio') { cur = { begin: i } } } return groups } // returns array of checked menuitems in [begin,end) const findChecked = (menuItems, begin, end) => { let checked = [] for (let i = begin; i < end; i++) { if (menuItems[i].checked) checked.push(i) } return checked } beforeEach(() => { for (let i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { template.push({ label: `${i}`, type: 'radio' }) } template.push({type: 'separator'}) for (let i = 12; i <= 20; i++) { template.push({ label: `${i}`, type: 'radio' }) } }) it('at least have one item checked in each group', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) menu.delegate.menuWillShow(menu) const groups = findRadioGroups(template) groups.forEach(g => { assert.deepEqual(findChecked(menu.items, g.begin, g.end), [g.begin]) }) }) it('should assign groupId automatically', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) let usedGroupIds = new Set() const groups = findRadioGroups(template) groups.forEach(g => { const groupId = menu.items[g.begin].groupId // groupId should be previously unused assert(!usedGroupIds.has(groupId)) usedGroupIds.add(groupId) // everything in the group should have the same id for (let i = g.begin; i < g.end; ++i) { assert.equal(menu.items[i].groupId, groupId) } }) }) it("setting 'checked' should flip other items' 'checked' property", () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) const groups = findRadioGroups(template) groups.forEach(g => { assert.deepEqual(findChecked(menu.items, g.begin, g.end), []) menu.items[g.begin].checked = true assert.deepEqual(findChecked(menu.items, g.begin, g.end), [g.begin]) menu.items[g.end - 1].checked = true assert.deepEqual(findChecked(menu.items, g.begin, g.end), [g.end - 1]) }) }) }) }) describe('MenuItem role execution', () => { it('does not try to execute roles without a valid role property', () => { let win = new BrowserWindow({show: false, width: 200, height: 200}) let item = new MenuItem({role: 'asdfghjkl'}) const canExecute = roles.execute(item.role, win, win.webContents) assert.equal(false, canExecute) closeWindow(win).then(() => { win = null }) }) it('executes roles with native role functions', () => { let win = new BrowserWindow({show: false, width: 200, height: 200}) let item = new MenuItem({role: 'reload'}) const canExecute = roles.execute(item.role, win, win.webContents) assert.equal(true, canExecute) closeWindow(win).then(() => { win = null }) }) it('execute roles with non-native role functions', () => { let win = new BrowserWindow({show: false, width: 200, height: 200}) let item = new MenuItem({role: 'resetzoom'}) const canExecute = roles.execute(item.role, win, win.webContents) assert.equal(true, canExecute) closeWindow(win).then(() => { win = null }) }) }) describe('MenuItem command id', () => { it('cannot be overwritten', () => { const item = new MenuItem({label: 'item'}) const commandId = item.commandId assert(commandId) item.commandId = `${commandId}-modified` assert.equal(item.commandId, commandId) }) }) describe('MenuItem with invalid type', () => { it('throws an exception', () => { assert.throws(() => { Menu.buildFromTemplate([{ label: 'text', type: 'not-a-type' }]) }, /Unknown menu item type: not-a-type/) }) }) describe('MenuItem with submenu type and missing submenu', () => { it('throws an exception', () => { assert.throws(() => { Menu.buildFromTemplate([{ label: 'text', type: 'submenu' }]) }, /Invalid submenu/) }) }) describe('MenuItem role', () => { it('returns undefined for items without default accelerator', () => { const roleList = [ 'close', 'copy', 'cut', 'forcereload', 'hide', 'hideothers', 'minimize', 'paste', 'pasteandmatchstyle', 'quit', 'redo', 'reload', 'resetzoom', 'selectall', 'toggledevtools', 'togglefullscreen', 'undo', 'zoomin', 'zoomout' ] for (let role in roleList) { const item = new MenuItem({role}) assert.equal(item.getDefaultRoleAccelerator(), undefined) } }) it('returns the correct default label', () => { const roleList = { 'close': process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'Close Window' : 'Close', 'copy': 'Copy', 'cut': 'Cut', 'forcereload': 'Force Reload', 'hide': 'Hide Electron Test', 'hideothers': 'Hide Others', 'minimize': 'Minimize', 'paste': 'Paste', 'pasteandmatchstyle': 'Paste and Match Style', 'quit': (process.platform === 'darwin') ? `Quit ${app.getName()}` : (process.platform === 'win32') ? 'Exit' : 'Quit', 'redo': 'Redo', 'reload': 'Reload', 'resetzoom': 'Actual Size', 'selectall': 'Select All', 'toggledevtools': 'Toggle Developer Tools', 'togglefullscreen': 'Toggle Full Screen', 'undo': 'Undo', 'zoomin': 'Zoom In', 'zoomout': 'Zoom Out' } for (let role in roleList) { const item = new MenuItem({role}) assert.equal(item.label, roleList[role]) } }) it('returns the correct default accelerator', () => { const roleList = { 'close': 'CommandOrControl+W', 'copy': 'CommandOrControl+C', 'cut': 'CommandOrControl+X', 'forcereload': 'Shift+CmdOrCtrl+R', 'hide': 'Command+H', 'hideothers': 'Command+Alt+H', 'minimize': 'CommandOrControl+M', 'paste': 'CommandOrControl+V', 'pasteandmatchstyle': 'Shift+CommandOrControl+V', 'quit': process.platform === 'win32' ? null : 'CommandOrControl+Q', 'redo': process.platform === 'win32' ? 'Control+Y' : 'Shift+CommandOrControl+Z', 'reload': 'CmdOrCtrl+R', 'resetzoom': 'CommandOrControl+0', 'selectall': 'CommandOrControl+A', 'toggledevtools': process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'Alt+Command+I' : 'Ctrl+Shift+I', 'togglefullscreen': process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'Control+Command+F' : 'F11', 'undo': 'CommandOrControl+Z', 'zoomin': 'CommandOrControl+Plus', 'zoomout': 'CommandOrControl+-' } for (let role in roleList) { const item = new MenuItem({role}) assert.equal(item.getDefaultRoleAccelerator(), roleList[role]) } }) it('allows a custom accelerator and label to be set', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'close', label: 'Custom Close!', accelerator: 'D' }) assert.equal(item.label, 'Custom Close!') assert.equal(item.accelerator, 'D') assert.equal(item.getDefaultRoleAccelerator(), 'CommandOrControl+W') }) }) describe('MenuItem editMenu', () => { it('includes a default submenu layout when submenu is empty', () => { const item = new MenuItem({role: 'editMenu'}) assert.equal(item.label, 'Edit') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[0].role, 'undo') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[1].role, 'redo') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[2].type, 'separator') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[3].role, 'cut') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[4].role, 'copy') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[5].role, 'paste') if (process.platform === 'darwin') { assert.equal(item.submenu.items[6].role, 'pasteandmatchstyle') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[7].role, 'delete') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[8].role, 'selectall') } if (process.platform === 'win32') { assert.equal(item.submenu.items[6].role, 'delete') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[7].type, 'separator') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[8].role, 'selectall') } }) it('overrides default layout when submenu is specified', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'editMenu', submenu: [{ role: 'close' }] }) assert.equal(item.label, 'Edit') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[0].role, 'close') }) }) describe('MenuItem windowMenu', () => { it('includes a default submenu layout when submenu is empty', () => { const item = new MenuItem({role: 'windowMenu'}) assert.equal(item.label, 'Window') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[0].role, 'minimize') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[1].role, 'close') if (process.platform === 'darwin') { assert.equal(item.submenu.items[2].type, 'separator') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[3].role, 'front') } }) it('overrides default layout when submenu is specified', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'windowMenu', submenu: [{role: 'copy'}] }) assert.equal(item.label, 'Window') assert.equal(item.submenu.items[0].role, 'copy') }) }) describe('MenuItem with custom properties in constructor', () => { it('preserves the custom properties', () => { const template = [{ label: 'menu 1', customProp: 'foo', submenu: [] }] const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) menu.items[0].submenu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'item 1', customProp: 'bar', overrideProperty: 'oops not allowed' })) assert.equal(menu.items[0].customProp, 'foo') assert.equal(menu.items[0].submenu.items[0].label, 'item 1') assert.equal(menu.items[0].submenu.items[0].customProp, 'bar') assert.equal(typeof menu.items[0].submenu.items[0].overrideProperty, 'function') }) }) })