2014-11-10 20:27:22 +03:00
The following authors have all licensed their contributions to Emscripten
2011-06-24 03:07:17 +04:00
under the licensing terms detailed in LICENSE.
2012-08-25 01:29:51 +04:00
(Authors keep copyright of their contributions, of course; they just grant
a license to everyone to use it as detailed in LICENSE.)
2011-06-24 03:07:17 +04:00
* Alon Zakai <alonzakai@gmail.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2011-06-24 03:49:48 +04:00
* Tim Dawborn <tim.dawborn@gmail.com>
2011-06-24 05:15:28 +04:00
* Max Shawabkeh <max99x@gmail.com>
2011-10-05 11:15:25 +04:00
* Sigmund Vik <sigmund_vik@yahoo.com>
2011-10-14 02:04:31 +04:00
* Jeff Terrace <jterrace@gmail.com>
2014-07-04 04:35:36 +04:00
* Benoit Tremblay <trembl.ben@gmail.com>
2014-03-07 12:24:31 +04:00
* Andreas Bergmeier <abergmeier@gmx.net>
2011-11-28 04:32:35 +04:00
* Ben Schwartz <bens@alum.mit.edu>
2011-11-09 01:13:59 +04:00
* David Claughton <dave@eclecticdave.com>
2011-12-19 13:02:02 +04:00
* David Yip <yipdw@member.fsf.org>
2012-01-04 01:59:09 +04:00
* Julien Hamaide <julien.hamaide@gmail.com>
2012-01-17 22:37:45 +04:00
* Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhgari@gmail.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2012-02-14 02:15:13 +04:00
* Adrian Taylor <adrian@macrobug.com>
2012-03-06 02:57:46 +04:00
* Richard Assar <richard.assar@gmail.com>
2012-03-07 02:51:45 +04:00
* Nathan Hammond <emscripten@nathanhammond.com>
2012-03-30 09:02:01 +04:00
* Behdad Esfahbod <behdad@behdad.org>
2012-03-29 17:13:51 +04:00
* David Benjamin <davidben@mit.edu>
2012-04-04 05:33:17 +04:00
* Pierre Renaux <pierre@talansoft.com>
2012-04-10 01:37:12 +04:00
* Brian Anderson <banderson@mozilla.com>
2012-04-18 12:02:18 +04:00
* Jon Bardin <diclophis@gmail.com>
2013-04-12 14:26:45 +04:00
* Jukka Jylänki <jujjyl@gmail.com>
2012-05-28 18:35:04 +04:00
* Aleksander Guryanov <caiiiycuk@gmail.com>
2012-09-26 03:10:52 +04:00
* Chad Austin <chad@chadaustin.me> (copyright owned by IMVU)
2012-07-11 19:30:29 +04:00
* nandhp <nandhp@gmail.com>
2012-04-14 05:21:51 +04:00
* YeZhongWen <linghuye2.0@gmail.com>
2012-07-14 19:31:38 +04:00
* Xingxing Pan <forandom@gmail.com>
2012-07-27 05:37:27 +04:00
* Justin Kerk <dopefishjustin@gmail.com>
2012-08-28 06:10:20 +04:00
* Andrea Bedini <andrea.bedini@gmail.com>
2012-08-31 21:40:44 +04:00
* James Pike <totoro.friend@chilon.net>
2012-09-05 10:49:16 +04:00
* Mokhtar Naamani <mokhtar.naamani@gmail.com>
2012-07-31 05:43:30 +04:00
* Benjamin Stover <benjamin.stover@gmail.com>
2012-09-15 16:27:15 +04:00
* Riccardo Magliocchetti <riccardo.magliocchetti@gmail.com>
2012-09-20 16:32:26 +04:00
* Janus Troelsen <janus.troelsen@stud.tu-darmstadt.de>
2012-11-01 18:13:06 +04:00
* Lars Schneider <lars.schneider@autodesk.com> (copyright owned by Autodesk, Inc.)
* Joel Martin <github@martintribe.org>
2012-11-08 05:58:37 +04:00
* Manuel Wellmann <manuel.wellmann@autodesk.com> (copyright owned by Autodesk, Inc.)
2012-11-20 01:00:15 +04:00
* Xuejie Xiao <xxuejie@gmail.com>
2012-11-30 11:16:00 +04:00
* Dominic Wong <dom@slowbunyip.org>
2012-12-20 02:42:01 +04:00
* Alan Kligman <alan.kligman@gmail.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2012-12-28 12:36:13 +04:00
* Anthony Liot <wolfviking0@yahoo.com>
2013-01-17 01:52:32 +04:00
* Michael Riss <Michael.Riss@gmx.de>
2013-01-17 07:19:06 +04:00
* Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre@mecheye.net>
2013-04-12 14:26:45 +04:00
* Manuel Schölling <manuel.schoelling@gmx.de>
2013-01-31 22:25:26 +04:00
* Bruce Mitchener, Jr. <bruce.mitchener@gmail.com>
2013-02-19 23:36:06 +04:00
* Michael Bishop <mbtyke@gmail.com>
2013-02-20 14:10:55 +04:00
* Roger Braun <roger@rogerbraun.net>
2013-02-27 03:43:08 +04:00
* Vladimir Vukicevic <vladimir@pobox.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2013-02-21 05:49:50 +04:00
* Lorant Pinter <lorant.pinter@prezi.com>
2013-02-03 14:59:53 +04:00
* Tobias Doerffel <tobias.doerffel@gmail.com>
2013-03-06 04:43:46 +04:00
* Martin von Gagern <martin@von-gagern.net>
2013-03-19 08:13:29 +04:00
* Ting-Yuan Huang <thuang@mozilla.com>
2013-04-05 02:41:16 +04:00
* Joshua Granick <jgranick@blackberry.com>
2013-03-31 01:24:11 +04:00
* Felix H. Dahlke <fhd@ubercode.de>
2013-04-12 14:26:45 +04:00
* Éloi Rivard <azmeuk@gmail.com>
2013-04-03 23:32:55 +04:00
* Alexander Gladysh <ag@logiceditor.com>
2013-04-16 12:45:11 +04:00
* Arlo Breault <arlolra@gmail.com>
* Jacob Lee <artdent@gmail.com> (copyright owned by Google, Inc.)
2013-04-12 07:13:03 +04:00
* Joe Lee <jlee@imvu.com> (copyright owned by IMVU)
2013-04-12 14:26:45 +04:00
* Andy Friesen <andy@imvu.com> (copyright owned by IMVU)
* Bill Welden <bwelden@imvu.com> (copyright owned by IMVU)
* Michael Ey <mey@imvu.com> (copyright owned by IMVU)
* Llorens Marti Garcia <lgarcia@imvu.com> (copyright owned by IMVU)
* Jinsuck Kim <jkim@imvu.com> (copyright owned by IMVU)
* Todd Lee <tlee@imvu.com> (copyright owned by IMVU)
2013-04-10 00:32:09 +04:00
* Anthony Pesch <inolen@gmail.com>
* Robert Bragg <robert.bragg@intel.com> (copyright owned by Intel Corporation)
2013-05-02 15:03:14 +04:00
* Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org>
2013-05-03 04:34:20 +04:00
* Tom Fairfield <fairfield@cs.xu.edu>
2013-05-04 08:17:04 +04:00
* Anthony J. Thibault <ajt@hyperlogic.org>
2013-05-04 01:05:03 +04:00
* John Allwine <jallwine86@gmail.com>
2013-05-07 08:50:49 +04:00
* Martin Gerhardy <martin.gerhardy@gmail.com>
2013-05-17 00:35:23 +04:00
* James Gregory <jgregory@zynga.com> (copyright owned by Zynga, Inc)
2013-05-24 02:20:50 +04:00
* Dan Gohman <sunfish@google.com> (copyright owned by Google, Inc.)
2013-05-31 01:06:01 +04:00
* Jeff Gilbert <jgilbert@mozilla.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2013-05-30 01:21:10 +04:00
* Frits Talbot <frits@metapathy.com>
2013-06-04 15:26:45 +04:00
* Onno Jongbloed <hey@onnoj.net>
2013-06-05 02:01:07 +04:00
* Jez Ng <me@jezng.com>
2013-06-05 02:39:55 +04:00
* Marc Feeley <mfeeley@mozilla.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2013-06-05 12:53:45 +04:00
* Ludovic Perrine <jazzzz@gmail.com>
2013-06-12 05:37:13 +04:00
* David Barksdale <david.barksdale@adcedosolutions.com>
2013-06-17 18:40:03 +04:00
* Manfred Manik Nerurkar <nerurkar*at*made-apps.biz> (copyright owned by MADE, GmbH)
2013-07-01 21:35:41 +04:00
* Joseph Gentle <me@josephg.com>
2014-07-08 20:21:21 +04:00
* Douglas T. Crosher <dtc-moz@scieneer.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2015-04-14 05:24:31 +03:00
* Douglas T. Crosher <info@jsstats.com> (copyright owned by Scieneer Pty Ltd)
2013-07-15 09:12:45 +04:00
* Soeren Balko <soeren.balko@gmail.com>
2013-07-16 10:21:33 +04:00
* Ryan Kelly (ryan@rfk.id.au)
2013-07-21 23:05:42 +04:00
* Michael Lelli <toadking@toadking.com>
2013-07-30 02:49:20 +04:00
* Yu Kobayashi <yukoba@accelart.jp>
2013-07-31 06:32:44 +04:00
* Pin Zhang <zhangpin04@gmail.com>
2013-08-07 02:23:37 +04:00
* Nick Bray <ncbray@chromium.org> (copyright owned by Google, Inc.)
2013-08-18 05:33:15 +04:00
* Aidan Hobson Sayers <aidanhs@cantab.net>
2013-08-24 13:20:15 +04:00
* Charlie Birks <admin@daftgames.net>
2013-08-28 20:22:37 +04:00
* Ranger Harke <ranger.harke@autodesk.com> (copyright owned by Autodesk, Inc.)
2013-09-19 00:59:41 +04:00
* Tobias Vrinssen <tobias@vrinssen.de>
2013-03-21 21:26:51 +04:00
* Patrick R. Martin <patrick.martin.r@gmail.com>
2013-09-24 23:27:55 +04:00
* Richard Quirk <richard.quirk@gmail.com>
2013-09-29 21:42:12 +04:00
* Marcos Scriven <marcos@scriven.org>
2013-09-30 14:52:12 +04:00
* Antoine Lambert <antoine.lambert33@gmail.com>
2013-10-14 21:56:04 +04:00
* Daniel Aquino <mr.danielaquino@gmail.com>
2013-10-07 02:30:07 +04:00
* Remi Papillie <remi.papillie@gmail.com>
2013-10-02 22:59:27 +04:00
* Fraser Adams <fraser.adams@blueyonder.co.uk>
2013-10-28 17:26:34 +04:00
* Michael Tirado <icetooth333@gmail.com>
2013-10-29 19:21:41 +04:00
* Ben Noordhuis <info@bnoordhuis.nl>
2013-11-07 21:19:03 +04:00
* Bob Roberts <bobroberts177@gmail.com>
2013-11-07 07:08:33 +04:00
* John Vilk <jvilk@cs.umass.edu>
2013-11-21 05:56:22 +04:00
* Daniel Baulig <dbaulig@fb.com> (copyright owned by Facebook, Inc.)
2013-11-26 00:04:45 +04:00
* Lu Wang <coolwanglu@gmail.com>
2013-11-26 03:18:24 +04:00
* Heidi Pan <heidi.pan@intel.com> (copyright owned by Intel)
2013-12-07 21:43:33 +04:00
* Vasilis Kalintiris <ehostunreach@gmail.com>
2013-12-16 21:23:28 +04:00
* Adam C. Clifton <adam@hulkamaniac.com>
2013-12-20 17:16:33 +04:00
* Volo Zyko <volo.zyko@gmail.com>
2014-01-06 22:44:18 +04:00
* Andre Weissflog <floooh@gmail.com>
2014-01-11 05:43:43 +04:00
* Alexandre Perrot <alexandre.perrot@gmail.com>
* Emerson José Silveira da Costa <emerson.costa@gmail.com>
2014-01-14 19:04:58 +04:00
* Jari Vetoniemi <mailroxas@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 23:21:24 +04:00
* Sindre Sorhus <sindresorhus@gmail.com>
2014-01-25 03:03:02 +04:00
* James S Urquhart <jamesu@gmail.com>
2014-02-05 08:45:44 +04:00
* Boris Gjenero <boris.gjenero@gmail.com>
2014-02-12 13:01:05 +04:00
* jonas echterhoff <jonas@unity3d.com>
2014-02-12 01:06:05 +04:00
* Sami Vaarala <sami.vaarala@iki.fi>
2014-02-13 06:10:19 +04:00
* Jack A. Arrington <jack@epicpineapple.com>
2014-02-15 05:48:42 +04:00
* Richard Janicek <r@janicek.co>
2014-02-20 11:18:31 +04:00
* Joel Croteau <jcroteau@gmail.com>
2014-02-23 00:24:32 +04:00
* Haneef Mubarak <haneef503@gmail.com>
2014-02-26 03:22:51 +04:00
* Nicolas Peri <nicox@shivaengine.com> (copyright owned by ShiVa Technologies, SAS)
2014-03-01 00:48:31 +04:00
* Bernhard Fey <e-male@web.de>
2014-02-23 07:24:33 +04:00
* Dave Nicponski <dave.nicponski@gmail.com>
2014-03-07 13:10:40 +04:00
* Jonathan Jarri <noxalus@gmail.com>
2014-03-08 18:02:37 +04:00
* Daniele Di Proietto <daniele.di.proietto@gmail.com>
2014-03-25 00:58:19 +04:00
* Dan Dascalescu <dNOSPAMdascalescu@gmail.com>
2014-04-02 14:16:34 +04:00
* Thomas Borsos <thomasborsos@gmail.com>
2014-04-17 00:18:03 +04:00
* Ori Avtalion <ori@avtalion.name>
2014-04-22 15:40:22 +04:00
* Guillaume Blanc <guillaumeblanc.sc@gmail.com>
2014-04-16 16:26:30 +04:00
* Usagi Ito <usagi@WonderRabbitProject.net>
2014-04-30 01:20:09 +04:00
* Camilo Polymeris <cpolymeris@gmail.com>
2014-05-13 17:28:19 +04:00
* Markus Henschel <markus.henschel@yager.de>
2014-05-20 23:13:25 +04:00
* Ophir Lojkine <ophir.lojkine@eleves.ec-nantes.fr>
2014-04-09 02:17:36 +04:00
* Ryan Sturgell <ryan.sturgell@gmail.com> (copyright owned by Google, Inc.)
2014-05-28 00:51:54 +04:00
* Jason Green <jason@transgaming.com> (copyright owned by TransGaming, Inc.)
2014-05-29 12:33:08 +04:00
* Ningxin Hu <ningxin.hu@intel.com> (copyright owned by Intel)
2014-06-03 12:03:34 +04:00
* Nicolas Guillemot <nlguillemot@gmail.com>
2014-06-12 03:58:34 +04:00
* Sathyanarayanan Gunasekaran <gsathya.ceg@gmail.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2014-06-18 17:44:03 +04:00
* Nikolay Vorobyov <nik.vorobyov@gmail.com>
2014-06-27 15:59:43 +04:00
* Jonas Platte <mail@jonasplatte.de>
2014-06-28 21:35:57 +04:00
* Sebastien Ronsse <sronsse@gmail.com>
2014-07-18 01:31:31 +04:00
* Glenn R. Wichman <gwichman@zynga.com>
2014-07-25 03:45:25 +04:00
* Hamish Willee <hamishwillee@gmail.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2014-07-25 14:54:03 +04:00
* Sylvain Chevalier <sylvain.chevalier@gmail.com>
2014-07-28 05:23:52 +04:00
* Nathan Ross <nross.se@gmail.com>
2014-08-05 23:33:07 +04:00
* Zachary Pomerantz <zmp@umich.edu>
2014-07-08 15:38:12 +04:00
* Boris Tsarev <boristsarev@gmail.com>
2014-08-02 20:25:56 +04:00
* Mark Logan <mark@artillery.com> (copyright owned by Artillery Games, Inc.)
2014-08-11 22:54:49 +04:00
* Коренберг Марк <socketpair@gmail.com>
2014-08-30 00:37:09 +04:00
* Gauthier Billot <gogoprog@gmail.com>
2014-09-02 23:08:17 +04:00
* Árpád Goretity <h2co3@h2co3.org>
2014-09-04 13:11:56 +04:00
* Nicholas Wilson <nicholas@nicholaswilson.me.uk>
2014-09-12 23:19:36 +04:00
* Aaron Mandle <aaronmandle@gmail.com>
2014-09-19 23:18:17 +04:00
* Bailey Hayes <Bailey.Hayes@sas.com> (copyright owned by SAS Institute Inc.)
2014-10-01 23:46:10 +04:00
* Paul Holland <pholland@adobe.com>
2014-10-02 19:19:52 +04:00
* James Long <longster@gmail.com>
2014-10-02 04:30:20 +04:00
* David Anderson <danderson@mozilla.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2014-10-25 02:51:00 +04:00
* Eric Rannaud <e@nanocritical.com> (copyright owned by Nanocritical Corp.)
2015-03-04 01:25:05 +03:00
* William Furr <wfurr@google.com> (copyright owned by Google, Inc.)
2014-10-30 06:03:50 +03:00
* Dan Glastonbury <dglastonbury@mozilla.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2014-10-09 11:51:01 +04:00
* Warren Seine <warren.seine@aerys.in> (copyright owned by Aerys SAS)
2014-11-10 20:27:22 +03:00
* Petr Babicka <babcca@gmail.com>
2014-11-18 18:52:15 +03:00
* Akira Takahashi <faithandbrave@gmail.com>
2014-12-09 16:41:02 +03:00
* Victor Costan <costan@gmail.com>
2015-01-16 15:53:22 +03:00
* Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt <pepijn.vaneeckhoudt@luciad.com> (copyright owned by Luciad NV)
2015-01-22 00:45:12 +03:00
* Stevie Trujillo <stevie.trujillo@gmail.com>
2015-01-29 18:29:10 +03:00
* Edward Rudd <urkle@outoforder.cc>
2015-02-02 23:29:19 +03:00
* Rene Eichhorn <rene.eichhorn1@gmail.com>
2015-02-07 03:02:55 +03:00
* Nick Desaulniers <nick@mozilla.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2015-02-16 05:42:06 +03:00
* Luke Wagner <luke@mozilla.com> (copyright owned by Mozilla Foundation)
2015-02-15 21:14:53 +03:00
* Matt McCormick <matt.mccormick@kitware.com>
2015-02-09 23:21:52 +03:00
* Thaddée Tyl <thaddee.tyl@gmail.com>
2015-02-26 01:05:10 +03:00
* Philipp Wiesemann <philipp.wiesemann@arcor.de>
2015-03-18 17:45:28 +03:00
* Jan Jongboom <janjongboom@gmail.com> (copyright owned by Telenor Digital AS)
2015-04-03 22:21:42 +03:00
* Tiago Quelhas <tiagoq@gmail.com>
2015-04-07 14:32:03 +03:00
* Reinier de Blois <rddeblois@gmail.com>
2015-04-15 03:54:16 +03:00
* Yuichi Nishiwaki <yuichi.nishiwaki@gmail.com>
2015-04-07 18:18:42 +03:00
* Jérôme Bernard <jerome.bernard@ercom.fr> (copyright owned by Ercom)
2015-04-22 17:26:43 +03:00
* Chanhwi Choi <ccwpc@hanmail.net>
2015-04-22 01:12:22 +03:00
* Fábio Santos <fabiosantosart@gmail.com>
2015-04-25 01:57:48 +03:00
* Thibaut Despoulain <thibaut@artillery.com> (copyright owned by Artillery Games, Inc.)
2015-04-26 10:48:04 +03:00
* Wei Tjong Yao <weitjong@gmail.com>
2015-05-06 04:04:15 +03:00
* Tim Guan-tin Chien <timdream@gmail.com>
2015-05-13 00:54:55 +03:00
* Krzysztof Jakubowski <nadult@fastmail.fm>
2015-05-27 17:38:07 +03:00
* Vladimír Vondruš <mosra@centrum.cz>