2013-08-12 08:48:58 +04:00
import os , shutil , stat , subprocess
from runner import RunnerCore , path_from_root
from tools . shared import *
commands = [ [ EMCC ] , [ PYTHON , path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' runner.py ' ) , ' blahblah ' ] ]
def restore ( ) :
shutil . copyfile ( CONFIG_FILE + ' _backup ' , CONFIG_FILE )
def wipe ( ) :
try_delete ( CONFIG_FILE )
try_delete ( SANITY_FILE )
def mtime ( filename ) :
return os . stat ( filename ) . st_mtime
class sanity ( RunnerCore ) :
def setUpClass ( self ) :
super ( RunnerCore , self ) . setUpClass ( )
shutil . copyfile ( CONFIG_FILE , CONFIG_FILE + ' _backup ' )
print ' Running sanity checks. '
print ' WARNING: This will modify %s , and in theory can break it although it should be restored properly. A backup will be saved in %s _backup ' % ( EM_CONFIG , EM_CONFIG )
assert os . path . exists ( CONFIG_FILE ) , ' To run these tests, we need a (working!) %s file to already exist ' % EM_CONFIG
assert not os . environ . get ( ' EMCC_DEBUG ' ) , ' do not run sanity checks in debug mode! '
def tearDownClass ( self ) :
super ( RunnerCore , self ) . tearDownClass ( )
def setUp ( self ) :
wipe ( )
def tearDown ( self ) :
restore ( )
def do ( self , command ) :
if type ( command ) is not list :
command = [ command ]
if command [ 0 ] == EMCC :
command = [ PYTHON ] + command
return Popen ( command , stdout = PIPE , stderr = STDOUT ) . communicate ( ) [ 0 ]
def check_working ( self , command , expected = None ) :
if type ( command ) is not list :
command = [ command ]
if expected is None :
if command [ 0 ] == EMCC :
expected = ' no input files '
else :
expected = " No tests found for [ ' blahblah ' ] "
output = self . do ( command )
self . assertContained ( expected , output )
return output
def test_aaa_normal ( self ) : # this should be the very first thing that runs. if this fails, everything else is irrelevant!
for command in commands :
# Your existing EM_CONFIG should work!
restore ( )
self . check_working ( command )
def test_firstrun ( self ) :
for command in commands :
wipe ( )
def make_executable ( name ) :
with open ( os . path . join ( temp_bin , name ) , ' w ' ) as f :
os . fchmod ( f . fileno ( ) , stat . S_IRWXU )
try :
temp_bin = tempfile . mkdtemp ( )
old_environ_path = os . environ [ ' PATH ' ]
os . environ [ ' PATH ' ] = temp_bin + os . pathsep + old_environ_path
make_executable ( ' llvm-dis ' )
make_executable ( ' node ' )
make_executable ( ' python2 ' )
output = self . do ( command )
finally :
os . environ [ ' PATH ' ] = old_environ_path
shutil . rmtree ( temp_bin )
self . assertContained ( ' Welcome to Emscripten! ' , output )
self . assertContained ( ' This is the first time any of the Emscripten tools has been run. ' , output )
self . assertContained ( ' A settings file has been copied to %s , at absolute path: %s ' % ( EM_CONFIG , CONFIG_FILE ) , output )
self . assertContained ( ' It contains our best guesses for the important paths, which are: ' , output )
self . assertContained ( ' LLVM_ROOT ' , output )
self . assertContained ( ' NODE_JS ' , output )
self . assertContained ( ' PYTHON ' , output )
if platform . system ( ) is not ' Windows ' :
# os.chmod can't make files executable on Windows
self . assertIdentical ( temp_bin , re . search ( " ^ *LLVM_ROOT *= (.*)$ " , output , re . M ) . group ( 1 ) )
self . assertIdentical ( os . path . join ( temp_bin , ' node ' ) , re . search ( " ^ *NODE_JS *= (.*)$ " , output , re . M ) . group ( 1 ) )
self . assertIdentical ( os . path . join ( temp_bin , ' python2 ' ) , re . search ( " ^ *PYTHON *= (.*)$ " , output , re . M ) . group ( 1 ) )
self . assertContained ( ' Please edit the file if any of those are incorrect ' , output )
self . assertContained ( ' This command will now exit. When you are done editing those paths, re-run it. ' , output )
assert output . split ( ) [ - 1 ] . endswith ( ' ==== ' ) , ' We should have stopped: ' + output
config_file = open ( CONFIG_FILE ) . read ( )
template_file = open ( path_from_root ( ' tools ' , ' settings_template_readonly.py ' ) ) . read ( )
self . assertNotContained ( ' ~/.emscripten ' , config_file )
self . assertContained ( ' ~/.emscripten ' , template_file )
self . assertNotContained ( ' {{ { ' , config_file )
self . assertNotContained ( ' }}} ' , config_file )
self . assertContained ( ' {{ { ' , template_file )
self . assertContained ( ' }}} ' , template_file )
for content in [ ' EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT ' , ' LLVM_ROOT ' , ' NODE_JS ' , ' TEMP_DIR ' , ' COMPILER_ENGINE ' , ' JS_ENGINES ' ] :
self . assertContained ( content , config_file )
# The guessed config should be ok XXX This depends on your local system! it is possible `which` guesses wrong
#output = Popen([PYTHON, EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'hello_world.c')], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
#self.assertContained('hello, world!', run_js('a.out.js'), output)
# Second run, with bad EM_CONFIG
for settings in [ ' blah ' , ' LLVM_ROOT= " blarg " ; JS_ENGINES=[]; COMPILER_ENGINE=NODE_JS=SPIDERMONKEY_ENGINE=[] ' ] :
f = open ( CONFIG_FILE , ' w ' )
f . write ( settings )
f . close ( )
output = self . do ( command )
if ' LLVM_ROOT ' not in settings :
self . assertContained ( ' Error in evaluating %s ' % EM_CONFIG , output )
elif ' runner.py ' not in ' ' . join ( command ) :
self . assertContained ( ' CRITICAL ' , output ) # sanity check should fail
def test_closure_compiler ( self ) :
CLOSURE_FATAL = ' fatal: Closure compiler '
CLOSURE_WARNING = ' does not exist '
# Sanity check should find closure
restore ( )
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
self . assertNotContained ( CLOSURE_FATAL , output )
self . assertNotContained ( CLOSURE_WARNING , output )
# Append a bad path for closure, will warn
f = open ( CONFIG_FILE , ' a ' )
f . write ( ' CLOSURE_COMPILER = " /tmp/nowhere/nothingtoseehere/kjadsfkjwelkjsdfkqgas/nonexistent.txt " \n ' )
f . close ( )
output = self . check_working ( EMCC , CLOSURE_WARNING )
# And if you actually try to use the bad path, will be fatal
f = open ( CONFIG_FILE , ' a ' )
f . write ( ' CLOSURE_COMPILER = " /tmp/nowhere/nothingtoseehere/kjadsfkjwelkjsdfkqgas/nonexistent.txt " \n ' )
f . close ( )
output = self . check_working ( [ EMCC , ' -O2 ' , ' -s ' , ' ASM_JS=0 ' , ' --closure ' , ' 1 ' , ' tests/hello_world.cpp ' ] , CLOSURE_FATAL )
# With a working path, all is well
restore ( )
try_delete ( ' a.out.js ' )
output = self . check_working ( [ EMCC , ' -O2 ' , ' -s ' , ' ASM_JS=0 ' , ' --closure ' , ' 1 ' , ' tests/hello_world.cpp ' ] , ' ' )
assert os . path . exists ( ' a.out.js ' ) , output
def test_llvm ( self ) :
LLVM_WARNING = ' LLVM version appears incorrect '
restore ( )
# Clang should report the version number we expect, and emcc should not warn
assert check_clang_version ( )
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
assert LLVM_WARNING not in output , output
# Fake a different llvm version
restore ( )
f = open ( CONFIG_FILE , ' a ' )
f . write ( ' LLVM_ROOT = " ' + path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' ) + ' " ' )
f . close ( )
if not os . path . exists ( path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' ) ) :
os . makedirs ( path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' ) )
try :
os . environ [ ' EM_IGNORE_SANITY ' ] = ' 1 '
for x in range ( - 2 , 3 ) :
for y in range ( - 2 , 3 ) :
f = open ( path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' , ' clang ' ) , ' w ' )
f . write ( ' #!/bin/sh \n ' )
f . write ( ' echo " clang version %d . %d " 1>&2 \n ' % ( EXPECTED_LLVM_VERSION [ 0 ] + x , EXPECTED_LLVM_VERSION [ 1 ] + y ) )
f . close ( )
shutil . copyfile ( path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' , ' clang ' ) , path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' , ' clang++ ' ) )
os . chmod ( path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' , ' clang ' ) , stat . S_IREAD | stat . S_IWRITE | stat . S_IEXEC )
os . chmod ( path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' , ' clang++ ' ) , stat . S_IREAD | stat . S_IWRITE | stat . S_IEXEC )
if x != 0 or y != 0 :
output = self . check_working ( EMCC , LLVM_WARNING )
else :
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
assert LLVM_WARNING not in output , output
finally :
del os . environ [ ' EM_IGNORE_SANITY ' ]
def test_node ( self ) :
NODE_WARNING = ' node version appears too old '
NODE_WARNING_2 = ' cannot check node version '
restore ( )
# Clang should report the version number we expect, and emcc should not warn
assert check_node_version ( )
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
assert NODE_WARNING not in output , output
# Fake a different node version
restore ( )
f = open ( CONFIG_FILE , ' a ' )
f . write ( ' NODE_JS = " ' + path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' , ' nodejs ' ) + ' " ' )
f . close ( )
if not os . path . exists ( path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' ) ) :
os . makedirs ( path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' ) )
try :
os . environ [ ' EM_IGNORE_SANITY ' ] = ' 1 '
2013-10-29 19:21:41 +04:00
for version , succeed in [ ( ' v0.7.9 ' , False ) ,
( ' v0.8.0 ' , True ) ,
( ' v0.8.1 ' , True ) ,
( ' v0.10.21-pre ' , True ) ,
( ' cheez ' , False ) ] :
2013-08-12 08:48:58 +04:00
f = open ( path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' , ' nodejs ' ) , ' w ' )
f . write ( ' #!/bin/sh \n ' )
f . write ( ''' if [ $1 = " --version " ]; then
echo " %s "
% s $ @
''' % (version, NODE_JS))
f . close ( )
os . chmod ( path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' fake ' , ' nodejs ' ) , stat . S_IREAD | stat . S_IWRITE | stat . S_IEXEC )
if not succeed :
if version [ 0 ] == ' v ' :
self . check_working ( EMCC , NODE_WARNING )
else :
self . check_working ( EMCC , NODE_WARNING_2 )
else :
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
assert NODE_WARNING not in output , output
finally :
del os . environ [ ' EM_IGNORE_SANITY ' ]
def test_emcc ( self ) :
SANITY_MESSAGE = ' Emscripten: Running sanity checks '
SANITY_FAIL_MESSAGE = ' sanity check failed to run '
# emcc should check sanity if no ${EM_CONFIG}_sanity
restore ( )
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
assert not os . path . exists ( SANITY_FILE ) # restore is just the settings, not the sanity
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
self . assertContained ( SANITY_MESSAGE , output )
assert os . path . exists ( SANITY_FILE ) # EMCC should have checked sanity successfully
assert mtime ( SANITY_FILE ) > = mtime ( CONFIG_FILE )
assert generate_sanity ( ) == open ( SANITY_FILE ) . read ( )
self . assertNotContained ( SANITY_FAIL_MESSAGE , output )
# emcc run again should not sanity check, because the sanity file is newer
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
self . assertNotContained ( SANITY_MESSAGE , output )
self . assertNotContained ( SANITY_FAIL_MESSAGE , output )
# correct sanity contents mean we need not check
open ( SANITY_FILE , ' w ' ) . write ( generate_sanity ( ) )
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
self . assertNotContained ( SANITY_MESSAGE , output )
# incorrect sanity contents mean we *must* check
open ( SANITY_FILE , ' w ' ) . write ( ' wakawaka ' )
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
self . assertContained ( SANITY_MESSAGE , output )
# but with EMCC_DEBUG=1 we should check
try :
os . environ [ ' EMCC_DEBUG ' ] = ' 1 '
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
finally :
del os . environ [ ' EMCC_DEBUG ' ]
self . assertContained ( SANITY_MESSAGE , output )
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
self . assertNotContained ( SANITY_MESSAGE , output )
# Make sure the test runner didn't do anything to the setup
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
self . assertNotContained ( SANITY_MESSAGE , output )
self . assertNotContained ( SANITY_FAIL_MESSAGE , output )
# emcc should also check sanity if the file is outdated
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
restore ( )
assert mtime ( SANITY_FILE ) < mtime ( CONFIG_FILE )
output = self . check_working ( EMCC )
self . assertContained ( SANITY_MESSAGE , output )
assert mtime ( SANITY_FILE ) > = mtime ( CONFIG_FILE )
self . assertNotContained ( SANITY_FAIL_MESSAGE , output )
# emcc should be configurable directly from EM_CONFIG without any config file
restore ( )
config = open ( CONFIG_FILE , ' r ' ) . read ( )
os . environ [ ' EM_CONFIG ' ] = config
wipe ( )
dirname = tempfile . mkdtemp ( prefix = ' emscripten_test_ ' + self . __class__ . __name__ + ' _ ' , dir = TEMP_DIR )
open ( os . path . join ( dirname , ' main.cpp ' ) , ' w ' ) . write ( '''
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( ) {
printf ( " hello from emcc with no config file \\ n " ) ;
return 0 ;
''' )
Popen ( [ PYTHON , EMCC , os . path . join ( dirname , ' main.cpp ' ) , ' -o ' , os . path . join ( dirname , ' a.out.js ' ) ] ) . communicate ( )
del os . environ [ ' EM_CONFIG ' ]
old_dir = os . getcwd ( )
try :
os . chdir ( dirname )
self . assertContained ( ' hello from emcc with no config file ' , run_js ( ' a.out.js ' ) )
finally :
os . chdir ( old_dir )
shutil . rmtree ( dirname )
try_delete ( CANONICAL_TEMP_DIR )
def test_emcc_caching ( self ) :
INCLUDING_MESSAGE = ' including X '
BUILDING_MESSAGE = ' building X for cache '
ERASING_MESSAGE = ' clearing cache '
EMCC_CACHE = Cache . dirname
for compiler in [ EMCC , EMXX ] :
print compiler
restore ( )
Cache . erase ( )
assert not os . path . exists ( EMCC_CACHE )
try :
os . environ [ ' EMCC_DEBUG ' ] = ' 1 '
self . working_dir = os . path . join ( TEMP_DIR , ' emscripten_temp ' )
# Building a file that doesn't need cached stuff should not trigger cache generation
output = self . do ( [ compiler , path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' hello_world.cpp ' ) ] )
assert INCLUDING_MESSAGE . replace ( ' X ' , ' libc ' ) not in output
assert BUILDING_MESSAGE . replace ( ' X ' , ' libc ' ) not in output
self . assertContained ( ' hello, world! ' , run_js ( ' a.out.js ' ) )
try_delete ( ' a.out.js ' )
basebc_name = os . path . join ( TEMP_DIR , ' emscripten_temp ' , ' emcc-0-basebc.bc ' )
dcebc_name = os . path . join ( TEMP_DIR , ' emscripten_temp ' , ' emcc-1-linktime.bc ' )
ll_names = [ os . path . join ( TEMP_DIR , ' emscripten_temp ' , ' emcc-X-ll.ll ' ) . replace ( ' X ' , str ( x ) ) for x in range ( 2 , 5 ) ]
# Building a file that *does* need dlmalloc *should* trigger cache generation, but only the first time
for filename , libname in [ ( ' hello_malloc.cpp ' , ' libc ' ) , ( ' hello_libcxx.cpp ' , ' libcxx ' ) ] :
for i in range ( 3 ) :
print filename , libname , i
self . clear ( )
try_delete ( basebc_name ) # we might need to check this file later
try_delete ( dcebc_name ) # we might need to check this file later
for ll_name in ll_names : try_delete ( ll_name )
2013-11-19 00:03:21 +04:00
output = self . do ( [ compiler , ' -O ' + str ( i ) , ' -s ' , ' RELOOP=0 ' , ' --llvm-lto ' , ' 0 ' , path_from_root ( ' tests ' , filename ) , ' --save-bc ' , ' a.bc ' ] )
2013-08-12 08:48:58 +04:00
#print output
assert INCLUDING_MESSAGE . replace ( ' X ' , libname ) in output
if libname == ' libc ' :
assert INCLUDING_MESSAGE . replace ( ' X ' , ' libcxx ' ) not in output # we don't need libcxx in this code
else :
assert INCLUDING_MESSAGE . replace ( ' X ' , ' libc ' ) in output # libcxx always forces inclusion of libc
assert ( BUILDING_MESSAGE . replace ( ' X ' , libname ) in output ) == ( i == 0 ) , ' Must only build the first time '
self . assertContained ( ' hello, world! ' , run_js ( ' a.out.js ' ) )
assert os . path . exists ( EMCC_CACHE )
assert os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( EMCC_CACHE , libname + ' .bc ' ) )
if libname == ' libcxx ' :
print os . stat ( os . path . join ( EMCC_CACHE , libname + ' .bc ' ) ) . st_size , os . stat ( basebc_name ) . st_size , os . stat ( dcebc_name ) . st_size
assert os . stat ( os . path . join ( EMCC_CACHE , libname + ' .bc ' ) ) . st_size > 1000000 , ' libc++ is big '
assert os . stat ( basebc_name ) . st_size > 1000000 , ' libc++ is indeed big '
assert os . stat ( dcebc_name ) . st_size < os . stat ( basebc_name ) . st_size / 2 , ' Dead code elimination must remove most of libc++ '
# should only have metadata in -O0, not 1 and 2
if i > 0 :
for ll_name in ll_names :
ll = None
try :
ll = open ( ll_name ) . read ( )
except :
assert ll
assert ll . count ( ' \n ! ' ) < 10 # a few lines are left even in -O1 and -O2
finally :
del os . environ [ ' EMCC_DEBUG ' ]
restore ( )
def ensure_cache ( ) :
self . do ( [ EMCC , ' -O2 ' , path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' hello_world.c ' ) ] )
# Manual cache clearing
ensure_cache ( )
assert os . path . exists ( EMCC_CACHE )
output = self . do ( [ EMCC , ' --clear-cache ' ] )
assert ERASING_MESSAGE in output
assert not os . path . exists ( EMCC_CACHE )
# Changing LLVM_ROOT, even without altering .emscripten, clears the cache
ensure_cache ( )
old = os . environ . get ( ' LLVM ' )
try :
os . environ [ ' LLVM ' ] = ' waka '
assert os . path . exists ( EMCC_CACHE )
output = self . do ( [ EMCC ] )
assert ERASING_MESSAGE in output
assert not os . path . exists ( EMCC_CACHE )
finally :
if old : os . environ [ ' LLVM ' ] = old
else : del os . environ [ ' LLVM ' ]
try_delete ( CANONICAL_TEMP_DIR )
def test_relooper ( self ) :
RELOOPER = Cache . get_path ( ' relooper.js ' )
restore ( )
for phase in range ( 2 ) : # 0: we wipe the relooper dir. 1: we have it, so should just update
if phase == 0 : Cache . erase ( )
try_delete ( RELOOPER )
for i in range ( 4 ) :
print >> sys . stderr , phase , i
opt = min ( i , 2 )
try_delete ( ' a.out.js ' )
output = Popen ( [ PYTHON , EMCC , path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' hello_world_loop.cpp ' ) , ' -O ' + str ( opt ) , ' -g ' ] ,
stdout = PIPE , stderr = PIPE ) . communicate ( )
self . assertContained ( ' hello, world! ' , run_js ( ' a.out.js ' ) )
output = ' \n ' . join ( output )
2013-10-09 16:11:30 +04:00
assert ( ' bootstrapping relooper succeeded ' in output ) == ( i == 1 ) , ' only bootstrap on first O2: ' + output
assert os . path . exists ( RELOOPER ) == ( i > = 1 ) , ' have relooper on O2: ' + output
2013-08-12 08:48:58 +04:00
src = open ( ' a.out.js ' ) . read ( )
main = src . split ( ' function _main() ' ) [ 1 ] . split ( ' \n } \n ' ) [ 0 ]
2013-10-09 16:11:30 +04:00
assert ( ' while (1) { ' in main or ' while(1) { ' in main or ' while(1) { ' in main or ' } while ($ ' in main or ' }while($ ' in main ) == ( i > = 1 ) , ' reloop code on O2: ' + main
assert ( ' switch ' not in main ) == ( i > = 1 ) , ' reloop code on O2: ' + main
2013-08-12 08:48:58 +04:00
def test_jcache ( self ) :
PRE_LOAD_MSG = ' loading pre from jcache '
PRE_SAVE_MSG = ' saving pre to jcache '
FUNC_CHUNKS_LOAD_MSG = ' funcchunks from jcache '
FUNC_CHUNKS_SAVE_MSG = ' funcchunks to jcache '
JSFUNC_CHUNKS_LOAD_MSG = ' jsfuncchunks from jcache '
JSFUNC_CHUNKS_SAVE_MSG = ' jsfuncchunks to jcache '
restore ( )
Cache . erase ( )
try :
os . environ [ ' EMCC_DEBUG ' ] = ' 1 '
os . environ [ ' EMCC_JSOPT_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE ' ] = str ( 1024 * 512 )
self . working_dir = os . path . join ( TEMP_DIR , ' emscripten_temp ' )
if not os . path . exists ( self . working_dir ) : os . makedirs ( self . working_dir )
assert not os . path . exists ( JCache . get_cachename ( ' emscript_files ' ) )
srcs = { }
used_jcache = False
for args , input_file , expect_pre_save , expect_pre_load , expect_funcs_save , expect_funcs_load , expect_jsfuncs_save , expect_jsfuncs_load , expected in [
( [ ] , ' hello_world_loop.cpp ' , False , False , False , False , False , False , [ ] ) ,
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_world_loop.cpp ' , True , False , True , False , True , False , [ ] ) ,
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_world_loop.cpp ' , False , True , False , True , False , True , [ ] ) ,
( [ ] , ' hello_world_loop.cpp ' , False , False , False , False , False , False , [ ] ) ,
# new
( [ ] , ' hello_world.cpp ' , False , False , False , False , False , False , [ ] ) ,
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_world.cpp ' , True , False , True , False , True , False , [ ] ) ,
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_world.cpp ' , False , True , False , True , False , True , [ ] ) ,
( [ ] , ' hello_world.cpp ' , False , False , False , False , False , False , [ ] ) ,
# go back to old file, experience caching
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_world_loop.cpp ' , False , True , False , True , False , True , [ ] ) ,
# new, large file
( [ ] , ' hello_malloc.cpp ' , False , False , False , False , False , False , [ ] ) ,
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_malloc.cpp ' , True , False , True , False , True , False , [ ] ) ,
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_malloc.cpp ' , False , True , False , True , False , True , [ ] ) ,
( [ ] , ' hello_malloc.cpp ' , False , False , False , False , False , False , [ ] ) ,
# new, huge file
2013-09-13 03:43:35 +04:00
( [ ] , ' hello_libcxx.cpp ' , False , False , False , False , False , False , ( ' 4 chunks ' , ) ) ,
2013-08-12 08:48:58 +04:00
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_libcxx.cpp ' , True , False , True , False , True , False , [ ] ) ,
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_libcxx.cpp ' , False , True , False , True , False , True , [ ] ) ,
( [ ] , ' hello_libcxx.cpp ' , False , False , False , False , False , False , [ ] ) ,
# finally, build a file close to the previous, to see that some chunks are found in the cache and some not
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_libcxx_mod1.cpp ' , False , True , True , True , True , True , [ ] ) , # win on pre, mix on funcs, mix on jsfuncs
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_libcxx_mod1.cpp ' , False , True , False , True , False , True , [ ] ) ,
( None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None ) , # clear
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_libcxx_mod2.cpp ' , True , False , True , False , True , False , [ ] ) , # load into cache
( [ ' --jcache ' ] , ' hello_libcxx_mod2a.cpp ' , False , True , True , True , True , True , [ ] ) # add a printf, do not lose everything
] :
self . clear ( )
if args is None :
Cache . erase ( )
print >> sys . stderr , args , input_file , expect_pre_save , expect_pre_load , expect_funcs_save , expect_funcs_load , expect_jsfuncs_save , expect_jsfuncs_load , expected
out , err = Popen ( [ PYTHON , EMCC , ' -O2 ' , ' -g ' , path_from_root ( ' tests ' , input_file ) ] + args , stdout = PIPE , stderr = PIPE ) . communicate ( )
errtail = err . split ( ' emcc invocation ' ) [ - 1 ]
self . assertContained ( ' hello, world! ' , run_js ( ' a.out.js ' ) , errtail )
assert ( PRE_SAVE_MSG in err ) == expect_pre_save , errtail
assert ( PRE_LOAD_MSG in err ) == expect_pre_load , errtail
assert ( FUNC_CHUNKS_SAVE_MSG in err ) == expect_funcs_save , errtail
assert ( FUNC_CHUNKS_LOAD_MSG in err ) == expect_funcs_load , errtail
assert ( JSFUNC_CHUNKS_SAVE_MSG in err ) == expect_jsfuncs_save , errtail
assert ( JSFUNC_CHUNKS_LOAD_MSG in err ) == expect_jsfuncs_load , errtail
for expect in expected : assert expect in err , expect + ' ? ' + errtail
curr = open ( ' a.out.js ' ) . read ( )
if input_file not in srcs :
srcs [ input_file ] = curr
else :
#open('/home/alon/Dev/emscripten/a', 'w').write(srcs[input_file])
#open('/home/alon/Dev/emscripten/b', 'w').write(curr)
assert abs ( len ( curr ) / float ( len ( srcs [ input_file ] ) ) - 1 ) < 0.01 , ' contents may shift in order, but must remain the same size %d vs %d ' % ( len ( curr ) , len ( srcs [ input_file ] ) ) + ' \n ' + errtail
used_jcache = used_jcache or ( ' --jcache ' in args )
assert used_jcache == os . path . exists ( JCache . get_cachename ( ' emscript_files ' ) )
#print >> sys.stderr, errtail
finally :
del os . environ [ ' EMCC_DEBUG ' ]
2013-08-26 22:20:29 +04:00
del os . environ [ ' EMCC_JSOPT_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE ' ]
def test_nostdincxx ( self ) :
restore ( )
Cache . erase ( )
try :
old = os . environ . get ( ' EMCC_LLVM_TARGET ' ) or ' '
for compiler in [ EMCC , EMXX ] :
for target in [ ' i386-pc-linux-gnu ' , ' le32-unknown-nacl ' ] :
print compiler , target
os . environ [ ' EMCC_LLVM_TARGET ' ] = target
out , err = Popen ( [ PYTHON , EMCC , path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' hello_world.cpp ' ) , ' -v ' ] , stdout = PIPE , stderr = PIPE ) . communicate ( )
out2 , err2 = Popen ( [ PYTHON , EMCC , path_from_root ( ' tests ' , ' hello_world.cpp ' ) , ' -v ' , ' -nostdinc++ ' ] , stdout = PIPE , stderr = PIPE ) . communicate ( )
assert out == out2
def focus ( e ) :
assert ' search starts here: ' in e , e
assert e . count ( ' End of search list. ' ) == 1 , e
return e [ e . index ( ' search starts here: ' ) : e . index ( ' End of search list. ' ) + 20 ]
err = focus ( err )
err2 = focus ( err2 )
assert err == err2 , err + ' \n \n \n \n ' + err2
finally :
if old :
os . environ [ ' EMCC_LLVM_TARGET ' ] = old