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Alon Zakai 2015-02-04 14:43:19 -08:00
Родитель 2431d21753
Коммит 15360d50ab
6 изменённых файлов: 310 добавлений и 27 удалений

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@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ Functions
In addition to fetching the URL from the network, the contents are prepared so that the data is usable in ``IMG_Load`` and so forth (we asynchronously do the work to make the browser decode the image or audio etc.).
When file is ready the ``onload`` callback will be called. If any error occurs ``onerror`` will be called. The callbacks are called with the file as their argument.
When the file is ready the ``onload`` callback will be called. If any error occurs ``onerror`` will be called. The callbacks are called with the file as their argument.
:param const char* url: The URL to load.
:param const char* file: The name of the file created and loaded from the URL. If the file already exists it will be overwritten.
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ Functions
Instead of writing to a file, this function writes to a buffer directly in memory. This avoids the overhead of using the emulated file system; note however that since files are not used, it cannot do the 'prepare' stage to set things up for ``IMG_Load`` and so forth (``IMG_Load`` etc. work on files).
When file is ready then the ``onload`` callback will be called. If any error occurred ``onerror`` will be called. The callbacks are called with the file as their argument.
When the file is ready then the ``onload`` callback will be called. If any error occurred ``onerror`` will be called.
:param url: The URL of the file to load.
:type url: const char*
@ -578,30 +578,6 @@ Functions
:param int handle: A handle to request to be aborted.
.. c:function:: int emscripten_async_prepare(const char* file, em_str_callback_func onload, em_str_callback_func onerror)
Prepares a file asynchronously.
This does just the preparation part of :c:func:`emscripten_async_wget`. That is, it works on file data already present and performs any required asynchronous operations (for example, decoding images for use in ``IMG_Load``, decoding audio for use in ``Mix_LoadWAV``, etc.).
Once the operations are complete (the file is prepared), the ``onload`` callback will be called. If any error occurs ``onerror`` will be called. The callbacks are called with the file as their argument.
:param file: The name of the file to prepare.
:type file: const char*
:param em_str_callback_func onload: Callback on successful preparation of the file. The callback function parameter value is:
- *(const char*)* : The name of the ``file`` that was prepared.
:param em_str_callback_func onerror: Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter value is:
- *(const char*)* : The name of the ``file`` for which the prepare failed.
:return: 0 if successful, -1 if the file does not exist
:rtype: int
.. c:function:: void emscripten_async_prepare_data(char* data, int size, const char *suffix, void *arg, em_async_prepare_data_onload_func onload, em_arg_callback_func onerror)
Prepares a buffer of data asynchronously. This is a "data" version of :c:func:`emscripten_async_prepare`, which receives raw data as input instead of a filename (this can prevent the need to write data to a file first).
@ -624,6 +600,91 @@ Functions
- *(void*)* : A pointer to ``arg`` (user defined data).
Emscripten Asynchronous IndexedDB API
IndexedDB is a browser API that lets you store data persistently, that is, you can save data there and load it later when the user re-visits the web page. IDBFS provides one way to use IndexedDB, through the Emscripten filesystem layer. The ``emscripten_idb_*`` methods listed here provide an alternative API, directly to IndexedDB, thereby avoiding the overhead of the filesystem layer.
.. c:function:: void emscripten_idb_async_load(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void* arg, em_async_wget_onload_func onload, em_arg_callback_func onerror)
Loads data from local IndexedDB storage asynchronously. This allows use of persistent data, without the overhead of the filesystem layer.
When the data is ready then the ``onload`` callback will be called. If any error occurred ``onerror`` will be called.
:param db_name: The IndexedDB database from which to load.
:param file_id: The identifier of the data to load.
:param void* arg: User-defined data that is passed to the callbacks, untouched by the API itself. This may be be used by a callback to identify the associated call.
:param em_async_wget_onload_func onload: Callback on successful load of the URL into the buffer. The callback function parameter values are:
- *(void*)* : A pointer to ``arg`` (user defined data).
- *(void*)* : A pointer to a buffer with the data. Note that, as with the worker API, the data buffer only lives during the callback; it must be used or copied during that time.
- *(int)* : The size of the buffer, in bytes.
:param em_arg_callback_func onerror: Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter values are:
- *(void*)* : A pointer to ``arg`` (user defined data).
.. c:function:: void emscripten_idb_async_store(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void* ptr, int num, void* arg, em_arg_callback_func onstore, em_arg_callback_func onerror);
Stores data to local IndexedDB storage asynchronously. This allows use of persistent data, without the overhead of the filesystem layer.
When the data has been stored then the ``onstore`` callback will be called. If any error occurred ``onerror`` will be called.
:param db_name: The IndexedDB database from which to load.
:param file_id: The identifier of the data to load.
:param ptr: A pointer to the data to store.
:param num: How many bytes to store.
:param void* arg: User-defined data that is passed to the callbacks, untouched by the API itself. This may be be used by a callback to identify the associated call.
:param em_async_wget_onload_func onload: Callback on successful load of the URL into the buffer. The callback function parameter values are:
- *(void*)* : A pointer to ``arg`` (user defined data).
:param em_arg_callback_func onerror: Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter values are:
- *(void*)* : A pointer to ``arg`` (user defined data).
.. c:function:: void emscripten_idb_async_delete(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void* arg, em_arg_callback_func ondelete, em_arg_callback_func onerror)
Deletes data from local IndexedDB storage asynchronously.
When the data has been deleted then the ``ondelete`` callback will be called. If any error occurred ``onerror`` will be called.
:param db_name: The IndexedDB database.
:param file_id: The identifier of the data.
:param void* arg: User-defined data that is passed to the callbacks, untouched by the API itself. This may be be used by a callback to identify the associated call.
:param em_arg_callback_func ondelete: Callback on successful delete
- *(void*)* : A pointer to ``arg`` (user defined data).
:param em_arg_callback_func onerror: Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter values are:
- *(void*)* : A pointer to ``arg`` (user defined data).
.. c:function:: int emscripten_async_prepare(const char* file, em_str_callback_func onload, em_str_callback_func onerror)
Prepares a file asynchronously.
This does just the preparation part of :c:func:`emscripten_async_wget`. That is, it works on file data already present and performs any required asynchronous operations (for example, decoding images for use in ``IMG_Load``, decoding audio for use in ``Mix_LoadWAV``, etc.).
Once the operations are complete (the file is prepared), the ``onload`` callback will be called. If any error occurs ``onerror`` will be called. The callbacks are called with the file as their argument.
:param file: The name of the file to prepare.
:type file: const char*
:param em_str_callback_func onload: Callback on successful preparation of the file. The callback function parameter value is:
- *(const char*)* : The name of the ``file`` that was prepared.
:param em_str_callback_func onerror: Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter value is:
- *(const char*)* : The name of the ``file`` for which the prepare failed.
:return: 0 if successful, -1 if the file does not exist
:rtype: int

src/library_idbstore.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
var LibraryIDBStore = {
// A simple IDB-backed storage mechanism. Suitable for saving and loading large files asynchronously. This does
// *NOT* use the emscripten filesystem, intentionally, to avoid overhead. It lets you application define whatever
// filesystem-like layer you want, with the overhead 100% controlled by you. At the extremes, you could either
// just store large files, with almost no extra code; or you could implement a file b-tree using posix-compliant
// filesystem on top.
$IDBStore: {
indexedDB: function() {
if (typeof indexedDB !== 'undefined') return indexedDB;
var ret = null;
if (typeof window === 'object') ret = window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB;
assert(ret, 'IDBStore used, but indexedDB not supported');
return ret;
dbs: {},
getDB: function(name, callback) {
// check the cache first
var db = IDBStore.dbs[name];
if (db) {
return callback(null, db);
var req;
try {
req = IDBStore.indexedDB().open(name, IDBStore.DB_VERSION);
} catch (e) {
return callback(e);
req.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
var db =;
var transaction =;
var fileStore;
if (db.objectStoreNames.contains(IDBStore.DB_STORE_NAME)) {
fileStore = transaction.objectStore(IDBStore.DB_STORE_NAME);
} else {
fileStore = db.createObjectStore(IDBStore.DB_STORE_NAME);
req.onsuccess = function() {
db = req.result;
// add to the cache
IDBStore.dbs[name] = db;
callback(null, db);
req.onerror = function(e) {
getStore: function(dbName, type, callback) {
IDBStore.getDB(dbName, function(error, db) {
var transaction = db.transaction([IDBStore.DB_STORE_NAME], type);
transaction.onerror = function(e) {
var store = transaction.objectStore(IDBStore.DB_STORE_NAME);
callback(null, store);
// External API
getFile: function(dbName, id, callback) {
IDBStore.getStore(dbName, 'readonly', function(err, store) {
var req = store.get(id);
req.onsuccess = function(event) {
var result =;
if (!result) {
return callback('file ' + id + ' not found');
} else {
return callback(null, result);
req.onerror = function(error) {
setFile: function(dbName, id, data, callback) {
IDBStore.getStore(dbName, 'readwrite', function(err, store) {
var req = store.put(data, id);
req.onsuccess = function(event) {
req.onerror = function(error) {
deleteFile: function(dbName, id, callback) {
IDBStore.getStore(dbName, 'readwrite', function(err, store) {
var req = store.delete(id);
req.onsuccess = function(event) {
req.onerror = function(error) {
emscripten_idb_async_load: function(db, id, arg, onload, onerror) {
IDBStore.getFile(Pointer_stringify(db), Pointer_stringify(id), function(error, byteArray) {
if (error) {
if (onerror) Runtime.dynCall('vi', onerror, [arg]);
var buffer = _malloc(byteArray.length);
HEAPU8.set(byteArray, buffer);
Runtime.dynCall('viii', onload, [arg, buffer, byteArray.length]);
emscripten_idb_async_store: function(db, id, ptr, num, arg, onstore, onerror) {
// note that we copy the data here, as these are async operatins - changes to HEAPU8 meanwhile should not affect us!
IDBStore.setFile(Pointer_stringify(db), Pointer_stringify(id), new Uint8Array(HEAPU8.subarray(ptr, ptr+num)), function(error) {
if (error) {
if (onerror) Runtime.dynCall('vi', onerror, [arg]);
if (onstore) Runtime.dynCall('vi', onstore, [arg]);
emscripten_idb_async_delete: function(db, id, arg, ondelete, onerror) {
IDBStore.deleteFile(Pointer_stringify(db), Pointer_stringify(id), function(error) {
if (error) {
if (onerror) Runtime.dynCall('vi', onerror, [arg]);
if (ondelete) Runtime.dynCall('vi', ondelete, [arg]);
autoAddDeps(LibraryIDBStore, '$IDBStore');
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, LibraryIDBStore);

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@ -458,6 +458,7 @@ var LibraryManager = {

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@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ static inline double emscripten_get_now(void) {
float emscripten_random(void);
// wget
void emscripten_wget(const char* url, const char* file);
void emscripten_async_wget(const char* url, const char* file, em_str_callback_func onload, em_str_callback_func onerror);
@ -165,6 +165,14 @@ int emscripten_async_wget2_data(const char* url, const char* requesttype, const
void emscripten_async_wget2_abort(int handle);
// IDB
void emscripten_idb_async_load(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void* arg, em_async_wget_onload_func onload, em_arg_callback_func onerror);
void emscripten_idb_async_store(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void* ptr, int num, void* arg, em_arg_callback_func onstore, em_arg_callback_func onerror);
void emscripten_idb_async_delete(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void* arg, em_arg_callback_func ondelete, em_arg_callback_func onerror);
// other async utilities
int emscripten_async_prepare(const char* file, em_str_callback_func onload, em_str_callback_func onerror);
typedef void (*em_async_prepare_data_onload_func)(void*, const char*);

tests/idbstore.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
#define DB "THE_DB"
int expected;
int result;
void ok(void* arg)
assert(expected == (int)arg);
void onerror(void* arg)
assert(expected == (int)arg);
result = 999;
void onload(void* arg, void* ptr, int num)
assert(expected == (int)arg);
printf("loaded %s\n", ptr);
assert(num == strlen(SECRET)+1);
assert(strcmp(ptr, SECRET) == 0);
result = 1;
void onbadload(void* arg, void* ptr, int num)
printf("load failed, surprising\n");
result = 999;
void test() {
result = STAGE;
#if STAGE == 0
expected = 12;
emscripten_idb_async_store(DB, "the_secret", SECRET, strlen(SECRET)+1, (void*)expected, ok, onerror);
printf("storing %s\n", SECRET);
#elif STAGE == 1
expected = 31;
emscripten_idb_async_load(DB, "the_secret", (void*)expected, onload, onerror);
#elif STAGE == 2
expected = 44;
emscripten_idb_async_delete(DB, "the_secret", (void*)expected, ok, onerror);
printf("deleting the_secret\n");
#elif STAGE == 3
expected = 55;
emscripten_idb_async_load(DB, "the_secret", (void*)expected, onbadload, ok);
printf("loading, should fail as we deleted\n");
int main() {
return 0;

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@ -1161,6 +1161,12 @@ keydown(100);keyup(100); // trigger the end
self.btest(path_from_root('tests', 'fs', 'test_idbfs_sync.c'), '1', force_c=True, args=mode + ['-DFIRST', '-DSECRET=\"' + secret + '\"', '-s', '''EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_main', '_test', '_success']'''])
self.btest(path_from_root('tests', 'fs', 'test_idbfs_sync.c'), '1', force_c=True, args=mode + ['-DSECRET=\"' + secret + '\"', '-s', '''EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_main', '_test', '_success']'''])
def test_idbstore(self):
secret = str(time.time())
for stage in [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1]:
self.btest(path_from_root('tests', 'idbstore.c'), str(stage), force_c=True, args=['-DSTAGE=' + str(stage), '-DSECRET=\"' + secret + '\"'])
def test_force_exit(self):
self.btest('force_exit.c', force_c=True, expected='17')