embind integration in emcc and work towards a test
This commit is contained in:
@ -289,6 +289,9 @@ Options that are modified or new in %s include:
The main file resides in the base directory and
has the suffix ".js".
--bind Compiles the source code using the "embind"
bindings approach, which connects C/C++ and JS.
--ignore-dynamic-linking Normally emcc will treat dynamic linking like
static linking, by linking in the code from
the dynamic library. This fails if the same
@ -413,6 +416,8 @@ STATICLIB_SUFFIXES = ('.a',)
LIB_PREFIXES = ('', 'lib')
seen_names = {}
def uniquename(name):
if name not in seen_names:
@ -500,6 +505,7 @@ try:
shell_path = shared.path_from_root('src', 'shell.html')
js_libraries = []
remove_duplicates = False
bind = False
def check_bad_eq(arg):
assert '=' not in arg, 'Invalid parameter (do not use "=" with "--" options)'
@ -558,6 +564,9 @@ try:
split_js_file = int(newargs[i+1])
newargs[i] = ''
newargs[i+1] = ''
elif newargs[i] == '--bind':
bind = True
newargs[i] = '-std=c++11' # Force C++11 for embind code
elif newargs[i].startswith('--embed-file'):
@ -730,6 +739,10 @@ try:
assert not (Compression.on and final_suffix != 'html'), 'Compression only works when generating HTML'
# If we are using embind and generating JS, now is the time to link in bind.cpp
if bind and final_suffix in JS_CONTAINING_SUFFIXES:
input_files.append(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'embind', 'bind.cpp'))
# Apply optimization level settings
shared.Settings.apply_opt_level(opt_level, noisy=True)
@ -779,7 +792,7 @@ try:
if not LEAVE_INPUTS_RAW: assert len(temp_files) == len(input_files)
# If we were just asked to generate bitcode, stop there
if final_suffix not in ['js', 'html']:
if final_suffix not in JS_CONTAINING_SUFFIXES:
if llvm_opts > 0:
print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: warning: -Ox flags ignored, since not generating JavaScript'
if not specified_target:
@ -957,7 +970,7 @@ try:
if Compression.on:
file_args += ['--compress', Compression.encoder, Compression.decoder, Compression.js_name]
code = execute(shared.ENV_PREFIX + ['python', shared.FILE_PACKAGER, unsuffixed(target) + '.data'] + file_args, stdout=PIPE)[0]
src = open(final).read().replace('// {{PRE_RUN_ADDITIONS}}', code)
src = open(final).read().replace('// {{PRE_RUN_ADDITIONS}}', '// {{PRE_RUN_ADDITIONS}}\n' + code)
final += '.files.js'
open(final, 'w').write(src)
if DEBUG: save_intermediate('files')
@ -970,6 +983,14 @@ try:
open(final, 'w').write(pre_js + src + post_js)
if DEBUG: save_intermediate('pre-post')
# Add bindings glue if used
if bind:
if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'emcc: adding embind glue'
src = open(final).read().replace('// {{PRE_RUN_ADDITIONS}}', '// {{PRE_RUN_ADDITIONS}}\n' + open(shared.path_from_root('src', 'embind', 'embind.js')).read())
final += '.bd.js'
open(final, 'w').write(src)
if DEBUG: save_intermediate('bind')
# Apply a source code transformation, if requested
if js_transform:
shutil.copyfile(final, final + '.tr.js')
@ -617,3 +617,4 @@ function __embind_register_interface(
@ -7695,6 +7695,20 @@ f.close()
output = run_js('scons_integration.js')
assert 'If you see this - the world is all right!' in output
def zzztest_embind(self):
# TODO: test -O1 and -O2
for args, fail in [
([], True), # without --bind, we fail
(['--bind'], False)
print args, fail
Popen(['python', EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'embind', 'embind_test.cpp'), '--post-js', path_from_root('tests', 'embind', 'embind_test.js')] + args, stderr=PIPE if fail else None).communicate()
assert os.path.exists(self.in_dir('a.out.js')) == (not fail)
if not fail:
output = run_js(self.in_dir('a.out.js'))
assert 'If you see this - the world is all right!' in output
def test_llvm_nativizer(self):
# avoid impure_ptr problems etc.
shutil.copyfile(path_from_root('tests', 'files.cpp'), os.path.join(self.get_dir(), 'files.cpp'))
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