hack up support for 'glue' phase in js compiler, to just generate glue for backend output

This commit is contained in:
Alon Zakai 2013-11-20 16:48:58 -08:00
Родитель 954e3a1fc3
Коммит 22b996181d
4 изменённых файлов: 42 добавлений и 194 удалений

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@ -782,11 +782,11 @@ def emscript_fast(infile, settings, outfile, libraries=[], compiler_engine=None,
print >> sys.stderr, "FUNCS", funcs
print >> sys.stderr, "META", metadata
1/0 # XXX
if DEBUG: logging.debug('emscript: js compiler glue')
# Integrate info from backend
settings['DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE'] = settings['DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE'] + metadata['declares']
# Save settings to a file to work around v8 issue 1579
settings_file = temp_files.get('.txt').name
def save_settings():
@ -797,172 +797,33 @@ def emscript_fast(infile, settings, outfile, libraries=[], compiler_engine=None,
# Phase 1 - pre
# Call js compiler
if DEBUG: t = time.time()
pre_file = temp_files.get('.pre.ll').name
pre_input = ''.join(pre) + '\n' + meta
out = None
if not out:
open(pre_file, 'w').write(pre_input)
#print >> sys.stderr, 'running', str([settings_file, pre_file, 'pre'] + libraries).replace("'/", "'") # see funcs
out = jsrun.run_js(compiler, compiler_engine, [settings_file, pre_file, 'pre'] + libraries, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=STDERR_FILE,
assert '//FORWARDED_DATA:' in out, 'Did not receive forwarded data in pre output - process failed?'
pre, forwarded_data = out.split('//FORWARDED_DATA:')
forwarded_file = temp_files.get('.json').name
pre_input = None
open(forwarded_file, 'w').write(forwarded_data)
if DEBUG: logging.debug(' emscript: phase 1 took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
out = jsrun.run_js(compiler, compiler_engine, [settings_file, ';', 'glue'] + libraries, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=STDERR_FILE,
assert '//FORWARDED_DATA:' in out, 'Did not receive forwarded data in pre output - process failed?'
glue, forwarded_data = out.split('//FORWARDED_DATA:')
indexed_functions = set()
forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
#print >> sys.stderr, out
last_forwarded_json = forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
'''indexed_functions = set()
for key in forwarded_json['Functions']['indexedFunctions'].iterkeys():
# Phase 2 - func
pre, post = glue.split('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS')
cores = int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())
assert cores >= 1
if cores > 1:
intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
chunk_size = max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_ll_size / intended_num_chunks)
chunk_size += 3*len(meta) # keep ratio of lots of function code to meta (expensive to process, and done in each parallel task)
chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, chunk_size)
chunk_size = MAX_CHUNK_SIZE # if 1 core, just use the max chunk size
if DEBUG: t = time.time()
if settings.get('ASM_JS'):
settings['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS'] = forwarded_json['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS']
chunks = cache_module.chunkify(
funcs, chunk_size,
#chunks = [chunks[0]] # pick specific chunks for debugging/profiling
funcs = None
# TODO: minimize size of forwarded data from funcs to what we actually need
if len(chunks) > 0:
if cores == 1 and total_ll_size < MAX_CHUNK_SIZE:
assert len(chunks) == 1, 'no point in splitting up without multiple cores'
if DEBUG: logging.debug(' emscript: phase 2 working on %d chunks %s (intended chunk size: %.2f MB, meta: %.2f MB, forwarded: %.2f MB, total: %.2f MB)' % (len(chunks), ('using %d cores' % cores) if len(chunks) > 1 else '', chunk_size/(1024*1024.), len(meta)/(1024*1024.), len(forwarded_data)/(1024*1024.), total_ll_size/(1024*1024.)))
commands = []
for i in range(len(chunks)):
funcs_file = temp_files.get('.func_%d.ll' % i).name
f = open(funcs_file, 'w')
chunks[i] = None # leave chunks array alive (need its length later)
(i, funcs_file, meta, settings_file, compiler, forwarded_file, libraries, compiler_engine,# + ['--prof'],
if len(chunks) > 1:
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
outputs = pool.map(process_funcs, commands, chunksize=1)
elif len(chunks) == 1:
outputs = [process_funcs(commands[0])]
commands = None
outputs = []
chunks = None
outputs = [output.split('//FORWARDED_DATA:') for output in outputs]
for output in outputs:
assert len(output) == 2, 'Did not receive forwarded data in an output - process failed? We only got: ' + output[0][-3000:]
if DEBUG: logging.debug(' emscript: phase 2 took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
if DEBUG: t = time.time()
# merge forwarded data
if settings.get('ASM_JS'):
all_exported_functions = set(settings['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS']) # both asm.js and otherwise
for additional_export in settings['DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE']: # additional functions to export from asm, if they are implemented
all_exported_functions.add('_' + additional_export)
exported_implemented_functions = set()
for func_js, curr_forwarded_data in outputs:
curr_forwarded_json = json.loads(curr_forwarded_data)
forwarded_json['Types']['hasInlineJS'] = forwarded_json['Types']['hasInlineJS'] or curr_forwarded_json['Types']['hasInlineJS']
forwarded_json['Types']['usesSIMD'] = forwarded_json['Types']['usesSIMD'] or curr_forwarded_json['Types']['usesSIMD']
forwarded_json['Types']['preciseI64MathUsed'] = forwarded_json['Types']['preciseI64MathUsed'] or curr_forwarded_json['Types']['preciseI64MathUsed']
for key, value in curr_forwarded_json['Functions']['blockAddresses'].iteritems():
forwarded_json['Functions']['blockAddresses'][key] = value
for key in curr_forwarded_json['Functions']['indexedFunctions'].iterkeys():
if settings.get('ASM_JS'):
export_bindings = settings['EXPORT_BINDINGS']
export_all = settings['EXPORT_ALL']
for key in curr_forwarded_json['Functions']['implementedFunctions'].iterkeys():
if key in all_exported_functions or export_all or (export_bindings and key.startswith('_emscripten_bind')):
for key, value in curr_forwarded_json['Functions']['unimplementedFunctions'].iteritems():
forwarded_json['Functions']['unimplementedFunctions'][key] = value
for key, value in curr_forwarded_json['Functions']['neededTables'].iteritems():
forwarded_json['Functions']['neededTables'][key] = value
#print >> sys.stderr, 'glue:', pre, '\n\n||||||||||||||||\n\n', post, '...............'
funcs_js = [funcs]
if settings.get('ASM_JS'):
parts = pre.split('// ASM_LIBRARY FUNCTIONS\n')
if len(parts) > 1:
pre = parts[0]
funcs_js = [output[0] for output in outputs]
outputs = None
if DEBUG: logging.debug(' emscript: phase 2b took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
if DEBUG: t = time.time()
# calculations on merged forwarded data
forwarded_json['Functions']['indexedFunctions'] = {}
i = settings['FUNCTION_POINTER_ALIGNMENT'] # universal counter
base_fp = i
table_counters = {} # table-specific counters
alias = settings['ASM_JS'] and settings['ALIASING_FUNCTION_POINTERS']
sig = None
for indexed in indexed_functions:
if alias:
sig = forwarded_json['Functions']['implementedFunctions'].get(indexed) or forwarded_json['Functions']['unimplementedFunctions'].get(indexed)
assert sig, indexed
if sig not in table_counters:
table_counters[sig] = base_fp
curr = table_counters[sig]
table_counters[sig] += settings['FUNCTION_POINTER_ALIGNMENT']
curr = i
#logging.debug('function indexing ' + str([indexed, curr, sig]))
forwarded_json['Functions']['indexedFunctions'][indexed] = curr # make sure not to modify this python object later - we use it in indexize
def split_32(x):
x = int(x)
return '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (x&255, (x >> 8)&255, (x >> 16)&255, (x >> 24)&255)
indexing = forwarded_json['Functions']['indexedFunctions']
def indexize_mem(js):
return re.sub(r"\"?'?{{ FI_([\w\d_$]+) }}'?\"?,0,0,0", lambda m: split_32(indexing.get(m.groups(0)[0]) or 0), js)
def indexize(js):
return re.sub(r"'{{ FI_([\w\d_$]+) }}'", lambda m: str(indexing.get(m.groups(0)[0]) or 0), js)
blockaddrs = forwarded_json['Functions']['blockAddresses']
def blockaddrsize_mem(js):
return re.sub(r'"?{{{ BA_([\w\d_$]+)\|([\w\d_$]+) }}}"?,0,0,0', lambda m: split_32(blockaddrs[m.groups(0)[0]][m.groups(0)[1]]), js)
def blockaddrsize(js):
return re.sub(r'"?{{{ BA_([\w\d_$]+)\|([\w\d_$]+) }}}"?', lambda m: str(blockaddrs[m.groups(0)[0]][m.groups(0)[1]]), js)
pre = blockaddrsize(blockaddrsize_mem(indexize(indexize_mem(pre))))
# calculations on merged forwarded data TODO
if settings.get('ASM_JS'):
# move postsets into the asm module
@ -978,24 +839,10 @@ def emscript_fast(infile, settings, outfile, libraries=[], compiler_engine=None,
#if DEBUG: outfile.write('// funcs\n')
# forward
forwarded_data = json.dumps(forwarded_json)
forwarded_file = temp_files.get('.2.json').name
open(forwarded_file, 'w').write(indexize(forwarded_data))
if DEBUG: logging.debug(' emscript: phase 2c took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
# Phase 3 - post
if DEBUG: t = time.time()
post_file = temp_files.get('.post.ll').name
open(post_file, 'w').write('\n') # no input, just processing of forwarded data
out = jsrun.run_js(compiler, compiler_engine, [settings_file, post_file, 'post', forwarded_file] + libraries, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=STDERR_FILE,
post, last_forwarded_data = out.split('//FORWARDED_DATA:') # if this fails, perhaps the process failed prior to printing forwarded data?
last_forwarded_json = json.loads(last_forwarded_data)
if settings.get('ASM_JS'):
post_funcs, post_rest = post.split('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n')
post = post_rest
#print >> sys.stderr, '<<<<<<', post, '>>>>>>'
post_funcs = '' #, post_rest = post.split('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n')
#post = post_rest
# Move preAsms to their right place
def move_preasm(m):
@ -1057,7 +904,7 @@ def emscript_fast(infile, settings, outfile, libraries=[], compiler_engine=None,
basic_vars = ['STACKTOP', 'STACK_MAX', 'tempDoublePtr', 'ABORT']
basic_float_vars = ['NaN', 'Infinity']
if forwarded_json['Types']['preciseI64MathUsed'] or \
if metadata.get('preciseI64MathUsed') or \
forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions'].get('llvm_cttz_i32') or \
basic_vars += ['cttz_i8', 'ctlz_i8']
@ -1102,7 +949,7 @@ def emscript_fast(infile, settings, outfile, libraries=[], compiler_engine=None,
basic_funcs.append('extCall_%s' % sig)
# calculate exports
exported_implemented_functions = list(exported_implemented_functions)
exported_implemented_functions = ['_main'] # XXX list(exported_implemented_functions)
exports = []
if not simple:
@ -1117,7 +964,7 @@ def emscript_fast(infile, settings, outfile, libraries=[], compiler_engine=None,
# If no named globals, only need externals
global_vars = map(lambda g: g['name'], filter(lambda g: settings['NAMED_GLOBALS'] or g.get('external') or g.get('unIndexable'), forwarded_json['Variables']['globals'].values()))
global_vars = []
global_funcs = ['_' + key for key, value in forwarded_json['Functions']['libraryFunctions'].iteritems() if value != 2]
def math_fix(g):
return g if not g.startswith('Math_') else g.split('_')[1]
@ -1166,7 +1013,7 @@ var asm = (function(global, env, buffer) {
var HEAPU32 = new global.Uint32Array(buffer);
var HEAPF32 = new global.Float32Array(buffer);
var HEAPF64 = new global.Float64Array(buffer);
''' % (asm_setup, "'use asm';" if not forwarded_json['Types']['hasInlineJS'] and not settings['SIDE_MODULE'] and settings['ASM_JS'] == 1 else "'almost asm';") + '\n' + asm_global_vars + '''
''' % (asm_setup, "'use asm';" if not metadata.get('hasInlineJS') and not settings['SIDE_MODULE'] and settings['ASM_JS'] == 1 else "'almost asm';") + '\n' + asm_global_vars + '''
var __THREW__ = 0;
var threwValue = 0;
var setjmpId = 0;
@ -1287,15 +1134,10 @@ Runtime.stackRestore = function(top) { asm['stackRestore'](top) };
outfile.write("var SYMBOL_TABLE = %s;" % json.dumps(symbol_table).replace('"', ''))
for i in range(len(funcs_js)): # do this loop carefully to save memory
funcs_js_item = funcs_js[i]
funcs_js[i] = None
funcs_js_item = indexize(funcs_js_item)
funcs_js_item = blockaddrsize(funcs_js_item)
funcs_js = None
if DEBUG: logging.debug(' emscript: phase 3 took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))

Просмотреть файл

@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ function compile(raw) {
function runPhase(currPhase) {
//printErr('// JS compiler in action, phase ' + currPhase + typeof lines + (lines === null));
phase = currPhase;
if (phase != 'pre') {
if (phase != 'pre' && phase != 'glue') {
if (singlePhase) PassManager.load(read(forwardedDataFile));
if (phase == 'funcs') {
@ -313,7 +313,9 @@ B = new Benchmarker();
try {
if (ll_file) {
if (ll_file.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(10)) == -1) {
if (phase === 'glue') {
} else if (ll_file.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(10)) == -1) {
} else {
compile(ll_file); // we are given raw .ll

Просмотреть файл

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function JSify(data, functionsOnly, givenFunctions) {
if (mainPass) {
var shellFile = SHELL_FILE ? SHELL_FILE : (BUILD_AS_SHARED_LIB || SIDE_MODULE ? 'shell_sharedlib.js' : 'shell.js');
if (phase == 'pre') {
if (phase == 'pre' || phase == 'glue') {
// We will start to print out the data, but must do so carefully - we are
// dealing with potentially *huge* strings. Convenient replacements and
// manipulations may create in-memory copies, and we may OOM.
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function JSify(data, functionsOnly, givenFunctions) {
if (phase == 'pre') {
if (phase == 'pre' || phase == 'glue') {
var libFuncsToInclude;
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ function JSify(data, functionsOnly, givenFunctions) {
if (SIDE_MODULE) return ';'; // we import into the side module js library stuff from the outside parent
if ((!ASM_JS || phase == 'pre') &&
if ((!ASM_JS || phase == 'pre' || phase == 'glue') &&
contentText += '\nModule["' + ident + '"] = ' + ident + ';';
@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ function JSify(data, functionsOnly, givenFunctions) {
if (!mainPass) {
if (phase == 'pre' && !Variables.generatedGlobalBase && !BUILD_AS_SHARED_LIB) {
if ((phase == 'pre' || phase == 'glue') && !Variables.generatedGlobalBase && !BUILD_AS_SHARED_LIB) {
Variables.generatedGlobalBase = true;
// Globals are done, here is the rest of static memory
assert((TARGET_LE32 && Runtime.GLOBAL_BASE == 8) || (TARGET_X86 && Runtime.GLOBAL_BASE == 4)); // this is assumed in e.g. relocations for linkable modules
@ -1719,7 +1719,7 @@ function JSify(data, functionsOnly, givenFunctions) {
var generated = itemsDict.function.concat(itemsDict.type).concat(itemsDict.GlobalVariableStub).concat(itemsDict.GlobalVariable);
print(generated.map(function(item) { return item.JS; }).join('\n'));
if (phase == 'pre') {
if (phase == 'pre' || phase == 'glue') {
if (memoryInitialization.length > 0) {
// apply postsets directly into the big memory initialization
itemsDict.GlobalVariablePostSet = itemsDict.GlobalVariablePostSet.filter(function(item) {
@ -1780,7 +1780,7 @@ function JSify(data, functionsOnly, givenFunctions) {
// Print out global variables and postsets TODO: batching
if (phase == 'pre') {
if (phase == 'pre' || phase == 'glue') {
var legalizedI64sDefault = legalizedI64s;
legalizedI64s = false;

Просмотреть файл

@ -483,6 +483,10 @@ var PassManager = {
print('\n//FORWARDED_DATA:' + JSON.stringify({
Functions: { tables: Functions.tables }
} else if (phase == 'glue') {
print('\n//FORWARDED_DATA:' + JSON.stringify({
Functions: Functions
load: function(json) {