@ -295,12 +295,10 @@ function analyzer(data) {
// Tools
function replaceLabels(line, labelId, toLabelId) {
//print('// XXX replace ' + labelId + ' with ' + toLabelId);
function process(item) {
['label', 'labelTrue', 'labelFalse', 'toLabel', 'unwindLabel', 'defaultLabel'].forEach(function(id) {
if (item[id] && item[id] == labelId) {
item[id] = toLabelId;
//print(' replaced!');
@ -318,7 +316,6 @@ function analyzer(data) {
function replaceInLabels(labels, toReplace, replaceWith) {
//print('// XXX replaceIn ' + toReplace + ' with ' + replaceWith);
assertEq(!replaceWith || toReplace.length == 1, true); // TODO: implement other case
labels.forEach(function(label) {
['inLabels'].forEach(function(l) {
@ -340,7 +337,6 @@ function analyzer(data) {
// Find direct branchings
labels.forEach(function(label) {
dprint('find direct branchings at label: ' + label.ident + ':' + label.inLabels + ':' + label.outLabels);
label.lines.forEach(function(line) {
function process(item) {
['label', 'labelTrue', 'labelFalse', 'toLabel', 'unwindLabel'].forEach(function(id) {
@ -376,7 +372,6 @@ function analyzer(data) {
while (worked) {
worked = false;
labels.forEach(function(label) {
//print('zz at label: ' + label.ident + ':' + label.inLabels + ':' + label.outLabels);
function inout(s, l) {
var temp = label[s].slice(0);
label[s].forEach(function(label2Id) {
@ -385,7 +380,6 @@ function analyzer(data) {
temp = dedup(temp);
if (JSON.stringify(label[l]) != JSON.stringify(temp)) {
//print('zz noticed ' + label.ident + ' ? ' + s + ',' + l + ' : ' + label[s] + ' | ' + label[l]);
label[l] = temp;
worked = true;
@ -397,17 +391,12 @@ function analyzer(data) {
// Find all mustGetTos
labels.forEach(function(label) {
//print('path for: ' + label.ident + ',' + dump(label));
function walk(path, label) {
//print('path is: ' + getLabelIds(path.concat([label])));
// If all we are is a break/return - then stop here. Otherwise, continue to other path
//print('??? ' + label.hasReturn + ' : ' + label.hasBreak + ' : ' + label.outLabels.length);
if (label.hasReturn || (label.hasBreak && label.outLabels.length == 0)) {
//print('path done.');
return [path.concat([label])]
if (path.indexOf(label) != -1) {
//print('looping path - abort it.');
return []; // loop - drop this path
path = path.concat([label]);
@ -416,12 +405,10 @@ function analyzer(data) {
.filter(function(path) { return path.length > 0 });
var paths = walk([], label).map(function(path) { return getLabelIds(path) });
//print('XXX paths: ' + JSON.stringify(paths));
var possibles = dedup(paths.reduce(function(a,b) { return a.concat(b) }, []));
label.mustGetTo = possibles.filter(function(possible) {
return paths.filter(function(path) { return path.indexOf(possible) == -1 }) == 0;
}).filter(function(possible) { return possible != label.ident });
//print('XXX must get to: ' + JSON.stringify(label.mustGetTo));
labels.forEach(function(label) {
@ -430,13 +417,13 @@ function analyzer(data) {
if (dcheck('labelbranching')) {
if (dcheck('relooping')) {
labels.forEach(function(label) {
print('// label: ' + label.ident + ' :out : ' + JSON.stringify(label.outLabels));
print('// ' + label.ident + ' :in : ' + JSON.stringify(label.inLabels));
print('// ' + label.ident + ' :ALL out : ' + JSON.stringify(label.allOutLabels));
print('// ' + label.ident + ' :ALL in : ' + JSON.stringify(label.allInLabels));
print('// ZZZZZZ ' + label.ident + ' must get to all of ' + JSON.stringify(label.mustGetTo));
print('// ZZZZZZ ' + label.ident + ' must get to all of ' + JSON.stringify(label.mustGetTo) + '\n');
@ -450,11 +437,9 @@ function analyzer(data) {
label1.outLabels = label2.outLabels;
label2.lines = null;
func.labels = func.labels.filter(function(label) { return !!label.lines });
print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
delete func.labelsDict[label2.ident];
replaceInLabels(func.labels, [label2.ident], label1.ident);
//print('Labels pre merge : ' + getLabelIds(func.labels));
// Merge trivial labels
var worked = true;
@ -462,13 +447,10 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
worked = false;
func.labels.forEach(function(label) {
if (label.lines === null) return; // We were deleted
//print("// Consider: " + label.ident + ' : out/in: ' + label.outLabels.length + ',' + label.inLabels.length);// + dump(label.lines.slice(-1)[0]));
if (label.outLabels.length == 1 &&
label.lines.slice(-1)[0].intertype == 'branch' &&
// label.lines.slice(-1)[0].label && // nonconditional branch
label.lines.slice(-1)[0].label == label.outLabels[0] &&
func.labelsDict[label.outLabels[0]].inLabels.length == 1) {
//print("// and target: " + func.labelsDict[label.outLabels[0]].inLabels);
mergeLabels(label.ident, label.outLabels[0]);
worked = true;
@ -491,7 +473,9 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
function getLastLine(block) {
//dprint('get last line at: ' + block.labels[0].ident);
if (!block) return null; // Completely empty block (probably had only a branch,
// which was optimized out)
dprint('relooping', 'get last line at: ' + block.labels[0].ident);
if (block.next) return getLastLine(block.next);
switch(block.type) {
case 'loop':
@ -504,17 +488,13 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
if (block.labels.length == 1) {
return block.labels[0].lines.slice(-1)[0];
} else {
//for (var i = 0; i < block.labels.length; i++)
//print('Remaining label is at line: ' + block.labels[i].lines[0].lineNum);
return null; // throw "Not clear what the last line is."
return null;
function getAll(fromId, beforeIds) {
beforeIds = beforeIds ? beforeIds : [];
//print("//getAll : " + fromId + ' : ' + beforeIds);
if (beforeIds && beforeIds.indexOf(fromId) != -1) return [];
//print("getAll proceeding");
var from = labelsDict[fromId];
return dedup([from].concat(
from.outLabels.map(function(outLabel) { return getAll(outLabel, beforeIds.concat(fromId)) })
@ -526,9 +506,9 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
label.outLabels = [];
return label;
dprint("\n\n// XXX MAKEBLOCK " + entry + ', num labels: ' + labels.length + ' and they are: ' + getLabelIds(labels));
dprint('relooping', "\n\n// XXX MAKEBLOCK " + entry + ', num labels: ' + labels.length + ' and they are: ' + getLabelIds(labels));
if (labels.length == 0 || !entry) {
print('//empty labels or entry');
dprint('relooping', '//empty labels or entry');
function forLabelLines(labels, func) {
@ -544,17 +524,17 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
var split = splitter(labels, function(label) { return label.ident == entry });
var first = split.splitOut[0];
if (!first) {
print("//no first line");
dprint('relooping', "//no first line");
var others = split.leftIn;
var lastLine = first.lines.slice(-1)[0];
dprint("// makeBlock " + entry + ' : ' + getLabelIds(labels) + ' IN: ' + first.inLabels + ' OUT: ' + first.outLabels);
dprint('relooping', "// makeBlock " + entry + ' : ' + getLabelIds(labels) + ' IN: ' + first.inLabels + ' OUT: ' + first.outLabels);
// If we have one outgoing, and none incoming - make this a block of 1,
// and move on the others (forgetting ourself, so they are now also
// totally self-enclosed, once we start them)
if (first.inLabels.length == 0 && first.outLabels.length == 1) {
dprint(' Creating simple emulated');
dprint('relooping', ' Creating simple emulated');
assertEq(lastLine.intertype, 'branch');
// assertEq(!!lastLine.label, true);
return {
@ -564,16 +544,13 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
next: makeBlock(replaceInLabels(others, entry), first.outLabels[0], labelsDict),
//print('// loop ? a');
// Looping structures - in some way, we can get back to here
if (first.outLabels.length > 0 && first.allInLabels.indexOf(entry) != -1) {
//print('// loop ? b');
// Look for outsiders - labels no longer capable of getting here. Those must be
// outside the loop. Insiders are those that can get back to the entry
var split2 = splitter(others, function(label) { return label.allOutLabels.indexOf(entry) == -1 });
var outsiders = split2.splitOut;
var insiders = split2.leftIn;
//print('// potential loop : in/out : ' + getLabelIds(insiders) + ' to ' + getLabelIds(outsiders));
// Hopefully exactly one of the outsiders is a 'pivot' - a label to which all those leaving
// the loop must go. Then even some |if (falala) { ... break; }| will get ...
// as an outsider, but it will actually still be in the loop
@ -587,11 +564,18 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
// as all insiders must go through *all* of these. So we seek a pivot that
// is never reached by another pivot. That must be the one with fewest
// mustGetTo
//print("//pivots: " + pivots.length + ',' + JSON.stringify(getLabelIds(pivots)));
if (pivots.length >= 1) { // We have ourselves a loop
var pivot = null;
if (pivots.length >= 1) {
pivots.sort(function(a, b) { return b.mustGetTo.length - a.mustGetTo.length });
var pivot = pivots[0];
dprint(' Creating LOOP : ' + entry + ' insiders: ' + getLabelIds(insiders) + ' to pivot: ' + pivot.ident);
pivot = pivots[0];
if (!(pivot.ident in searchable(first.outLabels))) {
// pivot must be right outside - no intermediates
// TODO: Handle this, so we can reloop a lot more stuff
pivot = null;
if (pivot) { // We have ourselves a loop
dprint('relooping', ' Creating LOOP : ' + entry + ' insiders: ' + getLabelIds(insiders) + ' to pivot: ' + pivot.ident);
var otherLoopLabels = insiders;
var loopLabels = insiders.concat([first]);
var nextLabels = outsiders;
@ -604,7 +588,7 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
if (0) {// XXX - make this work :label.outLabels.length == 1 && label.outLabels[0] == entry && !label.hasBreak && !label.hasReturn) {
// it can remove unneeded continues (but does too much right now, as the continue might have been
// placed into an emulated while(1) switch { }
replaceLabels(line, entry, 'BNOPP'); print("// zeezee " + line.lineNum);
replaceLabels(line, entry, 'BNOPP');
} else {
replaceLabels(line, entry, 'BCONT' + entry);
@ -620,6 +604,7 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
if (nextEntry == entry) { // We loop back to ourselves, the entire loop is just us
nextEntry = null;
dprint('relooping', "Entry into next: " + nextEntry);
var ret = {
type: 'loop',
labels: loopLabels,
@ -627,7 +612,7 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
inc: makeBlock([isolate(first)], entry, labelsDict),
rest: makeBlock(replaceInLabels(otherLoopLabels, entry), nextEntry, labelsDict),
dprint(' getting last line for block starting with ' + entry + ' and nextEntry: ' + nextEntry);
dprint('relooping', ' getting last line for block starting with ' + entry + ' and nextEntry: ' + nextEntry);
var lastLoopLine = getLastLine(nextEntry ? ret.rest : ret.inc);
if (lastLoopLine) {
replaceLabels(lastLoopLine, 'BCONT' + entry, 'BNOPP'); // Last line will feed back into the loop anyhow
@ -642,7 +627,6 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
if (labelsDict[first.outLabels[1]].mustGetTo.indexOf(first.outLabels[0]) != -1) {
first.outLabels.push(first.outLabels.shift()); // Reverse order - normalize. Very fast check anyhow
//print('// if? labels are ' + JSON.stringify(first.outLabels));
if (labelsDict[first.outLabels[0]].mustGetTo.indexOf(first.outLabels[1]) != -1) {
var ifLabelId = first.outLabels[0];
var outLabelId = first.outLabels[1];
@ -652,8 +636,7 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
var nextLabels = getAll(outLabelId);
// If we can get to the outside in more than 2 ways (one from if, one from True clause) - have breaks
var breaking = labelsDict[outLabelId].allInLabels.length > 2;
dprint(' Creating XXX IF: ' + getLabelIds(ifTrueLabels) + ' to ' + outLabelId + ' ==> ' + getLabelIds(nextLabels) + ' breaking: ' + breaking);
//print('// if separation: ' + labels.length + ' = ' + ifLabels.length + ' + ' + nextLabels.length + ' (' + ifTrueLabels.length + ')');
dprint('relooping', ' Creating XXX IF: ' + getLabelIds(ifTrueLabels) + ' to ' + outLabelId + ' ==> ' + getLabelIds(nextLabels) + ' breaking: ' + breaking);
if (breaking) {
// Rework branches out of the if into new 'break' labels
forLabelLines(ifTrueLabels, function(line) {
@ -676,7 +659,7 @@ print('// zz Merged away! ' + label2.ident + ' into ' + label1.ident);
// Give up on this structure - emulate it
dprint(' Creating complex emulated');
dprint('relooping', ' Creating complex emulated');
return def;