roundy math ops (add etc.) in i64=1

This commit is contained in:
Alon Zakai 2011-11-11 15:30:21 -08:00
Родитель 7ea5dd5b4e
Коммит 43c47cb259
3 изменённых файлов: 35 добавлений и 4 удалений

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@ -540,10 +540,15 @@ function makeI64(low, high) {
// Splits a number (an integer in a double, possibly > 32 bits) into an I64_MODE 1 i64 value
// Splits a number (an integer in a double, possibly > 32 bits) into an I64_MODE 1 i64 value.
// Will suffer from rounding. margeI64 does the opposite.
function splitI64(value) {
assert(I64_MODE == 1);
return makeI64(value + '|0', 'Math.floor(' + value + '/4294967296)');
return '(tempInt=' + value + ',' + makeI64('tempInt|0', 'Math.floor(tempInt/4294967296)') + ')';
function mergeI64(value) {
assert(I64_MODE == 1);
return '(tempI64=' + value + ',tempI64[0]+tempI64[1]*4294967296)';
function makeCopyI64(value) {
@ -1469,6 +1474,12 @@ function processMathop(item) { with(item) {
case 'select': return ident1 + ' ? ' + makeCopyI64(ident2) + ' : ' + makeCopyI64(ident3);
case 'ptrtoint': case 'inttoptr': throw 'Pointers cannot be 64-bit!';
// Dangerous, rounded operations. TODO: Fully emulate
case 'add': return handleOverflow(splitI64(mergeI64(ident1) + '+' + mergeI64(ident2)), bits);
case 'sub': return handleOverflow(splitI64(mergeI64(ident1) + '-' + mergeI64(ident2)), bits);
case 'sdiv': case 'udiv': return splitI64(makeRounding(mergeI64(ident1) + '/' + mergeI64(ident2), bits, op[0] === 's'));
case 'mul': return handleOverflow(splitI64(mergeI64(ident1) + '*' + mergeI64(ident2)), bits);
case 'urem': return splitI64(mergeI64(ident1) + '%' + mergeI64(ident2));
default: throw 'Unsupported i64 mode 1 op: ' + item.op;

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@ -382,6 +382,9 @@ var ABORT = false;
var undef = 0;
var tempValue, tempInt, tempBigInt;
#if I64_MODE == 1
var tempI64, tempI64b;
function abort(text) {
print(text + ':\n' + (new Error).stack);

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ if 'benchmark' not in str(sys.argv):
Settings.I64_MODE = 1
src = r'''
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
@ -414,6 +415,15 @@ if 'benchmark' not in str(sys.argv):
t |= 12;
int truthy() {
int x = time(0);
while (x > 10) {
x |= 7;
x /= 2;
return x < 3;
int main()
int64_t x1 = 0x1234def123450789ULL;
@ -434,13 +444,20 @@ if 'benchmark' not in str(sys.argv):
printf("*%Ld*\n", t);
// Basic (rounded, for now) math
int64_t a = 0x1234def123450789ULL;
a--; if (truthy()) a--; // confuse optimizer
int64_t b = 0x1234000000450789ULL;
b++; if (truthy()) b--; // confuse optimizer
printf("*%Ld,%Ld,%Ld*\n", a+b, a-b, a*3, a/5);
return 0;
self.do_run(src, '*1311918518731868200\n0,0,0,1,1\n1,0,1,0,1*\n*245127260211081*\n*245127260209443*\n' +
'*18446744073709552000*\n*576460752303423500*\n' +
'm1: 127\n*123*\n*127*\n')
'm1: 127\n*123*\n*127*\n' +
def test_unsigned(self):