Implemented a GCC-alike printf/_formatString.

This commit is contained in:
max99x 2011-06-27 10:10:40 +03:00
Родитель c3ab593294
Коммит 4c2ba0ca7d
4 изменённых файлов: 16333 добавлений и 47 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ var Library = {
sscanf: '_scanString',
_formatString__deps: ['$STDIO'],
_formatString__deps: ['$STDIO', 'isdigit'],
_formatString: function() {
function isFloatArg(type) {
return String.fromCharCode(type) in Runtime.set('f', 'e', 'g');
return String.toLowerCase().fromCharCode(type) in Runtime.set('f', 'e', 'g');
var cStyle = false;
var textIndex = arguments[0];
@ -101,66 +101,345 @@ var Library = {
if (curr === 0) break;
next = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
if (curr == '%'.charCodeAt(0)) {
// Handle very very simply formatting, namely only %.X[f|d|u|etc.]
var precision = -1;
if (next == '.'.charCodeAt(0)) {
precision = 0;
while(1) {
var precisionChr = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
if (!(precisionChr >= '0'.charCodeAt(0) && precisionChr <= '9'.charCodeAt(0))) break;
precision *= 10;
precision += precisionChr - '0'.charCodeAt(0);
next = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
if (next == 'l'.charCodeAt(0) || next == 'L'.charCodeAt(0)) {
next = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
if (isFloatArg(next)) {
next = 'f'.charCodeAt(0); // no support for 'e'
if (['d', 'i', 'u', 'p', 'f'].indexOf(String.fromCharCode(next)) != -1) {
var currArg;
var argText;
currArg = getNextArg(next);
argText = String(+currArg); // +: boolean=>int
if (next == 'u'.charCodeAt(0)) {
argText = String(unSign(currArg, 32));
} else if (next == 'p'.charCodeAt(0)) {
argText = '0x' + currArg.toString(16);
} else {
argText = String(+currArg); // +: boolean=>int
if (precision >= 0) {
if (isFloatArg(next)) {
argText = (Math.round(currArg*Math.pow(10,precision))/Math.pow(10,precision)).toString();
var dotIndex = argText.indexOf('.');
if (dotIndex == -1 && next == 'f'.charCodeAt(0)) {
dotIndex = argText.length;
argText += '.';
// Handle flags.
var flagAlwaysSigned = false;
var flagLeftAlign = false;
var flagAlternative = false;
var flagZeroPad = false;
flagsLoop: while (1) {
switch (next) {
case '+'.charCodeAt(0):
flagAlwaysSigned = true;
case '-'.charCodeAt(0):
flagLeftAlign = true;
case '#'.charCodeAt(0):
flagAlternative = true;
case '0'.charCodeAt(0):
if (flagZeroPad) {
break flagsLoop;
} else {
flagZeroPad = true;
argText += '00000000000'; // padding
argText = argText.substr(0, dotIndex+1+precision);
break flagsLoop;
next = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
// Handle width.
var width = 0;
if (next == '*'.charCodeAt(0)) {
width = getNextArg('i');
next = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
} else {
while (_isdigit(next)) {
width = width * 10 + (next - '0'.charCodeAt(0));
next = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
// Handle precision.
var precisionSet = false;
if (next == '.'.charCodeAt(0)) {
var precision = 0;
precisionSet = true;
next = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
if (next == '*'.charCodeAt(0)) {
precision = getNextArg('i');
} else {
while(1) {
var precisionChr = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
if (!_isdigit(precisionChr)) break;
precision *= 10;
precision += precisionChr - '0'.charCodeAt(0);
next = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
} else {
var precision = 6; // Standard default.
// Handle (ignore) integer sizes.
if (next == 'l'.charCodeAt(0) && {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+2', 'i8') }}} == 'l'.charCodeAt(0) ||
next == 'h'.charCodeAt(0) && {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+2', 'i8') }}} == 'h'.charCodeAt(0)) {
textIndex += 2;
next = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
} else if (next == 'l'.charCodeAt(0) || next == 'L'.charCodeAt(0) ||
next == 'h'.charCodeAt(0) || next == 'z'.charCodeAt(0) ||
next == 'j'.charCodeAt(0) || next == 't'.charCodeAt(0)) {
next = {{{ makeGetValue(0, 'textIndex+1', 'i8') }}};
// Handle type specifier.
var isNumeric = false;
if (['d', 'i', 'u', 'o', 'x', 'X', 'p'].indexOf(String.fromCharCode(next)) != -1) {
// Integer.
var isNumeric = true;
var currArg = +getNextArg(next); // +: boolean=>int
var currAbsArg = Math.abs(currArg);
var argText;
var prefix = '';
if (next == 'd'.charCodeAt(0) || next == 'i'.charCodeAt(0)) {
argText = currAbsArg.toString(10);
} else if (next == 'u'.charCodeAt(0)) {
argText = unSign(currAbsArg, 32).toString(10);
} else if (next == 'o'.charCodeAt(0)) {
argText = (flagAlternative ? '0' : '') + currAbsArg.toString(8);
} else if (next == 'x'.charCodeAt(0)) {
prefix = flagAlternative ? '0x' : '';
argText = currAbsArg.toString(16);
} else if (next == 'X'.charCodeAt(0)) {
prefix = flagAlternative ? '0X' : '';
argText = currAbsArg.toString(16).toUpperCase();
} else if (next == 'p'.charCodeAt(0)) {
prefix = '0x';
argText = currAbsArg.toString(16);
if (precisionSet) {
while (argText.length < precision) {
argText = '0' + argText;
// Add sign.
if (currArg < 0) {
prefix = '-' + prefix;
} else if (flagAlwaysSigned) {
prefix = '+' + prefix;
// Add padding.
while (prefix.length + argText.length < width) {
if (flagLeftAlign) {
argText += ' ';
} else {
while (argText.length < precision) {
if (flagZeroPad) {
argText = '0' + argText;
} else {
prefix = ' ' + prefix;
argText = prefix + argText;
argText.split('').forEach(function(chr) {
textIndex += 2;
} else if (['f', 'F', 'e', 'E', 'g', 'G'].indexOf(String.fromCharCode(next)) != -1) {
// Float.
// To properly reproduce the C behaviour, we need to do a round trip
// through the JS number formatter. Slow, but good for compatibility
// and is probably not a bottleneck in typical usage scenarios.
var isNumeric = true;
var currArg = +getNextArg(next); // +: boolean=>int
var absArgText = String(Math.abs(currArg));
if (absArgText == 'NaN' || absArgText == 'Infinity') {
// Special values.
absArgText = absArgText.slice(0, 3);
if (next > 'Z'.charCodeAt(0)) {
absArgText = absArgText.toLowerCase();
} else {
absArgText = absArgText.toUpperCase();
if (currArg < 0) ret.push('-'.charCodeAt(0));
absArgText.split('').forEach(function(chr) {
} else {
var isGeneral = false;
// Split the number into whole, fraction and exponent.
var indexOfPeriod = absArgText.indexOf('.');
var indexOfE = absArgText.indexOf('e');
var wholePart, fractionPart, exponentPart;
if (indexOfE == -1) {
if (indexOfPeriod == -1) {
wholePart = absArgText;
fractionPart = '';
} else {
wholePart = absArgText.slice(0, indexOfPeriod);
fractionPart = absArgText.slice(indexOfPeriod + 1);
exponentPart = '';
} else {
if (indexOfPeriod == -1) {
wholePart = absArgText.slice(0, indexOfE);
fractionPart = '';
} else {
wholePart = absArgText.slice(0, indexOfPeriod);
fractionPart = absArgText.slice(indexOfPeriod + 1, indexOfE);
exponentPart = absArgText.slice(indexOfE + 1);
var exponent = parseInt(exponentPart || 0, 10);
// Normalize it so wholePart is one digit.
if (wholePart == '0') {
while (fractionPart[0] == '0') {
fractionPart = fractionPart.slice(1);
if (fractionPart) {
wholePart = fractionPart[0];
fractionPart = fractionPart.slice(1);
} else {
exponent += wholePart.length - 1;
fractionPart = wholePart.slice(1) + fractionPart;
wholePart = wholePart[0];
// Convert g/G to f/F or e/E, as per:
if (next == 'g'.charCodeAt(0) || next == 'G'.charCodeAt(0)) {
isGeneral = true;
precision = precision || 1;
if (precision > exponent && exponent >= -4) {
next = ((next == 'g'.charCodeAt(0)) ? 'f' : 'F').charCodeAt(0);
precision -= exponent + 1;
} else {
next = ((next == 'g'.charCodeAt(0)) ? 'e' : 'E').charCodeAt(0);
// Round or pad a fractional part given the current precision.
var applyPrecision = function(fractionPart) {
if (precision == 0) {
fractionPart = '';
} else if (fractionPart.length > precision) {
fractionPart = fractionPart.slice(0, precision) + '.' + fractionPart[precision];
fractionPart = Math.round(parseFloat(fractionPart)).toString(10);
while (fractionPart.length < precision) {
fractionPart = '0' + fractionPart;
} else {
while (fractionPart.length < precision) {
fractionPart += '0';
if (isGeneral && !flagAlternative) {
while (fractionPart[fractionPart.length - 1] == '0') {
fractionPart = fractionPart.slice(0, -1);
return fractionPart;
var parts = [];
if (next == 'f'.charCodeAt(0) || next == 'F'.charCodeAt(0)) {
// Fixed point.
if (exponent) {
// Denormalize.
if (exponent > 0) {
var step = Math.min(exponent, fractionPart.length);
wholePart += fractionPart.slice(0, step);
fractionPart = fractionPart.slice(step);
exponent -= step;
while (exponent-- > 0) wholePart += '0';
} else {
var step = Math.min(-exponent, wholePart.length);
fractionPart = wholePart.slice(-step) + fractionPart;
wholePart = wholePart.slice(0, -step);
exponent += step;
while (exponent++ < 0) fractionPart = '0' + fractionPart;
if (precision == 0) {
wholePart = Math.round(parseFloat(wholePart + '.' + fractionPart)).toString(10);
fractionPart = '';
parts.push(wholePart || '0');
if (fractionPart) {
fractionPart = applyPrecision(fractionPart);
if (parseInt(fractionPart, 10) > 0) parts.push(fractionPart);
} else if (flagAlternative) {
} else {
// Scientific notation.
fractionPart = applyPrecision(fractionPart);
if (parseInt(fractionPart, 10) > 0 && precision != 0) {
} else if (flagAlternative) {
if (exponent || !isGeneral) {
parts.push(exponent >= 0 ? '+' : '-');
if (Math.abs(exponent) < 10) parts.push('0');
// Add sign.
if (currArg < 0) {
} else if (flagAlwaysSigned) {
// Add padding.
var argText = parts.join('');
while (argText.length < width) {
if (flagLeftAlign) {
argText += ' ';
} else {
if (flagZeroPad && (argText[0] == '-' || argText[0] == '+')) {
argText = argText[0] + '0' + argText.slice(1);
} else {
argText = (flagZeroPad ? '0' : ' ') + argText;
argText.split('').forEach(function(chr) {
textIndex += 2;
} else if (next == 's'.charCodeAt(0)) {
ret = ret.concat(String_copy(getNextArg(next)));
// String.
var copiedString = String_copy(getNextArg(next));
if (precisionSet && copiedString.length > precision) {
copiedString = copiedString.slice(0, precision);
if (!flagLeftAlign) {
while (copiedString.length < width--) {
ret.push(' '.charCodeAt(0));
ret = ret.concat(copiedString);
if (flagLeftAlign) {
while (copiedString.length < width--) {
ret.push(' '.charCodeAt(0));
textIndex += 2;
} else if (next == 'c'.charCodeAt(0)) {
ret = ret.concat(getNextArg(next));
if (flagLeftAlign) ret = ret.concat(getNextArg(next));
while (--width > 0) {
ret.push(' '.charCodeAt(0));
if (!flagLeftAlign) ret = ret.concat(getNextArg(next));
textIndex += 2;
} else if (next == 'n'.charCodeAt(0)) {
// TODO: Implement. Requires arguments to be passed in C-style.
// {{{ makeSetValue('argIndex', '0', 'ret.length', 'i32') }}}
textIndex += 2;
} else {
// TODO: Add support for a/A specifiers (hex float).
textIndex += 2; // not sure what to do with this %, so print it

tests/printf/output.txt Normal file

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

tests/printf/test.c Normal file

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Просмотреть файл

@ -1976,6 +1976,11 @@ if 'benchmark' not in sys.argv:
self.do_test(src, 'In func: 13*First calling main_fptr from lib.*Second calling lib_fptr from main.*Var: 42*',
output_nicerizer=lambda x: x.replace('\n', '*'))
def test_printf(self):
src = open(path_from_root('tests', 'printf', 'test.c'), 'r').read()
expected = open(path_from_root('tests', 'printf', 'output.txt'), 'r').read()
self.do_test(src, expected)
def test_files(self):
global CORRECT_SIGNS; CORRECT_SIGNS = 1 # Just so our output is what we expect. Can flip them both.
def post(filename):