support for binding static functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -2615,6 +2615,7 @@ if 'benchmark' not in sys.argv:
Child2() : Parent(9) { printf("Child2:%d\\n", value); };
int getValCube() { return value*value*value; }
static void printStatic() { printf("*static*\\n"); }
void doSomethingSecret() { printf("security breached!\\n"); }; // we should not be able to do this
@ -2688,6 +2689,8 @@ if 'benchmark' not in sys.argv:
} catch(e) {}
Child2.prototype.printStatic(); // static calls go through the prototype
@ -2725,6 +2728,7 @@ Child2:9
''', post_build=post2)
@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ for classname, clazz in parsed.classes.iteritems():
if args[i].get('default'):
method['first_default_param'] = i
if method['static']:
method['rtnType'] = method['rtnType'].replace('static', '')
# Second pass - generate bindings
# TODO: Bind virtual functions using dynamic binding in the C binding code
@ -110,8 +113,9 @@ def generate_class(generating_classname, classname, clazz):
args = method['parameters']
constructor = method['constructor'] # we fixed this before
destructor = method['destructor']
static = method['static']
print "zz generating: ", generating_classname, classname, mname, constructor
print "zz generating: ", generating_classname, classname, mname, constructor, method['rtnType']
if destructor: continue
if constructor and inherited: continue
@ -144,7 +148,7 @@ def generate_class(generating_classname, classname, clazz):
ret = ((classname + ' *') if constructor else method['rtnType']).replace('virtual ', '')
callprefix = 'new ' if constructor else 'self->'
callprefix = 'new ' if constructor else ('self->' if not static else (classname + '::'))
actualmname = ''
if mname == '__operator___assignment_':
@ -180,7 +184,8 @@ def generate_class(generating_classname, classname, clazz):
actualmname = method.get('truename') or mname
typedargs = ([] if constructor else [classname + ' * self']) + map(lambda arg: arg['type'] + ' ' + arg['name'], args)
need_self = not constructor and not static
typedargs = ([] if not need_self else [classname + ' * self']) + map(lambda arg: arg['type'] + ' ' + arg['name'], args)
justargs = map(lambda arg: arg['name'], args)
fullname = 'emscripten_bind_' + generating_classname + '__' + mname
generating_classname_suffixed = generating_classname
@ -208,7 +213,7 @@ def generate_class(generating_classname, classname, clazz):
%s %s_p%d(%s) {
''' % (ret, fullname, i, ', '.join(typedargs[:i + (0 if constructor else 1)]), 'return ' if ret.replace(' ', '') != 'void' else '', callprefix, actualmname, ', '.join(justargs[:i])))
''' % (ret, fullname, i, ', '.join(typedargs[:i + (0 if not need_self else 1)]), 'return ' if ret.replace(' ', '') != 'void' else '', callprefix, actualmname, ', '.join(justargs[:i])))
c_funcs.append(fullname + '_p' + str(i))
@ -230,8 +235,8 @@ def generate_class(generating_classname, classname, clazz):
calls += '''this.ptr = _%s_p%d(%s);
''' % (fullname, i, ', '.join(justargs[:i]))
calls += '''%s_%s_p%d(this.ptr%s);
''' % ('return ' if ret != 'void' else '', fullname, i, (', ' if i > 0 else '') + ', '.join(justargs[:i]))
calls += '''%s_%s_p%d(%s%s);
''' % ('return ' if ret != 'void' else '', fullname, i, 'this.ptr' if need_self else '', (', ' if i > 0 else '') + ', '.join(justargs[:i]))
print 'Maekin:', classname, generating_classname, mname, mname_suffixed
if constructor:
@ -269,7 +274,9 @@ for classname, clazz in classes.iteritems():
# Nothing to generate for pure virtual classes
def check_pure_virtual(clazz, progeny):
if any([check_pure_virtual(classes[parent['class']], [clazz] + progeny) for parent in clazz['inherits']]): return True
print 'Checking pure virtual for', clazz['name'], clazz['inherits']
# If we do not recognize any of the parent classes, assume this is pure virtual - ignore it
if any([((not parent['class'] in classes) or check_pure_virtual(classes[parent['class']], [clazz] + progeny)) for parent in clazz['inherits']]): return True
def dirtied(mname):
#print 'zz checking dirtiness for', mname, 'in', progeny
@ -312,6 +319,9 @@ for classname, clazz in classes.iteritems():
# In addition, generate all methods of parent classes. We do not inherit in JS (how would we do multiple inheritance etc.?)
for parent in clazz['inherits']:
if parent['class'] not in classes:
print 'Warning: parent class', parent, 'not a known class. Ignoring.'
generate_class(classname, parent['class'], classes[parent['class']])
# TODO: Add a destructor
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