Split emrun tests out of `browser` (#12594)
Unlike the other browser tests they don't use the test runner harness and instead launch their own browser. I was finding that running the test locally in isolation that browser test harness would interfere with the browser that emrun was starting.. since they both honor EMTEST_BROWSER.
This commit is contained in:
@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ commands:
cat $TMPDIR/fifo > /dev/null # wait until $EXTRA_AUTOSTART is spawned, which indicates the end of Openbox initialization
rm -r $TMPDIR
python3 tests/runner.py browser skip:browser.test_sdl2_mouse skip:browser.test_html5_webgl_create_context skip:browser.test_webgl_offscreen_canvas_in_pthread skip:browser.test_webgl_offscreen_canvas_in_mainthread_after_pthread skip:browser.test_glut_glutget
python3 tests/runner.py emrun
openbox --exit
wait || true # wait for startx to shutdown cleanly, or not
@ -279,6 +280,7 @@ commands:
# skip test_zzz_zzz_4GB_fail as it OOMs on the current bot
python3 tests/runner.py browser skip:browser.test_zzz_zzz_4GB_fail
python3 tests/runner.py emrun
description: "Runs emscripten sockets tests under chrome"
@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ def logv(msg):
Only shown if run with --verbose.
global last_message_time
with http_mutex:
if emrun_options.verbose:
if emrun_options.verbose:
with http_mutex:
if emrun_options.log_html:
@ -475,6 +475,7 @@ class HTTPWebServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
now = tick()
# Did user close browser?
if not emrun_options.no_browser and not is_browser_process_alive():
logv("Shutting down because browser is no longer alive")
if not emrun_options.serve_after_close:
self.is_running = False
@ -659,35 +660,34 @@ class HTTPHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
data = data.replace("+", " ")
data = unquote_u(data)
# The user page sent a message with POST. Parse the message and log it to stdout/stderr.
is_stdout = False
is_stderr = False
seq_num = -1
# The html shell is expected to send messages of form ^out^(number)^(message) or ^err^(number)^(message).
if data.startswith('^err^'):
is_stderr = True
elif data.startswith('^out^'):
is_stdout = True
if is_stderr or is_stdout:
i = data.index('^', 5)
seq_num = int(data[5:i])
data = data[i + 1:]
except ValueError:
is_exit = data.startswith('^exit^')
if data == '^pageload^': # Browser is just notifying that it has successfully launched the page.
have_received_messages = True
elif not is_exit:
elif data.startswith('^exit^'):
if not emrun_options.serve_after_exit:
page_exit_code = int(data[6:])
logv('Web page has quit with a call to exit() with return code ' + str(page_exit_code) + '. Shutting down web server. Pass --serve_after_exit to keep serving even after the page terminates with exit().')
# The user page sent a message with POST. Parse the message and log it to stdout/stderr.
is_stdout = False
is_stderr = False
seq_num = -1
# The html shell is expected to send messages of form ^out^(number)^(message) or ^err^(number)^(message).
if data.startswith('^err^'):
is_stderr = True
elif data.startswith('^out^'):
is_stdout = True
if is_stderr or is_stdout:
i = data.index('^', 5)
seq_num = int(data[5:i])
data = data[i + 1:]
except ValueError:
log = browser_loge if is_stderr else browser_logi
self.server.handle_incoming_message(seq_num, log, data)
elif not emrun_options.serve_after_exit:
page_exit_code = int(data[6:])
logv('Web page has quit with a call to exit() with return code ' + str(page_exit_code) + '. Shutting down web server. Pass --serve_after_exit to keep serving even after the page terminates with exit().')
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain')
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import zlib
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from urllib.request import urlopen
from runner import BrowserCore, path_from_root, has_browser, EMTEST_BROWSER
from runner import BrowserCore, RunnerCore, path_from_root, has_browser, EMTEST_BROWSER
from runner import no_wasm_backend, create_test_file, parameterized, ensure_dir
from tools import building
from tools import shared
@ -2438,77 +2438,6 @@ void *getBindBuffer() {
create_test_file('data.dat', 'data from the file ' + ('.' * 9000))
self.btest(path_from_root('tests', 'mmap_file.c'), expected='1', args=['--preload-file', 'data.dat'])
def test_emrun_info(self):
if not has_browser():
self.skipTest('need a browser')
result = self.run_process([path_from_root('emrun'), '--system_info', '--browser_info'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
assert 'CPU' in result
assert 'Browser' in result
assert 'Traceback' not in result
result = self.run_process([path_from_root('emrun'), '--list_browsers'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
assert 'Traceback' not in result
# Deliberately named as test_zzz_emrun to make this test the last one
# as this test may take the focus away from the main test window
# by opening a new window and possibly not closing it.
def test_zzz_emrun(self):
self.compile_btest([path_from_root('tests', 'test_emrun.c'), '--emrun', '-o', 'hello_world.html'])
if not has_browser():
self.skipTest('need a browser')
# We cannot run emrun from the temp directory the suite will clean up afterwards, since the
# browser that is launched will have that directory as startup directory, and the browser will
# not close as part of the test, pinning down the cwd on Windows and it wouldn't be possible to
# delete it. Therefore switch away from that directory before launching.
args_base = [path_from_root('emrun'), '--timeout', '30', '--safe_firefox_profile',
'--kill_exit', '--port', '6939', '--verbose',
'--log_stdout', self.in_dir('stdout.txt'),
'--log_stderr', self.in_dir('stderr.txt')]
# Verify that trying to pass argument to the page without the `--` separator will
# generate an actionable error message
err = self.expect_fail(args_base + ['--foo'])
self.assertContained('error: unrecognized arguments: --foo', err)
self.assertContained('remember to add `--` between arguments', err)
if EMTEST_BROWSER is not None:
# If EMTEST_BROWSER carried command line arguments to pass to the browser,
# (e.g. "firefox -profile /path/to/foo") those can't be passed via emrun,
# so strip them out.
browser_cmd = shlex.split(EMTEST_BROWSER)
browser_path = browser_cmd[0]
args_base += ['--browser', browser_path]
if len(browser_cmd) > 1:
browser_args = browser_cmd[1:]
if 'firefox' in browser_path and ('-profile' in browser_args or '--profile' in browser_args):
# emrun uses its own -profile, strip it out
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) # otherwise it throws with -headless
browser_args = parser.parse_known_args(browser_args)[1]
if browser_args:
args_base += ['--browser_args', ' ' + ' '.join(browser_args)]
for args in [
args_base + ['--private_browsing', '--port', '6941']
args += [self.in_dir('hello_world.html'), '--', '1', '2', '--3']
proc = self.run_process(args, check=False)
self.assertEqual(proc.returncode, 100)
stdout = open(self.in_dir('stdout.txt'), 'r').read()
stderr = open(self.in_dir('stderr.txt'), 'r').read()
self.assertContained('argc: 4', stdout)
self.assertContained('argv[3]: --3', stdout)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', stdout)
self.assertContained('Testing ASCII characters: !"$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~', stdout)
self.assertContained('Testing char sequences: %20%21 ä', stdout)
self.assertContained('hello, error stream!', stderr)
# This does not actually verify anything except that --cpuprofiler and --memoryprofiler compiles.
# Run interactive.test_cpuprofiler_memoryprofiler for interactive testing.
@ -4956,3 +4885,73 @@ window.close = function() {
# don't run this with the default extra_tries value, as this is
# *meant* to notice something random, a race condition.
class emrun(RunnerCore):
def test_emrun_info(self):
if not has_browser():
self.skipTest('need a browser')
result = self.run_process([path_from_root('emrun'), '--system_info', '--browser_info'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
assert 'CPU' in result
assert 'Browser' in result
assert 'Traceback' not in result
result = self.run_process([path_from_root('emrun'), '--list_browsers'], stdout=PIPE).stdout
assert 'Traceback' not in result
def test_emrun(self):
self.run_process([EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'test_emrun.c'), '--emrun', '-o', 'hello_world.html'])
if not has_browser():
self.skipTest('need a browser')
# We cannot run emrun from the temp directory the suite will clean up afterwards, since the
# browser that is launched will have that directory as startup directory, and the browser will
# not close as part of the test, pinning down the cwd on Windows and it wouldn't be possible to
# delete it. Therefore switch away from that directory before launching.
args_base = [path_from_root('emrun'), '--timeout', '30', '--safe_firefox_profile',
'--kill_exit', '--port', '6939', '--verbose',
'--log_stdout', self.in_dir('stdout.txt'),
'--log_stderr', self.in_dir('stderr.txt')]
# Verify that trying to pass argument to the page without the `--` separator will
# generate an actionable error message
err = self.expect_fail(args_base + ['--foo'])
self.assertContained('error: unrecognized arguments: --foo', err)
self.assertContained('remember to add `--` between arguments', err)
if EMTEST_BROWSER is not None:
# If EMTEST_BROWSER carried command line arguments to pass to the browser,
# (e.g. "firefox -profile /path/to/foo") those can't be passed via emrun,
# so strip them out.
browser_cmd = shlex.split(EMTEST_BROWSER)
browser_path = browser_cmd[0]
args_base += ['--browser', browser_path]
if len(browser_cmd) > 1:
browser_args = browser_cmd[1:]
if 'firefox' in browser_path and ('-profile' in browser_args or '--profile' in browser_args):
# emrun uses its own -profile, strip it out
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) # otherwise it throws with -headless
browser_args = parser.parse_known_args(browser_args)[1]
if browser_args:
args_base += ['--browser_args', ' ' + ' '.join(browser_args)]
for args in [
args_base + ['--private_browsing', '--port', '6941']
args += [self.in_dir('hello_world.html'), '--', '1', '2', '--3']
proc = self.run_process(args, check=False)
self.assertEqual(proc.returncode, 100)
stdout = open(self.in_dir('stdout.txt'), 'r').read()
stderr = open(self.in_dir('stderr.txt'), 'r').read()
self.assertContained('argc: 4', stdout)
self.assertContained('argv[3]: --3', stdout)
self.assertContained('hello, world!', stdout)
self.assertContained('Testing ASCII characters: !"$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~', stdout)
self.assertContained('Testing char sequences: %20%21 ä', stdout)
self.assertContained('hello, error stream!', stderr)
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