try to use a system compiler if using our clang fails to build the native optimizer; fixes #2997

This commit is contained in:
Alon Zakai 2014-11-16 16:46:34 -08:00
Родитель 37f69c0e69
Коммит c4904a8c63
2 изменённых файлов: 9 добавлений и 4 удалений

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@ -4407,7 +4407,7 @@ int main(void) {
output = Popen(NODE_JS + ['-e', 'require("./a.out.js")'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
assert output == ('hello, world!\n \n', ''), 'expected no output, got\n===\nSTDOUT\n%s\n===\nSTDERR\n%s\n===\n' % output
def zzztest_native_optimizer(self):
def test_native_optimizer(self):
old_debug = os.environ.get('EMCC_DEBUG')
old_native = os.environ.get('EMCC_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER')

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@ -32,9 +32,14 @@ def get_native_optimizer():
shared.logging.debug('building native optimizer')
output = shared.Cache.get_path('optimizer.exe')
subprocess.Popen([shared.CLANG, shared.path_from_root('tools', 'optimizer', 'optimizer.cpp'), '-O3', '-std=c++11', '-fno-exceptions', '-fno-rtti', '-o', output]).communicate() # , '-g', '-fno-omit-frame-pointer'
assert os.path.exists(output)
return output
errs = []
for compiler in [shared.CLANG, 'g++', 'clang++']: # try our clang first, otherwise hope for a system compiler in the path
shared.logging.debug(' using ' + compiler)
out, err = subprocess.Popen([shared.CLANG, shared.path_from_root('tools', 'optimizer', 'optimizer.cpp'), '-O3', '-std=c++11', '-fno-exceptions', '-fno-rtti', '-o', output], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
# for profiling/debugging: '-g', '-fno-omit-frame-pointer'
if os.path.exists(output): return output
raise Exception('failed to build native optimizer, errors from each attempt: ' + '\n=================\n'.join(errs))
return shared.Cache.get('optimizer.exe', create_optimizer, extension='exe')
# Check if we should run a pass or set of passes natively. if a set of passes, they must all be valid to run in the native optimizer at once.