initial porting of eliminator to native optimizer

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Alon Zakai 2014-11-11 14:17:58 -08:00
Родитель be68d22ae9
Коммит e5de2cd5e5
1 изменённых файлов: 764 добавлений и 4 удалений

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@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ IString TOPLEVEL("toplevel"),
@ -64,7 +66,8 @@ IString TOPLEVEL("toplevel"),
// Infrastructure
@ -715,6 +718,32 @@ void safeCopy(Ref target, Ref source) { // safely copy source onto target, even
*target = *temp;
void removeAllEmptySubNodes(Ref ast) {
traversePre(ast, [](Ref node) {
int index = -1;
if (node[0] == DEFUN) {
index = 3;
} else if (node[0] == BLOCK && !!node[1]) {
index = 1;
if (index > 0) {
Ref arr = node[index];
int skip = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr->size(); i++) {
if (skip) {
arr[i-skip] = arr[i];
if (isEmpty(deStat(arr[i]))) {
if (skip) arr->setSize(arr->size() - skip);
} else if (node[0] == SEQ && isEmpty(node[1])) {
safeCopy(node, node[2]);
// Calculations
int measureCost(Ref ast) {
@ -743,8 +772,17 @@ bool preciseF32 = false;
// Optimization passes
#define HASES \
bool has(const IString& str) { \
return count(str) > 0; \
} \
bool has(Ref node) { \
return count(node->getIString()) > 0; \
class StringSet : public std::unordered_set<IString> {
StringSet() {}
StringSet(const char *init) { // comma-delimited list
int size = strlen(init);
char *curr = (char*)malloc(size+1); // leaked!
@ -758,9 +796,7 @@ public:
bool has(Ref node) {
return count(node->getIString()) > 0;
StringSet USEFUL_BINARY_OPS("<< >> | & ^"),
@ -770,6 +806,9 @@ StringSet USEFUL_BINARY_OPS("<< >> | & ^"),
COERCION_REQUIRING_OPS("sub unary-prefix"), // ops that in asm must be coerced right away
COERCION_REQUIRING_BINARIES("* / %"); // binary ops that in asm must be coerced
StringSet ASSOCIATIVE_BINARIES("+ * | & ^"),
NAME_OR_NUM("name num");
bool isFunctionTable(const char *name) {
static const char *functionTable = "FUNCTION_TABLE";
static unsigned size = strlen(functionTable);
@ -780,6 +819,725 @@ bool isFunctionTable(Ref value) {
return value->isString() && isFunctionTable(value->getCString());
// Passes
// Eliminator aka Expressionizer
// The goal of this pass is to eliminate unneeded variables (which represent one of the infinite registers in the LLVM
// model) and thus to generate complex expressions where possible, for example
// var x = a(10);
// var y = HEAP[20];
// print(x+y);
// can be transformed into
// print(a(10)+HEAP[20]);
// The basic principle is to scan along the code in the order of parsing/execution, and keep a list of tracked
// variables that are current contenders for elimination. We must untrack when we see something that we cannot
// cross, for example, a write to memory means we must invalidate variables that depend on reading from
// memory, since if we change the order then we do not preserve the computation.
// We rely on some assumptions about emscripten-generated code here, which means we can do a lot more than
// a general JS optimization can. For example, we assume that SUB nodes (indexing like HEAP[..]) are
// memory accesses or FUNCTION_TABLE accesses, and in both cases that the symbol cannot be replaced although
// the contents can. So we assume FUNCTION_TABLE might have its contents changed but not be pointed to
// a different object, which allows
// var x = f();
// to be optimized (f could replace FUNCTION_TABLE, so in general JS eliminating x is not valid).
// In memSafe mode, we are more careful and assume functions can replace HEAP and FUNCTION_TABLE, which
// can happen in ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH mode
StringSet ELIMINATION_SAFE_NODES("var assign call if toplevel do return label switch binary unary-prefix"); // do is checked carefully, however
StringSet IGNORABLE_ELIMINATOR_SCAN_NODES("num toplevel string break continue dot"); // dot can only be STRING_TABLE.*
StringSet ABORTING_ELIMINATOR_SCAN_NODES("new object function defun for while array throw"); // we could handle some of these, TODO, but nontrivial (e.g. for while, the condition is hit multiple times after the body)
bool isTempDoublePtrAccess(Ref node) { // these are used in bitcasts; they are not really affecting memory, and should cause no invalidation
assert(node[0] == SUB);
return (node[2][0] == NAME && node[2][1] == TEMP_DOUBLE_PTR) ||
(node[2][0] == BINARY && ((node[2][2][0] == NAME && node[2][2][1] == TEMP_DOUBLE_PTR) ||
(node[2][3][0] == NAME && node[2][3][1] == TEMP_DOUBLE_PTR)));
class StringIntMap : public std::unordered_map<IString, int> {
class StringRefMap : public std::unordered_map<IString, Ref> {
void eliminate(Ref ast, bool memSafe=false) {
// Find variables that have a single use, and if they can be eliminated, do so
traverseFunctions(ast, [&memSafe](Ref func) {
AsmData asmData(func);
// First, find the potentially eliminatable functions: that have one definition and one use
StringIntMap definitions;
StringIntMap uses;
StringIntMap namings;
StringRefMap values;
StringIntMap varsToRemove; // variables being removed, that we can eliminate all 'var x;' of (this refers to VAR nodes we should remove)
// 1 means we should remove it, 2 means we successfully removed it
StringSet varsToTryToRemove; // variables that have 0 uses, but have side effects - when we scan we can try to remove them
// examine body and note locals
traversePre(func, [&](Ref node) {
IString type = node[0]->getIString();
assert(type != VAR);
if (type == NAME) {
IString& name = node[1]->getIString();
uses[name]++;// = uses[name] + 1;
} else if (type == ASSIGN) {
Ref target = node[2];
if (target[0] == NAME) {
IString& name = target[1]->getIString();
definitions[name]++;//= definitions[name] + 1;
uses[name]; // zero if not there already
if (!values.has(name)) values[name] = node[3];
assert(node[1]->isBool(true)); // not +=, -= etc., just =
uses[name]--; // because the name node will show up by itself in the previous case
namings[name]++;// = namings[name] + 1; // offset it here, this tracks the total times we are named
for (auto used : uses) {
namings[used.first] += used.second;
StringSet potentials; // local variables with 1 definition and 1 use
StringSet sideEffectFree; // whether a local variable has no side effects in its definition. Only relevant when there are no uses
auto unprocessVariable = [&](IString name) {
std::function<void (IString)> processVariable = [&](IString name) {
if (definitions[name] == 1 && uses[name] == 1) {
} else if (uses[name] == 0 && definitions[name] <= 1) { // no uses, no def or 1 def (cannot operate on phis, and the llvm optimizer will remove unneeded phis anyhow) (no definition means it is a function parameter, or a local with just |var x;| but no defining assignment)
bool sideEffects = false;
Ref value = values[name];
if (!!value) {
// TODO: merge with other side effect code
// First, pattern-match
// (HEAP32[((tempDoublePtr)>>2)]=((HEAP32[(($_sroa_0_0__idx1)>>2)])|0),HEAP32[(((tempDoublePtr)+(4))>>2)]=((HEAP32[((($_sroa_0_0__idx1)+(4))>>2)])|0),(+(HEAPF64[(tempDoublePtr)>>3])))
// which has no side effects and is the special form of converting double to i64.
if (!(value[0] == SEQ && value[1][0] == ASSIGN && value[1][2][0] == SUB && value[1][2][2][0] == BINARY && value[1][2][2][1] == RSHIFT &&
value[1][2][2][2][0] == NAME && value[1][2][2][2][1] == TEMP_DOUBLE_PTR)) {
// If not that, then traverse and scan normally.
sideEffects = hasSideEffects(value);
if (!sideEffects) {
varsToRemove[name] = !definitions[name] ? 2 : 1; // remove it normally
// Each time we remove a variable with 0 uses, if its value has no
// side effects and vanishes too, then we can remove a use from variables
// appearing in it, and possibly eliminate again
if (!!value) {
traversePre(value, [&](Ref node) {
if (node[0] == NAME) {
IString name = node[1]->getIString();
node[1]->setString(EMPTY); // we can remove this - it will never be shown, and should not be left to confuse us as we traverse
if (asmData.isLocal(name)) {
uses[name]--; // cannot be infinite recursion since we descend an energy function
assert(uses[name] >= 0);
} else {
varsToTryToRemove.insert(name); // try to remove it later during scanning
for (auto name : asmData.locals) {
//printErr('defs: ' + JSON.stringify(definitions));
//printErr('uses: ' + JSON.stringify(uses));
//printErr('values: ' + JSON.stringify(values));
//printErr('locals: ' + JSON.stringify(locals));
//printErr('varsToRemove: ' + JSON.stringify(varsToRemove));
//printErr('varsToTryToRemove: ' + JSON.stringify(varsToTryToRemove));
//printErr('potentials: ' + JSON.stringify(potentials));
// We can now proceed through the function. In each list of statements, we try to eliminate
struct Tracking {
bool usesGlobals, usesMemory;
Ref defNode;
StringSet deps;
bool doesCall;
class Tracked : public std::unordered_map<IString, Tracking> {
Tracked tracked;
bool globalsInvalidated = false; // do not repeat invalidations, until we track something new
bool memoryInvalidated = false;
bool callsInvalidated = false;
auto track = [&](IString name, Ref value, Ref defNode) { // add a potential that has just been defined to the tracked list, we hope to eliminate it
Tracking& track = tracked[name];
track.usesGlobals = false;
track.usesMemory = false;
track.doesCall = false;
bool ignoreName = false; // one-time ignorings of names, as first op in sub and call
traversePre(value, [&](Ref node) {
IString type = node[0]->getIString();
if (type == NAME) {
if (!ignoreName) {
IString name = node[1]->getIString();
if (!asmData.isLocal(name)) {
track.usesGlobals = true;
if (!potentials.has(name)) { // deps do not matter for potentials - they are defined once, so no complexity
} else {
ignoreName = false;
} else if (type == SUB) {
track.usesMemory = true;
ignoreName = true;
} else if (type == CALL) {
track.usesGlobals = true;
track.usesMemory = true;
track.doesCall = true;
ignoreName = true;
} else {
ignoreName = false;
globalsInvalidated = false;
memoryInvalidated = false;
callsInvalidated = false;
// TODO: invalidate using a sequence number for each type (if you were tracked before the last invalidation, you are cancelled). remove loops
#define INVALIDATE(what, check) \
auto invalidate##what = [&]() { \
std::vector<IString> temp; \
for (auto t : tracked) { \
IString name = t.first; \
Tracking& info = tracked[name]; \
if (check) { \
temp.push_back(name); \
} \
} \
for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) { \
tracked.erase(temp[i]); \
} \
INVALIDATE(Globals, info.usesGlobals);
INVALIDATE(Memory, info.usesMemory);
INVALIDATE(Calls, info.doesCall);
auto invalidateByDep = [&](IString dep) {
std::vector<IString> temp;
for (auto t : tracked) {
IString name = t.first;
Tracking& info = tracked[name];
if (info.deps.has(dep)) {
for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) {
std::function<void (IString name, Ref node)> doEliminate;
// Generate the sequence of execution. This determines what is executed before what, so we know what can be reordered. Using
// that, performs invalidations and eliminations
auto scan = [&](Ref node) {
bool abort = false;
bool allowTracking = true; // false inside an if; also prevents recursing in an if
std::function<void (Ref, bool, bool)> traverseInOrder = [&](Ref node, bool ignoreSub, bool ignoreName) {
if (abort) return;
IString type = node[0]->getIString();
if (type == ASSIGN) {
Ref target = node[2];
Ref value = node[3];
bool nameTarget = target[0] == NAME;
traverseInOrder(target, true, nameTarget); // evaluate left
traverseInOrder(value, false, false); // evaluate right
// do the actual assignment
if (nameTarget) {
IString name = target[1]->getIString();
if (!potentials.has(name)) {
if (!varsToTryToRemove.has(name)) {
// expensive check for invalidating specific tracked vars. This list is generally quite short though, because of
// how we just eliminate in short spans and abort when control flow happens TODO: history numbers instead
invalidateByDep(name); // can happen more than once per dep..
if (!asmData.isLocal(name) && !globalsInvalidated) {
globalsInvalidated = true;
// if we can track this name (that we assign into), and it has 0 uses and we want to remove its VAR
// definition - then remove it right now, there is no later chance
if (allowTracking && varsToRemove.has(name) && uses[name] == 0) {
track(name, node[3], node);
doEliminate(name, node);
} else {
// replace it in-place
safeCopy(node, value);
varsToRemove[name] = 2;
} else {
if (allowTracking) track(name, node[3], node);
} else if (target[0] == SUB) {
if (isTempDoublePtrAccess(target)) {
if (!globalsInvalidated) {
globalsInvalidated = true;
} else if (!memoryInvalidated) {
memoryInvalidated = true;
} else if (type == SUB) {
traverseInOrder(node[1], false, !memSafe); // evaluate inner
traverseInOrder(node[2], false, false); // evaluate outer
// ignoreSub means we are a write (happening later), not a read
if (!ignoreSub && !isTempDoublePtrAccess(node)) {
// do the memory access
if (!callsInvalidated) {
callsInvalidated = true;
} else if (type == VAR) {
Ref vars = node[1];
for (int i = 0; i < vars->size(); i++) {
IString name = vars[i][0]->getIString();
Ref value = vars[i][1];
if (!!value) {
traverseInOrder(value, false, false);
if (potentials.has(name) && allowTracking) {
track(name, value, node);
} else {
if (vars->size() == 1 && varsToTryToRemove.has(name) && !!value) {
// replace it in-place
value = make1(STAT, value);
safeCopy(node, value);
varsToRemove[name] = 2;
} else if (type == BINARY) {
bool flipped = false;
if (ASSOCIATIVE_BINARIES.has(node[1]) && !NAME_OR_NUM.has(node[2][0]) && NAME_OR_NUM.has(node[3][0])) { // TODO recurse here?
// associatives like + and * can be reordered in the simple case of one of the sides being a name, since we assume they are all just numbers
Ref temp = node[2];
node[2] = node[3];
node[3] = temp;
flipped = true;
traverseInOrder(node[2], false, false);
traverseInOrder(node[3], false, false);
if (flipped && NAME_OR_NUM.has(node[2][0])) { // dunno if we optimized, but safe to flip back - and keeps the code closer to the original and more readable
Ref temp = node[2];
node[2] = node[3];
node[3] = temp;
} else if (type == NAME) {
if (!ignoreName) { // ignoreName means we are the name of something like a call or a sub - irrelevant for us
IString name = node[1]->getIString();
if (tracked.has(name)) {
doEliminate(name, node);
} else if (!asmData.isLocal(name) && !callsInvalidated) {
callsInvalidated = true;
} else if (type == UNARY_PREFIX) { //|| type == 'unary-postfix') {
traverseInOrder(node[2], false, false);
} else if (type == CALL) {
traverseInOrder(node[1], false, true);
Ref args = node[2];
for (int i = 0; i < args->size(); i++) {
traverseInOrder(args[i], false, false);
if (callHasSideEffects(node)) {
// these two invalidations will also invalidate calls
if (!globalsInvalidated) {
globalsInvalidated = true;
if (!memoryInvalidated) {
memoryInvalidated = true;
} else if (type == IF) {
if (allowTracking) {
traverseInOrder(node[1], false, false); // can eliminate into condition, but nowhere else
if (!callsInvalidated) { // invalidate calls, since we cannot eliminate them into an if that may not execute!
callsInvalidated = true;
allowTracking = false;
traverseInOrder(node[2], false, false); // 2 and 3 could be 'parallel', really..
if (!!node[3]) traverseInOrder(node[3], false, false);
allowTracking = true;
} else {
} else if (type == BLOCK) {
Ref stats = node[1];
if (!!stats) {
for (int i = 0; i < stats->size(); i++) {
traverseInOrder(stats[i], false, false);
} else if (type == STAT) {
traverseInOrder(node[1], false, false);
} else if (type == LABEL) {
traverseInOrder(node[2], false, false);
} else if (type == SEQ) {
traverseInOrder(node[1], false, false);
traverseInOrder(node[2], false, false);
} else if (type == DO) {
if (node[1][0] == NUM && node[1][1]->getNumber() == 0) { // one-time loop
traverseInOrder(node[2], false, false);
} else {
} else if (type == RETURN) {
if (!!node[1]) traverseInOrder(node[1], false, false);
} else if (type == CONDITIONAL) {
if (!callsInvalidated) { // invalidate calls, since we cannot eliminate them into a branch of an LLVM select/JS conditional that does not execute
callsInvalidated = true;
traverseInOrder(node[1], false, false);
traverseInOrder(node[2], false, false);
traverseInOrder(node[3], false, false);
} else if (type == SWITCH) {
traverseInOrder(node[1], false, false);
StringSet originalTracked;
for (auto t : tracked) originalTracked.insert(t.first);
Ref cases = node[2];
for (int i = 0; i < cases->size(); i++) {
Ref c = cases[i];
assert(c[0]->isNull() || c[0][0] == NUM || (c[0][0] == UNARY_PREFIX && c[0][2][0] == NUM));
Ref stats = c[1];
for (int j = 0; j < stats->size(); j++) {
traverseInOrder(stats[j], false, false);
// We cannot track from one switch case into another, undo all new trackings TODO: general framework here, use in if-else as well
for (auto t : tracked) {
IString name = t.first;
if (!originalTracked.has(name)) {
Tracking& info = tracked[name];
if (info.usesGlobals || info.usesMemory || info.deps.size() > 0) {
tracked.clear(); // do not track from inside the switch to outside
} else {
abort = true;
traverseInOrder(node, false, false);
//var eliminationLimit = 0; // used to debugging purposes
doEliminate = [&](IString name, Ref node) {
//if (eliminationLimit == 0) return;
//printErr('elim!!!!! ' + name);
// yes, eliminate!
varsToRemove[name] = 2; // both assign and var definitions can have other vars we must clean up
Tracking& info = tracked[name];
Ref defNode = info.defNode;
if (!sideEffectFree.has(name)) {
assert(defNode[0] != VAR);
// assign
Ref value = defNode[3];
// wipe out the assign
safeCopy(defNode, makeEmpty());
// replace this node in-place
safeCopy(node, value);
} else {
// This has no side effects and no uses, empty it out in-place
safeCopy(node, makeEmpty());
traversePre(func, [&](Ref block) {
// Look for statements, including while-switch pattern
Ref stats = getStatements(block);
if (!stats && (block[0] == WHILE && block[2][0] == SWITCH)) {
stats = &(makeArray()->push_back(block[2]));
if (!stats) return;
for (int i = 0; i < stats->size(); i++) {
Ref node = deStat(stats[i]);
IString type = node[0]->getIString();
if (type == RETURN && i < stats->size()-1) {
stats->setSize(i+1); // remove any code after a return
// Check for things that affect elimination
} else {
tracked.clear(); // not a var or assign, break all potential elimination so far
//var seenUses = {}, helperReplacements = {}; // for looper-helper optimization
// clean up vars, and loop variable elimination
traversePre(func, [&](Ref node) {
// pre
IString type = node[0]->getIString();
assert(type != VAR);
if (type == ASSIGN && node[1]->isBool(true) && node[2][0] == NAME && node[3][0] == NAME && node[2][1] == node[3][1]) {
// elimination led to X = X, which we can just remove
safeCopy(node, makeEmpty());
}); /*, function(node, type) {
// post
if (type == NAME) {
var name = node[1];
if (name in helperReplacements) {
node[1] = helperReplacements[name];
return; // no need to track this anymore, we can't loop-optimize more than once
// track how many uses we saw. we need to know when a variable is no longer used (hence we run this in the post)
if (!(name in seenUses)) {
seenUses[name] = 1;
} else {
} else if (type == WHILE) {
if (!asm) return;
// try to remove loop helper variables specifically
var stats = node[2][1];
var last = stats[stats.length-1];
if (last && last[0] == IF && last[2][0] == BLOCK && last[3] && last[3][0] == BLOCK) {
var ifTrue = last[2];
var ifFalse = last[3];
var flip = false;
if (ifFalse[1][0] && ifFalse[1][ifFalse[1].length-1][0] == 'break') { // canonicalize break in the if-true
var temp = ifFalse;
ifFalse = ifTrue;
ifTrue = temp;
flip = true;
if (ifTrue[1][0] && ifTrue[1][ifTrue[1].length-1][0] == 'break') {
var assigns = ifFalse[1];
var loopers = [], helpers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < assigns.length; i++) {
if (assigns[i][0] == STAT && assigns[i][1][0] == ASSIGN) {
var assign = assigns[i][1];
if (assign[1] == true && assign[2][0] == NAME && assign[3][0] == NAME) {
var looper = assign[2][1];
var helper = assign[3][1];
if (definitions[helper] == 1 && seenUses[looper] == namings[looper] &&
!helperReplacements[helper] && !helperReplacements[looper]) {
// remove loop vars that are used in the rest of the else
for (var i = 0; i < assigns.length; i++) {
if (assigns[i][0] == STAT && assigns[i][1][0] == ASSIGN) {
var assign = assigns[i][1];
if (!(assign[1] == true && assign[2][0] == NAME && assign[3][0] == NAME) || loopers.indexOf(assign[2][1]) < 0) {
// this is not one of the loop assigns
traverse(assign, function(node, type) {
if (type == NAME) {
var index = loopers.indexOf(node[1]);
if (index < 0) index = helpers.indexOf(node[1]);
if (index >= 0) {
loopers.splice(index, 1);
helpers.splice(index, 1);
// remove loop vars that are used in the if
traverse(ifTrue, function(node, type) {
if (type == NAME) {
var index = loopers.indexOf(node[1]);
if (index < 0) index = helpers.indexOf(node[1]);
if (index >= 0) {
loopers.splice(index, 1);
helpers.splice(index, 1);
if (loopers.length == 0) return;
for (var l = 0; l < loopers.length; l++) {
var looper = loopers[l];
var helper = helpers[l];
// the remaining issue is whether loopers are used after the assignment to helper and before the last line (where we assign to it)
var found = -1;
for (var i = stats.length-2; i >= 0; i--) {
var curr = stats[i];
if (curr[0] == STAT && curr[1][0] == ASSIGN) {
var currAssign = curr[1];
if (currAssign[1] == true && currAssign[2][0] == NAME) {
var to = currAssign[2][1];
if (to == helper) {
found = i;
if (found < 0) return;
// if a loop variable is used after we assigned to the helper, we must save its value and use that.
// (note that this can happen due to elimination, if we eliminate an expression containing the
// loop var far down, past the assignment!)
// first, see if the looper and helpers overlap. Note that we check for this looper, compared to
// *ALL* the helpers. Helpers will be replaced by loopers as we eliminate them, potentially
// causing conflicts, so any helper is a concern.
var firstLooperUsage = -1;
var lastLooperUsage = -1;
var firstHelperUsage = -1;
for (var i = found+1; i < stats.length; i++) {
var curr = i < stats.length-1 ? stats[i] : last[1]; // on the last line, just look in the condition
traverse(curr, function(node, type) {
if (type == NAME) {
if (node[1] == looper) {
if (firstLooperUsage < 0) firstLooperUsage = i;
lastLooperUsage = i;
} else if (helpers.indexOf(node[1]) >= 0) {
if (firstHelperUsage < 0) firstHelperUsage = i;
if (firstLooperUsage >= 0) {
// the looper is used, we cannot simply merge the two variables
if ((firstHelperUsage < 0 || firstHelperUsage > lastLooperUsage) && lastLooperUsage+1 < stats.length && triviallySafeToMove(stats[found], asmData) &&
seenUses[helper] == namings[helper]) {
// the helper is not used, or it is used after the last use of the looper, so they do not overlap,
// and the last looper usage is not on the last line (where we could not append after it), and the
// helper is not used outside of the loop.
// just move the looper definition to after the looper's last use
stats.splice(lastLooperUsage+1, 0, stats[found]);
stats.splice(found, 1);
} else {
// they overlap, we can still proceed with the loop optimization, but we must introduce a
// loop temp helper variable
var temp = looper + '$looptemp';
assert(!(temp in asmData.vars));
for (var i = firstLooperUsage; i <= lastLooperUsage; i++) {
var curr = i < stats.length-1 ? stats[i] : last[1]; // on the last line, just look in the condition
traverse(curr, function looperToLooptemp(node, type) {
if (type == NAME) {
if (node[1] == looper) {
node[1] = temp;
} else if (type == ASSIGN && node[2][0] == NAME) {
// do not traverse the assignment target, phi assignments to the loop variable must remain
traverse(node[3], looperToLooptemp);
return null;
asmData.vars[temp] = asmData.vars[looper];
stats.splice(found, 0, [STAT, [ASSIGN, true, [NAME, temp], [NAME, looper]]]);
for (var l = 0; l < helpers.length; l++) {
for (var k = 0; k < helpers.length; k++) {
if (l != k && helpers[l] == helpers[k]) return; // it is complicated to handle a shared helper, abort
// hurrah! this is safe to do
//printErr("ELIM LOOP VAR " + JSON.stringify(loopers) + ' :: ' + JSON.stringify(helpers));
for (var l = 0; l < loopers.length; l++) {
var looper = loopers[l];
var helper = helpers[l];
varsToRemove[helper] = 2;
traverse(node, function(node, type) { // replace all appearances of helper with looper
if (type == NAME && node[1] == helper) node[1] = looper;
helperReplacements[helper] = looper; // replace all future appearances of helper with looper
helperReplacements[looper] = looper; // avoid any further attempts to optimize looper in this manner (seenUses is wrong anyhow, too)
// simplify the if. we remove the if branch, leaving only the else
if (flip) {
last[1] = simplifyNotCompsDirect([UNARY_PREFIX, '!', last[1]]);
var temp = last[2];
last[2] = last[3];
last[3] = temp;
if (loopers.length == assigns.length) {
} else {
var elseStats = getStatements(last[3]);
for (var i = 0; i < elseStats.length; i++) {
var stat = elseStats[i];
if (stat[0] == STAT) stat = stat[1];
if (stat[0] == ASSIGN && stat[2][0] == NAME) {
if (loopers.indexOf(stat[2][1]) >= 0) {
elseStats[i] = emptyNode();
}); */
for (auto v : varsToRemove) {
if (v.second == 2) asmData.deleteVar(v.first);
void eliminateMemSafe(Ref ast) {
eliminate(ast, true);
void simplifyExpressions(Ref ast) {
// Simplify common expressions used to perform integer conversion operations
// in cases where no conversion is needed.
@ -1435,6 +2193,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (str == "asm") {} // the default for us
else if (str == "asmPreciseF32") preciseF32 = true;
else if (str == "receiveJSON" || str == "emitJSON") {} // the default for us
else if (str == "eliminate") eliminate(doc);
else if (str == "eliminateMemSafe") eliminateMemSafe(doc);
else if (str == "simplifyExpressions") simplifyExpressions(doc);
else if (str == "optimizeFrounds") optimizeFrounds(doc);
else if (str == "simplifyIfs") simplifyIfs(doc);