Improve absolute path warning detection to work on Windows, and make the warning message more informative.

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Jukka Jylänki 2013-06-13 16:10:35 +03:00
Родитель 886e3158cf
Коммит f06dfed6a6
2 изменённых файлов: 5 добавлений и 4 удалений

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@ -853,9 +853,10 @@ try:
memory_init_file = int(newargs[i+1])
newargs[i] = ''
newargs[i+1] = ''
elif newargs[i].startswith(('-I/', '-L/')):
if not absolute_warning_shown:
logging.warning ('-I or -L of an absolute path encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript)') # Of course an absolute path to a non-system-specific library or header is fine, and you can ignore this warning. The danger are system headers that are e.g. x86 specific and nonportable. The emscripten bundled headers are modified to be portable, local system ones are generally not
elif newargs[i].startswith(('-I', '-L')):
path_name = newargs[i][2:]
if not absolute_warning_shown and os.path.isabs(path_name):
logging.warning ('-I or -L of an absolute path "' + newargs[i] + '" encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript)') # Of course an absolute path to a non-system-specific library or header is fine, and you can ignore this warning. The danger are system headers that are e.g. x86 specific and nonportable. The emscripten bundled headers are modified to be portable, local system ones are generally not
absolute_warning_shown = True
newargs = [ arg for arg in newargs if arg is not '' ]

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@ -10507,7 +10507,7 @@ f.close()
(['-Lsubdir/something'], False),
([], False)]:
err = Popen([PYTHON, EMCC, 'main.c'] + args, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[1]
assert ('-I or -L of an absolute path encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript)' in err) == expected, err
assert ('encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript)' in err) == expected, err
def test_local_link(self):
# Linking a local library directly, like /usr/lib/, cannot work of course since it