171 строка
5.8 KiB
171 строка
5.8 KiB
import os, sys, subprocess, multiprocessing, re
import shared
temp_files = shared.TempFiles()
__rootpath__ = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
def path_from_root(*pathelems):
return os.path.join(__rootpath__, *pathelems)
JS_OPTIMIZER = path_from_root('tools', 'js-optimizer.js')
WINDOWS = sys.platform.startswith('win')
DEBUG = os.environ.get('EMCC_DEBUG')
def run_on_chunk(command):
filename = command[2] # XXX hackish
output = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
assert len(output) > 0 and not output.startswith('Assertion failed'), 'Error in js optimizer: ' + output
filename = temp_files.get(os.path.basename(filename) + '.jo.js').name
f = open(filename, 'w')
return filename
def run(filename, passes, js_engine, jcache):
if jcache: shared.JCache.ensure()
if type(passes) == str:
passes = [passes]
js = open(filename).read()
if os.linesep != '\n':
js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n') # we assume \n in the splitting code
# Find suffix
suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
suffix = ''
if suffix_start >= 0:
suffix = js[suffix_start:js.find('\n', suffix_start)] + '\n'
# if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.
generated = set(eval(suffix[len(suffix_marker)+1:]))
if not suffix and jcache:
# JCache cannot be used without metadata, since it might reorder stuff, and that's dangerous since only generated can be reordered
# This means jcache does not work after closure compiler runs, for example. But you won't get much benefit from jcache with closure
# anyhow (since closure is likely the longest part of the build).
if DEBUG: print >>sys.stderr, 'js optimizer: no metadata, so disabling jcache'
jcache = False
# If we process only generated code, find that and save the rest on the side
func_sig = re.compile('function (_[\w$]+)\(')
if suffix:
pos = 0
gen_start = 0
gen_end = 0
while 1:
m = func_sig.search(js, pos)
if not m: break
pos = m.end()
ident = m.group(1)
if ident in generated:
if not gen_start:
gen_start = m.start()
assert gen_start
gen_end = js.find('\n}\n', m.end()) + 3
assert gen_end > gen_start
pre = js[:gen_start]
post = js[gen_end:]
js = js[gen_start:gen_end]
pre = ''
post = ''
# Pick where to split into chunks, so that (1) they do not oom in node/uglify, and (2) we can run them in parallel
# If we have metadata, we split only the generated code, and save the pre and post on the side (and do not optimize them)
parts = map(lambda part: part, js.split('\n}\n'))
funcs = []
for i in range(len(parts)):
func = parts[i]
if i < len(parts)-1: func += '\n}\n' # last part needs no }
m = func_sig.search(func)
if m:
ident = m.group(1)
if suffix: continue # ignore whitespace
ident = 'anon_%d' % i
funcs.append((ident, func))
parts = None
total_size = len(js)
js = None
chunks = shared.JCache.chunkify(funcs, BEST_JS_PROCESS_SIZE, 'jsopt' if jcache else None)
if jcache:
# load chunks from cache where we can # TODO: ignore small chunks
cached_outputs = []
def load_from_cache(chunk):
keys = [chunk]
shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys) # TODO: share shortkeys with later code
out = shared.JCache.get(shortkey, keys)
if out:
return False
return True
chunks = filter(load_from_cache, chunks)
if len(cached_outputs) > 0:
if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, ' loading %d jsfuncchunks from jcache' % len(cached_outputs)
cached_outputs = []
if len(chunks) > 0:
def write_chunk(chunk, i):
temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.ll' % i).name
f = open(temp_file, 'w')
return temp_file
filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
filenames = []
if len(filenames) > 0:
# XXX Use '--nocrankshaft' to disable crankshaft to work around v8 bug 1895, needed for older v8/node (node 0.6.8+ should be ok)
commands = map(lambda filename: [js_engine, JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, 'noPrintMetadata'] + passes, filenames)
cores = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), filenames)
if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
# We can parallelize
if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores (total: %.2f MB)' % (len(chunks), cores, total_size/(1024*1024.))
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
# We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks' % (len(chunks))
filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
filenames = []
filename += '.jo.js'
f = open(filename, 'w')
for out_file in filenames:
if jcache:
for cached in cached_outputs:
f.write(cached); # TODO: preserve order
# No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there
if jcache:
# save chunks to cache
for i in range(len(chunks)):
chunk = chunks[i]
keys = [chunk]
shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys)
shared.JCache.set(shortkey, keys, open(filenames[i]).read())
if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0: print >> sys.stderr, ' saving %d jsfuncchunks to jcache' % len(chunks)
return filename